#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ################################################################################ # LAYMAN OVERLAY BASE CLASS ################################################################################ # File: overlay.py # # Base class for the different overlay types. # # Copyright: # (c) 2005 - 2009 Gunnar Wrobel # (c) 2009 Sebastian Pipping # (c) 2009 Christian Groschupp # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # # Author(s): # Gunnar Wrobel # Sebastian Pipping # Christian Groschupp # ''' Basic overlay class.''' __version__ = "0.2" #=============================================================================== # # Dependencies # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import sys, re, os, os.path import codecs import locale import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # Python 2.5 from layman.utils import pad, terminal_width, get_encoding, encoder from layman.compatibility import encode from layman.overlays.bzr import BzrOverlay from layman.overlays.darcs import DarcsOverlay from layman.overlays.git import GitOverlay from layman.overlays.g_common import GCommonOverlay from layman.overlays.mercurial import MercurialOverlay from layman.overlays.cvs import CvsOverlay from layman.overlays.svn import SvnOverlay from layman.overlays.rsync import RsyncOverlay from layman.overlays.tar import TarOverlay #=============================================================================== # # Constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERLAY_TYPES = dict((e.type_key, e) for e in ( GitOverlay, GCommonOverlay, CvsOverlay, SvnOverlay, RsyncOverlay, TarOverlay, BzrOverlay, MercurialOverlay, DarcsOverlay )) QUALITY_LEVELS = 'core|stable|testing|experimental|graveyard'.split('|') WHITESPACE_REGEX = re.compile('\s+') class Overlay(object): ''' Derive the real implementations from this.''' def __init__(self, config, xml=None, ovl_dict=None, ignore = 0): ''' >>> here = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) >>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # Python 2.5 >>> document =ET.parse(here + '/../tests/testfiles/global-overlays.xml') >>> overlays = document.findall('overlay') + document.findall('repo') >>> from layman.output import Message >>> output = Message() >>> a = Overlay({'output': output}, overlays[0]) >>> a.name u'wrobel' >>> a.is_official() True >>> list(a.source_uris()) [u'https://overlays.gentoo.org/svn/dev/wrobel'] >>> a.owner_email u'nobody@gentoo.org' >>> a.description u'Test' >>> a.priority 10 >>> b = Overlay({'output': output}, overlays[1]) >>> b.is_official() False ''' self.config = config self.output = config['output'] self._encoding_ = get_encoding(self.output) if xml is not None: self.from_xml(xml, ignore) elif ovl_dict is not None: self.from_dict(ovl_dict, ignore) def from_xml(self, xml, ignore): """Process an xml overlay definition """ def strip_text(node): res = node.text if res is None: return '' return res.strip() _name = xml.find('name') if _name != None: self.name = encode(strip_text(_name)) elif 'name' in xml.attrib: self.name = encode(xml.attrib['name']) else: raise Exception('Overlay from_xml(), "' + self.name + \ 'is missing a "name" entry!') _sources = xml.findall('source') # new xml format if _sources != []: _sources = [e for e in _sources if 'type' in e.attrib] #old xml format elif ('src' in xml.attrib) and ('type' in xml.attrib): s = ET.Element('source', type=xml.attrib['type']) s.text = xml.attrib['src'] _sources = [s] del s def create_overlay_source(source_elem): _type = source_elem.attrib['type'] try: _class = OVERLAY_TYPES[_type] except KeyError: raise Exception('Overlay from_xml(), "' + self.name + \ 'Unknown overlay type "%s"!' % _type) _location = encode(strip_text(source_elem)) return _class(parent=self, config=self.config, _location=_location, ignore=ignore) if not len(_sources): raise Exception('Overlay from_xml(), "' + self.name + \ '" is missing a "source" entry!') self.sources = [create_overlay_source(e) for e in _sources] _subpath = xml.find('subpath') if _subpath != None: self.subpath = encode(_subpath.text.strip()) elif 'subpath' in xml.attrib: self.subpath = encode(xml.attrib['subpath']) else: self.subpath = '' _owner = xml.find('owner') if _owner == None: _email = None else: _email = _owner.find('email') if _owner != None and _email != None: self.owner_email = encode(strip_text(_email)) _name = _owner.find('name') if _name != None: self.owner_name = encode(strip_text(_name)) else: self.owner_name = None elif 'contact' in xml.attrib: self.owner_email = encode(xml.attrib['contact']) self.owner_name = None else: self.owner_email = '' self.owner_name = None if not ignore: raise Exception('Overlay from_xml(), "' + self.name + \ '" is missing an "owner.email" entry!') elif ignore == 1: self.output.warn('Overlay "' + self.name + '" is missing a ' '"owner.email" entry!', 4) _desc = xml.find('description') if _desc != None: d = WHITESPACE_REGEX.sub(' ', strip_text(_desc)) self.description = encode(d) del d else: self.description = '' if not ignore: raise Exception('Overlay from_xml(), "' + self.name + \ '" is missing a description" entry!') elif ignore == 1: self.output.warn('Overlay "' + self.name + '" is missing a ' '"description" entry!', 4) if 'status' in xml.attrib: self.status = encode(xml.attrib['status']) else: self.status = None self.quality = u'experimental' if 'quality' in xml.attrib: if xml.attrib['quality'] in set(QUALITY_LEVELS): self.quality = encode(xml.attrib['quality']) if 'priority' in xml.attrib: self.priority = int(xml.attrib['priority']) else: self.priority = 50 h = xml.find('homepage') l = xml.find('link') if h != None: self.homepage = encode(strip_text(h)) elif l != None: self.homepage = encode(strip_text(l)) else: self.homepage = None self.feeds = [encode(strip_text(e)) \ for e in xml.findall('feed')] _irc = xml.find('irc') if _irc != None: self.irc = encode(strip_text(_irc)) else: self.irc = None def from_dict(self, overlay, ignore): """Process an xml overlay definition """ self.output.debug("Overlay from_dict(); overlay" + str(overlay)) _name = overlay['name'] if _name != None: self.name = encode(_name) else: raise Exception('Overlay from_dict(), "' + self.name + 'is missing a "name" entry!') _sources = overlay['sources'] if _sources == None: raise Exception('Overlay from_dict(), "' + self.name + '" is missing a "source" entry!') def create_dict_overlay_source(source_): _src, _type, _sub = source_ try: _class = OVERLAY_TYPES[_type] except KeyError: raise Exception('Overlay from_dict(), "' + self.name + 'Unknown overlay type "%s"!' % _type) _location = encode(_src) return _class(parent=self, config=self.config, _location=_location, ignore=ignore) self.sources = [create_dict_overlay_source(e) for e in _sources] _owner = overlay['owner_name'] if _owner == None: self.owner_name = None _email = None else: self.owner_name = encode(_owner) _email = overlay['owner_email'] if _email != None: self.owner_email = encode(_email) else: self.owner_email = None if not ignore: raise Exception('Overlay from_dict(), "' + self.name + '" is missing an "owner.email" entry!') elif ignore == 1: self.output.warn('Overlay from_dict(), "' + self.name + '" is missing an "owner.email" entry!', 4) _desc = overlay['description'] if _desc != None: d = WHITESPACE_REGEX.sub(' ', _desc) self.description = encode(d) del d else: self.description = '' if not ignore: raise Exception('Overlay from_dict(), "' + self.name + '" is missing a "description" entry!') elif ignore == 1: self.output.warn('Overlay from_dict(), "' + self.name + '" is missing a "description" entry!', 4) if overlay['status']: self.status = encode(overlay['status']) else: self.status = None self.quality = u'experimental' if len(overlay['quality']): if overlay['quality'] in set(QUALITY_LEVELS): self.quality = encode(overlay['quality']) if overlay['priority']: self.priority = int(overlay['priority']) else: self.priority = 50 h = overlay['homepage'] if h != None: self.homepage = encode(h) else: self.homepage = None self.feeds = [encode(e) \ for e in overlay['feeds']] _irc = overlay['irc'] if _irc != None: self.irc = encode(_irc) else: self.irc = None #xml = self.to_xml() # end of from_dict def __eq__(self, other): for i in ('description', 'homepage', 'name', 'owner_email', 'owner_name', 'priority', 'status'): if getattr(self, i) != getattr(other, i): return False for i in self.sources + other.sources: if not i in self.sources: return False if not i in other.sources: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def set_priority(self, priority): '''Set the priority of this overlay.''' self.priority = int(priority) def to_xml(self): '''Convert to xml.''' repo = ET.Element('repo') if self.status != None: repo.attrib['status'] = self.status repo.attrib['quality'] = self.quality repo.attrib['priority'] = str(self.priority) name = ET.Element('name') name.text = self.name repo.append(name) desc = ET.Element('description') desc.text = self.description repo.append(desc) if self.homepage != None: homepage = ET.Element('homepage') homepage.text = self.homepage repo.append(homepage) if self.irc != None: irc = ET.Element('irc') irc.text = self.irc repo.append(irc) owner = ET.Element('owner') repo.append(owner) owner_email = ET.Element('email') owner_email.text = self.owner_email owner.append(owner_email) if self.owner_name != None: owner_name = ET.Element('name') owner_name.text = self.owner_name owner.append(owner_name) for i in self.sources: source = ET.Element('source', type=i.