/* * Compile command : * gcc -o interpreter -W -Wall -g --std=c99 -I/usr/include/python3.1/ -lpython3.1 interpreter.c */ #include #include #include /* * PyObjectList */ typedef struct PyObjectListElem { PyObject *object; struct PyObjectListElem *next; } PyObjectListElem; typedef struct PyObjectList { PyObjectListElem *root; int count; } PyObjectList; PyObjectList *createObjectList() { PyObjectList *ret = malloc(sizeof(PyObjectList)); ret->count = 0; ret->root = 0; return ret; } void insert(PyObjectList* list, PyObject *object) { if (!list || !object) return; PyObjectListElem *node = malloc(sizeof(PyObjectListElem)); node->object = object; node->next = list->root; list->root = node; list->count++; } PyObject *moduleNamed(const char *name, PyObjectList *list) { PyObjectListElem *node = list->root; while (node) { if (strcmp(PyModule_GetName(node->object), name) == 0) return node->object; node = node->next; } return NULL; } int listCount(PyObjectList *list) { return (list ? list->count : 0); } void freeList(PyObjectList *list, int deref) { if (!list) return; PyObjectListElem *node = list->root; while (node) { PyObjectListElem *tmp = node; node = node->next; if (deref) Py_DECREF(tmp->object); free(tmp); } free(list); } /* * Interpreter * * A Python interpreter object keeps the context like the loaded modules. */ struct Interpreter { PyObjectList *modules; } *in = 0; //Interpreter *in = 0; void interpreterInit() { if (in) return; if (!Py_IsInitialized()) Py_Initialize(); in = malloc(sizeof(struct Interpreter)); in->modules = createObjectList(); } void interpreterFinalize() { if (!in) return; freeList(in->modules, 1); free(in); if (Py_IsInitialized()) Py_Finalize(); } /* * printf() like function that executes a python function * @param module name of the python module in which the function is * @param funcName the function name to call * @param format printf() like list of arguments. See Python documentation * @param ... arguments for the function */ PyObject *executeFunction(const char *module, const char *funcName, const char* format, ...) { if (!Py_IsInitialized()) Py_Initialize(); // Make argument list PyObject *args; if (format == NULL || strcmp(format, "") == 0) args = PyTuple_New(0); else { va_list listArgs; va_start(listArgs, format); args = Py_VaBuildValue(format, listArgs); } // Look for the module. PyObject *mod = 0; if (in->modules) { mod = moduleNamed(module, in->modules); } if (!mod) { mod = PyImport_ImportModule(module); if (!mod) return NULL; insert(in->modules, mod); } //printf("Using module named %s\n", PyModule_GetName(mod)); /*printf("mod: %p ", mod); PyObject_Print(mod, stdout, 0); printf("\n");*/ // Look for the function PyObject *func = PyObject_GetAttrString(mod, funcName); if (!PyCallable_Check(func)) return NULL; // Call the function /*printf("func: %p\n", func); PyObject_Print(func, stdout, 0); printf("\n");*/ //PyObject_Print(args, stdout, 0); //printf("\n"); PyObject *val = PyObject_CallObject(func, args); if (args != NULL) Py_DECREF(args); return val; }