path: root/pym/
diff options
authorMarius Mauch <>2007-01-25 15:49:26 +0000
committerMarius Mauch <>2007-01-25 15:49:26 +0000
commit3b08c21101b0801d7c5d6c145a27bef5cd42078c (patch)
tree2eea73b311d67b567410670630335796bf0a272c /pym/
parentb4eed9540e19ee7038ac875f0e084f8256675580 (diff)
Namespace sanitizing, step 1
svn path=/main/trunk/; revision=5778
Diffstat (limited to 'pym/')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1037 deletions
diff --git a/pym/ b/pym/
index cc5a566b8..570febc0f 100644..120000
--- a/pym/
+++ b/pym/
@@ -1,1037 +1 @@
-# Copyright 2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-from portage_exception import PortageException, FileNotFound, \
- OperationNotPermitted, PermissionDenied, ReadOnlyFileSystem
-import portage_exception
-from portage_dep import isvalidatom
-import os, errno, shlex, stat, string, sys
- import cPickle
-except ImportError:
- import pickle as cPickle
-if not hasattr(__builtins__, "set"):
- from sets import Set as set
-noiselimit = 0
-def writemsg(mystr,noiselevel=0,fd=None):
- """Prints out warning and debug messages based on the noiselimit setting"""
- global noiselimit
- if fd is None:
- fd = sys.stderr
- if noiselevel <= noiselimit:
- fd.write(mystr)
- fd.flush()
-def writemsg_stdout(mystr,noiselevel=0):
- """Prints messages stdout based on the noiselimit setting"""
- writemsg(mystr, noiselevel=noiselevel, fd=sys.stdout)
-def normalize_path(mypath):
- """
- os.path.normpath("//foo") returns "//foo" instead of "/foo"
- We dislike this behavior so we create our own normpath func
- to fix it.
- """
- if mypath.startswith(os.path.sep):
- # posixpath.normpath collapses 3 or more leading slashes to just 1.
- return os.path.normpath(2*os.path.sep + mypath)
- else:
- return os.path.normpath(mypath)
-def grabfile(myfilename, compat_level=0, recursive=0):
- """This function grabs the lines in a file, normalizes whitespace and returns lines in a list; if a line
- begins with a #, it is ignored, as are empty lines"""
- mylines=grablines(myfilename, recursive)
- newlines=[]
- for x in mylines:
- #the split/join thing removes leading and trailing whitespace, and converts any whitespace in the line
- #into single spaces.
- myline=" ".join(x.split())
- if not len(myline):
- continue
- if myline[0]=="#":
- # Check if we have a compat-level string. BC-integration data.
- # '##COMPAT==>N<==' 'some string attached to it'
- mylinetest = myline.split("<==",1)
- if len(mylinetest) == 2:
- myline_potential = mylinetest[1]
- mylinetest = mylinetest[0].split("##COMPAT==>")
- if len(mylinetest) == 2:
- if compat_level >= int(mylinetest[1]):
- # It's a compat line, and the key matches.
- newlines.append(myline_potential)
- continue
- else:
- continue
- newlines.append(myline)
- return newlines
-def map_dictlist_vals(func,myDict):
- """Performs a function on each value of each key in a dictlist.
- Returns a new dictlist."""
- new_dl = {}
- for key in myDict.keys():
- new_dl[key] = []
- new_dl[key] = map(func,myDict[key])
- return new_dl
-def stack_dictlist(original_dicts, incremental=0, incrementals=[], ignore_none=0):
- """
- Stacks an array of dict-types into one array. Optionally merging or
- overwriting matching key/value pairs for the dict[key]->list.
- Returns a single dict. Higher index in lists is preferenced.
- Example usage:
- >>> from portage_util import stack_dictlist
- >>> print stack_dictlist( [{'a':'b'},{'x':'y'}])
- >>> {'a':'b','x':'y'}
- >>> print stack_dictlist( [{'a':'b'},{'a':'c'}], incremental = True )
- >>> {'a':['b','c'] }
- >>> a = {'KEYWORDS':['x86','alpha']}
- >>> b = {'KEYWORDS':['-x86']}
- >>> print stack_dictlist( [a,b] )
- >>> { 'KEYWORDS':['x86','alpha','-x86']}
- >>> print stack_dictlist( [a,b], incremental=True)
- >>> { 'KEYWORDS':['alpha'] }
- >>> print stack_dictlist( [a,b], incrementals=['KEYWORDS'])
- >>> { 'KEYWORDS':['alpha'] }
- @param original_dicts a list of (dictionary objects or None)
- @type list
- @param incremental True or false depending on whether new keys should overwrite
- keys which already exist.
