# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 import sys import warnings import portage from portage import os from _emerge.Package import Package from _emerge.PackageVirtualDbapi import PackageVirtualDbapi from portage.const import VDB_PATH from portage.dbapi.vartree import vartree from portage.dep._slot_operator import find_built_slot_operator_atoms from portage.eapi import _get_eapi_attrs from portage.exception import InvalidDependString from portage.repository.config import _gen_valid_repo from portage.update import grab_updates, parse_updates, update_dbentries from portage.versions import _pkg_str if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000: long = int _unicode = str else: _unicode = unicode class FakeVardbapi(PackageVirtualDbapi): """ Implements the vardbapi.getpath() method which is used in error handling code for the Package class and vartree.get_provide(). """ def getpath(self, cpv, filename=None): path = os.path.join(self.settings['EROOT'], VDB_PATH, cpv) if filename is not None: path =os.path.join(path, filename) return path class FakeVartree(vartree): """This is implements an in-memory copy of a vartree instance that provides all the interfaces required for use by the depgraph. The vardb is locked during the constructor call just long enough to read a copy of the installed package information. This allows the depgraph to do it's dependency calculations without holding a lock on the vardb. It also allows things like vardb global updates to be done in memory so that the user doesn't necessarily need write access to the vardb in cases where global updates are necessary (updates are performed when necessary if there is not a matching ebuild in the tree). Instances of this class are not populated until the sync() method is called.""" def __init__(self, root_config, pkg_cache=None, pkg_root_config=None, dynamic_deps=True, ignore_built_slot_operator_deps=False): self._root_config = root_config self._dynamic_deps = dynamic_deps self._ignore_built_slot_operator_deps = ignore_built_slot_operator_deps if pkg_root_config is None: pkg_root_config = self._root_config self._pkg_root_config = pkg_root_config if pkg_cache is None: pkg_cache = {} real_vartree = root_config.trees["vartree"] self._real_vardb = real_vartree.dbapi portdb = root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi self.settings = real_vartree.settings mykeys = list(real_vartree.dbapi._aux_cache_keys) if "_mtime_" not in mykeys: mykeys.append("_mtime_") self._db_keys = mykeys self._pkg_cache = pkg_cache self.dbapi = FakeVardbapi(real_vartree.settings) self.dbapi._aux_cache_keys = set(self._db_keys) # Initialize variables needed for lazy cache pulls of the live ebuild # metadata. This ensures that the vardb lock is released ASAP, without # being delayed in case cache generation is triggered. self._aux_get = self.dbapi.aux_get self._match = self.dbapi.match if dynamic_deps: self.dbapi.aux_get = self._aux_get_wrapper self.dbapi.match = self._match_wrapper self._aux_get_history = set() self._portdb_keys = Package._dep_keys + ("EAPI", "KEYWORDS") self._portdb = portdb self._global_updates = None @property def root(self): warnings.warn("The root attribute of " "_emerge.FakeVartree.FakeVartree" " is deprecated. Use " "settings['ROOT'] instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3) return self.settings['ROOT'] def _match_wrapper(self, cpv, use_cache=1): """ Make sure the metadata in Package instances gets updated for any cpv that is returned from a match() call, since the metadata can be accessed directly from the Package instance instead of via aux_get(). """ matches = self._match(cpv, use_cache=use_cache) for cpv in matches: if cpv in self._aux_get_history: continue self._aux_get_wrapper(cpv, []) return matches def _aux_get_wrapper(self, pkg, wants, myrepo=None): if pkg in self._aux_get_history: return self._aux_get(pkg, wants) self._aux_get_history.add(pkg) # We need to check the EAPI, and this also raises # a KeyError to the caller if appropriate. pkg_obj = self.dbapi._cpv_map[pkg] installed_eapi = pkg_obj.eapi repo = pkg_obj.metadata['repository'] eapi_attrs = _get_eapi_attrs(installed_eapi) built_slot_operator_atoms = None if eapi_attrs.slot_operator and not self._ignore_built_slot_operator_deps: try: built_slot_operator_atoms = find_built_slot_operator_atoms(pkg_obj) except InvalidDependString: pass try: # Use the live ebuild metadata if possible. repo = _gen_valid_repo(repo) live_metadata = dict(zip(self._portdb_keys, self._portdb.aux_get(pkg, self._portdb_keys, myrepo=repo))) # Use the metadata from the installed instance if the EAPI # of either instance is unsupported, since if the installed # instance has an unsupported or corrupt EAPI then