# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id$ from portage.util import writemsg from portage.data import secpass import portage from portage import os try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle class BlockerCache(portage.cache.mappings.MutableMapping): """This caches blockers of installed packages so that dep_check does not have to be done for every single installed package on every invocation of emerge. The cache is invalidated whenever it is detected that something has changed that might alter the results of dep_check() calls: 1) the set of installed packages (including COUNTER) has changed """ # Number of uncached packages to trigger cache update, since # it's wasteful to update it for every vdb change. _cache_threshold = 5 class BlockerData(object): __slots__ = ("__weakref__", "atoms", "counter") def __init__(self, counter, atoms): self.counter = counter self.atoms = atoms def __init__(self, myroot, vardb): self._vardb = vardb self._cache_filename = os.path.join(myroot, portage.CACHE_PATH, "vdb_blockers.pickle") self._cache_version = "1" self._cache_data = None self._modified = set() self._load() def _load(self): try: f = open(self._cache_filename, mode='rb') mypickle = pickle.Unpickler(f) try: mypickle.find_global = None except AttributeError: # TODO: If py3k, override Unpickler.find_class(). pass self._cache_data = mypickle.load() f.close() del f except (IOError, OSError, EOFError, ValueError, pickle.UnpicklingError) as e: if isinstance(e, pickle.UnpicklingError): writemsg("!!! Error loading '%s': %s\n" % \ (self._cache_filename, str(e)), noiselevel=-1) del e cache_valid = self._cache_data and \ isinstance(self._cache_data, dict) and \ self._cache_data.get("version") == self._cache_version and \ isinstance(self._cache_data.get("blockers"), dict) if cache_valid: # Validate all the atoms and counters so that # corruption is detected as soon as possible. invalid_items = set() for k, v in self._cache_data["blockers"].iteritems(): if not isinstance(k, basestring): invalid_items.add(k) continue try: if portage.catpkgsplit(k) is None: invalid_items.add(k) continue except portage.exception.InvalidData: invalid_items.add(k) continue if not isinstance(v, tuple) or \ len(v) != 2: invalid_items.add(k) continue counter, atoms = v if not isinstance(counter, (int, long)): invalid_items.add(k) continue if not isinstance(atoms, (list, tuple)): invalid_items.add(k) continue invalid_atom = False for atom in atoms: if not isinstance(atom, basestring): invalid_atom = True break if atom[:1] != "!" or \ not portage.isvalidatom( atom, allow_blockers=True): invalid_atom = True break if invalid_atom: invalid_items.add(k) continue for k in invalid_items: del self._cache_data["blockers"][k] if not self._cache_data["blockers"]: cache_valid = False if not cache_valid: self._cache_data = {"version":self._cache_version} self._cache_data["blockers"] = {} self._modified.clear() def flush(self): """If the current user has permission and the internal blocker cache been updated, save it to disk and mark it unmodified. This is called by emerge after it has proccessed blockers for all installed packages. Currently, the cache is only written if the user has superuser privileges (since that's required to obtain a lock), but all users have read access and benefit from faster blocker lookups (as long as the entire cache is still valid). The cache is stored as a pickled dict object with the following format: { version : "1", "blockers" : {cpv1:(counter,(atom1, atom2...)), cpv2...}, } """ if len(self._modified) >= self._cache_threshold and \ secpass >= 2: try: f = portage.util.atomic_ofstream(self._cache_filename, mode='wb') pickle.dump(self._cache_data, f, protocol=2) f.close() portage.util.apply_secpass_permissions( self._cache_filename, gid=portage.portage_gid, mode=0o644) except (IOError, OSError) as e: pass self._modified.clear() def __setitem__(self, cpv, blocker_data): """ Update the cache and mark it as modified for a future call to self.flush(). @param cpv: Package for which to cache blockers. @type cpv: String @param blocker_data: An object with counter and atoms attributes. @type blocker_data: BlockerData """ self._cache_data["blockers"][cpv] = \ (blocker_data.counter, tuple(str(x) for x in blocker_data.atoms)) self._modified.add(cpv) def __iter__(self): if self._cache_data is None: # triggered by python-trace return iter([]) return iter(self._cache_data["blockers"]) def __delitem__(self, cpv): del self._cache_data["blockers"][cpv] def __getitem__(self, cpv): """ @rtype: BlockerData @returns: An object with counter and atoms attributes. """ return self.BlockerData(*self._cache_data["blockers"][cpv])