- @type boolean
- @param incrementals A list of items that should be incremental (-foo removes foo from
- the returned dict).
- @type list
- @param ignore_none Appears to be ignored, but probably was used long long ago.
- @type boolean
- """
- final_dict = {}
- for mydict in original_dicts:
- if mydict is None:
- continue
- for y in mydict.keys():
- if not y in final_dict:
- final_dict[y] = []
- for thing in mydict[y]:
- if thing:
- if incremental or y in incrementals:
- if thing == "-*":
- final_dict[y] = []
- continue
- elif thing.startswith("-"):
- try:
- final_dict[y].remove(thing[1:])
- except ValueError:
- pass
- continue
- if thing not in final_dict[y]:
- final_dict[y].append(thing)
- if y in final_dict and not final_dict[y]:
- del final_dict[y]
- return final_dict
-def stack_dicts(dicts, incremental=0, incrementals=[], ignore_none=0):
- """Stacks an array of dict-types into one array. Optionally merging or
- overwriting matching key/value pairs for the dict[key]->string.
- Returns a single dict."""
- final_dict = None
- for mydict in dicts:
- if mydict is None:
- if ignore_none:
- continue
- else:
- return None
- if final_dict is None:
- final_dict = {}
- for y in mydict.keys():
- if mydict[y]:
- if final_dict.has_key(y) and (incremental or (y in incrementals)):
- final_dict[y] += " "+mydict[y][:]
- else:
- final_dict[y] = mydict[y][:]
- mydict[y] = " ".join(mydict[y].split()) # Remove extra spaces.
- return final_dict
-def stack_lists(lists, incremental=1):
- """Stacks an array of list-types into one array. Optionally removing
- distinct values using '-value' notation. Higher index is preferenced.
- all elements must be hashable."""
- new_list = {}
- for x in lists:
- for y in filter(None, x):
- if incremental:
- if y == "-*":
- new_list.clear()
- elif y.startswith("-"):
- new_list.pop(y[1:], None)
- else:
- new_list[y] = True
- else:
- new_list[y] = True
- return new_list.keys()
-def grabdict(myfilename, juststrings=0, empty=0, recursive=0, incremental=1):
- """
- This function grabs the lines in a file, normalizes whitespace and returns lines in a dictionary
- @param myfilename: file to process
- @type myfilename: string (path)
- @param juststrings: only return strings
- @type juststrings: Boolean (integer)
- @param empty: Ignore certain lines
- @type empty: Boolean (integer)
- @param recursive: Recursively grab ( support for /etc/portage/package.keywords/* and friends )
- @type recursive: Boolean (integer)
- @param incremental: Append to the return list, don't overwrite
- @type incremental: Boolean (integer)
- @rtype: Dictionary
- @returns:
- 1. Returns the lines in a file in a dictionary, for example:
- 'sys-apps/portage x86 amd64 ppc'
- would return
- { "sys-apps/portage" : [ 'x86', 'amd64', 'ppc' ]
- the line syntax is key : [list of values]
- """
- newdict={}
- for x in grablines(myfilename, recursive):
- #the split/join thing removes leading and trailing whitespace, and converts any whitespace in the line
- #into single spaces.
- if x[0] == "#":
- continue
- myline=x.split()
- if len(myline) < 2 and empty == 0:
- continue
- if len(myline) < 1 and empty == 1:
- continue
- if incremental:
- newdict.setdefault(myline[0], []).extend(myline[1:])
- else:
- newdict[myline[0]] = myline[1:]
- if juststrings:
- for k, v in newdict.iteritems():
- newdict[k] = " ".join(v)
- return newdict
-def grabdict_package(myfilename, juststrings=0, recursive=0):
- pkgs=grabdict(myfilename, juststrings, empty=1, recursive=recursive)
- # We need to call keys() here in order to avoid the possibility of
- # "RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration"
- # when an invalid atom is deleted.
