path: root/pym/portage/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pym/portage/')
1 files changed, 8281 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98303857b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pym/portage/
@@ -0,0 +1,8281 @@
+# -- core Portage functionality
+# Copyright 1998-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+VERSION="$Rev$"[6:-2] + "-svn"
+# ===========================================================================
+# ===========================================================================
+ import sys
+except ImportError:
+ print "Failed to import sys! Something is _VERY_ wrong with python."
+ raise
+ import copy, errno, os, re, shutil, time, types
+ try:
+ import cPickle
+ except ImportError:
+ import pickle as cPickle
+ import stat
+ import commands
+ from time import sleep
+ from random import shuffle
+ import UserDict
+ if getattr(__builtins__, "set", None) is None:
+ from sets import Set as set
+ from itertools import chain, izip
+except ImportError, e:
+ sys.stderr.write("\n\n")
+ sys.stderr.write("!!! Failed to complete python imports. These are internal modules for\n")
+ sys.stderr.write("!!! python and failure here indicates that you have a problem with python\n")
+ sys.stderr.write("!!! itself and thus portage is not able to continue processing.\n\n")
+ sys.stderr.write("!!! You might consider starting python with verbose flags to see what has\n")
+ sys.stderr.write("!!! gone wrong. Here is the information we got for this exception:\n")
+ sys.stderr.write(" "+str(e)+"\n\n");
+ raise
+ # XXX: This should get renamed to bsd_chflags, I think.
+ import chflags
+ bsd_chflags = chflags
+except ImportError:
+ bsd_chflags = None
+ from cache.cache_errors import CacheError
+ import cvstree
+ import xpak
+ import getbinpkg
+ import portage_dep
+ from portage_dep import dep_getcpv, dep_getkey, get_operator, \
+ isjustname, isspecific, isvalidatom, \
+ match_from_list, match_to_list, best_match_to_list
+ # XXX: This needs to get cleaned up.
+ import output
+ from output import bold, colorize, green, red, yellow
+ import portage_const
+ from portage_const import VDB_PATH, PRIVATE_PATH, CACHE_PATH, DEPCACHE_PATH, \
+ from portage_data import ostype, lchown, userland, secpass, uid, wheelgid, \
+ portage_uid, portage_gid, userpriv_groups
+ from portage_manifest import Manifest
+ import portage_util
+ from portage_util import atomic_ofstream, apply_secpass_permissions, apply_recursive_permissions, \
+ dump_traceback, getconfig, grabdict, grabdict_package, grabfile, grabfile_package, \
+ map_dictlist_vals, new_protect_filename, normalize_path, \
+ pickle_read, pickle_write, stack_dictlist, stack_dicts, stack_lists, \
+ unique_array, varexpand, writedict, writemsg, writemsg_stdout, write_atomic
+ import portage_exception
+ import portage_gpg
+ import portage_locks
+ import portage_exec
+ from portage_exec import atexit_register, run_exitfuncs
+ from portage_locks import unlockfile,unlockdir,lockfile,lockdir
+ import portage_checksum
+ from portage_checksum import perform_md5,perform_checksum,prelink_capable
+ import eclass_cache
+ from portage_localization import _
+ from portage_update import dep_transform, fixdbentries, grab_updates, \
+ parse_updates, update_config_files, update_dbentries
+ # Need these functions directly in portage namespace to not break every external tool in existence
+ from portage_versions import best, catpkgsplit, catsplit, pkgcmp, \
+ pkgsplit, vercmp, ververify
+ # endversion and endversion_keys are for backward compatibility only.
+ from portage_versions import endversion_keys
+ from portage_versions import suffix_value as endversion
+except ImportError, e:
+ sys.stderr.write("\n\n")
+ sys.stderr.write("!!! Failed to complete portage imports. There are internal modules for\n")
+ sys.stderr.write("!!! portage and failure here indicates that you have a problem with your\n")
+ sys.stderr.write("!!! installation of portage. Please try a rescue portage located in the\n")
+ sys.stderr.write("!!! portage tree under '/usr/portage/sys-apps/portage/files/' (default).\n")
+ sys.stderr.write("!!! There is a README.RESCUE file that details the steps required to perform\n")
+ sys.stderr.write("!!! a recovery of portage.\n")
+ sys.stderr.write(" "+str(e)+"\n\n")
+ raise
+ import portage_selinux as selinux
+except OSError, e:
+ writemsg("!!! SELinux not loaded: %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+ del e
+except ImportError:
+ pass
+# ===========================================================================
+# ===========================================================================
+def load_mod(name):
+ modname = ".".join(name.split(".")[:-1])
+ mod = __import__(modname)
+ components = name.split('.')
+ for comp in components[1:]:
+ mod = getattr(mod, comp)
+ return mod
+def best_from_dict(key, top_dict, key_order, EmptyOnError=1, FullCopy=1, AllowEmpty=1):
+ for x in key_order:
+ if top_dict.has_key(x) and top_dict[x].has_key(key):
+ if FullCopy:
+ return copy.deepcopy(top_dict[x][key])
+ else:
+ return top_dict[x][key]
+ if EmptyOnError:
+ return ""
+ else:
+ raise KeyError, "Key not found in list; '%s'" % key
+def getcwd():
+ "this fixes situations where the current directory doesn't exist"
+ try:
+ return os.getcwd()
+ except OSError: #dir doesn't exist
+ os.chdir("/")
+ return "/"
+def abssymlink(symlink):
+ "This reads symlinks, resolving the relative symlinks, and returning the absolute."
+ mylink=os.readlink(symlink)
+ if mylink[0] != '/':
+ mydir=os.path.dirname(symlink)
+ mylink=mydir+"/"+mylink
+ return os.path.normpath(mylink)
+dircache = {}
+def cacheddir(my_original_path, ignorecvs, ignorelist, EmptyOnError, followSymlinks=True):
+ global cacheHit,cacheMiss,cacheStale
+ mypath = normalize_path(my_original_path)
+ if dircache.has_key(mypath):
+ cacheHit += 1
+ cached_mtime, list, ftype = dircache[mypath]
+ else:
+ cacheMiss += 1
+ cached_mtime, list, ftype = -1, [], []
+ try:
+ pathstat = os.stat(mypath)
+ if stat.S_ISDIR(pathstat[stat.ST_MODE]):
+ mtime = pathstat[stat.ST_MTIME]
+ else:
+ raise portage_exception.DirectoryNotFound(mypath)
+ except (IOError,OSError,portage_exception.PortageException):
+ if EmptyOnError:
+ return [], []
+ return None, None
+ # Python retuns mtime in seconds, so if it was changed in the last few seconds, it could be invalid
+ if mtime != cached_mtime or time.time() - mtime < 4:
+ if dircache.has_key(mypath):
+ cacheStale += 1
+ list = os.listdir(mypath)
+ ftype = []
+ for x in list:
+ try:
+ if followSymlinks:
+ pathstat = os.stat(mypath+"/"+x)
+ else:
+ pathstat = os.lstat(mypath+"/"+x)
+ if stat.S_ISREG(pathstat[stat.ST_MODE]):
+ ftype.append(0)
+ elif stat.S_ISDIR(pathstat[stat.ST_MODE]):
+ ftype.append(1)
+ elif stat.S_ISLNK(pathstat[stat.ST_MODE]):
+ ftype.append(2)
+ else:
+ ftype.append(3)
+ except (IOError, OSError):
+ ftype.append(3)
+ dircache[mypath] = mtime, list, ftype
+ ret_list = []
+ ret_ftype = []
+ for x in range(0, len(list)):
+ if(ignorecvs and (len(list[x]) > 2) and (list[x][:2]!=".#")):
+ ret_list.append(list[x])
+ ret_ftype.append(ftype[x])
+ elif (list[x] not in ignorelist):
+ ret_list.append(list[x])
+ ret_ftype.append(ftype[x])
+ writemsg("cacheddirStats: H:%d/M:%d/S:%d\n" % (cacheHit, cacheMiss, cacheStale),10)
+ return ret_list, ret_ftype
+def listdir(mypath, recursive=False, filesonly=False, ignorecvs=False, ignorelist=[], followSymlinks=True,
+ EmptyOnError=False, dirsonly=False):
+ """
+ Portage-specific implementation of os.listdir
+ @param mypath: Path whose contents you wish to list
+ @type mypath: String
+ @param recursive: Recursively scan directories contained within mypath
+ @type recursive: Boolean
+ @param filesonly; Only return files, not more directories
+ @type filesonly: Boolean
+ @param ignorecvs: Ignore CVS directories ('CVS','.svn','SCCS')
+ @type ignorecvs: Boolean
+ @param ignorelist: List of filenames/directories to exclude
+ @type ignorelist: List
+ @param followSymlinks: Follow Symlink'd files and directories
+ @type followSymlinks: Boolean
+ @param EmptyOnError: Return [] if an error occurs.
+ @type EmptyOnError: Boolean
+ @param dirsonly: Only return directories.
+ @type dirsonly: Boolean
+ @rtype: List
+ @returns: A list of files and directories (or just files or just directories) or an empty list.
+ """
+ list, ftype = cacheddir(mypath, ignorecvs, ignorelist, EmptyOnError, followSymlinks)
+ if list is None:
+ list=[]
+ if ftype is None:
+ ftype=[]
+ if not (filesonly or dirsonly or recursive):
+ return list
+ if recursive:
+ x=0
+ while x<len(ftype):
+ if ftype[x]==1 and not (ignorecvs and os.path.basename(list[x]) in ('CVS','.svn','SCCS')):
+ l,f = cacheddir(mypath+"/"+list[x], ignorecvs, ignorelist, EmptyOnError,
+ followSymlinks)
+ l=l[:]
+ for y in range(0,len(l)):
+ l[y]=list[x]+"/"+l[y]
+ list=list+l
+ ftype=ftype+f
+ x+=1
+ if filesonly:
+ rlist=[]
+ for x in range(0,len(ftype)):
+ if ftype[x]==0:
+ rlist=rlist+[list[x]]
+ elif dirsonly:
+ rlist = []
+ for x in range(0, len(ftype)):
+ if ftype[x] == 1:
+ rlist = rlist + [list[x]]
+ else:
+ rlist=list
+ return rlist
+def flatten(mytokens):
+ """this function now turns a [1,[2,3]] list into
+ a [1,2,3] list and returns it."""
+ newlist=[]
+ for x in mytokens:
+ if type(x)==types.ListType:
+ newlist.extend(flatten(x))
+ else:
+ newlist.append(x)
+ return newlist
+#beautiful directed graph object
+class digraph:
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Create an empty digraph"""
+ # { node : ( { child : priority } , { parent : priority } ) }
+ self.nodes = {}
+ self.order = []
+ def add(self, node, parent, priority=0):
+ """Adds the specified node with the specified parent.
+ If the dep is a soft-dep and the node already has a hard
+ relationship to the parent, the relationship is left as hard."""
+ if node not in self.nodes:
+ self.nodes[node] = ({}, {})
+ self.order.append(node)
+ if not parent:
+ return
+ if parent not in self.nodes:
+ self.nodes[parent] = ({}, {})
+ self.order.append(parent)
+ if parent in self.nodes[node][1]:
+ if priority > self.nodes[node][1][parent]:
+ self.nodes[node][1][parent] = priority
+ else:
+ self.nodes[node][1][parent] = priority
+ if node in self.nodes[parent][0]:
+ if priority > self.nodes[parent][0][node]:
+ self.nodes[parent][0][node] = priority
+ else:
+ self.nodes[parent][0][node] = priority
+ def remove(self, node):
+ """Removes the specified node from the digraph, also removing
+ and ties to other nodes in the digraph. Raises KeyError if the
+ node doesn't exist."""
+ if node not in self.nodes:
+ raise KeyError(node)
+ for parent in self.nodes[node][1]:
+ del self.nodes[parent][0][node]
+ for child in self.nodes[node][0]:
+ del self.nodes[child][1][node]
+ del self.nodes[node]
+ self.order.remove(node)
+ def contains(self, node):
+ """Checks if the digraph contains mynode"""
+ return node in self.nodes
+ def all_nodes(self):
+ """Return a list of all nodes in the graph"""
+ return self.order[:]
+ def child_nodes(self, node, ignore_priority=None):
+ """Return all children of the specified node"""
+ if ignore_priority is None:
+ return self.nodes[node][0].keys()
+ children = []
+ for child, priority in self.nodes[node][0].iteritems():
+ if priority > ignore_priority:
+ children.append(child)
+ return children
+ def parent_nodes(self, node):
+ """Return all parents of the specified node"""
+ return self.nodes[node][1].keys()
+ def leaf_nodes(self, ignore_priority=None):
+ """Return all nodes that have no children
+ If ignore_soft_deps is True, soft deps are not counted as
+ children in calculations."""
+ leaf_nodes = []
+ for node in self.order:
+ is_leaf_node = True
+ for child in self.nodes[node][0]:
+ if self.nodes[node][0][child] > ignore_priority:
+ is_leaf_node = False
+ break
+ if is_leaf_node:
+ leaf_nodes.append(node)
+ return leaf_nodes
+ def root_nodes(self, ignore_priority=None):
+ """Return all nodes that have no parents.
+ If ignore_soft_deps is True, soft deps are not counted as
+ parents in calculations."""
+ root_nodes = []
+ for node in self.order:
+ is_root_node = True
+ for parent in self.nodes[node][1]:
+ if self.nodes[node][1][parent] > ignore_priority:
+ is_root_node = False
+ break
+ if is_root_node:
+ root_nodes.append(node)
+ return root_nodes
+ def is_empty(self):
+ """Checks if the digraph is empty"""
+ return len(self.nodes) == 0
+ def clone(self):
+ clone = digraph()
+ clone.nodes = copy.deepcopy(self.nodes)
+ clone.order = self.order[:]
+ return clone
+ # Backward compatibility
+ addnode = add
+ allnodes = all_nodes
+ allzeros = leaf_nodes
+ hasnode = contains
+ empty = is_empty
+ copy = clone
+ def delnode(self, node):
+ try:
+ self.remove(node)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ def firstzero(self):
+ leaf_nodes = self.leaf_nodes()
+ if leaf_nodes:
+ return leaf_nodes[0]
+ return None
+ def hasallzeros(self, ignore_priority=None):
+ return len(self.leaf_nodes(ignore_priority=ignore_priority)) == \
+ len(self.order)
+ def debug_print(self):
+ for node in self.nodes:
+ print node,
+ if self.nodes[node][0]:
+ print "depends on"
+ else:
+ print "(no children)"
+ for child in self.nodes[node][0]:
+ print " ",child,
+ print "(%s)" % self.nodes[node][0][child]
+_elog_atexit_handlers = []
+def elog_process(cpv, mysettings):
+ mylogfiles = listdir(mysettings["T"]+"/logging/")
+ # shortcut for packages without any messages
+ if len(mylogfiles) == 0:
+ return
+ # exploit listdir() file order so we process log entries in chronological order
+ mylogfiles.reverse()
+ all_logentries = {}
+ for f in mylogfiles:
+ msgfunction, msgtype = f.split(".")
+ if msgfunction not in portage_const.EBUILD_PHASES:
+ writemsg("!!! can't process invalid log file: %s\n" % f,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ continue
+ if not msgfunction in all_logentries:
+ all_logentries[msgfunction] = []
+ msgcontent = open(mysettings["T"]+"/logging/"+f, "r").readlines()
+ all_logentries[msgfunction].append((msgtype, msgcontent))
+ def filter_loglevels(logentries, loglevels):
+ # remove unwanted entries from all logentries
+ rValue = {}
+ loglevels = map(str.upper, loglevels)
+ for phase in logentries.keys():
+ for msgtype, msgcontent in logentries[phase]:
+ if msgtype.upper() in loglevels or "*" in loglevels:
+ if not rValue.has_key(phase):
+ rValue[phase] = []
+ rValue[phase].append((msgtype, msgcontent))
+ return rValue
+ my_elog_classes = set(mysettings.get("PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES", "").split())
+ default_logentries = filter_loglevels(all_logentries, my_elog_classes)
+ # in case the filters matched all messages and no module overrides exist
+ if len(default_logentries) == 0 and (not ":" in mysettings.get("PORTAGE_ELOG_SYSTEM", "")):
+ return
+ def combine_logentries(logentries):
+ # generate a single string with all log messages
+ rValue = ""
+ for phase in portage_const.EBUILD_PHASES:
+ if not phase in logentries:
+ continue
+ for msgtype,msgcontent in logentries[phase]:
+ rValue += "%s: %s\n" % (msgtype, phase)
+ for line in msgcontent:
+ rValue += line
+ rValue += "\n"
+ return rValue
+ default_fulllog = combine_logentries(default_logentries)
+ # pass the processing to the individual modules
+ logsystems = mysettings["PORTAGE_ELOG_SYSTEM"].split()
+ for s in logsystems:
+ # allow per module overrides of PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES
+ if ":" in s:
+ s, levels = s.split(":", 1)
+ levels = levels.split(",")
+ mod_logentries = filter_loglevels(all_logentries, levels)
+ mod_fulllog = combine_logentries(mod_logentries)
+ else:
+ mod_logentries = default_logentries
+ mod_fulllog = default_fulllog
+ if len(mod_logentries) == 0:
+ continue
+ # - is nicer than _ for module names, so allow people to use it.
+ s = s.replace("-", "_")
+ try:
+ # FIXME: ugly ad.hoc import code
+ # TODO: implement a common portage module loader
+ logmodule = __import__("elog_modules.mod_"+s)
+ m = getattr(logmodule, "mod_"+s)
+ def timeout_handler(signum, frame):
+ raise portage_exception.PortageException(
+ "Timeout in elog_process for system '%s'" % s)
+ import signal
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)
+ # Timeout after one minute (in case something like the mail
+ # module gets hung).
+ signal.alarm(60)
+ try:
+ m.process(mysettings, cpv, mod_logentries, mod_fulllog)
+ finally:
+ signal.alarm(0)
+ if hasattr(m, "finalize") and not m.finalize in _elog_atexit_handlers:
+ _elog_atexit_handlers.append(m.finalize)
+ atexit_register(m.finalize, mysettings)
+ except (ImportError, AttributeError), e:
+ writemsg("!!! Error while importing logging modules " + \
+ "while loading \"mod_%s\":\n" % str(s))
+ writemsg("%s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+ except portage_exception.PortageException, e:
+ writemsg("%s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+ # clean logfiles to avoid repetitions
+ for f in mylogfiles:
+ try:
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(mysettings["T"], "logging", f))
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+#parse /etc/env.d and generate /etc/profile.env
+def env_update(makelinks=1, target_root=None, prev_mtimes=None, contents=None):
+ if target_root is None:
+ global root
+ target_root = root
+ if prev_mtimes is None:
+ global mtimedb
+ prev_mtimes = mtimedb["ldpath"]
+ envd_dir = os.path.join(target_root, "etc", "env.d")
+ portage_util.ensure_dirs(envd_dir, mode=0755)
+ fns = listdir(envd_dir, EmptyOnError=1)
+ fns.sort()
+ templist = []
+ for x in fns:
+ if len(x) < 3:
+ continue
+ if not x[0].isdigit() or not x[1].isdigit():
+ continue
+ if x.startswith(".") or x.endswith("~") or x.endswith(".bak"):
+ continue
+ templist.append(x)
+ fns = templist
+ del templist
+ space_separated = set(["CONFIG_PROTECT", "CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK"])
+ colon_separated = set(["ADA_INCLUDE_PATH", "ADA_OBJECTS_PATH",
+ config_list = []
+ for x in fns:
+ file_path = os.path.join(envd_dir, x)
+ try:
+ myconfig = getconfig(file_path, expand=False)
+ except portage_exception.ParseError, e:
+ writemsg("!!! '%s'\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+ del e
+ continue
+ if myconfig is None:
+ # broken symlink or file removed by a concurrent process
+ writemsg("!!! File Not Found: '%s'\n" % file_path, noiselevel=-1)
+ continue
+ config_list.append(myconfig)
+ if "SPACE_SEPARATED" in myconfig:
+ space_separated.update(myconfig["SPACE_SEPARATED"].split())
+ del myconfig["SPACE_SEPARATED"]
+ if "COLON_SEPARATED" in myconfig:
+ colon_separated.update(myconfig["COLON_SEPARATED"].split())
+ del myconfig["COLON_SEPARATED"]
+ env = {}
+ specials = {}
+ for var in space_separated:
+ mylist = []
+ for myconfig in config_list:
+ if var in myconfig:
+ mylist.extend(filter(None, myconfig[var].split()))
+ del myconfig[var] # prepare for env.update(myconfig)
+ if mylist:
+ env[var] = " ".join(mylist)
+ specials[var] = mylist
+ for var in colon_separated:
+ mylist = []
+ for myconfig in config_list:
+ if var in myconfig:
+ mylist.extend(filter(None, myconfig[var].split(":")))
+ del myconfig[var] # prepare for env.update(myconfig)
+ if mylist:
+ env[var] = ":".join(mylist)
+ specials[var] = mylist
+ for myconfig in config_list:
+ """Cumulative variables have already been deleted from myconfig so that
+ they won't be overwritten by this dict.update call."""
+ env.update(myconfig)
+ ldsoconf_path = os.path.join(target_root, "etc", "")
+ try:
+ myld = open(ldsoconf_path)
+ myldlines=myld.readlines()
+ myld.close()
+ oldld=[]
+ for x in myldlines:
+ #each line has at least one char (a newline)
+ if x[0]=="#":
+ continue
+ oldld.append(x[:-1])
+ except (IOError, OSError), e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ oldld = None
+ ld_cache_update=False
+ newld = specials["LDPATH"]
+ if (oldld!=newld):
+ needs updating and ldconfig needs to be run
+ myfd = atomic_ofstream(ldsoconf_path)
+ myfd.write("# autogenerated by env-update; make all changes to\n")
+ myfd.write("# contents of /etc/env.d directory\n")
+ for x in specials["LDPATH"]:
+ myfd.write(x+"\n")
+ myfd.close()
+ ld_cache_update=True
+ # Update prelink.conf if we are prelink-enabled
+ if prelink_capable:
+ newprelink = atomic_ofstream(
+ os.path.join(target_root, "etc", "prelink.conf"))
+ newprelink.write("# prelink.conf autogenerated by env-update; make all changes to\n")
+ newprelink.write("# contents of /etc/env.d directory\n")
+ for x in ["/bin","/sbin","/usr/bin","/usr/sbin","/lib","/usr/lib"]:
+ newprelink.write("-l "+x+"\n");
+ for x in specials["LDPATH"]+specials["PATH"]+specials["PRELINK_PATH"]:
+ if not x:
+ continue
+ if x[-1]!='/':
+ x=x+"/"
+ plmasked=0
+ for y in specials["PRELINK_PATH_MASK"]:
+ if not y:
+ continue
+ if y[-1]!='/':
+ y=y+"/"
+ if y==x[0:len(y)]:
+ plmasked=1
+ break
+ if not plmasked:
+ newprelink.write("-h "+x+"\n")
+ for x in specials["PRELINK_PATH_MASK"]:
+ newprelink.write("-b "+x+"\n")
+ newprelink.close()
+ mtime_changed = False
+ lib_dirs = set()
+ for lib_dir in portage_util.unique_array(specials["LDPATH"]+['usr/lib','usr/lib64','usr/lib32','lib','lib64','lib32']):
+ x = os.path.join(target_root, lib_dir.lstrip(os.sep))
+ try:
+ newldpathtime = os.stat(x)[stat.ST_MTIME]
+ lib_dirs.add(normalize_path(x))
+ except OSError, oe:
+ if oe.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+ try:
+ del prev_mtimes[x]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ # ignore this path because it doesn't exist
+ continue
+ raise
+ if x in prev_mtimes:
+ if prev_mtimes[x] == newldpathtime:
+ pass
+ else:
+ prev_mtimes[x] = newldpathtime
+ mtime_changed = True
+ else:
+ prev_mtimes[x] = newldpathtime
+ mtime_changed = True
+ if mtime_changed:
+ ld_cache_update = True
+ if makelinks and \
+ not ld_cache_update and \
+ contents is not None:
+ libdir_contents_changed = False
+ for mypath, mydata in contents.iteritems():
+ if mydata[0] not in ("obj","sym"):
+ continue
+ head, tail = os.path.split(mypath)
+ if head in lib_dirs:
+ libdir_contents_changed = True
+ break
+ if not libdir_contents_changed:
+ makelinks = False
+ # Only run ldconfig as needed
+ if (ld_cache_update or makelinks):
+ # ldconfig has very different behaviour between FreeBSD and Linux
+ if ostype=="Linux" or ostype.lower().endswith("gnu"):
+ # We can't update links if we haven't cleaned other versions first, as
+ # an older package installed ON TOP of a newer version will cause ldconfig
+ # to overwrite the symlinks we just made. -X means no links. After 'clean'
+ # we can safely create links.
+ writemsg(">>> Regenerating %setc/\n" % target_root)
+ if makelinks:
+ commands.getstatusoutput("cd / ; /sbin/ldconfig -r '%s'" % target_root)
+ else:
+ commands.getstatusoutput("cd / ; /sbin/ldconfig -X -r '%s'" % target_root)
+ elif ostype in ("FreeBSD","DragonFly"):
+ writemsg(">>> Regenerating %svar/run/\n" % target_root)
+ commands.getstatusoutput(
+ "cd / ; /sbin/ldconfig -elf -i -f '%svar/run/' '%setc/'" % \
+ (target_root, target_root))
+ del specials["LDPATH"]
+ penvnotice = "# THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY env-update.\n"
+ cenvnotice = penvnotice[:]
+ penvnotice += "# GO INTO /etc/profile NOT /etc/profile.env\n\n"
+ cenvnotice += "# GO INTO /etc/csh.cshrc NOT /etc/csh.env\n\n"
+ #create /etc/profile.env for bash support
+ outfile = atomic_ofstream(os.path.join(target_root, "etc", "profile.env"))
+ outfile.write(penvnotice)
+ env_keys = [ x for x in env if x != "LDPATH" ]
+ env_keys.sort()
+ for x in env_keys:
+ outfile.write("export %s='%s'\n" % (x, env[x]))
+ outfile.close()
+ #create /etc/csh.env for (t)csh support
+ outfile = atomic_ofstream(os.path.join(target_root, "etc", "csh.env"))
+ outfile.write(cenvnotice)
+ for x in env_keys:
+ outfile.write("setenv %s '%s'\n" % (x, env[x]))
+ outfile.close()
+def ExtractKernelVersion(base_dir):
+ """
+ Try to figure out what kernel version we are running
+ @param base_dir: Path to sources (usually /usr/src/linux)
+ @type base_dir: string
+ @rtype: tuple( version[string], error[string])
+ @returns:
+ 1. tuple( version[string], error[string])
+ Either version or error is populated (but never both)
+ """
+ lines = []
+ pathname = os.path.join(base_dir, 'Makefile')
+ try:
+ f = open(pathname, 'r')
+ except OSError, details:
+ return (None, str(details))
+ except IOError, details:
+ return (None, str(details))
+ try:
+ for i in range(4):
+ lines.append(f.readline())
+ except OSError, details:
+ return (None, str(details))
+ except IOError, details:
+ return (None, str(details))
+ lines = [l.strip() for l in lines]
+ version = ''
+ #XXX: The following code relies on the ordering of vars within the Makefile
+ for line in lines:
+ # split on the '=' then remove annoying whitespace
+ items = line.split("=")
+ items = [i.strip() for i in items]
+ if items[0] == 'VERSION' or \
+ items[0] == 'PATCHLEVEL':
+ version += items[1]
+ version += "."
+ elif items[0] == 'SUBLEVEL':
+ version += items[1]
+ elif items[0] == 'EXTRAVERSION' and \
+ items[-1] != items[0]:
+ version += items[1]
+ # Grab a list of files named localversion* and sort them
+ localversions = os.listdir(base_dir)
+ for x in range(len(localversions)-1,-1,-1):
+ if localversions[x][:12] != "localversion":
+ del localversions[x]
+ localversions.sort()
+ # Append the contents of each to the version string, stripping ALL whitespace
+ for lv in localversions:
+ version += "".join( " ".join( grabfile( base_dir+ "/" + lv ) ).split() )
+ # Check the .config for a CONFIG_LOCALVERSION and append that too, also stripping whitespace
+ kernelconfig = getconfig(base_dir+"/.config")
+ if kernelconfig and kernelconfig.has_key("CONFIG_LOCALVERSION"):
+ version += "".join(kernelconfig["CONFIG_LOCALVERSION"].split())
+ return (version,None)
+def autouse(myvartree, use_cache=1, mysettings=None):
+ """
+ autuse returns a list of USE variables auto-enabled to packages being installed
+ @param myvartree: Instance of the vartree class (from /var/db/pkg...)
+ @type myvartree: vartree
+ @param use_cache: read values from cache
+ @type use_cache: Boolean
+ @param mysettings: Instance of config
+ @type mysettings: config
+ @rtype: string
+ @returns: A string containing a list of USE variables that are enabled via use.defaults
+ """
+ if mysettings is None:
+ global settings
+ mysettings = settings
+ if mysettings.profile_path is None:
+ return ""
+ myusevars=""
+ usedefaults = mysettings.use_defs
+ for myuse in usedefaults:
+ dep_met = True
+ for mydep in usedefaults[myuse]:
+ if not myvartree.dep_match(mydep,use_cache=True):
+ dep_met = False
+ break
+ if dep_met:
+ myusevars += " "+myuse
+ return myusevars
+def check_config_instance(test):
+ if not test or (str(test.__class__) != 'portage.config'):
+ raise TypeError, "Invalid type for config object: %s" % test.__class__
+class config:
+ """
+ This class encompasses the main portage configuration. Data is pulled from
+ ROOT/PORTDIR/profiles/, from ROOT/etc/make.profile incrementally through all
+ parent profiles as well as from ROOT/PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT/* for user specified
+ overrides.
+ Generally if you need data like USE flags, FEATURES, environment variables,
+ virtuals ...etc you look in here.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, clone=None, mycpv=None, config_profile_path=None,
+ config_incrementals=None, config_root=None, target_root=None,
+ local_config=True):
+ """
+ @param clone: If provided, init will use deepcopy to copy by value the instance.
+ @type clone: Instance of config class.
+ @param mycpv: CPV to load up (see setcpv), this is the same as calling init with mycpv=None
+ and then calling instance.setcpv(mycpv).
+ @type mycpv: String
+ @param config_profile_path: Configurable path to the profile (usually PROFILE_PATH from portage_const)
+ @type config_profile_path: String
+ @param config_incrementals: List of incremental variables (usually portage_const.INCREMENTALS)
+ @type config_incrementals: List
+ @param config_root: path to read local config from (defaults to "/", see PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT)
+ @type config_root: String
+ @param target_root: __init__ override of $ROOT env variable.
+ @type target_root: String
+ @param local_config: Enables loading of local config (/etc/portage); used most by repoman to
+ ignore local config (keywording and unmasking)
+ @type local_config: Boolean
+ """
+ debug = os.environ.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG") == "1"
+ self.already_in_regenerate = 0
+ self.locked = 0
+ self.mycpv = None
+ self.puse = []
+ self.modifiedkeys = []
+ self.uvlist = []
+ self.virtuals = {}
+ self.virts_p = {}
+ self.dirVirtuals = None
+ self.v_count = 0
+ # Virtuals obtained from the vartree
+ self.treeVirtuals = {}
+ # Virtuals by user specification. Includes negatives.
+ self.userVirtuals = {}
+ # Virtual negatives from user specifications.
+ self.negVirtuals = {}
+ self.user_profile_dir = None
+ self.local_config = local_config
+ if clone:
+ self.incrementals = copy.deepcopy(clone.incrementals)
+ self.profile_path = copy.deepcopy(clone.profile_path)
+ self.user_profile_dir = copy.deepcopy(clone.user_profile_dir)
+ self.local_config = copy.deepcopy(clone.local_config)
+ self.module_priority = copy.deepcopy(clone.module_priority)
+ self.modules = copy.deepcopy(clone.modules)
+ self.depcachedir = copy.deepcopy(clone.depcachedir)
+ self.packages = copy.deepcopy(clone.packages)
+ self.virtuals = copy.deepcopy(clone.virtuals)
+ self.treeVirtuals = copy.deepcopy(clone.treeVirtuals)
+ self.userVirtuals = copy.deepcopy(clone.userVirtuals)
+ self.negVirtuals = copy.deepcopy(clone.negVirtuals)
+ self.use_defs = copy.deepcopy(clone.use_defs)
+ self.usemask = copy.deepcopy(clone.usemask)
+ self.usemask_list = copy.deepcopy(clone.usemask_list)
+ self.pusemask_list = copy.deepcopy(clone.pusemask_list)
+ self.useforce = copy.deepcopy(clone.useforce)
+ self.useforce_list = copy.deepcopy(clone.useforce_list)
+ self.puseforce_list = copy.deepcopy(clone.puseforce_list)
+ self.puse = copy.deepcopy(clone.puse)
+ self.make_defaults_use = copy.deepcopy(clone.make_defaults_use)
+ self.pkgprofileuse = copy.deepcopy(clone.pkgprofileuse)
+ self.mycpv = copy.deepcopy(clone.mycpv)
+ self.configlist = copy.deepcopy(clone.configlist)
+ self.lookuplist = self.configlist[:]
+ self.lookuplist.reverse()
+ self.configdict = {
+ "env.d": self.configlist[0],
+ "pkginternal": self.configlist[1],
+ "globals": self.configlist[2],
+ "defaults": self.configlist[3],
+ "conf": self.configlist[4],
+ "pkg": self.configlist[5],
+ "auto": self.configlist[6],
+ "backupenv": self.configlist[7],
+ "env": self.configlist[8] }
+ self.profiles = copy.deepcopy(clone.profiles)
+ self.backupenv = self.configdict["backupenv"]
+ self.pusedict = copy.deepcopy(clone.pusedict)
+ self.categories = copy.deepcopy(clone.categories)
+ self.pkeywordsdict = copy.deepcopy(clone.pkeywordsdict)
+ self.pmaskdict = copy.deepcopy(clone.pmaskdict)
+ self.punmaskdict = copy.deepcopy(clone.punmaskdict)
+ self.prevmaskdict = copy.deepcopy(clone.prevmaskdict)
+ self.pprovideddict = copy.deepcopy(clone.pprovideddict)
+ self.dirVirtuals = copy.deepcopy(clone.dirVirtuals)
+ self.treeVirtuals = copy.deepcopy(clone.treeVirtuals)
+ self.features = copy.deepcopy(clone.features)
+ else:
+ # backupenv is for calculated incremental variables.
+ self.backupenv = os.environ.copy()
+ def check_var_directory(varname, var):
+ if not os.path.isdir(var):
+ writemsg(("!!! Error: %s='%s' is not a directory. " + \
+ "Please correct this.\n") % (varname, var),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ raise portage_exception.DirectoryNotFound(var)
+ if config_root is None:
+ config_root = "/"
+ config_root = \
+ normalize_path(config_root).rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep
+ check_var_directory("PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT", config_root)
+ self.depcachedir = DEPCACHE_PATH
+ if not config_profile_path:
+ config_profile_path = \
+ os.path.join(config_root, PROFILE_PATH.lstrip(os.path.sep))
+ if os.path.isdir(config_profile_path):
+ self.profile_path = config_profile_path
+ else:
+ self.profile_path = None
+ else:
+ self.profile_path = config_profile_path[:]
+ if not config_incrementals:
+ writemsg("incrementals not specified to class config\n")
+ self.incrementals = copy.deepcopy(portage_const.INCREMENTALS)
+ else:
+ self.incrementals = copy.deepcopy(config_incrementals)
+ self.module_priority = ["user","default"]
+ self.modules = {}
+ self.modules["user"] = getconfig(
+ os.path.join(config_root, MODULES_FILE_PATH.lstrip(os.path.sep)))
+ if self.modules["user"] is None:
+ self.modules["user"] = {}
+ self.modules["default"] = {
+ "portdbapi.metadbmodule": "cache.metadata.database",
+ "portdbapi.auxdbmodule": "cache.flat_hash.database",
+ }
+ self.usemask=[]
+ self.configlist=[]
+ # back up our incremental variables:
+ self.configdict={}
+ # configlist will contain: [ env.d, globals, defaults, conf, pkg, auto, backupenv, env ]
+ self.configlist.append({})
+ self.configdict["env.d"] = self.configlist[-1]
+ self.configlist.append({})
+ self.configdict["pkginternal"] = self.configlist[-1]
+ # The symlink might not exist or might not be a symlink.
