#!/usr/bin/python -O # Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id: emerge 5976 2007-02-17 09:14:53Z genone $ import array from collections import deque import fcntl import formatter import logging import pwd import select import shlex import shutil import signal import sys import textwrap import urlparse import weakref import gc import os, stat import platform try: import portage except ImportError: from os import path as osp sys.path.insert(0, osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__))), "pym")) import portage from portage import digraph from portage.const import NEWS_LIB_PATH import _emerge.help import portage.xpak, commands, errno, re, socket, time, types from portage.output import blue, bold, colorize, darkblue, darkgreen, darkred, green, \ nc_len, red, teal, turquoise, xtermTitle, \ xtermTitleReset, yellow from portage.output import create_color_func good = create_color_func("GOOD") bad = create_color_func("BAD") # white looks bad on terminals with white background from portage.output import bold as white import portage.elog import portage.dep portage.dep._dep_check_strict = True import portage.util import portage.locks import portage.exception from portage.data import secpass from portage.elog.messages import eerror from portage.util import normalize_path as normpath from portage.util import writemsg, writemsg_level from portage.sets import load_default_config, SETPREFIX from portage.sets.base import InternalPackageSet from itertools import chain, izip from UserDict import DictMixin try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle try: import cStringIO as StringIO except ImportError: import StringIO class stdout_spinner(object): scroll_msgs = [ "Gentoo Rocks ("+platform.system()+")", "Thank you for using Gentoo. :)", "Are you actually trying to read this?", "How many times have you stared at this?", "We are generating the cache right now", "You are paying too much attention.", "A theory is better than its explanation.", "Phasers locked on target, Captain.", "Thrashing is just virtual crashing.", "To be is to program.", "Real Users hate Real Programmers.", "When all else fails, read the instructions.", "Functionality breeds Contempt.", "The future lies ahead.", "3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971694", "Sometimes insanity is the only alternative.", "Inaccuracy saves a world of explanation.", ] twirl_sequence = "/-\\|/-\\|/-\\|/-\\|\\-/|\\-/|\\-/|\\-/|" def __init__(self): self.spinpos = 0 self.update = self.update_twirl self.scroll_sequence = self.scroll_msgs[ int(time.time() * 100) % len(self.scroll_msgs)] self.last_update = 0 self.min_display_latency = 0.05 def _return_early(self): """ Flushing ouput to the tty too frequently wastes cpu time. Therefore, each update* method should return without doing any output when this method returns True. """ cur_time = time.time() if cur_time - self.last_update < self.min_display_latency: return True self.last_update = cur_time return False def update_basic(self): self.spinpos = (self.spinpos + 1) % 500 if self._return_early(): return if (self.spinpos % 100) == 0: if self.spinpos == 0: sys.stdout.write(". ") else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() def update_scroll(self): if self._return_early(): return if(self.spinpos >= len(self.scroll_sequence)): sys.stdout.write(darkgreen(" \b\b\b" + self.scroll_sequence[ len(self.scroll_sequence) - 1 - (self.spinpos % len(self.scroll_sequence))])) else: sys.stdout.write(green("\b " + self.scroll_sequence[self.spinpos])) sys.stdout.flush() self.spinpos = (self.spinpos + 1) % (2 * len(self.scroll_sequence)) def update_twirl(self): self.spinpos = (self.spinpos + 1) % len(self.twirl_sequence) if self._return_early(): return sys.stdout.write("\b\b " + self.twirl_sequence[self.spinpos]) sys.stdout.flush() def update_quiet(self): return def userquery(prompt, responses=None, colours=None): """Displays a prompt and a set of responses, then waits for a response which is checked against the responses and the first to match is returned. An empty response will match the first value in responses. The input buffer is *not* cleared prior to the prompt! prompt: a String. responses: a List of Strings. colours: a List of Functions taking and returning a String, used to process the responses for display. Typically these will be functions like red() but could be e.g. lambda x: "DisplayString". If responses is omitted, defaults to ["Yes", "No"], [green, red]. If only colours is omitted, defaults to [bold, ...]. Returns a member of the List responses. (If called without optional arguments, returns "Yes" or "No".) KeyboardInterrupt is converted to SystemExit to avoid tracebacks being printed.""" if responses is None: responses = ["Yes", "No"] colours = [ create_color_func("PROMPT_CHOICE_DEFAULT"), create_color_func("PROMPT_CHOICE_OTHER") ] elif colours is None: colours=[bold] colours=(colours*len(responses))[:len(responses)] print bold(prompt), try: while True: response=raw_input("["+"/".join([colours[i](responses[i]) for i in range(len(responses))])+"] ") for key in responses: # An empty response will match the first value in responses. if response.upper()==key[:len(response)].upper(): return key print "Sorry, response '%s' not understood." % response, except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): print "Interrupted." sys.exit(1) actions = frozenset([ "clean", "config", "depclean", "info", "list-sets", "metadata", "prune", "regen", "search", "sync", "unmerge", ]) options=[ "--ask", "--alphabetical", "--buildpkg", "--buildpkgonly", "--changelog", "--columns", "--complete-graph", "--debug", "--deep", "--digest", "--emptytree", "--fetchonly", "--fetch-all-uri", "--getbinpkg", "--getbinpkgonly", "--help", "--ignore-default-opts", "--keep-going", "--noconfmem", "--newuse", "--nocolor", "--nodeps", "--noreplace", "--nospinner", "--oneshot", "--onlydeps", "--pretend", "--quiet", "--resume", "--searchdesc", "--selective", "--skipfirst", "--tree", "--update", "--usepkg", "--usepkgonly", "--verbose", "--version" ] shortmapping={ "1":"--oneshot", "a":"--ask", "b":"--buildpkg", "B":"--buildpkgonly", "c":"--clean", "C":"--unmerge", "d":"--debug", "D":"--deep", "e":"--emptytree", "f":"--fetchonly", "F":"--fetch-all-uri", "g":"--getbinpkg", "G":"--getbinpkgonly", "h":"--help", "k":"--usepkg", "K":"--usepkgonly", "l":"--changelog", "n":"--noreplace", "N":"--newuse", "o":"--onlydeps", "O":"--nodeps", "p":"--pretend", "P":"--prune", "q":"--quiet", "s":"--search", "S":"--searchdesc", "t":"--tree", "u":"--update", "v":"--verbose", "V":"--version" } def emergelog(xterm_titles, mystr, short_msg=None): if xterm_titles and short_msg: if "HOSTNAME" in os.environ: short_msg = os.environ["HOSTNAME"]+": "+short_msg xtermTitle(short_msg) try: file_path = "/var/log/emerge.log" mylogfile = open(file_path, "a") portage.util.apply_secpass_permissions(file_path, uid=portage.portage_uid, gid=portage.portage_gid, mode=0660) mylock = None try: mylock = portage.locks.lockfile(mylogfile) # seek because we may have gotten held up by the lock. # if so, we may not be positioned at the end of the file. mylogfile.seek(0, 2) mylogfile.write(str(time.time())[:10]+": "+mystr+"\n") mylogfile.flush() finally: if mylock: portage.locks.unlockfile(mylock) mylogfile.close() except (IOError,OSError,portage.exception.PortageException), e: if secpass >= 1: print >> sys.stderr, "emergelog():",e def countdown(secs=5, doing="Starting"): if secs: print ">>> Waiting",secs,"seconds before starting..." print ">>> (Control-C to abort)...\n"+doing+" in: ", ticks=range(secs) ticks.reverse() for sec in ticks: sys.stdout.write(colorize("UNMERGE_WARN", str(sec+1)+" ")) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) print # formats a size given in bytes nicely def format_size(mysize): if type(mysize) not in [types.IntType,types.LongType]: return str(mysize) if 0 != mysize % 1024: # Always round up to the next kB so that it doesn't show 0 kB when # some small file still needs to be fetched. mysize += 1024 - mysize % 1024 mystr=str(mysize/1024) mycount=len(mystr) while (mycount > 3): mycount-=3 mystr=mystr[:mycount]+","+mystr[mycount:] return mystr+" kB" def getgccversion(chost): """ rtype: C{str} return: the current in-use gcc version """ gcc_ver_command = 'gcc -dumpversion' gcc_ver_prefix = 'gcc-' gcc_not_found_error = red( "!!! No gcc found. You probably need to 'source /etc/profile'\n" + "!!! to update the environment of this terminal and possibly\n" + "!!! other terminals also.\n" ) mystatus, myoutput = commands.getstatusoutput("gcc-config -c") if mystatus == os.EX_OK and myoutput.startswith(chost + "-"): return myoutput.replace(chost + "-", gcc_ver_prefix, 1) mystatus, myoutput = commands.getstatusoutput( chost + "-" + gcc_ver_command) if mystatus == os.EX_OK: return gcc_ver_prefix + myoutput mystatus, myoutput = commands.getstatusoutput(gcc_ver_command) if mystatus == os.EX_OK: return gcc_ver_prefix + myoutput portage.writemsg(gcc_not_found_error, noiselevel=-1) return "[unavailable]" def getportageversion(portdir, target_root, profile, chost, vardb): profilever = "unavailable" if profile: realpath = os.path.realpath(profile) basepath = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(portdir, "profiles")) if realpath.startswith(basepath): profilever = realpath[1 + len(basepath):] else: try: profilever = "!" + os.readlink(profile) except (OSError): pass del realpath, basepath libcver=[] libclist = vardb.match("virtual/libc") libclist += vardb.match("virtual/glibc") libclist = portage.util.unique_array(libclist) for x in libclist: xs=portage.catpkgsplit(x) if libcver: libcver+=","+"-".join(xs[1:]) else: libcver="-".join(xs[1:]) if libcver==[]: libcver="unavailable" gccver = getgccversion(chost) unameout=platform.release()+" "+platform.machine() return "Portage " + portage.VERSION +" ("+profilever+", "+gccver+", "+libcver+", "+unameout+")" def create_depgraph_params(myopts, myaction): #configure emerge engine parameters # # self: include _this_ package regardless of if it is merged. # selective: exclude the package if it is merged # recurse: go into the dependencies # deep: go into the dependencies of already merged packages # empty: pretend nothing is merged # complete: completely account for all known dependencies # remove: build graph for use in removing packages myparams = set(["recurse"]) if myaction == "remove": myparams.add("remove") myparams.add("complete") return myparams if "--update" in myopts or \ "--newuse" in myopts or \ "--reinstall" in myopts or \ "--noreplace" in myopts: myparams.add("selective") if "--emptytree" in myopts: myparams.add("empty") myparams.discard("selective") if "--nodeps" in myopts: myparams.discard("recurse") if "--deep" in myopts: myparams.add("deep") if "--complete-graph" in myopts: myparams.add("complete") return myparams # search functionality class search(object): # # class constants # VERSION_SHORT=1 VERSION_RELEASE=2 # # public interface # def __init__(self, root_config, spinner, searchdesc, verbose, usepkg, usepkgonly): """Searches the available and installed packages for the supplied search key. The list of available and installed packages is created at object instantiation. This makes successive searches faster.""" self.settings = root_config.settings self.vartree = root_config.trees["vartree"] self.spinner = spinner self.verbose = verbose self.searchdesc = searchdesc self.root_config = root_config self.setconfig = root_config.setconfig self.matches = {"pkg" : []} self.mlen = 0 def fake_portdb(): pass self.portdb = fake_portdb for attrib in ("aux_get", "cp_all", "xmatch", "findname", "getFetchMap"): setattr(fake_portdb, attrib, getattr(self, "_"+attrib)) self._dbs = [] portdb = root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi bindb = root_config.trees["bintree"].dbapi vardb = root_config.trees["vartree"].dbapi if not usepkgonly and portdb._have_root_eclass_dir: self._dbs.append(portdb) if (usepkg or usepkgonly) and bindb.cp_all(): self._dbs.append(bindb) self._dbs.append(vardb) self._portdb = portdb def _cp_all(self): cp_all = set() for db in self._dbs: cp_all.update(db.cp_all()) return list(sorted(cp_all)) def _aux_get(self, *args, **kwargs): for db