- for x in pkgs.keys():
- if not isvalidatom(x):
- del(pkgs[x])
- writemsg("--- Invalid atom in %s: %s\n" % (myfilename, x),
- noiselevel=-1)
- return pkgs
-def grabfile_package(myfilename, compatlevel=0, recursive=0):
- pkgs=grabfile(myfilename, compatlevel, recursive=recursive)
- for x in range(len(pkgs)-1, -1, -1):
- pkg = pkgs[x]
- if pkg[0] == "-":
- pkg = pkg[1:]
- if pkg[0] == "*": # Kill this so we can deal the "packages" file too
- pkg = pkg[1:]
- if not isvalidatom(pkg):
- writemsg("--- Invalid atom in %s: %s\n" % (myfilename, pkgs[x]),
- noiselevel=-1)
- del(pkgs[x])
- return pkgs
-def grablines(myfilename,recursive=0):
- mylines=[]
- if recursive and os.path.isdir(myfilename):
- if myfilename in ["RCS", "CVS", "SCCS"]:
- return mylines
- dirlist = os.listdir(myfilename)
- dirlist.sort()
- for f in dirlist:
- if not f.startswith(".") and not f.endswith("~"):
- mylines.extend(grablines(
- os.path.join(myfilename, f), recursive))
- else:
- try:
- myfile = open(myfilename, "r")
- mylines = myfile.readlines()
- myfile.close()
- except IOError:
- pass
- return mylines
-def writedict(mydict,myfilename,writekey=True):
- """Writes out a dict to a file; writekey=0 mode doesn't write out
- the key and assumes all values are strings, not lists."""
- myfile = None
- try:
- myfile = atomic_ofstream(myfilename)
- if not writekey:
- for x in mydict.values():
- myfile.write(x+"\n")
- else:
- for x in mydict.keys():
- myfile.write("%s %s\n" % (x, " ".join(mydict[x])))
- myfile.close()
- except IOError:
- if myfile is not None:
- myfile.abort()
- return 0
- return 1
-def getconfig(mycfg, tolerant=0, allow_sourcing=False, expand=True):
- mykeys={}
- try:
- f=open(mycfg,'r')
- except IOError, e:
- if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
- raise
- return None
- try:
- lex = shlex.shlex(f, posix=True)
- lex.wordchars=string.digits+string.letters+"~!@#$%*_\:;?,./-+{}"
- lex.quotes="\"'"
- if allow_sourcing:
- lex.source="source"
- while 1:
- key=lex.get_token()
- if key == "export":
- key = lex.get_token()
- if key is None:
- #normal end of file
- break;
- equ=lex.get_token()
- if (equ==''):
- #unexpected end of file
- #lex.error_leader(self.filename,lex.lineno)
- if not tolerant:
- writemsg("!!! Unexpected end of config file: variable "+str(key)+"\n",
- noiselevel=-1)
- raise Exception("ParseError: Unexpected EOF: "+str(mycfg)+": on/before line "+str(lex.lineno))
- else:
- return mykeys
- elif (equ!='='):
- #invalid token
- #lex.error_leader(self.filename,lex.lineno)
- if not tolerant:
- writemsg("!!! Invalid token (not \"=\") "+str(equ)+"\n",
- noiselevel=-1)
- raise Exception("ParseError: Invalid token (not '='): "+str(mycfg)+": line "+str(lex.lineno))
- else:
- return mykeys
- val=lex.get_token()
- if val is None:
- #unexpected end of file
- #lex.error_leader(self.filename,lex.lineno)
- if not tolerant:
- writemsg("!!! Unexpected end of config file: variable "+str(key)+"\n",
- noiselevel=-1)
- raise portage_exception.CorruptionError("ParseError: Unexpected EOF: "+str(mycfg)+": line "+str(lex.lineno))
- else:
- return mykeys
- if expand:
- mykeys[key] = varexpand(val, mykeys)
- else:
- mykeys[key] = val
- except SystemExit, e:
- raise
- except Exception, e:
- raise portage_exception.ParseError(str(e)+" in "+mycfg)
- return mykeys
-#cache expansions of constant strings
-def varexpand(mystring,mydict={}):
- newstring = cexpand.get(" "+mystring, None)
- if newstring is not None:
- return newstring
- """
- new variable expansion code. Removes quotes, handles \n, etc.
- This code is used by the configfile code, as well as others (parser)
- This would be a good bunch of code to port to C.
