use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 35; use Test::Exception; use Test::MockModule; BEGIN { use_ok 'Spline::Srs', qw( check_exclude ) or BAIL_OUT; } # Testing ignores is(check_exclude('',['']), 1, 'Ignore matching domain'); is(check_exclude('', ['']), 0, 'Do not ignore non-matching domain'); is(check_exclude('', ['']), 0, 'Do not ignore sub-domain'); is(check_exclude('', ['']), 1, 'Ignore sub-domain if requested'); # Try without config my %config = (); throws_ok { new Spline::Srs(\%config) } qr/configure.*secret/, 'Secret required'; $config{secret} = 'abc'; throws_ok { new Spline::Srs(\%config) } qr/configure.*secret/, 'Long secret required'; $config{secret} = '12345678901234567890'; throws_ok { new Spline::Srs(\%config) } qr/configure.*alias/, 'Alias required'; $config{alias} = 'something'; lives_ok { new Spline::Srs(\%config) } 'Config complete'; # Testing ignores with config $config{alias} = 'domain.invalid'; { my $srs = new Spline::Srs(\%config); is($srs->forward('test@domain.invalid'), 'test@domain.invalid', 'Exclude alias domain by default'); isnt($srs->forward(''), '', 'Not excluding something other'); } $config{excludes} = ['']; { my $srs = new Spline::Srs(\%config); is($srs->forward('test@domain.invalid'), 'test@domain.invalid', 'Exclude alias domain by default'); is($srs->forward(''), '', 'Exclude is working'); isnt($srs->forward(''), '', 'Excluded domain should not match subdomain'); } $config{excludes} = ['']; { my $srs = new Spline::Srs(\%config); is($srs->forward('test@domain.invalid'), 'test@domain.invalid', 'Exclude alias domain by default'); is($srs->forward(''), '', 'Exclude subdomains'); isnt($srs->forward(''), '', 'Excluded subdomain should not match domain'); } $config{excludes} = ['', '']; { my $srs = new Spline::Srs(\%config); is($srs->forward('test@domain.invalid'), 'test@domain.invalid', 'Exclude alias domain by default'); is($srs->forward(''), '', 'Multiple excludes'); is($srs->forward(''), '', 'Multiple excludes'); } # SRS Forward $config{secret} = '12345678901234567890'; $config{alias} = 'domain.invalid'; $config{excludes} = undef; $config{hash_length} = 6; my ($old_srs_address, $broken); { my $srs = new Spline::Srs(\%config); my $result = $srs->forward(''); isnt($result, undef, 'Not undef'); isnt($result, '', 'Not rewritten'); like($result, qr/^SRS0[+=-]/, 'SRS0 Prefix'); like($result, qr/\@domain\.invalid$/, 'Rewrite to alias-Domain'); # Check SRS forward an backwards my $address = ''; my $srs_address = $srs->forward($address); isnt($srs_address, undef, 'Forward works'); isnt($srs_address, $address, 'Forward works'); is($srs->reverse($srs_address), $address, 'Reverse maps back to original'); # Some checks requires a fixed time for deterministic output { no warnings 'redefine'; my $timestamp_create = \&Mail::SRS::timestamp_create; local *Mail::SRS::timestamp_create = sub { my $self = shift; $timestamp_create->($self, 1); }; $old_srs_address = $srs->forward($address); isnt($old_srs_address, $srs_address, 'Time should have changed'); is($old_srs_address, '', 'exakt match with fixed time'); # Hash with broken chars $broken = $srs->forward(''); is($broken, 'SRS0=s/', 'srs address is as expected'); } # Timestamp should timeout (but old timestamps can be ignored) throws_ok { $srs->reverse($old_srs_address) } qr/Invalid timestamp/, 'Timestamp should be to old'; } $config{'ignore_time'} = 1; { my $srs = new Spline::Srs(\%config); lives_ok { $srs->reverse($old_srs_address) } 'Ignore old timestamp'; # libsrs_alt uses different base64 chars and should also work lives_ok { $srs->reverse($broken) } 'Reverse with special chars'; $broken = ''; throws_ok { $srs->reverse($broken) } qr/Invalid hash/, 'Reverse with legacy chars'; } $config{'srsalt_fallback'} = 1; { my $srs = new Spline::Srs(\%config); is($srs->reverse($broken), '', 'Reverse with legacy chars'); } # vim: set et ts=4: