#!/usr/bin/python -O # Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/bin/ebuild,v 2005/05/07 04:32:59 ferringb Exp $ import optparse import os import sys description = "See the ebuild(1) man page for more info" usage = "Usage: ebuild [command] ..." parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, usage=usage) force_help = "When used together with the digest or manifest " + \ "command, this option forces regeneration of digests for all " + \ "distfiles associated with the current ebuild. Any distfiles " + \ "that do not already exist in ${DISTDIR} will be automatically fetched." parser.add_option("--force", help=force_help, action="store_true", dest="force") parser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug") opts, pargs = parser.parse_args(args=sys.argv[1:]) if len(pargs) < 2: parser.error("missing required args") debug = opts.debug force = opts.force if "merge" in pargs: print "Disabling noauto in features... merge disables it. (qmerge doesn't)" os.environ["FEATURES"] = os.environ.get("FEATURES", "") + " -noauto" os.environ["PORTAGE_CALLER"]="ebuild" try: import portage except ImportError: from os import path as osp sys.path.insert(0, osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__))), "pym")) import portage import portage.util, portage.const import portage.dep portage.dep._dep_check_strict = True # do this _after_ 'import portage' to prevent unnecessary tracing if debug and "python-trace" in portage.features: import portage.debug portage.debug.set_trace(True) if portage.settings["NOCOLOR"] in ("yes","true") or not sys.stdout.isatty(): portage.output.nocolor() ebuild = pargs.pop(0) if not os.path.isabs(ebuild): mycwd = os.getcwd() # Try to get the non-canonical path from the PWD evironment variable, since # the canonical path returned from os.getcwd() may may be unusable in # cases where the directory stucture is built from symlinks. if "PWD" in os.environ and os.environ["PWD"] != mycwd and \ os.path.realpath(os.environ["PWD"]) == mycwd: mycwd = portage.normalize_path(os.environ["PWD"]) ebuild = os.path.join(mycwd, ebuild) ebuild = portage.normalize_path(ebuild) # portdbapi uses the canonical path for the base of the portage tree, but # subdirectories of the base can be built from symlinks (like crossdev does). ebuild_portdir = os.path.realpath( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(ebuild)))) ebuild = os.path.join(ebuild_portdir, *ebuild.split(os.path.sep)[-3:]) # Make sure that portdb.findname() returns the correct ebuild. if ebuild_portdir not in portage.portdb.porttrees: os.environ["PORTDIR_OVERLAY"] = \ os.environ.get("PORTDIR_OVERLAY","") + " " + ebuild_portdir print "Appending %s to PORTDIR_OVERLAY..." % ebuild_portdir portage.close_portdbapi_caches() reload(portage) del portage.portdb.porttrees[1:] if ebuild_portdir != portage.portdb.porttree_root: portage.portdb.porttrees.append(ebuild_portdir) if not os.path.exists(ebuild): print "'%s' does not exist." % ebuild sys.exit(1) ebuild_split = ebuild.split("/") del ebuild_split[-2] cpv = "/".join(ebuild_split[-2:])[:-7] if not portage.catpkgsplit(cpv): print "!!! %s does not follow correct package syntax." % (cpv) sys.exit(1) if ebuild.startswith(portage.root + portage.const.VDB_PATH): mytree = "vartree" portage_ebuild = portage.db[portage.root][mytree].dbapi.findname(cpv) if os.path.realpath(portage_ebuild) != ebuild: print "!!! Portage seems to think that %s is at %s" % (cpv, portage_ebuild) sys.exit(1) else: mytree = "porttree" portage_ebuild = portage.portdb.findname(cpv) if not portage_ebuild or portage_ebuild != ebuild: print "!!! %s does not seem to have a valid PORTDIR structure." % ebuild sys.exit(1) if len(pargs) > 1 and "config" in pargs: print "config must be called on it's own, not combined with any other phase" sys.exit(1) def discard_digests(myebuild, mysettings, mydbapi): """Discard all distfiles digests for the given ebuild. This is useful when upstream has changed the identity of the distfiles and the user would otherwise have to manually remove the Manifest and files/digest-* files in order to ensure correct results.""" try: portage._doebuild_manifest_exempt_depend += 1 pkgdir = os.path.dirname(myebuild) fetchlist_dict = portage.FetchlistDict(pkgdir, mysettings, mydbapi) cat, pkg = pkgdir.split(os.sep)[-2:] cpv = cat + "/" + os.path.basename(myebuild)[:-7] from portage.manifest import Manifest mf = Manifest(pkgdir, mysettings["DISTDIR"], fetchlist_dict=fetchlist_dict, manifest1_compat=False) mf.create(requiredDistfiles=None, assumeDistHashesSometimes=True, assumeDistHashesAlways=True) distfiles = fetchlist_dict[cpv] for myfile in distfiles: try: del mf.fhashdict["DIST"][myfile] except KeyError: pass mf.write() finally: portage._doebuild_manifest_exempt_depend -= 1 tmpsettings = portage.config(clone=portage.settings) if "test" in pargs: # This variable is a signal to config.regenerate() to # indicate that the test phase should be enabled regardless # of problems such as masked "test" USE flag. tmpsettings["EBUILD_FORCE_TEST"] = "1" tmpsettings.backup_changes("EBUILD_FORCE_TEST") if "test" not in tmpsettings.features: tmpsettings.features.append("test") tmpsettings.features.sort() tmpsettings["FEATURES"] = " ".join(tmpsettings.features) tmpsettings.backup_changes("FEATURES") build_dir_phases = set(["setup", "unpack", "compile", "test", "install", "package", "rpm"]) def stale_env_warning(): if "clean" not in pargs and \ "noauto" not in tmpsettings.features and \ tmpsettings.get("PORTAGE_QUIET") != "1" and \ build_dir_phases.intersection(pargs): portage.doebuild_environment(ebuild, "setup", portage.root, tmpsettings, debug, 1, portage.portdb) env_filename = os.path.join(tmpsettings["T"], "environment") if os.path.exists(env_filename): msg = ("Existing ${T}/environment for '%s' will be sourced. " + \ "Run 'clean' to start with a fresh environment.") % \ (tmpsettings["PF"], ) from textwrap import wrap msg = wrap(msg, 70) for x in msg: portage.writemsg(">>> %s\n" % x) from portage.exception import UnsupportedAPIException checked_for_stale_env = False for arg in pargs: try: if not checked_for_stale_env and arg not in ("digest","manifest"): # This has to go after manifest generation since otherwise # aux_get() might fail due to invalid ebuild digests. stale_env_warning() checked_for_stale_env = True if arg in ("digest", "manifest") and force: discard_digests(ebuild, tmpsettings, portage.portdb) a = portage.doebuild(ebuild, arg, portage.root, tmpsettings, debug=debug, tree=mytree) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Interrupted." a = 1 except KeyError: # aux_get error a = 1 except UnsupportedAPIException, e: from textwrap import wrap msg = wrap(str(e), 70) del e for x in msg: portage.writemsg("!!! %s\n" % x, noiselevel=-1) a = 1 if a == None: print "Could not run the required binary?" a = 127 if a: sys.exit(a)