+ if self.profile_path is None:
+ self.profiles = []
+ else:
+ self.profiles = []
+ def addProfile(currentPath):
+ parentsFile = os.path.join(currentPath, "parent")
+ if os.path.exists(parentsFile):
+ parents = grabfile(parentsFile)
+ if not parents:
+ raise portage_exception.ParseError(
+ "Empty parent file: '%s'" % parents_file)
+ for parentPath in parents:
+ parentPath = normalize_path(os.path.join(
+ currentPath, parentPath))
+ if os.path.exists(parentPath):
+ addProfile(parentPath)
+ else:
+ raise portage_exception.ParseError(
+ "Parent '%s' not found: '%s'" % \
+ (parentPath, parentsFile))
+ self.profiles.append(currentPath)
+ addProfile(os.path.realpath(self.profile_path))
+ if local_config:
+ custom_prof = os.path.join(
+ config_root, CUSTOM_PROFILE_PATH.lstrip(os.path.sep))
+ if os.path.exists(custom_prof):
+ self.user_profile_dir = custom_prof
+ self.profiles.append(custom_prof)
+ del custom_prof
+ self.packages_list = [grabfile_package(os.path.join(x, "packages")) for x in self.profiles]
+ self.packages = stack_lists(self.packages_list, incremental=1)
+ del self.packages_list
+ #self.packages = grab_stacked("packages", self.profiles, grabfile, incremental_lines=1)
+ # revmaskdict
+ self.prevmaskdict={}
+ for x in self.packages:
+ mycatpkg=dep_getkey(x)
+ if not self.prevmaskdict.has_key(mycatpkg):
+ self.prevmaskdict[mycatpkg]=[x]
+ else:
+ self.prevmaskdict[mycatpkg].append(x)
+ # get profile-masked use flags -- INCREMENTAL Child over parent
+ self.usemask_list = [grabfile(os.path.join(x, "use.mask")) \
+ for x in self.profiles]
+ self.usemask = set(stack_lists(
+ self.usemask_list, incremental=True))
+ use_defs_lists = [grabdict(os.path.join(x, "use.defaults")) for x in self.profiles]
+ self.use_defs = stack_dictlist(use_defs_lists, incremental=True)
+ del use_defs_lists
+ self.pusemask_list = []
+ rawpusemask = [grabdict_package(
+ os.path.join(x, "package.use.mask")) \
+ for x in self.profiles]
+ for i in xrange(len(self.profiles)):
+ cpdict = {}
+ for k, v in rawpusemask[i].iteritems():
+ cpdict.setdefault(dep_getkey(k), {})[k] = v
+ self.pusemask_list.append(cpdict)
+ del rawpusemask
+ self.pkgprofileuse = []
+ rawprofileuse = [grabdict_package(
+ os.path.join(x, "package.use"), juststrings=True) \
+ for x in self.profiles]
+ for i in xrange(len(self.profiles)):
+ cpdict = {}
+ for k, v in rawprofileuse[i].iteritems():
+ cpdict.setdefault(dep_getkey(k), {})[k] = v
+ self.pkgprofileuse.append(cpdict)
+ del rawprofileuse
+ self.useforce_list = [grabfile(os.path.join(x, "use.force")) \
+ for x in self.profiles]
+ self.useforce = set(stack_lists(
+ self.useforce_list, incremental=True))
+ self.puseforce_list = []
+ rawpuseforce = [grabdict_package(
+ os.path.join(x, "package.use.force")) \
+ for x in self.profiles]
+ for i in xrange(len(self.profiles)):
+ cpdict = {}
+ for k, v in rawpuseforce[i].iteritems():
+ cpdict.setdefault(dep_getkey(k), {})[k] = v
+ self.puseforce_list.append(cpdict)
+ del rawpuseforce
+ try:
+ self.mygcfg = getconfig(os.path.join(config_root, "etc", "make.globals"))
+ if self.mygcfg is None:
+ self.mygcfg = {}
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ raise
+ except Exception, e:
+ if debug:
+ raise
+ writemsg("!!! %s\n" % (e), noiselevel=-1)
+ if not isinstance(e, EnvironmentError):
+ writemsg("!!! Incorrect multiline literals can cause " + \
+ "this. Do not use them.\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ self.configlist.append(self.mygcfg)
+ self.configdict["globals"]=self.configlist[-1]
+ self.make_defaults_use = []
+ self.mygcfg = {}
+ if self.profiles:
+ try:
+ mygcfg_dlists = [getconfig(os.path.join(x, "make.defaults")) for x in self.profiles]
+ for cfg in mygcfg_dlists:
+ if cfg:
+ self.make_defaults_use.append(cfg.get("USE", ""))
+ else:
+ self.make_defaults_use.append("")
+ self.mygcfg = stack_dicts(mygcfg_dlists, incrementals=portage_const.INCREMENTALS, ignore_none=1)
+ #self.mygcfg = grab_stacked("make.defaults", self.profiles, getconfig)
+ if self.mygcfg is None:
+ self.mygcfg = {}
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ raise
+ except Exception, e:
+ if debug:
+ raise
+ writemsg("!!! %s\n" % (e), noiselevel=-1)
+ if not isinstance(e, EnvironmentError):
+ writemsg("!!! 'rm -Rf /usr/portage/profiles; " + \
+ "emerge sync' may fix this. If it does\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! not then please report this to " + \
+ " and, if possible, a dev\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! on #gentoo (\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ self.configlist.append(self.mygcfg)
+ self.configdict["defaults"]=self.configlist[-1]
+ try:
+ self.mygcfg = getconfig(
+ os.path.join(config_root, MAKE_CONF_FILE.lstrip(os.path.sep)),
+ allow_sourcing=True)
+ if self.mygcfg is None:
+ self.mygcfg = {}
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ raise
+ except Exception, e:
+ if debug:
+ raise
+ writemsg("!!! %s\n" % (e), noiselevel=-1)
+ if not isinstance(e, EnvironmentError):
+ writemsg("!!! Incorrect multiline literals can cause " + \
+ "this. Do not use them.\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Allow ROOT setting to come from make.conf if it's not overridden
+ # by the constructor argument (from the calling environment). As a
+ # special exception for a very common use case, config_root == "/"
+ # implies that ROOT in make.conf should be ignored. That way, the
+ # user can chroot into $ROOT and the ROOT setting in make.conf will
+ # be automatically ignored (unless config_root is other than "/").
+ if config_root != "/" and \
+ target_root is None and "ROOT" in self.mygcfg:
+ target_root = self.mygcfg["ROOT"]
+ self.configlist.append(self.mygcfg)
+ self.configdict["conf"]=self.configlist[-1]
+ self.configlist.append({})
+ self.configdict["pkg"]=self.configlist[-1]
+ #auto-use:
+ self.configlist.append({})
+ self.configdict["auto"]=self.configlist[-1]
+ self.configlist.append(self.backupenv) # XXX Why though?
+ self.configdict["backupenv"]=self.configlist[-1]
+ self.configlist.append(os.environ.copy())
+ self.configdict["env"]=self.configlist[-1]
+ # make lookuplist for loading package.*
+ self.lookuplist=self.configlist[:]
+ self.lookuplist.reverse()
+ # Blacklist vars that could interfere with portage internals.
+ for blacklisted in ["PKGUSE", "PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT", "ROOT"]:
+ for cfg in self.lookuplist:
+ try:
+ del cfg[blacklisted]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ del blacklisted, cfg
+ if target_root is None:
+ target_root = "/"
+ target_root = \
+ normalize_path(target_root).rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep
+ check_var_directory("ROOT", target_root)
+ env_d = getconfig(
+ os.path.join(target_root, "etc", "profile.env"), expand=False)
+ # env_d will be None if profile.env doesn't exist.
+ if env_d:
+ self.configdict["env.d"].update(env_d)
+ # Remove duplicate values so they don't override updated
+ # profile.env values later (profile.env is reloaded in each
+ # call to self.regenerate).
+ for cfg in (self.configdict["backupenv"],
+ self.configdict["env"]):
+ for k, v in env_d.iteritems():
+ try:
+ if cfg[k] == v:
+ del cfg[k]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ del cfg, k, v
+ self["PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT"] = config_root
+ self.backup_changes("PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT")
+ self["ROOT"] = target_root
+ self.backup_changes("ROOT")
+ self.pusedict = {}
+ self.pkeywordsdict = {}
+ self.punmaskdict = {}
+ abs_user_config = os.path.join(config_root,
+ USER_CONFIG_PATH.lstrip(os.path.sep))
+ # locations for "categories" and "arch.list" files
+ locations = [os.path.join(self["PORTDIR"], "profiles")]
+ pmask_locations = [os.path.join(self["PORTDIR"], "profiles")]
+ pmask_locations.extend(self.profiles)
+ """ repoman controls PORTDIR_OVERLAY via the environment, so no
+ special cases are needed here."""
+ overlay_profiles = []
+ for ov in self["PORTDIR_OVERLAY"].split():
+ ov = normalize_path(ov)
+ profiles_dir = os.path.join(ov, "profiles")
+ if os.path.isdir(profiles_dir):
+ overlay_profiles.append(profiles_dir)
+ locations += overlay_profiles
+ pmask_locations.extend(overlay_profiles)
+ if local_config:
+ locations.append(abs_user_config)
+ pmask_locations.append(abs_user_config)
+ pusedict = grabdict_package(
+ os.path.join(abs_user_config, "package.use"), recursive=1)
+ for key in pusedict.keys():
+ cp = dep_getkey(key)
+ if not self.pusedict.has_key(cp):
+ self.pusedict[cp] = {}
+ self.pusedict[cp][key] = pusedict[key]
+ #package.keywords
+ pkgdict = grabdict_package(
+ os.path.join(abs_user_config, "package.keywords"),
+ recursive=1)
+ for key in pkgdict.keys():
+ # default to ~arch if no specific keyword is given
+ if not pkgdict[key]:
+ mykeywordlist = []
+ if self.configdict["defaults"] and self.configdict["defaults"].has_key("ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"):
+ groups = self.configdict["defaults"]["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"].split()
+ else:
+ groups = []
+ for keyword in groups:
+ if not keyword[0] in "~-":
+ mykeywordlist.append("~"+keyword)
+ pkgdict[key] = mykeywordlist
+ cp = dep_getkey(key)
+ if not self.pkeywordsdict.has_key(cp):
+ self.pkeywordsdict[cp] = {}
+ self.pkeywordsdict[cp][key] = pkgdict[key]
+ #package.unmask
+ pkgunmasklines = grabfile_package(
+ os.path.join(abs_user_config, "package.unmask"),
+ recursive=1)
+ for x in pkgunmasklines:
+ mycatpkg=dep_getkey(x)
+ if self.punmaskdict.has_key(mycatpkg):
+ self.punmaskdict[mycatpkg].append(x)
+ else:
+ self.punmaskdict[mycatpkg]=[x]
+ #getting categories from an external file now
+ categories = [grabfile(os.path.join(x, "categories")) for x in locations]
+ self.categories = stack_lists(categories, incremental=1)
+ del categories
+ archlist = [grabfile(os.path.join(x, "arch.list")) for x in locations]
+ archlist = stack_lists(archlist, incremental=1)
+ self.configdict["conf"]["PORTAGE_ARCHLIST"] = " ".join(archlist)
+ #package.mask
+ pkgmasklines = []
+ for x in pmask_locations:
+ pkgmasklines.append(grabfile_package(
+ os.path.join(x, "package.mask"), recursive=1))
+ pkgmasklines = stack_lists(pkgmasklines, incremental=1)
+ self.pmaskdict = {}
+ for x in pkgmasklines:
+ mycatpkg=dep_getkey(x)
+ if self.pmaskdict.has_key(mycatpkg):
+ self.pmaskdict[mycatpkg].append(x)
+ else:
+ self.pmaskdict[mycatpkg]=[x]
+ pkgprovidedlines = [grabfile(os.path.join(x, "package.provided")) for x in self.profiles]
+ pkgprovidedlines = stack_lists(pkgprovidedlines, incremental=1)
+ has_invalid_data = False
+ for x in range(len(pkgprovidedlines)-1, -1, -1):
+ myline = pkgprovidedlines[x]
+ if not isvalidatom("=" + myline):
+ writemsg("Invalid package name in package.provided:" + \
+ " %s\n" % myline, noiselevel=-1)
+ has_invalid_data = True
+ del pkgprovidedlines[x]
+ continue
+ cpvr = catpkgsplit(pkgprovidedlines[x])
+ if not cpvr or cpvr[0] == "null":
+ writemsg("Invalid package name in package.provided: "+pkgprovidedlines[x]+"\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ has_invalid_data = True
+ del pkgprovidedlines[x]
+ continue
+ if cpvr[0] == "virtual":
+ writemsg("Virtual package in package.provided: %s\n" % \
+ myline, noiselevel=-1)
+ has_invalid_data = True
+ del pkgprovidedlines[x]
+ continue
+ if has_invalid_data:
+ writemsg("See portage(5) for correct package.provided usage.\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ self.pprovideddict = {}
+ for x in pkgprovidedlines:
+ cpv=catpkgsplit(x)
+ if not x:
+ continue
+ mycatpkg=dep_getkey(x)
+ if self.pprovideddict.has_key(mycatpkg):
+ self.pprovideddict[mycatpkg].append(x)
+ else:
+ self.pprovideddict[mycatpkg]=[x]
+ # reasonable defaults; this is important as without USE_ORDER,
+ # USE will always be "" (nothing set)!
+ if "USE_ORDER" not in self:
+ self.backupenv["USE_ORDER"] = "env:pkg:conf:defaults:pkginternal"
+ self["PORTAGE_GID"] = str(portage_gid)
+ self.backup_changes("PORTAGE_GID")
+ if self.get("PORTAGE_DEPCACHEDIR", None):
+ self.depcachedir = self["PORTAGE_DEPCACHEDIR"]
+ self["PORTAGE_DEPCACHEDIR"] = self.depcachedir
+ self.backup_changes("PORTAGE_DEPCACHEDIR")
+ overlays = self.get("PORTDIR_OVERLAY","").split()
+ if overlays:
+ new_ov = []
+ for ov in overlays:
+ ov = normalize_path(ov)
+ if os.path.isdir(ov):
+ new_ov.append(ov)
+ else:
+ writemsg("!!! Invalid PORTDIR_OVERLAY" + \
+ " (not a dir): '%s'\n" % ov, noiselevel=-1)
+ self["PORTDIR_OVERLAY"] = " ".join(new_ov)
+ self.backup_changes("PORTDIR_OVERLAY")
+ if "CBUILD" not in self and "CHOST" in self:
+ self["CBUILD"] = self["CHOST"]
+ self.backup_changes("CBUILD")
+ self.backup_changes("PORTAGE_BIN_PATH")
+ self.backup_changes("PORTAGE_PYM_PATH")
+ try:
+ self[var] = str(int(self.get(var, "0")))
+ except ValueError:
+ writemsg(("!!! %s='%s' is not a valid integer. " + \
+ "Falling back to '0'.\n") % (var, self[var]),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ self[var] = "0"
+ self.backup_changes(var)
+ self.regenerate()
+ self.features = portage_util.unique_array(self["FEATURES"].split())
+ if "gpg" in self.features:
+ if not os.path.exists(self["PORTAGE_GPG_DIR"]) or \
+ not os.path.isdir(self["PORTAGE_GPG_DIR"]):
+ writemsg(colorize("BAD", "PORTAGE_GPG_DIR is invalid." + \
+ " Removing gpg from FEATURES.\n"), noiselevel=-1)
+ self.features.remove("gpg")
+ if not portage_exec.sandbox_capable and \
+ ("sandbox" in self.features or "usersandbox" in self.features):
+ if self.profile_path is not None and \
+ os.path.realpath(self.profile_path) == \
+ os.path.realpath(PROFILE_PATH):
+ """ Don't show this warning when running repoman and the
+ sandbox feature came from a profile that doesn't belong to
+ the user."""
+ writemsg(colorize("BAD", "!!! Problem with sandbox" + \
+ " binary. Disabling...\n\n"), noiselevel=-1)
+ if "sandbox" in self.features:
+ self.features.remove("sandbox")
+ if "usersandbox" in self.features:
+ self.features.remove("usersandbox")
+ self.features.sort()
+ self["FEATURES"] = " ".join(self.features)
+ self.backup_changes("FEATURES")
+ self._init_dirs()
+ if mycpv:
+ self.setcpv(mycpv)
+ def _init_dirs(self):
+ """
+ Create a few directories that are critical to portage operation
+ """
+ if not os.access(self["ROOT"], os.W_OK):
+ return
+ dir_mode_map = {
+ "tmp" :(-1, 01777, 0),
+ "var/tmp" :(-1, 01777, 0),
+ "var/lib/portage" :(portage_gid, 02750, 02),
+ "var/cache/edb" :(portage_gid, 0755, 02)
+ }
+ for mypath, (gid, mode, modemask) in dir_mode_map.iteritems():
+ try:
+ mydir = os.path.join(self["ROOT"], mypath)
+ portage_util.ensure_dirs(mydir, gid=gid, mode=mode, mask=modemask)
+ except portage_exception.PortageException, e:
+ writemsg("!!! Directory initialization failed: '%s'\n" % mydir,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! %s\n" % str(e),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ def validate(self):
+ """Validate miscellaneous settings and display warnings if necessary.
+ (This code was previously in the global scope of"""
+ groups = self["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"].split()
+ archlist = self.archlist()
+ if not archlist:
+ writemsg("--- 'profiles/arch.list' is empty or not available. Empty portage tree?\n")
+ else:
+ for group in groups:
+ if group not in archlist and group[0] != '-':
+ writemsg("!!! INVALID ACCEPT_KEYWORDS: %s\n" % str(group),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ abs_profile_path = os.path.join(self["PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT"],
+ PROFILE_PATH.lstrip(os.path.sep))
+ if not os.path.islink(abs_profile_path) and \
+ not os.path.exists(os.path.join(abs_profile_path, "parent")) and \
+ os.path.exists(os.path.join(self["PORTDIR"], "profiles")):
+ writemsg("\a\n\n!!! %s is not a symlink and will probably prevent most merges.\n" % abs_profile_path,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! It should point into a profile within %s/profiles/\n" % self["PORTDIR"])
+ writemsg("!!! (You can safely ignore this message when syncing. It's harmless.)\n\n\n")
+ abs_user_virtuals = os.path.join(self["PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT"],
+ USER_VIRTUALS_FILE.lstrip(os.path.sep))
+ if os.path.exists(abs_user_virtuals):
+ writemsg("\n!!! /etc/portage/virtuals is deprecated in favor of\n")
+ writemsg("!!! /etc/portage/profile/virtuals. Please move it to\n")
+ writemsg("!!! this new location.\n\n")
+ def loadVirtuals(self,root):
+ """Not currently used by portage."""
+ writemsg("DEPRECATED: portage.config.loadVirtuals\n")
+ self.getvirtuals(root)
+ def load_best_module(self,property_string):
+ best_mod = best_from_dict(property_string,self.modules,self.module_priority)
+ try:
+ mod = load_mod(best_mod)
+ except ImportError:
+ dump_traceback(red("Error: Failed to import module '%s'") % best_mod, noiselevel=0)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return mod
+ def lock(self):
+ self.locked = 1
+ def unlock(self):
+ self.locked = 0
+ def modifying(self):
+ if self.locked:
+ raise Exception, "Configuration is locked."
+ def backup_changes(self,key=None):
+ self.modifying()
+ if key and self.configdict["env"].has_key(key):
+ self.backupenv[key] = copy.deepcopy(self.configdict["env"][key])
+ else:
+ raise KeyError, "No such key defined in environment: %s" % key
+ def reset(self,keeping_pkg=0,use_cache=1):
+ """
+ Restore environment from self.backupenv, call self.regenerate()
+ @param keeping_pkg: Should we keep the set_cpv() data or delete it.
+ @type keeping_pkg: Boolean
+ @param use_cache: Should self.regenerate use the cache or not
+ @type use_cache: Boolean
+ @rype: None
+ """
+ self.modifying()
+ self.configdict["env"].clear()
+ self.configdict["env"].update(self.backupenv)
+ self.modifiedkeys = []
+ if not keeping_pkg:
+ self.mycpv = None
+ self.puse = ""
+ self.configdict["pkg"].clear()
+ self.configdict["pkginternal"].clear()
+ self.configdict["defaults"]["USE"] = \
+ " ".join(self.make_defaults_use)
+ self.usemask = set(stack_lists(
+ self.usemask_list, incremental=True))
+ self.useforce = set(stack_lists(
+ self.useforce_list, incremental=True))
+ self.regenerate(use_cache=use_cache)
+ def load_infodir(self,infodir):
+ self.modifying()
+ if self.configdict.has_key("pkg"):
+ for x in self.configdict["pkg"].keys():
+ del self.configdict["pkg"][x]
+ else:
+ writemsg("No pkg setup for settings instance?\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ sys.exit(17)
+ if os.path.exists(infodir):
+ if os.path.exists(infodir+"/environment"):
+ self.configdict["pkg"]["PORT_ENV_FILE"] = infodir+"/environment"
+ myre = re.compile('^[A-Z]+$')
+ null_byte = "\0"
+ for filename in listdir(infodir,filesonly=1,EmptyOnError=1):
+ if myre.match(filename):
+ try:
+ file_path = os.path.join(infodir, filename)
+ mydata = open(file_path).read().strip()
+ if len(mydata) < 2048 or filename == "USE":
+ if null_byte in mydata:
+ writemsg("!!! Null byte found in metadata " + \
+ "file: '%s'\n" % file_path, noiselevel=-1)
+ continue
+ if filename == "USE":
+ binpkg_flags = "-* " + mydata
+ self.configdict["pkg"][filename] = binpkg_flags
+ self.configdict["env"][filename] = mydata
+ else:
+ self.configdict["pkg"][filename] = mydata
+ self.configdict["env"][filename] = mydata
+ # CATEGORY is important because it's used in doebuild
+ # to infer the cpv. If it's corrupted, it leads to
+ # strange errors later on, so we'll validate it and
+ # print a warning if necessary.
+ if filename == "CATEGORY":
+ matchobj = re.match("[-a-zA-Z0-9_.+]+", mydata)
+ if not matchobj or matchobj.start() != 0 or \
+ matchobj.end() != len(mydata):
+ writemsg("!!! CATEGORY file is corrupt: %s\n" % \
+ os.path.join(infodir, filename), noiselevel=-1)
+ except (OSError, IOError):
+ writemsg("!!! Unable to read file: %s\n" % infodir+"/"+filename,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ pass
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def setcpv(self, mycpv, use_cache=1, mydb=None):
+ """
+ Load a particular CPV into the config, this lets us see the
+ Default USE flags for a particular ebuild as well as the USE
+ flags from package.use.
+ @param mycpv: A cpv to load
+ @type mycpv: string
+ @param use_cache: Enables caching
+ @type use_cache: Boolean
+ @param mydb: a dbapi instance that supports aux_get with the IUSE key.
+ @type mydb: dbapi or derivative.
+ @rtype: None
+ """
+ self.modifying()
+ if self.mycpv == mycpv:
+ return
+ has_changed = False
+ self.mycpv = mycpv
+ cp = dep_getkey(mycpv)
+ pkginternaluse = ""
+ if mydb:
+ pkginternaluse = " ".join([x[1:] \
+ for x in mydb.aux_get(mycpv, ["IUSE"])[0].split() \
+ if x.startswith("+")])
+ if pkginternaluse != self.configdict["pkginternal"].get("USE", ""):
+ self.configdict["pkginternal"]["USE"] = pkginternaluse
+ has_changed = True
+ defaults = []
+ for i in xrange(len(self.profiles)):
+ defaults.append(self.make_defaults_use[i])
+ cpdict = self.pkgprofileuse[i].get(cp, None)
+ if cpdict:
+ best_match = best_match_to_list(self.mycpv, cpdict.keys())
+ if best_match:
+ defaults.append(cpdict[best_match])
+ defaults = " ".join(defaults)
+ if defaults != self.configdict["defaults"].get("USE",""):
+ self.configdict["defaults"]["USE"] = defaults
+ has_changed = True
+ useforce = []
+ for i in xrange(len(self.profiles)):
+ useforce.append(self.useforce_list[i])
+ cpdict = self.puseforce_list[i].get(cp, None)
+ if cpdict:
+ best_match = best_match_to_list(self.mycpv, cpdict.keys())
+ if best_match:
+ useforce.append(cpdict[best_match])
+ useforce = set(stack_lists(useforce, incremental=True))
+ if useforce != self.useforce:
+ self.useforce = useforce
+ has_changed = True
+ usemask = []
+ for i in xrange(len(self.profiles)):
+ usemask.append(self.usemask_list[i])
+ cpdict = self.pusemask_list[i].get(cp, None)
+ if cpdict:
+ best_match = best_match_to_list(self.mycpv, cpdict.keys())
+ if best_match:
+ usemask.append(cpdict[best_match])
+ usemask = set(stack_lists(usemask, incremental=True))
+ if usemask != self.usemask:
+ self.usemask = usemask
+ has_changed = True
+ oldpuse = self.puse
+ self.puse = ""
+ if self.pusedict.has_key(cp):
+ self.pusekey = best_match_to_list(self.mycpv, self.pusedict[cp].keys())
+ if self.pusekey:
+ self.puse = " ".join(self.pusedict[cp][self.pusekey])
+ if oldpuse != self.puse:
+ has_changed = True
+ self.configdict["pkg"]["PKGUSE"] = self.puse[:] # For saving to PUSE file
+ self.configdict["pkg"]["USE"] = self.puse[:] # this gets appended to USE
+ # CATEGORY is essential for doebuild calls
+ self.configdict["pkg"]["CATEGORY"] = mycpv.split("/")[0]
+ if has_changed:
+ self.reset(keeping_pkg=1,use_cache=use_cache)
+ def setinst(self,mycpv,mydbapi):
+ self.modifying()
+ if len(self.virtuals) == 0:
+ self.getvirtuals()
+ # Grab the virtuals this package provides and add them into the tree virtuals.
+ provides = mydbapi.aux_get(mycpv, ["PROVIDE"])[0]
+ if isinstance(mydbapi, portdbapi):
+ myuse = self["USE"]
+ else:
+ myuse = mydbapi.aux_get(mycpv, ["USE"])[0]
+ virts = flatten(portage_dep.use_reduce(portage_dep.paren_reduce(provides), uselist=myuse.split()))
+ cp = dep_getkey(mycpv)
+ for virt in virts:
+ virt = dep_getkey(virt)
+ if not self.treeVirtuals.has_key(virt):
+ self.treeVirtuals[virt] = []
+ # XXX: Is this bad? -- It's a permanent modification
+ if cp not in self.treeVirtuals[virt]:
+ self.treeVirtuals[virt].append(cp)
+ self.virtuals = self.__getvirtuals_compile()
+ def regenerate(self,useonly=0,use_cache=1):
+ """
+ Regenerate settings
+ This involves regenerating valid USE flags, re-expanding USE_EXPAND flags
+ re-stacking USE flags (-flag and -*), as well as any other INCREMENTAL
+ variables. This also updates the env.d configdict; useful in case an ebuild
+ changes the environment.
+ If FEATURES has already stacked, it is not stacked twice.
+ @param useonly: Only regenerate USE flags (not any other incrementals)
+ @type useonly: Boolean
+ @param use_cache: Enable Caching (only for autouse)
+ @type use_cache: Boolean
+ @rtype: None
+ """
+ self.modifying()
+ if self.already_in_regenerate:
+ # XXX: THIS REALLY NEEDS TO GET FIXED. autouse() loops.
+ writemsg("!!! Looping in regenerate.\n",1)
+ return
+ else:
+ self.already_in_regenerate = 1
+ # We grab the latest profile.env here since it changes frequently.
+ self.configdict["env.d"].clear()
+ env_d = getconfig(
+ os.path.join(self["ROOT"], "etc", "profile.env"), expand=False)
+ if env_d:
+ # env_d will be None if profile.env doesn't exist.
+ self.configdict["env.d"].update(env_d)
+ if useonly:
+ myincrementals=["USE"]
+ else:
+ myincrementals = self.incrementals
+ myincrementals = set(myincrementals)
+ # If self.features exists, it has already been stacked and may have
+ # been mutated, so don't stack it again or else any mutations will be
+ # reverted.
+ if "FEATURES" in myincrementals and hasattr(self, "features"):
+ myincrementals.remove("FEATURES")
+ if "USE" in myincrementals:
+ # Process USE last because it depends on USE_EXPAND which is also
+ # an incremental!
+ myincrementals.remove("USE")
+ for mykey in myincrementals:
+ mydbs=self.configlist[:-1]
+ myflags=[]
+ for curdb in mydbs:
+ if mykey not in curdb:
+ continue
+ #variables are already expanded
+ mysplit = curdb[mykey].split()
+ for x in mysplit:
+ if x=="-*":
+ # "-*" is a special "minus" var that means "unset all settings".
+ # so USE="-* gnome" will have *just* gnome enabled.
+ myflags = []
+ continue
+ if x[0]=="+":
+ # Not legal. People assume too much. Complain.
+ writemsg(red("USE flags should not start with a '+': %s\n" % x),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ x=x[1:]
+ if not x:
+ continue
+ if (x[0]=="-"):
+ if (x[1:] in myflags):
+ # Unset/Remove it.
+ del myflags[myflags.index(x[1:])]
+ continue
+ # We got here, so add it now.
+ if x not in myflags:
+ myflags.append(x)
+ myflags.sort()
+ #store setting in last element of configlist, the original environment:
+ if myflags or mykey in self:
+ self.configlist[-1][mykey] = " ".join(myflags)
+ del myflags
+ # Do the USE calculation last because it depends on USE_EXPAND.
+ if "auto" in self["USE_ORDER"].split(":"):
+ self.configdict["auto"]["USE"] = autouse(
+ vartree(root=self["ROOT"], categories=self.categories,
+ settings=self),
+ use_cache=use_cache, mysettings=self)
+ else:
+ self.configdict["auto"]["USE"] = ""
+ use_expand_protected = []
+ use_expand = self.get("USE_EXPAND", "").split()
+ for var in use_expand:
+ var_lower = var.lower()
+ for x in self.get(var, "").split():
+ # Any incremental USE_EXPAND variables have already been
+ # processed, so leading +/- operators are invalid here.
+ if x[0] == "+":
+ writemsg(colorize("BAD", "Invalid '+' operator in " + \
+ "non-incremental variable '%s': '%s'\n" % (var, x)),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ x = x[1:]
+ if x[0] == "-":
+ writemsg(colorize("BAD", "Invalid '-' operator in " + \
+ "non-incremental variable '%s': '%s'\n" % (var, x)),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ continue
+ mystr = var_lower + "_" + x
+ if mystr not in use_expand_protected:
+ use_expand_protected.append(mystr)
+ if not self.uvlist:
+ for x in self["USE_ORDER"].split(":"):
+ if x in self.configdict:
+ self.uvlist.append(self.configdict[x])
+ self.uvlist.reverse()
+ myflags = use_expand_protected[:]
+ for curdb in self.uvlist:
+ if "USE" not in curdb:
+ continue
+ mysplit = curdb["USE"].split()
+ for x in mysplit:
+ if x == "-*":
+ myflags = use_expand_protected[:]
+ continue
+ if x[0] == "+":
+ writemsg(colorize("BAD", "USE flags should not start " + \
+ "with a '+': %s\n" % x), noiselevel=-1)
+ x = x[1:]
+ if not x:
+ continue
+ if x[0] == "-":
+ try:
+ myflags.remove(x[1:])
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ continue
+ if x not in myflags:
+ myflags.append(x)
+ myflags = set(myflags)
+ myflags.update(self.useforce)
+ # FEATURES=test should imply USE=test
+ if "test" in self.configlist[-1].get("FEATURES","").split():
+ myflags.add("test")
+ usesplit = [ x for x in myflags if \
+ x not in self.usemask]
+ usesplit.sort()
+ # Use the calculated USE flags to regenerate the USE_EXPAND flags so
+ # that they are consistent.
+ for var in use_expand:
+ prefix = var.lower() + "_"
+ prefix_len = len(prefix)
+ expand_flags = set([ x[prefix_len:] for x in usesplit \
+ if x.startswith(prefix) ])
+ var_split = self.get(var, "").split()
+ # Preserve the order of var_split because it can matter for things
+ # like LINGUAS.
+ var_split = [ x for x in var_split if x in expand_flags ]
+ var_split.extend(expand_flags.difference(var_split))
+ if var_split or var in self:
+ # Don't export empty USE_EXPAND vars unless the user config
+ # exports them as empty. This is required for vars such as
+ # LINGUAS, where unset and empty have different meanings.
+ self[var] = " ".join(var_split)
+ # Pre-Pend ARCH variable to USE settings so '-*' in env doesn't kill arch.
+ if self.configdict["defaults"].has_key("ARCH"):
+ if self.configdict["defaults"]["ARCH"]:
+ if self.configdict["defaults"]["ARCH"] not in usesplit:
+ usesplit.insert(0,self.configdict["defaults"]["ARCH"])
+ self.configlist[-1]["USE"]= " ".join(usesplit)
+ self.already_in_regenerate = 0
+ def get_virts_p(self, myroot):
+ if self.virts_p:
+ return self.virts_p
+ virts = self.getvirtuals(myroot)
+ if virts:
+ myvkeys = virts.keys()
+ for x in myvkeys:
+ vkeysplit = x.split("/")
+ if not self.virts_p.has_key(vkeysplit[1]):
+ self.virts_p[vkeysplit[1]] = virts[x]
+ return self.virts_p
+ def getvirtuals(self, myroot=None):
+ """myroot is now ignored because, due to caching, it has always been
+ broken for all but the first call."""
+ myroot = self["ROOT"]
+ if self.virtuals:
+ return self.virtuals
+ virtuals_list = []
+ for x in self.profiles:
+ virtuals_file = os.path.join(x, "virtuals")
+ virtuals_dict = grabdict(virtuals_file)
+ for k in virtuals_dict.keys():
+ if not isvalidatom(k) or dep_getkey(k) != k:
+ writemsg("--- Invalid virtuals atom in %s: %s\n" % \
+ (virtuals_file, k), noiselevel=-1)
+ del virtuals_dict[k]
+ continue
+ myvalues = virtuals_dict[k]
+ for x in myvalues:
+ myatom = x
+ if x.startswith("-"):
+ # allow incrementals
+ myatom = x[1:]
+ if not isvalidatom(myatom):
+ writemsg("--- Invalid atom in %s: %s\n" % \
+ (virtuals_file, x), noiselevel=-1)
+ myvalues.remove(x)
+ if not myvalues:
+ del virtuals_dict[k]
+ if virtuals_dict:
+ virtuals_list.append(virtuals_dict)
+ self.dirVirtuals = stack_dictlist(virtuals_list, incremental=True)
+ del virtuals_list
+ for virt in self.dirVirtuals:
+ # Preference for virtuals decreases from left to right.
+ self.dirVirtuals[virt].reverse()
+ # Repoman does not use user or tree virtuals.
+ if self.local_config and not self.treeVirtuals:
+ temp_vartree = vartree(myroot, None,
+ categories=self.categories, settings=self)
+ # Reduce the provides into a list by CP.
+ self.treeVirtuals = map_dictlist_vals(getCPFromCPV,temp_vartree.get_all_provides())
+ self.virtuals = self.__getvirtuals_compile()
+ return self.virtuals
+ def __getvirtuals_compile(self):
+ """Stack installed and profile virtuals. Preference for virtuals
+ decreases from left to right.
+ Order of preference:
+ 1. installed and in profile
+ 2. installed only
+ 3. profile only
+ """
+ # Virtuals by profile+tree preferences.
+ ptVirtuals = {}
+ for virt, installed_list in self.treeVirtuals.iteritems():
+ profile_list = self.dirVirtuals.get(virt, None)
+ if not profile_list:
+ continue
+ for cp in installed_list:
+ if cp in profile_list:
+ ptVirtuals.setdefault(virt, [])
+ ptVirtuals[virt].append(cp)
+ virtuals = stack_dictlist([ptVirtuals, self.treeVirtuals,
+ self.dirVirtuals])
+ return virtuals
+ def __delitem__(self,mykey):
+ self.modifying()
+ for x in self.lookuplist:
+ if x != None:
+ if mykey in x:
+ del x[mykey]
+ def __getitem__(self,mykey):
+ match = ''
+ for x in self.lookuplist:
+ if x is None:
+ writemsg("!!! lookuplist is null.\n")
+ elif x.has_key(mykey):
+ match = x[mykey]
+ break
+ return match
+ def has_key(self,mykey):
+ for x in self.lookuplist:
+ if x.has_key(mykey):
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def __contains__(self, mykey):
+ """Called to implement membership test operators (in and not in)."""
+ return bool(self.has_key(mykey))
+ def setdefault(self, k, x=None):
+ if k in self:
+ return self[k]
+ else:
+ self[k] = x
+ return x
+ def get(self, k, x=None):
+ if k in self:
+ return self[k]
+ else:
+ return x
+ def keys(self):
+ return unique_array(flatten([x.keys() for x in self.lookuplist]))
+ def __setitem__(self,mykey,myvalue):
+ "set a value; will be thrown away at reset() time"
+ if type(myvalue) != types.StringType:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid type being used as a value: '%s': '%s'" % (str(mykey),str(myvalue)))
+ self.modifying()
+ self.modifiedkeys += [mykey]
+ self.configdict["env"][mykey]=myvalue
+ def environ(self):
+ "return our locally-maintained environment"
+ mydict={}
+ for x in self.keys():
+ myvalue = self[x]
+ if not isinstance(myvalue, basestring):
+ writemsg("!!! Non-string value in config: %s=%s\n" % \
+ (x, myvalue), noiselevel=-1)
+ continue
+ mydict[x] = myvalue
+ if not mydict.has_key("HOME") and mydict.has_key("BUILD_PREFIX"):
+ writemsg("*** HOME not set. Setting to "+mydict["BUILD_PREFIX"]+"\n")
+ mydict["HOME"]=mydict["BUILD_PREFIX"][:]
+ return mydict
+ def thirdpartymirrors(self):
+ if getattr(self, "_thirdpartymirrors", None) is None:
+ profileroots = [os.path.join(self["PORTDIR"], "profiles")]
+ for x in self["PORTDIR_OVERLAY"].split():
+ profileroots.insert(0, os.path.join(x, "profiles"))
+ thirdparty_lists = [grabdict(os.path.join(x, "thirdpartymirrors")) for x in profileroots]
+ self._thirdpartymirrors = stack_dictlist(thirdparty_lists, incremental=True)
+ return self._thirdpartymirrors
+ def archlist(self):
+ return flatten([[myarch, "~" + myarch] \
+ for myarch in self["PORTAGE_ARCHLIST"].split()])
+ def selinux_enabled(self):
+ if getattr(self, "_selinux_enabled", None) is None:
+ self._selinux_enabled = 0
+ if "selinux" in self["USE"].split():
+ if "selinux" in globals():
+ if selinux.is_selinux_enabled() == 1:
+ self._selinux_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ self._selinux_enabled = 0
+ else:
+ writemsg("!!! SELinux module not found. Please verify that it was installed.\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ self._selinux_enabled = 0
+ if self._selinux_enabled == 0:
+ try:
+ del sys.modules["selinux"]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ return self._selinux_enabled
+# XXX This would be to replace getstatusoutput completely.
+# XXX Issue: cannot block execution. Deadlock condition.
+def spawn(mystring, mysettings, debug=0, free=0, droppriv=0, sesandbox=0, **keywords):
+ """
+ Spawn a subprocess with extra portage-specific options.
+ Optiosn include:
+ Sandbox: Sandbox means the spawned process will be limited in its ability t
+ read and write files (normally this means it is restricted to ${IMAGE}/)
+ SElinux Sandbox: Enables sandboxing on SElinux
+ Reduced Privileges: Drops privilages such that the process runs as portage:portage
+ instead of as root.
+ Notes: os.system cannot be used because it messes with signal handling. Instead we
+ use the portage_exec spawn* family of functions.
+ This function waits for the process to terminate.
+ @param mystring: Command to run
+ @type mystring: String
+ @param mysettings: Either a Dict of Key,Value pairs or an instance of portage.config
+ @type mysettings: Dictionary or config instance
+ @param debug: Ignored
+ @type debug: Boolean
+ @param free: Enable sandboxing for this process
+ @type free: Boolean
+ @param droppriv: Drop to portage:portage when running this command
+ @type droppriv: Boolean
+ @param sesandbox: Enable SELinux Sandboxing (toggles a context switch)
+ @type sesandbox: Boolean
+ @param keywords: Extra options encoded as a dict, to be passed to spawn
+ @type keywords: Dictionary
+ @rtype: Integer
+ @returns:
+ 1. The return code of the spawned process.
