path: root/bin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/bin/quickpkg b/bin/quickpkg
index 396f5613d..daa35b632 100755
--- a/bin/quickpkg
+++ b/bin/quickpkg
@@ -1,198 +1,139 @@
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Id$
-# This script tries to quickly create a Gentoo binary package using the
-# VDB_PATH/category/pkg/* files
-# Resulting tbz2 file will be created in ${PKGDIR} ...
-# default is /usr/portage/packages/All/
-if [[ ${UID} != "0" ]] ; then
- echo "You must run this as root"
- exit 1
-# We need to ensure a sane umask for the packages that will be created.
-umask 022
-# We need this portage cruft to be before --help output because
-# we utilize some of these vars in the usage info :/
-[[ -n ${PORTAGE_NICENESS} ]] && renice $PORTAGE_NICENESS $$ > /dev/null
-# Make sure the xpak module is in PYTHONPATH
-export PORTAGE_DB=$(portageq vdb_path)
-version() {
- local svnrev='$Rev$'
- svnrev=${svnrev#* }
- echo "quickpkg-${svnrev% *}"
- exit 0
-usage() {
- cat <<-EOF
- Usage: quickpkg [options] <list of pkgs>
- Options:
- -C, --nocolor Disable color output
- -x, --debug Run with shell debug turned on
- -V, --version Print version and exit
- -h, --help This cruft output
- A pkg can be of the form:
- - single depend-type atom ...
- if portage can emerge it, quickpkg can make a package
- for exact definitions of depend atoms, see ebuild(5)
- Examples:
- quickpkg ${PORTAGE_DB}/net-www/apache-1.3.27-r1
- package up apache, just version 1.3.27-r1
- quickpkg apache
- package up apache, all versions of apache installed
- quickpkg =apache-1.3.27-r1
- quickpkg =apache-1.3.27-r1
- if [[ -n $1 ]] ; then
- echo ""
- echo "Unknown arguments: $*" 1>&2
- exit 1
- else
- exit 0
- fi
-while [[ -n $1 ]] ; do
- case $1 in
- -C|--nocolor) export NOCOLOR="true";;
- -x|--debug) SET_X="yes";;
- -V|--version) version;;
- -h|--help) usage;;
- -*) usage "$1";;
- *) break;;
- esac
- shift
-[[ ${SET_X} == "yes" ]] && set -x
-source "${PORTAGE_BIN_PATH}/"
-# here we make a package given a little info
-# $1 = package-name w/version
-# $2 = category
-do_pkg() {
- mkdir -p "${PORTAGE_TMPDIR}/binpkgs" || exit 1
- chmod 0750 "${PORTAGE_TMPDIR}/binpkgs"
- MYDIR="${PORTAGE_TMPDIR}/binpkgs/$1"
- SRCDIR="${PORTAGE_DB}/$2/$1"
- LOG="${PORTAGE_TMPDIR}/binpkgs/$1-quickpkglog"
- ebegin "Building package for $1"
- (
- # clean up temp directory
- rm -rf "${MYDIR}"
- # get pkg info files
- mkdir -p "${MYDIR}"/temp
- cp "${SRCDIR}"/* "${MYDIR}"/temp/
- [ -d "${PKGDIR}"/All ] || mkdir -p "${PKGDIR}"/All
- local pkg_dest="${PKGDIR}/All/${1}.tbz2"
- local pkg_tmp="${PKGDIR}/All/${1}.tbz2.$$"
- # create filelist and a basic tbz2
- gawk '{
- if ($1 != "dir") {
