#!/bin/bash # Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/bin/prepman,v 2005/05/29 12:40:08 jstubbs Exp $ source "${PORTAGE_BIN_PATH:-/usr/lib/portage/bin}"/isolated-functions.sh if [[ -z $1 ]] ; then z="${D}usr/share/man" else z="${D}$1/man" fi if [[ ! -d ${z} ]] ; then vecho "QA Notice: prepman called with non-existent dir '${z#${D}}'" 2>&1 exit 0 fi for x in $(find "${z}"/ -type d 2>/dev/null) ; do for y in $(find "${x}"/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \( -type f -or -type l \) ! -name '.keep' 2>/dev/null) ; do if [[ -L ${y} ]] ; then # Symlink ... mylink=${y} linkto=$(readlink "${y}") # Do NOT change links to directories if [[ -d ${z}/${linkto} ]] ; then continue fi if [[ ${linkto##*.} != "gz" ]] && [[ ${linkto##*.} != "bz2" ]] ; then linkto="${linkto}.gz" fi if [[ ${mylink##*.} != "gz" ]] && [[ ${mylink##*.} != "bz2" ]] ; then mylink="${mylink}.gz" fi vecho "fixing man page symlink: ${mylink##*/}" ln -snf "${linkto}" "${mylink}" if [[ ${y} != "${mylink}" ]] ; then vecho "removing old symlink: ${y##*/}" rm -f "${y}" fi else if [[ ${y##*.} != "gz" ]] && [[ ${y##*.} != "bz2" ]] && [[ ! -d ${y} ]] ; then vecho "gzipping man page: ${y##*/}" gzip -f -9 "${y}" fi fi done done