- """
- numvars=0
- mystring=" "+mystring
- #in single, double quotes
- insing=0
- indoub=0
- pos=1
- newstring=" "
- while (pos<len(mystring)):
- if (mystring[pos]=="'") and (mystring[pos-1]!="\\"):
- if (indoub):
- newstring=newstring+"'"
- else:
- insing=not insing
- pos=pos+1
- continue
- elif (mystring[pos]=='"') and (mystring[pos-1]!="\\"):
- if (insing):
- newstring=newstring+'"'
- else:
- indoub=not indoub
- pos=pos+1
- continue
- if (not insing):
- #expansion time
- if (mystring[pos]=="\n"):
- #convert newlines to spaces
- newstring=newstring+" "
- pos=pos+1
- elif (mystring[pos]=="\\"):
- #backslash expansion time
- if (pos+1>=len(mystring)):
- newstring=newstring+mystring[pos]
- break
- else:
- a=mystring[pos+1]
- pos=pos+2
- if a=='a':
- newstring=newstring+chr(007)
- elif a=='b':
- newstring=newstring+chr(010)
- elif a=='e':
- newstring=newstring+chr(033)
- elif (a=='f') or (a=='n'):
- newstring=newstring+chr(012)
- elif a=='r':
- newstring=newstring+chr(015)
- elif a=='t':
- newstring=newstring+chr(011)
- elif a=='v':
- newstring=newstring+chr(013)
- elif a!='\n':
- #remove backslash only, as bash does: this takes care of \\ and \' and \" as well
- newstring=newstring+mystring[pos-1:pos]
- continue
- elif (mystring[pos]=="$") and (mystring[pos-1]!="\\"):
- pos=pos+1
- if mystring[pos]=="{":
- pos=pos+1
- braced=True
- else:
- braced=False
- myvstart=pos
- validchars=string.ascii_letters+string.digits+"_"
- while mystring[pos] in validchars:
- if (pos+1)>=len(mystring):
- if braced:
- cexpand[mystring]=""
- return ""
- else:
- pos=pos+1
- break
- pos=pos+1
- myvarname=mystring[myvstart:pos]
- if braced:
- if mystring[pos]!="}":
- cexpand[mystring]=""
- return ""
- else:
- pos=pos+1
- if len(myvarname)==0:
- cexpand[mystring]=""
- return ""
- numvars=numvars+1
- if mydict.has_key(myvarname):
- newstring=newstring+mydict[myvarname]
- else:
- newstring=newstring+mystring[pos]
- pos=pos+1
- else:
- newstring=newstring+mystring[pos]
- pos=pos+1
- if numvars==0:
- cexpand[mystring]=newstring[1:]
- return newstring[1:]
-def pickle_write(data,filename,debug=0):
- import os
- try:
- myf=open(filename,"w")
- cPickle.dump(data,myf,-1)
- myf.flush()
- myf.close()
- writemsg("Wrote pickle: "+str(filename)+"\n",1)
- os.chown(myefn,uid,portage_gid)
- os.chmod(myefn,0664)
- except SystemExit, e:
- raise
- except Exception, e:
- return 0
- return 1
-def pickle_read(filename,default=None,debug=0):
- import os
- if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
- writemsg("pickle_read(): File not readable. '"+filename+"'\n",1)
- return default
- data = None
- try:
- myf = open(filename)
- mypickle = cPickle.Unpickler(myf)
- mypickle.find_global = None
- data = mypickle.load()
- myf.close()
- del mypickle,myf
- writemsg("pickle_read(): Loaded pickle. '"+filename+"'\n",1)
- except SystemExit, e:
- raise
- except Exception, e:
- writemsg("!!! Failed to load pickle: "+str(e)+"\n",1)
- data = default
- return data
-def dump_traceback(msg, noiselevel=1):
- import sys, traceback
- info = sys.exc_info()
- if not info[2]:
- stack = traceback.extract_stack()[:-1]
- error = None
- else:
- stack = traceback.extract_tb(info[2])
- error = str(info[1])
- writemsg("\n====================================\n", noiselevel=noiselevel)
- writemsg("%s\n\n" % msg, noiselevel=noiselevel)
- for line in traceback.format_list(stack):
- writemsg(line, noiselevel=noiselevel)
- if error:
- writemsg(error+"\n", noiselevel=noiselevel)
- writemsg("====================================\n\n", noiselevel=noiselevel)
-def unique_array(s):
- """lifted from python cookbook, credit: Tim Peters
- Return a list of the elements in s in arbitrary order, sans duplicates"""
- n = len(s)
- # assume all elements are hashable, if so, it's linear
- try:
- return list(set(s))
- except TypeError:
- pass
- # so much for linear. abuse sort.
