path: root/bin/egencache
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/egencache')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/egencache b/bin/egencache
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..de6db88dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/egencache
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# Copyright 2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+import sys
+# This block ensures that ^C interrupts are handled quietly.
+ import signal
+ def exithandler(signum,frame):
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler)
+except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ sys.exit(1)
+import logging
+import optparse
+import os
+import portage
+import _emerge
+from portage.cache.cache_errors import CacheError
+from portage.util import writemsg_level
+def parse_args(args):
+ usage = "egencache [options] --update [atom] ..."
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
+ parser.add_option("--update",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="update metadata/cache/ (generate as necessary)")
+ parser.add_option("--cache-dir",
+ help="location of the metadata cache",
+ dest="cache_dir")
+ parser.add_option("--config-root",
+ help="location of portage config files",
+ dest="config_root")
+ parser.add_option("--jobs",
+ action="store",
+ help="max ebuild processes to spawn")
+ parser.add_option("--load-average",
+ action="store",
+ help="max load allowed when spawning multiple jobs",
+ dest="load_average")
+ options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
+ if not options.update:
+ parser.error('No action specified (--update ' + \
+ 'is the only available action)')
+ if options.config_root is not None and \
+ not os.path.isdir(options.config_root):
+ parser.error("Not a directory: --config-root='%s'" % \
+ (options.config_root,))
+ if options.cache_dir is not None and not os.path.isdir(options.cache_dir):
+ parser.error("Not a directory: --cache-dir='%s'" % \
+ (options.cache_dir,))
+ for atom in args:
+ try:
+ atom = portage.dep.Atom(atom)
+ except portage.exception.InvalidAtom:
+ parser.error('Invalid atom: %s' % (atom,))
+ if str(atom) != atom.cp:
+ parser.error('Atom is too specific: %s' % (atom,))
+ return options, args
+class GenCache(object):
+ def __init__(self, portdb, cp_iter=None, max_jobs=None, max_load=None):
+ self._portdb = portdb
+ # We can globally cleanse stale cache only if we
+ # iterate over every single cp.
+ self._global_cleanse = cp_iter is None
+ if cp_iter is not None:
+ self._cp_set = set(cp_iter)
+ cp_iter = iter(self._cp_set)
+ else:
+ self._cp_set = None
+ self._regen = _emerge.MetadataRegen(portdb, cp_iter=cp_iter,
+ consumer=self._metadata_callback,
+ max_jobs=max_jobs, max_load=max_load)
+ self.returncode = os.EX_OK
+ metadbmodule = portdb.mysettings.load_best_module("portdbapi.metadbmodule")
+ self._trg_cache = metadbmodule(portdb.porttree_root,
+ "metadata/cache", portage.auxdbkeys[:])
+ self._existing_nodes = set()
+ def _metadata_callback(self, cpv, ebuild_path, repo_path, metadata):
+ self._existing_nodes.add(cpv)
+ if metadata is not None:
+ # TODO: Implement a workaround for bug 139134 here. The cache
+ # should be able to optionally raise an exception in order to
+ # indicate any mtime + size collisions that will prevent rsync
+ # from detecting changes. These exceptions will be handled by
+ # bumping the mtime on the ebuild (and the corresponding cache
+ # entry).
+ if metadata.get('EAPI') == '0':
+ del metadata['EAPI']
+ try:
+ self._trg_cache[cpv] = metadata
+ except CacheError, ce:
+ writemsg_level(
+ "%s writing target: %s\n" % (cpv, ce),
+ level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
+ def run(self):
+ self.returncode |= self._regen.returncode
+ trg_cache = self._trg_cache
+ dead_nodes = None
+ if self._global_cleanse:
+ try:
+ dead_nodes = set(trg_cache.iterkeys())
+ except CacheError, ce:
+ self.returncode |= 1
+ writemsg_level(
+ "Error listing cache entries for " + \
+ "'%s/metadata/cache': %s, continuing...\n" % \
+ (self._portdb.porttree_root, ce),
+ level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
+ else:
+ cp_set = self._cp_set
+ cpv_getkey = portage.cpv_getkey
+ try:
+ dead_nodes = set(cpv for cpv in \
+ trg_cache.iterkeys() \
+ if cpv_getkey(cpv) in cp_set)
+ except CacheError, ce:
+ self.returncode |= 1
+ writemsg_level(
+ "Error listing cache entries for " + \
+ "'%s/metadata/cache': %s, continuing...\n" % \
+ (self._portdb.porttree_root, ce),
+ level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
+ if dead_nodes:
+ dead_nodes.difference_update(self._existing_nodes)
+ for k in dead_nodes:
+ try:
+ del trg_cache[k]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ except CacheError:
+ self.returncode |= 1
+ if not trg_cache.autocommits:
+ try:
+ trg_cache.commit()
+ except CacheError, ce:
+ self.returncode |= 1
+ writemsg_level(
+ "committing target: %s\n" % (ce,),
+ level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
+def egencache_main(args):
+ options, args = parse_args(args)
+ config_root = options.config_root
+ if config_root is None:
+ config_root = '/'
+ # The calling environment is ignored, so the program is
+ # completely controlled by commandline arguments.
+ env = {}
+ # TODO: Implement --repo for choosing a repo.
+ env['PORTDIR_OVERLAY'] = ''
+ if options.cache_dir is not None:
+ env['PORTAGE_DEPCACHEDIR'] = options.cache_dir
+ settings = portage.config(config_root=config_root,
+ target_root='/', env=env)
+ if 'metadata-transfer' not in settings.features:
+ writemsg_level("ecachegen: error: " + \
+ "FEATURES=metadata-transfer is not enabled\n",
+ level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ portdb = portage.portdbapi(settings["PORTDIR"], mysettings=settings)
+ cp_iter = None
+ if args:
+ cp_iter = iter(args)
+ gen_cache = GenCache(portdb, cp_iter=cp_iter,
+ max_load=options.load_average)
+ return gen_cache.returncode
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ portage._disable_legacy_globals()
+ portage.util.noiselimit = -1
+ sys.exit(egencache_main(sys.argv[1:]))