#include #include "interpreter.h" #include "laymanapi.h" int _laymanAPIGetAllInfos(LaymanAPI* l, StringList* overlays, OverlayInfo *results, const char *overlay); struct LaymanAPI { PyObject *object; }; /* * Creates a LaymanAPI object that must be used in all function in this file. * * The BareConfig argument must not be NULL. */ LaymanAPI* laymanAPICreate(BareConfig* config, int report_error, int output) { assert(NULL != config); PyObject *obj = executeFunction("layman.api", "LaymanAPI", "Oii", _bareConfigObject(config), report_error, output); if (!obj) return NULL; LaymanAPI *ret = malloc(sizeof(LaymanAPI)); ret->object = obj; return ret; } int laymanAPIIsRepo(LaymanAPI *l, const char* repo) { if (!l || !l->object) return 0; PyObject *obj = PyObject_CallMethod(l->object, "is_repo", "(s)", repo); if (!obj) return 0; int ret = PyObject_IsTrue(obj); // ret must be 1 or 0 assert(-1 != ret); Py_DECREF(obj); return !ret; } int laymanAPIIsInstalled(LaymanAPI *l, const char* repo) { if (!l || !l->object) return 0; PyObject *obj = PyObject_CallMethod(l->object, "is_installed", "(s)", repo); if (!obj) return 0; int ret = PyObject_IsTrue(obj); // ret must be 1 or 0 assert(-1 != ret); Py_DECREF(obj); return !ret; } /* * Returns a list of the available overlays. */ StringList* laymanAPIGetAvailable(LaymanAPI* l, int reload) { if (!l || !l->object) return NULL; PyObject *obj = PyObject_CallMethod(l->object, "get_available", "(i)", reload); if (!obj) return NULL; //listToCList() will return Type_NONE if the python list is not valid. StringList *ret = listToCList(obj); Py_DECREF(obj); return ret; } /* * Returns a list of the installed overlays. */ StringList* laymanAPIGetInstalled(LaymanAPI* l, int reload) { if (!l || !l->object) return NULL; PyObject *obj = PyObject_CallMethod(l->object, "get_installed", "(i)", reload); if (!obj) return NULL; StringList* ret = listToCList(obj); Py_DECREF(obj); return ret; } /* * Syncs an overlay. * It returns true if it succeeded, false if not. */ int laymanAPISync(LaymanAPI* l, const char* overlay, int verbose) { if (!l || !l->object) return 0; PyObject *obj = PyObject_CallMethod(l->object, "sync", "(si)", overlay, verbose); if (!obj) return 0; int ret = PyObject_IsTrue(obj); // ret must be 1 or 0 assert(-1 != ret); Py_DECREF(obj); return !ret; } /* * Updates the local overlay list. * It returns true if it succeeded, false if not. */ int laymanAPIFetchRemoteList(LaymanAPI* l) { if (!l || !l->object) return 0; PyObject *obj = PyObject_CallMethod(l->object, "fetch_remote_list", NULL); if (!obj) return 0; int ret = PyObject_IsTrue(obj); assert(-1 != ret); Py_DECREF(obj); return !ret; } /* * Gets the information from the overlays given in the StringList overlays. * The results are stored in the results table which must be initialized with N structures, * N being the number of overlays in the overlays StringList. * * It returns the number of results structures that have been filled. */ int laymanAPIGetInfosStr(LaymanAPI* l, StringList* overlays, OverlayInfo* results) { // Check input data. if (!l || !l->object || !overlays || !results) return 0; // Convert the StringList to a Python list object. PyObject *list = cListToPyList(overlays); // Call the method PyObject *obj = PyObject_CallMethod(l->object, "get_info_str", "(O)", list); Py_DECREF(list); // Check if the returned value is a dict as expected. if (!obj || !PyDict_Check(obj)) { if (obj) { Py_DECREF(obj); } return 0; } PyObject *name, *tuple; Py_ssize_t i = 0; int k = 0; // Loop in the dict to get all tuples. while (PyDict_Next(obj, &i, &name, &tuple)) { // If it's not a sequence, it's ignored // FIXME:should an assert be used ? if (!tuple || !PySequence_Check(tuple)) { Py_DECREF(obj); continue; } PyObject *text = PySequence_GetItem(tuple, 