in self._dbs: try: return db.aux_get(*args, **kwargs) except KeyError: pass raise def _findname(self, *args, **kwargs): for db in self._dbs: if db is not self._portdb: # We don't want findname to return anything # unless it's an ebuild in a portage tree. # Otherwise, it's already built and we don't # care about it. continue func = getattr(db, "findname", None) if func: value = func(*args, **kwargs) if value: return value return None def _getFetchMap(self, *args, **kwargs): for db in self._dbs: func = getattr(db, "getFetchMap", None) if func: value = func(*args, **kwargs) if value: return value return {} def _visible(self, db, cpv, metadata): installed = db is self.vartree.dbapi built = installed or db is not self._portdb pkg_type = "ebuild" if installed: pkg_type = "installed" elif built: pkg_type = "binary" return visible(self.settings, Package(type_name=pkg_type, root_config=self.root_config, cpv=cpv, built=built, installed=installed, metadata=metadata)) def _xmatch(self, level, atom): """ This method does not expand old-style virtuals because it is restricted to returning matches for a single ${CATEGORY}/${PN} and old-style virual matches unreliable for that when querying multiple package databases. If necessary, old-style virtuals can be performed on atoms prior to calling this method. """ cp = portage.dep_getkey(atom) if level == "match-all": matches = set() for db in self._dbs: if hasattr(db, "xmatch"): matches.update(db.xmatch(level, atom)) else: matches.update(db.match(atom)) result = list(x for x in matches if portage.cpv_getkey(x) == cp) db._cpv_sort_ascending(result) elif level == "match-visible": matches = set() for db in self._dbs: if hasattr(db, "xmatch"): matches.update(db.xmatch(level, atom)) else: db_keys = list(db._aux_cache_keys) for cpv in db.match(atom): metadata = izip(db_keys, db.aux_get(cpv, db_keys)) if not self._visible(db, cpv, metadata): continue matches.add(cpv) result = list(x for x in matches if portage.cpv_getkey(x) == cp) db._cpv_sort_ascending(result) elif level == "bestmatch-visible": result = None for db in self._dbs: if hasattr(db, "xmatch"): cpv = db.xmatch("bestmatch-visible", atom) if not cpv or portage.cpv_getkey(cpv) != cp: continue if not result or cpv == portage.best([cpv, result]): result = cpv else: db_keys = Package.metadata_keys # break out of this loop with highest visible # match, checked in descending order for cpv in reversed(db.match(atom)): if portage.cpv_getkey(cpv) != cp: continue metadata = izip(db_keys, db.aux_get(cpv, db_keys)) if not self._visible(db, cpv, metadata): continue if not result or cpv == portage.best([cpv, result]): result = cpv break else: raise NotImplementedError(level) return result def execute(self,searchkey): """Performs the search for the supplied search key""" match_category = 0 self.searchkey=searchkey self.packagematches = [] if self.searchdesc: self.searchdesc=1 self.matches = {"pkg":[], "desc":[], "set":[]} else: self.searchdesc=0 self.matches = {"pkg":[], "set":[]} print "Searching... ", regexsearch = False if self.searchkey.startswith('%'): regexsearch = True self.searchkey = self.searchkey[1:] if self.searchkey.startswith('@'): match_category = 1 self.searchkey = self.searchkey[1:] if regexsearch: self.searchre=re.compile(self.searchkey,re.I) else: self.searchre=re.compile(re.escape(self.searchkey), re.I) for package in self.portdb.cp_all(): self.spinner.update() if match_category: match_string = package[:] else: match_string = package.split("/")[-1] masked=0 if self.searchre.search(match_string): if not self.portdb.xmatch("match-visible", package): masked=1 self.matches["pkg"].append([package,masked]) elif self.searchdesc: # DESCRIPTION searching full_package = self.portdb.xmatch("bestmatch-visible", package) if not full_package: #no match found; we don't want to query description full_package = portage.best( self.portdb.xmatch("match-all", package)) if not full_package: continue else: masked=1 try: full_desc = self.portdb.aux_get( full_package, ["DESCRIPTION"])[0] except KeyError: print "emerge: search: aux_get() failed, skipping" continue if self.searchre.search(full_desc): self.matches["desc"].append([full_package,masked]) self.sdict = self.setconfig.getSets() for setname in self.sdict: self.spinner.update() if match_category: match_string = setname else: match_string = setname.split("/")[-1] if self.searchre.search(match_string): self.matches["set"].append([setname, False]) elif self.searchdesc: if self.searchre.search( self.sdict[setname].getMetadata("DESCRIPTION")): self.matches["set"].append([setname, False]) self.mlen=0 for mtype in self.matches: self.matches[mtype].sort() self.mlen += len(self.matches[mtype]) def addCP(self, cp): if not self.portdb.xmatch("match-all", cp): return masked = 0 if not self.portdb.xmatch("bestmatch-visible", cp): masked = 1 self.matches["pkg"].append([cp, masked]) self.mlen += 1 def output(self): """Outputs the results of the search.""" print "\b\b \n[ Results for search key : "+white(self.searchkey)+" ]" print "[ Applications found : "+white(str(self.mlen))+" ]" print " " vardb = self.vartree.dbapi for mtype in self.matches: for match,masked in self.matches[mtype]: full_package = None if mtype == "pkg": catpack = match full_package = self.portdb.xmatch( "bestmatch-visible", match) if not full_package: #no match found; we don't want to query description masked=1 full_package = portage.best( self.portdb.xmatch("match-all",match)) elif mtype == "desc": full_package = match match = portage.cpv_getkey(match) elif mtype == "set": print green("*")+" "+white(match) print " ", darkgreen("Description:")+" ", self.sdict[match].getMetadata("DESCRIPTION") print if full_package: try: desc, homepage, license = self.portdb.aux_get( full_package, ["DESCRIPTION","HOMEPAGE","LICENSE"]) except KeyError: print "emerge: search: aux_get() failed, skipping" continue if masked: print green("*")+" "+white(match)+" "+red("[ Masked ]") else: print green("*")+" "+white(match) myversion = self.getVersion(full_package, search.VERSION_RELEASE) mysum = [0,0] file_size_str = None mycat = match.split("/")[0] mypkg = match.split("/")[1] mycpv = match + "-" + myversion myebuild = self.portdb.findname(mycpv) if myebuild: pkgdir = os.path.dirname(myebuild) from portage import manifest mf = manifest.Manifest( pkgdir, self.settings["DISTDIR"]) try: uri_map = self.portdb.getFetchMap(mycpv) except portage.exception.InvalidDependString, e: file_size_str = "Unknown (%s)" % (e,) del e else: try: mysum[0] = mf.getDistfilesSize(uri_map) except KeyError, e: file_size_str = "Unknown (missing " + \ "digest for %s)" % (e,) del e available = False for db in self._dbs: if db is not vardb and \ db.cpv_exists(mycpv): available = True if not myebuild and hasattr(db, "bintree"): myebuild = db.bintree.getname(mycpv) try: mysum[0] = os.stat(myebuild).st_size except OSError: myebuild = None break if myebuild and file_size_str is None: mystr = str(mysum[0] / 1024) mycount = len(mystr) while (mycount > 3): mycount -= 3 mystr = mystr[:mycount] + "," + mystr[mycount:] file_size_str = mystr + " kB" if self.verbose: if available: print " ", darkgreen("Latest version available:"),myversion print " ", self.getInstallationStatus(mycat+'/'+mypkg) if myebuild: print " %s %s" % \ (darkgreen("Size of files:"), file_size_str) print " ", darkgreen("Homepage:")+" ",homepage print " ", darkgreen("Description:")+" ",desc print " ", darkgreen("License:")+" ",license print # # private interface # def getInstallationStatus(self,package): installed_package = self.vartree.dep_bestmatch(package) result = "" version = self.getVersion(installed_package,search.VERSION_RELEASE) if len(version) > 0: result = darkgreen("Latest version installed:")+" "+version else: result = darkgreen("Latest version installed:")+" [ Not Installed ]" return result def getVersion(self,full_package,detail): if len(full_package) > 1: package_parts = portage.catpkgsplit(full_package) if detail == search.VERSION_RELEASE and package_parts[3] != 'r0': result = package_parts[2]+ "-" + package_parts[3] else: result = package_parts[2] else: result = "" return result class RootConfig(object): """This is used internally by depgraph to track information about a particular $ROOT.""" pkg_tree_map = { "ebuild" : "porttree", "binary" : "bintree", "installed" : "vartree" } tree_pkg_map = {} for k, v in pkg_tree_map.iteritems(): tree_pkg_map[v] = k def __init__(self, settings, trees, setconfig): self.trees = trees self.settings = settings self.iuse_implicit = tuple(sorted(settings._get_implicit_iuse())) self.root = self.settings["ROOT"] self.setconfig = setconfig self.sets = self.setconfig.getSets() self.visible_pkgs = PackageVirtualDbapi(self.settings) def create_world_atom(pkg, args_set, root_config): """Create a new atom for the world file if one does not exist. If the argument atom is precise enough to identify a specific slot then a slot atom will be returned. Atoms that are in the system set may also be stored in world since system atoms can only match one slot while world atoms can be greedy with respect to slots. Unslotted system packages will not be stored in world.""" arg_atom = args_set.findAtomForPackage(pkg) if not arg_atom: return None cp = portage.dep_getkey(arg_atom) new_world_atom = cp sets = root_config.sets portdb = root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi vardb = root_config.trees["vartree"].dbapi available_slots = set(portdb.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])[0] \ for cpv in portdb.match(cp)) slotted = len(available_slots) > 1 or \ (len(available_slots) == 1 and "0" not in available_slots) if not slotted: # check the vdb in case this is multislot available_slots = set(vardb.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])[0] \ for cpv in vardb.match(cp)) slotted = len(available_slots) > 1 or \ (len(available_slots) == 1 and "0" not in available_slots) if slotted and arg_atom != cp: # If the user gave a specific atom, store it as a # slot atom in the world file. slot_atom = pkg.slot_atom # For USE=multislot, there are a couple of cases to # handle here: # # 1) SLOT="0", but the real SLOT spontaneously changed to some # unknown value, so just record an unslotted atom. # # 2) SLOT comes from an installed package and there is no # matching SLOT in the portage tree. # # Make sure that the slot atom is available in either the # portdb or the vardb, since otherwise the user certainly # doesn't want the SLOT atom recorded in the world file # (case 1 above). If it's only available in the vardb, # the user may be trying to prevent a USE=multislot # package from being removed by --depclean (case 2 above). mydb = portdb if not portdb.match(slot_atom): # SLOT seems to come from an installed multislot package mydb = vardb # If there is no installed package matching the SLOT atom, # it probably changed SLOT spontaneously due to USE=multislot, # so just record an unslotted atom. if vardb.match(slot_atom): # Now verify that the argument is precise # enough to identify a specific slot. matches = mydb.match(arg_atom) matched_slots = set() for cpv in matches: matched_slots.add(mydb.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])[0]) if len(matched_slots) == 1: new_world_atom = slot_atom if new_world_atom == sets["world"].findAtomForPackage(pkg): # Both atoms would be identical, so there's nothing to add. return None if not slotted: # Unlike world atoms, system atoms are not greedy for slots, so they # can't be safely excluded from world if they are slotted. system_atom = sets["system"].findAtomForPackage(pkg) if system_atom: if not portage.dep_getkey(system_atom).startswith("virtual/"): return None # System virtuals aren't safe to exclude from world since they can # match multiple old-style virtuals but only one of them will be # pulled in by update or depclean. providers = portdb.mysettings.getvirtuals().get( portage.dep_getkey(system_atom)) if providers and len(providers) == 1 and providers[0] == cp: return None return new_world_atom def filter_iuse_defaults(iuse): for flag in iuse: if flag.startswith("+") or flag.startswith("-"): yield flag[1:] else: yield flag class SlotObject(object): __slots__ = ("__weakref__",) def __init__(self, **kwargs): classes = [self.