- try:
- t = list(s)
- t.sort()
- except TypeError:
- pass
- else:
- assert n > 0
- last = t[0]
- lasti = i = 1
- while i < n:
- if t[i] != last:
- t[lasti] = last = t[i]
- lasti += 1
- i += 1
- return t[:lasti]
- # blah. back to original portage.unique_array
- u = []
- for x in s:
- if x not in u:
- u.append(x)
- return u
-def apply_permissions(filename, uid=-1, gid=-1, mode=-1, mask=-1,
- stat_cached=None, follow_links=True):
- """Apply user, group, and mode bits to a file if the existing bits do not
- already match. The default behavior is to force an exact match of mode
- bits. When mask=0 is specified, mode bits on the target file are allowed
- to be a superset of the mode argument (via logical OR). When mask>0, the
- mode bits that the target file is allowed to have are restricted via
- logical XOR.
- Returns True if the permissions were modified and False otherwise."""
- modified = False
- if stat_cached is None:
- try:
- if follow_links:
- stat_cached = os.stat(filename)
- else:
- stat_cached = os.lstat(filename)
- except OSError, oe:
- func_call = "stat('%s')" % filename
- if oe.errno == errno.EPERM:
- raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call)
- elif oe.errno == errno.EACCES:
- raise PermissionDenied(func_call)
- elif oe.errno == errno.ENOENT:
- raise FileNotFound(filename)
- else:
- raise
- if (uid != -1 and uid != stat_cached.st_uid) or \
- (gid != -1 and gid != stat_cached.st_gid):
- try:
- if follow_links:
- os.chown(filename, uid, gid)
- else:
- import portage_data
- portage_data.lchown(filename, uid, gid)
- modified = True
- except OSError, oe:
- func_call = "chown('%s', %i, %i)" % (filename, uid, gid)
- if oe.errno == errno.EPERM:
- raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call)
- elif oe.errno == errno.EACCES:
- raise PermissionDenied(func_call)
- elif oe.errno == errno.EROFS:
- raise ReadOnlyFileSystem(func_call)
- elif oe.errno == errno.ENOENT:
- raise FileNotFound(filename)
- else:
- raise
- new_mode = -1
- st_mode = stat_cached.st_mode & 07777 # protect from unwanted bits
- if mask >= 0:
- if mode == -1:
- mode = 0 # Don't add any mode bits when mode is unspecified.
- else:
- mode = mode & 07777
- if (mode & st_mode != mode) or \
- ((mask ^ st_mode) & st_mode != st_mode):
- new_mode = mode | st_mode
- new_mode = (mask ^ new_mode) & new_mode
- elif mode != -1:
- mode = mode & 07777 # protect from unwanted bits
- if mode != st_mode:
- new_mode = mode
- # The chown system call may clear S_ISUID and S_ISGID
- # bits, so those bits are restored if necessary.
- if modified and new_mode == -1 and \
- (st_mode & stat.S_ISUID or st_mode & stat.S_ISGID):
- if mode == -1:
- new_mode = st_mode
- else:
- mode = mode & 07777
- if mask >= 0:
- new_mode = mode | st_mode
- new_mode = (mask ^ new_mode) & new_mode
- else:
- new_mode = mode
- if not (new_mode & stat.S_ISUID or new_mode & stat.S_ISGID):
- new_mode = -1
- if not follow_links and stat.S_ISLNK(stat_cached.st_mode):
- # Mode doesn't matter for symlinks.