+ """
+ if type(mysettings) == types.DictType:
+ env=mysettings
+ keywords["opt_name"]="[ %s ]" % "portage"
+ else:
+ check_config_instance(mysettings)
+ env=mysettings.environ()
+ keywords["opt_name"]="[%s]" % mysettings["PF"]
+ # The default policy for the sesandbox domain only allows entry (via exec)
+ # from shells and from binaries that belong to portage (the number of entry
+ # points is minimized). The "tee" binary is not among the allowed entry
+ # points, so it is spawned outside of the sesandbox domain and reads from a
+ # pipe between two domains.
+ logfile = keywords.get("logfile")
+ mypids = []
+ pw = None
+ if logfile:
+ del keywords["logfile"]
+ fd_pipes = keywords.get("fd_pipes")
+ if fd_pipes is None:
+ fd_pipes = {0:0, 1:1, 2:2}
+ elif 1 not in fd_pipes or 2 not in fd_pipes:
+ raise ValueError(fd_pipes)
+ pr, pw = os.pipe()
+ mypids.extend(portage_exec.spawn(('tee', '-i', '-a', logfile),
+ returnpid=True, fd_pipes={0:pr, 1:fd_pipes[1], 2:fd_pipes[2]}))
+ os.close(pr)
+ fd_pipes[1] = pw
+ fd_pipes[2] = pw
+ keywords["fd_pipes"] = fd_pipes
+ features = mysettings.features
+ # XXX: Negative RESTRICT word
+ droppriv=(droppriv and ("userpriv" in features) and not \
+ (("nouserpriv" in mysettings["RESTRICT"].split()) or \
+ ("userpriv" in mysettings["RESTRICT"].split())))
+ if droppriv and not uid and portage_gid and portage_uid:
+ keywords.update({"uid":portage_uid,"gid":portage_gid,"groups":userpriv_groups,"umask":002})
+ if not free:
+ free=((droppriv and "usersandbox" not in features) or \
+ (not droppriv and "sandbox" not in features and "usersandbox" not in features))
+ if free:
+ keywords["opt_name"] += " bash"
+ spawn_func = portage_exec.spawn_bash
+ else:
+ keywords["opt_name"] += " sandbox"
+ spawn_func = portage_exec.spawn_sandbox
+ if sesandbox:
+ con = selinux.getcontext()
+ con = con.replace(mysettings["PORTAGE_T"], mysettings["PORTAGE_SANDBOX_T"])
+ selinux.setexec(con)
+ returnpid = keywords.get("returnpid")
+ keywords["returnpid"] = True
+ try:
+ mypids.extend(spawn_func(mystring, env=env, **keywords))
+ finally:
+ if pw:
+ os.close(pw)
+ if sesandbox:
+ selinux.setexec(None)
+ if returnpid:
+ return mypids
+ while mypids:
+ pid = mypids.pop(0)
+ retval = os.waitpid(pid, 0)[1]
+ portage_exec.spawned_pids.remove(pid)
+ if retval != os.EX_OK:
+ for pid in mypids:
+ if os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG) == (0,0):
+ os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
+ os.waitpid(pid, 0)
+ portage_exec.spawned_pids.remove(pid)
+ if retval & 0xff:
+ return (retval & 0xff) << 8
+ return retval >> 8
+ return os.EX_OK
+def fetch(myuris, mysettings, listonly=0, fetchonly=0, locks_in_subdir=".locks",use_locks=1, try_mirrors=1):
+ "fetch files. Will use digest file if available."
+ features = mysettings.features
+ # 'nomirror' is bad/negative logic. You Restrict mirroring, not no-mirroring.
+ if ("mirror" in mysettings["RESTRICT"].split()) or \
+ ("nomirror" in mysettings["RESTRICT"].split()):
+ if ("mirror" in features) and ("lmirror" not in features):
+ # lmirror should allow you to bypass mirror restrictions.
+ # XXX: This is not a good thing, and is temporary at best.
+ print ">>> \"mirror\" mode desired and \"mirror\" restriction found; skipping fetch."
+ return 1
+ thirdpartymirrors = mysettings.thirdpartymirrors()
+ check_config_instance(mysettings)
+ custommirrors = grabdict(os.path.join(mysettings["PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT"],
+ CUSTOM_MIRRORS_FILE.lstrip(os.path.sep)), recursive=1)
+ mymirrors=[]
+ if listonly or ("distlocks" not in features):
+ use_locks = 0
+ fetch_to_ro = 0
+ if "skiprocheck" in features:
+ fetch_to_ro = 1
+ if not os.access(mysettings["DISTDIR"],os.W_OK) and fetch_to_ro:
+ if use_locks:
+ writemsg(red("!!! For fetching to a read-only filesystem, " + \
+ "locking should be turned off.\n"), noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! This can be done by adding -distlocks to " + \
+ "FEATURES in /etc/make.conf\n", noiselevel=-1)
+# use_locks = 0
+ # local mirrors are always added
+ if custommirrors.has_key("local"):
+ mymirrors += custommirrors["local"]
+ if ("nomirror" in mysettings["RESTRICT"].split()) or \
+ ("mirror" in mysettings["RESTRICT"].split()):
+ # We don't add any mirrors.
+ pass
+ else:
+ if try_mirrors:
+ mymirrors += [x.rstrip("/") for x in mysettings["GENTOO_MIRRORS"].split() if x]
+ mydigests = Manifest(
+ mysettings["O"], mysettings["DISTDIR"]).getTypeDigests("DIST")
+ fsmirrors = []
+ for x in range(len(mymirrors)-1,-1,-1):
+ if mymirrors[x] and mymirrors[x][0]=='/':
+ fsmirrors += [mymirrors[x]]
+ del mymirrors[x]
+ restrict_fetch = "fetch" in mysettings["RESTRICT"].split()
+ custom_local_mirrors = custommirrors.get("local", [])
+ if restrict_fetch:
+ # With fetch restriction, a normal uri may only be fetched from
+ # custom local mirrors (if available). A mirror:// uri may also
+ # be fetched from specific mirrors (effectively overriding fetch
+ # restriction, but only for specific mirrors).
+ locations = custom_local_mirrors
+ else:
+ locations = mymirrors
+ filedict={}
+ primaryuri_indexes={}
+ for myuri in myuris:
+ myfile=os.path.basename(myuri)
+ if not filedict.has_key(myfile):
+ filedict[myfile]=[]
+ for y in range(0,len(locations)):
+ filedict[myfile].append(locations[y]+"/distfiles/"+myfile)
+ if myuri[:9]=="mirror://":
+ eidx = myuri.find("/", 9)
+ if eidx != -1:
+ mirrorname = myuri[9:eidx]
+ # Try user-defined mirrors first
+ if custommirrors.has_key(mirrorname):
+ for cmirr in custommirrors[mirrorname]:
+ filedict[myfile].append(cmirr+"/"+myuri[eidx+1:])
+ # remove the mirrors we tried from the list of official mirrors
+ if cmirr.strip() in thirdpartymirrors[mirrorname]:
+ thirdpartymirrors[mirrorname].remove(cmirr)
+ # now try the official mirrors
+ if thirdpartymirrors.has_key(mirrorname):
+ shuffle(thirdpartymirrors[mirrorname])
+ for locmirr in thirdpartymirrors[mirrorname]:
+ filedict[myfile].append(locmirr+"/"+myuri[eidx+1:])
+ if not filedict[myfile]:
+ writemsg("No known mirror by the name: %s\n" % (mirrorname))
+ else:
+ writemsg("Invalid mirror definition in SRC_URI:\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg(" %s\n" % (myuri), noiselevel=-1)
+ else:
+ if restrict_fetch:
+ # Only fetch from specific mirrors is allowed.
+ continue
+ if "primaryuri" in mysettings["RESTRICT"].split():
+ # Use the source site first.
+ if primaryuri_indexes.has_key(myfile):
+ primaryuri_indexes[myfile] += 1
+ else:
+ primaryuri_indexes[myfile] = 0
+ filedict[myfile].insert(primaryuri_indexes[myfile], myuri)
+ else:
+ filedict[myfile].append(myuri)
+ can_fetch=True
+ if listonly:
+ can_fetch = False
+ for var_name in ("FETCHCOMMAND", "RESUMECOMMAND"):
+ if not mysettings.get(var_name, None):
+ can_fetch = False
+ if can_fetch:
+ dirmode = 02070
+ filemode = 060
+ modemask = 02
+ distdir_dirs = [""]
+ if "distlocks" in features:
+ distdir_dirs.append(".locks")
+ try:
+ for x in distdir_dirs:
+ mydir = os.path.join(mysettings["DISTDIR"], x)
+ if portage_util.ensure_dirs(mydir, gid=portage_gid, mode=dirmode, mask=modemask):
+ writemsg("Adjusting permissions recursively: '%s'\n" % mydir,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ def onerror(e):
+ raise # bail out on the first error that occurs during recursion
+ if not apply_recursive_permissions(mydir,
+ gid=portage_gid, dirmode=dirmode, dirmask=modemask,
+ filemode=filemode, filemask=modemask, onerror=onerror):
+ raise portage_exception.OperationNotPermitted(
+ "Failed to apply recursive permissions for the portage group.")
+ except portage_exception.PortageException, e:
+ if not os.path.isdir(mysettings["DISTDIR"]):
+ writemsg("!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! Directory Not Found: DISTDIR='%s'\n" % mysettings["DISTDIR"], noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! Fetching will fail!\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ if can_fetch and \
+ not fetch_to_ro and \
+ not os.access(mysettings["DISTDIR"], os.W_OK):
+ writemsg("!!! No write access to '%s'\n" % mysettings["DISTDIR"],
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ can_fetch = False
+ if can_fetch and use_locks and locks_in_subdir:
+ distlocks_subdir = os.path.join(mysettings["DISTDIR"], locks_in_subdir)
+ if not os.access(distlocks_subdir, os.W_OK):
+ writemsg("!!! No write access to write to %s. Aborting.\n" % distlocks_subdir,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ return 0
+ del distlocks_subdir
+ for myfile in filedict.keys():
+ """
+ fetched status
+ 0 nonexistent
+ 1 partially downloaded
+ 2 completely downloaded
+ """
+ myfile_path = os.path.join(mysettings["DISTDIR"], myfile)
+ fetched=0
+ file_lock = None
+ if listonly:
+ writemsg_stdout("\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ else:
+ if use_locks and can_fetch:
+ if locks_in_subdir:
+ file_lock = portage_locks.lockfile(mysettings["DISTDIR"]+"/"+locks_in_subdir+"/"+myfile,wantnewlockfile=1)
+ else:
+ file_lock = portage_locks.lockfile(mysettings["DISTDIR"]+"/"+myfile,wantnewlockfile=1)
+ try:
+ if not listonly:
+ if fsmirrors and not os.path.exists(myfile_path):
+ for mydir in fsmirrors:
+ mirror_file = os.path.join(mydir, myfile)
+ try:
+ shutil.copyfile(mirror_file, myfile_path)
+ writemsg(_("Local mirror has file:" + \
+ " %(file)s\n" % {"file":myfile}))
+ break
+ except (IOError, OSError), e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ del e
+ try:
+ mystat = os.stat(myfile_path)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ del e
+ else:
+ try:
+ apply_secpass_permissions(
+ myfile_path, gid=portage_gid, mode=0664, mask=02,
+ stat_cached=mystat)
+ except portage_exception.PortageException, e:
+ if not os.access(myfile_path, os.R_OK):
+ writemsg("!!! Failed to adjust permissions:" + \
+ " %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+ if myfile not in mydigests:
+ # We don't have a digest, but the file exists. We must
+ # assume that it is fully downloaded.
+ continue
+ else:
+ if mystat.st_size < mydigests[myfile]["size"] and \
+ not restrict_fetch:
+ fetched = 1 # Try to resume this download.
+ else:
+ verified_ok, reason = portage_checksum.verify_all(
+ myfile_path, mydigests[myfile])
+ if not verified_ok:
+ writemsg("!!! Previously fetched" + \
+ " file: '%s'\n" % myfile, noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! Reason: %s\n" % reason[0],
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg(("!!! Got: %s\n" + \
+ "!!! Expected: %s\n") % \
+ (reason[1], reason[2]), noiselevel=-1)
+ if can_fetch and not restrict_fetch:
+ writemsg("Refetching...\n\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ os.unlink(myfile_path)
+ else:
+ eout = output.EOutput()
+ eout.quiet = \
+ mysettings.get("PORTAGE_QUIET", None) == "1"
+ for digest_name in mydigests[myfile]:
+ eout.ebegin(
+ "%s %s ;-)" % (myfile, digest_name))
+ eout.eend(0)
+ continue # fetch any remaining files
+ for loc in filedict[myfile]:
+ if listonly:
+ writemsg_stdout(loc+" ", noiselevel=-1)
+ continue
+ # allow different fetchcommands per protocol
+ protocol = loc[0:loc.find("://")]
+ if mysettings.has_key("FETCHCOMMAND_"+protocol.upper()):
+ fetchcommand=mysettings["FETCHCOMMAND_"+protocol.upper()]
+ else:
+ fetchcommand=mysettings["FETCHCOMMAND"]
+ if mysettings.has_key("RESUMECOMMAND_"+protocol.upper()):
+ resumecommand=mysettings["RESUMECOMMAND_"+protocol.upper()]
+ else:
+ resumecommand=mysettings["RESUMECOMMAND"]
+ fetchcommand=fetchcommand.replace("${DISTDIR}",mysettings["DISTDIR"])
+ resumecommand=resumecommand.replace("${DISTDIR}",mysettings["DISTDIR"])
+ if not can_fetch:
+ if fetched != 2:
+ if fetched == 0:
+ writemsg("!!! File %s isn't fetched but unable to get it.\n" % myfile,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ else:
+ writemsg("!!! File %s isn't fully fetched, but unable to complete it\n" % myfile,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ for var_name in ("FETCHCOMMAND", "RESUMECOMMAND"):
+ if not mysettings.get(var_name, None):
+ writemsg(("!!! %s is unset. It should " + \
+ "have been defined in /etc/make.globals.\n") \
+ % var_name, noiselevel=-1)
+ return 0
+ else:
+ continue
+ if fetched != 2:
+ #we either need to resume or start the download
+ #you can't use "continue" when you're inside a "try" block
+ if fetched==1:
+ #resume mode:
+ writemsg(">>> Resuming download...\n")
+ locfetch=resumecommand
+ else:
+ #normal mode:
+ locfetch=fetchcommand
+ writemsg_stdout(">>> Downloading '%s'\n" % \
+ re.sub(r'//(.+):.+@(.+)/',r'//\1:*password*@\2/', loc))
+ myfetch=locfetch.replace("${URI}",loc)
+ myfetch=myfetch.replace("${FILE}",myfile)
+ spawn_keywords = {}
+ if "userfetch" in mysettings.features and \
+ os.getuid() == 0 and portage_gid and portage_uid:
+ spawn_keywords.update({
+ "uid" : portage_uid,
+ "gid" : portage_gid,
+ "groups" : userpriv_groups,
+ "umask" : 002})
+ try:
+ if mysettings.selinux_enabled():
+ con = selinux.getcontext()
+ con = con.replace(mysettings["PORTAGE_T"], mysettings["PORTAGE_FETCH_T"])
+ selinux.setexec(con)
+ myret = portage_exec.spawn_bash(myfetch,
+ env=mysettings.environ(), **spawn_keywords)
+ if mysettings.selinux_enabled():
+ selinux.setexec(None)
+ finally:
+ try:
+ apply_secpass_permissions(myfile_path,
+ gid=portage_gid, mode=0664, mask=02)
+ except portage_exception.FileNotFound, e:
+ pass
+ except portage_exception.PortageException, e:
+ if not os.access(myfile_path, os.R_OK):
+ writemsg("!!! Failed to adjust permissions:" + \
+ " %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+ if mydigests!=None and mydigests.has_key(myfile):
+ try:
+ mystat = os.stat(myfile_path)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ del e
+ fetched = 0
+ else:
+ # no exception? file exists. let digestcheck() report
+ # an appropriately for size or checksum errors
+ if (mystat[stat.ST_SIZE]<mydigests[myfile]["size"]):
+ # Fetch failed... Try the next one... Kill 404 files though.
+ if (mystat[stat.ST_SIZE]<100000) and (len(myfile)>4) and not ((myfile[-5:]==".html") or (myfile[-4:]==".htm")):
+ html404=re.compile("<title>.*(not found|404).*</title>",re.I|re.M)
+ if["DISTDIR"]+"/"+myfile).read()):
+ try:
+ os.unlink(mysettings["DISTDIR"]+"/"+myfile)
+ writemsg(">>> Deleting invalid distfile. (Improper 404 redirect from server.)\n")
+ fetched = 0
+ continue
+ except (IOError, OSError):
+ pass
+ fetched = 1
+ continue
+ if not fetchonly:
+ fetched=2
+ break
+ else:
+ # File is the correct size--check the checksums for the fetched
+ # file NOW, for those users who don't have a stable/continuous
+ # net connection. This way we have a chance to try to download
+ # from another mirror...
+ verified_ok,reason = portage_checksum.verify_all(mysettings["DISTDIR"]+"/"+myfile, mydigests[myfile])
+ if not verified_ok:
+ print reason
+ writemsg("!!! Fetched file: "+str(myfile)+" VERIFY FAILED!\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! Reason: "+reason[0]+"\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! Got: %s\n!!! Expected: %s\n" % \
+ (reason[1], reason[2]), noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("Removing corrupt distfile...\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ os.unlink(mysettings["DISTDIR"]+"/"+myfile)
+ fetched=0
+ else:
+ eout = output.EOutput()
+ eout.quiet = mysettings.get("PORTAGE_QUIET", None) == "1"
+ for x_key in mydigests[myfile].keys():
+ eout.ebegin("%s %s ;-)" % (myfile, x_key))
+ eout.eend(0)
+ fetched=2
+ break
+ else:
+ if not myret:
+ fetched=2
+ break
+ elif mydigests!=None:
+ writemsg("No digest file available and download failed.\n\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ finally:
+ if use_locks and file_lock:
+ portage_locks.unlockfile(file_lock)
+ if listonly:
+ writemsg_stdout("\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ if fetched != 2:
+ if restrict_fetch:
+ print "\n!!!", mysettings["CATEGORY"] + "/" + \
+ mysettings["PF"], "has fetch restriction turned on."
+ print "!!! This probably means that this " + \
+ "ebuild's files must be downloaded"
+ print "!!! manually. See the comments in" + \
+ " the ebuild for more information.\n"
+ spawn(EBUILD_SH_BINARY + " nofetch", mysettings)
+ elif listonly:
+ continue
+ elif not filedict[myfile]:
+ writemsg("Warning: No mirrors available for file" + \
+ " '%s'\n" % (myfile), noiselevel=-1)
+ else:
+ writemsg("!!! Couldn't download '%s'. Aborting.\n" % myfile,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ return 0
+ return 1
+def digestgen(myarchives, mysettings, overwrite=1, manifestonly=0, myportdb=None):
+ """
+ Generates a digest file if missing. Assumes all files are available.
+ DEPRECATED: this now only is a compability wrapper for
+ portage_manifest.Manifest()
+ NOTE: manifestonly and overwrite are useless with manifest2 and
+ are therefore ignored."""
+ if myportdb is None:
+ writemsg("Warning: myportdb not specified to digestgen\n")
+ global portdb
+ myportdb = portdb
+ global _doebuild_manifest_exempt_depend
+ try:
+ _doebuild_manifest_exempt_depend += 1
+ distfiles_map = {}
+ fetchlist_dict = FetchlistDict(mysettings["O"], mysettings, myportdb)
+ for cpv, fetchlist in fetchlist_dict.iteritems():
+ for myfile in fetchlist:
+ distfiles_map.setdefault(myfile, []).append(cpv)
+ mf = Manifest(mysettings["O"], mysettings["DISTDIR"],
+ fetchlist_dict=fetchlist_dict)
+ # Don't require all hashes since that can trigger excessive
+ # fetches when sufficient digests already exist. To ease transition
+ # while Manifest 1 is being removed, only require hashes that will
+ # exist before and after the transition.
+ required_hash_types = set(portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS
+ ).intersection(portage_const.MANIFEST2_HASH_FUNCTIONS)
+ required_hash_types.add("size")
+ dist_hashes = mf.fhashdict.get("DIST", {})
+ missing_hashes = set()
+ for myfile in distfiles_map:
+ myhashes = dist_hashes.get(myfile)
+ if not myhashes:
+ missing_hashes.add(myfile)
+ continue
+ if required_hash_types.difference(myhashes):
+ missing_hashes.add(myfile)
+ if missing_hashes:
+ missing_files = []
+ for myfile in missing_hashes:
+ try:
+ os.stat(os.path.join(mysettings["DISTDIR"], myfile))
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ del e
+ missing_files.append(myfile)
+ if missing_files:
+ mytree = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(
+ os.path.dirname(mysettings["O"])))
+ myuris = []
+ for myfile in missing_files:
+ for cpv in distfiles_map[myfile]:
+ alluris, aalist = myportdb.getfetchlist(
+ cpv, mytree=mytree, all=True,
+ mysettings=mysettings)
+ for uri in alluris:
+ if os.path.basename(uri) == myfile:
+ myuris.append(uri)
+ if not fetch(myuris, mysettings):
+ writemsg(("!!! File %s doesn't exist, can't update " + \
+ "Manifest\n") % myfile, noiselevel=-1)
+ return 0
+ writemsg_stdout(">>> Creating Manifest for %s\n" % mysettings["O"])
+ try:
+ mf.create(requiredDistfiles=myarchives,
+ assumeDistHashesSometimes=True,
+ assumeDistHashesAlways=(
+ "assume-digests" in mysettings.features))
+ except portage_exception.FileNotFound, e:
+ writemsg(("!!! File %s doesn't exist, can't update " + \
+ "Manifest\n") % e, noiselevel=-1)
+ return 0
+ mf.write(sign=False)
+ if "assume-digests" not in mysettings.features:
+ distlist = mf.fhashdict.get("DIST", {}).keys()
+ distlist.sort()
+ auto_assumed = []
+ for filename in distlist:
+ if not os.path.exists(
+ os.path.join(mysettings["DISTDIR"], filename)):
+ auto_assumed.append(filename)
+ if auto_assumed:
+ mytree = os.path.realpath(
+ os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mysettings["O"])))
+ cp = os.path.sep.join(mysettings["O"].split(os.path.sep)[-2:])
+ pkgs = myportdb.cp_list(cp, mytree=mytree)
+ pkgs.sort()
+ writemsg_stdout(" digest.assumed" + output.colorize("WARN",
+ str(len(auto_assumed)).rjust(18)) + "\n")
+ for pkg_key in pkgs:
+ fetchlist = myportdb.getfetchlist(pkg_key,
+ mysettings=mysettings, all=True, mytree=mytree)[1]
+ pv = pkg_key.split("/")[1]
+ for filename in auto_assumed:
+ if filename in fetchlist:
+ writemsg_stdout(
+ " digest-%s::%s\n" % (pv, filename))
+ return 1
+ finally:
+ _doebuild_manifest_exempt_depend -= 1
+def digestParseFile(myfilename, mysettings=None):
+ """(filename) -- Parses a given file for entries matching:
+ <checksumkey> <checksum_hex_string> <filename> <filesize>
+ Ignores lines that don't start with a valid checksum identifier
+ and returns a dict with the filenames as keys and {checksumkey:checksum}
+ as the values.
+ DEPRECATED: this function is now only a compability wrapper for
+ portage_manifest.Manifest()."""
+ mysplit = myfilename.split(os.sep)
+ if mysplit[-2] == "files" and mysplit[-1].startswith("digest-"):
+ pkgdir = os.sep + os.sep.join(mysplit[:-2]).strip(os.sep)
+ elif mysplit[-1] == "Manifest":
+ pkgdir = os.sep + os.sep.join(mysplit[:-1]).strip(os.sep)
+ if mysettings is None:
+ global settings
+ mysettings = config(clone=settings)
+ return Manifest(pkgdir, mysettings["DISTDIR"]).getDigests()
+def digestcheck(myfiles, mysettings, strict=0, justmanifest=0):
+ """Verifies checksums. Assumes all files have been downloaded.
+ DEPRECATED: this is now only a compability wrapper for
+ portage_manifest.Manifest()."""
+ if not strict:
+ return 1
+ pkgdir = mysettings["O"]
+ manifest_path = os.path.join(pkgdir, "Manifest")
+ if not os.path.exists(manifest_path):
+ writemsg("!!! Manifest file not found: '%s'\n" % manifest_path,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ if strict:
+ return 0
+ mf = Manifest(pkgdir, mysettings["DISTDIR"])
+ eout = output.EOutput()
+ eout.quiet = mysettings.get("PORTAGE_QUIET", None) == "1"
+ try:
+ eout.ebegin("checking ebuild checksums ;-)")
+ mf.checkTypeHashes("EBUILD")
+ eout.eend(0)
+ eout.ebegin("checking auxfile checksums ;-)")
+ mf.checkTypeHashes("AUX")
+ eout.eend(0)
+ eout.ebegin("checking miscfile checksums ;-)")
+ mf.checkTypeHashes("MISC", ignoreMissingFiles=True)
+ eout.eend(0)
+ for f in myfiles:
+ eout.ebegin("checking %s ;-)" % f)
+ mf.checkFileHashes(mf.findFile(f), f)
+ eout.eend(0)
+ except KeyError, e:
+ eout.eend(1)
+ writemsg("\n!!! Missing digest for %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+ return 0
+ except portage_exception.FileNotFound, e:
+ eout.eend(1)
+ writemsg("\n!!! A file listed in the Manifest could not be found: %s\n" % str(e),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ return 0
+ except portage_exception.DigestException, e:
+ eout.eend(1)
+ writemsg("\n!!! Digest verification failed:\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! %s\n" % e.value[0], noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! Reason: %s\n" % e.value[1], noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! Got: %s\n" % e.value[2], noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! Expected: %s\n" % e.value[3], noiselevel=-1)
+ return 0
+ # Make sure that all of the ebuilds are actually listed in the Manifest.
+ for f in os.listdir(pkgdir):
+ if f.endswith(".ebuild") and not mf.hasFile("EBUILD", f):
+ writemsg("!!! A file is not listed in the Manifest: '%s'\n" % \
+ os.path.join(pkgdir, f), noiselevel=-1)
+ return 0
+ """ epatch will just grab all the patches out of a directory, so we have to
+ make sure there aren't any foreign files that it might grab."""
+ filesdir = os.path.join(pkgdir, "files")
+ for parent, dirs, files in os.walk(filesdir):
+ for d in dirs:
+ if d.startswith(".") or d == "CVS":
+ dirs.remove(d)
+ for f in files:
+ if f.startswith("."):
+ continue
+ f = os.path.join(parent, f)[len(filesdir) + 1:]
+ file_type = mf.findFile(f)
+ if file_type != "AUX" and not f.startswith("digest-"):
+ writemsg("!!! A file is not listed in the Manifest: '%s'\n" % \
+ os.path.join(filesdir, f), noiselevel=-1)
+ return 0
+ return 1
+# parse actionmap to spawn ebuild with the appropriate args
+def spawnebuild(mydo,actionmap,mysettings,debug,alwaysdep=0,logfile=None):
+ if alwaysdep or "noauto" not in mysettings.features:
+ # process dependency first
+ if "dep" in actionmap[mydo].keys():
+ retval=spawnebuild(actionmap[mydo]["dep"],actionmap,mysettings,debug,alwaysdep=alwaysdep,logfile=logfile)
+ if retval:
+ return retval
+ kwargs = actionmap[mydo]["args"]
+ mysettings["EBUILD_PHASE"] = mydo
+ phase_retval = spawn(actionmap[mydo]["cmd"] % mydo, mysettings, debug=debug, logfile=logfile, **kwargs)
+ mysettings["EBUILD_PHASE"] = ""
+ if not kwargs["droppriv"] and secpass >= 2:
+ """ Privileged phases may have left files that need to be made
+ writable to a less privileged user."""
+ apply_recursive_permissions(mysettings["T"],
+ uid=portage_uid, gid=portage_gid, dirmode=070, dirmask=0,
+ filemode=060, filemask=0)
+ if phase_retval == os.EX_OK:
+ if mydo == "install":
+ # User and group bits that match the "portage" user or group are
+ # automatically mapped to PORTAGE_INST_UID and PORTAGE_INST_GID if
+ # necessary. The chown system call may clear S_ISUID and S_ISGID
+ # bits, so those bits are restored if necessary.
+ inst_uid = int(mysettings["PORTAGE_INST_UID"])
+ inst_gid = int(mysettings["PORTAGE_INST_GID"])
+ for parent, dirs, files in os.walk(mysettings["D"]):
+ for fname in chain(dirs, files):
+ fpath = os.path.join(parent, fname)
+ mystat = os.lstat(fpath)
+ if mystat.st_uid != portage_uid and \
+ mystat.st_gid != portage_gid:
+ continue
+ myuid = -1
+ mygid = -1
+ if mystat.st_uid == portage_uid:
+ myuid = inst_uid
+ if mystat.st_gid == portage_gid:
+ mygid = inst_gid
+ apply_secpass_permissions(fpath, uid=myuid, gid=mygid,
+ mode=mystat.st_mode, stat_cached=mystat,
+ follow_links=False)
+ mycommand = " ".join([MISC_SH_BINARY, "install_qa_check", "install_symlink_html_docs"])
+ qa_retval = spawn(mycommand, mysettings, debug=debug, logfile=logfile, **kwargs)
+ if qa_retval:
+ writemsg("!!! install_qa_check failed; exiting.\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ return qa_retval
+ return phase_retval
+def eapi_is_supported(eapi):
+ return str(eapi).strip() == str(portage_const.EAPI).strip()
+def doebuild_environment(myebuild, mydo, myroot, mysettings, debug, use_cache, mydbapi):
+ ebuild_path = os.path.abspath(myebuild)
+ pkg_dir = os.path.dirname(ebuild_path)
+ if mysettings.configdict["pkg"].has_key("CATEGORY"):
+ cat = mysettings.configdict["pkg"]["CATEGORY"]
+ else:
+ cat = os.path.basename(normalize_path(os.path.join(pkg_dir, "..")))
+ mypv = os.path.basename(ebuild_path)[:-7]
+ mycpv = cat+"/"+mypv
+ mysplit=pkgsplit(mypv,silent=0)
+ if mysplit is None:
+ raise portage_exception.IncorrectParameter(
+ "Invalid ebuild path: '%s'" % myebuild)
+ if mydo != "depend":
+ """For performance reasons, setcpv only triggers reset when it
+ detects a package-specific change in config. For the ebuild
+ environment, a reset call is forced in order to ensure that the
+ latest env.d variables are used."""
+ mysettings.reset(use_cache=use_cache)
+ mysettings.setcpv(mycpv, use_cache=use_cache, mydb=mydbapi)
+ mysettings["EBUILD_PHASE"] = mydo
+ mysettings["PORTAGE_MASTER_PID"] = str(os.getpid())
+ # We are disabling user-specific bashrc files.
+ mysettings["BASH_ENV"] = INVALID_ENV_FILE
+ if debug: # Otherwise it overrides emerge's settings.
+ # We have no other way to set debug... debug can't be passed in
+ # due to how it's coded... Don't overwrite this so we can use it.
+ mysettings["PORTAGE_DEBUG"] = "1"
+ mysettings["ROOT"] = myroot
+ mysettings["STARTDIR"] = getcwd()
+ mysettings["EBUILD"] = ebuild_path
+ mysettings["O"] = pkg_dir
+ mysettings.configdict["pkg"]["CATEGORY"] = cat
+ mysettings["FILESDIR"] = pkg_dir+"/files"
+ mysettings["PF"] = mypv
+ mysettings["ECLASSDIR"] = mysettings["PORTDIR"]+"/eclass"
+ mysettings["SANDBOX_LOG"] = mycpv.replace("/", "_-_")
+ mysettings["PROFILE_PATHS"] = "\n".join(mysettings.profiles)+"\n"+CUSTOM_PROFILE_PATH
+ mysettings["P"] = mysplit[0]+"-"+mysplit[1]
+ mysettings["PN"] = mysplit[0]
+ mysettings["PV"] = mysplit[1]
+ mysettings["PR"] = mysplit[2]
+ if portage_util.noiselimit < 0:
+ mysettings["PORTAGE_QUIET"] = "1"
+ if mydo != "depend":
+ eapi, mysettings["INHERITED"], mysettings["SLOT"], mysettings["RESTRICT"] = \
+ mydbapi.aux_get(mycpv, ["EAPI", "INHERITED", "SLOT", "RESTRICT"])
+ if not eapi_is_supported(eapi):
+ # can't do anything with this.
+ raise portage_exception.UnsupportedAPIException(mycpv, eapi)
+ mysettings["PORTAGE_RESTRICT"] = " ".join(flatten(
+ portage_dep.use_reduce(portage_dep.paren_reduce(
+ mysettings["RESTRICT"]), uselist=mysettings["USE"].split())))
+ if mysplit[2] == "r0":
+ mysettings["PVR"]=mysplit[1]
+ else:
+ mysettings["PVR"]=mysplit[1]+"-"+mysplit[2]
+ if mysettings.has_key("PATH"):
+ mysplit=mysettings["PATH"].split(":")
+ else:
+ mysplit=[]
+ if PORTAGE_BIN_PATH not in mysplit:
+ mysettings["PATH"]=PORTAGE_BIN_PATH+":"+mysettings["PATH"]
+ # Sandbox needs cannonical paths.
+ mysettings["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"] = os.path.realpath(
+ mysettings["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"])
+ mysettings["BUILD_PREFIX"] = mysettings["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"]+"/portage"
+ mysettings["PKG_TMPDIR"] = mysettings["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"]+"/binpkgs"
+ # Package {pre,post}inst and {pre,post}rm may overlap, so they must have separate
+ # locations in order to prevent interference.
+ if mydo in ("unmerge", "prerm", "postrm", "cleanrm"):
+ mysettings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"] = os.path.join(
+ mysettings["PKG_TMPDIR"],
+ mysettings["CATEGORY"], mysettings["PF"])
+ else:
+ mysettings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"] = os.path.join(
+ mysettings["BUILD_PREFIX"],
+ mysettings["CATEGORY"], mysettings["PF"])
+ mysettings["HOME"] = os.path.join(mysettings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"], "homedir")
+ mysettings["WORKDIR"] = os.path.join(mysettings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"], "work")
+ mysettings["D"] = os.path.join(mysettings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"], "image") + os.sep
+ mysettings["T"] = os.path.join(mysettings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"], "temp")
+ mysettings["PORTAGE_BASHRC"] = os.path.join(
+ mysettings["PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT"], EBUILD_SH_ENV_FILE.lstrip(os.path.sep))
+ #set up KV variable -- DEP SPEEDUP :: Don't waste time. Keep var persistent.
+ if (mydo!="depend") or not mysettings.has_key("KV"):
+ mykv,err1=ExtractKernelVersion(os.path.join(myroot, "usr/src/linux"))
+ if mykv:
+ # Regular source tree
+ mysettings["KV"]=mykv
+ else:
+ mysettings["KV"]=""
+ if (mydo!="depend") or not mysettings.has_key("KVERS"):
+ myso=os.uname()[2]
+ mysettings["KVERS"]=myso[1]
+ # Allow to control colors associated with einfo, ewarn, etc...
+ mycolors = []
+ for c in ("GOOD", "WARN", "BAD", "HILITE", "BRACKET"):
+ mycolors.append("%s=$'%s'" % (c,[c]))
+ mysettings["PORTAGE_COLORMAP"] = "\n".join(mycolors)
+def prepare_build_dirs(myroot, mysettings, cleanup):
+ clean_dirs = [mysettings["HOME"]]
+ # We enable cleanup when we want to make sure old cruft (such as the old
+ # environment) doesn't interfere with the current phase.
+ if cleanup:
+ clean_dirs.append(mysettings["T"])
+ for clean_dir in clean_dirs:
+ try:
+ shutil.rmtree(clean_dir)
+ except OSError, oe:
+ if errno.ENOENT == oe.errno:
+ pass
+ elif errno.EPERM == oe.errno:
+ writemsg("%s\n" % oe, noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("Operation Not Permitted: rmtree('%s')\n" % \
+ clean_dir, noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ else:
+ raise
+ def makedirs(dir_path):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(dir_path)
+ except OSError, oe:
+ if errno.EEXIST == oe.errno:
+ pass
+ elif errno.EPERM == oe.errno:
+ writemsg("%s\n" % oe, noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("Operation Not Permitted: makedirs('%s')\n" % \
+ dir_path, noiselevel=-1)
+ return False
+ else:
+ raise
+ return True
+ mysettings["PKG_LOGDIR"] = os.path.join(mysettings["T"], "logging")
+ mydirs = [os.path.dirname(mysettings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"])]
+ mydirs.append(os.path.dirname(mydirs[-1]))
+ try:
+ for mydir in mydirs:
+ portage_util.ensure_dirs(mydir)
+ portage_util.apply_secpass_permissions(mydir,
+ gid=portage_gid, uid=portage_uid, mode=070, mask=0)
+ for dir_key in ("PORTAGE_BUILDDIR", "HOME", "PKG_LOGDIR", "T"):
+ """These directories don't necessarily need to be group writable.
+ However, the setup phase is commonly run as a privileged user prior
+ to the other phases being run by an unprivileged user. Currently,
+ we use the portage group to ensure that the unprivleged user still
+ has write access to these directories in any case."""
+ portage_util.ensure_dirs(mysettings[dir_key], mode=0775)
+ portage_util.apply_secpass_permissions(mysettings[dir_key],
+ uid=portage_uid, gid=portage_gid)
+ except portage_exception.PermissionDenied, e:
+ writemsg("Permission Denied: %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ except portage_exception.OperationNotPermitted, e:
+ writemsg("Operation Not Permitted: %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ except portage_exception.FileNotFound, e:
+ writemsg("File Not Found: '%s'\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ features_dirs = {
+ "ccache":{
+ "basedir_var":"CCACHE_DIR",
+ "default_dir":os.path.join(mysettings["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"], "ccache"),
+ "always_recurse":False},
+ "confcache":{
+ "basedir_var":"CONFCACHE_DIR",
+ "default_dir":os.path.join(mysettings["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"], "confcache"),
+ "always_recurse":True},
+ "distcc":{
+ "basedir_var":"DISTCC_DIR",
+ "default_dir":os.path.join(mysettings["BUILD_PREFIX"], ".distcc"),
+ "subdirs":("lock", "state"),
+ "always_recurse":True}
+ }
+ dirmode = 02070
+ filemode = 060
+ modemask = 02
+ for myfeature, kwargs in features_dirs.iteritems():
+ if myfeature in mysettings.features:
+ basedir = mysettings[kwargs["basedir_var"]]
+ if basedir == "":
+ basedir = kwargs["default_dir"]
+ mysettings[kwargs["basedir_var"]] = basedir
+ try:
+ mydirs = [mysettings[kwargs["basedir_var"]]]
+ if "subdirs" in kwargs:
+ for subdir in kwargs["subdirs"]:
+ mydirs.append(os.path.join(basedir, subdir))
+ for mydir in mydirs:
+ modified = portage_util.ensure_dirs(mydir,
+ gid=portage_gid, mode=dirmode, mask=modemask)
+ # To avoid excessive recursive stat calls, we trigger
+ # recursion when the top level directory does not initially
+ # match our permission requirements.