0); PyObject *official = PySequence_GetItem(tuple, 1); PyObject *supported = PySequence_GetItem(tuple, 2); // Check if text and name are Strings if (!PyString_Check(text) || !PyString_Check(name)) continue; // Copy values in the kth structure of the results. char* tmp = PyString_AsString(name); assert(NULL != tmp); results[k].name = strdup(tmp); tmp = PyString_AsString(text); assert(NULL != tmp); results[k].text = strdup(tmp); results[k].official = !PyObject_IsTrue(official); assert(-1 != results[k].official); results[k].supported = !PyObject_IsTrue(supported); assert(-1 != results[k].supported); k++; } Py_DECREF(obj); //Return the number of structures that have been filled. return k; } /* * Provided for convenience, this function get the information for only 1 overlay. * Returns NULL if it fails, an OverlayInfo struct if not. */ OverlayInfo *laymanAPIGetInfoStr(LaymanAPI* l, const char* overlay) { // Check input data. if (!l || !l->object || !overlay) return NULL; // Create a list containing the overlay string StringList *olist = stringListCreate(1); stringListInsertAt(olist, 0, overlay); OverlayInfo *oi = malloc(sizeof(OverlayInfo)); int count = laymanAPIGetInfosStr(l, olist, oi); assert(1 != count); stringListFree(olist); return oi; } OverlayInfo *laymanAPIGetAllInfo(LaymanAPI* l, const char* overlay) { // Check input data. if (!l || !l->object || !overlay) return NULL; // Prepare the structure to be returned. OverlayInfo *ret = calloc(1, sizeof(OverlayInfo)); // Fill it in. if (0 == _laymanAPIGetAllInfos(l, NULL, ret, overlay)) { free(ret); return NULL; } // Return it return ret; } /* * Gives a list of OverlayInfo's from the overaly names found in the overlays StringList. * results must be allocated and initialized with zeroes. * * If an information is unavailable (no owner email for example), * the correpsonding field will stay to NULL * * Returns the number of OverlayInfo structures filled. */ int laymanAPIGetAllInfos(LaymanAPI* l, StringList* overlays, OverlayInfo *results) { return _laymanAPIGetAllInfos(l, overlays, results, NULL); } /* * Gives a list of OverlayInfo's from the overaly names found in the overlays StringList if it's not NULL * If it's NULL, and overlay is not NULL, the information for Overlay will be fetched. * results must be allocated and initialized with zeroes. * * If an information is unavailable (no owner email for example), * the correpsonding field will stay to NULL * * Returns the number of OverlayInfo structures filled. */ int _laymanAPIGetAllInfos(LaymanAPI* l, StringList* overlays, OverlayInfo *results, const char *overlay) { // Check input data. if (!l || !l->object || !results || (!overlays && !overlay)) return 0; PyObject *obj = NULL; // First case : overlay list if (overlays != NULL) { // Convert the StringList to a Python list object. PyObject *list = cListToPyList(overlays); // Call the method obj = PyObject_CallMethod(l->object, "get_all_info", "(O)", list); Py_DECREF(list); } // Second case : overlay name else if (overlay != NULL) { obj = PyObject_CallMethod(l->object, "get_all_info", "(s)", overlay); } // Check if the returned value is a dict as expected. if (!obj || !PyDict_Check(obj)) { if (obj) { Py_DECREF(obj); } return 0; } PyObject *name, *dict; Py_ssize_t i = 0; int k = 0; // Loop in the dict to get all dicts. while (PyDict_Next(obj, &i, &name, &dict)) { // If it's not a dict, it's ignored // FIXME:should an assert be used ? dict = PySequence_GetItem(dict, 0); if (!dict || !PyDict_Check(dict)) continue; PyObject *official = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "official"); PyObject *supported = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "supported"); PyObject *ownerName = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "owner_name"); PyObject *ownerEmail = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "owner_email"); PyObject *homepage = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "homepage"); PyObject *description = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "description"); PyObject *srcUris = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "src_uris"); PyObject *srcType = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "src_type"); PyObject *priority = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "priority"); PyObject *quality = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "quality"); //'status':?? TODO // Copy values in the kth structure of the results. char* tmp = PyString_AsString(name); assert(NULL != tmp); //name must not be NULL results[k].name = strdup(tmp); tmp = PyString_AsString(ownerName); if (tmp != NULL) results[k].ownerName = strdup(tmp); tmp = PyString_AsString(ownerEmail); if (tmp != NULL) results[k].ownerEmail = strdup(tmp); tmp = PyString_AsString(homepage); if (tmp != NULL) results[k].homepage = strdup(tmp); tmp = PyString_AsString(description); if (tmp != NULL) results[k].description = strdup(tmp); tmp = PyString_AsString(srcType); if (tmp != NULL) results[k].srcType = strdup(tmp); tmp = PyString_AsString(quality); if (tmp != NULL) results[k].quality = strdup(tmp); results[k].priority = PyLong_AsLong(priority); results[k].srcUris = listToCList(srcUris); // If official or supported is neither True or False, abort. results[k].official = !PyObject_IsTrue(official); assert(-1 != results[k].official); results[k].supported = !PyObject_IsTrue(supported); assert(-1 != results[k].supported); k++; } Py_DECREF(obj); //Return the number of structures that have been filled. return k; } int laymanAPIAddRepo(LaymanAPI* l, const char *repo) { if (!l || !l->object || !repo) return 0; // Call the method PyObject *obj = PyObject_CallMethod(l->object, "delete_repos", "(s)", repo); // If the call returned NULL, it failed. int ret; if (!obj) ret = 0; else ret = 1; Py_DECREF(obj); return ret; } int laymanAPIAddRepos(LaymanAPI* l, StringList *repos) { if (!l || !l->object || !repos) return 0; // Converting the C list to a python list PyObject *pyrepos = cListToPyList(repos); // Call the method PyObject *obj = PyObject_CallMethod(l->object, "add_repos", "(O)", pyrepos); Py_DECREF(pyrepos); // If the call returned NULL, it failed. int ret; if (!obj) ret = 0; else ret = 1; Py_DECREF(obj); return ret; } int laymanAPIDeleteRepo(LaymanAPI* l, const char *repo) { if (!l || !l->object || !repo) return 0; // Call the method PyObject *obj = PyObject_CallMethod(l->object, "delete_repos", "(s)", repo); // If the call returned NULL, it failed. int ret; if (!obj) ret = 0; else ret = 1; Py_DECREF(obj); return ret; } int laymanAPIDeleteRepos(LaymanAPI* l, StringList *repos) { if (!l || !l->object || !repos) return 0; // Converting the C list to a python list PyObject *pyrepos = cListToPyList(repos); // Call the method PyObject *obj = PyObject_CallMethod(l->object, "delete_repos", "(O)", pyrepos); Py_DECREF(pyrepos); // If the call returned NULL, it failed. int ret; if (!obj) ret = 0; else ret = 1; Py_DECREF(obj); return ret; } /* * Frees a LaymanAPI object from memory */ void laymanAPIFree(LaymanAPI* l) { if (l && l->object) { Py_DECREF(l->object); } if (l) free(l); } /* * Function that properly frees an OverlayInfo structure's data */ void overlayInfoFree(OverlayInfo oi) { if (oi.name) free(oi.name); if (oi.text) free(oi.text); if (oi.ownerEmail) free(oi.ownerEmail); if (oi.ownerName) free(oi.ownerName); if (oi.homepage) free(oi.homepage); if (oi.description) free(oi.description); if (oi.srcType) free(oi.srcType); if (oi.quality) free(oi.quality); if (oi.srcUris) stringListFree(oi.srcUris); }