- if ($1 == "obj")
- NF=NF-2
- else if ($1 == "sym")
- NF=NF-3
- }
- print
- }' "${SRCDIR}"/CONTENTS | cut -f2- -d" " - | sed -e 's:^/:./:' | \
- while read f; do
- [ -d "${ROOT}/${f}" ] && [ -h "${ROOT}/${f}" ] && continue
- echo "$f"
- done > "${MYDIR}"/filelist
- tar vjcf "${pkg_tmp}" -C "${ROOT}" --files-from="${MYDIR}"/filelist --no-recursion
- # join together the basic tbz2 and the pkg info files
- python -c "import xpak; t=xpak.tbz2('${pkg_tmp}'); t.recompose('${MYDIR}/temp')"
- # move the final binary package to PKGDIR
- mv -f "${pkg_tmp}" "${pkg_dest}"
- [ -d "${PKGDIR}/$2" ] || mkdir -p "${PKGDIR}/$2"
- ( cd "${PKGDIR}/$2" && ln -s ../All/$1.tbz2 )
- # cleanup again
- rm -rf "${MYDIR}"
- ) >& "${LOG}"
- if [ -e "${PKGDIR}/All/$1.tbz2" ] ; then
- rm -f "${LOG}"
- PKGSTATS="${PKGSTATS}"$'\n'"$(einfo $1: $(du -h "${PKGDIR}/All/$1.tbz2" | gawk '{print $1}'))"
- eend 0
- else
- cat ${LOG}
- PKGSTATS="${PKGSTATS}"$'\n'"$(ewarn $1: not created)"
- eend 1
- fi
-# here we parse the parameters given to use on the cmdline
-export PKGERROR=""
-export PKGSTATS=""
-for x in "$@" ; do
- # they gave us full path
- if [ -e "${x}"/CONTENTS ] ; then
- x=$(readlink -f $x)
- pkg=$(echo ${x} | cut -d/ -f6)
- cat=$(echo ${x} | cut -d/ -f5)
- do_pkg "${pkg}" "${cat}"
- # lets figure out what they want
- else
- DIRLIST=$(portageq match "${ROOT}" "${x}")
- if [ -z "${DIRLIST}" ] ; then
- eerror "Could not find anything to match '${x}'; skipping"
- export PKGERROR="${PKGERROR} ${x}"
+import errno, signal, sys, os
+def quickpkg_main(options, args, eout):
+ from portage import dblink, dep_expand, catsplit, isvalidatom, xpak
+ from portage.util import ensure_dirs
+ from portage.exception import InvalidData
+ from portage.dbapi.vartree import tar_contents
+ import tarfile
+ import portage
+ root = portage.settings["ROOT"]
+ trees = portage.db[root]
+ vartree = trees["vartree"]
+ vardb = vartree.dbapi
+ bintree = trees["bintree"]
+ if not os.access(bintree.pkgdir, os.W_OK):
+ eout.eerror("No write access to '%s'" % bintree.pkgdir)
+ return errno.EACCES
+ successes = []
+ missing = []
+ for arg in args:
+ try:
+ atom = dep_expand(arg, mydb=vardb, settings=vartree.settings)
+ except ValueError, e:
+ # Multiple matches thrown from cpv_expand
+ eout.error("Please use a more specific atom: " % \
+ " ".join(e.args[0]))
+ del e
+ missing.append(arg)
- fi
- for d in ${DIRLIST} ; do
- pkg=$(echo ${d} | cut -d/ -f2)
- cat=$(echo ${d} | cut -d/ -f1)
- if [ -f "${PORTAGE_DB}/${cat}/${pkg}/CONTENTS" ] ; then
- do_pkg ${pkg} ${cat}
- elif [ -d "${PORTAGE_DB}/${cat}/${pkg}" ] ; then
- ewarn "Package '${cat}/${pkg}' was injected; skipping"
- else
- eerror "Unhandled case (${cat}/${pkg}) !"