+ if modified or kwargs["always_recurse"]:
+ if modified:
+ writemsg("Adjusting permissions recursively: '%s'\n" % mydir,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ def onerror(e):
+ raise # The feature is disabled if a single error
+ # occurs during permissions adjustment.
+ if not apply_recursive_permissions(mydir,
+ gid=portage_gid, dirmode=dirmode, dirmask=modemask,
+ filemode=filemode, filemask=modemask, onerror=onerror):
+ raise portage_exception.OperationNotPermitted(
+ "Failed to apply recursive permissions for the portage group.")
+ except portage_exception.PortageException, e:
+ mysettings.features.remove(myfeature)
+ mysettings["FEATURES"] = " ".join(mysettings.features)
+ writemsg("!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! Failed resetting perms on %s='%s'\n" % \
+ (kwargs["basedir_var"], basedir), noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! Disabled FEATURES='%s'\n" % myfeature,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ time.sleep(5)
+ workdir_mode = 0700
+ try:
+ mode = mysettings["PORTAGE_WORKDIR_MODE"]
+ if mode.isdigit():
+ parsed_mode = int(mode, 8)
+ elif mode == "":
+ raise KeyError()
+ else:
+ raise ValueError()
+ if parsed_mode & 07777 != parsed_mode:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid file mode: %s" % mode)
+ else:
+ workdir_mode = parsed_mode
+ except KeyError, e:
+ writemsg("!!! PORTAGE_WORKDIR_MODE is unset, using %s.\n" % oct(workdir_mode))
+ except ValueError, e:
+ if len(str(e)) > 0:
+ writemsg("%s\n" % e)
+ writemsg("!!! Unable to parse PORTAGE_WORKDIR_MODE='%s', using %s.\n" % \
+ (mysettings["PORTAGE_WORKDIR_MODE"], oct(workdir_mode)))
+ mysettings["PORTAGE_WORKDIR_MODE"] = oct(workdir_mode)
+ try:
+ apply_secpass_permissions(mysettings["WORKDIR"],
+ uid=portage_uid, gid=portage_gid, mode=workdir_mode)
+ except portage_exception.FileNotFound:
+ pass # will create it
+ if mysettings.get("PORT_LOGDIR", "") == "":
+ while "PORT_LOGDIR" in mysettings:
+ del mysettings["PORT_LOGDIR"]
+ if "PORT_LOGDIR" in mysettings:
+ try:
+ portage_util.ensure_dirs(mysettings["PORT_LOGDIR"],
+ uid=portage_uid, gid=portage_gid, mode=02770)
+ except portage_exception.PortageException, e:
+ writemsg("!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! Permission issues with PORT_LOGDIR='%s'\n" % \
+ mysettings["PORT_LOGDIR"], noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! Disabling logging.\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ while "PORT_LOGDIR" in mysettings:
+ del mysettings["PORT_LOGDIR"]
+ if "PORT_LOGDIR" in mysettings:
+ logid_path = os.path.join(mysettings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"], ".logid")
+ if not os.path.exists(logid_path):
+ f = open(logid_path, "w")
+ f.close()
+ del f
+ logid_time = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S",
+ time.gmtime(os.stat(logid_path).st_mtime))
+ mysettings["PORTAGE_LOG_FILE"] = os.path.join(
+ mysettings["PORT_LOGDIR"], "%s:%s:%s.log" % \
+ (mysettings["CATEGORY"], mysettings["PF"], logid_time))
+ del logid_path, logid_time
+ else:
+ # When sesandbox is enabled, only log if PORT_LOGDIR is explicitly
+ # enabled since it is possible that local SELinux security policies
+ # do not allow ouput to be piped out of the sesandbox domain.
+ if not (mysettings.selinux_enabled() and \
+ "sesandbox" in mysettings.features):
+ mysettings["PORTAGE_LOG_FILE"] = os.path.join(
+ mysettings["T"], "build.log")
+_doebuild_manifest_exempt_depend = 0
+_doebuild_manifest_checked = None
+def doebuild(myebuild, mydo, myroot, mysettings, debug=0, listonly=0,
+ fetchonly=0, cleanup=0, dbkey=None, use_cache=1, fetchall=0, tree=None,
+ mydbapi=None, vartree=None, prev_mtimes=None):
+ """
+ Wrapper function that invokes specific ebuild phases through the spawning
+ of
+ @param myebuild: name of the ebuild to invoke the phase on (CPV)
+ @type myebuild: String
+ @param mydo: Phase to run
+ @type mydo: String
+ @param myroot: $ROOT (usually '/', see man make.conf)
+ @type myroot: String
+ @param mysettings: Portage Configuration
+ @type mysettings: instance of portage.config
+ @param debug: Turns on various debug information (eg, debug for spawn)
+ @type debug: Boolean
+ @param listonly: Used to wrap fetch(); passed such that fetch only lists files required.
+ @type listonly: Boolean
+ @param fetchonly: Used to wrap fetch(); passed such that files are only fetched (no other actions)
+ @type fetchonly: Boolean
+ @param cleanup: Passed to prepare_build_dirs (TODO: what does it do?)
+ @type cleanup: Boolean
+ @param dbkey: A dict (usually keys and values from the depend phase, such as KEYWORDS, USE, etc..)
+ @type dbkey: Dict or String
+ @param use_cache: Enables the cache
+ @type use_cache: Boolean
+ @param fetchall: Used to wrap fetch(), fetches all URI's (even ones invalid due to USE conditionals)
+ @type fetchall: Boolean
+ @param tree: Which tree to use ('vartree','porttree','bintree', etc..), defaults to 'porttree'
+ @type tree: String
+ @param mydbapi: a dbapi instance to pass to various functions; this should be a portdbapi instance.
+ @type mydbapi: portdbapi instance
+ @param vartree: A instance of vartree; used for aux_get calls, defaults to db[myroot]['vartree']
+ @type vartree: vartree instance
+ @param prev_mtimes: A dict of { filename:mtime } keys used by merge() to do config_protection
+ @type prev_mtimes: dictionary
+ @rtype: Boolean
+ @returns:
+ 1. 0 for success
+ 2. 1 for error
+ Most errors have an accompanying error message.
+ listonly and fetchonly are only really necessary for operations involving 'fetch'
+ prev_mtimes are only necessary for merge operations.
+ Other variables may not be strictly required, many have defaults that are set inside of doebuild.
+ """
+ if not tree:
+ writemsg("Warning: tree not specified to doebuild\n")
+ tree = "porttree"
+ global db
+ # chunked out deps for each phase, so that ebuild binary can use it
+ # to collapse targets down.
+ actionmap_deps={
+ "depend": [],
+ "setup": [],
+ "unpack": ["setup"],
+ "compile":["unpack"],
+ "test": ["compile"],
+ "install":["test"],
+ "rpm": ["install"],
+ "package":["install"],
+ }
+ if mydbapi is None:
+ mydbapi = db[myroot][tree].dbapi
+ if vartree is None and mydo in ("merge", "qmerge", "unmerge"):
+ vartree = db[myroot]["vartree"]
+ features = mysettings.features
+ validcommands = ["help","clean","prerm","postrm","cleanrm","preinst","postinst",
+ "config","setup","depend","fetch","digest",
+ "unpack","compile","test","install","rpm","qmerge","merge",
+ "package","unmerge", "manifest"]
+ if mydo not in validcommands:
+ validcommands.sort()
+ writemsg("!!! doebuild: '%s' is not one of the following valid commands:" % mydo,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ for vcount in range(len(validcommands)):
+ if vcount%6 == 0:
+ writemsg("\n!!! ", noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg(validcommands[vcount].ljust(11), noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ if not os.path.exists(myebuild):
+ writemsg("!!! doebuild: %s not found for %s\n" % (myebuild, mydo),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ global _doebuild_manifest_exempt_depend
+ if "strict" in features and \
+ "digest" not in features and \
+ tree == "porttree" and \
+ mydo not in ("digest", "manifest", "help") and \
+ not _doebuild_manifest_exempt_depend:
+ # Always verify the ebuild checksums before executing it.
+ pkgdir = os.path.dirname(myebuild)
+ manifest_path = os.path.join(pkgdir, "Manifest")
+ global _doebuild_manifest_checked
+ # Avoid checking the same Manifest several times in a row during a
+ # regen with an empty cache.
+ if _doebuild_manifest_checked != manifest_path:
+ if not os.path.exists(manifest_path):
+ writemsg("!!! Manifest file not found: '%s'\n" % manifest_path,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ mf = Manifest(pkgdir, mysettings["DISTDIR"])
+ try:
+ mf.checkTypeHashes("EBUILD")
+ except portage_exception.FileNotFound, e:
+ writemsg("!!! A file listed in the Manifest " + \
+ "could not be found: %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ except portage_exception.DigestException, e:
+ writemsg("!!! Digest verification failed:\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! %s\n" % e.value[0], noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! Reason: %s\n" % e.value[1], noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! Got: %s\n" % e.value[2], noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! Expected: %s\n" % e.value[3], noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ # Make sure that all of the ebuilds are actually listed in the
+ # Manifest.
+ for f in os.listdir(pkgdir):
+ if f.endswith(".ebuild") and not mf.hasFile("EBUILD", f):
+ writemsg("!!! A file is not listed in the " + \
+ "Manifest: '%s'\n" % os.path.join(pkgdir, f),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ _doebuild_manifest_checked = manifest_path
+ logfile=None
+ builddir_lock = None
+ try:
+ if mydo in ("digest", "manifest", "help"):
+ # Temporarily exempt the depend phase from manifest checks, in case
+ # aux_get calls trigger cache generation.
+ _doebuild_manifest_exempt_depend += 1
+ doebuild_environment(myebuild, mydo, myroot, mysettings, debug,
+ use_cache, mydbapi)
+ # get possible slot information from the deps file
+ if mydo == "depend":
+ writemsg("!!! DEBUG: dbkey: %s\n" % str(dbkey), 2)
+ if isinstance(dbkey, dict):
+ mysettings["dbkey"] = ""
+ pr, pw = os.pipe()
+ fd_pipes = {0:0, 1:1, 2:2, 9:pw}
+ mypids = spawn(EBUILD_SH_BINARY + " depend", mysettings,
+ fd_pipes=fd_pipes, returnpid=True)
+ os.close(pw) # belongs exclusively to the child process now
+ maxbytes = 1024
+ mybytes = []
+ while True:
+ mybytes.append(, maxbytes))
+ if not mybytes[-1]:
+ break
+ os.close(pr)
+ mybytes = "".join(mybytes)
+ global auxdbkeys
+ for k, v in izip(auxdbkeys, mybytes.splitlines()):
+ dbkey[k] = v
+ retval = os.waitpid(mypids[0], 0)[1]
+ portage_exec.spawned_pids.remove(mypids[0])
+ # If it got a signal, return the signal that was sent, but
+ # shift in order to distinguish it from a return value. (just
+ # like portage_exec.spawn() would do).
+ if retval & 0xff:
+ return (retval & 0xff) << 8
+ # Otherwise, return its exit code.
+ return retval >> 8
+ elif dbkey:
+ mysettings["dbkey"] = dbkey
+ else:
+ mysettings["dbkey"] = \
+ os.path.join(mysettings.depcachedir, "aux_db_key_temp")
+ return spawn(EBUILD_SH_BINARY + " depend", mysettings)
+ # Validate dependency metadata here to ensure that ebuilds with invalid
+ # data are never installed (even via the ebuild command).
+ invalid_dep_exempt_phases = \
+ set(["clean", "cleanrm", "help", "prerm", "postrm"])
+ mycpv = mysettings["CATEGORY"] + "/" + mysettings["PF"]
+ dep_keys = ["DEPEND", "RDEPEND", "PDEPEND"]
+ metadata = dict(izip(dep_keys, mydbapi.aux_get(mycpv, dep_keys)))
+ class FakeTree(object):
+ def __init__(self, mydb):
+ self.dbapi = mydb
+ dep_check_trees = {myroot:{}}
+ dep_check_trees[myroot]["porttree"] = \
+ FakeTree(fakedbapi(settings=mysettings))
+ for dep_type in dep_keys:
+ mycheck = dep_check(metadata[dep_type], None, mysettings,
+ myuse="all", myroot=myroot, trees=dep_check_trees)
+ if not mycheck[0]:
+ writemsg("%s: %s\n%s\n" % (
+ dep_type, metadata[dep_type], mycheck[1]), noiselevel=-1)
+ if mydo not in invalid_dep_exempt_phases:
+ return 1
+ del dep_type, mycheck
+ del mycpv, dep_keys, metadata, FakeTree, dep_check_trees
+ if "PORTAGE_TMPDIR" not in mysettings or \
+ not os.path.isdir(mysettings["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"]):
+ writemsg("The directory specified in your " + \
+ "PORTAGE_TMPDIR variable, '%s',\n" % \
+ mysettings.get("PORTAGE_TMPDIR", ""), noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("does not exist. Please create this directory or " + \
+ "correct your PORTAGE_TMPDIR setting.\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ # Build directory creation isn't required for any of these.
+ if mydo not in ("digest", "fetch", "help", "manifest"):
+ mystatus = prepare_build_dirs(myroot, mysettings, cleanup)
+ if mystatus:
+ return mystatus
+ # PORTAGE_LOG_FILE is set above by the prepare_build_dirs() call.
+ logfile = mysettings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE", None)
+ if mydo == "unmerge":
+ return unmerge(mysettings["CATEGORY"],
+ mysettings["PF"], myroot, mysettings, vartree=vartree)
+ # if any of these are being called, handle them -- running them out of
+ # the sandbox -- and stop now.
+ if mydo in ["clean","cleanrm"]:
+ return spawn(EBUILD_SH_BINARY + " clean", mysettings,
+ debug=debug, free=1, logfile=None)
+ elif mydo == "help":
+ return spawn(EBUILD_SH_BINARY + " " + mydo, mysettings,
+ debug=debug, free=1, logfile=logfile)
+ elif mydo == "setup":
+ infodir = os.path.join(
+ mysettings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"], "build-info")
+ if os.path.isdir(infodir):
+ """Load USE flags for setup phase of a binary package.
+ Ideally, the environment.bz2 would be used instead."""
+ mysettings.load_infodir(infodir)
+ retval = spawn(EBUILD_SH_BINARY + " " + mydo, mysettings,
+ debug=debug, free=1, logfile=logfile)
+ if secpass >= 2:
+ """ Privileged phases may have left files that need to be made
+ writable to a less privileged user."""
+ apply_recursive_permissions(mysettings["T"],
+ uid=portage_uid, gid=portage_gid, dirmode=070, dirmask=0,
+ filemode=060, filemask=0)
+ return retval
+ elif mydo == "preinst":
+ mysettings["IMAGE"] = mysettings["D"]
+ phase_retval = spawn(" ".join((EBUILD_SH_BINARY, mydo)),
+ mysettings, debug=debug, free=1, logfile=logfile)
+ if phase_retval == os.EX_OK:
+ # Post phase logic and tasks that have been factored out of
+ #
+ myargs = [MISC_SH_BINARY, "preinst_bsdflags", "preinst_mask",
+ "preinst_sfperms", "preinst_selinux_labels",
+ "preinst_suid_scan"]
+ mysettings["EBUILD_PHASE"] = ""
+ phase_retval = spawn(" ".join(myargs),
+ mysettings, debug=debug, free=1, logfile=logfile)
+ if phase_retval != os.EX_OK:
+ writemsg("!!! post preinst failed; exiting.\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ del mysettings["IMAGE"]
+ return phase_retval
+ elif mydo == "postinst":
+ mysettings.load_infodir(mysettings["O"])
+ phase_retval = spawn(" ".join((EBUILD_SH_BINARY, mydo)),
+ mysettings, debug=debug, free=1, logfile=logfile)
+ if phase_retval == os.EX_OK:
+ # Post phase logic and tasks that have been factored out of
+ #
+ myargs = [MISC_SH_BINARY, "postinst_bsdflags"]
+ mysettings["EBUILD_PHASE"] = ""
+ phase_retval = spawn(" ".join(myargs),
+ mysettings, debug=debug, free=1, logfile=logfile)
+ if phase_retval != os.EX_OK:
+ writemsg("!!! post postinst failed; exiting.\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ return phase_retval
+ elif mydo in ["prerm","postrm","config"]:
+ mysettings.load_infodir(mysettings["O"])
+ return spawn(EBUILD_SH_BINARY + " " + mydo,
+ mysettings, debug=debug, free=1, logfile=logfile)
+ mycpv = "/".join((mysettings["CATEGORY"], mysettings["PF"]))
+ # Make sure we get the correct tree in case there are overlays.
+ mytree = os.path.realpath(
+ os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mysettings["O"])))
+ newuris, alist = mydbapi.getfetchlist(
+ mycpv, mytree=mytree, mysettings=mysettings)
+ alluris, aalist = mydbapi.getfetchlist(
+ mycpv, mytree=mytree, all=True, mysettings=mysettings)
+ mysettings["A"] = " ".join(alist)
+ mysettings["AA"] = " ".join(aalist)
+ if ("mirror" in features) or fetchall:
+ fetchme = alluris[:]
+ checkme = aalist[:]
+ elif mydo == "digest":
+ fetchme = alluris[:]
+ checkme = aalist[:]
+ # Skip files that we already have digests for.
+ mf = Manifest(mysettings["O"], mysettings["DISTDIR"])
+ mydigests = mf.getTypeDigests("DIST")
+ for filename, hashes in mydigests.iteritems():
+ if len(hashes) == len(mf.hashes):
+ checkme = [i for i in checkme if i != filename]
+ fetchme = [i for i in fetchme \
+ if os.path.basename(i) != filename]
+ del filename, hashes
+ else:
+ fetchme = newuris[:]
+ checkme = alist[:]
+ # Only try and fetch the files if we are going to need them ...
+ # otherwise, if user has FEATURES=noauto and they run `ebuild clean
+ # unpack compile install`, we will try and fetch 4 times :/
+ need_distfiles = (mydo in ("fetch", "unpack") or \
+ mydo not in ("digest", "manifest") and "noauto" not in features)
+ if need_distfiles and not fetch(
+ fetchme, mysettings, listonly=listonly, fetchonly=fetchonly):
+ return 1
+ if mydo == "fetch" and listonly:
+ return 0
+ try:
+ if mydo == "manifest":
+ return not digestgen(aalist, mysettings, overwrite=1,
+ manifestonly=1, myportdb=mydbapi)
+ elif mydo == "digest":
+ return not digestgen(aalist, mysettings, overwrite=1,
+ myportdb=mydbapi)
+ elif "digest" in mysettings.features:
+ digestgen(aalist, mysettings, overwrite=0, myportdb=mydbapi)
+ except portage_exception.PermissionDenied, e:
+ writemsg("!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+ if mydo in ("digest", "manifest"):
+ return 1
+ # See above comment about fetching only when needed
+ if not digestcheck(checkme, mysettings, ("strict" in features),
+ (mydo not in ["digest","fetch","unpack"] and \
+ mysettings.get("PORTAGE_CALLER", None) == "ebuild" and \
+ "noauto" in features)):
+ return 1
+ if mydo == "fetch":
+ return 0
+ # remove PORTAGE_ACTUAL_DISTDIR once cvs/svn is supported via SRC_URI
+ if (mydo != "setup" and "noauto" not in features) or mydo == "unpack":
+ orig_distdir = mysettings["DISTDIR"]
+ mysettings["PORTAGE_ACTUAL_DISTDIR"] = orig_distdir
+ edpath = mysettings["DISTDIR"] = \
+ os.path.join(mysettings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"], "distdir")
+ if os.path.exists(edpath):
+ try:
+ if os.path.isdir(edpath) and not os.path.islink(edpath):
+ shutil.rmtree(edpath)
+ else:
+ os.unlink(edpath)
+ except OSError:
+ print "!!! Failed reseting ebuild distdir path, " + edpath
+ raise
+ os.mkdir(edpath)
+ apply_secpass_permissions(edpath, uid=portage_uid, mode=0755)
+ try:
+ for file in aalist:
+ os.symlink(os.path.join(orig_distdir, file),
+ os.path.join(edpath, file))
+ except OSError:
+ print "!!! Failed symlinking in '%s' to ebuild distdir" % file
+ raise
+ #initial dep checks complete; time to process main commands
+ nosandbox = (("userpriv" in features) and \
+ ("usersandbox" not in features) and \
+ ("userpriv" not in mysettings["RESTRICT"]) and \
+ ("nouserpriv" not in mysettings["RESTRICT"]))
+ if nosandbox and ("userpriv" not in features or \
+ "userpriv" in mysettings["RESTRICT"] or \
+ "nouserpriv" in mysettings["RESTRICT"]):
+ nosandbox = ("sandbox" not in features and \
+ "usersandbox" not in features)
+ sesandbox = mysettings.selinux_enabled() and \
+ "sesandbox" in mysettings.features
+ ebuild_sh = EBUILD_SH_BINARY + " %s"
+ misc_sh = MISC_SH_BINARY + " dyn_%s"
+ # args are for the to spawn function
+ actionmap = {
+"depend": {"cmd":ebuild_sh, "args":{"droppriv":1, "free":0, "sesandbox":0}},
+"setup": {"cmd":ebuild_sh, "args":{"droppriv":0, "free":1, "sesandbox":0}},
+"unpack": {"cmd":ebuild_sh, "args":{"droppriv":1, "free":0, "sesandbox":sesandbox}},
+"compile":{"cmd":ebuild_sh, "args":{"droppriv":1, "free":nosandbox, "sesandbox":sesandbox}},
+"test": {"cmd":ebuild_sh, "args":{"droppriv":1, "free":nosandbox, "sesandbox":sesandbox}},
+"install":{"cmd":ebuild_sh, "args":{"droppriv":0, "free":0, "sesandbox":sesandbox}},
+"rpm": {"cmd":misc_sh, "args":{"droppriv":0, "free":0, "sesandbox":0}},
+"package":{"cmd":misc_sh, "args":{"droppriv":0, "free":0, "sesandbox":0}},
+ }
+ # merge the deps in so we have again a 'full' actionmap
+ # be glad when this can die.
+ for x in actionmap.keys():
+ if len(actionmap_deps.get(x, [])):
+ actionmap[x]["dep"] = ' '.join(actionmap_deps[x])
+ if mydo in actionmap.keys():
+ if mydo=="package":
+ portage_util.ensure_dirs(
+ os.path.join(mysettings["PKGDIR"], mysettings["CATEGORY"]))
+ portage_util.ensure_dirs(
+ os.path.join(mysettings["PKGDIR"], "All"))
+ retval = spawnebuild(mydo,
+ actionmap, mysettings, debug, logfile=logfile)
+ elif mydo=="qmerge":
+ # check to ensure install was run. this *only* pops up when users
+ # forget it and are using ebuild
+ if not os.path.exists(
+ os.path.join(mysettings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"], ".installed")):
+ writemsg("!!! mydo=qmerge, but install phase hasn't been ran\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ # qmerge is a special phase that implies noclean.
+ if "noclean" not in mysettings.features:
+ mysettings.features.append("noclean")
+ #qmerge is specifically not supposed to do a runtime dep check
+ retval = merge(
+ mysettings["CATEGORY"], mysettings["PF"], mysettings["D"],
+ os.path.join(mysettings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"], "build-info"),
+ myroot, mysettings, myebuild=mysettings["EBUILD"], mytree=tree,
+ mydbapi=mydbapi, vartree=vartree, prev_mtimes=prev_mtimes)
+ elif mydo=="merge":
+ retval = spawnebuild("install", actionmap, mysettings, debug,
+ alwaysdep=1, logfile=logfile)
+ if retval == os.EX_OK:
+ retval = merge(mysettings["CATEGORY"], mysettings["PF"],
+ mysettings["D"], os.path.join(mysettings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"],
+ "build-info"), myroot, mysettings,
+ myebuild=mysettings["EBUILD"], mytree=tree, mydbapi=mydbapi,
+ vartree=vartree, prev_mtimes=prev_mtimes)
+ else:
+ print "!!! Unknown mydo:",mydo
+ return 1
+ if retval != os.EX_OK and tree == "porttree":
+ for i in xrange(len(mydbapi.porttrees)-1):
+ t = mydbapi.porttrees[i+1]
+ if myebuild.startswith(t):
+ # Display the non-cannonical path, in case it's different, to
+ # prevent confusion.
+ overlays = mysettings["PORTDIR_OVERLAY"].split()
+ try:
+ writemsg("!!! This ebuild is from an overlay: '%s'\n" % \
+ overlays[i], noiselevel=-1)
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ break
+ return retval
+ finally:
+ if builddir_lock:
+ portage_locks.unlockdir(builddir_lock)
+ # Make sure that DISTDIR is restored to it's normal value before we return!
+ if "PORTAGE_ACTUAL_DISTDIR" in mysettings:
+ mysettings["DISTDIR"] = mysettings["PORTAGE_ACTUAL_DISTDIR"]
+ del mysettings["PORTAGE_ACTUAL_DISTDIR"]
+ if logfile:
+ try:
+ if os.stat(logfile).st_size == 0:
+ os.unlink(logfile)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ if mydo in ("digest", "manifest", "help"):
+ # If necessary, depend phase has been triggered by aux_get calls
+ # and the exemption is no longer needed.
+ _doebuild_manifest_exempt_depend -= 1
+def movefile(src,dest,newmtime=None,sstat=None,mysettings=None):
+ """moves a file from src to dest, preserving all permissions and attributes; mtime will
+ be preserved even when moving across filesystems. Returns true on success and false on
+ failure. Move is atomic."""
+ #print "movefile("+str(src)+","+str(dest)+","+str(newmtime)+","+str(sstat)+")"
+ global lchown
+ if mysettings is None:
+ global settings
+ mysettings = settings
+ selinux_enabled = mysettings.selinux_enabled()
+ try:
+ if not sstat:
+ sstat=os.lstat(src)
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ raise
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "!!! Stating source file failed... movefile()"
+ print "!!!",e
+ return None
+ destexists=1
+ try:
+ dstat=os.lstat(dest)
+ except (OSError, IOError):
+ dstat=os.lstat(os.path.dirname(dest))
+ destexists=0
+ if bsd_chflags:
+ # Check that we can actually unset schg etc flags...
+ # Clear the flags on source and destination; we'll reinstate them after merging
+ if destexists and dstat.st_flags != 0:
+ if bsd_chflags.lchflags(dest, 0) < 0:
+ writemsg("!!! Couldn't clear flags on file being merged: \n ",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ # We might have an immutable flag on the parent dir; save and clear.
+ pflags=bsd_chflags.lgetflags(os.path.dirname(dest))
+ if pflags != 0:
+ bsd_chflags.lchflags(os.path.dirname(dest), 0)
+ if (destexists and bsd_chflags.lhasproblems(dest) > 0) or \
+ bsd_chflags.lhasproblems(os.path.dirname(dest)) > 0:
+ # This is bad: we can't merge the file with these flags set.
+ writemsg("!!! Can't merge file "+dest+" because of flags set\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ return None
+ if destexists:
+ if stat.S_ISLNK(dstat[stat.ST_MODE]):
+ try:
+ os.unlink(dest)
+ destexists=0
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ raise
+ except Exception, e:
+ pass
+ if stat.S_ISLNK(sstat[stat.ST_MODE]):
+ try:
+ target=os.readlink(src)
+ if mysettings and mysettings["D"]:
+ if target.find(mysettings["D"])==0:
+ target=target[len(mysettings["D"]):]
+ if destexists and not stat.S_ISDIR(dstat[stat.ST_MODE]):
+ os.unlink(dest)
+ if selinux_enabled:
+ sid = selinux.get_lsid(src)
+ selinux.secure_symlink(target,dest,sid)
+ else:
+ os.symlink(target,dest)
+ lchown(dest,sstat[stat.ST_UID],sstat[stat.ST_GID])
+ return os.lstat(dest)[stat.ST_MTIME]
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ raise
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "!!! failed to properly create symlink:"
+ print "!!!",dest,"->",target
+ print "!!!",e
+ return None
+ renamefailed=1
+ if sstat[stat.ST_DEV]==dstat[stat.ST_DEV] or selinux_enabled:
+ try:
+ if selinux_enabled:
+ ret=selinux.secure_rename(src,dest)
+ else:
+ ret=os.rename(src,dest)
+ renamefailed=0
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ raise
+ except Exception, e:
+ if e[0]!=errno.EXDEV:
+ # Some random error.
+ print "!!! Failed to move",src,"to",dest
+ print "!!!",e
+ return None
+ # Invalid cross-device-link 'bind' mounted or actually Cross-Device
+ if renamefailed:
+ didcopy=0
+ if stat.S_ISREG(sstat[stat.ST_MODE]):
+ try: # For safety copy then move it over.
+ if selinux_enabled:
+ selinux.secure_copy(src,dest+"#new")
+ selinux.secure_rename(dest+"#new",dest)
+ else:
+ shutil.copyfile(src,dest+"#new")
+ os.rename(dest+"#new",dest)
+ didcopy=1
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ raise
+ except Exception, e:
+ print '!!! copy',src,'->',dest,'failed.'
+ print "!!!",e
+ return None
+ else:
+ #we don't yet handle special, so we need to fall back to /bin/mv
+ if selinux_enabled:
+ a=commands.getstatusoutput(MOVE_BINARY+" -c -f "+"'"+src+"' '"+dest+"'")
+ else:
+ a=commands.getstatusoutput(MOVE_BINARY+" -f "+"'"+src+"' '"+dest+"'")
+ if a[0]!=0:
+ print "!!! Failed to move special file:"
+ print "!!! '"+src+"' to '"+dest+"'"
+ print "!!!",a
+ return None # failure
+ try:
+ if didcopy:
+ if stat.S_ISLNK(sstat[stat.ST_MODE]):
+ lchown(dest,sstat[stat.ST_UID],sstat[stat.ST_GID])
+ else:
+ os.chown(dest,sstat[stat.ST_UID],sstat[stat.ST_GID])
+ os.chmod(dest, stat.S_IMODE(sstat[stat.ST_MODE])) # Sticky is reset on chown
+ os.unlink(src)
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ raise
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "!!! Failed to chown/chmod/unlink in movefile()"
+ print "!!!",dest
+ print "!!!",e
+ return None
+ if newmtime:
+ os.utime(dest,(newmtime,newmtime))
+ else:
+ os.utime(dest, (sstat[stat.ST_ATIME], sstat[stat.ST_MTIME]))
+ newmtime=sstat[stat.ST_MTIME]
+ if bsd_chflags:
+ # Restore the flags we saved before moving
+ if pflags and bsd_chflags.lchflags(os.path.dirname(dest), pflags) < 0:
+ writemsg("!!! Couldn't restore flags (%s) on '%s'\n" % \
+ (str(pflags), os.path.dirname(dest)), noiselevel=-1)
+ return None
+ return newmtime
+def merge(mycat, mypkg, pkgloc, infloc, myroot, mysettings, myebuild=None,
+ mytree=None, mydbapi=None, vartree=None, prev_mtimes=None):
+ if not os.access(myroot, os.W_OK):
+ writemsg("Permission denied: access('%s', W_OK)\n" % myroot,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ return errno.EACCES
+ mylink = dblink(mycat, mypkg, myroot, mysettings, treetype=mytree,
+ vartree=vartree)
+ return mylink.merge(pkgloc, infloc, myroot, myebuild,
+ mydbapi=mydbapi, prev_mtimes=prev_mtimes)
+def unmerge(cat, pkg, myroot, mysettings, mytrimworld=1, vartree=None, ldpath_mtimes=None):
+ mylink = dblink(
+ cat, pkg, myroot, mysettings, treetype="vartree", vartree=vartree)
+ try:
+ mylink.lockdb()
+ if mylink.exists():
+ retval = mylink.unmerge(trimworld=mytrimworld, cleanup=1,
+ ldpath_mtimes=ldpath_mtimes)
+ if retval == os.EX_OK:
+ mylink.delete()
+ return retval
+ return os.EX_OK
+ finally:
+ mylink.unlockdb()
+def getCPFromCPV(mycpv):
+ """Calls pkgsplit on a cpv and returns only the cp."""
+ return pkgsplit(mycpv)[0]
+def dep_virtual(mysplit, mysettings):
+ "Does virtual dependency conversion"
+ newsplit=[]
+ myvirtuals = mysettings.getvirtuals()
+ for x in mysplit:
+ if type(x)==types.ListType:
+ newsplit.append(dep_virtual(x, mysettings))
+ else:
+ mykey=dep_getkey(x)
+ mychoices = myvirtuals.get(mykey, None)
+ if mychoices:
+ if len(mychoices) == 1:
+ a = x.replace(mykey, mychoices[0])
+ else:
+ if x[0]=="!":
+ # blocker needs "and" not "or(||)".
+ a=[]
+ else:
+ a=['||']
+ for y in mychoices:
+ a.append(x.replace(mykey, y))
+ newsplit.append(a)
+ else:
+ newsplit.append(x)
+ return newsplit
+def _expand_new_virtuals(mysplit, edebug, mydbapi, mysettings, myroot="/",
+ trees=None, **kwargs):
+ """Recursively expand new-style virtuals so as to collapse one or more
+ levels of indirection. In dep_zapdeps, new-style virtuals will be assigned
+ zero cost regardless of whether or not they are currently installed. Virtual
+ blockers are supported but only when the virtual expands to a single
+ atom because it wouldn't necessarily make sense to block all the components
+ of a compound virtual. When more than one new-style virtual is matched,
+ the matches are sorted from highest to lowest versions and the atom is
+ expanded to || ( highest match ... lowest match )."""
+ newsplit = []
+ # According to GLEP 37, RDEPEND is the only dependency type that is valid
+ # for new-style virtuals. Repoman should enforce this.
+ dep_keys = ["RDEPEND", "DEPEND", "PDEPEND"]
+ def compare_pkgs(a, b):
+ return pkgcmp(b[1], a[1])
+ portdb = trees[myroot]["porttree"].dbapi
+ if kwargs["use_binaries"]:
+ portdb = trees[myroot]["bintree"].dbapi
+ myvirtuals = mysettings.getvirtuals()
+ for x in mysplit:
+ if x == "||":
+ newsplit.append(x)
+ continue
+ elif isinstance(x, list):
+ newsplit.append(_expand_new_virtuals(x, edebug, mydbapi,
+ mysettings, myroot=myroot, trees=trees, **kwargs))
+ continue
+ if portage_dep._dep_check_strict and \
+ not isvalidatom(x, allow_blockers=True):
+ raise portage_exception.ParseError(
+ "invalid atom: '%s'" % x)
+ mykey = dep_getkey(x)
+ if not mykey.startswith("virtual/"):
+ newsplit.append(x)
+ continue
+ mychoices = myvirtuals.get(mykey, [])
+ isblocker = x.startswith("!")
+ match_atom = x
+ if isblocker:
+ match_atom = x[1:]
+ pkgs = {}
+ for cpv in portdb.match(match_atom):
+ # only use new-style matches
+ if cpv.startswith("virtual/"):
+ pkgs[cpv] = (cpv, pkgsplit(cpv), portdb)
+ if kwargs["use_binaries"] and "vartree" in trees[myroot]:
+ vardb = trees[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi
+ for cpv in vardb.match(match_atom):
+ # only use new-style matches
+ if cpv.startswith("virtual/"):
+ if cpv in pkgs:
+ continue
+ pkgs[cpv] = (cpv, pkgsplit(cpv), vardb)
+ if not (pkgs or mychoices):
+ # This one couldn't be expanded as a new-style virtual. Old-style
+ # virtuals have already been expanded by dep_virtual, so this one
+ # is unavailable and dep_zapdeps will identify it as such. The
+ # atom is not eliminated here since it may still represent a
+ # dependency that needs to be satisfied.
+ newsplit.append(x)
+ continue
+ if not pkgs and len(mychoices) == 1:
+ newsplit.append(x.replace(mykey, mychoices[0]))
+ continue
+ pkgs = pkgs.values()
+ pkgs.sort(compare_pkgs) # Prefer higher versions.
+ if isblocker:
+ a = []
+ else:
+ a = ['||']
+ for y in pkgs:
+ depstring = " ".join(y[2].aux_get(y[0], dep_keys))
+ if edebug:
+ print "Virtual Parent: ", y[0]
+ print "Virtual Depstring:", depstring
+ mycheck = dep_check(depstring, mydbapi, mysettings, myroot=myroot,
+ trees=trees, **kwargs)
+ if not mycheck[0]:
+ raise portage_exception.ParseError(
+ "%s: %s '%s'" % (y[0], mycheck[1], depstring))
+ if isblocker:
+ virtual_atoms = [atom for atom in mycheck[1] \
+ if not atom.startswith("!")]
+ if len(virtual_atoms) == 1:
+ # It wouldn't make sense to block all the components of a
+ # compound virtual, so only a single atom block is allowed.
+ a.append("!" + virtual_atoms[0])
+ else:
+ mycheck[1].append("="+y[0]) # pull in the new-style virtual
+ a.append(mycheck[1])
+ # Plain old-style virtuals. New-style virtuals are preferred.
+ for y in mychoices:
+ a.append(x.replace(mykey, y))
+ if isblocker and not a:
+ # Probably a compound virtual. Pass the atom through unprocessed.
+ newsplit.append(x)
+ continue
+ newsplit.append(a)
+ return newsplit
+def dep_eval(deplist):
+ if not deplist:
+ return 1
+ if deplist[0]=="||":
+ #or list; we just need one "1"
+ for x in deplist[1:]:
+ if type(x)==types.ListType:
+ if dep_eval(x)==1:
+ return 1
+ elif x==1:
+ return 1
+ #XXX: unless there's no available atoms in the list
+ #in which case we need to assume that everything is
+ #okay as some ebuilds are relying on an old bug.
