#!/bin/bash # Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # Author: Brian Harring , karltk@gentoo.org originally. # Rewritten from the old, Perl-based emerge-webrsync script # # gpg key import # KEY_ID=0x96D8BF6D # gpg --homedir /etc/portage/gnupg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys $KEY_ID # gpg --homedir /etc/portage/gnupg --edit-key $KEY_ID trust # argv0=$0 # error echos eecho() { echo "${argv0##*/}: error: $*" 1>&2 ; } #------------------- #initialization #------------------ # Use portageq from the same directory/prefix as the current script, so # that we don't have to rely on PATH including the current EPREFIX. scriptpath=${BASH_SOURCE[0]} if [ -x "${scriptpath%/*}/portageq" ]; then portageq=${scriptpath%/*}/portageq elif type -P portageq > /dev/null ; then portageq=portageq else eecho "could not find 'portageq'; aborting" exit 1 fi eval $("${portageq}" envvar -v DISTDIR FEATURES FETCHCOMMAND GENTOO_MIRRORS \ PORTAGE_BIN_PATH PORTAGE_GPG_DIR \ PORTAGE_NICENESS PORTAGE_RSYNC_EXTRA_OPTS \ PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS PORTAGE_TMPDIR PORTDIR \ USERLAND http_proxy ftp_proxy) export http_proxy ftp_proxy TMPDIR=${PORTAGE_TMPDIR}/snapshots source "${PORTAGE_BIN_PATH}"/isolated-functions.sh || exit 1 if [ -z "$NICENESS_PULLED" ]; then if [ -n "${PORTAGE_NICENESS}" ]; then export NICENESS_PULLED=asdf exec nice -n "${PORTAGE_NICENESS}" "$0" "$@" echo "failed setting PORTAGE_NICENESS to '$PORTAGE_NICENESS', disabling" fi fi STATE_DIR="/var/delta-webrsync/" # hack. bug 92224 if [ "${FETCHCOMMAND/getdelta.sh}" != "${FETCHCOMMAND}" ]; then # evil evil evil evil eval "$(grep FETCHCOMMAND /etc/make.globals)" fi unset f unset IFS MUST_SYNC='1' unset PUKE_HELP wgetops for x in $*; do if [[ $x == "-u" ]]; then MUST_SYNC='' elif [[ $x == "-k" ]]; then KEEP_OLDIES='asdf' elif [[ $x == "-h" ]]; then PUKE_HELP=1 elif [[ $x == "-v" ]]; then wgetops= else PUKE_HELP=1 echo "$x isn't a valid arg. bailing." fi if [[ -n $PUKE_HELP ]]; then echo "-u for upgrade; sync only if new snapshots are found" echo "-k for keep; keep old tree snapshots around" exit -1 fi done if [[ ! -d $STATE_DIR ]]; then echo "$STATE_DIR doesn't exist. don't have the ability to compensate for compressor differences without it!" exit -2 fi if has webrsync-gpg ${FEATURES} ; then WEBSYNC_VERIFY_SIGNATURE=1 else WEBSYNC_VERIFY_SIGNATURE=0 fi if [ ${WEBSYNC_VERIFY_SIGNATURE} != 0 -a -z "${PORTAGE_GPG_DIR}" ]; then eecho "please set PORTAGE_GPG_DIR in make.conf" exit 1 fi if [[ ! -d $DISTDIR ]] ; then mkdir -p $DISTDIR fi if [[ ! -d $TMPDIR ]]; then mkdir -p $TMPDIR fi cd "$DISTDIR" found=0 if [ "${wgetops-UNSET}" == "unset" ]; then #this sucks. probably better to do 1> /dev/null #that said, waiting on the refactoring. if [ "${FETCHCOMMAND/wget}" != "${FETCHCOMMAND}" ]; then wgetops="-q" elif [ "${FETCHCOMMAND/curl}" != "${FETCHCOMMAND}" ]; then wgetops="-s -f" fi fi if type -p md5sum > /dev/null; then md5_com='md5sum -c "${MD5_LOC}" &> /dev/null' elif type -p md5 > /dev/null; then md5_com='[ "$(md5 -q ${FILE})" == "$(cut -d \ -f 1 ${MD5_LOC})" ]' else echo "warning, unable to do md5 verification of the snapshot!" echo "no suitable md5/md5sum binary was found!" md5_com='true' fi #--------------- #funcs #--------------- cleanse_state_dir() { [[ ${STATE_DIR:-/} != '/' ]] && rm ${STATE_DIR}/* &> /dev/null; } full_version_attempt() { local FILE file_exists echo "Fetching most recent snapshot" declare -i attempts=-1 while (( $attempts < 40 )) ; do unset file_exists attempts=$(( attempts + 1 )) #this too, sucks. it works in the interim though. if [ "$USERLAND" == "BSD" ] || [ "$USERLAND" == "Darwin" ] ; then daysbefore=$(expr $(date +"%s") - 86400 \* $attempts) day=$(date -r $daysbefore +"%d") month=$(date -r $daysbefore +"%m") year=$(date -r $daysbefore +"%Y") else day=$(date -d "-$attempts day" +"%d") month=$(date -d "-$attempts day" +"%m") year=$(date -d "-$attempts day" +"%Y") fi FILE="portage-${year}${month}${day}.tar.bz2" echo "Attempting to