################################################################################# # LAYMAN - DEBUGGING FUNCTIONS ################################################################################# # debug.py -- Utility function for debugging # Copyright 2005 - 2006 Gunnar Wrobel # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 __version__ = "$Id: debug.py 153 2006-06-05 06:03:16Z wrobel $" ################################################################################# ## ## Dependancies ## ################################################################################# import sys, inspect from optparse import OptionGroup ################################################################################# ## ## Color codes (taken from portage) ## ################################################################################# esc_seq = '\x1b[' codes = {} codes['reset'] = esc_seq + '39;49;00m' codes['red'] = esc_seq + '31;01m' codes['green'] = esc_seq + '32;01m' codes['yellow'] = esc_seq + '33;01m' codes['turquoise'] = esc_seq + '36;01m' ################################################################################# ## ## Message Class ## ################################################################################# class Message: #FIXME: Think about some simple doctests before you modify this class the # next time. def __init__(self, module = '', err = sys.stderr, dbg = sys.stderr, debugging_level = 4, debugging_verbosity = 2, info_level = 4, warn_level = 4, col = True, mth = ['*'], obj = ['*'], var = ['*']): # A description of the module that is being debugged self.debug_env = module # Where should the debugging output go? This can also be a file self.debug_out = dbg # Where should the error output go? This can also be a file self.error_out = err # The higher the level the more information you will get self.warn_lev = warn_level # The higher the level the more information you will get self.info_lev = info_level # The highest level of debugging messages acceptable for output # The higher the level the more output you will get self.debug_lev = debugging_level # The debugging output can range from very verbose (3) to # very compressed (1) self.debug_vrb = debugging_verbosity # Which methods should actually be debugged? # Use '*' to indicate 'All methods' self.debug_mth = mth # Which objects should actually be debugged? # Use '*' to indicate 'All objects' self.debug_obj = obj # Which variables should actually be debugged? # Use '*' to indicate 'All variables' self.debug_var = var # Exclude class variables by default self.show_class_variables = False # Should the output be colored? self.use_color = col self.has_error = False ############################################################################ # Add command line options def cli_opts(self, parser): group = OptionGroup(parser, '', 'Control the debugging features of ' + self.debug_env) group.add_option('--debug', action = 'store_true', help = 'Activates debugging features.') group.add_option('--debug-level', action = 'store', type = 'int', help = 'A value between 0 and 10. 0 means no debugging ' 'messages will be selected, 10 selects all debugging me' 'ssages. Default is "4".') group.add_option('--debug-verbose', action = 'store', type = 'int', help = 'A value between 1 and 3. Lower values yield les' 's verbose debugging output. Default is "2".') group.add_option('--debug-methods', action = 'store', help = 'Limits the methods that will return debugging o' 'utput. The function name is sufficient and there is no' 'difference between class methods or general functions.' ' Several methods can be specified by seperating them w' ' with a comma. Default is "*" which specifies all meth' 'ods.') group.add_option('--debug-classes', action = 'store', help = 'Limits the classes that will return debugging o' 'utput. Specify only the class name not including the m' 'odules in which the class is defined (e.g. MyModule.ma' 'in.Main should only be represented by "Main"). Several' 'classes can be specified by seperating them with a com' 'ma. Default is "*" which specifies all classes.') group.add_option('--debug-variables', action = 'store', help = 'Limits the variables that will return debugging' ' output. Several variables can be specified by seperat' 'ing them with a comma. Default is "*" which specifies ' 'all variables.') group.add_option('--debug-class-vars', action = 'store_true', help = 'In default mode the debugging code will only re' 'turn information on the local variable which does not ' 'include the class variables. Use this switch to add al' 'l values that are provided by "self".') group.add_option('--debug-nocolor', action = 'store_true', help = 'Deactivates colors in the debugging output.') parser.add_option_group(group) ############################################################################# # Handle command line options def cli_handle(self, options): if (options.