+ if len(deplist) == 1:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ else:
+ for x in deplist:
+ if type(x)==types.ListType:
+ if dep_eval(x)==0:
+ return 0
+ elif x==0 or x==2:
+ return 0
+ return 1
+def dep_zapdeps(unreduced, reduced, myroot, use_binaries=0, trees=None):
+ """Takes an unreduced and reduced deplist and removes satisfied dependencies.
+ Returned deplist contains steps that must be taken to satisfy dependencies."""
+ if trees is None:
+ global db
+ trees = db
+ writemsg("ZapDeps -- %s\n" % (use_binaries), 2)
+ if not reduced or unreduced == ["||"] or dep_eval(reduced):
+ return []
+ if unreduced[0] != "||":
+ unresolved = []
+ for dep, satisfied in izip(unreduced, reduced):
+ if isinstance(dep, list):
+ unresolved += dep_zapdeps(dep, satisfied, myroot,
+ use_binaries=use_binaries, trees=trees)
+ elif not satisfied:
+ unresolved.append(dep)
+ return unresolved
+ # We're at a ( || atom ... ) type level and need to make a choice
+ deps = unreduced[1:]
+ satisfieds = reduced[1:]
+ # Our preference order is for an the first item that:
+ # a) contains all unmasked packages with the same key as installed packages
+ # b) contains all unmasked packages
+ # c) contains masked installed packages
+ # d) is the first item
+ preferred = []
+ possible_upgrades = []
+ other = []
+ # Alias the trees we'll be checking availability against
+ vardb = None
+ if "vartree" in trees[myroot]:
+ vardb = trees[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi
+ if use_binaries:
+ mydbapi = trees[myroot]["bintree"].dbapi
+ else:
+ mydbapi = trees[myroot]["porttree"].dbapi
+ # Sort the deps into preferred (installed) and other
+ # with values of [[required_atom], availablility]
+ for dep, satisfied in izip(deps, satisfieds):
+ if isinstance(dep, list):
+ atoms = dep_zapdeps(dep, satisfied, myroot,
+ use_binaries=use_binaries, trees=trees)
+ else:
+ atoms = [dep]
+ all_available = True
+ for atom in atoms:
+ if not mydbapi.match(atom):
+ # With --usepkgonly, count installed packages as "available".
+ # Note that --usepkgonly currently has no package.mask support.
+ # See bug #149816.
+ if use_binaries and vardb and vardb.match(atom):
+ continue
+ all_available = False
+ break
+ if not vardb:
+ # called by repoman
+ preferred.append((atoms, None, all_available))
+ continue
+ """ The package names rather than the exact atoms are used for an
+ initial rough match against installed packages. More specific
+ preference selection is handled later via slot and version comparison."""
+ all_installed = True
+ for atom in set([dep_getkey(atom) for atom in atoms]):
+ # New-style virtuals have zero cost to install.
+ if not vardb.match(atom) and not atom.startswith("virtual/"):
+ all_installed = False
+ break
+ # Check if the set of atoms will result in a downgrade of
+ # an installed package. If they will then don't prefer them
+ # over other atoms.
+ has_downgrade = False
+ versions = {}
+ if all_installed or all_available:
+ for atom in atoms:
+ mykey = dep_getkey(atom)
+ avail_pkg = best(mydbapi.match(atom))
+ if not avail_pkg:
+ continue
+ avail_slot = "%s:%s" % (mykey,
+ mydbapi.aux_get(avail_pkg, ["SLOT"])[0])
+ versions[avail_slot] = avail_pkg
+ inst_pkg = vardb.match(avail_slot)
+ if not inst_pkg:
+ continue
+ # emerge guarantees 1 package per slot here (highest counter)
+ inst_pkg = inst_pkg[0]
+ if avail_pkg != inst_pkg and \
+ avail_pkg != best([avail_pkg, inst_pkg]):
+ has_downgrade = True
+ break
+ this_choice = (atoms, versions, all_available)
+ if not has_downgrade:
+ if all_installed:
+ preferred.append(this_choice)
+ continue
+ elif all_available:
+ possible_upgrades.append(this_choice)
+ continue
+ other.append(this_choice)
+ # Compare the "all_installed" choices against the "all_available" choices
+ # for possible missed upgrades. The main purpose of this code is to find
+ # upgrades of new-style virtuals since _expand_new_virtuals() expands them
+ # into || ( highest version ... lowest version ). We want to prefer the
+ # highest all_available version of the new-style virtual when there is a
+ # lower all_installed version.
+ for possible_upgrade in list(possible_upgrades):
+ atoms, versions, all_available = possible_upgrade
+ myslots = set(versions)
+ for other_choice in preferred:
+ o_atoms, o_versions, o_all_available = other_choice
+ intersecting_slots = myslots.intersection(o_versions)
+ if not intersecting_slots:
+ continue
+ has_upgrade = False
+ has_downgrade = False
+ for myslot in intersecting_slots:
+ myversion = versions[myslot]
+ o_version = o_versions[myslot]
+ if myversion != o_version:
+ if myversion == best([myversion, o_version]):
+ has_upgrade = True
+ else:
+ has_downgrade = True
+ break
+ if has_upgrade and not has_downgrade:
+ o_index = preferred.index(other_choice)
+ preferred.insert(o_index, possible_upgrade)
+ possible_upgrades.remove(possible_upgrade)
+ break
+ preferred.extend(possible_upgrades)
+ # preferred now contains a) and c) from the order above with
+ # the masked flag differentiating the two. other contains b)
+ # and d) so adding other to preferred will give us a suitable
+ # list to iterate over.
+ preferred.extend(other)
+ for allow_masked in (False, True):
+ for atoms, versions, all_available in preferred:
+ if all_available or allow_masked:
+ return atoms
+ assert(False) # This point should not be reachable
+def dep_expand(mydep, mydb=None, use_cache=1, settings=None):
+ if not len(mydep):
+ return mydep
+ if mydep[0]=="*":
+ mydep=mydep[1:]
+ orig_dep = mydep
+ mydep = dep_getcpv(orig_dep)
+ myindex = orig_dep.index(mydep)
+ prefix = orig_dep[:myindex]
+ postfix = orig_dep[myindex+len(mydep):]
+ return prefix + cpv_expand(
+ mydep, mydb=mydb, use_cache=use_cache, settings=settings) + postfix
+def dep_check(depstring, mydbapi, mysettings, use="yes", mode=None, myuse=None,
+ use_cache=1, use_binaries=0, myroot="/", trees=None):
+ """Takes a depend string and parses the condition."""
+ edebug = mysettings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG", None) == "1"
+ #check_config_instance(mysettings)
+ if trees is None:
+ trees = globals()["db"]
+ if use=="yes":
+ if myuse is None:
+ #default behavior
+ myusesplit = mysettings["USE"].split()
+ else:
+ myusesplit = myuse
+ # We've been given useflags to use.
+ #print myuse
+ #if "bindist" in myusesplit:
+ # print "BINDIST is set!"
+ #else:
+ # print "BINDIST NOT set."
+ else:
+ #we are being run by autouse(), don't consult USE vars yet.
+ myusesplit=[]
+ #convert parenthesis to sublists
+ mysplit = portage_dep.paren_reduce(depstring)
+ mymasks = set()
+ useforce = set()
+ useforce.add(mysettings["ARCH"])
+ if use == "all":
+ # This masking/forcing is only for repoman. In other cases, relevant
+ # masking/forcing should have already been applied via
+ # config.regenerate(). Also, binary or installed packages may have
+ # been built with flags that are now masked, and it would be
+ # inconsistent to mask them now. Additionally, myuse may consist of
+ # flags from a parent package that is being merged to a $ROOT that is
+ # different from the one that mysettings represents.
+ mymasks.update(mysettings.usemask)
+ mymasks.update(mysettings.archlist())
+ mymasks.discard(mysettings["ARCH"])
+ useforce.update(mysettings.useforce)
+ useforce.difference_update(mymasks)
+ try:
+ mysplit = portage_dep.use_reduce(mysplit, uselist=myusesplit,
+ masklist=mymasks, matchall=(use=="all"), excludeall=useforce)
+ except portage_exception.InvalidDependString, e:
+ return [0, str(e)]
+ # Do the || conversions
+ mysplit=portage_dep.dep_opconvert(mysplit)
+ if mysplit == []:
+ #dependencies were reduced to nothing
+ return [1,[]]
+ # Recursively expand new-style virtuals so as to
+ # collapse one or more levels of indirection.
+ try:
+ mysplit = _expand_new_virtuals(mysplit, edebug, mydbapi, mysettings,
+ use=use, mode=mode, myuse=myuse, use_cache=use_cache,
+ use_binaries=use_binaries, myroot=myroot, trees=trees)
+ except portage_exception.ParseError, e:
+ return [0, str(e)]
+ mysplit2=mysplit[:]
+ mysplit2=dep_wordreduce(mysplit2,mysettings,mydbapi,mode,use_cache=use_cache)
+ if mysplit2 is None:
+ return [0,"Invalid token"]
+ writemsg("\n\n\n", 1)
+ writemsg("mysplit: %s\n" % (mysplit), 1)
+ writemsg("mysplit2: %s\n" % (mysplit2), 1)
+ myzaps = dep_zapdeps(mysplit, mysplit2, myroot,
+ use_binaries=use_binaries, trees=trees)
+ mylist = flatten(myzaps)
+ writemsg("myzaps: %s\n" % (myzaps), 1)
+ writemsg("mylist: %s\n" % (mylist), 1)
+ #remove duplicates
+ mydict={}
+ for x in mylist:
+ mydict[x]=1
+ writemsg("mydict: %s\n" % (mydict), 1)
+ return [1,mydict.keys()]
+def dep_wordreduce(mydeplist,mysettings,mydbapi,mode,use_cache=1):
+ "Reduces the deplist to ones and zeros"
+ deplist=mydeplist[:]
+ for mypos in xrange(len(deplist)):
+ if type(deplist[mypos])==types.ListType:
+ #recurse
+ deplist[mypos]=dep_wordreduce(deplist[mypos],mysettings,mydbapi,mode,use_cache=use_cache)
+ elif deplist[mypos]=="||":
+ pass
+ else:
+ mykey = dep_getkey(deplist[mypos])
+ if mysettings and mysettings.pprovideddict.has_key(mykey) and \
+ match_from_list(deplist[mypos], mysettings.pprovideddict[mykey]):
+ deplist[mypos]=True
+ elif mydbapi is None:
+ # Assume nothing is satisfied. This forces dep_zapdeps to
+ # return all of deps the deps that have been selected
+ # (excluding those satisfied by package.provided).
+ deplist[mypos] = False
+ else:
+ if mode:
+ mydep=mydbapi.xmatch(mode,deplist[mypos])
+ else:
+ mydep=mydbapi.match(deplist[mypos],use_cache=use_cache)
+ if mydep!=None:
+ tmp=(len(mydep)>=1)
+ if deplist[mypos][0]=="!":
+ tmp=False
+ deplist[mypos]=tmp
+ else:
+ #encountered invalid string
+ return None
+ return deplist
+def cpv_getkey(mycpv):
+ myslash=mycpv.split("/")
+ mysplit=pkgsplit(myslash[-1])
+ mylen=len(myslash)
+ if mylen==2:
+ return myslash[0]+"/"+mysplit[0]
+ elif mylen==1:
+ return mysplit[0]
+ else:
+ return mysplit
+def key_expand(mykey, mydb=None, use_cache=1, settings=None):
+ mysplit=mykey.split("/")
+ if settings is None:
+ settings = globals()["settings"]
+ virts = settings.getvirtuals("/")
+ virts_p = settings.get_virts_p("/")
+ if len(mysplit)==1:
+ if mydb and type(mydb)==types.InstanceType:
+ for x in settings.categories:
+ if mydb.cp_list(x+"/"+mykey,use_cache=use_cache):
+ return x+"/"+mykey
+ if virts_p.has_key(mykey):
+ return(virts_p[mykey][0])
+ return "null/"+mykey
+ elif mydb:
+ if type(mydb)==types.InstanceType:
+ if (not mydb.cp_list(mykey,use_cache=use_cache)) and virts and virts.has_key(mykey):
+ return virts[mykey][0]
+ return mykey
+def cpv_expand(mycpv, mydb=None, use_cache=1, settings=None):
+ """Given a string (packagename or virtual) expand it into a valid
+ cat/package string. Virtuals use the mydb to determine which provided
+ virtual is a valid choice and defaults to the first element when there
+ are no installed/available candidates."""
+ myslash=mycpv.split("/")
+ mysplit=pkgsplit(myslash[-1])
+ if settings is None:
+ settings = globals()["settings"]
+ virts = settings.getvirtuals("/")
+ virts_p = settings.get_virts_p("/")
+ if len(myslash)>2:
+ # this is illegal case.
+ mysplit=[]
+ mykey=mycpv
+ elif len(myslash)==2:
+ if mysplit:
+ mykey=myslash[0]+"/"+mysplit[0]
+ else:
+ mykey=mycpv
+ if mydb and virts and mykey in virts:
+ writemsg("mydb.__class__: %s\n" % (mydb.__class__), 1)
+ if type(mydb)==types.InstanceType:
+ if not mydb.cp_list(mykey, use_cache=use_cache):
+ writemsg("virts[%s]: %s\n" % (str(mykey),virts[mykey]), 1)
+ mykey_orig = mykey[:]
+ for vkey in virts[mykey]:
+ if mydb.cp_list(vkey,use_cache=use_cache):
+ mykey = vkey
+ writemsg("virts chosen: %s\n" % (mykey), 1)
+ break
+ if mykey == mykey_orig:
+ mykey=virts[mykey][0]
+ writemsg("virts defaulted: %s\n" % (mykey), 1)
+ #we only perform virtual expansion if we are passed a dbapi
+ else:
+ #specific cpv, no category, ie. "foo-1.0"
+ if mysplit:
+ myp=mysplit[0]
+ else:
+ # "foo" ?
+ myp=mycpv
+ mykey=None
+ matches=[]
+ if mydb:
+ for x in settings.categories:
+ if mydb.cp_list(x+"/"+myp,use_cache=use_cache):
+ matches.append(x+"/"+myp)
+ if (len(matches)>1):
+ raise ValueError, matches
+ elif matches:
+ mykey=matches[0]
+ if not mykey and type(mydb)!=types.ListType:
+ if virts_p.has_key(myp):
+ mykey=virts_p[myp][0]
+ #again, we only perform virtual expansion if we have a dbapi (not a list)
+ if not mykey:
+ mykey="null/"+myp
+ if mysplit:
+ if mysplit[2]=="r0":
+ return mykey+"-"+mysplit[1]
+ else:
+ return mykey+"-"+mysplit[1]+"-"+mysplit[2]
+ else:
+ return mykey
+def getmaskingreason(mycpv, settings=None, portdb=None):
+ from portage_util import grablines
+ if settings is None:
+ settings = globals()["settings"]
+ if portdb is None:
+ portdb = globals()["portdb"]
+ mysplit = catpkgsplit(mycpv)
+ if not mysplit:
+ raise ValueError("invalid CPV: %s" % mycpv)
+ if not portdb.cpv_exists(mycpv):
+ raise KeyError("CPV %s does not exist" % mycpv)
+ mycp=mysplit[0]+"/"+mysplit[1]
+ # XXX- This is a temporary duplicate of code from the config constructor.
+ locations = [os.path.join(settings["PORTDIR"], "profiles")]
+ locations.extend(settings.profiles)
+ for ov in settings["PORTDIR_OVERLAY"].split():
+ profdir = os.path.join(normalize_path(ov), "profiles")
+ if os.path.isdir(profdir):
+ locations.append(profdir)
+ locations.append(os.path.join(settings["PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT"],
+ USER_CONFIG_PATH.lstrip(os.path.sep)))
+ locations.reverse()
+ pmasklists = [grablines(os.path.join(x, "package.mask"), recursive=1) for x in locations]
+ pmasklines = []
+ while pmasklists: # stack_lists doesn't preserve order so it can't be used
+ pmasklines.extend(pmasklists.pop(0))
+ del pmasklists
+ if settings.pmaskdict.has_key(mycp):
+ for x in settings.pmaskdict[mycp]:
+ if mycpv in portdb.xmatch("match-all", x):
+ comment = ""
+ l = "\n"
+ comment_valid = -1
+ for i in xrange(len(pmasklines)):
+ l = pmasklines[i].strip()
+ if l == "":
+ comment = ""
+ comment_valid = -1
+ elif l[0] == "#":
+ comment += (l+"\n")
+ comment_valid = i + 1
+ elif l == x:
+ if comment_valid != i:
+ comment = ""
+ return comment
+ elif comment_valid != -1:
+ # Apparently this comment applies to muliple masks, so
+ # it remains valid until a blank line is encountered.
+ comment_valid += 1
+ return None
+def getmaskingstatus(mycpv, settings=None, portdb=None):
+ if settings is None:
+ settings = globals()["settings"]
+ if portdb is None:
+ portdb = globals()["portdb"]
+ mysplit = catpkgsplit(mycpv)
+ if not mysplit:
+ raise ValueError("invalid CPV: %s" % mycpv)
+ if not portdb.cpv_exists(mycpv):
+ raise KeyError("CPV %s does not exist" % mycpv)
+ mycp=mysplit[0]+"/"+mysplit[1]
+ rValue = []
+ # profile checking
+ revmaskdict=settings.prevmaskdict
+ if revmaskdict.has_key(mycp):
+ for x in revmaskdict[mycp]:
+ if x[0]=="*":
+ myatom = x[1:]
+ else:
+ myatom = x
+ if not match_to_list(mycpv, [myatom]):
+ rValue.append("profile")
+ break
+ # package.mask checking
+ maskdict=settings.pmaskdict
+ unmaskdict=settings.punmaskdict
+ if maskdict.has_key(mycp):
+ for x in maskdict[mycp]:
+ if mycpv in portdb.xmatch("match-all", x):
+ unmask=0
+ if unmaskdict.has_key(mycp):
+ for z in unmaskdict[mycp]:
+ if mycpv in portdb.xmatch("match-all",z):
+ unmask=1
+ break
+ if unmask==0:
+ rValue.append("package.mask")
+ # keywords checking
+ try:
+ mygroups, eapi = portdb.aux_get(mycpv, ["KEYWORDS", "EAPI"])
+ except KeyError:
+ # The "depend" phase apparently failed for some reason. An associated
+ # error message will have already been printed to stderr.
+ return ["corruption"]
+ if not eapi_is_supported(eapi):
+ return ["required EAPI %s, supported EAPI %s" % (eapi, portage_const.EAPI)]
+ mygroups = mygroups.split()
+ pgroups = settings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"].split()
+ myarch = settings["ARCH"]
+ if pgroups and myarch not in pgroups:
+ """For operating systems other than Linux, ARCH is not necessarily a
+ valid keyword."""
+ myarch = pgroups[0].lstrip("~")
+ pkgdict = settings.pkeywordsdict
+ cp = dep_getkey(mycpv)
+ if pkgdict.has_key(cp):
+ matches = match_to_list(mycpv, pkgdict[cp].keys())
+ for match in matches:
+ pgroups.extend(pkgdict[cp][match])
+ if matches:
+ inc_pgroups = []
+ for x in pgroups:
+ if x != "-*" and x.startswith("-"):
+ try:
+ inc_pgroups.remove(x[1:])
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ if x not in inc_pgroups:
+ inc_pgroups.append(x)
+ pgroups = inc_pgroups
+ del inc_pgroups
+ kmask = "missing"
+ for keyword in pgroups:
+ if keyword in mygroups:
+ kmask=None
+ if kmask:
+ fallback = None
+ for gp in mygroups:
+ if gp=="*":
+ kmask=None
+ break
+ elif gp=="-"+myarch:
+ kmask="-"+myarch
+ break
+ elif gp=="~"+myarch:
+ kmask="~"+myarch
+ break
+ if kmask:
+ rValue.append(kmask+" keyword")
+ return rValue
+class portagetree:
+ def __init__(self, root="/", virtual=None, clone=None, settings=None):
+ """
+ Constructor for a PortageTree
+ @param root: ${ROOT}, defaults to '/', see make.conf(5)
+ @type root: String/Path
+ @param virtual: UNUSED
+ @type virtual: No Idea
+ @param clone: Set this if you want a copy of Clone
+ @type clone: Existing portagetree Instance
+ @param settings: Portage Configuration object (portage.settings)
+ @type settings: Instance of portage.config
+ """
+ if clone:
+ self.root = clone.root
+ self.portroot = clone.portroot
+ self.pkglines = clone.pkglines
+ else:
+ self.root = root
+ if settings is None:
+ settings = globals()["settings"]
+ self.settings = settings
+ self.portroot = settings["PORTDIR"]
+ self.virtual = virtual
+ self.dbapi = portdbapi(
+ settings["PORTDIR"], mysettings=settings)
+ def dep_bestmatch(self,mydep):
+ "compatibility method"
+ mymatch=self.dbapi.xmatch("bestmatch-visible",mydep)
+ if mymatch is None:
+ return ""
+ return mymatch
+ def dep_match(self,mydep):
+ "compatibility method"
+ mymatch=self.dbapi.xmatch("match-visible",mydep)
+ if mymatch is None:
+ return []
+ return mymatch
+ def exists_specific(self,cpv):
+ return self.dbapi.cpv_exists(cpv)
+ def getallnodes(self):
+ """new behavior: these are all *unmasked* nodes. There may or may not be available
+ masked package for nodes in this nodes list."""
+ return self.dbapi.cp_all()
+ def getname(self,pkgname):
+ "returns file location for this particular package (DEPRECATED)"
+ if not pkgname:
+ return ""
+ mysplit=pkgname.split("/")
+ psplit=pkgsplit(mysplit[1])
+ return self.portroot+"/"+mysplit[0]+"/"+psplit[0]+"/"+mysplit[1]+".ebuild"
+ def resolve_specific(self,myspec):
+ cps=catpkgsplit(myspec)
+ if not cps:
+ return None
+ mykey = key_expand(cps[0]+"/"+cps[1], mydb=self.dbapi,
+ settings=self.settings)
+ mykey=mykey+"-"+cps[2]
+ if cps[3]!="r0":
+ mykey=mykey+"-"+cps[3]
+ return mykey
+ def depcheck(self,mycheck,use="yes",myusesplit=None):
+ return dep_check(mycheck,self.dbapi,use=use,myuse=myusesplit)
+ def getslot(self,mycatpkg):
+ "Get a slot for a catpkg; assume it exists."
+ myslot = ""
+ try:
+ myslot=self.dbapi.aux_get(mycatpkg,["SLOT"])[0]
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ raise
+ except Exception, e:
+ pass
+ return myslot
+class dbapi:
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def close_caches(self):
+ pass
+ def cp_list(self,cp,use_cache=1):
+ return
+ def cpv_all(self):
+ cpv_list = []
+ for cp in self.cp_all():
+ cpv_list.extend(self.cp_list(cp))
+ return cpv_list
+ def aux_get(self,mycpv,mylist):
+ "stub code for returning auxiliary db information, such as SLOT, DEPEND, etc."
+ 'input: "sys-apps/foo-1.0",["SLOT","DEPEND","HOMEPAGE"]'
+ 'return: ["0",">=sys-libs/bar-1.0",""] or [] if mycpv not found'
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def match(self,origdep,use_cache=1):
+ mydep = dep_expand(origdep, mydb=self, settings=self.settings)
+ mykey=dep_getkey(mydep)
+ mylist = match_from_list(mydep,self.cp_list(mykey,use_cache=use_cache))
+ myslot = portage_dep.dep_getslot(mydep)
+ if myslot is not None:
+ mylist = [cpv for cpv in mylist \
+ if self.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])[0] == myslot]
+ return mylist
+ def match2(self,mydep,mykey,mylist):
+ writemsg("DEPRECATED: dbapi.match2\n")
+ match_from_list(mydep,mylist)
+ def invalidentry(self, mypath):
+ if"portage_lockfile$",mypath):
+ if not os.environ.has_key("PORTAGE_MASTER_PID"):
+ writemsg("Lockfile removed: %s\n" % mypath, 1)
+ portage_locks.unlockfile((mypath,None,None))
+ else:
+ # Nothing we can do about it. We're probably sandboxed.
+ pass
+ elif".*/-MERGING-(.*)",mypath):
+ if os.path.exists(mypath):
+ writemsg(red("INCOMPLETE MERGE:")+" "+mypath+"\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ else:
+ writemsg("!!! Invalid db entry: %s\n" % mypath, noiselevel=-1)
+class fakedbapi(dbapi):
+ "This is a dbapi to use for the emptytree function. It's empty, but things can be added to it."
+ def __init__(self, settings=None):
+ self.cpvdict={}
+ self.cpdict={}
+ if settings is None:
+ settings = globals()["settings"]
+ self.settings = settings
+ self._match_cache = {}
+ def _clear_cache(self):
+ if self._match_cache:
+ self._match_cache = {}
+ def match(self, origdep, use_cache=1):
+ result = self._match_cache.get(origdep, None)
+ if result is not None:
+ return result[:]
+ result = dbapi.match(self, origdep, use_cache=use_cache)
+ self._match_cache[origdep] = result
+ return result[:]
+ def cpv_exists(self,mycpv):
+ return self.cpvdict.has_key(mycpv)
+ def cp_list(self,mycp,use_cache=1):
+ if not self.cpdict.has_key(mycp):
+ return []
+ else:
+ return self.cpdict[mycp]
+ def cp_all(self):
+ returnme=[]
+ for x in self.cpdict.keys():
+ returnme.extend(self.cpdict[x])
+ return returnme
+ def cpv_all(self):
+ return self.cpvdict.keys()
+ def cpv_inject(self, mycpv, metadata=None):
+ """Adds a cpv from the list of available packages."""
+ self._clear_cache()
+ mycp=cpv_getkey(mycpv)
+ self.cpvdict[mycpv] = metadata
+ myslot = None
+ if metadata:
+ myslot = metadata.get("SLOT", None)
+ if myslot and mycp in self.cpdict:
+ # If necessary, remove another package in the same SLOT.
+ for cpv in self.cpdict[mycp]:
+ if mycpv != cpv:
+ other_metadata = self.cpvdict[cpv]
+ if other_metadata:
+ if myslot == other_metadata.get("SLOT", None):
+ self.cpv_remove(cpv)
+ break
+ if mycp not in self.cpdict:
+ self.cpdict[mycp] = []
+ if not mycpv in self.cpdict[mycp]:
+ self.cpdict[mycp].append(mycpv)
+ def cpv_remove(self,mycpv):
+ """Removes a cpv from the list of available packages."""
+ self._clear_cache()
+ mycp=cpv_getkey(mycpv)
+ if self.cpvdict.has_key(mycpv):
+ del self.cpvdict[mycpv]
+ if not self.cpdict.has_key(mycp):
+ return
+ while mycpv in self.cpdict[mycp]:
+ del self.cpdict[mycp][self.cpdict[mycp].index(mycpv)]
+ if not len(self.cpdict[mycp]):
+ del self.cpdict[mycp]
+ def aux_get(self, mycpv, wants):
+ if not self.cpv_exists(mycpv):
+ raise KeyError(mycpv)
+ metadata = self.cpvdict[mycpv]
+ if not metadata:
+ return ["" for x in wants]
+ return [metadata.get(x, "") for x in wants]
+ def aux_update(self, cpv, values):
+ self._clear_cache()
+ self.cpvdict[cpv].update(values)
+class bindbapi(fakedbapi):
+ def __init__(self, mybintree=None, settings=None):
+ self.bintree = mybintree
+ self.cpvdict={}
+ self.cpdict={}
+ if settings is None:
+ settings = globals()["settings"]
+ self.settings = settings
+ self._match_cache = {}
+ # Selectively cache metadata in order to optimize dep matching.
+ self._aux_cache_keys = set(["SLOT"])
+ self._aux_cache = {}
+ def match(self, *pargs, **kwargs):
+ if self.bintree and not self.bintree.populated:
+ self.bintree.populate()
+ return fakedbapi.match(self, *pargs, **kwargs)
+ def aux_get(self,mycpv,wants):
+ if self.bintree and not self.bintree.populated:
+ self.bintree.populate()
+ cache_me = False
+ if not set(wants).difference(self._aux_cache_keys):
+ aux_cache = self._aux_cache.get(mycpv)
+ if aux_cache is not None:
+ return [aux_cache[x] for x in wants]
+ cache_me = True
+ mysplit = mycpv.split("/")
+ mylist = []
+ tbz2name = mysplit[1]+".tbz2"
+ if self.bintree and not self.bintree.isremote(mycpv):
+ tbz2 = xpak.tbz2(self.bintree.getname(mycpv))
+ getitem = tbz2.getfile
+ else:
+ getitem = self.bintree.remotepkgs[tbz2name].get
+ mydata = {}
+ mykeys = wants
+ if cache_me:
+ mykeys = self._aux_cache_keys.union(wants)
+ for x in mykeys:
+ myval = getitem(x)
+ # myval is None if the key doesn't exist
+ # or the tbz2 is corrupt.
+ if myval:
+ mydata[x] = " ".join(myval.split())
+ if "EAPI" in mykeys:
+ if not mydata.setdefault("EAPI", "0"):
+ mydata["EAPI"] = "0"
+ if cache_me:
+ aux_cache = {}
+ for x in self._aux_cache_keys:
+ aux_cache[x] = mydata.get(x, "")
+ self._aux_cache[mycpv] = aux_cache
+ return [mydata.get(x, "") for x in wants]
+ def aux_update(self, cpv, values):
+ if not self.bintree.populated:
+ self.bintree.populate()
+ tbz2path = self.bintree.getname(cpv)
+ if not os.path.exists(tbz2path):
+ raise KeyError(cpv)
+ mytbz2 = xpak.tbz2(tbz2path)
+ mydata = mytbz2.get_data()
+ mydata.update(values)
+ mytbz2.recompose_mem(xpak.xpak_mem(mydata))
+ def cp_list(self, *pargs, **kwargs):
+ if not self.bintree.populated:
+ self.bintree.populate()
+ return fakedbapi.cp_list(self, *pargs, **kwargs)
+ def cpv_all(self):
+ if not self.bintree.populated:
+ self.bintree.populate()
+ return fakedbapi.cpv_all(self)
+class vardbapi(dbapi):
+ def __init__(self, root, categories=None, settings=None, vartree=None):
+ self.root = root[:]
+ #cache for category directory mtimes
+ self.mtdircache = {}
+ #cache for dependency checks
+ self.matchcache = {}
+ #cache for cp_list results
+ self.cpcache = {}
+ self.blockers = None
+ if settings is None:
+ settings = globals()["settings"]
+ self.settings = settings
+ if categories is None:
+ categories = settings.categories
+ self.categories = categories[:]
+ if vartree is None:
+ vartree = globals()["db"][root]["vartree"]
+ self.vartree = vartree
+ self._aux_cache_keys = set(["SLOT", "COUNTER", "PROVIDE", "USE",
+ self._aux_cache = None
+ self._aux_cache_version = "1"
+ self._aux_cache_filename = os.path.join(self.root,
+ CACHE_PATH.lstrip(os.path.sep), "vdb_metadata.pickle")
+ def cpv_exists(self,mykey):
+ "Tells us whether an actual ebuild exists on disk (no masking)"
+ return os.path.exists(self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mykey)
+ def cpv_counter(self,mycpv):
+ "This method will grab the COUNTER. Returns a counter value."
+ try:
+ return long(self.aux_get(mycpv, ["COUNTER"])[0])
+ except KeyError, ValueError:
+ pass
+ cdir=self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mycpv
+ cpath=self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mycpv+"/COUNTER"
+ # We write our new counter value to a new file that gets moved into
+ # place to avoid filesystem corruption on XFS (unexpected reboot.)
+ corrupted=0
+ if os.path.exists(cpath):
+ cfile=open(cpath, "r")
+ try:
+ counter=long(cfile.readline())
+ except ValueError:
+ print "portage: COUNTER for",mycpv,"was corrupted; resetting to value of 0"
+ counter=long(0)
+ corrupted=1
+ cfile.close()
+ elif os.path.exists(cdir):
+ mys = pkgsplit(mycpv)
+ myl = self.match(mys[0],use_cache=0)
+ print mys,myl
+ if len(myl) == 1:
+ try:
+ # Only one package... Counter doesn't matter.
+ write_atomic(cpath, "1")
+ counter = 1
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ raise
+ except Exception, e:
+ writemsg("!!! COUNTER file is missing for "+str(mycpv)+" in /var/db.\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! Please run /usr/lib/portage/bin/ or\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! unmerge this exact version.\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! %s\n" % e, noiselevel=-1)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ writemsg("!!! COUNTER file is missing for "+str(mycpv)+" in /var/db.\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! Please run /usr/lib/portage/bin/ or\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! remerge the package.\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ counter=long(0)
+ if corrupted:
+ # update new global counter file
+ write_atomic(cpath, str(counter))
+ return counter
+ def cpv_inject(self,mycpv):
+ "injects a real package into our on-disk database; assumes mycpv is valid and doesn't already exist"
+ os.makedirs(self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mycpv)
+ counter = self.counter_tick(self.root, mycpv=mycpv)
+ # write local package counter so that emerge clean does the right thing
+ write_atomic(os.path.join(self.root, VDB_PATH, mycpv, "COUNTER"), str(counter))
+ def isInjected(self,mycpv):
+ if self.cpv_exists(mycpv):
+ if os.path.exists(self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mycpv+"/INJECTED"):
+ return True
+ if not os.path.exists(self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mycpv+"/CONTENTS"):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def move_ent(self,mylist):
+ origcp=mylist[1]
+ newcp=mylist[2]
+ # sanity check
+ for cp in [origcp,newcp]:
+ if not (isvalidatom(cp) and isjustname(cp)):
+ raise portage_exception.InvalidPackageName(cp)
+ origmatches=self.match(origcp,use_cache=0)
+ if not origmatches:
+ return
+ for mycpv in origmatches:
+ mycpsplit=catpkgsplit(mycpv)
+ mynewcpv=newcp+"-"+mycpsplit[2]
+ mynewcat=newcp.split("/")[0]
+ if mycpsplit[3]!="r0":
+ mynewcpv += "-"+mycpsplit[3]
+ mycpsplit_new = catpkgsplit(mynewcpv)
+ origpath=self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mycpv
+ if not os.path.exists(origpath):
+ continue
+ writemsg_stdout("@")
+ if not os.path.exists(self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mynewcat):
+ #create the directory
+ os.makedirs(self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mynewcat)
+ newpath=self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mynewcpv
+ if os.path.exists(newpath):
+ #dest already exists; keep this puppy where it is.
+ continue
+ os.rename(origpath, newpath)
+ # We need to rename the ebuild now.
+ old_pf = catsplit(mycpv)[1]
+ new_pf = catsplit(mynewcpv)[1]
+ if new_pf != old_pf:
+ try:
+ os.rename(os.path.join(newpath, old_pf + ".ebuild"),
+ os.path.join(newpath, new_pf + ".ebuild"))
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ del e
+ write_atomic(os.path.join(newpath, "PF"), new_pf+"\n")
+ write_atomic(os.path.join(newpath, "CATEGORY"), mynewcat+"\n")
+ fixdbentries([mylist], newpath)
+ def update_ents(self, update_iter):
+ """Run fixdbentries on all installed packages (time consuming). Like
+ fixpackages, this should be run from a helper script and display
+ a progress indicator."""
+ dbdir = os.path.join(self.root, VDB_PATH)
+ for catdir in listdir(dbdir):
+ catdir = dbdir+"/"+catdir
+ if os.path.isdir(catdir):
+ for pkgdir in listdir(catdir):
+ pkgdir = catdir+"/"+pkgdir
+ if os.path.isdir(pkgdir):
+ fixdbentries(update_iter, pkgdir)
+ def move_slot_ent(self,mylist):
+ pkg=mylist[1]
+ origslot=mylist[2]
+ newslot=mylist[3]
+ if not isvalidatom(pkg):
+ raise portage_exception.InvalidAtom(pkg)
+ origmatches=self.match(pkg,use_cache=0)
+ if not origmatches:
+ return
+ for mycpv in origmatches:
+ origpath=self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mycpv
+ if not os.path.exists(origpath):
+ continue
+ slot=grabfile(origpath+"/SLOT");
+ if (not slot):
+ continue
+ if (slot[0]!=origslot):
+ continue
+ writemsg_stdout("s")
+ write_atomic(os.path.join(origpath, "SLOT"), newslot+"\n")
+ def cp_list(self,mycp,use_cache=1):
+ mysplit=mycp.split("/")
+ if mysplit[0] == '*':
+ mysplit[0] = mysplit[0][1:]
+ try:
+ mystat=os.stat(self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mysplit[0])[stat.ST_MTIME]
+ except OSError:
+ mystat=0
+ if use_cache and self.cpcache.has_key(mycp):
+ cpc=self.cpcache[mycp]
+ if cpc[0]==mystat:
+ return cpc[1]
+ list=listdir(self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mysplit[0],EmptyOnError=1)
+ if (list is None):
+ return []
+ returnme=[]
+ for x in list:
+ if x.startswith("."):
+ continue
+ if x[0] == '-':
+ #writemsg(red("INCOMPLETE MERGE:")+str(x[len("-MERGING-"):])+"\n")
+ continue
+ ps=pkgsplit(x)
+ if not ps:
+ self.invalidentry(self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mysplit[0]+"/"+x)
+ continue
+ if len(mysplit) > 1:
+ if ps[0]==mysplit[1]:
+ returnme.append(mysplit[0]+"/"+x)
+ if use_cache:
+ self.cpcache[mycp]=[mystat,returnme]
+ elif self.cpcache.has_key(mycp):
+ del self.cpcache[mycp]
+ return returnme
+ def cpv_all(self,use_cache=1):
+ returnme=[]
+ basepath = self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"
+ for x in self.categories:
+ for y in listdir(basepath+x,EmptyOnError=1):
+ if y.startswith("."):
+ continue
+ subpath = x+"/"+y
+ # -MERGING- should never be a cpv, nor should files.