- new_mode = -1
- if new_mode != -1:
- try:
- os.chmod(filename, new_mode)
- modified = True
- except OSError, oe:
- func_call = "chmod('%s', %s)" % (filename, oct(new_mode))
- if oe.errno == errno.EPERM:
- raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call)
- elif oe.errno == errno.EACCES:
- raise PermissionDenied(func_call)
- elif oe.errno == errno.EROFS:
- raise ReadOnlyFileSystem(func_call)
- elif oe.errno == errno.ENOENT:
- raise FileNotFound(filename)
- raise
- return modified
-def apply_stat_permissions(filename, newstat, **kwargs):
- """A wrapper around apply_secpass_permissions that gets
- uid, gid, and mode from a stat object"""
- return apply_secpass_permissions(filename, uid=newstat.st_uid, gid=newstat.st_gid,
- mode=newstat.st_mode, **kwargs)
-def apply_recursive_permissions(top, uid=-1, gid=-1,
- dirmode=-1, dirmask=-1, filemode=-1, filemask=-1, onerror=None):
- """A wrapper around apply_secpass_permissions that applies permissions
- recursively. If optional argument onerror is specified, it should be a
- function; it will be called with one argument, a PortageException instance.
- Returns True if all permissions are applied and False if some are left
- unapplied."""
- if onerror is None:
- # Default behavior is to dump errors to stderr so they won't
- # go unnoticed. Callers can pass in a quiet instance.
- def onerror(e):
- if isinstance(e, OperationNotPermitted):
- writemsg("Operation Not Permitted: %s\n" % str(e),
- noiselevel=-1)
- elif isinstance(e, FileNotFound):
- writemsg("File Not Found: '%s'\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
- else:
- raise
- all_applied = True
- for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(top):
- try:
- applied = apply_secpass_permissions(dirpath,
- uid=uid, gid=gid, mode=dirmode, mask=dirmask)
- if not applied:
- all_applied = False
- except PortageException, e:
- all_applied = False
- onerror(e)
- for name in filenames:
- try:
- applied = apply_secpass_permissions(os.path.join(dirpath, name),
- uid=uid, gid=gid, mode=filemode, mask=filemask)
- if not applied:
- all_applied = False
- except PortageException, e:
- all_applied = False
- onerror(e)
- return all_applied
-def apply_secpass_permissions(filename, uid=-1, gid=-1, mode=-1, mask=-1,
- stat_cached=None, follow_links=True):
- """A wrapper around apply_permissions that uses secpass and simple
- logic to apply as much of the permissions as possible without
- generating an obviously avoidable permission exception. Despite
- attempts to avoid an exception, it's possible that one will be raised
- anyway, so be prepared.
- Returns True if all permissions are applied and False if some are left
- unapplied."""
- if stat_cached is None:
- try:
- if follow_links:
- stat_cached = os.stat(filename)
- else:
- stat_cached = os.lstat(filename)
- except OSError, oe:
- func_call = "stat('%s')" % filename
- if oe.errno == errno.EPERM:
- raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call)
- elif oe.errno == errno.EACCES:
- raise PermissionDenied(func_call)
- elif oe.errno == errno.ENOENT:
- raise FileNotFound(filename)
- else:
- raise
- all_applied = True
- import portage_data # not imported globally because of circular dep
- if portage_data.secpass < 2:
- if uid != -1 and \
- uid != stat_cached.st_uid:
- all_applied = False
- uid = -1
- if gid != -1 and \
- gid != stat_cached.st_gid and \
- gid not in os.getgroups():
- all_applied = False
- gid = -1
- apply_permissions(filename, uid=uid, gid=gid, mode=mode, mask=mask,
- stat_cached=stat_cached, follow_links=follow_links)
- return all_applied
-class atomic_ofstream(file):
- """Write a file atomically via os.rename(). Atomic replacement prevents
- interprocess interference and prevents corruption of the target
- file when the write is interrupted (for example, when an 'out of space'
- error occurs)."""
- def __init__(self, filename, mode='w', follow_links=True, **kargs):
- """Opens a temporary in the same directory as filename."""
- self._aborted = False
- if follow_links:
- canonical_path = os.path.realpath(filename)
- self._real_name = canonical_path
- tmp_name = "%s.%i" % (canonical_path, os.getpid())
- try:
- super(atomic_ofstream, self).__init__(tmp_name, mode=mode, **kargs)
- return
- except (OSError, IOError), e:
- if canonical_path == filename:
- raise
- writemsg("!!! Failed to open file: '%s'\n" % tmp_name,
- noiselevel=-1)
- writemsg("!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
- self._real_name = filename
- tmp_name = "%s.%i" % (filename, os.getpid())
- super(atomic_ofstream, self).__init__(tmp_name, mode=mode, **kargs)
- def close(self):
- """Closes the temporary file, copies permissions (if possible),
- and performs the atomic replacement via os.rename(). If the abort()
- method has been called, then the temp file is closed and removed."""
