.TH VERSIONATOR.ECLASS 5 "Nov 2004" "Portage 2.0.51" portage .SH NAME versionator.eclass \- provides functions for easy manipulation of versions .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBversionator\fR eclass provides functions to ease manipulation of software versions. The most common use of this eclass is for manipulation of the \fB${PV}\fR variable (and saving the result in a variable such as \fB${MY_PV}\fR). .SH FUNCTIONS \fBNOTE\fR: the following functions all operate on a version string (denoted as \fIPV\fR in this manual page), which defaults to \fB${PV}\fR if omitted. See the eclass for example version strings and their respective results. .TP .B get_all_version_components \fI< PV >\fR Splits PV into its component parts. .TP .B get_version_components \fI< PV >\fR Splits PV into its component parts, ignoring '.', '-', and '_'. .TP .B get_major_version \fI< PV >\fR Retrieves major version from PV. .TP .B get_version_component_range \fI[ RANGE ] < PV >\fR Retrieves a component or range of components, RANGE, from PV. RANGE may be a single number for a particular component, a range such as 1-2 for a range of components, or a range such as 2- for that component and everything after it. .TP .B get_after_major_version \fI< PV >\fR Retrieves everything after the major version and its separator (if present). .TP .B replace_version_separator \fI[ N ] [ SEP ] < PV >\fR Replaces the Nth separator of PV with separator, SEP. If N is a character literal (eg. '-'), the first separator of this kind is replaced. .TP .B replace_all_version_separators \fI[ SEP ] < PV >\fR Replaces all version separators in PV with separator, SEP. .TP .B delete_version_separator \fI[ N ] < PV >\fR Deletes the Nth separator of PV. If N is a character literal (eg. '-'), the first separator of this kind is deleted. .TP .B delete_all_version_separators \fI\fR Deletes all version separators in PV. .SH REPORTING BUGS Please report bugs via http://bugs.gentoo.org/ .SH SEE ALSO .BR ebuild (5) .SH FILES .BR /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass .SH AUTHORS Aaron Walker .SH CVS HEADER $Id: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/man/versionator.eclass.5,v 2005/01/15 00:19:36 vapier Exp $