.TH "SSL-CERT.ECLASS" "5" "Oct 2003" "Portage 2.0.51" "portage" .SH "NAME" ssl-cert.eclass \- provides common SSL certificates installation routines .SH "DESCRIPTION" The \fBssl-cert\fR eclass contains a function used to generate and install SSL certificates and related files for testing and initial configuration purposes of TLS/SSL compatible services. .SH "VARIABLES" .TP \fBSSL_DAYS =\fR \fI"730"\fR (2 years) The generated certificate will be expired after this many days. .TP \fBSSL_BITS =\fR \fI"1024"\fR The number of bits used for the certificate keys. .TP \fBSSL_COUNTRY =\fR \fI"US"\fR The country (code only) for the generated certificate. .TP \fBSSL_STATE =\fR \fI"California"\fR The state (no abbreviation) for the generated certificate. .TP \fBSSL_LOCALITY =\fR \fI"Santa Barbara"\fR The locality (city) name for the generated certificate. .TP \fBSSL_ORGANIZATION =\fR \fI"SSL Server"\fR The organization (business) name for the generated certificate. .TP \fBSSL_UNIT =\fR \fI"For Testing Purposes Only"\fR The organizational unit (department) name for the generated certificate. .TP \fBSSL_COMMONNAME =\fR \fI"localhost"\fR The hostname (FQDN) for the generated certificate. .TP \fBSSL_EMAIL =\fR \fI"root@localhost"\fR The technical contact (email address) for the generated certificate. .SH "FUNCTIONS" .TP .B docert \fI\fR \fI[cert2 ...]\fR This function will generate and install the requested certificates into the current \fB${INSDESTTREE}\fR location. For example: .br \fBinsinto\fR \fI/etc/ssl/server\fR .br \fBdocert\fR \fImail\fR \fIimap\fR || die "Error creating certificates" .SH "REPORTING BUGS" Please report bugs via http://bugs.gentoo.org/ .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR ebuild (5) .SH "FILES" .BR /usr/portage/eclass/ssl-cert.eclass .SH "AUTHORS" Max Kalika .SH "CVS HEADER" $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/man/ssl-cert.eclass.5,v 2005/01/15 00:19:36 vapier Exp $