- if not self.closed:
- try:
- super(atomic_ofstream, self).close()
- if not self._aborted:
- try:
- apply_stat_permissions(, os.stat(self._real_name))
- except OperationNotPermitted:
- pass
- except FileNotFound:
- pass
- except OSError, oe: # from the above os.stat call
- if oe.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.EPERM):
- pass
- else:
- raise
- os.rename(, self._real_name)
- finally:
- # Make sure we cleanup the temp file
- # even if an exception is raised.
- try:
- os.unlink(
- except OSError, oe:
- pass
- def abort(self):
- """If an error occurs while writing the file, the user should
- call this method in order to leave the target file unchanged.
- This will call close() automatically."""
- if not self._aborted:
- self._aborted = True
- self.close()
- def __del__(self):
- """If the user does not explicitely call close(), it is
- assumed that an error has occurred, so we abort()."""
- if not self.closed:
- self.abort()
- # ensure destructor from the base class is called
- base_destructor = getattr(super(atomic_ofstream, self), '__del__', None)
- if base_destructor is not None:
- base_destructor()
-def write_atomic(file_path, content):
- f = None
- try:
- f = atomic_ofstream(file_path)
- f.write(content)
- f.close()
- except (IOError, OSError), e:
- if f:
- f.abort()
- func_call = "write_atomic('%s')" % file_path
- if e.errno == errno.EPERM:
- raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call)
- elif e.errno == errno.EACCES:
- raise PermissionDenied(func_call)
- elif e.errno == errno.EROFS:
- raise ReadOnlyFileSystem(func_call)
- elif e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
- raise FileNotFound(file_path)
- else:
- raise
-def ensure_dirs(dir_path, *args, **kwargs):
- """Create a directory and call apply_permissions.
- Returns True if a directory is created or the permissions needed to be
- modified, and False otherwise."""
- created_dir = False
- try:
- os.makedirs(dir_path)
- created_dir = True
- except OSError, oe:
- func_call = "makedirs('%s')" % dir_path
- if errno.EEXIST == oe.errno:
- pass
- elif oe.errno == errno.EPERM:
- raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call)
- elif oe.errno == errno.EACCES:
- raise PermissionDenied(func_call)
- elif oe.errno == errno.EROFS:
- raise ReadOnlyFileSystem(func_call)
- else:
- raise
- perms_modified = apply_permissions(dir_path, *args, **kwargs)
- return created_dir or perms_modified
-class LazyItemsDict(dict):
- """A mapping object that behaves like a standard dict except that it allows
- for lazy initialization of values via callable objects. Lazy items can be
- overwritten and deleted just as normal items."""
- def __init__(self, initial_items=None):
- dict.__init__(self)
- self.lazy_items = {}
- if initial_items is not None:
- self.update(initial_items)
- def addLazyItem(self, item_key, value_callable, *pargs, **kwargs):
- """Add a lazy item for the given key. When the item is requested,
- value_callable will be called with *pargs and **kwargs arguments."""
- self.lazy_items[item_key] = (value_callable, pargs, kwargs)
- # make it show up in self.keys(), etc...
- dict.__setitem__(self, item_key, None)
- def addLazySingleton(self, item_key, value_callable, *pargs, **kwargs):
- """This is like addLazyItem except value_callable will only be called
- a maximum of 1 time and the result will be cached for future requests."""
- class SingletonItem(object):
- def __init__(self, value_callable, *pargs, **kwargs):
- self._callable = value_callable
- self._pargs = pargs
- self._kwargs = kwargs
- self._called = False
- def __call__(self):
- if not self._called:
- self._called = True
- self._value = self._callable(*self._pargs, **self._kwargs)
- return self._value
- self.addLazyItem(item_key, SingletonItem(value_callable, *pargs, **kwargs))
- def update(self, map_obj):
- if isinstance(map_obj, LazyItemsDict):
- for k in map_obj:
- if k in map_obj.lazy_items:
- dict.__setitem__(self, k, None)
- else:
- dict.__setitem__(self, k, map_obj[k])
- self.lazy_items.update(map_obj.lazy_items)
- else:
- dict.update(self, map_obj)
- def __getitem__(self, item_key):
- if item_key in self.lazy_items:
- value_callable, pargs, kwargs = self.lazy_items[item_key]
- return value_callable(*pargs, **kwargs)
- else:
- return dict.__getitem__(self, item_key)
- def __setitem__(self, item_key, value):
- if item_key in self.lazy_items:
- del self.lazy_items[item_key]
- dict.__setitem__(self, item_key, value)
- def __delitem__(self, item_key):
- if item_key in self.lazy_items:
- del self.lazy_items[item_key]
- dict.__delitem__(self, item_key)
-class ConfigProtect(object):
- def __init__(self, myroot, protect_list, mask_list):
- self.myroot = myroot
- self.protect_list = protect_list
- self.mask_list = mask_list
- self.updateprotect()
- def updateprotect(self):
- """Update internal state for isprotected() calls. Nonexistent paths
- are ignored."""