fetch file dated: ${year}${month}${day}" got_md5=0 if [ ! -e "${FILE}.md5sum" ]; then fetch_from_mirrors "/snapshots/${FILE}.md5sum" "${FILE}.md5sum" got_md5=$? else file_exists='asdf' got_md5=0 fi if [[ $got_md5 != 0 ]]; then echo " --- No md5sum present on the mirror. (Not yet available.)" continue elif [ -s "${FILE}" ]; then if verify_md5_file "$FILE"; then echo " === snapshot $FILE is correct, using it" if [[ -n $MUST_SYNC ]] || [[ -z file_exists ]]; then sync_local "${FILE}" echo echo " === Snapshot has been sync'd" echo else echo echo "skipped sync" echo fi exit 0 else echo "md5 on ${FILE} failed, removing it and starting anew" rm "$FILE" &> /dev/null fi fi if fetch_from_mirrors "/snapshots/${FILE}" "${FILE}"; then if ! verify_md5_file "$FILE"; then echo "md5 failed on $FILE" rm ${FILE} &> /dev/null continue else sync_local "${FILE}" cleanse_state_dir echo echo " *** Completed websync, please now perform a normal rsync if possible." echo " Update is current as of YYYYMMDD: ${year}${month}${day}" echo exit 0 fi fi done exit 1 } sync_local() { local FILE flags FILE="$1" if [ "${FILE/\/}" == "${FILE}" ]; then FILE="${DISTDIR}/${FILE}"; fi echo Syncing local tree... local ownership="portage:portage" if has usersync ${FEATURES} ; then case "${USERLAND}" in BSD) ownership=$(stat -f '%Su:%Sg' "${PORTDIR}") ;; *) ownership=$(stat -c '%U:%G' "${PORTDIR}") ;; esac fi if type -p tarsync &> /dev/null; then echo "apparently you have tarsync installed. using it." local chown_opts="-o ${ownership%:*} -g ${ownership#*:}" chown ${ownership} "${PORTDIR}" > /dev/null 2>&1 || chown_opts="" if ! tarsync "${FILE}" "${PORTDIR}" -v -s 1 ${chown_opts} -e /distfiles -e /packages -e /local; then echo "ok, tarsync failed. that's teh suck :/" exit 6 fi else cd ${TMPDIR} || die "couldn't cd to tmpdir, $TMPDIR!?" flags="xf" if [ "${FILE%.bz2}" != "${FILE}" ]; then flags="jxf" fi if ! tar ${flags} "$FILE"; then echo "Tar failed to extract the image. Please review the output." echo "Executed command: tar jxf $FILE" exit 1 fi # Make sure user and group file ownership is appropriate chown ${ownership} portage > /dev/null 2>&1 && \ chown -R ${ownership} portage cd portage rsync -av --progress --stats --delete --delete-after \ --exclude='/distfiles' --exclude='/packages' \ --exclude='/local' . ${PORTDIR%%/} cd .. echo "cleaning up" rm -rf portage fi if has metadata-transfer ${FEATURES} ; then echo "transferring metadata/cache" emerge --metadata fi local post_sync=/etc/portage/bin/post_sync [[ -x "${post_sync}" ]] && ${post_sync} } fetch_from_mirrors() { local i URI FILE MIRRORS if [[ "$#" == 3 ]]; then MIRRORS="${3}" else MIRRORS=$GENTOO_MIRRORS fi FILE="$2" for i in $MIRRORS ; do URI="${i}/${1}" if (eval "$FETCHCOMMAND $wgetops") && [ -s "${FILE}" ]; then return 0 else rm "${FILE}" &> /dev/null fi done return 1 } verify_md5_file() { local FILE MD5_LOC CUR FILE="$1" if [[ $# == 2 ]]; then MD5_LOC="$2" else MD5_LOC="$(pwd)/$1.md5sum" fi if [ "${FILE/*\/}" != "$1" ]; then CUR="$(pwd)" cd "$(dirname ${FILE})" FILE="$(basename ${FILE})" fi if eval "$md5_com"; then [ -n "${CUR}" ] && cd "${CUR}" return 0 else [ -n "${CUR}" ] && cd "${CUR}" return 1 fi } check_file_signature() { local signature="$1" local file="$2" local r=1 if [[ ${WEBSYNC_VERIFY_SIGNATURE} != 0 ]] ; then vecho "Checking signature ..." if type -P gpg > /dev/null; then gpg --homedir "${PORTAGE_GPG_DIR}" --verify "$signature" "$file" && r=0 else eecho "cannot check signature: gpg binary not found" exit 1 fi else r=0 fi return "${r}" } #-------------------- #inline actual script #-------------------- if ! type -p patcher &> /dev/null; then echo "!!!" echo "!!! cannot find patcher, did you emerge dev-util/diffball?" echo "!!! lack of patcher == have to do full fetch" echo "!!!" sleep 10 full_version_attempt fi echo "Looking for available base versions for a delta" #note we're already in distdir unset base_version # portage-snapshots in reverse order. # icky. unset dfile potentials="$(ls -1 portage-2[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]].tar.bz2 ${STATE_DIR}/portage-2[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]].tar.bz2 2> /dev/null | sed -e 's:^.