__class__] while classes: c = classes.pop() if c is SlotObject: continue classes.extend(c.__bases__) slots = getattr(c, "__slots__", None) if not slots: continue for myattr in slots: myvalue = kwargs.get(myattr, None) setattr(self, myattr, myvalue) def copy(self): """ Create a new instance and copy all attributes defined from __slots__ (including those from inherited classes). """ obj = self.__class__() classes = [self.__class__] while classes: c = classes.pop() if c is SlotObject: continue classes.extend(c.__bases__) slots = getattr(c, "__slots__", None) if not slots: continue for myattr in slots: setattr(obj, myattr, getattr(self, myattr)) return obj class AbstractDepPriority(SlotObject): __slots__ = ("buildtime", "runtime", "runtime_post") def __lt__(self, other): return self.__int__() < other def __le__(self, other): return self.__int__() <= other def __eq__(self, other): return self.__int__() == other def __ne__(self, other): return self.__int__() != other def __gt__(self, other): return self.__int__() > other def __ge__(self, other): return self.__int__() >= other def copy(self): import copy return copy.copy(self) class DepPriority(AbstractDepPriority): """ This class generates an integer priority level based of various attributes of the dependency relationship. Attributes can be assigned at any time and the new integer value will be generated on calls to the __int__() method. Rich comparison operators are supported. The boolean attributes that affect the integer value are "satisfied", "buildtime", "runtime", and "system". Various combinations of attributes lead to the following priority levels: Combination of properties Priority Category not satisfied and buildtime 0 HARD not satisfied and runtime -1 MEDIUM not satisfied and runtime_post -2 MEDIUM_SOFT satisfied and buildtime and rebuild -3 SOFT satisfied and buildtime -4 SOFT satisfied and runtime -5 SOFT satisfied and runtime_post -6 SOFT (none of the above) -6 SOFT Several integer constants are defined for categorization of priority levels: MEDIUM The upper boundary for medium dependencies. MEDIUM_SOFT The upper boundary for medium-soft dependencies. SOFT The upper boundary for soft dependencies. MIN The lower boundary for soft dependencies. """ __slots__ = ("satisfied", "rebuild") MEDIUM = -1 MEDIUM_SOFT = -2 SOFT = -3 MIN = -6 def __int__(self): if not self.satisfied: if self.buildtime: return 0 if self.runtime: return -1 if self.runtime_post: return -2 if self.buildtime: if self.rebuild: return -3 return -4 if self.runtime: return -5 if self.runtime_post: return -6 return -6 def __str__(self): myvalue = self.__int__() if myvalue > self.MEDIUM: return "hard" if myvalue > self.MEDIUM_SOFT: return "medium" if myvalue > self.SOFT: return "medium-soft" return "soft" class BlockerDepPriority(DepPriority): __slots__ = () def __int__(self): return 0 BlockerDepPriority.instance = BlockerDepPriority() class UnmergeDepPriority(AbstractDepPriority): __slots__ = ("satisfied",) """ Combination of properties Priority Category runtime 0 HARD runtime_post -1 HARD buildtime -2 SOFT (none of the above) -2 SOFT """ MAX = 0 SOFT = -2 MIN = -2 def __int__(self): if self.runtime: return 0 if self.runtime_post: return -1 if self.buildtime: return -2 return -2 def __str__(self): myvalue = self.__int__() if myvalue > self.SOFT: return "hard" return "soft" class FakeVartree(portage.vartree): """This is implements an in-memory copy of a vartree instance that provides all the interfaces required for use by the depgraph. The vardb is locked during the constructor call just long enough to read a copy of the installed package information. This allows the depgraph to do it's dependency calculations without holding a lock on the vardb. It also allows things like vardb global updates to be done in memory so that the user doesn't necessarily need write access to the vardb in cases where global updates are necessary (updates are performed when necessary if there is not a matching ebuild in the tree).""" def __init__(self, root_config, pkg_cache=None, acquire_lock=1): self._root_config = root_config if pkg_cache is None: pkg_cache = {} real_vartree = root_config.trees["vartree"] portdb = root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi self.root = real_vartree.root self.settings = real_vartree.settings mykeys = list(real_vartree.dbapi._aux_cache_keys) if "_mtime_" not in mykeys: mykeys.append("_mtime_") self._db_keys = mykeys self._pkg_cache = pkg_cache self.dbapi = PackageVirtualDbapi(real_vartree.settings) vdb_path = os.path.join(self.root, portage.VDB_PATH) try: # At least the parent needs to exist for the lock file. portage.util.ensure_dirs(vdb_path) except portage.exception.PortageException: pass vdb_lock = None try: if acquire_lock and os.access(vdb_path, os.W_OK): vdb_lock = portage.locks.lockdir(vdb_path) real_dbapi = real_vartree.dbapi slot_counters = {} for cpv in real_dbapi.cpv_all(): cache_key = ("installed", self.root, cpv, "nomerge") pkg = self._pkg_cache.get(cache_key) if pkg is not None: metadata = pkg.metadata else: metadata = dict(izip(mykeys, real_dbapi.aux_get(cpv, mykeys))) myslot = metadata["SLOT"] mycp = portage.dep_getkey(cpv) myslot_atom = "%s:%s" % (mycp, myslot) try: mycounter = long(metadata["COUNTER"]) except ValueError: mycounter = 0 metadata["COUNTER"] = str(mycounter) other_counter = slot_counters.get(myslot_atom, None) if other_counter is not None: if other_counter > mycounter: continue slot_counters[myslot_atom] = mycounter if pkg is None: pkg = Package(built=True, cpv=cpv, installed=True, metadata=metadata, root_config=root_config, type_name="installed") self._pkg_cache[pkg] = pkg self.dbapi.cpv_inject(pkg) real_dbapi.flush_cache() finally: if vdb_lock: portage.locks.unlockdir(vdb_lock) # Populate the old-style virtuals using the cached values. if not self.settings.treeVirtuals: self.settings.treeVirtuals = portage.util.map_dictlist_vals( portage.getCPFromCPV, self.get_all_provides()) # Intialize variables needed for lazy cache pulls of the live ebuild # metadata. This ensures that the vardb lock is released ASAP, without # being delayed in case cache generation is triggered. self._aux_get = self.dbapi.aux_get self.dbapi.aux_get = self._aux_get_wrapper self._match = self.dbapi.match self.dbapi.match = self._match_wrapper self._aux_get_history = set() self._portdb_keys = ["EAPI", "DEPEND", "RDEPEND", "PDEPEND"] self._portdb = portdb self._global_updates = None def _match_wrapper(self, cpv, use_cache=1): """ Make sure the metadata in Package instances gets updated for any cpv that is returned from a match() call, since the metadata can be accessed directly from the Package instance instead of via aux_get(). """ matches = self._match(cpv, use_cache=use_cache) for cpv in matches: if cpv in self._aux_get_history: continue self._aux_get_wrapper(cpv, []) return matches def _aux_get_wrapper(self, pkg, wants): if pkg in self._aux_get_history: return self._aux_get(pkg, wants) self._aux_get_history.add(pkg) try: # Use the live ebuild metadata if possible. live_metadata = dict(izip(self._portdb_keys, self._portdb.aux_get(pkg, self._portdb_keys))) if not portage.eapi_is_supported(live_metadata["EAPI"]): raise KeyError(pkg) self.dbapi.aux_update(pkg, live_metadata) except (KeyError, portage.exception.PortageException): if self._global_updates is None: self._global_updates = \ grab_global_updates(self._portdb.porttree_root) perform_global_updates( pkg, self.dbapi, self._global_updates) return self._aux_get(pkg, wants) def sync(self, acquire_lock=1): """ Call this method to synchronize state with the real vardb after one or more packages may have been installed or uninstalled. """ vdb_path = os.path.join(self.root, portage.VDB_PATH) try: # At least the parent needs to exist for the lock file. portage.util.ensure_dirs(vdb_path) except portage.exception.PortageException: pass vdb_lock = None try: if acquire_lock and os.access(vdb_path, os.W_OK): vdb_lock = portage.locks.lockdir(vdb_path) self._sync() finally: if vdb_lock: portage.locks.unlockdir(vdb_lock) def _sync(self): real_vardb = self._root_config.trees["vartree"].dbapi current_cpv_set = frozenset(real_vardb.cpv_all()) pkg_vardb = self.dbapi aux_get_history = self._aux_get_history # Remove any packages that have been uninstalled. for pkg in list(pkg_vardb): if pkg.cpv not in current_cpv_set: pkg_vardb.cpv_remove(pkg) aux_get_history.discard(pkg.cpv) # Validate counters and timestamps. slot_counters = {} root = self.root validation_keys = ["COUNTER", "_mtime_"] for cpv in current_cpv_set: pkg_hash_key = ("installed", root, cpv, "nomerge") pkg = pkg_vardb.get(pkg_hash_key) if pkg is not None: counter, mtime = real_vardb.aux_get(cpv, validation_keys) try: counter = long(counter) except ValueError: counter = 0 if counter != pkg.counter or \ mtime != pkg.mtime: pkg_vardb.cpv_remove(pkg) aux_get_history.discard(pkg.cpv) pkg = None if pkg is None: pkg = self._pkg(cpv) other_counter = slot_counters.get(pkg.slot_atom) if other_counter is not None: if other_counter > pkg.counter: continue slot_counters[pkg.slot_atom] = pkg.counter pkg_vardb.cpv_inject(pkg) real_vardb.flush_cache() def _pkg(self, cpv): root_config = self._root_config real_vardb = root_config.trees["vartree"].dbapi pkg = Package(cpv=cpv, installed=True, metadata=izip(self._db_keys, real_vardb.aux_get(cpv, self._db_keys)), root_config=root_config, type_name="installed") try: mycounter = long(pkg.metadata["COUNTER"]) except ValueError: mycounter = 0 pkg.metadata["COUNTER"] = str(mycounter) return pkg def grab_global_updates(portdir): from portage.update import grab_updates, parse_updates updpath = os.path.join(portdir, "profiles", "updates") try: rawupdates = grab_updates(updpath) except portage.exception.DirectoryNotFound: rawupdates = [] upd_commands = [] for mykey, mystat, mycontent in rawupdates: commands, errors = parse_updates(mycontent) upd_commands.extend(commands) return upd_commands def perform_global_updates(mycpv, mydb, mycommands): from portage.update import update_dbentries aux_keys = ["DEPEND", "RDEPEND", "PDEPEND"] aux_dict = dict(izip(aux_keys, mydb.aux_get(mycpv, aux_keys))) updates = update_dbentries(mycommands, aux_dict) if updates: mydb.aux_update(mycpv, updates) def visible(pkgsettings, pkg): """ Check if a package is visible. This can raise an InvalidDependString exception if LICENSE is invalid. TODO: optionally generate a list of masking reasons @rtype: Boolean @returns: True if the package is visible, False otherwise. """ if not pkg.metadata["SLOT"]: return False if pkg.built and not pkg.installed and "CHOST" in pkg.metadata: if not pkgsettings._accept_chost(pkg): return False eapi = pkg.metadata["EAPI"] if not portage.eapi_is_supported(eapi): return False if not pkg.installed: if portage._eapi_is_deprecated(eapi): return False if pkgsettings._getMissingKeywords(pkg.cpv, pkg.metadata): return False if pkgsettings._getMaskAtom(pkg.cpv, pkg.metadata): return False if pkgsettings._getProfileMaskAtom(pkg.cpv, pkg.metadata): return False try: if pkgsettings._getMissingLicenses(pkg.cpv, pkg.metadata): return False except portage.exception.InvalidDependString: return False return True def get_masking_status(pkg, pkgsettings, root_config): mreasons = portage.getmaskingstatus( pkg, settings=pkgsettings, portdb=root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi) if pkg.built and not pkg.installed and "CHOST" in pkg.metadata: if not pkgsettings._accept_chost(pkg): mreasons.append("CHOST: %s" % \ pkg.metadata["CHOST"]) if not pkg.metadata["SLOT"]: mreasons.append("invalid: SLOT is undefined") return mreasons def get_mask_info(root_config, cpv, pkgsettings, db, pkg_type, built, installed, db_keys): eapi_masked = False try: metadata = dict(izip(db_keys, db.aux_get(cpv, db_keys))) except KeyError: metadata = None if metadata and not built: pkgsettings.setcpv(cpv, mydb=metadata) metadata["USE"] = pkgsettings["PORTAGE_USE"] if metadata is None: mreasons = ["corruption"] else: pkg = Package(type_name=pkg_type, root_config=root_config, cpv=cpv, built=built, installed=installed, metadata=metadata) mreasons = get_masking_status(pkg, pkgsettings, root_config) return metadata, mreasons def show_masked_packages(masked_packages): shown_licenses = set() shown_comments = set() # Maybe there is both an ebuild and a binary. Only # show one of them to avoid redundant appearance. shown_cpvs = set() have_eapi_mask = False for (root_config, pkgsettings, cpv, metadata, mreasons) in masked_packages: if cpv in shown_cpvs: continue shown_cpvs.add(cpv) comment, filename = None, None if "package.mask" in mreasons: comment, filename = \ portage.getmaskingreason( cpv, metadata=metadata, settings=pkgsettings, portdb=root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi, return_location=True) missing_licenses = [] if metadata: if not portage.eapi_is_supported(metadata["EAPI"]): have_eapi_mask = True try: missing_licenses = \ pkgsettings._getMissingLicenses( cpv, metadata) except portage.exception.InvalidDependString: # This will have already been reported # above via mreasons. pass print "- "+cpv+" (masked by: "+", ".join(mreasons)+")" if comment and comment not in shown_comments: print filename+":" print comment shown_comments.add(comment) portdb = root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi for l in missing_licenses: l_path = portdb.findLicensePath(l) if l in shown_licenses: continue msg = ("A copy of the '%s' license" + \ " is located at '%s'.") % (l, l_path) print msg print shown_licenses.add(l) return have_eapi_mask class Task(SlotObject): __slots__ = ("_hash_key", "_hash_value") def _get_hash_key(self): hash_key = getattr(self, "_hash_key", None) if hash_key is None: raise NotImplementedError(self) return hash_key def __eq__(self, other): return self._get_hash_key() == other def __ne__(self, other): return self._get_hash_key() != other def __hash__(self): hash_value = getattr(self, "_hash_value", None) if hash_value is None: self._hash_value = hash(self._get_hash_key()) return self._hash_value def __len__(self): return len(self._get_hash_key()) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._get_hash_key()[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._get_hash_key()) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._get_hash_key() def __str__(self): return str(self._get_hash_key()) class Blocker(Task): __hash__ = Task.__hash__ __slots__ = ("root", "atom", "cp", "eapi", "satisfied") def __init__(self, **kwargs): Task.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.cp = portage.dep_getkey(self.atom) def _get_hash_key(self): hash_key = getattr(self, "_hash_key", None) if hash_key is None: self._hash_key = \ ("blocks", self.root, self.atom, self.eapi) return self._hash_key class Package(Task): __hash__ = Task.__hash__ __slots__ = ("built", "cpv", "depth", "installed", "metadata", "onlydeps", "operation", "root_config", "type_name", "category", "counter", "cp", "cpv_split", "inherited", "iuse", "mtime", "pf", "pv_split", "root", "slot", "slot_atom", "use") metadata_keys = [ "CHOST", "COUNTER", "DEPEND", "EAPI", "INHERITED", "IUSE", "KEYWORDS", "LICENSE", "PDEPEND", "PROVIDE", "RDEPEND", "repository", "PROPERTIES", "RESTRICT", "SLOT", "USE", "_mtime_"] def __init__(self, **kwargs): Task.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.root = self.root_config.root self.metadata = _PackageMetadataWrapper(self, self.metadata) self.cp = portage.cpv_getkey(self.cpv) self.slot_atom = portage.dep.Atom("%s:%s" % (self.cp, self.slot)) self.category, self.pf = portage.catsplit(self.cpv) self.cpv_split = portage.catpkgsplit(self.cpv) self.pv_split = self.cpv_split[1:] class _use(object): __slots__ = ("__weakref__", "enabled") def __init__(self, use): self.enabled = frozenset(use) class _iuse(object): __slots__ = ("__weakref__", "all", "enabled", "disabled", "iuse_implicit", "regex", "tokens") def __init__(self, tokens, iuse_implicit): self.tokens = tuple(tokens) self.iuse_implicit = iuse_implicit enabled = [] disabled = [] other = [] for x in tokens: prefix = x[:1] if prefix == "+": enabled.append(x[1:]) elif prefix == "-": disabled.append(x[1:]) else: other.append(x) self.enabled = frozenset(enabled) self.disabled = frozenset(disabled) self.all = frozenset(chain(enabled, disabled, other)) def __getattribute__(self, name): if name == "regex": try: return object.__getattribute__(self, "regex") except AttributeError: all = object.__getattribute__(self, "all") iuse_implicit = object.__getattribute__(self, "iuse_implicit") # Escape anything except ".*" which is supposed # to pass through from _get_implicit_iuse() regex = (re.escape(x) for x in chain(all, iuse_implicit)) regex = "^(%s)$" % "|".join(regex) regex = regex.replace("\\.\\*", ".*") self.regex = re.compile(regex) return object.__getattribute__(self, name) def _get_hash_key(self): hash_key = getattr(self, "_hash_key", None) if hash_key is None: if self.operation is None: self.operation = "merge" if self.onlydeps or self.installed: self.operation = "nomerge" self._hash_key = \ (self.type_name, self.root, self.cpv, self.operation) return self._hash_key def __lt__(self, other): if other.cp != self.cp: return False if portage.pkgcmp(self.pv_split, other.pv_split) < 0: return True return False def __le__(self, other): if other.cp != self.cp: return False if portage.pkgcmp(self.pv_split, other.pv_split) <= 0: return True return False def __gt__(self, other): if other.cp != self.cp: return False if portage.pkgcmp(self.pv_split, other.pv_split) > 0: return True return False def __ge__(self, other): if other.cp != self.cp: return False if portage.pkgcmp(self.pv_split, other.pv_split) >= 0: return True return False _all_metadata_keys = set(x for x in portage.auxdbkeys \ if not x.startswith("UNUSED_")) _all_metadata_keys.discard("CDEPEND") _all_metadata_keys.update(Package.metadata_keys) from portage.cache.mappings import slot_dict_class _PackageMetadataWrapperBase = slot_dict_class(_all_metadata_keys) class _PackageMetadataWrapper(_PackageMetadataWrapperBase): """ Detect metadata updates and synchronize Package attributes. """ __slots__ = ("_pkg",) _wrapped_keys = frozenset( ["COUNTER", "INHERITED", "IUSE", "SLOT", "USE", "_mtime_"]) def __init__(self, pkg, metadata): _PackageMetadataWrapperBase.__init__(self) self._pkg = pkg self.update(metadata) def __setitem__(self, k, v): _PackageMetadataWrapperBase.__setitem__(self, k, v) if k in self._wrapped_keys: getattr(self, "_set_" + k.lower())(k, v) def _set_inherited(self, k, v): if isinstance(v, basestring): v = frozenset(v.split()) self._pkg.inherited = v def _set_iuse(self, k, v): self._pkg.iuse = self._pkg._iuse( v.split(), self._pkg.root_config.iuse_implicit) def _set_slot(self, k, v): self._pkg.slot = v def _set_use(self, k, v): self._pkg.use = self._pkg._use(v.split()) def _set_counter(self, k, v): if isinstance(v, basestring): try: v = long(v.strip()) except ValueError: v = 0 self._pkg.counter = v def _set__mtime_(self, k, v): if isinstance(v, basestring): try: v = long(v.strip()) except ValueError: v = 0 self._pkg.mtime = v class EbuildFetchonly(SlotObject): __slots__ = ("fetch_all", "pkg", "pretend", "settings") def execute(self): # To spawn pkg_nofetch requires PORTAGE_BUILDDIR for # ensuring sane $PWD (bug #239560) and storing elog # messages. Use a private temp directory, in order # to avoid locking the main one. settings = self.settings global_tmpdir = settings["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"] from tempfile import mkdtemp try: private_tmpdir = mkdtemp("", "._portage_fetch_.", global_tmpdir) except OSError, e: if e.errno != portage.exception.PermissionDenied.errno: raise raise portage.exception.PermissionDenied(global_tmpdir) settings["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"] = private_tmpdir settings.backup_changes("PORTAGE_TMPDIR") try: retval = self._execute() finally: settings["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"] = global_tmpdir settings.backup_changes("PORTAGE_TMPDIR") shutil.rmtree(private_tmpdir) return retval def _execute(self): settings = self.settings pkg = self.pkg root_config = pkg.root_config portdb = root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi ebuild_path = portdb.findname(pkg.cpv) settings.setcpv(pkg) debug = settings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG") == "1" use_cache = 1 # always true portage.doebuild_environment(ebuild_path, "fetch", root_config.root, settings, debug, use_cache, portdb) portage.prepare_build_dirs(self.pkg.root, self.settings, 0) retval = portage.doebuild(ebuild_path, "fetch", self.settings["ROOT"], self.settings, debug=debug, listonly=self.pretend, fetchonly=1, fetchall=self.fetch_all, mydbapi=portdb, tree="porttree") if retval != os.EX_OK: msg = "Fetch failed for '%s'" % (pkg.cpv,) eerror(msg, phase="unpack", key=pkg.cpv) portage.elog.elog_process(self.pkg.cpv, self.settings) return retval class PollConstants(object): """ Provides POLL* constants that are equivalent to those from the select module, for use by PollSelectAdapter. """ names = ("POLLIN", "POLLPRI", "POLLOUT", "POLLERR", "POLLHUP", "POLLNVAL") v = 1 for k in names: locals()[k] = getattr(select, k, v) v *= 2 del k, v class AsynchronousTask(SlotObject): """ Subclasses override _wait() and _poll() so that calls to public methods can be wrapped for implementing hooks such as exit listener notification. Sublasses should call self.wait() to notify exit listeners after the task is complete and self.returncode has been set. """ __slots__ = ("background", "cancelled", "returncode") + \ ("_exit_listeners", "_exit_listener_stack", "_start_listeners") def start(self): """ Start an asynchronous task and then return as soon as possible. """ self._start() self._start_hook() def _start(self): raise NotImplementedError(self) def isAlive(self): return self.returncode is None def poll(self): self._wait_hook() return self._poll() def _poll(self): return self.returncode def wait(self): if self.returncode is None: self._wait() self._wait_hook() return self.returncode def _wait(self): return self.returncode def cancel(self): self.cancelled = True self.wait() def addStartListener(self, f): """ The function will be called with one argument, a reference to self. """ if self._start_listeners is None: self._start_listeners = [] self._start_listeners.append(f) def removeStartListener(self, f): if self._start_listeners is None: return self._start_listeners.remove(f) def _start_hook(self): if self._start_listeners is not None: start_listeners = self._start_listeners self._start_listeners = None for f in start_listeners: f(self) def addExitListener(self, f): """ The function will be called with one argument, a reference to self. """ if self._exit_listeners is None: self._exit_listeners = [] self._exit_listeners.append(f) def removeExitListener(self, f): if self._exit_listeners is None: if self._exit_listener_stack is not None: self._exit_listener_stack.remove(f) return self._exit_listeners.remove(f) def _wait_hook(self): """ Call this method after the task completes, just before returning the returncode from wait() or poll(). This hook is used to trigger exit listeners when the returncode first becomes available. """ if self.returncode is not None and \ self._exit_listeners is not None: # This prevents recursion, in case one of the # exit handlers triggers this method again by # calling wait(). Use a stack that gives # removeExitListener() an opportunity to consume # listeners from the stack, before they can get # called below. This is necessary because a call # to one exit listener may result in a call to # removeExitListener() for another listener on # the stack. That listener needs to be removed # from the stack since it would be inconsistent # to call it after it has been been passed into # removeExitListener(). self._exit_listener_stack = self._exit_listeners self._exit_listeners = None self._exit_listener_stack.reverse() while self._exit_listener_stack: self._exit_listener_stack.pop()(self) class AbstractPollTask(AsynchronousTask): __slots__ = ("scheduler",) + \ ("_registered",) _bufsize = 4096 _exceptional_events = PollConstants.POLLERR | PollConstants.POLLNVAL _registered_events = PollConstants.POLLIN | PollConstants.POLLHUP | \ _exceptional_events def _unregister(self): raise NotImplementedError(self) def _unregister_if_appropriate(self, event): if self._registered: if event & self._exceptional_events: self._unregister() self.cancel() elif event & PollConstants.POLLHUP: self._unregister() self.wait() class PipeReader(AbstractPollTask): """ Reads output from one or more files and saves it in memory, for retrieval via the getvalue() method. This is driven by the scheduler's poll() loop, so it runs entirely within the current process. """ __slots__ = ("input_files",) + \ ("_read_data", "_reg_ids") def _start(self): self._reg_ids = set() self._read_data = [] for k, f in self.input_files.iteritems(): fcntl.fcntl(f.