#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ LAYMAN CONFIGURATION File: config.py Handles Basic layman configuration Copyright: (c) 2005 - 2009 Gunnar Wrobel (c) 2009 Sebastian Pipping (c) 2010 - 2011 Brian Dolbec Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 Author(s): Gunnar Wrobel Sebastian Pipping Brian Dolbec """ '''Defines the configuration options.''' __version__ = "0.2" import sys import os import ConfigParser from layman.output import Message def read_layman_config(config=None, defaults=None): """reads the config file defined in defaults['config'] and updates the config @param config: ConfigParser.ConfigParser(self.defaults) instance @param defaults: dict @modifies config['MAIN']['overlays'] """ config.read(defaults['config']) if config.get('MAIN', 'overlay_defs'): try: filelist = os.listdir(config.get('MAIN', 'overlay_defs')) except OSError: return filelist = [f for f in filelist if f.endswith('.xml')] overlays = set(config.get('MAIN', 'overlays').split('\n')) for _file in filelist: path = os.path.join(config.get('MAIN', 'overlay_defs'), _file) if os.path.isfile(path): overlays.update(["file://" + path]) config.set('MAIN', 'overlays', '\n'.join(overlays)) # establish the eprefix, initially set so eprefixify can # set it on install EPREFIX = "@GENTOO_PORTAGE_EPREFIX@" # check and set it if it wasn't if "GENTOO_PORTAGE_EPREFIX" in EPREFIX: EPREFIX = '' class BareConfig(object): '''Handles the configuration only.''' def __init__(self, output=None, stdout=None, stdin=None, stderr=None, config=None, read_configfile=False, quiet=False, quietness=4, verbose=False, nocolor=False, width=0 ): ''' Creates a bare config with defaults and a few output options. >>> a = BareConfig() >>> a['overlays'] 'http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/overlays/repositories.xml' >>> sorted(a.keys()) ['bzr_addopts', 'bzr_command', 'bzr_postsync', 'bzr_syncopts', 'cache', 'config', 'configdir', 'cvs_addopts', 'cvs_command', 'cvs_postsync', 'cvs_syncopts', 'darcs_addopts', 'darcs_command', 'darcs_postsync', 'darcs_syncopts', 'g-common_command', 'g-common_generateopts', 'g-common_postsync', 'g-common_syncopts', 'git_addopts', 'git_command', 'git_postsync', 'git_syncopts', 'installed', 'local_list', 'make_conf', 'mercurial_addopts', 'mercurial_command', 'mercurial_postsync', 'mercurial_syncopts', 'nocheck', 'nocolor', 'output', 'overlay_defs', 'overlays', 'proxy', 'quiet', 'quietness', 'rsync_command', 'rsync_postsync', 'rsync_syncopts', 'stderr', 'stdin', 'stdout', 'storage', 'svn_addopts', 'svn_command', 'svn_postsync', 'svn_syncopts', 't/f_options', 'tar_command', 'tar_postsync', 'umask', 'verbose', 'width'] >>> a.get_option('nocheck') True ''' self._defaults = { 'configdir': EPREFIX + '/etc/layman', 'config' : '%(configdir)s/layman.cfg', 'storage' : EPREFIX + '/var/lib/layman', 'cache' : '%(storage)s/cache', 'local_list': '%(storage)s/overlays.xml', 'installed': '%(storage)s/installed.xml', 'make_conf' : '%(storage)s/make.conf', 'nocheck' : 'yes', 'proxy' : '', 'umask' : '0022', 'news_reporter': 'portage', 'custom_news_pkg': '', 'overlays' : 'http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/overlays/repositories.xml', 'overlay_defs': '%(configdir)s/overlays', 'bzr_command': EPREFIX +'/usr/bin/bzr', 'cvs_command': EPREFIX +'/usr/bin/cvs', 'darcs_command': EPREFIX +'/usr/bin/darcs', 'git_command': EPREFIX +'/usr/bin/git', 'g-common_command': EPREFIX +'/usr/bin/g-common', 'mercurial_command': EPREFIX +'/usr/bin/hg', 'rsync_command': EPREFIX +'/usr/bin/rsync', 'svn_command': EPREFIX +'/usr/bin/svn', 'tar_command': EPREFIX +'/bin/tar', 't/f_options': ['nocheck'], 'bzr_addopts' : '', 'bzr_syncopts' : '', 'cvs_addopts' : '', 'cvs_syncopts' : '', 'darcs_addopts' : '', 'darcs_syncopts' : '', 'git_addopts' : '', 'git_syncopts' : '', 'mercurial_addopts' : '', 'mercurial_syncopts' : '', 'rsync_syncopts' : '', 'svn_addopts' : '', 'svn_syncopts' : '', 'g-common_generateopts' : '', 'g-common_syncopts' : '', 'bzr_postsync' : '', 'cvs_postsync' : '', 'darcs_postsync' : '', 'git_postsync' : '', 'mercurial_postsync' : '', 'rsync_postsync' : '', 'svn_postsync' : '', 'tar_postsync' : '', 'g-common_postsync' : '', } self._options = { 'config': config if config else self._defaults['config'], 'stdout': stdout if stdout else sys.stdout, 'stdin': stdin if stdin else sys.stdin, 'stderr': stderr if stderr else sys.stderr, 'output': output if output else Message(), 'quietness': quietness, 'nocolor': nocolor, 'width': width, 'verbose': verbose, 'quiet': quiet, 'custom_news_func': None, } self._set_quietness(quietness) self.config = None if read_configfile: defaults = self.get_defaults() if "%(configdir)s" in defaults['config']: # fix the config path defaults['config'] = defaults['config'] \ % {'configdir': defaults['configdir']} self.read_config(defaults) def read_config(self, defaults): self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(defaults) self.config.add_section('MAIN') read_layman_config(self.config, defaults) def keys(self): '''Special handler for the configuration keys. ''' self._options['output'].debug( 'Retrieving %s options' % self.