#!/usr/bin/python -O # Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/bin/ebuild,v 2005/05/07 04:32:59 ferringb Exp $ import os,sys sys.path = ["/usr/lib/portage/pym"]+sys.path import portage_util def getroot(): try: a=os.environ["ROOT"] if a == '/': return '/' except SystemExit, e: raise # Needed else we can't exit. except: return '/' return os.path.normpath(a)+'/' os.environ["PORTAGE_CALLER"]="ebuild" if len(sys.argv)<=2: print "expecting two arguments." sys.exit(1) import getopt debug=0 opts,pargs=getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'',['debug']) for opt in opts: if opt[0]=='--debug': debug=1 if "merge" in pargs: print "Disabling noauto in features... merge disables it. (qmerge doesn't)" os.environ["FEATURES"] = os.environ.get("FEATURES", "") + " -noauto" import portage if len(pargs) > 1 and "noauto" not in portage.features: # so... basically we find the highest 'target' specified, and execute only that, rather # then executing each stage by a doebuild call. # we do this due to the fact doebuild doesn't get it's own env handling right in conjunction with # ebuild.sh's env reloading, fixing it was what ebd does, no point in replicating it in stable # (too massive of changes). # do a lil dance. try: pargs.remove("clean") except ValueError: cleanse_first = False else: cleanse_first = True # make a lil love actionmap_targets = filter(lambda x: x in portage.actionmap_deps, pargs[1:]) others = filter(lambda x: x not in portage.actionmap_deps, pargs[1:]) def recurse_it(targ): l = portage.actionmap_deps[targ][:] if len(l): l += map(recurse_it, l) return l kills = portage.unique_array(portage.flatten(map(recurse_it, actionmap_targets))) actionmap_targets = filter(lambda x: x not in kills, actionmap_targets) # get down tonight. if "config" in others and (len(actionmap_targets) or len(others) > 1): if len(pargs) != 2: print "config must be called on it's own, not combined with any other phase" sys.exit(1) ebuild = pargs[0] pargs = actionmap_targets + others root = getroot() for x in pargs: try: tmpsettings = portage.config(clone=portage.settings) a=portage.doebuild(ebuild, x, root, tmpsettings, debug=debug, cleanup=cleanse_first) cleanse_first = False except KeyboardInterrupt: print "(interrupted by user -- ctrl-C?)" a=1 if a == None: print "Could not run the required binary?" a = 127 if a: sys.exit(a)