__class__.type_key) source.text = i.src repo.append(source) del source for i in self.sources: # NOTE: Two loops on purpose so the # hooks are called with all sources in i.to_xml_hook(repo) for i in self.feeds: feed = ET.Element('feed') feed.text = i repo.append(feed) del feed return repo def add(self, base): res = 1 first_s = True for s in self.sources: if not first_s: self.output.info("\nTrying next source of listed sources...", 4) try: res = s.add(base) if res == 0: # Worked, throw other sources away self.sources = [s] break except Exception, error: self.output.warn(str(error), 4) first_s = False return res def sync(self, base): self.output.debug("overlay.sync(); name = %s" % self.name, 4) assert len(self.sources) == 1 return self.sources[0].sync(base) def delete(self, base): assert len(self.sources) == 1 return self.sources[0].delete(base) def get_infostr(self): ''' >>> here = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) >>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # Python 2.5 >>> document =ET.parse(here + '/../tests/testfiles/global-overlays.xml') >>> overlays = document.findall('overlay') + document.findall('repo') >>> from layman.output import Message >>> output = Message() >>> a = Overlay({'output': output}, overlays[0]) >>> print a.get_infostr() wrobel ~~~~~~ Source : https://overlays.gentoo.org/svn/dev/wrobel Contact : nobody@gentoo.org Type : Subversion; Priority: 10 Quality : experimental Description: Test ''' result = u'' result += self.name + u'\n' + (len(self.name) * u'~') if len(self.sources) == 1: result += u'\nSource : ' + self.sources[0].src else: result += u'\nSources:' for i, v in enumerate(self.sources): result += '\n %d. %s' % (i + 1, v.src) result += '\n' if self.owner_name != None: result += u'\nContact : %s <%s>' \ % (self.owner_name, self.owner_email) else: result += u'\nContact : ' + self.owner_email if len(self.sources) == 1: result += u'\nType : ' + self.sources[0].type else: result += u'\nType : ' + '/'.join( sorted(set(e.type for e in self.sources))) result += u'; Priority: ' + str(self.priority) + u'\n' result += u'Quality : ' + self.quality + u'\n' description = self.description description = re.compile(u' +').sub(u' ', description) description = re.compile(u'\n ').sub(u'\n', description) result += u'\nDescription:' result += u'\n '.join((u'\n' + description).split(u'\n')) result += u'\n' if self.homepage != None: link = self.homepage link = re.compile(u' +').sub(u' ', link) link = re.compile(u'\n ').sub(u'\n', link) result += u'\nLink:' result += u'\n '.join((u'\n' + link).split(u'\n')) result += u'\n' if self.irc != None: result += u'\nIRC : ' + self.irc + u'\n' if len(self.feeds): result += u'\n%s:' % ((len(self.feeds) == 1) and "Feed" or "Feeds") for i in self.feeds: result += u'\n %s' % i result += u'\n' return encoder(result, self._encoding_) def short_list(self, width = 0): ''' >>> here = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) >>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # Python 2.5 >>> document =ET.parse(here + '/../tests/testfiles/global-overlays.xml') >>> overlays = document.findall('repo') + document.findall('overlay') >>> from layman.output import Message >>> output = Message() >>> a = Overlay({'output': output}, overlays[0]) >>> print a.short_list(80) wrobel [Subversion] (https://o.g.o/svn/dev/wrobel ) ''' name = pad(self.name, 25) if len(set(e.type for e in self.sources)) == 1: _type = self.sources[0].type else: _type = '%s/..' % self.sources[0].type mtype = ' [' + pad(_type, 10) + ']' if not width: width = terminal_width()-1 srclen = width - 43 source = ', '.join(self.source_uris()) if len(source) > srclen: source = source.replace("overlays.gentoo.org", "o.g.o") source = ' (' + pad(source, srclen) + ')' return encoder(name + mtype + source, self._encoding_) def is_official(self): '''Is the overlay official?''' return self.status == 'official' def is_supported(self): return any(e.is_supported() for e in self.sources) def source_uris(self): for i in self.sources: yield i.src def source_types(self): for i in self.sources: yield i.type #============================================================================== # # Testing # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod(sys.modules[__name__])