# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 import gzip import errno try: import threading except ImportError: import dummy_threading as threading from portage import _encodings from portage import _unicode_encode from portage.util import writemsg_level from portage.util._eventloop.global_event_loop import global_event_loop from _emerge.SlotObject import SlotObject from _emerge.getloadavg import getloadavg class PollScheduler(object): class _sched_iface_class(SlotObject): __slots__ = ("IO_ERR", "IO_HUP", "IO_IN", "IO_NVAL", "IO_OUT", "IO_PRI", "child_watch_add", "idle_add", "io_add_watch", "iteration", "output", "register", "run", "source_remove", "timeout_add", "unregister") def __init__(self): self._terminated = threading.Event() self._terminated_tasks = False self._max_jobs = 1 self._max_load = None self._jobs = 0 self._scheduling = False self._background = False self._event_loop = global_event_loop() self.sched_iface = self._sched_iface_class( IO_ERR=self._event_loop.IO_ERR, IO_HUP=self._event_loop.IO_HUP, IO_IN=self._event_loop.IO_IN, IO_NVAL=self._event_loop.IO_NVAL, IO_OUT=self._event_loop.IO_OUT, IO_PRI=self._event_loop.IO_PRI, child_watch_add=self._event_loop.child_watch_add, idle_add=self._event_loop.idle_add, io_add_watch=self._event_loop.io_add_watch, iteration=self._event_loop.iteration, output=self._task_output, register=self._event_loop.io_add_watch, source_remove=self._event_loop.source_remove, timeout_add=self._event_loop.timeout_add, unregister=self._event_loop.source_remove) def terminate(self): """ Schedules asynchronous, graceful termination of the scheduler at the earliest opportunity. This method is thread-safe (and safe for signal handlers). """ self._terminated.set() def _termination_check(self): """ Calls _terminate_tasks() if appropriate. It's guaranteed not to call it while _schedule_tasks() is being called. The check should be executed for each iteration of the event loop, for response to termination signals at the earliest opportunity. It always returns True, for continuous scheduling via idle_add. """ if not self._scheduling and \ self._terminated.is_set() and \ not self._terminated_tasks: self._scheduling = True try: self._terminated_tasks = True self._terminate_tasks() finally: self._scheduling = False return True def _terminate_tasks(self): """ Send signals to terminate all tasks. This is called once from _keep_scheduling() or _is_work_scheduled() in the event dispatching thread. It will not be called while the _schedule_tasks() implementation is running, in order to avoid potential interference. All tasks should be cleaned up at the earliest opportunity, but not necessarily before this method returns. Typically, this method will send kill signals and return without waiting for exit status. This allows basic cleanup to occur, such as flushing of buffered output to logs. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _keep_scheduling(self): """ @rtype: bool @returns: True if there may be remaining tasks to schedule, False otherwise. """ return False def _schedule_tasks(self): """ This is called from inside the _schedule() method, which guarantees the following: 1) It will not be called recursively. 2) _terminate_tasks() will not be called while it is running. 3) The state of the boolean _terminated_tasks variable will not change while it is running. Unless this method is used to perform user interface updates, or something like that, the first thing it should do is check the state of _terminated_tasks and if that is True then it should return immediately (since there's no need to schedule anything after _terminate_tasks() has been called). """ pass def _schedule(self): """ Calls _schedule_tasks() and automatically returns early from any recursive calls to this method that the _schedule_tasks() call might trigger. This makes _schedule() safe to call from inside exit listeners. """ if self._scheduling: return False self._scheduling = True try: self._schedule_tasks() finally: self._scheduling = False def _main_loop(self): term_check_id = self.sched_iface.idle_add(self._termination_check) try: # Populate initial event sources. We only need to do # this once here, since it can be called during the # loop from within event handlers. self._schedule() # Loop while there are jobs to be scheduled. while self._keep_scheduling(): self.sched_iface.iteration() # Clean shutdown of previously scheduled jobs. In the # case of termination, this allows for basic cleanup # such as flushing of buffered output to logs. while self._is_work_scheduled(): self.sched_iface.iteration() finally: self.sched_iface.source_remove(term_check_id) def _is_work_scheduled(self): return bool(self._running_job_count()) def _running_job_count(self): return self._jobs def _can_add_job(self): if self._terminated_tasks: return False max_jobs = self._max_jobs max_load = self._max_load if self._max_jobs is not True and \ self._running_job_count() >= self._max_jobs: return False if max_load is not None and \ (max_jobs is True or max_jobs > 1) and \ self._running_job_count() >= 1: try: avg1, avg5, avg15 = getloadavg() except OSError: return False if avg1 >= max_load: return False return True def _task_output(self, msg, log_path=None, background=None, level=0, noiselevel=-1): """ Output msg to stdout if not self._background. If log_path is not None then append msg to the log (appends with compression if the filename extension of log_path corresponds to a supported compression type). """ if background is None: # If the task does not have a local background value # (like for parallel-fetch), then use the global value. background = self._background msg_shown = False if not background: writemsg_level(msg, level=level, noiselevel=noiselevel) msg_shown = True if log_path is not None: try: f = open(_unicode_encode(log_path, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='ab') f_real = f except IOError as e: if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ESTALE): raise if not msg_shown: writemsg_level(msg, level=level, noiselevel=noiselevel) else: if log_path.endswith('.gz'): # NOTE: The empty filename argument prevents us from # triggering a bug in python3 which causes GzipFile # to raise AttributeError if fileobj.name is bytes # instead of unicode. f = gzip.GzipFile(filename='', mode='ab', fileobj=f) f.write(_unicode_encode(msg)) f.close() if f_real is not f: f_real.close()