+ if os.path.isdir(basepath+subpath) and (pkgsplit(y) is not None):
+ returnme += [subpath]
+ return returnme
+ def cp_all(self,use_cache=1):
+ mylist = self.cpv_all(use_cache=use_cache)
+ d={}
+ for y in mylist:
+ if y[0] == '*':
+ y = y[1:]
+ mysplit=catpkgsplit(y)
+ if not mysplit:
+ self.invalidentry(self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+y)
+ continue
+ d[mysplit[0]+"/"+mysplit[1]] = None
+ return d.keys()
+ def checkblockers(self,origdep):
+ pass
+ def match(self,origdep,use_cache=1):
+ "caching match function"
+ mydep = dep_expand(
+ origdep, mydb=self, use_cache=use_cache, settings=self.settings)
+ mykey=dep_getkey(mydep)
+ mycat=mykey.split("/")[0]
+ if not use_cache:
+ if self.matchcache.has_key(mycat):
+ del self.mtdircache[mycat]
+ del self.matchcache[mycat]
+ mymatch = match_from_list(mydep,
+ self.cp_list(mykey, use_cache=use_cache))
+ myslot = portage_dep.dep_getslot(mydep)
+ if myslot is not None:
+ mymatch = [cpv for cpv in mymatch \
+ if self.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])[0] == myslot]
+ return mymatch
+ try:
+ curmtime=os.stat(self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mycat)[stat.ST_MTIME]
+ except (IOError, OSError):
+ curmtime=0
+ if not self.matchcache.has_key(mycat) or not self.mtdircache[mycat]==curmtime:
+ # clear cache entry
+ self.mtdircache[mycat]=curmtime
+ self.matchcache[mycat]={}
+ if not self.matchcache[mycat].has_key(mydep):
+ mymatch=match_from_list(mydep,self.cp_list(mykey,use_cache=use_cache))
+ myslot = portage_dep.dep_getslot(mydep)
+ if myslot is not None:
+ mymatch = [cpv for cpv in mymatch \
+ if self.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])[0] == myslot]
+ self.matchcache[mycat][mydep]=mymatch
+ return self.matchcache[mycat][mydep][:]
+ def findname(self, mycpv):
+ return self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+str(mycpv)+"/"+mycpv.split("/")[1]+".ebuild"
+ def flush_cache(self):
+ """If the current user has permission and the internal aux_get cache has
+ been updated, save it to disk and mark it unmodified. This is called
+ by emerge after it has loaded the full vdb for use in dependency
+ calculations. Currently, the cache is only written if the user has
+ superuser privileges (since that's required to obtain a lock), but all
+ users have read access and benefit from faster metadata lookups (as
+ long as at least part of the cache is still valid)."""
+ if self._aux_cache is not None and \
+ self._aux_cache["modified"] and \
+ secpass >= 2:
+ valid_nodes = set(self.cpv_all())
+ for cpv in self._aux_cache["packages"].keys():
+ if cpv not in valid_nodes:
+ del self._aux_cache["packages"][cpv]
+ del self._aux_cache["modified"]
+ try:
+ f = atomic_ofstream(self._aux_cache_filename)
+ cPickle.dump(self._aux_cache, f, -1)
+ f.close()
+ portage_util.apply_secpass_permissions(
+ self._aux_cache_filename, gid=portage_gid, mode=0644)
+ except (IOError, OSError), e:
+ pass
+ self._aux_cache["modified"] = False
+ def aux_get(self, mycpv, wants):
+ """This automatically caches selected keys that are frequently needed
+ by emerge for dependency calculations. The cached metadata is
+ considered valid if the mtime of the package directory has not changed
+ since the data was cached. The cache is stored in a pickled dict
+ object with the following format:
+ {version:"1", "packages":{cpv1:(mtime,{k1,v1, k2,v2, ...}), cpv2...}}
+ If an error occurs while loading the cache pickle or the version is
+ unrecognized, the cache will simple be recreated from scratch (it is
+ completely disposable).
+ """
+ if not self._aux_cache_keys.intersection(wants):
+ return self._aux_get(mycpv, wants)
+ if self._aux_cache is None:
+ try:
+ f = open(self._aux_cache_filename)
+ mypickle = cPickle.Unpickler(f)
+ mypickle.find_global = None
+ self._aux_cache = mypickle.load()
+ f.close()
+ del f
+ except (IOError, OSError, EOFError, cPickle.UnpicklingError):
+ pass
+ if not self._aux_cache or \
+ not isinstance(self._aux_cache, dict) or \
+ self._aux_cache.get("version") != self._aux_cache_version or \
+ not self._aux_cache.get("packages"):
+ self._aux_cache = {"version":self._aux_cache_version}
+ self._aux_cache["packages"] = {}
+ self._aux_cache["modified"] = False
+ mydir = os.path.join(self.root, VDB_PATH, mycpv)
+ mydir_stat = None
+ try:
+ mydir_stat = os.stat(mydir)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ raise KeyError(mycpv)
+ mydir_mtime = long(mydir_stat.st_mtime)
+ pkg_data = self._aux_cache["packages"].get(mycpv)
+ mydata = {}
+ cache_valid = False
+ if pkg_data:
+ cache_mtime, metadata = pkg_data
+ cache_valid = cache_mtime == mydir_mtime
+ if cache_valid and set(metadata) != self._aux_cache_keys:
+ # Allow self._aux_cache_keys to change without a cache version
+ # bump.
+ cache_valid = False
+ if cache_valid:
+ mydata.update(metadata)
+ pull_me = set(wants).difference(self._aux_cache_keys)
+ else:
+ pull_me = self._aux_cache_keys.union(wants)
+ if pull_me:
+ # pull any needed data and cache it
+ aux_keys = list(pull_me)
+ for k, v in izip(aux_keys, self._aux_get(mycpv, aux_keys)):
+ mydata[k] = v
+ if not cache_valid:
+ cache_data = {}
+ for aux_key in self._aux_cache_keys:
+ cache_data[aux_key] = mydata[aux_key]
+ self._aux_cache["packages"][mycpv] = (mydir_mtime, cache_data)
+ self._aux_cache["modified"] = True
+ return [mydata[x] for x in wants]
+ def _aux_get(self, mycpv, wants):
+ mydir = os.path.join(self.root, VDB_PATH, mycpv)
+ if not os.path.isdir(mydir):
+ raise KeyError(mycpv)
+ results = []
+ for x in wants:
+ try:
+ myf = open(os.path.join(mydir, x), "r")
+ try:
+ myd =
+ finally:
+ myf.close()
+ myd = " ".join(myd.split())
+ except IOError:
+ myd = ""
+ if x == "EAPI" and not myd:
+ results.append("0")
+ else:
+ results.append(myd)
+ return results
+ def aux_update(self, cpv, values):
+ cat, pkg = cpv.split("/")
+ mylink = dblink(cat, pkg, self.root, self.settings,
+ treetype="vartree", vartree=self.vartree)
+ if not mylink.exists():
+ raise KeyError(cpv)
+ for k, v in values.iteritems():
+ mylink.setfile(k, v)
+ def counter_tick(self,myroot,mycpv=None):
+ return self.counter_tick_core(myroot,incrementing=1,mycpv=mycpv)
+ def get_counter_tick_core(self,myroot,mycpv=None):
+ return self.counter_tick_core(myroot,incrementing=0,mycpv=mycpv)+1
+ def counter_tick_core(self,myroot,incrementing=1,mycpv=None):
+ "This method will grab the next COUNTER value and record it back to the global file. Returns new counter value."
+ cpath=myroot+"var/cache/edb/counter"
+ changed=0
+ min_counter = 0
+ if mycpv:
+ mysplit = pkgsplit(mycpv)
+ for x in self.match(mysplit[0],use_cache=0):
+ if x==mycpv:
+ continue
+ try:
+ old_counter = long(self.aux_get(x,["COUNTER"])[0])
+ writemsg("COUNTER '%d' '%s'\n" % (old_counter, x),1)
+ except (ValueError, KeyError): # valueError from long(), KeyError from aux_get
+ old_counter = 0
+ writemsg("!!! BAD COUNTER in '%s'\n" % (x), noiselevel=-1)
+ if old_counter > min_counter:
+ min_counter = old_counter
+ # We write our new counter value to a new file that gets moved into
+ # place to avoid filesystem corruption.
+ find_counter = ("find '%s' -type f -name COUNTER | " + \
+ "while read f; do echo $(<\"${f}\"); done | " + \
+ "sort -n | tail -n1") % os.path.join(self.root, VDB_PATH)
+ if os.path.exists(cpath):
+ cfile=open(cpath, "r")
+ try:
+ counter=long(cfile.readline())
+ except (ValueError,OverflowError):
+ try:
+ counter = long(commands.getoutput(find_counter).strip())
+ writemsg("!!! COUNTER was corrupted; resetting to value of %d\n" % counter,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ changed=1
+ except (ValueError,OverflowError):
+ writemsg("!!! COUNTER data is corrupt in pkg db. The values need to be\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! corrected/normalized so that portage can operate properly.\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! A simple solution is not yet available so try #gentoo on IRC.\n")
+ sys.exit(2)
+ cfile.close()
+ else:
+ try:
+ counter = long(commands.getoutput(find_counter).strip())
+ writemsg("!!! Global counter missing. Regenerated from counter files to: %s\n" % counter,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ except ValueError: # Value Error for long(), probably others for commands.getoutput
+ writemsg("!!! Initializing global counter.\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ counter=long(0)
+ changed=1
+ if counter < min_counter:
+ counter = min_counter+1000
+ changed = 1
+ if incrementing or changed:
+ #increment counter
+ counter += 1
+ # update new global counter file
+ write_atomic(cpath, str(counter))
+ return counter
+class vartree(object):
+ "this tree will scan a var/db/pkg database located at root (passed to init)"
+ def __init__(self, root="/", virtual=None, clone=None, categories=None,
+ settings=None):
+ if clone:
+ self.root = clone.root[:]
+ self.dbapi = copy.deepcopy(clone.dbapi)
+ self.populated = 1
+ self.settings = config(clone=clone.settings)
+ else:
+ self.root = root[:]
+ if settings is None:
+ settings = globals()["settings"]
+ self.settings = settings # for key_expand calls
+ if categories is None:
+ categories = settings.categories
+ self.dbapi = vardbapi(self.root, categories=categories,
+ settings=settings, vartree=self)
+ self.populated = 1
+ def zap(self,mycpv):
+ return
+ def inject(self,mycpv):
+ return
+ def get_provide(self,mycpv):
+ myprovides=[]
+ mylines = None
+ try:
+ mylines, myuse = self.dbapi.aux_get(mycpv, ["PROVIDE","USE"])
+ if mylines:
+ myuse = myuse.split()
+ mylines = flatten(portage_dep.use_reduce(portage_dep.paren_reduce(mylines), uselist=myuse))
+ for myprovide in mylines:
+ mys = catpkgsplit(myprovide)
+ if not mys:
+ mys = myprovide.split("/")
+ myprovides += [mys[0] + "/" + mys[1]]
+ return myprovides
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ raise
+ except Exception, e:
+ mydir = os.path.join(self.root, VDB_PATH, mycpv)
+ writemsg("\nParse Error reading PROVIDE and USE in '%s'\n" % mydir,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ if mylines:
+ writemsg("Possibly Invalid: '%s'\n" % str(mylines),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("Exception: %s\n\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+ return []
+ def get_all_provides(self):
+ myprovides = {}
+ for node in self.getallcpv():
+ for mykey in self.get_provide(node):
+ if myprovides.has_key(mykey):
+ myprovides[mykey] += [node]
+ else:
+ myprovides[mykey] = [node]
+ return myprovides
+ def dep_bestmatch(self,mydep,use_cache=1):
+ "compatibility method -- all matches, not just visible ones"
+ #mymatch=best(match(dep_expand(mydep,self.dbapi),self.dbapi))
+ mymatch = best(self.dbapi.match(
+ dep_expand(mydep, mydb=self.dbapi, settings=self.settings),
+ use_cache=use_cache))
+ if mymatch is None:
+ return ""
+ else:
+ return mymatch
+ def dep_match(self,mydep,use_cache=1):
+ "compatibility method -- we want to see all matches, not just visible ones"
+ #mymatch=match(mydep,self.dbapi)
+ mymatch=self.dbapi.match(mydep,use_cache=use_cache)
+ if mymatch is None:
+ return []
+ else:
+ return mymatch
+ def exists_specific(self,cpv):
+ return self.dbapi.cpv_exists(cpv)
+ def getallcpv(self):
+ """temporary function, probably to be renamed --- Gets a list of all
+ category/package-versions installed on the system."""
+ return self.dbapi.cpv_all()
+ def getallnodes(self):
+ """new behavior: these are all *unmasked* nodes. There may or may not be available
+ masked package for nodes in this nodes list."""
+ return self.dbapi.cp_all()
+ def exists_specific_cat(self,cpv,use_cache=1):
+ cpv = key_expand(cpv, mydb=self.dbapi, use_cache=use_cache,
+ settings=self.settings)
+ a=catpkgsplit(cpv)
+ if not a:
+ return 0
+ mylist=listdir(self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+a[0],EmptyOnError=1)
+ for x in mylist:
+ b=pkgsplit(x)
+ if not b:
+ self.dbapi.invalidentry(self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+a[0]+"/"+x)
+ continue
+ if a[1]==b[0]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def getebuildpath(self,fullpackage):
+ cat,package=fullpackage.split("/")
+ return self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+fullpackage+"/"+package+".ebuild"
+ def getnode(self,mykey,use_cache=1):
+ mykey = key_expand(mykey, mydb=self.dbapi, use_cache=use_cache,
+ settings=self.settings)
+ if not mykey:
+ return []
+ mysplit=mykey.split("/")
+ mydirlist=listdir(self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mysplit[0],EmptyOnError=1)
+ returnme=[]
+ for x in mydirlist:
+ mypsplit=pkgsplit(x)
+ if not mypsplit:
+ self.dbapi.invalidentry(self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mysplit[0]+"/"+x)
+ continue
+ if mypsplit[0]==mysplit[1]:
+ appendme=[mysplit[0]+"/"+x,[mysplit[0],mypsplit[0],mypsplit[1],mypsplit[2]]]
+ returnme.append(appendme)
+ return returnme
+ def getslot(self,mycatpkg):
+ "Get a slot for a catpkg; assume it exists."
+ try:
+ return self.dbapi.aux_get(mycatpkg, ["SLOT"])[0]
+ except KeyError:
+ return ""
+ def hasnode(self,mykey,use_cache):
+ """Does the particular node (cat/pkg key) exist?"""
+ mykey = key_expand(mykey, mydb=self.dbapi, use_cache=use_cache,
+ settings=self.settings)
+ mysplit=mykey.split("/")
+ mydirlist=listdir(self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mysplit[0],EmptyOnError=1)
+ for x in mydirlist:
+ mypsplit=pkgsplit(x)
+ if not mypsplit:
+ self.dbapi.invalidentry(self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mysplit[0]+"/"+x)
+ continue
+ if mypsplit[0]==mysplit[1]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def populate(self):
+ self.populated=1
+ 'UNUSED_01', 'UNUSED_02', 'UNUSED_03', 'UNUSED_04',
+ 'UNUSED_05', 'UNUSED_06', 'UNUSED_07',
+ ]
+def close_portdbapi_caches():
+ for i in portdbapi.portdbapi_instances:
+ i.close_caches()
+class portdbapi(dbapi):
+ """this tree will scan a portage directory located at root (passed to init)"""
+ portdbapi_instances = []
+ def __init__(self,porttree_root,mysettings=None):
+ portdbapi.portdbapi_instances.append(self)
+ if mysettings:
+ self.mysettings = mysettings
+ else:
+ global settings
+ self.mysettings = config(clone=settings)
+ # This is strictly for use in aux_get() doebuild calls when metadata
+ # is generated by the depend phase. It's safest to use a clone for
+ # this purpose because doebuild makes many changes to the config
+ # instance that is passed in.
+ self.doebuild_settings = config(clone=self.mysettings)
+ self.manifestVerifyLevel = None
+ self.manifestVerifier = None
+ self.manifestCache = {} # {location: [stat, md5]}
+ self.manifestMissingCache = []
+ if "gpg" in self.mysettings.features:
+ self.manifestVerifyLevel = portage_gpg.EXISTS
+ if "strict" in self.mysettings.features:
+ self.manifestVerifyLevel = portage_gpg.MARGINAL
+ self.manifestVerifier = portage_gpg.FileChecker(self.mysettings["PORTAGE_GPG_DIR"], "gentoo.gpg", minimumTrust=self.manifestVerifyLevel)
+ elif "severe" in self.mysettings.features:
+ self.manifestVerifyLevel = portage_gpg.TRUSTED
+ self.manifestVerifier = portage_gpg.FileChecker(self.mysettings["PORTAGE_GPG_DIR"], "gentoo.gpg", requireSignedRing=True, minimumTrust=self.manifestVerifyLevel)
+ else:
+ self.manifestVerifier = portage_gpg.FileChecker(self.mysettings["PORTAGE_GPG_DIR"], "gentoo.gpg", minimumTrust=self.manifestVerifyLevel)
+ #self.root=settings["PORTDIR"]
+ self.porttree_root = os.path.realpath(porttree_root)
+ self.depcachedir = self.mysettings.depcachedir[:]
+ self.tmpfs = self.mysettings["PORTAGE_TMPFS"]
+ if self.tmpfs and not os.path.exists(self.tmpfs):
+ self.tmpfs = None
+ if self.tmpfs and not os.access(self.tmpfs, os.W_OK):
+ self.tmpfs = None
+ if self.tmpfs and not os.access(self.tmpfs, os.R_OK):
+ self.tmpfs = None
+ self.eclassdb = eclass_cache.cache(self.porttree_root,
+ overlays=self.mysettings["PORTDIR_OVERLAY"].split())
+ self.metadbmodule = self.mysettings.load_best_module("portdbapi.metadbmodule")
+ #if the portdbapi is "frozen", then we assume that we can cache everything (that no updates to it are happening)
+ self.xcache={}
+ self.frozen=0
+ self.porttrees = [self.porttree_root] + \
+ [os.path.realpath(t) for t in self.mysettings["PORTDIR_OVERLAY"].split()]
+ self.treemap = {}
+ for path in self.porttrees:
+ repo_name_path = os.path.join( path, REPO_NAME_LOC )
+ try:
+ repo_name = open( repo_name_path ,'r').readline().strip()
+ self.treemap[repo_name] = path
+ except (OSError,IOError):
+ pass
+ self.auxdbmodule = self.mysettings.load_best_module("portdbapi.auxdbmodule")
+ self.auxdb = {}
+ self._init_cache_dirs()
+ # ~harring
+ filtered_auxdbkeys = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("UNUSED_0"), auxdbkeys)
+ if secpass < 1:
+ from cache import metadata_overlay, volatile
+ for x in self.porttrees:
+ db_ro = self.auxdbmodule(self.depcachedir, x,
+ filtered_auxdbkeys, gid=portage_gid, readonly=True)
+ self.auxdb[x] = metadata_overlay.database(
+ self.depcachedir, x, filtered_auxdbkeys,
+ gid=portage_gid, db_rw=volatile.database,
+ db_ro=db_ro)
+ else:
+ for x in self.porttrees:
+ # location, label, auxdbkeys
+ self.auxdb[x] = self.auxdbmodule(
+ self.depcachedir, x, filtered_auxdbkeys, gid=portage_gid)
+ # Selectively cache metadata in order to optimize dep matching.
+ self._aux_cache_keys = set(["EAPI", "KEYWORDS", "SLOT"])
+ self._aux_cache = {}
+ def _init_cache_dirs(self):
+ """Create /var/cache/edb/dep and adjust permissions for the portage
+ group."""
+ dirmode = 02070
+ filemode = 060
+ modemask = 02
+ try:
+ for mydir in (self.depcachedir,):
+ if portage_util.ensure_dirs(mydir, gid=portage_gid, mode=dirmode, mask=modemask):
+ writemsg("Adjusting permissions recursively: '%s'\n" % mydir,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ def onerror(e):
+ raise # bail out on the first error that occurs during recursion
+ if not apply_recursive_permissions(mydir,
+ gid=portage_gid, dirmode=dirmode, dirmask=modemask,
+ filemode=filemode, filemask=modemask, onerror=onerror):
+ raise portage_exception.OperationNotPermitted(
+ "Failed to apply recursive permissions for the portage group.")
+ except portage_exception.PortageException, e:
+ pass
+ def close_caches(self):
+ for x in self.auxdb.keys():
+ self.auxdb[x].sync()
+ self.auxdb.clear()
+ def flush_cache(self):
+ for x in self.auxdb.values():
+ x.sync()
+ def finddigest(self,mycpv):
+ try:
+ mydig = self.findname2(mycpv)[0]
+ if not mydig:
+ return ""
+ mydigs = mydig.split("/")[:-1]
+ mydig = "/".join(mydigs)
+ mysplit = mycpv.split("/")
+ except OSError:
+ return ""
+ return mydig+"/files/digest-"+mysplit[-1]
+ def findname(self,mycpv):
+ return self.findname2(mycpv)[0]
+ def getRepositoryPath( self, repository_id ):
+ """
+ This function is required for GLEP 42 compliance; given a valid repository ID
+ it must return a path to the repository
+ TreeMap = { id:path }
+ """
+ if repository_id in self.treemap:
+ return self.treemap[repository_id]
+ return None
+ def getRepositories( self ):
+ """
+ This function is required for GLEP 42 compliance; it will return a list of
+ repository ID's
+ TreeMap = { id:path }
+ """
+ return [k for k in self.treemap.keys() if k]
+ def findname2(self, mycpv, mytree=None):
+ """
+ Returns the location of the CPV, and what overlay it was in.
+ Searches overlays first, then PORTDIR; this allows us to return the first
+ matching file. As opposed to starting in portdir and then doing overlays
+ second, we would have to exhaustively search the overlays until we found
+ the file we wanted.
+ """
+ if not mycpv:
+ return "",0
+ mysplit=mycpv.split("/")
+ psplit=pkgsplit(mysplit[1])
+ if mytree:
+ mytrees = [mytree]
+ else:
+ mytrees = self.porttrees[:]
+ mytrees.reverse()
+ if psplit:
+ for x in mytrees:
+ file=x+"/"+mysplit[0]+"/"+psplit[0]+"/"+mysplit[1]+".ebuild"
+ if os.access(file, os.R_OK):
+ return[file, x]
+ return None, 0
+ def aux_get(self, mycpv, mylist, mytree=None):
+ "stub code for returning auxilliary db information, such as SLOT, DEPEND, etc."
+ 'input: "sys-apps/foo-1.0",["SLOT","DEPEND","HOMEPAGE"]'
+ 'return: ["0",">=sys-libs/bar-1.0",""] or raise KeyError if error'
+ cache_me = False
+ if not mytree and not set(mylist).difference(self._aux_cache_keys):
+ aux_cache = self._aux_cache.get(mycpv)
+ if aux_cache is not None:
+ return [aux_cache[x] for x in mylist]
+ cache_me = True
+ global auxdbkeys,auxdbkeylen
+ cat,pkg = mycpv.split("/", 1)
+ myebuild, mylocation = self.findname2(mycpv, mytree)
+ if not myebuild:
+ writemsg("!!! aux_get(): ebuild path for '%(cpv)s' not specified:\n" % {"cpv":mycpv},
+ noiselevel=1)
+ writemsg("!!! %s\n" % myebuild, noiselevel=1)
+ raise KeyError(mycpv)
+ myManifestPath = "/".join(myebuild.split("/")[:-1])+"/Manifest"
+ if "gpg" in self.mysettings.features:
+ try:
+ mys = portage_gpg.fileStats(myManifestPath)
+ if (myManifestPath in self.manifestCache) and \
+ (self.manifestCache[myManifestPath] == mys):
+ pass
+ elif self.manifestVerifier:
+ if not self.manifestVerifier.verify(myManifestPath):
+ # Verification failed the desired level.
+ raise portage_exception.UntrustedSignature, "Untrusted Manifest: %(manifest)s" % {"manifest":myManifestPath}
+ if ("severe" in self.mysettings.features) and \
+ (mys != portage_gpg.fileStats(myManifestPath)):
+ raise portage_exception.SecurityViolation, "Manifest changed: %(manifest)s" % {"manifest":myManifestPath}
+ except portage_exception.InvalidSignature, e:
+ if ("strict" in self.mysettings.features) or \
+ ("severe" in self.mysettings.features):
+ raise
+ writemsg("!!! INVALID MANIFEST SIGNATURE DETECTED: %(manifest)s\n" % {"manifest":myManifestPath})
+ except portage_exception.MissingSignature, e:
+ if ("severe" in self.mysettings.features):
+ raise
+ if ("strict" in self.mysettings.features):
+ if myManifestPath not in self.manifestMissingCache:
+ writemsg("!!! WARNING: Missing signature in: %(manifest)s\n" % {"manifest":myManifestPath})
+ self.manifestMissingCache.insert(0,myManifestPath)
+ except (OSError,portage_exception.FileNotFound), e:
+ if ("strict" in self.mysettings.features) or \
+ ("severe" in self.mysettings.features):
+ raise portage_exception.SecurityViolation, "Error in verification of signatures: %(errormsg)s" % {"errormsg":str(e)}
+ writemsg("!!! Manifest is missing or inaccessable: %(manifest)s\n" % {"manifest":myManifestPath},
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ if os.access(myebuild, os.R_OK):
+ emtime=os.stat(myebuild)[stat.ST_MTIME]
+ else:
+ writemsg("!!! aux_get(): ebuild for '%(cpv)s' does not exist at:\n" % {"cpv":mycpv},
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! %s\n" % myebuild,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ raise KeyError
+ try:
+ mydata = self.auxdb[mylocation][mycpv]
+ if emtime != long(mydata.get("_mtime_", 0)):
+ doregen = True
+ elif len(mydata.get("_eclasses_", [])) > 0:
+ doregen = not self.eclassdb.is_eclass_data_valid(mydata["_eclasses_"])
+ else:
+ doregen = False
+ except KeyError:
+ doregen = True
+ except CacheError:
+ doregen = True
+ try: del self.auxdb[mylocation][mycpv]
+ except KeyError: pass
+ writemsg("auxdb is valid: "+str(not doregen)+" "+str(pkg)+"\n", 2)
+ if doregen:
+ writemsg("doregen: %s %s\n" % (doregen,mycpv), 2)
+ writemsg("Generating cache entry(0) for: "+str(myebuild)+"\n",1)
+ self.doebuild_settings.reset()
+ mydata = {}
+ myret = doebuild(myebuild, "depend",
+ self.doebuild_settings["ROOT"], self.doebuild_settings,
+ dbkey=mydata, tree="porttree", mydbapi=self)
+ if myret != os.EX_OK:
+ raise KeyError(mycpv)
+ if "EAPI" not in mydata or not mydata["EAPI"].strip():
+ mydata["EAPI"] = "0"
+ if not eapi_is_supported(mydata["EAPI"]):
+ # if newer version, wipe everything and negate eapi
+ eapi = mydata["EAPI"]
+ mydata = {}
+ map(lambda x:mydata.setdefault(x, ""), auxdbkeys)
+ mydata["EAPI"] = "-"+eapi
+ if mydata.get("INHERITED", False):
+ mydata["_eclasses_"] = self.eclassdb.get_eclass_data(mydata["INHERITED"].split())
+ else:
+ mydata["_eclasses_"] = {}
+ del mydata["INHERITED"]
+ mydata["_mtime_"] = emtime
+ self.auxdb[mylocation][mycpv] = mydata
+ if not mydata.setdefault("EAPI", "0"):
+ mydata["EAPI"] = "0"
+ #finally, we look at our internal cache entry and return the requested data.
+ returnme = []
+ for x in mylist:
+ if x == "INHERITED":
+ returnme.append(' '.join(mydata.get("_eclasses_", {}).keys()))
+ else:
+ returnme.append(mydata.get(x,""))
+ if cache_me:
+ aux_cache = {}
+ for x in self._aux_cache_keys:
+ aux_cache[x] = mydata.get(x, "")
+ self._aux_cache[mycpv] = aux_cache
+ return returnme
+ def getfetchlist(self, mypkg, useflags=None, mysettings=None, all=0, mytree=None):
+ if mysettings is None:
+ mysettings = self.mysettings
+ try:
+ myuris = self.aux_get(mypkg, ["SRC_URI"], mytree=mytree)[0]
+ except KeyError:
+ print red("getfetchlist():")+" aux_get() error reading "+mypkg+"; aborting."
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if useflags is None:
+ useflags = mysettings["USE"].split()
+ myurilist = portage_dep.paren_reduce(myuris)
+ myurilist = portage_dep.use_reduce(myurilist,uselist=useflags,matchall=all)
+ newuris = flatten(myurilist)
+ myfiles = []
+ for x in newuris:
+ mya = os.path.basename(x)
+ if not mya in myfiles:
+ myfiles.append(mya)
+ return [newuris, myfiles]
+ def getfetchsizes(self,mypkg,useflags=None,debug=0):
+ # returns a filename:size dictionnary of remaining downloads
+ myebuild = self.findname(mypkg)
+ pkgdir = os.path.dirname(myebuild)
+ mf = Manifest(pkgdir, self.mysettings["DISTDIR"])
+ checksums = mf.getDigests()
+ if not checksums:
+ if debug: print "[empty/missing/bad digest]: "+mypkg
+ return None
+ filesdict={}
+ if useflags is None:
+ myuris, myfiles = self.getfetchlist(mypkg,all=1)
+ else:
+ myuris, myfiles = self.getfetchlist(mypkg,useflags=useflags)
+ #XXX: maybe this should be improved: take partial downloads
+ # into account? check checksums?
+ for myfile in myfiles:
+ if myfile not in checksums:
+ if debug:
+ writemsg("[bad digest]: missing %s for %s\n" % (myfile, mypkg))
+ continue
+ file_path = os.path.join(self.mysettings["DISTDIR"], myfile)
+ mystat = None
+ try:
+ mystat = os.stat(file_path)
+ except OSError, e:
+ pass
+ if mystat is None:
+ existing_size = 0
+ else:
+ existing_size = mystat.st_size
+ remaining_size = int(checksums[myfile]["size"]) - existing_size
+ if remaining_size > 0:
+ # Assume the download is resumable.
+ filesdict[myfile] = remaining_size
+ elif remaining_size < 0:
+ # The existing file is too large and therefore corrupt.
+ filesdict[myfile] = int(checksums[myfile]["size"])
+ return filesdict
+ def fetch_check(self, mypkg, useflags=None, mysettings=None, all=False):
+ if not useflags:
+ if mysettings:
+ useflags = mysettings["USE"].split()
+ myuri, myfiles = self.getfetchlist(mypkg, useflags=useflags, mysettings=mysettings, all=all)
+ myebuild = self.findname(mypkg)
+ pkgdir = os.path.dirname(myebuild)
+ mf = Manifest(pkgdir, self.mysettings["DISTDIR"])
+ mysums = mf.getDigests()
+ failures = {}
+ for x in myfiles:
+ if not mysums or x not in mysums:
+ ok = False
+ reason = "digest missing"
+ else:
+ try:
+ ok, reason = portage_checksum.verify_all(
+ os.path.join(self.mysettings["DISTDIR"], x), mysums[x])
+ except portage_exception.FileNotFound, e:
+ ok = False
+ reason = "File Not Found: '%s'" % str(e)
+ if not ok:
+ failures[x] = reason
+ if failures:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def getsize(self,mypkg,useflags=None,debug=0):
+ # returns the total size of remaining downloads
+ #
+ # we use getfetchsizes() now, so this function would be obsoleted
+ #
+ filesdict=self.getfetchsizes(mypkg,useflags=useflags,debug=debug)
+ if filesdict is None:
+ return "[empty/missing/bad digest]"
+ mysize=0
+ for myfile in filesdict.keys():
+ mysum+=filesdict[myfile]
+ return mysum
+ def cpv_exists(self,mykey):
+ "Tells us whether an actual ebuild exists on disk (no masking)"
+ cps2=mykey.split("/")
+ cps=catpkgsplit(mykey,silent=0)
+ if not cps:
+ #invalid cat/pkg-v
+ return 0
+ if self.findname(cps[0]+"/"+cps2[1]):
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def cp_all(self):
+ "returns a list of all keys in our tree"
+ d={}
+ for x in self.mysettings.categories:
+ for oroot in self.porttrees:
+ for y in listdir(oroot+"/"+x,EmptyOnError=1,ignorecvs=1,dirsonly=1):
+ d[x+"/"+y] = None
+ l = d.keys()
+ l.sort()
+ return l
+ def p_list(self,mycp):
+ d={}
+ for oroot in self.porttrees:
+ for x in listdir(oroot+"/"+mycp,EmptyOnError=1,ignorecvs=1):
+ if x[-7:]==".ebuild":
+ d[x[:-7]] = None
+ return d.keys()
+ def cp_list(self, mycp, use_cache=1, mytree=None):
+ mysplit=mycp.split("/")
+ d={}
+ if mytree:
+ mytrees = [mytree]
+ else:
+ mytrees = self.porttrees
+ for oroot in mytrees:
+ for x in listdir(oroot+"/"+mycp,EmptyOnError=1,ignorecvs=1):
+ if x.endswith(".ebuild"):
+ pf = x[:-7]
+ ps = pkgsplit(pf)
+ if not ps:
+ writemsg("\nInvalid ebuild name: %s\n" % \
+ os.path.join(oroot, mycp, x), noiselevel=-1)
+ continue
+ d[mysplit[0]+"/"+pf] = None
+ return d.keys()
+ def freeze(self):
+ for x in ["list-visible","bestmatch-visible","match-visible","match-all"]:
+ self.xcache[x]={}
+ self.frozen=1
+ def melt(self):
+ self.xcache={}
+ self.frozen=0
+ def xmatch(self,level,origdep,mydep=None,mykey=None,mylist=None):
+ "caching match function; very trick stuff"
+ #if no updates are being made to the tree, we can consult our xcache...
+ if self.frozen:
+ try:
+ return self.xcache[level][origdep][:]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ if not mydep:
+ #this stuff only runs on first call of xmatch()
+ #create mydep, mykey from origdep
+ mydep = dep_expand(origdep, mydb=self, settings=self.mysettings)
+ mykey=dep_getkey(mydep)
+ if level=="list-visible":
+ #a list of all visible packages, not called directly (just by xmatch())
+ #myval=self.visible(self.cp_list(mykey))
+ myval=self.gvisible(self.visible(self.cp_list(mykey)))
+ elif level=="bestmatch-visible":
+ #dep match -- best match of all visible packages
+ myval=best(self.xmatch("match-visible",None,mydep=mydep,mykey=mykey))
+ #get all visible matches (from xmatch()), then choose the best one
+ elif level=="bestmatch-list":
+ #dep match -- find best match but restrict search to sublist
+ myval=best(match_from_list(mydep,mylist))
+ #no point is calling xmatch again since we're not caching list deps
+ elif level=="match-list":
+ #dep match -- find all matches but restrict search to sublist (used in 2nd half of visible())
+ myval=match_from_list(mydep,mylist)
+ elif level=="match-visible":
+ #dep match -- find all visible matches
+ myval = match_from_list(mydep,
+ self.xmatch("list-visible", mykey, mydep=mykey, mykey=mykey))
+ #get all visible packages, then get the matching ones
+ elif level=="match-all":
+ #match *all* visible *and* masked packages
+ myval=match_from_list(mydep,self.cp_list(mykey))
+ else:
+ print "ERROR: xmatch doesn't handle",level,"query!"
+ raise KeyError
+ myslot = portage_dep.dep_getslot(mydep)
+ if myslot is not None:
+ slotmatches = []
+ for cpv in myval:
+ try:
+ if self.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])[0] == myslot:
+ slotmatches.append(cpv)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass # ebuild masked by corruption
+ myval = slotmatches
+ if self.frozen and (level not in ["match-list","bestmatch-list"]):
+ self.xcache[level][mydep]=myval
+ if origdep and origdep != mydep:
+ self.xcache[level][origdep] = myval
+ return myval[:]
+ def match(self,mydep,use_cache=1):
+ return self.xmatch("match-visible",mydep)
+ def visible(self,mylist):
+ """two functions in one. Accepts a list of cpv values and uses the package.mask *and*
+ packages file to remove invisible entries, returning remaining items. This function assumes
+ that all entries in mylist have the same category and package name."""
+ if (mylist is None) or (len(mylist)==0):
+ return []
+ newlist=mylist[:]
+ #first, we mask out packages in the package.mask file
+ mykey=newlist[0]
+ cpv=catpkgsplit(mykey)
+ if not cpv:
+ #invalid cat/pkg-v
+ print "visible(): invalid cat/pkg-v:",mykey
+ return []
+ mycp=cpv[0]+"/"+cpv[1]
+ maskdict=self.mysettings.pmaskdict
+ unmaskdict=self.mysettings.punmaskdict
+ if maskdict.has_key(mycp):
+ for x in maskdict[mycp]:
+ mymatches=self.xmatch("match-all",x)
+ if mymatches is None:
+ #error in package.mask file; print warning and continue:
+ print "visible(): package.mask entry \""+x+"\" is invalid, ignoring..."
+ continue
+ for y in mymatches:
+ unmask=0
+ if unmaskdict.has_key(mycp):
+ for z in unmaskdict[mycp]:
+ mymatches_unmask=self.xmatch("match-all",z)
+ if y in mymatches_unmask:
+ unmask=1
+ break
+ if unmask==0:
+ try:
+ newlist.remove(y)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ revmaskdict=self.mysettings.prevmaskdict
+ if revmaskdict.has_key(mycp):
+ for x in revmaskdict[mycp]:
+ #important: only match against the still-unmasked entries...
+ #notice how we pass "newlist" to the xmatch() call below....
+ #Without this, ~ deps in the packages files are broken.
+ mymatches=self.xmatch("match-list",x,mylist=newlist)
+ if mymatches is None:
+ #error in packages file; print warning and continue:
+ print "emerge: visible(): profile packages entry \""+x+"\" is invalid, ignoring..."
+ continue
+ pos=0
+ while pos<len(newlist):
+ if newlist[pos] not in mymatches:
+ del newlist[pos]
+ else:
+ pos += 1
+ return newlist
+ def gvisible(self,mylist):
+ "strip out group-masked (not in current group) entries"
+ if mylist is None:
+ return []
+ newlist=[]
+ accept_keywords = self.mysettings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"].split()
+ pkgdict = self.mysettings.pkeywordsdict
+ for mycpv in mylist:
+ try:
+ keys, eapi = self.aux_get(mycpv, ["KEYWORDS", "EAPI"])
+ except KeyError:
+ continue
+ except portage_exception.PortageException, e:
+ writemsg("!!! Error: aux_get('%s', ['KEYWORDS', 'EAPI'])\n" % \
+ mycpv, noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+ del e
+ continue
+ mygroups=keys.split()
+ # Repoman may modify this attribute as necessary.
