.TH FORTRAN.ECLASS 5 "Nov 2004" "Portage 2.0.51" "portage" .SH NAME fortran.eclass \- functions for fortran packages .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBfortran\fR eclass provides an interface to ease the integration of the various fortran compilers available. .SH VARIABLES \fBNOTE\fR: since the \fBfortran\fR eclass does not check to see if the following variables are set prior to inheritance, you must ensure that if you need to define any of them, that you do so after inheritance occurs. .TP .B FORTRAN Defines a list of fortran compilers that can be used for the build. Defaults to 'f77'. .TP .B f77_CONF Defines configure option that enables the use of the f77 compiler. Defaults to '--with-f77'. .TP .B f2c_CONF Defines configure option that enables the use of the f2c compiler. Defaults to '--with-f2c'. .SH FUNCTIONS .TP .B fortran_conf Displays the necessary configure options for the currently selected fortran compiler. .TP .B need_fortran \fI[ profile1 ] < profile2 >\fR Checks to see if at least one of the specified profiles is installed. Currently supported profiles include \fBf77\fR, \fBf2c\fR, and \fBifc\fR. .TP .B patch_fortran Applies any patches located in \fB${FILESDIR}\fR named "\fB${P}\fR-COMPILER*", where COMPILER is the fortran compiler currently selected for use. .TP .B fortran_pkg_setup Default pkg_setup which calls \fBneed_fortran\fR to ensure that a suitable fortran compiler is installed. .TP .B fortran_src_unpack Default src_unpack which besides unpacking the distfile(s), calls \fBpatch_fortran\fR to apply any compiler-specific patches. .SH REPORTING BUGS Please report bugs via http://bugs.gentoo.org/ .SH SEE ALSO .BR ebuild (5) .SH FILES .BR /usr/portage/eclass/fortran.eclass .SH AUTHORS Aaron Walker .SH CVS HEADER $Id: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/man/fortran.eclass.5,v 2005/01/15 00:19:36 vapier Exp $