*/::' | sort -r)" for basef in ${potentials}; do chksum='' found="dar" if [ -e "${STATE_DIR}/${basef}.md5sum" ]; then chksum="${STATE_DIR}/${basef}.md5sum" elif [ -e "${basef}.md5sum" ]; then chksum="${DISTDIR}/${basef}.md5sum" else echo "attempting to get md5sum for $basef" if ! fetch_from_mirrors "/snapshots/${basef}.md5sum" "${basef}.md5sum"; then echo "can't get md5 for ${basef}" continue fi chksum="${basef}.md5sum" fi if [ -e "${basef}" ]; then dfile="${DISTDIR}/${basef}" else dfile="${STATE_DIR}/${basef}" fi if ! verify_md5_file "${dfile}" "${chksum}"; then echo "found a stale snapshot. cleansing" rm "${dfile}" &> /dev/null rm "${chksum}.md5sum" &> /dev/null dar="" else base_version="${basef}" break fi done #by this point, we either have a base_version, or we don't. if [[ -z ${base_version} ]]; then echo "no base found. resorting to pulling a full version" full_version_attempt fi #we have a md5 verified base. now we get the patch. base_date="${base_version%.tar.bz2}" base_date="${base_date#portage-}" # we now have yyyymmdd unset patch_dates if [ "$USERLAND" == "BSD" ] || [ "$USERLAND" == "Darwin" ] ; then daysbefore=$(expr $(date +"%s") - 86400 \* $attempts) day=$(date -r $daysbefore +"%d") month=$(date -r $daysbefore +"%m") year=$(date -r $daysbefore +"%Y") else day=$(date -d "-$attempts day" +"%d") month=$(date -d "-$attempts day" +"%m") year=$(date -d "-$attempts day" +"%Y") fi #todays_date="${year}${month}${day}" next_date() { local year day month year="${1:0:4}" month="${1:4:2}" day="${1:6:2}" # if [[ "${USERLAND}" == "BSD" ]] || [[ "${USERLAND}" == "Darwin" ]]; then # else date -d "$year/$month/$day +1 day" +"%Y%m%d" # fi } patches='' echo "fetching patches" fetched='asdf' while [[ -n ${fetched} ]]; do next_day=$(next_date ${base_date}) # if we can't get a *single* patch or md5, even one missing, do full. p="snapshot-${base_date}-${next_day}.patch.bz2" if [[ ! -e ${p}.md5sum ]] && ! fetch_from_mirrors "/snapshots/deltas/${p}.md5sum" "${p}.md5sum"; then echo "failed fetching ${p}.md5sum" fetched='' break fi fetch="yes" if [[ -e ${p} ]]; then if ! verify_md5_file "${p}"; then rm ${p} &> /dev/null else fetch="" fi fi if [[ -n $fetch ]]; then if ! fetch_from_mirrors "/snapshots/deltas/${p}" "${p}"; then echo "failed fetching ${p}" fetched='' fi fi if [[ -z ${fetched} ]]; then break fi if ! verify_md5_file "${p}"; then echo "md5 failed on ${p}" fetched='' break fi patches="${patches} ${p}" base_date="${next_day}" done final_date=${base_date} if [[ -z $patches ]]; then echo "no patches found? up to date?" if [[ -n $MUST_SYNC ]]; then echo "syncing with existing file" sync_local "${dfile}" else : fi exit $? fi unset got_umd5 #grab the md5 for later usage. if [[ ! -e portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.md5sum ]] && ! fetch_from_mirrors "/snapshots/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.md5sum" "portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.md5sum"; then echo "warning... couldn't grab the md5sum for ${final_date}. which is odd" echo "thus, bailing (sorry)" exit 5 else if [[ ! -e portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.umd5sum ]] && ! fetch_from_mirrors "/snapshots/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.umd5sum" "portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.umd5sum"; then if ! fetch_from_mirrors "/snapshots/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.umd5sum" "portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.umd5sum"; then echo "couldn't grab umd5sum (uncompressed md5sum) for ${final_date}." echo "can't compensate for bzip2 version differences iow." else got_umd5=1 fi else got_umd5=1 fi fi if [[ ${WEBSYNC_VERIFY_SIGNATURE} == 1 && ! -e portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.gpgsig ]] && \ ! fetch_from_mirrors "/snapshots/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.gpgsig" "portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.gpgsig" ; then echo "warning... couldn't grab the gpgsig for ${final_date}. which is odd" echo "thus, bailing (sorry)" exit 5 fi # generate tmp dir. TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/delta-webrsync-XXXXXX) # got our patches. if ! patcher -v "${dfile}" ${patches} "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar"; then echo "reconstruction failed (contact the author with the error from the reconstructor please)" rm "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar" rmdir ${TEMPDIR} full_version_attempt fi verified=0 if [[ -n $got_umd5 ]]; then echo "verifying uncompressed md5" if ! verify_md5_file "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar" "${DISTDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.umd5sum"; then echo "uncompressed verification failed. This means either you found a bug in diffball, or something odd is going on" echo "with upstream patch generation" echo "trying md5sum next, which probably will fail." else verified="1" fi fi unset need_last_sync if [ "$verified" == "1" ]; then echo "recompressing. (backgrounding)" need_last_sync="dar" if [[ ${WEBSYNC_VERIFY_SIGNATURE} == 1 ]] ; then # BUG: Signature verification will fail if the local bzip2 # program does not produce output that is perfectly identical # to the bzip2 program used to compress the signed tar file. bzip2 -vk9 "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar" check_file_signature "${DISTDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.gpgsig" "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2" || exit 1 else bzip2 -vk9 "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar" & fi echo "beginning update to the tree" sync_local "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar" echo "doing final md5 stuff" wait # bzip2 is finished now. rm "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar" else echo "recompressing." bzip2 -v9 "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2" fi echo "verifying generated tarball" if ! verify_md5_file "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2" "${DISTDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.md5sum"; then if [[ -z $verified ]]; then echo "couldn't verify the generated tarball. bug, most likely." exit 5 fi # hokay. md5 doesn't agree with umd5. bzip2 issue in effect. echo "compressed md5 differs, but uncompressed md5 says it right. bzip2 version incompatability in other words" echo "saving the md5" if type -p md5sum &> /dev/null; then md5sum ${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2 | sed -e "s:${TEMPDIR}/\?::" > \ ${STATE_DIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.md5sum elif type -p md5 &> /dev/null; then echo "$(md5 -q ${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2) portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2" > \ ${STATE_DIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.md5sum else echo "couldn't find either md5 or md5sum. something is screwed... (bailing, sorry)" exit 7 fi mv "${DISTDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.umd5sum" "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2" ${STATE_DIR}/ rmdir ${TEMPDIR} dfile="${STATE_DIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2" else dfile="${DISTDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2" mv "${TEMPDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2" ${DISTDIR}/ fi if [ -z "${need_last_sync}" ]; then if [[ ${WEBSYNC_VERIFY_SIGNATURE} == 1 ]] ; then check_file_signature "${DISTDIR}/portage-${final_date}.tar.bz2.gpgsig" "${dfile}" || exit 1 fi echo "beginning update to the tree" sync_local "${dfile}" fi if [[ -z $KEEP_OLDIES ]]; then echo "cleansing" for x in $potentials; do echo "removing ${x}" rm -f "${DISTDIR}/${x}"{,.md5sum,.umd5sum,.gpgsig} &> /dev/null rm "${STATE_DIR}/${x}" "${STATE_DIR}/${x}.md5sum" "${STATE_DIR}/${x}.umd5sum" &> /dev/null done fi echo "done."