+ pgroups = accept_keywords[:]
+ match=0
+ cp = dep_getkey(mycpv)
+ if pkgdict.has_key(cp):
+ matches = match_to_list(mycpv, pkgdict[cp].keys())
+ for atom in matches:
+ pgroups.extend(pkgdict[cp][atom])
+ if matches:
+ inc_pgroups = []
+ for x in pgroups:
+ # The -* special case should be removed once the tree
+ # is clean of KEYWORDS=-* crap
+ if x != "-*" and x.startswith("-"):
+ try:
+ inc_pgroups.remove(x[1:])
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ if x not in inc_pgroups:
+ inc_pgroups.append(x)
+ pgroups = inc_pgroups
+ del inc_pgroups
+ hasstable = False
+ hastesting = False
+ for gp in mygroups:
+ if gp=="*":
+ writemsg("--- WARNING: Package '%s' uses '*' keyword.\n" % mycpv,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ match=1
+ break
+ elif gp in pgroups:
+ match=1
+ break
+ elif gp[0] == "~":
+ hastesting = True
+ elif gp[0] != "-":
+ hasstable = True
+ if not match and ((hastesting and "~*" in pgroups) or (hasstable and "*" in pgroups) or "**" in pgroups):
+ match=1
+ if match and eapi_is_supported(eapi):
+ newlist.append(mycpv)
+ return newlist
+class binarytree(object):
+ "this tree scans for a list of all packages available in PKGDIR"
+ def __init__(self, root, pkgdir, virtual=None, settings=None, clone=None):
+ if clone:
+ # XXX This isn't cloning. It's an instance of the same thing.
+ self.root=clone.root
+ self.pkgdir=clone.pkgdir
+ self.dbapi=clone.dbapi
+ self.populated=clone.populated
+ self.tree=clone.tree
+ self.remotepkgs=clone.remotepkgs
+ self.invalids=clone.invalids
+ self.settings = clone.settings
+ else:
+ self.root=root
+ #self.pkgdir=settings["PKGDIR"]
+ self.pkgdir = normalize_path(pkgdir)
+ self.dbapi = bindbapi(self, settings=settings)
+ self.populated=0
+ self.tree={}
+ self.remotepkgs={}
+ self.invalids=[]
+ self.settings = settings
+ self._pkg_paths = {}
+ def move_ent(self,mylist):
+ if not self.populated:
+ self.populate()
+ origcp=mylist[1]
+ newcp=mylist[2]
+ # sanity check
+ for cp in [origcp,newcp]:
+ if not (isvalidatom(cp) and isjustname(cp)):
+ raise portage_exception.InvalidPackageName(cp)
+ origcat = origcp.split("/")[0]
+ mynewcat=newcp.split("/")[0]
+ origmatches=self.dbapi.cp_list(origcp)
+ if not origmatches:
+ return
+ for mycpv in origmatches:
+ mycpsplit=catpkgsplit(mycpv)
+ mynewcpv=newcp+"-"+mycpsplit[2]
+ if mycpsplit[3]!="r0":
+ mynewcpv += "-"+mycpsplit[3]
+ myoldpkg=mycpv.split("/")[1]
+ mynewpkg=mynewcpv.split("/")[1]
+ if (mynewpkg != myoldpkg) and os.path.exists(self.getname(mynewcpv)):
+ writemsg("!!! Cannot update binary: Destination exists.\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! "+mycpv+" -> "+mynewcpv+"\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ continue
+ tbz2path=self.getname(mycpv)
+ if os.path.exists(tbz2path) and not os.access(tbz2path,os.W_OK):
+ writemsg("!!! Cannot update readonly binary: "+mycpv+"\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ continue
+ #print ">>> Updating data in:",mycpv
+ writemsg_stdout("%")
+ mytbz2 = xpak.tbz2(tbz2path)
+ mydata = mytbz2.get_data()
+ updated_items = update_dbentries([mylist], mydata)
+ mydata.update(updated_items)
+ mydata["CATEGORY"] = mynewcat+"\n"
+ if mynewpkg != myoldpkg:
+ mydata[mynewpkg+".ebuild"] = mydata[myoldpkg+".ebuild"]
+ del mydata[myoldpkg+".ebuild"]
+ mydata["PF"] = mynewpkg + "\n"
+ mytbz2.recompose_mem(xpak.xpak_mem(mydata))
+ self.dbapi.cpv_remove(mycpv)
+ del self._pkg_paths[mycpv]
+ new_path = self.getname(mynewcpv)
+ self._pkg_paths[mynewcpv] = os.path.join(
+ *new_path.split(os.path.sep)[-2:])
+ if new_path != mytbz2:
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(new_path))
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+ raise
+ del e
+ os.rename(tbz2path, new_path)
+ self._remove_symlink(mycpv)
+ if new_path.split(os.path.sep)[-2] == "All":
+ self._create_symlink(mynewcpv)
+ self.dbapi.cpv_inject(mynewcpv)
+ return 1
+ def _remove_symlink(self, cpv):
+ """Remove a ${PKGDIR}/${CATEGORY}/${PF}.tbz2 symlink and also remove
+ the ${PKGDIR}/${CATEGORY} directory if empty. The file will not be
+ removed if os.path.islink() returns False."""
+ mycat, mypkg = catsplit(cpv)
+ mylink = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mycat, mypkg + ".tbz2")
+ if os.path.islink(mylink):
+ """Only remove it if it's really a link so that this method never
+ removes a real package that was placed here to avoid a collision."""
+ os.unlink(mylink)
+ try:
+ os.rmdir(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mycat))
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOTEMPTY):
+ raise
+ del e
+ def _create_symlink(self, cpv):
+ """Create a ${PKGDIR}/${CATEGORY}/${PF}.tbz2 symlink (and
+ ${PKGDIR}/${CATEGORY} directory, if necessary). Any file that may
+ exist in the location of the symlink will first be removed."""
+ mycat, mypkg = catsplit(cpv)
+ full_path = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mycat, mypkg + ".tbz2")
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(full_path))
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+ raise
+ del e
+ try:
+ os.unlink(full_path)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ del e
+ os.symlink(os.path.join("..", "All", mypkg + ".tbz2"), full_path)
+ def move_slot_ent(self, mylist):
+ if not self.populated:
+ self.populate()
+ pkg=mylist[1]
+ origslot=mylist[2]
+ newslot=mylist[3]
+ if not isvalidatom(pkg):
+ raise portage_exception.InvalidAtom(pkg)
+ origmatches=self.dbapi.match(pkg)
+ if not origmatches:
+ return
+ for mycpv in origmatches:
+ mycpsplit=catpkgsplit(mycpv)
+ myoldpkg=mycpv.split("/")[1]
+ tbz2path=self.getname(mycpv)
+ if os.path.exists(tbz2path) and not os.access(tbz2path,os.W_OK):
+ writemsg("!!! Cannot update readonly binary: "+mycpv+"\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ continue
+ #print ">>> Updating data in:",mycpv
+ mytbz2 = xpak.tbz2(tbz2path)
+ mydata = mytbz2.get_data()
+ slot = mydata["SLOT"]
+ if (not slot):
+ continue
+ if (slot[0]!=origslot):
+ continue
+ writemsg_stdout("S")
+ mydata["SLOT"] = newslot+"\n"
+ mytbz2.recompose_mem(xpak.xpak_mem(mydata))
+ return 1
+ def update_ents(self, update_iter):
+ if len(update_iter) == 0:
+ return
+ if not self.populated:
+ self.populate()
+ for mycpv in self.dbapi.cp_all():
+ tbz2path=self.getname(mycpv)
+ if os.path.exists(tbz2path) and not os.access(tbz2path,os.W_OK):
+ writemsg("!!! Cannot update readonly binary: "+mycpv+"\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ continue
+ #print ">>> Updating binary data:",mycpv
+ writemsg_stdout("*")
+ mytbz2 = xpak.tbz2(tbz2path)
+ mydata = mytbz2.get_data()
+ updated_items = update_dbentries(update_iter, mydata)
+ if len(updated_items) > 0:
+ mydata.update(updated_items)
+ mytbz2.recompose_mem(xpak.xpak_mem(mydata))
+ return 1
+ def prevent_collision(self, cpv):
+ """Make sure that the file location ${PKGDIR}/All/${PF}.tbz2 is safe to
+ use for a given cpv. If a collision will occur with an existing
+ package from another category, the existing package will be bumped to
+ ${PKGDIR}/${CATEGORY}/${PF}.tbz2 so that both can coexist."""
+ full_path = self.getname(cpv)
+ if "All" == full_path.split(os.path.sep)[-2]:
+ return
+ """Move a colliding package if it exists. Code below this point only
+ executes in rare cases."""
+ mycat, mypkg = catsplit(cpv)
+ myfile = mypkg + ".tbz2"
+ mypath = os.path.join("All", myfile)
+ dest_path = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mypath)
+ if os.path.exists(dest_path):
+ # For invalid packages, other_cat could be None.
+ other_cat = xpak.tbz2(dest_path).getfile("CATEGORY")
+ if other_cat:
+ other_cat = other_cat.strip()
+ self._move_from_all(other_cat + "/" + mypkg)
+ """The file may or may not exist. Move it if necessary and update
+ internal state for future calls to getname()."""
+ self._move_to_all(cpv)
+ def _move_to_all(self, cpv):
+ """If the file exists, move it. Whether or not it exists, update state
+ for future getname() calls."""
+ mycat , mypkg = catsplit(cpv)
+ myfile = mypkg + ".tbz2"
+ src_path = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mycat, myfile)
+ try:
+ mystat = os.lstat(src_path)
+ except OSError, e:
+ mystat = None
+ if mystat and stat.S_ISREG(mystat.st_mode):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "All"))
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+ raise
+ del e
+ os.rename(src_path, os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "All", myfile))
+ self._create_symlink(cpv)
+ self._pkg_paths[cpv] = os.path.join("All", myfile)
+ def _move_from_all(self, cpv):
+ """Move a package from ${PKGDIR}/All/${PF}.tbz2 to
+ ${PKGDIR}/${CATEGORY}/${PF}.tbz2 and update state from getname calls."""
+ self._remove_symlink(cpv)
+ mycat , mypkg = catsplit(cpv)
+ myfile = mypkg + ".tbz2"
+ mypath = os.path.join(mycat, myfile)
+ dest_path = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mypath)
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest_path))
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+ raise
+ del e
+ os.rename(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "All", myfile), dest_path)
+ self._pkg_paths[cpv] = mypath
+ def populate(self, getbinpkgs=0,getbinpkgsonly=0):
+ "populates the binarytree"
+ if (not os.path.isdir(self.pkgdir) and not getbinpkgs):
+ return 0
+ if (not os.path.isdir(self.pkgdir+"/All") and not getbinpkgs):
+ return 0
+ if not getbinpkgsonly:
+ pkg_paths = {}
+ dirs = listdir(self.pkgdir, dirsonly=True, EmptyOnError=True)
+ if "All" in dirs:
+ dirs.remove("All")
+ dirs.sort()
+ dirs.insert(0, "All")
+ for mydir in dirs:
+ for myfile in listdir(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mydir)):
+ if not myfile.endswith(".tbz2"):
+ continue
+ mypath = os.path.join(mydir, myfile)
+ full_path = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mypath)
+ if os.path.islink(full_path):
+ continue
+ mytbz2 = xpak.tbz2(full_path)
+ # For invalid packages, mycat could be None.
+ mycat = mytbz2.getfile("CATEGORY")
+ mypf = mytbz2.getfile("PF")
+ mypkg = myfile[:-5]
+ if not mycat or not mypf:
+ #old-style or corrupt package
+ writemsg("!!! Invalid binary package: '%s'\n" % full_path,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! This binary package is not " + \
+ "recoverable and should be deleted.\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ self.invalids.append(mypkg)
+ continue
+ mycat = mycat.strip()
+ if mycat != mydir and mydir != "All":
+ continue
+ if mypkg != mypf.strip():
+ continue
+ mycpv = mycat + "/" + mypkg
+ if mycpv in pkg_paths:
+ # All is first, so it's preferred.
+ continue
+ pkg_paths[mycpv] = mypath
+ self.dbapi.cpv_inject(mycpv)
+ self._pkg_paths = pkg_paths
+ if getbinpkgs and not self.settings["PORTAGE_BINHOST"]:
+ writemsg(red("!!! PORTAGE_BINHOST unset, but use is requested.\n"),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ if getbinpkgs and \
+ self.settings["PORTAGE_BINHOST"] and not self.remotepkgs:
+ try:
+ chunk_size = long(self.settings["PORTAGE_BINHOST_CHUNKSIZE"])
+ if chunk_size < 8:
+ chunk_size = 8
+ except (ValueError, KeyError):
+ chunk_size = 3000
+ writemsg(green("Fetching binary packages info...\n"))
+ self.remotepkgs = getbinpkg.dir_get_metadata(
+ self.settings["PORTAGE_BINHOST"], chunk_size=chunk_size)
+ writemsg(green(" -- DONE!\n\n"))
+ for mypkg in self.remotepkgs.keys():
+ if not self.remotepkgs[mypkg].has_key("CATEGORY"):
+ #old-style or corrupt package
+ writemsg("!!! Invalid remote binary package: "+mypkg+"\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ del self.remotepkgs[mypkg]
+ continue
+ mycat=self.remotepkgs[mypkg]["CATEGORY"].strip()
+ fullpkg=mycat+"/"+mypkg[:-5]
+ mykey=dep_getkey(fullpkg)
+ try:
+ # invalid tbz2's can hurt things.
+ #print "cpv_inject("+str(fullpkg)+")"
+ self.dbapi.cpv_inject(fullpkg)
+ #print " -- Injected"
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ raise
+ except:
+ writemsg("!!! Failed to inject remote binary package:"+str(fullpkg)+"\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ del self.remotepkgs[mypkg]
+ continue
+ self.populated=1
+ def inject(self,cpv):
+ return self.dbapi.cpv_inject(cpv)
+ def exists_specific(self,cpv):
+ if not self.populated:
+ self.populate()
+ return self.dbapi.match(
+ dep_expand("="+cpv, mydb=self.dbapi, settings=self.settings))
+ def dep_bestmatch(self,mydep):
+ "compatibility method -- all matches, not just visible ones"
+ if not self.populated:
+ self.populate()
+ writemsg("\n\n", 1)
+ writemsg("mydep: %s\n" % mydep, 1)
+ mydep = dep_expand(mydep, mydb=self.dbapi, settings=self.settings)
+ writemsg("mydep: %s\n" % mydep, 1)
+ mykey=dep_getkey(mydep)
+ writemsg("mykey: %s\n" % mykey, 1)
+ mymatch=best(match_from_list(mydep,self.dbapi.cp_list(mykey)))
+ writemsg("mymatch: %s\n" % mymatch, 1)
+ if mymatch is None:
+ return ""
+ return mymatch
+ def getname(self,pkgname):
+ """Returns a file location for this package. The default location is
+ ${PKGDIR}/All/${PF}.tbz2, but will be ${PKGDIR}/${CATEGORY}/${PF}.tbz2
+ in the rare event of a collision. The prevent_collision() method can
+ be called to ensure that ${PKGDIR}/All/${PF}.tbz2 is available for a
+ specific cpv."""
+ if not self.populated:
+ self.populate()
+ mycpv = pkgname
+ mypath = self._pkg_paths.get(mycpv, None)
+ if mypath:
+ return os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mypath)
+ mycat, mypkg = catsplit(mycpv)
+ mypath = os.path.join("All", mypkg + ".tbz2")
+ if mypath in self._pkg_paths.values():
+ mypath = os.path.join(mycat, mypkg + ".tbz2")
+ self._pkg_paths[mycpv] = mypath # cache for future lookups
+ return os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mypath)
+ def isremote(self,pkgname):
+ "Returns true if the package is kept remotely."
+ mysplit=pkgname.split("/")
+ remote = (not os.path.exists(self.getname(pkgname))) and self.remotepkgs.has_key(mysplit[1]+".tbz2")
+ return remote
+ def get_use(self,pkgname):
+ mysplit=pkgname.split("/")
+ if self.isremote(pkgname):
+ return self.remotepkgs[mysplit[1]+".tbz2"]["USE"][:].split()
+ tbz2=xpak.tbz2(self.getname(pkgname))
+ return tbz2.getfile("USE").split()
+ def gettbz2(self,pkgname):
+ "fetches the package from a remote site, if necessary."
+ print "Fetching '"+str(pkgname)+"'"
+ mysplit = pkgname.split("/")
+ tbz2name = mysplit[1]+".tbz2"
+ if not self.isremote(pkgname):
+ if (tbz2name not in self.invalids):
+ return
+ else:
+ writemsg("Resuming download of this tbz2, but it is possible that it is corrupt.\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ mydest = self.pkgdir+"/All/"
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(mydest, 0775)
+ except (OSError, IOError):
+ pass
+ return getbinpkg.file_get(
+ self.settings["PORTAGE_BINHOST"] + "/" + tbz2name,
+ mydest, fcmd=self.settings["RESUMECOMMAND"])
+ def getslot(self,mycatpkg):
+ "Get a slot for a catpkg; assume it exists."
+ myslot = ""
+ try:
+ myslot=self.dbapi.aux_get(mycatpkg,["SLOT"])[0]
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ raise
+ except Exception, e:
+ pass
+ return myslot
+class dblink:
+ """
+ This class provides an interface to the installed package database
+ At present this is implemented as a text backend in /var/db/pkg.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, cat, pkg, myroot, mysettings, treetype=None,
+ vartree=None):
+ """
+ Creates a DBlink object for a given CPV.
+ The given CPV may not be present in the database already.
+ @param cat: Category
+ @type cat: String
+ @param pkg: Package (PV)
+ @type pkg: String
+ @param myroot: Typically ${ROOT}
+ @type myroot: String (Path)
+ @param mysettings: Typically portage.config
+ @type mysettings: An instance of portage.config
+ @param treetype: one of ['porttree','bintree','vartree']
+ @type treetype: String
+ @param vartree: an instance of vartree corresponding to myroot.
+ @type vartree: vartree
+ """
+ = cat
+ self.pkg = pkg
+ self.mycpv ="/"+self.pkg
+ self.mysplit = pkgsplit(self.mycpv)
+ self.treetype = treetype
+ if vartree is None:
+ global db
+ vartree = db[myroot]["vartree"]
+ self.vartree = vartree
+ self.dbroot = normalize_path(os.path.join(myroot, VDB_PATH))
+ self.dbcatdir = self.dbroot+"/"+cat
+ self.dbpkgdir = self.dbcatdir+"/"+pkg
+ self.dbtmpdir = self.dbcatdir+"/-MERGING-"+pkg
+ self.dbdir = self.dbpkgdir
+ self._lock_vdb = None
+ self.settings = mysettings
+ if self.settings==1:
+ raise ValueError
+ self.myroot=myroot
+ protect_obj = portage_util.ConfigProtect(myroot,
+ mysettings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT","").split(),
+ mysettings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK","").split())
+ self.updateprotect = protect_obj.updateprotect
+ self._config_protect = protect_obj
+ self._installed_instance = None
+ self.contentscache=[]
+ self._contents_inodes = None
+ def lockdb(self):
+ if self._lock_vdb:
+ raise AssertionError("Lock already held.")
+ # At least the parent needs to exist for the lock file.
+ portage_util.ensure_dirs(self.dbroot)
+ self._lock_vdb = portage_locks.lockdir(self.dbroot)
+ def unlockdb(self):
+ if self._lock_vdb:
+ portage_locks.unlockdir(self._lock_vdb)
+ self._lock_vdb = None
+ def getpath(self):
+ "return path to location of db information (for >>> informational display)"
+ return self.dbdir
+ def exists(self):
+ "does the db entry exist? boolean."
+ return os.path.exists(self.dbdir)
+ def create(self):
+ "create the skeleton db directory structure. No contents, virtuals, provides or anything. Also will create /var/db/pkg if necessary."
+ """
+ This function should never get called (there is no reason to use it).
+ """
+ # XXXXX Delete this eventually
+ raise Exception, "This is bad. Don't use it."
+ if not os.path.exists(self.dbdir):
+ os.makedirs(self.dbdir)
+ def delete(self):
+ """
+ Remove this entry from the database
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(self.dbdir):
+ return
+ try:
+ for x in listdir(self.dbdir):
+ os.unlink(self.dbdir+"/"+x)
+ os.rmdir(self.dbdir)
+ except OSError, e:
+ print "!!! Unable to remove db entry for this package."
+ print "!!! It is possible that a directory is in this one. Portage will still"
+ print "!!! register this package as installed as long as this directory exists."
+ print "!!! You may delete this directory with 'rm -Rf "+self.dbdir+"'"
+ print "!!! "+str(e)
+ print
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def clearcontents(self):
+ """
+ For a given db entry (self), erase the CONTENTS values.
+ """
+ if os.path.exists(self.dbdir+"/CONTENTS"):
+ os.unlink(self.dbdir+"/CONTENTS")
+ def getcontents(self):
+ """
+ Get the installed files of a given package (aka what that package installed)
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(self.dbdir+"/CONTENTS"):
+ return None
+ if self.contentscache != []:
+ return self.contentscache
+ pkgfiles={}
+ myc=open(self.dbdir+"/CONTENTS","r")
+ mylines=myc.readlines()
+ myc.close()
+ null_byte = "\0"
+ contents_file = os.path.join(self.dbdir, "CONTENTS")
+ pos = 0
+ for line in mylines:
+ pos += 1
+ if null_byte in line:
+ # Null bytes are a common indication of corruption.
+ writemsg("!!! Null byte found in contents " + \
+ "file, line %d: '%s'\n" % (pos, contents_file),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ continue
+ mydat = line.split()
+ # we do this so we can remove from non-root filesystems
+ # (use the ROOT var to allow maintenance on other partitions)
+ try:
+ mydat[1] = normalize_path(os.path.join(
+ self.myroot, mydat[1].lstrip(os.path.sep)))
+ if mydat[0]=="obj":
+ #format: type, mtime, md5sum
+ pkgfiles[" ".join(mydat[1:-2])]=[mydat[0], mydat[-1], mydat[-2]]
+ elif mydat[0]=="dir":
+ #format: type
+ pkgfiles[" ".join(mydat[1:])]=[mydat[0] ]
+ elif mydat[0]=="sym":
+ #format: type, mtime, dest
+ x=len(mydat)-1
+ if (x >= 13) and (mydat[-1][-1]==')'): # Old/Broken symlink entry
+ mydat = mydat[:-10]+[mydat[-10:][stat.ST_MTIME][:-1]]
+ writemsg("FIXED SYMLINK LINE: %s\n" % mydat, 1)
+ x=len(mydat)-1
+ splitter=-1
+ while(x>=0):
+ if mydat[x]=="->":
+ splitter=x
+ break
+ x=x-1
+ if splitter==-1:
+ return None
+ pkgfiles[" ".join(mydat[1:splitter])]=[mydat[0], mydat[-1], " ".join(mydat[(splitter+1):-1])]
+ elif mydat[0]=="dev":
+ #format: type
+ pkgfiles[" ".join(mydat[1:])]=[mydat[0] ]
+ elif mydat[0]=="fif":
+ #format: type
+ pkgfiles[" ".join(mydat[1:])]=[mydat[0]]
+ else:
+ return None
+ except (KeyError,IndexError):
+ print "portage: CONTENTS line",pos,"corrupt!"
+ self.contentscache=pkgfiles
+ return pkgfiles
+ def unmerge(self, pkgfiles=None, trimworld=1, cleanup=1,
+ ldpath_mtimes=None):
+ """
+ Calls prerm
+ Unmerges a given package (CPV)
+ calls postrm
+ calls cleanrm
+ calls env_update
+ @param pkgfiles: files to unmerge (generally self.getcontents() )
+ @type pkgfiles: Dictionary
+ @param trimworld: Remove CPV from world file if True, not if False
+ @type trimworld: Boolean
+ @param cleanup: cleanup to pass to doebuild (see doebuild)
+ @type cleanup: Boolean
+ @param ldpath_mtimes: mtimes to pass to env_update (see env_update)
+ @type ldpath_mtimes: Dictionary
+ @rtype: Integer
+ @returns:
+ 1. os.EX_OK if everything went well.
+ 2. return code of the failed phase (for prerm, postrm, cleanrm)
+ Notes:
+ The caller must ensure that lockdb() and unlockdb() are called
+ before and after this method.
+ """
+ contents = self.getcontents()
+ # Now, don't assume that the name of the ebuild is the same as the
+ # name of the dir; the package may have been moved.
+ myebuildpath = None
+ mystuff = listdir(self.dbdir, EmptyOnError=1)
+ for x in mystuff:
+ if x.endswith(".ebuild"):
+ myebuildpath = os.path.join(self.dbdir, self.pkg + ".ebuild")
+ if x[:-7] != self.pkg:
+ # Clean up after vardbapi.move_ent() breakage in
+ # portage versions before 2.1.2
+ os.rename(os.path.join(self.dbdir, x), myebuildpath)
+ write_atomic(os.path.join(self.dbdir, "PF"), self.pkg+"\n")
+ break
+ self.settings.load_infodir(self.dbdir)
+ if myebuildpath:
+ try:
+ doebuild_environment(myebuildpath, "prerm", self.myroot,
+ self.settings, 0, 0, self.vartree.dbapi)
+ except portage_exception.UnsupportedAPIException, e:
+ # Sometimes this happens due to corruption of the EAPI file.
+ writemsg("!!! FAILED prerm: %s\n" % \
+ os.path.join(self.dbdir, "EAPI"), noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("%s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ catdir = os.path.dirname(self.settings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"])
+ portage_util.ensure_dirs(os.path.dirname(catdir),
+ uid=portage_uid, gid=portage_gid, mode=070, mask=0)
+ builddir_lock = None
+ catdir_lock = None
+ try:
+ if myebuildpath:
+ catdir_lock = portage_locks.lockdir(catdir)
+ portage_util.ensure_dirs(catdir,
+ uid=portage_uid, gid=portage_gid,
+ mode=070, mask=0)
+ builddir_lock = portage_locks.lockdir(
+ self.settings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"])
+ try:
+ portage_locks.unlockdir(catdir_lock)
+ finally:
+ catdir_lock = None
+ # Eventually, we'd like to pass in the saved ebuild env here...
+ retval = doebuild(myebuildpath, "prerm", self.myroot,
+ self.settings, cleanup=cleanup, use_cache=0,
+ mydbapi=self.vartree.dbapi, tree="vartree",
+ vartree=self.vartree)
+ # XXX: Decide how to handle failures here.
+ if retval != os.EX_OK:
+ writemsg("!!! FAILED prerm: %s\n" % retval, noiselevel=-1)
+ return retval
+ self._unmerge_pkgfiles(pkgfiles)
+ if myebuildpath:
+ retval = doebuild(myebuildpath, "postrm", self.myroot,
+ self.settings, use_cache=0, tree="vartree",
+ mydbapi=self.vartree.dbapi, vartree=self.vartree)
+ # process logs created during pre/postrm
+ elog_process(self.mycpv, self.settings)
+ # XXX: Decide how to handle failures here.
+ if retval != os.EX_OK:
+ writemsg("!!! FAILED postrm: %s\n" % retval, noiselevel=-1)
+ return retval
+ doebuild(myebuildpath, "cleanrm", self.myroot, self.settings,
+ tree="vartree", mydbapi=self.vartree.dbapi,
+ vartree=self.vartree)
+ finally:
+ if builddir_lock:
+ portage_locks.unlockdir(builddir_lock)
+ try:
+ if myebuildpath and not catdir_lock:
+ # Lock catdir for removal if empty.
+ catdir_lock = portage_locks.lockdir(catdir)
+ finally:
+ if catdir_lock:
+ try:
+ os.rmdir(catdir)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOTEMPTY:
+ raise
+ del e
+ portage_locks.unlockdir(catdir_lock)
+ env_update(target_root=self.myroot, prev_mtimes=ldpath_mtimes,
+ contents=contents)
+ return os.EX_OK
+ def _unmerge_pkgfiles(self, pkgfiles):
+ """
+ Unmerges the contents of a package from the liveFS
+ Removes the VDB entry for self
+ @param pkgfiles: typically self.getcontents()
+ @type pkgfiles: Dictionary { filename: [ 'type', '?', 'md5sum' ] }
+ @rtype: None
+ """
+ global dircache
+ dircache={}
+ if not pkgfiles:
+ writemsg_stdout("No package files given... Grabbing a set.\n")
+ pkgfiles=self.getcontents()
+ if pkgfiles:
+ mykeys=pkgfiles.keys()
+ mykeys.sort()
+ mykeys.reverse()
+ #process symlinks second-to-last, directories last.
+ mydirs=[]
+ modprotect="/lib/modules/"
+ for objkey in mykeys:
+ obj = normalize_path(objkey)
+ if obj[:2]=="//":
+ obj=obj[1:]
+ statobj = None
+ try:
+ statobj = os.stat(obj)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ lstatobj = None
+ try:
+ lstatobj = os.lstat(obj)
+ except (OSError, AttributeError):
+ pass
+ islink = lstatobj is not None and stat.S_ISLNK(lstatobj.st_mode)
+ if statobj is None:
+ if not islink:
+ #we skip this if we're dealing with a symlink
+ #because os.stat() will operate on the
+ #link target rather than the link itself.
+ writemsg_stdout("--- !found "+str(pkgfiles[objkey][0])+ " %s\n" % obj)
+ continue
+ # next line includes a tweak to protect modules from being unmerged,
+ # but we don't protect modules from being overwritten if they are
+ # upgraded. We effectively only want one half of the config protection
+ # functionality for /lib/modules. For portage-ng both capabilities
+ # should be able to be independently specified.
+ if obj.startswith(modprotect):
+ writemsg_stdout("--- cfgpro %s %s\n" % (pkgfiles[objkey][0], obj))
+ continue
+ lmtime=str(lstatobj[stat.ST_MTIME])
+ if (pkgfiles[objkey][0] not in ("dir","fif","dev")) and (lmtime != pkgfiles[objkey][1]):
+ writemsg_stdout("--- !mtime %s %s\n" % (pkgfiles[objkey][0], obj))
+ continue
+ if pkgfiles[objkey][0]=="dir":
+ if statobj is None or not stat.S_ISDIR(statobj.st_mode):
+ writemsg_stdout("--- !dir %s %s\n" % ("dir", obj))
+ continue
+ mydirs.append(obj)
+ elif pkgfiles[objkey][0]=="sym":
+ if not islink:
+ writemsg_stdout("--- !sym %s %s\n" % ("sym", obj))
+ continue
+ try:
+ os.unlink(obj)
+ writemsg_stdout("<<< %s %s\n" % ("sym",obj))
+ except (OSError,IOError),e:
+ writemsg_stdout("!!! %s %s\n" % ("sym",obj))
+ elif pkgfiles[objkey][0]=="obj":
+ if statobj is None or not stat.S_ISREG(statobj.st_mode):
+ writemsg_stdout("--- !obj %s %s\n" % ("obj", obj))
+ continue
+ mymd5 = None
+ try:
+ mymd5 = portage_checksum.perform_md5(obj, calc_prelink=1)
+ except portage_exception.FileNotFound, e:
+ # the file has disappeared between now and our stat call
+ writemsg_stdout("--- !obj %s %s\n" % ("obj", obj))
+ continue
+ # string.lower is needed because db entries used to be in upper-case. The
+ # string.lower allows for backwards compatibility.
+ if mymd5 != pkgfiles[objkey][2].lower():
+ writemsg_stdout("--- !md5 %s %s\n" % ("obj", obj))
+ continue
+ try:
+ os.unlink(obj)
+ except (OSError,IOError),e:
+ pass
+ writemsg_stdout("<<< %s %s\n" % ("obj",obj))
+ elif pkgfiles[objkey][0]=="fif":
+ if not stat.S_ISFIFO(lstatobj[stat.ST_MODE]):
+ writemsg_stdout("--- !fif %s %s\n" % ("fif", obj))
+ continue
+ writemsg_stdout("--- %s %s\n" % ("fif",obj))
+ elif pkgfiles[objkey][0]=="dev":
+ writemsg_stdout("--- %s %s\n" % ("dev",obj))
+ mydirs.sort()
+ mydirs.reverse()
+ for obj in mydirs:
+ try:
+ os.rmdir(obj)
+ writemsg_stdout("<<< %s %s\n" % ("dir",obj))
+ except (OSError, IOError):
+ writemsg_stdout("--- !empty dir %s\n" % obj)
+ #remove self from vartree database so that our own virtual gets zapped if we're the last node
+ self.vartree.zap(self.mycpv)
+ def isowner(self,filename,destroot):
+ """
+ Check if filename is a new file or belongs to this package
+ (for this or a previous version)
+ @param filename:
+ @type filename:
+ @param destroot:
+ @type destroot:
+ @rtype: Boolean
+ @returns:
+ 1. True if this package owns the file.
+ 2. False if this package does not own the file.
+ """
+ destfile = normalize_path(
+ os.path.join(destroot, filename.lstrip(os.path.sep)))
+ try:
+ mylstat = os.lstat(destfile)
+ except (OSError, IOError):
+ return True
+ pkgfiles = self.getcontents()
+ if pkgfiles and filename in pkgfiles:
+ return True
+ if pkgfiles:
+ if self._contents_inodes is None:
+ self._contents_inodes = set()
+ for x in pkgfiles:
+ try:
+ lstat = os.lstat(x)
+ self._contents_inodes.add((lstat.st_dev, lstat.st_ino))
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ if (mylstat.st_dev, mylstat.st_ino) in self._contents_inodes:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def isprotected(self, filename):
+ """In cases where an installed package in the same slot owns a
+ protected file that will be merged, bump the mtime on the installed
+ file in order to ensure that it isn't unmerged."""
+ if not self._config_protect.isprotected(filename):
+ return False
+ if self._installed_instance is None:
+ return True
+ mydata = self._installed_instance.getcontents().get(filename, None)
+ if mydata is None:
+ return True
+ # Bump the mtime in order to ensure that the old config file doesn't
+ # get unmerged. The user will have an opportunity to merge the new
+ # config with the old one.
+ try:
+ os.utime(filename, None)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ del e
+ # The file has disappeared, so it's not protected.
+ return False
+ return True
+ def treewalk(self, srcroot, destroot, inforoot, myebuild, cleanup=0,
+ mydbapi=None, prev_mtimes=None):
+ """
+ This function does the following:
+ Collision Protection.
+ calls doebuild(mydo=pkg_preinst)
+ Merges the package to the livefs
+ unmerges old version (if required)
+ calls doebuild(mydo=pkg_postinst)
+ calls env_update
+ @param srcroot: Typically this is ${D}
+ @type srcroot: String (Path)
+ @param destroot: Path to merge to (usually ${ROOT})
+ @type destroot: String (Path)
+ @param inforoot: root of the vardb entry ?
+ @type inforoot: String (Path)
+ @param myebuild: path to the ebuild that we are processing
+ @type myebuild: String (Path)
+ @param mydbapi: dbapi which is handed to doebuild.
+ @type mydbapi: portdbapi instance
+ @param prev_mtimes: { Filename:mtime } mapping for env_update
+ @type prev_mtimes: Dictionary
+ @rtype: Boolean
+ @returns:
+ 1. 0 on success
+ 2. 1 on failure
+ secondhand is a list of symlinks that have been skipped due to their target
+ not existing; we will merge these symlinks at a later time.
+ """
+ if not os.path.isdir(srcroot):
+ writemsg("!!! Directory Not Found: D='%s'\n" % srcroot,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ if not os.path.exists(self.dbcatdir):
+ os.makedirs(self.dbcatdir)
+ otherversions=[]
+ for v in self.vartree.dbapi.cp_list(self.mysplit[0]):
+ otherversions.append(v.split("/")[1])
+ slot_matches = self.vartree.dbapi.match(
+ "%s:%s" % (self.mysplit[0], self.settings["SLOT"]))
+ if slot_matches:
+ # Used by self.isprotected().
+ self._installed_instance = dblink(,
+ catsplit(slot_matches[0])[1], destroot, self.settings,
+ vartree=self.vartree)
+ # check for package collisions
+ if "collision-protect" in self.settings.features:
+ collision_ignore = set([normalize_path(myignore) for myignore in \
+ self.settings.get("COLLISION_IGNORE", "").split()])
+ myfilelist = listdir(srcroot, recursive=1, filesonly=1, followSymlinks=False)
+ # the linkcheck only works if we are in srcroot
+ mycwd = getcwd()
+ os.chdir(srcroot)
+ mysymlinks = filter(os.path.islink, listdir(srcroot, recursive=1, filesonly=0, followSymlinks=False))
+ myfilelist.extend(mysymlinks)
+ mysymlinked_directories = [s + os.path.sep for s in mysymlinks]
+ del mysymlinks
+ stopmerge=False
+ starttime=time.time()
+ i=0
+ otherpkg=[]
+ mypkglist=[]
+ if self.pkg in otherversions:
+ otherversions.remove(self.pkg) # we already checked this package
+ myslot = self.settings["SLOT"]
+ for v in otherversions:
+ # only allow versions with same slot to overwrite files
+ if myslot == self.vartree.dbapi.aux_get("/".join((, v)), ["SLOT"])[0]:
+ mypkglist.append(
+ dblink(, v, destroot, self.settings,
+ vartree=self.vartree))
+ collisions = []
+ print green("*")+" checking "+str(len(myfilelist))+" files for package collisions"
+ for f in myfilelist:
+ nocheck = False
+ # listdir isn't intelligent enough to exclude symlinked dirs,
+ # so we have to do it ourself
+ for s in mysymlinked_directories:
+ if f.startswith(s):
+ nocheck = True
+ break
+ if nocheck:
+ continue
+ i=i+1
+ if i % 1000 == 0:
+ print str(i)+" files checked ..."
+ if f[0] != "/":
+ f="/"+f
+ isowned = False
+ for ver in [self]+mypkglist:
+ if (ver.isowner(f, destroot) or ver.isprotected(f)):
+ isowned = True
+ break
+ if not isowned:
+ collisions.append(f)
+ print "existing file "+f+" is not owned by this package"
+ stopmerge=True
+ if collision_ignore:
+ if f in collision_ignore:
+ stopmerge = False
+ else:
+ for myignore in collision_ignore:
+ if f.startswith(myignore + os.path.sep):
+ stopmerge = False
+ break
+ #print green("*")+" spent "+str(time.time()-starttime)+" seconds checking for file collisions"
+ if stopmerge:
+ print red("*")+" This package is blocked because it wants to overwrite"
+ print red("*")+" files belonging to other packages (see messages above)."
+ print red("*")+" If you have no clue what this is all about report it "
+ print red("*")+" as a bug for this package on"
+ print
+ print red("package ""/"+self.pkg+" NOT merged")
+ print
+ print
+ print "Searching all installed packages for file collisions..."
