.TH "STARDICT.ECLASS" "5" "Jun 2003" "Portage 2.0.51" "portage" .SH "NAME" startdict.eclass \- convienence class to do stardict dictionary installations .SH "DESCRIPTION" The \fBstartdict\fR eclass contains appropriate variables and functions to quickly make ebuild's for stardictionaries. The eclass will define \fBsrc_compile\fR and \fBsrc_install\fR functions for you. All you need to do is to set the \fBDICT_SUFFIX\fR, \fBDICT_P\fR, \fBFROM_LANG\fR, and \fBTO_LANG\fR variables before inheriting the eclass. .SH "VARIABLES" .TP .B FROM_LANG = \fI"From this language"\fR What language is the dictionary translating from? If you have an English to German dictionary, this variable would be set to 'English'. .TP .B TO_LANG = \fI"To this language"\fR What language is the dictionary translating to? If you have an English to German dictionary, this variable would be set to 'German'. .TP .B DICT_PREFIX = \fI"SRC_URI prefix, like 'dictd_www.mova.org_'"\fR SRC_URI prefix, like "dictd_www.mova.org_". .TP .B DICT_SUFFIX = \fI"SRC_URI after the prefix"\fR SRC_URI after the prefix. .SH "REPORTING BUGS" Please report bugs via http://bugs.gentoo.org/ .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR ebuild (5) .SH "FILES" .BR /usr/portage/eclass/stardict.eclass .SH "AUTHORS" Mike Frysinger .SH "CVS HEADER" $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/man/stardict.eclass.5,v 2005/01/15 00:19:36 vapier Exp $