__dict__.has_key('debug') and options.__dict__['debug']): self.debug_on() else: self.debug_off() return if (options.__dict__.has_key('debug_class_vars') and options.__dict__['debug_class_vars']): self.class_variables_on() else: self.class_variables_off() if (options.__dict__.has_key('debug_nocolor') and options.__dict__['debug_nocolor']): self.color_off() else: self.color_on() if (options.__dict__.has_key('debug_level') and options.__dict__['debug_level']): dbglvl = int(options.__dict__['debug_level']) if dbglvl < 0: dbglvl = 0 if dbglvl > 10: dbglvl = 10 self.set_debug_level(dbglvl) if (options.__dict__.has_key('debug_verbose') and options.__dict__['debug_verbose']): dbgvrb = int(options.__dict__['debug_verbose']) if dbgvrb < 1: dbgvrb = 1 if dbgvrb > 3: dbgvrb = 3 self.set_debug_verbosity(dbgvrb) for i in [('debug_methods', self.set_debug_methods), ('debug_classes', self.set_debug_classes), ('debug_variables', self.set_debug_variables),]: if (options.__dict__.has_key(i[0]) and options.__dict__[i[0]]): i[1](options.__dict__[i[0]]) ############################################################################# ## Helper Functions def set_module(self, module): self.debug_env = module def set_debug_methods(self, methods): methods = methods.split(',') if methods: self.debug_mth = methods def set_debug_classes(self, classes): classes = classes.split(',') if classes: self.debug_obj = classes def set_debug_variables(self, variables): variables = variables.split(',') if variables: self.debug_var = variables def maybe_color (self, col, text): if self.use_color: return codes[col] + text + codes['reset'] return text def set_info_level(self, info_level = 4): self.info_lev = info_level def info_off(self): self.set_info_level(0) def info_on(self, info_level = 4): self.set_info_level(info_level) def set_warn_level(self, warn_level = 4): self.warn_lev = warn_level def warn_off(self): self.set_warn_level(0) def warn_on(self, warn_level = 4): self.set_warn_level(warn_level) def set_debug_level(self, debugging_level = 4): self.debug_lev = debugging_level def set_debug_verbosity(self, debugging_verbosity = 2): self.debug_vrb = debugging_verbosity def debug_off(self): self.set_debug_level(0) def debug_on(self): self.set_debug_level() def color_off(self): self.use_color = False def color_on(self): self.use_color = True def class_variables_off(self): self.show_class_variables = False def class_variables_on(self): self.show_class_variables = True ############################################################################# ## Output Functions def notice (self, note): print note def info (self, info, level = 4): info = str(info) if level > self.info_lev: return for i in info.split('\n'): print self.maybe_color('green', '* ') + i def status (self, message, status, info = 'ignored'): message = str(message) lines = message.split('\n') if not lines: return for i in lines[0:-1]: print self.maybe_color('green', '* ') + i i = lines[-1] if len(i) > 58: i = i[0:57] if status == 1: result = '[' + self.maybe_color('green', 'ok') + ']' elif status == 0: result = '[' + self.maybe_color('red', 'failed') + ']' else: result = '[' + self.maybe_color('yellow', info) + ']' print self.maybe_color('green', '* ') + i + ' ' + '.' * (58 - len(i)) \ + ' ' + result def warn (self, warn, level = 4): warn = str(warn) if level > self.warn_lev: return for i in warn.split('\n'): print self.maybe_color('yellow', '* ') + i def error (self, error): error = str(error) for i in error.split('\n'): print >> self.error_out, self.maybe_color('red', '* ') + i self.has_error = True def die (self, error): error = str(error) for i in error.split('\n'): self.error(self.maybe_color('red', 'Fatal error: ') + i) self.error(self.maybe_color('red', 'Fatal error(s) - aborting')) sys.exit(1) def debug (self, message, level = 4): ''' This is a generic debugging method. ''' ## Check the debug level first. This is the most inexpensive check. if level > self.debug_lev: return ## Maybe this should be debugged. So get the stack first. stack = inspect.stack() ## This can probably never happen but does not harm to check ## that there is actually something calling this function if len(stack) < 2: return ## Get the stack length to determine indentation of the debugging output stacklength = len(stack) ls = ' ' * stacklength ## Get the information about the caller caller = stack[1] ## The function name of the calling frame is the fourth item in the list callermethod = caller[3] ## Is this actually one of the methods that should be debugged? if not '*' in self.debug_mth and not callermethod in self.debug_mth: return ## Still looks like this should be debugged. So retrieve the dictionary ## of local variables from the caller callerlocals = inspect.getargvalues(caller[0])[3] ## Is the caller an obejct? If so he provides 'self' if 'self' in callerlocals.keys(): callerobject = callerlocals['self'] del callerlocals['self'] if self.show_class_variables: cv = inspect.getmembers(callerobject, lambda x: not inspect.ismethod(x)) callerlocals.sync(cv) else: callerobject = None # Remove variables not requested if not '*' in self.debug_var: callerlocals = dict([i for i in callerlocals.items() if i[0] in self.debug_var]) ## Is the object among the list of objects to debug? if (not '*' in self.debug_obj and not str(callerobject.__class__.__name__) in self.debug_obj): return message = str(message) def breaklines(x): ''' Helper function to keep width of the debugging output. This may look ugly for arrays but it is acceptable and not breaking the line would break the output format ''' ## Get the number of lines we need (rounded down) lines = len(x) // 60 if lines > 0: for j in range(lines): ## Print line with continuation marker print >> self.debug_out, ls + '// ' + x[0:60] + ' \\' ## Remove printed characters from output x = x[60:] ## Print final line print >> self.debug_out, ls + '// ' + x if self.debug_vrb == 1: # Top line indicates class and method c = '' if callerobject: c += 'Class: ' + str(callerobject.__class__.__name__) + ' | ' if callermethod: c += 'Method: ' + str(callermethod) print >> self.debug_out, '// ' + c # Selected variables follow if callerlocals: for i,j in callerlocals.items(): print >> self.debug_out, '// ' \ + self.maybe_color('turquoise', str(i)) + ':' + str(j) # Finally the message print >> self.debug_out, self.maybe_color('yellow', message) return if self.debug_vrb == 3: print >> self.debug_out, ls + '/////////////////////////////////' + \ '////////////////////////////////' # General information about what is being debugged #(module name or similar) print >> self.debug_out, ls + '// ' + self.debug_env print >> self.debug_out, ls + '//-----------------------------------' + \ '----------------------------' ## If the caller is a class print the name here if callerobject: print >> self.debug_out, ls + \ '// Object Class: ' + str(callerobject.__class__.__name__) ## If the method has been extracted print it here if callermethod: print >> self.debug_out, ls + '// ' \ + self.maybe_color('green', 'Method: ') + str(callermethod) if self.debug_vrb == 3: print >> self.debug_out, ls + '//---------------------------' + \ '------------------------------------' ## Print the information on all available local variables if callerlocals: if self.debug_vrb == 3: print >> self.debug_out, ls + '//' print >> self.debug_out, ls + '// VALUES ' for i,j in callerlocals.items(): print >> self.debug_out, ls + '// ------------------> ' \ + self.maybe_color('turquoise', str(i)) + ':' breaklines(str(j)) if self.debug_vrb == 3: print >> self.debug_out, ls + '//------------------------------'\ '---------------------------------' # Finally print the message breaklines(self.maybe_color('yellow', message)) if self.debug_vrb == 3: print >> self.debug_out, ls + '//-------------------------------' + \ '--------------------------------' print >> self.debug_out, ls + '/////////////////////////////////' + \ '////////////////////////////////' ## gloabal message handler OUT = Message('layman')