- self.protect = []
- self._dirs = set()
- for x in self.protect_list:
- ppath = normalize_path(
- os.path.join(self.myroot, x.lstrip(os.path.sep)))
- mystat = None
- try:
- if stat.S_ISDIR(os.stat(ppath).st_mode):
- self._dirs.add(ppath)
- self.protect.append(ppath)
- except OSError:
- # If it doesn't exist, there's no need to protect it.
- pass
- self.protectmask = []
- for x in self.mask_list:
- ppath = normalize_path(
- os.path.join(self.myroot, x.lstrip(os.path.sep)))
- mystat = None
- try:
- """Use lstat so that anything, even a broken symlink can be
- protected."""
- if stat.S_ISDIR(os.lstat(ppath).st_mode):
- self._dirs.add(ppath)
- self.protectmask.append(ppath)
- """Now use stat in case this is a symlink to a directory."""
- if stat.S_ISDIR(os.stat(ppath).st_mode):
- self._dirs.add(ppath)
- except OSError:
- # If it doesn't exist, there's no need to mask it.
- pass
- def isprotected(self, obj):
- """Returns True if obj is protected, False otherwise. The caller must
- ensure that obj is normalized with a single leading slash. A trailing
- slash is optional for directories."""
- masked = 0
- protected = 0
- sep = os.path.sep
- for ppath in self.protect:
- if len(ppath) > masked and obj.startswith(ppath):
- if ppath in self._dirs:
- if obj != ppath and not obj.startswith(ppath + sep):
- # /etc/foo does not match /etc/foobaz
- continue
- elif obj != ppath:
- # force exact match when CONFIG_PROTECT lists a
- # non-directory
- continue
- protected = len(ppath)
- #config file management
- for pmpath in self.protectmask:
- if len(pmpath) >= protected and obj.startswith(pmpath):
- if pmpath in self._dirs:
- if obj != pmpath and \
- not obj.startswith(pmpath + sep):
- # /etc/foo does not match /etc/foobaz
- continue
- elif obj != pmpath:
- # force exact match when CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK lists
- # a non-directory
- continue
- #skip, it's in the mask
- masked = len(pmpath)
- return protected > masked
-def new_protect_filename(mydest, newmd5=None):
- """Resolves a config-protect filename for merging, optionally
- using the last filename if the md5 matches.
- (dest,md5) ==> 'string' --- path_to_target_filename
- (dest) ==> ('next', 'highest') --- next_target and most-recent_target
- """
- # config protection filename format:
- # ._cfg0000_foo
- # 0123456789012
- prot_num = -1
- last_pfile = ""
- if not os.path.exists(mydest):
- return mydest
- real_filename = os.path.basename(mydest)
- real_dirname = os.path.dirname(mydest)
- for pfile in os.listdir(real_dirname):
- if pfile[0:5] != "._cfg":
- continue
- if pfile[10:] != real_filename:
- continue
- try:
- new_prot_num = int(pfile[5:9])
- if new_prot_num > prot_num:
- prot_num = new_prot_num
- last_pfile = pfile
- except ValueError:
- continue
- prot_num = prot_num + 1
- new_pfile = normalize_path(os.path.join(real_dirname,
- "._cfg" + str(prot_num).zfill(4) + "_" + real_filename))
- old_pfile = normalize_path(os.path.join(real_dirname, last_pfile))
- if last_pfile and newmd5:
- import portage_checksum
- if portage_checksum.perform_md5(
- os.path.join(real_dirname, last_pfile)) == newmd5:
- return old_pfile
- return new_pfile
+portage/ \ No newline at end of file