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, fcntl.fcntl(f.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFL) | os.O_NONBLOCK) self._reg_ids.add(self.scheduler.register(f.fileno(), self._registered_events, self._output_handler)) self._registered = True def isAlive(self): return self._registered def cancel(self): if self.returncode is None: self.returncode = 1 self.cancelled = True self.wait() def _wait(self): if self.returncode is not None: return self.returncode if self._registered: self.scheduler.schedule(self._reg_ids) self._unregister() self.returncode = os.EX_OK return self.returncode def getvalue(self): """Retrieve the entire contents""" return "".join(self._read_data) def close(self): """Free the memory buffer.""" self._read_data = None def _output_handler(self, fd, event): if event & PollConstants.POLLIN: for f in self.input_files.itervalues(): if fd == f.fileno(): break buf = array.array('B') try: buf.fromfile(f, self._bufsize) except EOFError: pass if buf: self._read_data.append(buf.tostring()) else: self._unregister() self.wait() self._unregister_if_appropriate(event) return self._registered def _unregister(self): """ Unregister from the scheduler and close open files. """ self._registered = False if self._reg_ids is not None: for reg_id in self._reg_ids: self.scheduler.unregister(reg_id) self._reg_ids = None if self.input_files is not None: for f in self.input_files.itervalues(): f.close() self.input_files = None class CompositeTask(AsynchronousTask): __slots__ = ("scheduler",) + ("_current_task",) def isAlive(self): return self._current_task is not None def cancel(self): self.cancelled = True if self._current_task is not None: self._current_task.cancel() def _poll(self): """ This does a loop calling self._current_task.poll() repeatedly as long as the value of self._current_task keeps changing. It calls poll() a maximum of one time for a given self._current_task instance. This is useful since calling poll() on a task can trigger advance to the next task could eventually lead to the returncode being set in cases when polling only a single task would not have the same effect. """ prev = None while True: task = self._current_task if task is None or task is prev: # don't poll the same task more than once break task.poll() prev = task return self.returncode def _wait(self): prev = None while True: task = self._current_task if task is None: # don't wait for the same task more than once break if task is prev: # Before the task.wait() method returned, an exit # listener should have set self._current_task to either # a different task or None. Something is wrong. raise AssertionError("self._current_task has not " + \ "changed since calling wait", self, task) task.wait() prev = task return self.returncode def _assert_current(self, task): """ Raises an AssertionError if the given task is not the same one as self._current_task. This can be useful for detecting bugs. """ if task is not self._current_task: raise AssertionError("Unrecognized task: %s" % (task,)) def _default_exit(self, task): """ Calls _assert_current() on the given task and then sets the composite returncode attribute if task.returncode != os.EX_OK. If the task failed then self._current_task will be set to None. Subclasses can use this as a generic task exit callback. @rtype: int @returns: The task.returncode attribute. """ self._assert_current(task) if task.returncode != os.EX_OK: self.returncode = task.returncode self._current_task = None return task.returncode def _final_exit(self, task): """ Assumes that task is the final task of this composite task. Calls _default_exit() and sets self.returncode to the task's returncode and sets self._current_task to None. """ self._default_exit(task) self._current_task = None self.returncode = task.returncode return self.returncode def _default_final_exit(self, task): """ This calls _final_exit() and then wait(). Subclasses can use this as a generic final task exit callback. """ self._final_exit(task) return self.wait() def _start_task(self, task, exit_handler): """ Register exit handler for the given task, set it as self._current_task, and call task.start(). Subclasses can use this as a generic way to start a task. """ task.addExitListener(exit_handler) self._current_task = task task.start() class TaskSequence(CompositeTask): """ A collection of tasks that executes sequentially. Each task must have a addExitListener() method that can be used as a means to trigger movement from one task to the next. """ __slots__ = ("_task_queue",) def __init__(self, **kwargs): AsynchronousTask.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._task_queue = deque() def add(self, task): self._task_queue.append(task) def _start(self): self._start_next_task() def cancel(self): self._task_queue.clear() CompositeTask.cancel(self) def _start_next_task(self): self._start_task(self._task_queue.popleft(), self._task_exit_handler) def _task_exit_handler(self, task): if self._default_exit(task) != os.EX_OK: self.wait() elif self._task_queue: self._start_next_task() else: self._final_exit(task) self.wait() class SubProcess(AbstractPollTask): __slots__ = ("pid",) + \ ("_files", "_reg_id") # A file descriptor is required for the scheduler to monitor changes from # inside a poll() loop. When logging is not enabled, create a pipe just to # serve this purpose alone. _dummy_pipe_fd = 9 def _poll(self): if self.returncode is not None: return self.returncode if self.pid is None: return self.returncode if self._registered: return self.returncode try: retval = os.waitpid(self.pid, os.WNOHANG) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.ECHILD: raise del e retval = (self.pid, 1) if retval == (0, 0): return None self._set_returncode(retval) return self.returncode def cancel(self): if self.isAlive(): try: os.kill(self.pid, signal.SIGTERM) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.ESRCH: raise del e self.cancelled = True if self.pid is not None: self.wait() return self.returncode def isAlive(self): return self.pid is not None and \ self.returncode is None def _wait(self): if self.returncode is not None: return self.returncode if self._registered: self.scheduler.schedule(self._reg_id) self._unregister() if self.returncode is not None: return self.returncode try: wait_retval = os.waitpid(self.pid, 0) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.ECHILD: raise del e self._set_returncode((self.pid, 1)) else: self._set_returncode(wait_retval) return self.returncode def _unregister(self): """ Unregister from the scheduler and close open files. """ self._registered = False if self._reg_id is not None: self.scheduler.unregister(self._reg_id) self._reg_id = None if self._files is not None: for f in self._files.itervalues(): f.close() self._files = None def _set_returncode(self, wait_retval): retval = wait_retval[1] if retval != os.EX_OK: if retval & 0xff: retval = (retval & 0xff) << 8 else: retval = retval >> 8 self.returncode = retval class SpawnProcess(SubProcess): """ Constructor keyword args are passed into portage.process.spawn(). The required "args" keyword argument will be passed as the first spawn() argument. """ _spawn_kwarg_names = ("env", "opt_name", "fd_pipes", "uid", "gid", "groups", "umask", "logfile", "path_lookup", "pre_exec") __slots__ = ("args",) + \ _spawn_kwarg_names _file_names = ("log", "process", "stdout") _files_dict = slot_dict_class(_file_names, prefix="") def _start(self): if self.cancelled: return if self.fd_pipes is None: self.fd_pipes = {} fd_pipes = self.fd_pipes fd_pipes.setdefault(0, sys.stdin.fileno()) fd_pipes.setdefault(1, sys.stdout.fileno()) fd_pipes.setdefault(2, sys.stderr.fileno()) # flush any pending output for fd in fd_pipes.itervalues(): if fd == sys.stdout.fileno(): sys.stdout.flush() if fd == sys.stderr.fileno(): sys.stderr.flush() logfile = self.logfile self._files = self._files_dict() files = self._files master_fd, slave_fd = self._pipe(fd_pipes) fcntl.fcntl(master_fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fcntl.fcntl(master_fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) | os.O_NONBLOCK) null_input = None fd_pipes_orig = fd_pipes.copy() if self.background: # TODO: Use job control functions like tcsetpgrp() to control # access to stdin. Until then, use /dev/null so that any # attempts to read from stdin will immediately return EOF # instead of blocking indefinitely. null_input = open('/dev/null', 'rb') fd_pipes[0] = null_input.fileno() else: fd_pipes[0] = fd_pipes_orig[0] files.process = os.fdopen(master_fd, 'r') if logfile is not None: fd_pipes[1] = slave_fd fd_pipes[2] = slave_fd files.log = open(logfile, "a") portage.util.apply_secpass_permissions(logfile, uid=portage.portage_uid, gid=portage.portage_gid, mode=0660) if not self.background: files.stdout = os.fdopen(os.dup(fd_pipes_orig[1]), 'w') output_handler = self._output_handler else: # Create a dummy pipe so the scheduler can monitor # the process from inside a poll() loop. fd_pipes[self._dummy_pipe_fd] = slave_fd if self.background: fd_pipes[1] = slave_fd fd_pipes[2] = slave_fd output_handler = self._dummy_handler kwargs = {} for k in self._spawn_kwarg_names: v = getattr(self, k) if v is not None: kwargs[k] = v kwargs["fd_pipes"] = fd_pipes kwargs["returnpid"] = True kwargs.pop("logfile", None) self._reg_id = self.scheduler.register(files.process.fileno(), self._registered_events, output_handler) self._registered = True retval = self._spawn(self.args, **kwargs) os.close(slave_fd) if null_input is not None: null_input.close() if isinstance(retval, int): # spawn failed self._unregister() self.returncode = retval self.wait() return self.pid = retval[0] portage.process.spawned_pids.remove(self.pid) def _pipe(self, fd_pipes): """ @type fd_pipes: dict @param fd_pipes: pipes from which to copy terminal size if desired. """ return os.pipe() def _spawn(self, args, **kwargs): return portage.process.spawn(args, **kwargs) def _output_handler(self, fd, event): if event & PollConstants.POLLIN: files = self._files buf = array.array('B') try: buf.fromfile(files.process, self._bufsize) except EOFError: pass if buf: if not self.background: buf.tofile(files.stdout) files.stdout.flush() buf.tofile(files.log) files.log.flush() else: self._unregister() self.wait() self._unregister_if_appropriate(event) return self._registered def _dummy_handler(self, fd, event): """ This method is mainly interested in detecting EOF, since the only purpose of the pipe is to allow the scheduler to monitor the process from inside a poll() loop. """ if event & PollConstants.POLLIN: buf = array.array('B') try: buf.fromfile(self._files.process, self._bufsize) except EOFError: pass if buf: pass else: self._unregister() self.wait() self._unregister_if_appropriate(event) return self._registered class MiscFunctionsProcess(SpawnProcess): """ Spawns misc-functions.sh with an existing ebuild environment. """ __slots__ = ("commands", "phase", "pkg", "settings") def _start(self): settings = self.settings settings.pop("EBUILD_PHASE", None) portage_bin_path = settings["PORTAGE_BIN_PATH"] misc_sh_binary = os.path.join(portage_bin_path, os.path.basename(portage.const.MISC_SH_BINARY)) self.args = [portage._shell_quote(misc_sh_binary)] + self.commands self.logfile = settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE") portage._doebuild_exit_status_unlink( settings.get("EBUILD_EXIT_STATUS_FILE")) SpawnProcess._start(self) def _spawn(self, args, **kwargs): settings = self.settings debug = settings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG") == "1" return portage.spawn(" ".join(args), settings, debug=debug, **kwargs) def _set_returncode(self, wait_retval): SpawnProcess._set_returncode(self, wait_retval) self.returncode = portage._doebuild_exit_status_check_and_log( self.settings, self.phase, self.returncode) class EbuildFetcher(SpawnProcess): __slots__ = ("config_pool", "fetchonly", "fetchall", "pkg", "prefetch") + \ ("_build_dir",) def _start(self): root_config = self.pkg.root_config portdb = root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi ebuild_path = portdb.findname(self.pkg.cpv) settings = self.config_pool.allocate() self._build_dir = EbuildBuildDir(pkg=self.pkg, settings=settings) self._build_dir.lock() self._build_dir.clean() portage.prepare_build_dirs(self.pkg.root, self._build_dir.settings, 0) if self.logfile is None: self.logfile = settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE") phase = "fetch" if self.fetchall: phase = "fetchall" # If any incremental variables have been overridden # via the environment, those values need to be passed # along here so that they are correctly considered by # the config instance in the subproccess. fetch_env = os.environ.copy() fetch_env["PORTAGE_NICENESS"] = "0" if self.prefetch: fetch_env["PORTAGE_PARALLEL_FETCHONLY"] = "1" ebuild_binary = os.path.join( settings["PORTAGE_BIN_PATH"], "ebuild") fetch_args = [ebuild_binary, ebuild_path, phase] debug = settings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG") == "1" if debug: fetch_args.append("--debug") self.args = fetch_args self.env = fetch_env SpawnProcess._start(self) def _pipe(self, fd_pipes): """When appropriate, use a pty so that fetcher progress bars, like wget has, will work properly.""" if self.background or not sys.stdout.isatty(): # When the output only goes to a log file, # there's no point in creating a pty. return os.pipe() stdout_pipe = fd_pipes.get(1) got_pty, master_fd, slave_fd = \ portage._create_pty_or_pipe(copy_term_size=stdout_pipe) return (master_fd, slave_fd) def _set_returncode(self, wait_retval): SpawnProcess._set_returncode(self, wait_retval) # Collect elog messages that might have been # created by the pkg_nofetch phase. if self._build_dir is not None: # Skip elog messages for prefetch, in order to avoid duplicates. if not self.prefetch and self.returncode != os.EX_OK: elog_out = None if self.logfile is not None: if self.background: elog_out = open(self.logfile, 'a') msg = "Fetch failed for '%s'" % (self.pkg.cpv,) if self.logfile is not None: msg += ", Log file:" eerror(msg, phase="unpack", key=self.pkg.cpv, out=elog_out) if self.logfile is not None: eerror(" '%s'" % (self.logfile,), phase="unpack", key=self.pkg.cpv, out=elog_out) if elog_out is not None: elog_out.close() if not self.prefetch: portage.elog.elog_process(self.pkg.cpv, self._build_dir.settings) features = self._build_dir.settings.features if self.returncode == os.EX_OK: self._build_dir.clean() self._build_dir.unlock() self.config_pool.deallocate(self._build_dir.settings) self._build_dir = None class EbuildBuildDir(SlotObject): __slots__ = ("dir_path", "pkg", "settings", "locked", "_catdir", "_lock_obj") def __init__(self, **kwargs): SlotObject.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.locked = False def lock(self): """ This raises an AlreadyLocked exception if lock() is called while a lock is already held. In order to avoid this, call unlock() or check whether the "locked" attribute is True or False before calling lock(). """ if self._lock_obj is not None: raise self.AlreadyLocked((self._lock_obj,)) dir_path = self.dir_path if dir_path is None: root_config = self.pkg.root_config portdb = root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi ebuild_path = portdb.findname(self.pkg.cpv) settings = self.settings settings.setcpv(self.pkg) debug = settings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG") == "1" use_cache = 1 # always true portage.doebuild_environment(ebuild_path, "setup", root_config.root, self.settings, debug, use_cache, portdb) dir_path = self.settings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"] catdir = os.path.dirname(dir_path) self._catdir = catdir portage.util.ensure_dirs(os.path.dirname(catdir), gid=portage.portage_gid, mode=070, mask=0) catdir_lock = None try: catdir_lock = portage.locks.lockdir(catdir) portage.util.ensure_dirs(catdir, gid=portage.portage_gid, mode=070, mask=0) self._lock_obj = portage.locks.lockdir(dir_path) finally: self.locked = self._lock_obj is not None if catdir_lock is not None: portage.locks.unlockdir(catdir_lock) def clean(self): """Uses shutil.rmtree() rather than spawning a 'clean' phase. Disabled by keepwork or keeptemp in FEATURES.""" settings = self.settings features = settings.features if not ("keepwork" in features or "keeptemp" in features): try: shutil.rmtree(settings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"]) except EnvironmentError, e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise del e def unlock(self): if self._lock_obj is None: return portage.locks.unlockdir(self._lock_obj) self._lock_obj = None self.locked = False catdir = self._catdir catdir_lock = None try: catdir_lock = portage.locks.lockdir(catdir) finally: if catdir_lock: try: os.rmdir(catdir) except OSError, e: if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOTEMPTY, errno.EEXIST): raise del e portage.locks.unlockdir(catdir_lock) class AlreadyLocked(portage.exception.PortageException): pass class EbuildBuild(CompositeTask): __slots__ = ("args_set", "config_pool", "find_blockers", "ldpath_mtimes", "logger", "opts", "pkg", "pkg_count", "prefetcher", "settings", "world_atom") + \ ("_build_dir", "_buildpkg", "_ebuild_path", "_issyspkg", "_tree") def _start(self): logger = self.logger opts = self.opts pkg = self.pkg settings = self.settings world_atom = self.world_atom root_config = pkg.root_config tree = "porttree" self._tree = tree portdb = root_config.trees[tree].dbapi settings.setcpv(pkg) settings.configdict["pkg"]["EMERGE_FROM"] = pkg.type_name ebuild_path = portdb.findname(self.pkg.cpv) self._ebuild_path = ebuild_path prefetcher = self.prefetcher if prefetcher is None: pass elif not prefetcher.isAlive(): prefetcher.cancel() elif prefetcher.poll() is None: waiting_msg = "Fetching files " + \ "in the background. " + \ "To view fetch progress, run `tail -f " + \ "/var/log/emerge-fetch.log` in another " + \ "terminal." msg_prefix = colorize("GOOD", " * ") from textwrap import wrap waiting_msg = "".join("%s%s\n" % (msg_prefix, line) \ for line in wrap(waiting_msg, 65)) if not self.background: writemsg(waiting_msg, noiselevel=-1) self._current_task = prefetcher prefetcher.addExitListener(self._prefetch_exit) return self._prefetch_exit(prefetcher) def _prefetch_exit(self, prefetcher): opts = self.opts pkg = self.pkg settings = self.settings if opts.fetchonly: fetcher = EbuildFetchonly( fetch_all=opts.fetch_all_uri, pkg=pkg, pretend=opts.pretend, settings=settings) retval = fetcher.execute() self.returncode = retval self.wait() return fetcher = EbuildFetcher(config_pool=self.config_pool, fetchall=opts.fetch_all_uri, fetchonly=opts.fetchonly, background=self.background, pkg=pkg, scheduler=self.scheduler) self._start_task(fetcher, self._fetch_exit) def _fetch_exit(self, fetcher): opts = self.opts pkg = self.pkg fetch_failed = False if opts.fetchonly: fetch_failed = self._final_exit(fetcher) != os.EX_OK else: fetch_failed = self._default_exit(fetcher) != os.EX_OK if fetch_failed and fetcher.logfile is not None and \ os.path.exists(fetcher.logfile): self.settings["PORTAGE_LOG_FILE"] = fetcher.logfile if not fetch_failed and fetcher.logfile is not None: # Fetch was successful, so remove the fetch log. try: os.unlink(fetcher.logfile) except OSError: pass if fetch_failed or opts.fetchonly: self.wait() return logger = self.logger opts = self.opts pkg_count = self.pkg_count scheduler = self.scheduler settings = self.settings features = settings.features ebuild_path = self._ebuild_path system_set = pkg.root_config.sets["system"] self._build_dir = EbuildBuildDir(pkg=pkg, settings=settings) self._build_dir.lock() # Cleaning is triggered before the setup # phase, in portage.doebuild(). msg = " === (%s of %s) Cleaning (%s::%s)" % \ (pkg_count.curval, pkg_count.maxval, pkg.cpv, ebuild_path) short_msg = "emerge: (%s of %s) %s Clean" % \ (pkg_count.curval, pkg_count.maxval, pkg.cpv) logger.log(msg, short_msg=short_msg) #buildsyspkg: Check if we need to _force_ binary package creation self._issyspkg = "buildsyspkg" in features and \ system_set.findAtomForPackage(pkg) and \ not opts.buildpkg if opts.buildpkg or self._issyspkg: self._buildpkg = True msg = " === (%s of %s) Compiling/Packaging (%s::%s)" % \ (pkg_count.curval, pkg_count.maxval, pkg.cpv, ebuild_path) short_msg = "emerge: (%s of %s) %s Compile" % \ (pkg_count.curval, pkg_count.maxval, pkg.cpv) logger.log(msg, short_msg=short_msg) else: msg = " === (%s of %s) Compiling/Merging (%s::%s)" % \ (pkg_count.curval, pkg_count.maxval, pkg.cpv, ebuild_path) short_msg = "emerge: (%s of %s) %s Compile" % \ (pkg_count.curval, pkg_count.maxval, pkg.cpv) logger.log(msg, short_msg=short_msg) build = EbuildExecuter(background=self.background, pkg=pkg, scheduler=scheduler, settings=settings) self._start_task(build, self._build_exit) def _unlock_builddir(self): portage.elog.elog_process(self.pkg.cpv, self.settings) self._build_dir.unlock() def _build_exit(self, build): if self._default_exit(build) != os.EX_OK: self._unlock_builddir() self.wait() return opts = self.opts buildpkg = self._buildpkg if not buildpkg: self._final_exit(build) self.wait() return if self._issyspkg: msg = ">>> This is a system package, " + \ "let's pack a rescue tarball.\n" log_path = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE") if log_path is not None: log_file = open(log_path, 'a') try: log_file.write(msg) finally: log_file.close() if not self.background: portage.writemsg_stdout(msg, noiselevel=-1) packager = EbuildBinpkg(background=self.background, pkg=self.pkg, scheduler=self.scheduler, settings=self.settings) self._start_task(packager, self._buildpkg_exit) def _buildpkg_exit(self, packager): """ Released build dir lock when there is a failure or when in buildpkgonly mode. Otherwise, the lock will be released when merge() is called. """ if self._default_exit(packager) != os.EX_OK: self._unlock_builddir() self.wait() return if self.opts.buildpkgonly: # Need to call "clean" phase for buildpkgonly mode portage.elog.elog_process(self.pkg.cpv, self.settings) phase = "clean" clean_phase = EbuildPhase(background=self.background, pkg=self.pkg, phase=phase, scheduler=self.scheduler, settings=self.settings, tree=self._tree) self._start_task(clean_phase, self._clean_exit) return # Continue holding the builddir lock until # after the package has been installed. self._current_task = None self.returncode = packager.returncode self.wait() def _clean_exit(self, clean_phase): if self._final_exit(clean_phase) != os.EX_OK or \ self.opts.buildpkgonly: self._unlock_builddir() self.wait() def install(self): """ Install the package and then clean up and release locks. Only call this after the build has completed successfully and neither fetchonly nor buildpkgonly mode are enabled. """ find_blockers = self.find_blockers ldpath_mtimes = self.ldpath_mtimes logger = self.logger pkg = self.pkg pkg_count = self.pkg_count settings = self.settings world_atom = self.world_atom ebuild_path = self._ebuild_path tree = self._tree merge = EbuildMerge(find_blockers=self.find_blockers, ldpath_mtimes=ldpath_mtimes, logger=logger, pkg=pkg, pkg_count=pkg_count, pkg_path=ebuild_path, scheduler=self.scheduler, settings=settings, tree=tree, world_atom=world_atom) msg = " === (%s of %s) Merging (%s::%s)" % \ (pkg_count.curval, pkg_count.maxval, pkg.cpv, ebuild_path) short_msg = "emerge: (%s of %s) %s Merge" % \ (pkg_count.curval, pkg_count.maxval, pkg.cpv) logger.log(msg, short_msg=short_msg) try: rval = merge.execute() finally: self._unlock_builddir() return rval class EbuildExecuter(CompositeTask): __slots__ = ("pkg", "scheduler", "settings") + ("_tree",) _phases = ("prepare", "configure", "compile", "test", "install") _live_eclasses = frozenset([ "bzr", "cvs", "darcs", "git", "mercurial", "subversion" ]) def _start(self): self._tree = "porttree" pkg = self.pkg phase = "clean" clean_phase = EbuildPhase(background=self.background, pkg=pkg, phase=phase, scheduler=self.scheduler, settings=self.settings, tree=self._tree) self._start_task(clean_phase, self._clean_phase_exit) def _clean_phase_exit(self, clean_phase): if self._default_exit(clean_phase) != os.EX_OK: self.wait() return pkg = self.pkg scheduler = self.scheduler settings = self.settings cleanup = 1 # This initializes PORTAGE_LOG_FILE. portage.prepare_build_dirs(pkg.root, settings, cleanup) setup_phase = EbuildPhase(background=self.background, pkg=pkg, phase="setup", scheduler=scheduler, settings=settings, tree=self._tree) setup_phase.addExitListener(self._setup_exit) self._current_task = setup_phase self.scheduler.scheduleSetup(setup_phase) def _setup_exit(self, setup_phase): if self._default_exit(setup_phase) != os.EX_OK: self.wait() return unpack_phase = EbuildPhase(background=self.background, pkg=self.pkg, phase="unpack", scheduler=self.scheduler, settings=self.settings, tree=self._tree) if self._live_eclasses.intersection(self.pkg.inherited): # Serialize $DISTDIR access for live ebuilds since # otherwise they can interfere with eachother. unpack_phase.addExitListener(self._unpack_exit) self._current_task = unpack_phase self.scheduler.scheduleUnpack(unpack_phase) else: self._start_task(unpack_phase, self._unpack_exit) def _unpack_exit(self, unpack_phase): if self._default_exit(unpack_phase) != os.EX_OK: self.wait() return ebuild_phases = TaskSequence(scheduler=self.scheduler) pkg = self.pkg phases = self._phases eapi = pkg.metadata["EAPI"] if eapi in ("0", "1", "2_pre1"): # skip src_prepare and src_configure phases = phases[2:] elif eapi in ("2_pre2",): # skip src_prepare phases = phases[1:] for phase in phases: ebuild_phases.add(EbuildPhase(background=self.background, pkg=self.pkg, phase=phase, scheduler=self.scheduler, settings=self.settings, tree=self._tree)) self._start_task(ebuild_phases, self._default_final_exit) class EbuildMetadataPhase(SubProcess): """ Asynchronous interface for the ebuild "depend" phase which is used to extract metadata from the ebuild. """ __slots__ = ("cpv", "ebuild_path", "fd_pipes", "metadata_callback", "ebuild_mtime", "portdb", "repo_path", "settings") + \ ("_raw_metadata",) _file_names = ("ebuild",) _files_dict = slot_dict_class(_file_names, prefix="") _metadata_fd = 9 def _start(self): settings = self.settings settings.reset() ebuild_path = self.ebuild_path debug = settings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG") == "1" master_fd = None slave_fd = None fd_pipes = None if self.fd_pipes is not None: fd_pipes = self.fd_pipes.copy() else: fd_pipes = {} fd_pipes.setdefault(0, sys.stdin.fileno()) fd_pipes.setdefault(1, sys.stdout.fileno()) fd_pipes.setdefault(2, sys.stderr.fileno()) # flush any pending output for fd in fd_pipes.itervalues(): if fd == sys.stdout.fileno(): sys.stdout.flush() if fd == sys.stderr.fileno(): sys.stderr.flush() fd_pipes_orig = fd_pipes.copy() self._files = self._files_dict() files = self._files master_fd, slave_fd = os.pipe() fcntl.fcntl(master_fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fcntl.fcntl(master_fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) | os.O_NONBLOCK) fd_pipes[self._metadata_fd] = slave_fd self._raw_metadata = [] files.ebuild = os.fdopen(master_fd, 'r') self._reg_id = self.scheduler.register(files.ebuild.fileno(), self._registered_events, self._output_handler) self._registered = True retval = portage.doebuild(ebuild_path, "depend", settings["ROOT"], settings, debug, mydbapi=self.portdb, tree="porttree", fd_pipes=fd_pipes, returnpid=True) os.close(slave_fd) if isinstance(retval, int): # doebuild failed before spawning self._unregister() self.returncode = retval self.wait() return self.pid = retval[0] portage.process.spawned_pids.remove(self.pid) def _output_handler(self, fd, event): if event & PollConstants.POLLIN: self._raw_metadata.append(self._files.ebuild.read()) if not self._raw_metadata[-1]: self._unregister() self.wait() self._unregister_if_appropriate(event) return self._registered def _set_returncode(self, wait_retval): SubProcess._set_returncode(self, wait_retval) if self.returncode == os.EX_OK: metadata_lines = "".join(self._raw_metadata).splitlines() if len(portage.auxdbkeys) != len(metadata_lines): # Don't trust bash's returncode if the # number of lines is incorrect. self.returncode = 1 else: metadata = izip(portage.auxdbkeys, metadata_lines) self.metadata_callback(self.cpv, self.ebuild_path, self.repo_path, metadata, self.ebuild_mtime) class EbuildProcess(SpawnProcess): __slots__ = ("phase", "pkg", "settings", "tree") def _start(self): # Don't open the log file during the clean phase since the # open file can result in an nfs lock on $T/build.log which # prevents the clean phase from removing $T. if self.phase not in ("clean", "cleanrm"): self.logfile = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE") SpawnProcess._start(self) def _pipe(self, fd_pipes): stdout_pipe = fd_pipes.get(1) got_pty, master_fd, slave_fd = \ portage._create_pty_or_pipe(copy_term_size=stdout_pipe) return (master_fd, slave_fd) def _spawn(self, args, **kwargs): root_config = self.pkg.root_config tree = self.tree mydbapi = root_config.trees[tree].dbapi settings = self.settings ebuild_path = settings["EBUILD"] debug = settings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG") == "1" rval = portage.doebuild(ebuild_path, self.phase, root_config.root, settings, debug, mydbapi=mydbapi, tree=tree, **kwargs) return rval def _set_returncode(self, wait_retval): SpawnProcess._set_returncode(self, wait_retval) if self.phase not in ("clean", "cleanrm"): self.returncode = portage._doebuild_exit_status_check_and_log( self.settings, self.phase, self.returncode) if self.phase == "test" and self.returncode != os.EX_OK and \ "test-fail-continue" in self.settings.features: self.returncode = os.EX_OK portage._post_phase_userpriv_perms(self.settings) class EbuildPhase(CompositeTask): __slots__ = ("background", "pkg", "phase", "scheduler", "settings", "tree") _post_phase_cmds = portage._post_phase_cmds def _start(self): ebuild_process = EbuildProcess(background=self.background, pkg=self.pkg, phase=self.phase, scheduler=self.scheduler, settings=self.settings, tree=self.tree) self._start_task(ebuild_process, self._ebuild_exit) def _ebuild_exit(self, ebuild_process): if self.phase == "install": out = None log_path = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE") log_file = None if self.background and log_path is not None: log_file = open(log_path, 'a') out = log_file try: portage._check_build_log(self.settings, out=out) finally: if log_file is not None: log_file.close() if self._default_exit(ebuild_process) != os.EX_OK: self.wait() return settings = self.settings if self.phase == "install": portage._post_src_install_uid_fix(settings) post_phase_cmds = self._post_phase_cmds.get(self.phase) if post_phase_cmds is not None: post_phase = MiscFunctionsProcess(background=self.background, commands=post_phase_cmds, phase=self.phase, pkg=self.pkg, scheduler=self.scheduler, settings=settings) self._start_task(post_phase, self._post_phase_exit) return self.returncode = ebuild_process.returncode self._current_task = None self.wait() def _post_phase_exit(self, post_phase): if self._final_exit(post_phase) != os.EX_OK: writemsg("!!! post %s failed; exiting.\n" % self.phase, noiselevel=-1) self._current_task = None self.wait() return class EbuildBinpkg(EbuildProcess): """ This assumes that src_install() has successfully completed. """ __slots__ = ("_binpkg_tmpfile",) def _start(self): self.phase = "package" self.tree = "porttree" pkg = self.pkg root_config = pkg.root_config portdb = root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi bintree = root_config.trees["bintree"] ebuild_path = portdb.findname(self.pkg.cpv) settings = self.settings debug = settings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG") == "1" bintree.prevent_collision(pkg.cpv) binpkg_tmpfile = os.path.join(bintree.pkgdir, pkg.cpv + ".tbz2." + str(os.getpid())) self._binpkg_tmpfile = binpkg_tmpfile settings["PORTAGE_BINPKG_TMPFILE"] = binpkg_tmpfile settings.backup_changes("PORTAGE_BINPKG_TMPFILE") try: EbuildProcess._start(self) finally: settings.pop("PORTAGE_BINPKG_TMPFILE", None) def _set_returncode(self, wait_retval): EbuildProcess._set_returncode(self, wait_retval) pkg = self.pkg bintree = pkg.root_config.trees["bintree"] binpkg_tmpfile = self._binpkg_tmpfile if self.returncode == os.EX_OK: bintree.inject(pkg.cpv, filename=binpkg_tmpfile) class EbuildMerge(SlotObject): __slots__ = ("find_blockers", "logger", "ldpath_mtimes", "pkg", "pkg_count", "pkg_path", "pretend", "scheduler", "settings", "tree", "world_atom") def execute(self): root_config = self.pkg.root_config settings = self.settings retval = portage.merge(settings["CATEGORY"], settings["PF"], settings["D"], os.path.join(settings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"], "build-info"), root_config.root, settings, myebuild=settings["EBUILD"], mytree=self.tree, mydbapi=root_config.trees[self.tree].dbapi, vartree=root_config.trees["vartree"], prev_mtimes=self.ldpath_mtimes, scheduler=self.scheduler, blockers=self.find_blockers) if retval == os.EX_OK: self.world_atom(self.pkg) self._log_success() return retval def _log_success(self): pkg = self.pkg pkg_count = self.pkg_count pkg_path = self.pkg_path logger = self.logger if "noclean" not in self.settings.features: short_msg = "emerge: (%s of %s) %s Clean Post" % \ (pkg_count.curval, pkg_count.maxval, pkg.cpv) logger.log((" === (%s of %s) " + \ "Post-Build Cleaning (%s::%s)") % \ (pkg_count.curval, pkg_count.maxval, pkg.cpv, pkg_path), short_msg=short_msg) logger.log(" ::: completed emerge (%s of %s) %s to %s" % \ (pkg_count.curval, pkg_count.maxval, pkg.cpv, pkg.root)) class PackageUninstall(AsynchronousTask): __slots__ = ("ldpath_mtimes", "opts", "pkg", "scheduler", "settings") def _start(self): try: unmerge(self.pkg.root_config, self.opts, "unmerge", [self.pkg.cpv], self.ldpath_mtimes, clean_world=0, clean_delay=0, raise_on_error=1, scheduler=self.scheduler, writemsg_level=self._writemsg_level) except UninstallFailure, e: self.returncode = e.status else: self.returncode = os.EX_OK self.wait() def _writemsg_level(self, msg, level=0, noiselevel=0): log_path = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE") background = self.background if log_path is None: if not (background and level < logging.WARNING): portage.util.writemsg_level(msg, level=level, noiselevel=noiselevel) else: if not background: portage.util.writemsg_level(msg, level=level, noiselevel=noiselevel) f = open(log_path, 'a') try: f.write(msg) finally: f.close() class Binpkg(CompositeTask): __slots__ = ("find_blockers", "ldpath_mtimes", "logger", "opts", "pkg", "pkg_count", "prefetcher", "settings", "world_atom") + \ ("_bintree", "_build_dir", "_ebuild_path", "_fetched_pkg", "_image_dir", "_infloc", "_pkg_path", "_tree", "_verify") def _writemsg_level(self, msg, level=0, noiselevel=0): if not self.background: portage.util.writemsg_level(msg, level=level, noiselevel=noiselevel) log_path = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE") if log_path is not None: f = open(log_path, 'a') try: f.write(msg) finally: f.close() def _start(self): pkg = self.pkg settings = self.settings settings.setcpv(pkg) self._tree = "bintree" self._bintree = self.pkg.root_config.trees[self._tree] self._verify = not self.opts.pretend dir_path = os.path.join(settings["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"], "portage", pkg.category, pkg.pf) self._build_dir = EbuildBuildDir(dir_path=dir_path, pkg=pkg, settings=settings) self._image_dir = os.path.join(dir_path, "image") self._infloc = os.path.join(dir_path, "build-info") self._ebuild_path = os.path.join(self._infloc, pkg.pf + ".ebuild") settings["EBUILD"] = self._ebuild_path debug = settings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG") == "1" portage.doebuild_environment(self._ebuild_path, "setup", settings["ROOT"], settings, debug, 1, self._bintree.dbapi) settings.configdict["pkg"]["EMERGE_FROM"] = pkg.type_name # The prefetcher has already completed or it # could be running now. If it's running now, # wait for it to complete since it holds # a lock on the file being fetched. The # portage.locks functions are only designed # to work between