- eerror "Please file a bug at"
- exit 10
- fi
- done
- fi
-if [ -z "${PKGSTATS}" ] ; then
- eerror "No packages found"
- exit 1
- echo $'\n'"$(einfo Packages now in ${PKGDIR}:)${PKGSTATS}"
-if [ ! -z "${PKGERROR}" ] ; then
- ewarn "The following packages could not be found:"
- ewarn "${PKGERROR}"
- exit 2
-exit 0
+ except InvalidData, e:
+ eout.eerror("Invalid atom: %s" % str(e))
+ del e
+ missing.append(arg)
+ continue
+ if not isvalidatom(atom):
+ eout.eerror("Invalid atom: %s" % atom)
+ missing.append(arg)
+ continue
+ matches = vardb.match(atom)
+ pkgs_for_arg = 0
+ for cpv in matches:
+ bintree.prevent_collision(cpv)
+ cat, pkg = catsplit(cpv)
+ dblnk = dblink(cat, pkg, root,
+ vartree.settings, treetype="vartree",
+ vartree=vartree)
+ dblnk.lockdb()
+ try:
+ if not dblnk.exists():
+ # unmerged by a concurrent process
+ continue
+ eout.ebegin("Building package for %s" % cpv)
+ pkgs_for_arg += 1
+ contents = dblnk.getcontents()
+ xpdata = xpak.xpak(dblnk.dbdir)
+ binpkg_tmpfile = os.path.join(bintree.pkgdir,
+ cpv + ".tbz2." + str(os.getpid()))
+ ensure_dirs(os.path.dirname(binpkg_tmpfile))
+ tar =, "w:bz2")
+ tar_contents(contents, root, tar)
+ tar.close()
+ xpak.tbz2(binpkg_tmpfile).recompose_mem(xpdata)
+ finally:
+ dblnk.unlockdb()
+ bintree.inject(cpv, filename=binpkg_tmpfile)
+ binpkg_path = bintree.getname(cpv)
+ try:
+ s = os.stat(binpkg_path)
+ except OSError, e:
+ # Sanity check, shouldn't happen normally.
+ eout.eend(1)
+ eout.eerror(str(e))
+ del e
+ eout.eerror("Failed to create package: '%s'" % binpkg_path)
+ else:
+ eout.eend(0)
+ successes.append((cpv, s.st_size))
+ if not pkgs_for_arg:
+ eout.eerror("Could not find anything " + \
+ "to match '%s'; skipping" % arg)
+ missing.append(arg)
+ if not successes:
+ eout.eerror("No packages found")
+ return 1
+ print
+ eout.einfo("Packages now in '%s':" % bintree.pkgdir)
+ import math
+ units = {10:'K', 20:'M', 30:'G', 40:'T',
+ 50:'P', 60:'E', 70:'Z', 80:'Y'}
+ for cpv, size in successes:
+ if not size:
+ # avoid OverflowError in math.log()
+ size_str = "0"
+ else:
+ power_of_2 = math.log(size, 2)
+ power_of_2 = 10*int(power_of_2/10)
+ unit = units.get(power_of_2)
+ if unit:
+ size = float(size)/(2**power_of_2)
+ size_str = "%.1f" % size
+ if len(size_str) > 4:
+ # emulate `du -h`, don't show too many sig figs
+ size_str = str(int(size))
+ size_str += unit
+ else:
+ size_str = str(size)
+ eout.einfo("%s: %s" % (cpv, size_str))
+ if missing:
+ print
+ eout.ewarn("The following packages could not be found:")
+ eout.ewarn(" ".join(missing))
+ return 2
+ return os.EX_OK
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ usage = "Usage: quickpkg [options] <list of package atoms>"
+ from optparse import OptionParser
+ parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
+ options, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
+ if not args:
+ parser.error("no packages atoms given")
+ # We need to ensure a sane umask for the packages that will be created.
+ old_umask = os.umask(022)
+ from portage.output import get_term_size, EOutput
+ eout = EOutput()
+ def sigwinch_handler(signum, frame):
+ lines, eout.term_columns = get_term_size()
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, sigwinch_handler)
+ try:
+ retval = quickpkg_main(options, args, eout)
+ finally:
+ os.umask(old_umask)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, signal.SIG_DFL)
+ sys.exit(retval)