__class__.__name__, 9) keys = [i for i in self._options] self._options['output'].debug( 'Retrieving %s defaults' % self.__class__.__name__, 9) keys += [i for i in self._defaults if not i in keys] self._options['output'].debug( 'Retrieving %s done...' % self.__class__.__name__, 9) return keys def get_defaults(self): """returns our defaults dictionary""" _defaults = self._defaults.copy() _defaults['config'] = self._options['config'] return _defaults def get_option(self, key): """returns the current option's value""" return self._get_(key) def set_option(self, option, value): """Sets an option to the value """ self._options[option] = value # handle quietness if option == 'quiet': if self._options['quiet']: self._set_quietness(1) self._options['quietness'] = 1 else: self._set_quietness(4) if option == 'quietness': self._set_quietness(value) def _set_quietness(self, value): self._options['output'].set_info_level(value) self._options['output'].set_warn_level(value) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._get_(key) def _get_(self, key): self._options['output'].debug( 'Retrieving %s option: %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, key), 9) if key == 'overlays': overlays = '' if (key in self._options and not self._options[key] is None): overlays = '\n'.join(self._options[key]) if self.config and self.config.has_option('MAIN', 'overlays'): overlays += '\n' + self.config.get('MAIN', 'overlays') if overlays: return overlays if (key in self._options and not self._options[key] is None): return self._options[key] if self.config and self.config.has_option('MAIN', key): if key in self._defaults['t/f_options']: return self.t_f_check(self.config.get('MAIN', key)) return self.config.get('MAIN', key) self._options['output'].debug('Retrieving BareConfig default', 9) if key in self._defaults['t/f_options']: return self.t_f_check(self._defaults[key]) if key in self._defaults: if '%(storage)s' in self._defaults[key]: return self._defaults[key] %{'storage': self._defaults['storage']} return self._defaults[key] return None @staticmethod def t_f_check(option): """evaluates the option and returns True or False """ return option.lower() in ['yes', 'true', 'y', 't'] class OptionConfig(BareConfig): """This subclasses BareCongig adding functions to make overriding or resetting defaults and/or setting options much easier by using dictionaries. """ def __init__(self, options=None, defaults=None): """ @param options: dictionary of {'option': value, ...} @rtype OptionConfig class instance. >>> options = {"overlays": ["http://www.gentoo-overlays.org/repositories.xml"]} >>> new_defaults = {"configdir": "/etc/test-dir"} >>> a = OptionConfig(options=options, defaults=new_defaults) >>> a['overlays'] 'http://www.gentoo-overlays.org/repositories.xml' >>> a["configdir"] '/etc/test-dir' >>> sorted(a.keys()) ['bzr_addopts', 'bzr_command', 'bzr_postsync', 'bzr_syncopts', 'cache', 'config', 'configdir', 'cvs_addopts', 'cvs_command', 'cvs_postsync', 'cvs_syncopts', 'darcs_addopts', 'darcs_command', 'darcs_postsync', 'darcs_syncopts', 'g-common_command', 'g-common_generateopts', 'g-common_postsync', 'g-common_syncopts', 'git_addopts', 'git_command', 'git_postsync', 'git_syncopts', 'installed', 'local_list', 'make_conf', 'mercurial_addopts', 'mercurial_command', 'mercurial_postsync', 'mercurial_syncopts', 'nocheck', 'nocolor', 'output', 'overlay_defs', 'overlays', 'proxy', 'quiet', 'quietness', 'rsync_command', 'rsync_postsync', 'rsync_syncopts', 'stderr', 'stdin', 'stdout', 'storage', 'svn_addopts', 'svn_command', 'svn_postsync', 'svn_syncopts', 't/f_options', 'tar_command', 'tar_postsync', 'umask', 'verbose', 'width'] """ BareConfig.__init__(self) self.update_defaults(defaults) self.update(options) return def update(self, options): """update the options with new values passed in via options @param options """ if options is not None: keys = sorted(options) if 'quiet' in keys: self.set_option('quiet', options['quiet']) options.pop('quiet') if 'quietness' in keys and not options['quiet']: self._set_quietness(options['quietness']) options.pop('quietness') self._options.update(options) return def update_defaults(self, new_defaults): """update the options with new values passed in via options @param options """ if new_defaults is not None: self._defaults.update(new_defaults) return #=============================================================================== # # Testing # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod(sys.modules[__name__])