we don't # want to attempt to do complex operations such as execute # pkg_config, pkg_prerm or pkg_postrm phases. If both EAPIs # are supported then go ahead and use the live_metadata, in # order to respect dep updates without revision bump or EAPI # bump, as in bug #368725. if not (portage.eapi_is_supported(live_metadata["EAPI"]) and \ portage.eapi_is_supported(installed_eapi)): raise KeyError(pkg) # preserve built slot/sub-slot := operator deps if built_slot_operator_atoms: live_eapi_attrs = _get_eapi_attrs(live_metadata["EAPI"]) if not live_eapi_attrs.slot_operator: raise KeyError(pkg) for k, v in built_slot_operator_atoms.items(): live_metadata[k] += (" " + " ".join(_unicode(atom) for atom in v)) self.dbapi.aux_update(pkg, live_metadata) except (KeyError, portage.exception.PortageException): if self._global_updates is None: self._global_updates = \ grab_global_updates(self._portdb) perform_global_updates( pkg, self.dbapi, self._global_updates) return self._aux_get(pkg, wants) def cpv_discard(self, pkg): """ Discard a package from the fake vardb if it exists. """ old_pkg = self.dbapi.get(pkg) if old_pkg is not None: self.dbapi.cpv_remove(old_pkg) self._pkg_cache.pop(old_pkg, None) self._aux_get_history.discard(old_pkg.cpv) def sync(self, acquire_lock=1): """ Call this method to synchronize state with the real vardb after one or more packages may have been installed or uninstalled. """ locked = False try: if acquire_lock and os.access(self._real_vardb._dbroot, os.W_OK): self._real_vardb.lock() locked = True self._sync() finally: if locked: self._real_vardb.unlock() # Populate the old-style virtuals using the cached values. # Skip the aux_get wrapper here, to avoid unwanted # cache generation. try: self.dbapi.aux_get = self._aux_get self.settings._populate_treeVirtuals_if_needed(self) finally: if self._dynamic_deps: self.dbapi.aux_get = self._aux_get_wrapper def _sync(self): real_vardb = self._root_config.trees["vartree"].dbapi current_cpv_set = frozenset(real_vardb.cpv_all()) pkg_vardb = self.dbapi # Remove any packages that have been uninstalled. for pkg in list(pkg_vardb): if pkg.cpv not in current_cpv_set: self.cpv_discard(pkg) # Validate counters and timestamps. slot_counters = {} root_config = self._pkg_root_config validation_keys = ["COUNTER", "_mtime_"] for cpv in current_cpv_set: pkg_hash_key = Package._gen_hash_key(cpv=cpv, installed=True, root_config=root_config, type_name="installed") pkg = pkg_vardb.get(pkg_hash_key) if pkg is not None: counter, mtime = real_vardb.aux_get(cpv, validation_keys) try: counter = long(counter) except ValueError: counter = 0 if counter != pkg.counter or \ mtime != pkg.mtime: self.cpv_discard(pkg) pkg = None if pkg is None: pkg = self._pkg(cpv) other_counter = slot_counters.get(pkg.slot_atom) if other_counter is not None: if other_counter > pkg.counter: continue slot_counters[pkg.slot_atom] = pkg.counter pkg_vardb.cpv_inject(pkg) real_vardb.flush_cache() def _pkg(self, cpv): """ The RootConfig instance that will become the Package.root_config attribute can be overridden by the FakeVartree pkg_root_config constructory argument, since we want to be consistent with the depgraph._pkg() method which uses a specially optimized RootConfig that has a FakeVartree instead of a real vartree. """ pkg = Package(cpv=cpv, built=True, installed=True, metadata=zip(self._db_keys, self._real_vardb.aux_get(cpv, self._db_keys)), root_config=self._pkg_root_config, type_name="installed") self._pkg_cache[pkg] = pkg return pkg def grab_global_updates(portdb): retupdates = {} for repo_name in portdb.getRepositories(): repo = portdb.getRepositoryPath(repo_name) updpath = os.path.join(repo, "profiles", "updates") if not os.path.isdir(updpath): continue try: rawupdates = grab_updates(updpath) except portage.exception.DirectoryNotFound: rawupdates = [] upd_commands = [] for mykey, mystat, mycontent in rawupdates: commands, errors = parse_updates(mycontent) upd_commands.extend(commands) retupdates[repo_name] = upd_commands master_repo = portdb.getRepositoryName(portdb.porttree_root) if master_repo in retupdates: retupdates['DEFAULT'] = retupdates[master_repo] return retupdates def perform_global_updates(mycpv, mydb, myupdates): aux_keys = Package._dep_keys + mydb._pkg_str_aux_keys aux_dict = dict(zip(aux_keys, mydb.aux_get(mycpv, aux_keys))) try: pkg = _pkg_str(mycpv, metadata=aux_dict, settings=mydb.settings) except InvalidData: return aux_dict = dict((k, aux_dict[k]) for k in Package._dep_keys) try: mycommands = myupdates[pkg.repo] except KeyError: try: mycommands = myupdates['DEFAULT'] except KeyError: return if not mycommands: return updates = update_dbentries(mycommands, aux_dict, parent=pkg) if updates: mydb.aux_update(mycpv, updates)