from datetime import timedelta DEBUG = False SECRET_KEY = "remember to change this to something more random and secret" # CHANGE THIS! (e.g. os.urandom(32) ) SESSION_ENCRYPTION_KEY = b".\x14\xa7\x1b\xa2:\x1b\xb7\xbck\x1bD w\xab\x87a\xb4\xb7\xca\xf1\x06\xb0\x9f?q\x13\x05\x8dY\xe5<" MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER = "spline accounts " MAIL_REGISTER_NOTIFY = None DISABLED_ACCOUNT_MAILADDRESS_TEMPLATE = ( "" ) SENDMAIL_COMMAND = "/usr/sbin/sendmail" # to make the cookie a session cookie, set this to None PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME = timedelta(seconds=600) # 10 minutes LDAP_HOST = "ldap://localhost:5678" LDAP_BASE_DN = [ ("dc", "accounts"), ("dc", "spline"), ("dc", "inf"), ("dc", "fu-berlin"), ("dc", "de"), ] LDAP_ADMIN_USER = "admin" LDAP_ADMIN_PASS = "admin" PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME = "https" USER_BACKEND = "accounts.backend.user.dummy" MAIL_BACKEND = "accounts.backend.mail.dummy" ADMIN_USERS = ["admin"] SERVICES = [ ("Service1", ""), ("Service2", ""), ]