.TH "LIBTOOL.ECLASS" "5" "Aug 2004" "Portage 2.0.51" "portage" .SH "NAME" libtool.eclass \- fixes the libtool files that are distributed with some packages .SH "DESCRIPTION" The \fBlibtool\fR eclass provides an easy way to patch the libtool files that come with some packages. Often times these files are outdated and misbehave inside of the portage build environment. .SH "VARIABLES" .BR "ELT_APPLIED_PATCHES" This variable is exported by the \fBlibtool\fR eclass. It contains a whitespace-delimited list of patches that were successfully applied. .SH "FUNCTIONS" .TP .B "elibtoolize " "\fI[--portage] [--reverse-deps] [--patch-only] [--remove-internal-dep=DEP_TO_REMOVE] [--shallow]\fR" This function should be called from \fIsrc_unpack\fR. If called with no arguments, it will apply a default set of patches to all occurrences of ltmain.sh and then run libtoolize. The default set of patches are located in \fB${PORTDIR}\fR/eclass/ELT-patches. .RS .TP .BR "--portage" Apply the portage patch. .TP .BR "--reverse-deps" Apply the reverse dependencies patch. See http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75635 for more information. .TP .BR "--patch-only" If specified, libtoolize will not be run if none of the patches apply. .TP .BR "--remove-internal-deps=DEP_TO_REMOVE" Replaces @REM_INT_DEP@ with DEP_TO_REMOVE. .TP .BR "--shallow" Instead of recursively patching all occurrences of ltmain.sh, only patch the ltmain.sh in \fB${S}\fR. .RE .SH "REPORTING BUGS" Please report bugs via http://bugs.gentoo.org/ .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR ebuild (5) .SH "FILES" .BR /usr/portage/eclass/libtool.eclass .SH "AUTHORS" Aaron Walker .SH "CVS HEADER" $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/man/libtool.eclass.5,v 2005/01/15 00:19:36 vapier Exp $