+ print "Press Ctrl-C to Stop"
+ print
+ """ Note: The isowner calls result in a stat call for *every*
+ single installed file, since the inode numbers are used to work
+ around the problem of ambiguous paths caused by symlinked files
+ and/or directories. Though it is slow, it is as accurate as
+ possible."""
+ found_owner = False
+ for cpv in self.vartree.dbapi.cpv_all():
+ cat, pkg = catsplit(cpv)
+ mylink = dblink(cat, pkg, destroot, self.settings,
+ vartree=self.vartree)
+ mycollisions = []
+ for f in collisions:
+ if mylink.isowner(f, destroot):
+ mycollisions.append(f)
+ if mycollisions:
+ found_owner = True
+ print " * %s:" % cpv
+ print
+ for f in mycollisions:
+ print " '%s'" % \
+ os.path.join(destroot, f.lstrip(os.path.sep))
+ print
+ if not found_owner:
+ print "None of the installed packages claim the above file(s)."
+ print
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ os.chdir(mycwd)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ if os.stat(srcroot).st_dev == os.stat(destroot).st_dev:
+ """ The merge process may move files out of the image directory,
+ which causes invalidation of the .installed flag."""
+ try:
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(normalize_path(srcroot)), ".installed"))
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ del e
+ # get old contents info for later unmerging
+ oldcontents = self.getcontents()
+ self.dbdir = self.dbtmpdir
+ self.delete()
+ if not os.path.exists(self.dbtmpdir):
+ os.makedirs(self.dbtmpdir)
+ writemsg_stdout(">>> Merging %s %s %s\n" % (self.mycpv,"to",destroot))
+ # run preinst script
+ if myebuild is None:
+ myebuild = os.path.join(inforoot, self.pkg + ".ebuild")
+ a = doebuild(myebuild, "preinst", destroot, self.settings, cleanup=cleanup,
+ use_cache=0, tree=self.treetype, mydbapi=mydbapi,
+ vartree=self.vartree)
+ # XXX: Decide how to handle failures here.
+ if a != os.EX_OK:
+ writemsg("!!! FAILED preinst: "+str(a)+"\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ return a
+ # copy "info" files (like SLOT, CFLAGS, etc.) into the database
+ for x in listdir(inforoot):
+ self.copyfile(inforoot+"/"+x)
+ # get current counter value (counter_tick also takes care of incrementing it)
+ # XXX Need to make this destroot, but it needs to be initialized first. XXX
+ # XXX bis: leads to some invalidentry() call through cp_all().
+ counter = self.vartree.dbapi.counter_tick(self.myroot, mycpv=self.mycpv)
+ # write local package counter for recording
+ lcfile = open(self.dbtmpdir+"/COUNTER","w")
+ lcfile.write(str(counter))
+ lcfile.close()
+ # open CONTENTS file (possibly overwriting old one) for recording
+ outfile=open(self.dbtmpdir+"/CONTENTS","w")
+ self.updateprotect()
+ #if we have a file containing previously-merged config file md5sums, grab it.
+ conf_mem_file = os.path.join(destroot, CONFIG_MEMORY_FILE)
+ cfgfiledict = grabdict(conf_mem_file)
+ if self.settings.has_key("NOCONFMEM"):
+ cfgfiledict["IGNORE"]=1
+ else:
+ cfgfiledict["IGNORE"]=0
+ # set umask to 0 for merging; back up umask, save old one in prevmask (since this is a global change)
+ mymtime = long(time.time())
+ prevmask = os.umask(0)
+ secondhand = []
+ # we do a first merge; this will recurse through all files in our srcroot but also build up a
+ # "second hand" of symlinks to merge later
+ if self.mergeme(srcroot,destroot,outfile,secondhand,"",cfgfiledict,mymtime):
+ return 1
+ # now, it's time for dealing our second hand; we'll loop until we can't merge anymore. The rest are
+ # broken symlinks. We'll merge them too.
+ lastlen=0
+ while len(secondhand) and len(secondhand)!=lastlen:
+ # clear the thirdhand. Anything from our second hand that
+ # couldn't get merged will be added to thirdhand.
+ thirdhand=[]
+ self.mergeme(srcroot,destroot,outfile,thirdhand,secondhand,cfgfiledict,mymtime)
+ #swap hands
+ lastlen=len(secondhand)
+ # our thirdhand now becomes our secondhand. It's ok to throw
+ # away secondhand since thirdhand contains all the stuff that
+ # couldn't be merged.
+ secondhand = thirdhand
+ if len(secondhand):
+ # force merge of remaining symlinks (broken or circular; oh well)
+ self.mergeme(srcroot,destroot,outfile,None,secondhand,cfgfiledict,mymtime)
+ #restore umask
+ os.umask(prevmask)
+ #if we opened it, close it
+ outfile.flush()
+ outfile.close()
+ if os.path.exists(self.dbpkgdir):
+ writemsg_stdout(">>> Safely unmerging already-installed instance...\n")
+ self.dbdir = self.dbpkgdir
+ self.unmerge(oldcontents, trimworld=0, ldpath_mtimes=prev_mtimes)
+ self.dbdir = self.dbtmpdir
+ writemsg_stdout(">>> Original instance of package unmerged safely.\n")
+ # We hold both directory locks.
+ self.dbdir = self.dbpkgdir
+ self.delete()
+ movefile(self.dbtmpdir, self.dbpkgdir, mysettings=self.settings)
+ contents = self.getcontents()
+ #write out our collection of md5sums
+ if cfgfiledict.has_key("IGNORE"):
+ del cfgfiledict["IGNORE"]
+ my_private_path = os.path.join(destroot, PRIVATE_PATH)
+ if not os.path.exists(my_private_path):
+ os.makedirs(my_private_path)
+ os.chown(my_private_path, os.getuid(), portage_gid)
+ os.chmod(my_private_path, 02770)
+ writedict(cfgfiledict, conf_mem_file)
+ del conf_mem_file
+ #do postinst script
+ a = doebuild(myebuild, "postinst", destroot, self.settings, use_cache=0,
+ tree=self.treetype, mydbapi=mydbapi, vartree=self.vartree)
+ # XXX: Decide how to handle failures here.
+ if a != os.EX_OK:
+ writemsg("!!! FAILED postinst: "+str(a)+"\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ return a
+ downgrade = False
+ for v in otherversions:
+ if pkgcmp(catpkgsplit(self.pkg)[1:], catpkgsplit(v)[1:]) < 0:
+ downgrade = True
+ #update environment settings, library paths. DO NOT change symlinks.
+ env_update(makelinks=(not downgrade),
+ target_root=self.settings["ROOT"], prev_mtimes=prev_mtimes,
+ contents=contents)
+ #dircache may break autoclean because it remembers the -MERGING-pkg file
+ global dircache
+ if dircache.has_key(self.dbcatdir):
+ del dircache[self.dbcatdir]
+ writemsg_stdout(">>> %s %s\n" % (self.mycpv,"merged."))
+ # Process ebuild logfiles
+ elog_process(self.mycpv, self.settings)
+ if "noclean" not in self.settings.features:
+ doebuild(myebuild, "clean", destroot, self.settings,
+ tree=self.treetype, mydbapi=mydbapi, vartree=self.vartree)
+ return os.EX_OK
+ def mergeme(self,srcroot,destroot,outfile,secondhand,stufftomerge,cfgfiledict,thismtime):
+ """
+ This function handles actual merging of the package contents to the livefs.
+ It also handles config protection.
+ @param srcroot: Where are we copying files from (usually ${D})
+ @type srcroot: String (Path)
+ @param destroot: Typically ${ROOT}
+ @type destroot: String (Path)
+ @param outfile: File to log operations to
+ @type outfile: File Object
+ @param secondhand: A set of items to merge in pass two (usually
+ or symlinks that point to non-existing files that may get merged later)
+ @type secondhand: List
+ @param stufftomerge: Either a diretory to merge, or a list of items.
+ @type stufftomerge: String or List
+ @param cfgfiledict: { File:mtime } mapping for config_protected files
+ @type cfgfiledict: Dictionary
+ @param thismtime: The current time (typically long(time.time())
+ @type thismtime: Long
+ @rtype: None or Boolean
+ @returns:
+ 1. True on failure
+ 2. None otherwise
+ """
+ from os.path import sep, join
+ srcroot = normalize_path(srcroot).rstrip(sep) + sep
+ destroot = normalize_path(destroot).rstrip(sep) + sep
+ # this is supposed to merge a list of files. There will be 2 forms of argument passing.
+ if type(stufftomerge)==types.StringType:
+ #A directory is specified. Figure out protection paths, listdir() it and process it.
+ mergelist = listdir(join(srcroot, stufftomerge))
+ offset=stufftomerge
+ else:
+ mergelist=stufftomerge
+ offset=""
+ for x in mergelist:
+ mysrc = join(srcroot, offset, x)
+ mydest = join(destroot, offset, x)
+ # myrealdest is mydest without the $ROOT prefix (makes a difference if ROOT!="/")
+ myrealdest = join(sep, offset, x)
+ # stat file once, test using S_* macros many times (faster that way)
+ try:
+ mystat=os.lstat(mysrc)
+ except OSError, e:
+ writemsg("\n")
+ writemsg(red("!!! ERROR: There appears to be ")+bold("FILE SYSTEM CORRUPTION.")+red(" A file that is listed\n"))
+ writemsg(red("!!! as existing is not capable of being stat'd. If you are using an\n"))
+ writemsg(red("!!! experimental kernel, please boot into a stable one, force an fsck,\n"))
+ writemsg(red("!!! and ensure your filesystem is in a sane state. ")+bold("'shutdown -Fr now'\n"))
+ writemsg(red("!!! File: ")+str(mysrc)+"\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg(red("!!! Error: ")+str(e)+"\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except Exception, e:
+ writemsg("\n")
+ writemsg(red("!!! ERROR: An unknown error has occurred during the merge process.\n"))
+ writemsg(red("!!! A stat call returned the following error for the following file:"))
+ writemsg( "!!! Please ensure that your filesystem is intact, otherwise report\n")
+ writemsg( "!!! this as a portage bug at Append 'emerge info'.\n")
+ writemsg( "!!! File: "+str(mysrc)+"\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg( "!!! Error: "+str(e)+"\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ mymode=mystat[stat.ST_MODE]
+ # handy variables; mydest is the target object on the live filesystems;
+ # mysrc is the source object in the temporary install dir
+ try:
+ mydmode = os.lstat(mydest).st_mode
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ del e
+ #dest file doesn't exist
+ mydmode=None
+ if stat.S_ISLNK(mymode):
+ # we are merging a symbolic link
+ myabsto=abssymlink(mysrc)
+ if myabsto.startswith(srcroot):
+ myabsto=myabsto[len(srcroot):]
+ myabsto = myabsto.lstrip(sep)
+ myto=os.readlink(mysrc)
+ if self.settings and self.settings["D"]:
+ if myto.startswith(self.settings["D"]):
+ myto=myto[len(self.settings["D"]):]
+ # myrealto contains the path of the real file to which this symlink points.
+ # we can simply test for existence of this file to see if the target has been merged yet
+ myrealto = normalize_path(os.path.join(destroot, myabsto))
+ if mydmode!=None:
+ #destination exists
+ if not stat.S_ISLNK(mydmode):
+ if stat.S_ISDIR(mydmode):
+ # directory in the way: we can't merge a symlink over a directory
+ # we won't merge this, continue with next file...
+ continue
+ if os.path.exists(mysrc) and stat.S_ISDIR(os.stat(mysrc)[stat.ST_MODE]):
+ # Kill file blocking installation of symlink to dir #71787
+ pass
+ elif self.isprotected(mydest):
+ # Use md5 of the target in ${D} if it exists...
+ try:
+ newmd5 = portage_checksum.perform_md5(
+ join(srcroot, myabsto))
+ except portage_exception.FileNotFound:
+ # Maybe the target is merged already.
+ try:
+ newmd5 = portage_checksum.perform_md5(
+ myrealto)
+ except portage_exception.FileNotFound:
+ newmd5 = None
+ mydest = new_protect_filename(mydest,newmd5=newmd5)
+ # if secondhand is None it means we're operating in "force" mode and should not create a second hand.
+ if (secondhand!=None) and (not os.path.exists(myrealto)):
+ # either the target directory doesn't exist yet or the target file doesn't exist -- or
+ # the target is a broken symlink. We will add this file to our "second hand" and merge
+ # it later.
+ secondhand.append(mysrc[len(srcroot):])
+ continue
+ # unlinking no longer necessary; "movefile" will overwrite symlinks atomically and correctly
+ mymtime=movefile(mysrc,mydest,newmtime=thismtime,sstat=mystat, mysettings=self.settings)
+ if mymtime!=None:
+ writemsg_stdout(">>> %s -> %s\n" % (mydest, myto))
+ outfile.write("sym "+myrealdest+" -> "+myto+" "+str(mymtime)+"\n")
+ else:
+ print "!!! Failed to move file."
+ print "!!!",mydest,"->",myto
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif stat.S_ISDIR(mymode):
+ # we are merging a directory
+ if mydmode!=None:
+ # destination exists
+ if bsd_chflags:
+ # Save then clear flags on dest.
+ dflags=bsd_chflags.lgetflags(mydest)
+ if dflags != 0 and bsd_chflags.lchflags(mydest, 0) < 0:
+ writemsg("!!! Couldn't clear flags on '"+mydest+"'.\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ if not os.access(mydest, os.W_OK):
+ pkgstuff = pkgsplit(self.pkg)
+ writemsg("\n!!! Cannot write to '"+mydest+"'.\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("!!! Please check permissions and directories for broken symlinks.\n")
+ writemsg("!!! You may start the merge process again by using ebuild:\n")
+ writemsg("!!! ebuild "+self.settings["PORTDIR"]+"/""/"+pkgstuff[0]+"/"+self.pkg+".ebuild merge\n")
+ writemsg("!!! And finish by running this: env-update\n\n")
+ return 1
+ if stat.S_ISLNK(mydmode) or stat.S_ISDIR(mydmode):
+ # a symlink to an existing directory will work for us; keep it:
+ writemsg_stdout("--- %s/\n" % mydest)
+ if bsd_chflags:
+ bsd_chflags.lchflags(mydest, dflags)
+ else:
+ # a non-directory and non-symlink-to-directory. Won't work for us. Move out of the way.
+ if movefile(mydest,mydest+".backup", mysettings=self.settings) is None:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ print "bak",mydest,mydest+".backup"
+ #now create our directory
+ if self.settings.selinux_enabled():
+ sid = selinux.get_sid(mysrc)
+ selinux.secure_mkdir(mydest,sid)
+ else:
+ os.mkdir(mydest)
+ if bsd_chflags:
+ bsd_chflags.lchflags(mydest, dflags)
+ os.chmod(mydest,mystat[0])
+ os.chown(mydest,mystat[4],mystat[5])
+ writemsg_stdout(">>> %s/\n" % mydest)
+ else:
+ #destination doesn't exist
+ if self.settings.selinux_enabled():
+ sid = selinux.get_sid(mysrc)
+ selinux.secure_mkdir(mydest,sid)
+ else:
+ os.mkdir(mydest)
+ os.chmod(mydest,mystat[0])
+ os.chown(mydest,mystat[4],mystat[5])
+ writemsg_stdout(">>> %s/\n" % mydest)
+ outfile.write("dir "+myrealdest+"\n")
+ # recurse and merge this directory
+ if self.mergeme(srcroot, destroot, outfile, secondhand,
+ join(offset, x), cfgfiledict, thismtime):
+ return 1
+ elif stat.S_ISREG(mymode):
+ # we are merging a regular file
+ mymd5=portage_checksum.perform_md5(mysrc,calc_prelink=1)
+ # calculate config file protection stuff
+ mydestdir=os.path.dirname(mydest)
+ moveme=1
+ zing="!!!"
+ if mydmode!=None:
+ # destination file exists
+ if stat.S_ISDIR(mydmode):
+ # install of destination is blocked by an existing directory with the same name
+ moveme=0
+ writemsg_stdout("!!! %s\n" % mydest)
+ elif stat.S_ISREG(mydmode) or (stat.S_ISLNK(mydmode) and os.path.exists(mydest) and stat.S_ISREG(os.stat(mydest)[stat.ST_MODE])):
+ cfgprot=0
+ # install of destination is blocked by an existing regular file,
+ # or by a symlink to an existing regular file;
+ # now, config file management may come into play.
+ # we only need to tweak mydest if cfg file management is in play.
+ if self.isprotected(mydest):
+ # we have a protection path; enable config file management.
+ destmd5=portage_checksum.perform_md5(mydest,calc_prelink=1)
+ if mymd5==destmd5:
+ #file already in place; simply update mtimes of destination
+ os.utime(mydest,(thismtime,thismtime))
+ zing="---"
+ moveme=0
+ else:
+ if mymd5 == cfgfiledict.get(myrealdest, [None])[0]:
+ """ An identical update has previously been
+ merged. Skip it unless the user has chosen
+ --noconfmem."""
+ zing = "-o-"
+ moveme = cfgfiledict["IGNORE"]
+ cfgprot = cfgfiledict["IGNORE"]
+ else:
+ moveme = 1
+ cfgprot = 1
+ if moveme:
+ # Merging a new file, so update confmem.
+ cfgfiledict[myrealdest] = [mymd5]
+ elif destmd5 == cfgfiledict.get(myrealdest, [None])[0]:
+ """A previously remembered update has been
+ accepted, so it is removed from confmem."""
+ del cfgfiledict[myrealdest]
+ if cfgprot:
+ mydest = new_protect_filename(mydest, newmd5=mymd5)
+ # whether config protection or not, we merge the new file the
+ # same way. Unless moveme=0 (blocking directory)
+ if moveme:
+ mymtime=movefile(mysrc,mydest,newmtime=thismtime,sstat=mystat, mysettings=self.settings)
+ if mymtime is None:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ zing=">>>"
+ else:
+ mymtime=thismtime
+ # We need to touch the destination so that on --update the
+ # old package won't yank the file with it. (non-cfgprot related)
+ os.utime(mydest,(thismtime,thismtime))
+ zing="---"
+ if self.settings["USERLAND"] == "Darwin" and myrealdest[-2:] == ".a":
+ # XXX kludge, can be killed when portage stops relying on
+ # md5+mtime, and uses refcounts
+ # alright, we've fooled w/ mtime on the file; this pisses off static archives
+ # basically internal mtime != file's mtime, so the linker (falsely) thinks
+ # the archive is stale, and needs to have it's toc rebuilt.
+ myf = open(mydest, "r+")
+ # ar mtime field is digits padded with spaces, 12 bytes.
+ lms=str(thismtime+5).ljust(12)
+ if magic != "!<arch>\n":
+ # not an archive (dolib.a from makes it here fex)
+ myf.close()
+ else:
+ st = os.stat(mydest)
+ while myf.tell() < st.st_size - 12:
+ # skip object name
+ # update mtime
+ myf.write(lms)
+ # skip uid/gid/mperm
+ # read the archive member's size
+ x=long(
+ # skip the trailing newlines, and add the potential
+ # extra padding byte if it's not an even size
+ + 2 + (x % 2),1)
+ # and now we're at the end. yay.
+ myf.close()
+ mymd5 = portage_checksum.perform_md5(mydest, calc_prelink=1)
+ os.utime(mydest,(thismtime,thismtime))
+ if mymtime!=None:
+ zing=">>>"
+ outfile.write("obj "+myrealdest+" "+mymd5+" "+str(mymtime)+"\n")
+ writemsg_stdout("%s %s\n" % (zing,mydest))
+ else:
+ # we are merging a fifo or device node
+ zing="!!!"
+ if mydmode is None:
+ # destination doesn't exist
+ if movefile(mysrc,mydest,newmtime=thismtime,sstat=mystat, mysettings=self.settings)!=None:
+ zing=">>>"
+ else:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if stat.S_ISFIFO(mymode):
+ outfile.write("fif %s\n" % myrealdest)
+ else:
+ outfile.write("dev %s\n" % myrealdest)
+ writemsg_stdout(zing+" "+mydest+"\n")
+ def merge(self, mergeroot, inforoot, myroot, myebuild=None, cleanup=0,
+ mydbapi=None, prev_mtimes=None):
+ try:
+ self.lockdb()
+ return self.treewalk(mergeroot, myroot, inforoot, myebuild,
+ cleanup=cleanup, mydbapi=mydbapi, prev_mtimes=prev_mtimes)
+ finally:
+ self.unlockdb()
+ def getstring(self,name):
+ "returns contents of a file with whitespace converted to spaces"
+ if not os.path.exists(self.dbdir+"/"+name):
+ return ""
+ myfile=open(self.dbdir+"/"+name,"r")
+ myfile.close()
+ return " ".join(mydata)
+ def copyfile(self,fname):
+ shutil.copyfile(fname,self.dbdir+"/"+os.path.basename(fname))
+ def getfile(self,fname):
+ if not os.path.exists(self.dbdir+"/"+fname):
+ return ""
+ myfile=open(self.dbdir+"/"+fname,"r")
+ myfile.close()
+ return mydata
+ def setfile(self,fname,data):
+ write_atomic(os.path.join(self.dbdir, fname), data)
+ def getelements(self,ename):
+ if not os.path.exists(self.dbdir+"/"+ename):
+ return []
+ myelement=open(self.dbdir+"/"+ename,"r")
+ mylines=myelement.readlines()
+ myreturn=[]
+ for x in mylines:
+ for y in x[:-1].split():
+ myreturn.append(y)
+ myelement.close()
+ return myreturn
+ def setelements(self,mylist,ename):
+ myelement=open(self.dbdir+"/"+ename,"w")
+ for x in mylist:
+ myelement.write(x+"\n")
+ myelement.close()
+ def isregular(self):
+ "Is this a regular package (does it have a CATEGORY file? A dblink can be virtual *and* regular)"
+ return os.path.exists(self.dbdir+"/CATEGORY")
+class FetchlistDict(UserDict.DictMixin):
+ """This provide a mapping interface to retrieve fetch lists. It's used
+ to allow portage_manifest.Manifest to access fetch lists via a standard
+ mapping interface rather than use the dbapi directly."""
+ def __init__(self, pkgdir, settings, mydbapi):
+ """pkgdir is a directory containing ebuilds and settings is passed into
+ portdbapi.getfetchlist for __getitem__ calls."""
+ self.pkgdir = pkgdir
+ self.cp = os.sep.join(pkgdir.split(os.sep)[-2:])
+ self.settings = settings
+ self.mytree = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(pkgdir)))
+ self.portdb = mydbapi
+ def __getitem__(self, pkg_key):
+ """Returns the complete fetch list for a given package."""
+ return self.portdb.getfetchlist(pkg_key, mysettings=self.settings,
+ all=True, mytree=self.mytree)[1]
+ def has_key(self, pkg_key):
+ """Returns true if the given package exists within pkgdir."""
+ return pkg_key in self.keys()
+ def keys(self):
+ """Returns keys for all packages within pkgdir"""
+ return self.portdb.cp_list(self.cp, mytree=self.mytree)
+def pkgmerge(mytbz2, myroot, mysettings, mydbapi=None, vartree=None, prev_mtimes=None):
+ """will merge a .tbz2 file, returning a list of runtime dependencies
+ that must be satisfied, or None if there was a merge error. This
+ code assumes the package exists."""
+ global db
+ if mydbapi is None:
+ mydbapi = db[myroot]["bintree"].dbapi
+ if vartree is None:
+ vartree = db[myroot]["vartree"]
+ if mytbz2[-5:]!=".tbz2":
+ print "!!! Not a .tbz2 file"
+ return 1
+ tbz2_lock = None
+ builddir_lock = None
+ catdir_lock = None
+ try:
+ """ Don't lock the tbz2 file because the filesytem could be readonly or
+ shared by a cluster."""
+ #tbz2_lock = portage_locks.lockfile(mytbz2, wantnewlockfile=1)
+ mypkg = os.path.basename(mytbz2)[:-5]
+ xptbz2 = xpak.tbz2(mytbz2)
+ mycat = xptbz2.getfile("CATEGORY")
+ if not mycat:
+ writemsg("!!! CATEGORY info missing from info chunk, aborting...\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ mycat = mycat.strip()
+ # These are the same directories that would be used at build time.
+ builddir = os.path.join(
+ mysettings["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"], "portage", mycat, mypkg)
+ catdir = os.path.dirname(builddir)
+ pkgloc = os.path.join(builddir, "image")
+ infloc = os.path.join(builddir, "build-info")
+ myebuild = os.path.join(
+ infloc, os.path.basename(mytbz2)[:-4] + "ebuild")
+ portage_util.ensure_dirs(os.path.dirname(catdir),
+ uid=portage_uid, gid=portage_gid, mode=070, mask=0)
+ catdir_lock = portage_locks.lockdir(catdir)
+ portage_util.ensure_dirs(catdir,
+ uid=portage_uid, gid=portage_gid, mode=070, mask=0)
+ builddir_lock = portage_locks.lockdir(builddir)
+ try:
+ portage_locks.unlockdir(catdir_lock)
+ finally:
+ catdir_lock = None
+ try:
+ shutil.rmtree(builddir)
+ except (IOError, OSError), e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ del e
+ for mydir in (builddir, pkgloc, infloc):
+ portage_util.ensure_dirs(mydir, uid=portage_uid,
+ gid=portage_gid, mode=0755)
+ writemsg_stdout(">>> Extracting info\n")
+ xptbz2.unpackinfo(infloc)
+ mysettings.load_infodir(infloc)
+ # Store the md5sum in the vdb.
+ fp = open(os.path.join(infloc, "BINPKGMD5"), "w")
+ fp.write(str(portage_checksum.perform_md5(mytbz2))+"\n")
+ fp.close()
+ debug = mysettings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG", "") == "1"
+ # Eventually we'd like to pass in the saved ebuild env here.
+ retval = doebuild(myebuild, "setup", myroot, mysettings, debug=debug,
+ tree="bintree", mydbapi=mydbapi, vartree=vartree)
+ if retval != os.EX_OK:
+ writemsg("!!! Setup failed: %s\n" % retval, noiselevel=-1)
+ return retval
+ writemsg_stdout(">>> Extracting %s\n" % mypkg)
+ retval = portage_exec.spawn_bash(
+ "bzip2 -dqc -- '%s' | tar -xp -C '%s' -f -" % (mytbz2, pkgloc),
+ env=mysettings.environ())
+ if retval != os.EX_OK:
+ writemsg("!!! Error Extracting '%s'\n" % mytbz2, noiselevel=-1)
+ return retval
+ #portage_locks.unlockfile(tbz2_lock)
+ #tbz2_lock = None
+ mylink = dblink(mycat, mypkg, myroot, mysettings, vartree=vartree,
+ treetype="bintree")
+ retval = mylink.merge(pkgloc, infloc, myroot, myebuild, cleanup=0,
+ mydbapi=mydbapi, prev_mtimes=prev_mtimes)
+ return retval
+ finally:
+ if tbz2_lock:
+ portage_locks.unlockfile(tbz2_lock)
+ if builddir_lock:
+ try:
+ shutil.rmtree(builddir)
+ except (IOError, OSError), e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ del e
+ portage_locks.unlockdir(builddir_lock)
+ try:
+ if not catdir_lock:
+ # Lock catdir for removal if empty.
+ catdir_lock = portage_locks.lockdir(catdir)
+ finally:
+ if catdir_lock:
+ try:
+ os.rmdir(catdir)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOTEMPTY:
+ raise
+ del e
+ portage_locks.unlockdir(catdir_lock)
+def deprecated_profile_check():
+ if not os.access(DEPRECATED_PROFILE_FILE, os.R_OK):
+ return False
+ deprecatedfile = open(DEPRECATED_PROFILE_FILE, "r")
+ dcontent = deprecatedfile.readlines()
+ deprecatedfile.close()
+ newprofile = dcontent[0]
+ writemsg(red("\n!!! Your current profile is deprecated and not supported anymore.\n"),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg(red("!!! Please upgrade to the following profile if possible:\n"),
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg(8*" "+green(newprofile)+"\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ if len(dcontent) > 1:
+ writemsg("To upgrade do the following steps:\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ for myline in dcontent[1:]:
+ writemsg(myline, noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg("\n\n", noiselevel=-1)
+ return True
+# gets virtual package settings
+def getvirtuals(myroot):
+ global settings
+ writemsg("--- DEPRECATED call to getvirtual\n")
+ return settings.getvirtuals(myroot)
+def commit_mtimedb(mydict=None, filename=None):
+ if mydict is None:
+ global mtimedb
+ if "mtimedb" not in globals() or mtimedb is None:
+ return
+ mtimedb.commit()
+ return
+ if filename is None:
+ global mtimedbfile
+ filename = mtimedbfile
+ mydict["version"] = VERSION
+ d = {} # for full backward compat, pickle it as a plain dict object.
+ d.update(mydict)
+ try:
+ f = atomic_ofstream(filename)
+ cPickle.dump(d, f, -1)
+ f.close()
+ portage_util.apply_secpass_permissions(filename, uid=uid, gid=portage_gid, mode=0664)
+ except (IOError, OSError), e:
+ pass
+def portageexit():
+ global uid,portage_gid,portdb,db
+ if secpass and not os.environ.has_key("SANDBOX_ACTIVE"):
+ close_portdbapi_caches()
+ commit_mtimedb()
+def global_updates(mysettings, trees, prev_mtimes):
+ """
+ Perform new global updates if they exist in $PORTDIR/profiles/updates/.
+ @param mysettings: A config instance for ROOT="/".
+ @type mysettings: config
+ @param trees: A dictionary containing portage trees.
+ @type trees: dict
+ @param prev_mtimes: A dictionary containing mtimes of files located in
+ $PORTDIR/profiles/updates/.
+ @type prev_mtimes: dict
+ @rtype: None or List
+ @return: None if no were no updates, otherwise a list of update commands
+ that have been performed.
+ """
+ # only do this if we're root and not running repoman/ebuild digest
+ global secpass
+ if secpass < 2 or "SANDBOX_ACTIVE" in os.environ:
+ return
+ updpath = os.path.join(mysettings["PORTDIR"], "profiles", "updates")
+ try:
+ if mysettings["PORTAGE_CALLER"] == "fixpackages":
+ update_data = grab_updates(updpath)
+ else:
+ update_data = grab_updates(updpath, prev_mtimes)
+ except portage_exception.DirectoryNotFound:
+ writemsg("--- 'profiles/updates' is empty or not available. Empty portage tree?\n")
+ return
+ myupd = None
+ if len(update_data) > 0:
+ do_upgrade_packagesmessage = 0
+ myupd = []
+ timestamps = {}
+ for mykey, mystat, mycontent in update_data:
+ writemsg_stdout("\n\n")
+ writemsg_stdout(green("Performing Global Updates: ")+bold(mykey)+"\n")
+ writemsg_stdout("(Could take a couple of minutes if you have a lot of binary packages.)\n")
+ writemsg_stdout(" "+bold(".")+"='update pass' "+bold("*")+"='binary update' "+bold("@")+"='/var/db move'\n"+" "+bold("s")+"='/var/db SLOT move' "+bold("S")+"='binary SLOT move' "+bold("p")+"='update /etc/portage/package.*'\n")
+ valid_updates, errors = parse_updates(mycontent)
+ myupd.extend(valid_updates)
+ writemsg_stdout(len(valid_updates) * "." + "\n")
+ if len(errors) == 0:
+ # Update our internal mtime since we
+ # processed all of our directives.
+ timestamps[mykey] = long(mystat.st_mtime)
+ else:
+ for msg in errors:
+ writemsg("%s\n" % msg, noiselevel=-1)
+ update_config_files("/",
+ mysettings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT","").split(),
+ mysettings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK","").split(),
+ myupd)
+ trees["/"]["bintree"] = binarytree("/", mysettings["PKGDIR"],
+ settings=mysettings)
+ for update_cmd in myupd:
+ if update_cmd[0] == "move":
+ trees["/"]["vartree"].dbapi.move_ent(update_cmd)
+ trees["/"]["bintree"].move_ent(update_cmd)
+ elif update_cmd[0] == "slotmove":
+ trees["/"]["vartree"].dbapi.move_slot_ent(update_cmd)
+ trees["/"]["bintree"].move_slot_ent(update_cmd)
+ # The above global updates proceed quickly, so they
+ # are considered a single mtimedb transaction.
+ if len(timestamps) > 0:
+ # We do not update the mtime in the mtimedb
+ # until after _all_ of the above updates have
+ # been processed because the mtimedb will
+ # automatically commit when killed by ctrl C.
+ for mykey, mtime in timestamps.iteritems():
+ prev_mtimes[mykey] = mtime
+ # We gotta do the brute force updates for these now.
+ if mysettings["PORTAGE_CALLER"] == "fixpackages" or \
+ "fixpackages" in mysettings.features:
+ trees["/"]["bintree"].update_ents(myupd)
+ else:
+ do_upgrade_packagesmessage = 1
+ # Update progress above is indicated by characters written to stdout so
+ # we print a couple new lines here to separate the progress output from
+ # what follows.
+ print
+ print
+ if do_upgrade_packagesmessage and \
+ listdir(os.path.join(mysettings["PKGDIR"], "All"), EmptyOnError=1):
+ writemsg_stdout(" ** Skipping packages. Run 'fixpackages' or set it in FEATURES to fix the")
+ writemsg_stdout("\n tbz2's in the packages directory. "+bold("Note: This can take a very long time."))
+ writemsg_stdout("\n")
+ if myupd:
+ return myupd
+#continue setting up other trees
+class MtimeDB(dict):
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ dict.__init__(self)
+ self.filename = filename
+ self._load(filename)
+ def _load(self, filename):
+ try:
+ f = open(filename)
+ mypickle = cPickle.Unpickler(f)
+ mypickle.find_global = None
+ d = mypickle.load()
+ f.close()
+ del f
+ except (IOError, OSError, EOFError, cPickle.UnpicklingError):
+ d = {}
+ if "old" in d:
+ d["updates"] = d["old"]
+ del d["old"]
+ if "cur" in d:
+ del d["cur"]
+ d.setdefault("starttime", 0)
+ d.setdefault("version", "")
+ for k in ("info", "ldpath", "updates"):
+ d.setdefault(k, {})
+ mtimedbkeys = set(("info", "ldpath", "resume", "resume_backup",
+ "starttime", "updates", "version"))
+ for k in d.keys():
+ if k not in mtimedbkeys:
+ writemsg("Deleting invalid mtimedb key: %s\n" % str(k))
+ del d[k]
+ self.update(d)
+ self._clean_data = copy.deepcopy(d)
+ def commit(self):
+ if not self.filename:
+ return
+ d = {}
+ d.update(self)
+ # Only commit if the internal state has changed.
+ if d != self._clean_data:
+ commit_mtimedb(mydict=d, filename=self.filename)
+ self._clean_data = copy.deepcopy(d)
+def create_trees(config_root=None, target_root=None, trees=None):
+ if trees is None:
+ trees = {}
+ else:
+ # clean up any existing portdbapi instances
+ for myroot in trees:
+ portdb = trees[myroot]["porttree"].dbapi
+ portdb.close_caches()
+ portdbapi.portdbapi_instances.remove(portdb)
+ del trees[myroot]["porttree"], myroot, portdb
+ settings = config(config_root=config_root, target_root=target_root,
+ config_incrementals=portage_const.INCREMENTALS)
+ settings.lock()
+ settings.validate()
+ myroots = [(settings["ROOT"], settings)]
+ if settings["ROOT"] != "/":
+ settings = config(config_root=None, target_root=None,
+ config_incrementals=portage_const.INCREMENTALS)
+ settings.lock()
+ settings.validate()
+ myroots.append((settings["ROOT"], settings))
+ for myroot, mysettings in myroots:
+ trees[myroot] = portage_util.LazyItemsDict(trees.get(myroot, None))
+ trees[myroot].addLazySingleton("virtuals", mysettings.getvirtuals, myroot)
+ trees[myroot].addLazySingleton(
+ "vartree", vartree, myroot, categories=mysettings.categories,
+ settings=mysettings)
+ trees[myroot].addLazySingleton("porttree",
+ portagetree, myroot, settings=mysettings)
+ trees[myroot].addLazySingleton("bintree",
+ binarytree, myroot, mysettings["PKGDIR"], settings=mysettings)
+ return trees
+# Initialization of legacy globals. No functions/classes below this point
+# please! When the above functions and classes become independent of the
+# below global variables, it will be possible to make the below code
+# conditional on a backward compatibility flag (backward compatibility could
+# be disabled via an environment variable, for example). This will enable new
+# code that is aware of this flag to import portage without the unnecessary
+# overhead (and other issues!) of initializing the legacy globals.
+def init_legacy_globals():
+ global db, settings, root, portdb, selinux_enabled, mtimedbfile, mtimedb, \
+ archlist, features, groups, pkglines, thirdpartymirrors, usedefaults, \
+ profiledir, flushmtimedb
+ # Portage needs to ensure a sane umask for the files it creates.
+ os.umask(022)
+ kwargs = {}
+ for k, envvar in (("config_root", "PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT"), ("target_root", "ROOT")):
+ kwargs[k] = os.environ.get(envvar, "/")
+ db = create_trees(**kwargs)
+ settings = db["/"]["vartree"].settings
+ portdb = db["/"]["porttree"].dbapi
+ for myroot in db:
+ if myroot != "/":
+ settings = db[myroot]["vartree"].settings
+ portdb = db[myroot]["porttree"].dbapi
+ break
+ root = settings["ROOT"]
+ mtimedbfile = os.path.join("/", CACHE_PATH.lstrip(os.path.sep), "mtimedb")
+ mtimedb = MtimeDB(mtimedbfile)
+ # ========================================================================
+ # These attributes should not be used
+ # within Portage under any circumstances.
+ # ========================================================================
+ archlist = settings.archlist()
+ features = settings.features
+ groups = settings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"].split()
+ pkglines = settings.packages
+ selinux_enabled = settings.selinux_enabled()
+ thirdpartymirrors = settings.thirdpartymirrors()
+ usedefaults = settings.use_defs
+ profiledir = None
+ if os.path.isdir(PROFILE_PATH):
+ profiledir = PROFILE_PATH
+ def flushmtimedb(record):
+ writemsg("portage.flushmtimedb() is DEPRECATED\n")
+ # ========================================================================
+ # These attributes should not be used
+ # within Portage under any circumstances.
+ # ========================================================================
+# The PORTAGE_LEGACY_GLOBALS environment variable is reserved for internal
+# use within Portage. External use of this variable is unsupported because
+# it is experimental and it's behavior is likely to change.
+if "PORTAGE_LEGACY_GLOBALS" not in os.environ:
+ init_legacy_globals()
+# Clear the cache
+# ============================================================================
+# ============================================================================