separate processes. Since # the lock is held by the current process, # use the scheduler and fetcher methods to # synchronize with the fetcher. prefetcher = self.prefetcher if prefetcher is None: pass elif not prefetcher.isAlive(): prefetcher.cancel() elif prefetcher.poll() is None: waiting_msg = ("Fetching '%s' " + \ "in the background. " + \ "To view fetch progress, run `tail -f " + \ "/var/log/emerge-fetch.log` in another " + \ "terminal.") % prefetcher.pkg_path msg_prefix = colorize("GOOD", " * ") from textwrap import wrap waiting_msg = "".join("%s%s\n" % (msg_prefix, line) \ for line in wrap(waiting_msg, 65)) if not self.background: writemsg(waiting_msg, noiselevel=-1) self._current_task = prefetcher prefetcher.addExitListener(self._prefetch_exit) return self._prefetch_exit(prefetcher) def _prefetch_exit(self, prefetcher): pkg = self.pkg pkg_count = self.pkg_count if not (self.opts.pretend or self.opts.fetchonly): self._build_dir.lock() try: shutil.rmtree(self._build_dir.dir_path) except EnvironmentError, e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise del e portage.prepare_build_dirs(self.settings["ROOT"], self.settings, 1) fetcher = BinpkgFetcher(background=self.background, logfile=self.settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE"), pkg=self.pkg, pretend=self.opts.pretend, scheduler=self.scheduler) pkg_path = fetcher.pkg_path self._pkg_path = pkg_path if self.opts.getbinpkg and self._bintree.isremote(pkg.cpv): msg = " --- (%s of %s) Fetching Binary (%s::%s)" %\ (pkg_count.curval, pkg_count.maxval, pkg.cpv, pkg_path) short_msg = "emerge: (%s of %s) %s Fetch" % \ (pkg_count.curval, pkg_count.maxval, pkg.cpv) self.logger.log(msg, short_msg=short_msg) self._start_task(fetcher, self._fetcher_exit) return self._fetcher_exit(fetcher) def _fetcher_exit(self, fetcher): # The fetcher only has a returncode when # --getbinpkg is enabled. if fetcher.returncode is not None: self._fetched_pkg = True if self._default_exit(fetcher) != os.EX_OK: self._unlock_builddir() self.wait() return if self.opts.pretend: self._current_task = None self.returncode = os.EX_OK self.wait() return verifier = None if self._verify: logfile = None if self.background: logfile = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE") verifier = BinpkgVerifier(background=self.background, logfile=logfile, pkg=self.pkg) self._start_task(verifier, self._verifier_exit) return self._verifier_exit(verifier) def _verifier_exit(self, verifier): if verifier is not None and \ self._default_exit(verifier) != os.EX_OK: self._unlock_builddir() self.wait() return logger = self.logger pkg = self.pkg pkg_count = self.pkg_count pkg_path = self._pkg_path if self._fetched_pkg: self._bintree.inject(pkg.cpv, filename=pkg_path) if self.opts.fetchonly: self._current_task = None self.returncode = os.EX_OK self.wait() return msg = " === (%s of %s) Merging Binary (%s::%s)" % \ (pkg_count.curval, pkg_count.maxval, pkg.cpv, pkg_path) short_msg = "emerge: (%s of %s) %s Merge Binary" % \ (pkg_count.curval, pkg_count.maxval, pkg.cpv) logger.log(msg, short_msg=short_msg) phase = "clean" settings = self.settings ebuild_phase = EbuildPhase(background=self.background, pkg=pkg, phase=phase, scheduler=self.scheduler, settings=settings, tree=self._tree) self._start_task(ebuild_phase, self._clean_exit) def _clean_exit(self, clean_phase): if self._default_exit(clean_phase) != os.EX_OK: self._unlock_builddir() self.wait() return dir_path = self._build_dir.dir_path try: shutil.rmtree(dir_path) except (IOError, OSError), e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise del e infloc = self._infloc pkg = self.pkg pkg_path = self._pkg_path dir_mode = 0755 for mydir in (dir_path, self._image_dir, infloc): portage.util.ensure_dirs(mydir, uid=portage.data.portage_uid, gid=portage.data.portage_gid, mode=dir_mode) # This initializes PORTAGE_LOG_FILE. portage.prepare_build_dirs(self.settings["ROOT"], self.settings, 1) self._writemsg_level(">>> Extracting info\n") pkg_xpak = portage.xpak.tbz2(self._pkg_path) check_missing_metadata = ("CATEGORY", "PF") missing_metadata = set() for k in check_missing_metadata: v = pkg_xpak.getfile(k) if not v: missing_metadata.add(k) pkg_xpak.unpackinfo(infloc) for k in missing_metadata: if k == "CATEGORY": v = pkg.category elif k == "PF": v = pkg.pf else: continue f = open(os.path.join(infloc, k), 'wb') try: f.write(v + "\n") finally: f.close() # Store the md5sum in the vdb. f = open(os.path.join(infloc, "BINPKGMD5"), "w") try: f.write(str(portage.checksum.perform_md5(pkg_path)) + "\n") finally: f.close() # This gives bashrc users an opportunity to do various things # such as remove binary packages after they're installed. settings = self.settings settings.setcpv(self.pkg) settings["PORTAGE_BINPKG_FILE"] = pkg_path settings.backup_changes("PORTAGE_BINPKG_FILE") phase = "setup" setup_phase = EbuildPhase(background=self.background, pkg=self.pkg, phase=phase, scheduler=self.scheduler, settings=settings, tree=self._tree) setup_phase.addExitListener(self._setup_exit) self._current_task = setup_phase self.scheduler.scheduleSetup(setup_phase) def _setup_exit(self, setup_phase): if self._default_exit(setup_phase) != os.EX_OK: self._unlock_builddir() self.wait() return extractor = BinpkgExtractorAsync(background=self.background, image_dir=self._image_dir, pkg=self.pkg, pkg_path=self._pkg_path, scheduler=self.scheduler) self._writemsg_level(">>> Extracting %s\n" % self.pkg.cpv) self._start_task(extractor, self._extractor_exit) def _extractor_exit(self, extractor): if self._final_exit(extractor) != os.EX_OK: self._unlock_builddir() writemsg("!!! Error Extracting '%s'\n" % self._pkg_path, noiselevel=-1) self.wait() def _unlock_builddir(self): if self.opts.pretend or self.opts.fetchonly: return portage.elog.elog_process(self.pkg.cpv, self.settings) self._build_dir.unlock() def install(self): # This gives bashrc users an opportunity to do various things # such as remove binary packages after they're installed. settings = self.settings settings["PORTAGE_BINPKG_FILE"] = self._pkg_path settings.backup_changes("PORTAGE_BINPKG_FILE") merge = EbuildMerge(find_blockers=self.find_blockers, ldpath_mtimes=self.ldpath_mtimes, logger=self.logger, pkg=self.pkg, pkg_count=self.pkg_count, pkg_path=self._pkg_path, scheduler=self.scheduler, settings=settings, tree=self._tree, world_atom=self.world_atom) try: retval = merge.execute() finally: settings.pop("PORTAGE_BINPKG_FILE", None) self._unlock_builddir() return retval class BinpkgFetcher(SpawnProcess): __slots__ = ("pkg", "pretend", "locked", "pkg_path", "_lock_obj") def __init__(self, **kwargs): SpawnProcess.__init__(self, **kwargs) pkg = self.pkg self.pkg_path = pkg.root_config.trees["bintree"].getname(pkg.cpv) def _start(self): if self.cancelled: return pkg = self.pkg pretend = self.pretend bintree = pkg.root_config.trees["bintree"] settings = bintree.settings use_locks = "distlocks" in settings.features pkg_path = self.pkg_path if not pretend: portage.util.ensure_dirs(os.path.dirname(pkg_path)) if use_locks: self.lock() exists = os.path.exists(pkg_path) resume = exists and os.path.basename(pkg_path) in bintree.invalids if not (pretend or resume): # Remove existing file or broken symlink. try: os.unlink(pkg_path) except OSError: pass # urljoin doesn't work correctly with # unrecognized protocols like sftp if bintree._remote_has_index: rel_uri = bintree._remotepkgs[pkg.cpv].get("PATH") if not rel_uri: rel_uri = pkg.cpv + ".tbz2" uri = bintree._remote_base_uri.rstrip("/") + \ "/" + rel_uri.lstrip("/") else: uri = settings["PORTAGE_BINHOST"].rstrip("/") + \ "/" + pkg.pf + ".tbz2" if pretend: portage.writemsg_stdout("\n%s\n" % uri, noiselevel=-1) self.returncode = os.EX_OK self.wait() return protocol = urlparse.urlparse(uri)[0] fcmd_prefix = "FETCHCOMMAND" if resume: fcmd_prefix = "RESUMECOMMAND" fcmd = settings.get(fcmd_prefix + "_" + protocol.upper()) if not fcmd: fcmd = settings.get(fcmd_prefix) fcmd_vars = { "DISTDIR" : os.path.dirname(pkg_path), "URI" : uri, "FILE" : os.path.basename(pkg_path) } fetch_env = dict(settings.iteritems()) fetch_args = [portage.util.varexpand(x, mydict=fcmd_vars) \ for x in shlex.split(fcmd)] if self.fd_pipes is None: self.fd_pipes = {} fd_pipes = self.fd_pipes # Redirect all output to stdout since some fetchers like # wget pollute stderr (if portage detects a problem then it # can send it's own message to stderr). fd_pipes.setdefault(0, sys.stdin.fileno()) fd_pipes.setdefault(1, sys.stdout.fileno()) fd_pipes.setdefault(2, sys.stdout.fileno()) self.args = fetch_args self.env = fetch_env SpawnProcess._start(self) def _set_returncode(self, wait_retval): SpawnProcess._set_returncode(self, wait_retval) if self.returncode == os.EX_OK: # If possible, update the mtime to match the remote package if # the fetcher didn't already do it automatically. bintree = self.pkg.root_config.trees["bintree"] if bintree._remote_has_index: remote_mtime = bintree._remotepkgs[self.pkg.cpv].get("MTIME") if remote_mtime is not None: try: remote_mtime = long(remote_mtime) except ValueError: pass else: try: local_mtime = long(os.stat(self.pkg_path).st_mtime) except OSError: pass else: if remote_mtime != local_mtime: try: os.utime(self.pkg_path, (remote_mtime, remote_mtime)) except OSError: pass if self.locked: self.unlock() def lock(self): """ This raises an AlreadyLocked exception if lock() is called while a lock is already held. In order to avoid this, call unlock() or check whether the "locked" attribute is True or False before calling lock(). """ if self._lock_obj is not None: raise self.AlreadyLocked((self._lock_obj,)) self._lock_obj = portage.locks.lockfile( self.pkg_path, wantnewlockfile=1) self.locked = True class AlreadyLocked(portage.exception.PortageException): pass def unlock(self): if self._lock_obj is None: return portage.locks.unlockfile(self._lock_obj) self._lock_obj = None self.locked = False class BinpkgVerifier(AsynchronousTask): __slots__ = ("logfile", "pkg",) def _start(self): """ Note: Unlike a normal AsynchronousTask.start() method, this one does all work is synchronously. The returncode attribute will be set before it returns. """ pkg = self.pkg root_config = pkg.root_config bintree = root_config.trees["bintree"] rval = os.EX_OK stdout_orig = sys.stdout stderr_orig = sys.stderr log_file = None if self.background and self.logfile is not None: log_file = open(self.logfile, 'a') try: if log_file is not None: sys.stdout = log_file sys.stderr = log_file try: bintree.digestCheck(pkg) except portage.exception.FileNotFound: writemsg("!!! Fetching Binary failed " + \ "for '%s'\n" % pkg.cpv, noiselevel=-1) rval = 1 except portage.exception.DigestException, e: writemsg("\n!!! Digest verification failed:\n", noiselevel=-1) writemsg("!!! %s\n" % e.value[0], noiselevel=-1) writemsg("!!! Reason: %s\n" % e.value[1], noiselevel=-1) writemsg("!!! Got: %s\n" % e.value[2], noiselevel=-1) writemsg("!!! Expected: %s\n" % e.value[3], noiselevel=-1) rval = 1 if rval != os.EX_OK: pkg_path = bintree.getname(pkg.cpv) head, tail = os.path.split(pkg_path) temp_filename = portage._checksum_failure_temp_file(head, tail) writemsg("File renamed to '%s'\n" % (temp_filename,), noiselevel=-1) finally: sys.stdout = stdout_orig sys.stderr = stderr_orig if log_file is not None: log_file.close() self.returncode = rval self.wait() class BinpkgPrefetcher(CompositeTask): __slots__ = ("pkg",) + \ ("pkg_path", "_bintree",) def _start(self): self._bintree = self.pkg.root_config.trees["bintree"] fetcher = BinpkgFetcher(background=self.background, logfile=self.scheduler.fetch.log_file, pkg=self.pkg, scheduler=self.scheduler) self.pkg_path = fetcher.pkg_path self._start_task(fetcher, self._fetcher_exit) def _fetcher_exit(self, fetcher): if self._default_exit(fetcher) != os.EX_OK: self.wait() return verifier = BinpkgVerifier(background=self.background, logfile=self.scheduler.fetch.log_file, pkg=self.pkg) self._start_task(verifier, self._verifier_exit) def _verifier_exit(self, verifier): if self._default_exit(verifier) != os.EX_OK: self.wait() return self._bintree.inject(self.pkg.cpv, filename=self.pkg_path) self._current_task = None self.returncode = os.EX_OK self.wait() class BinpkgExtractorAsync(SpawnProcess): __slots__ = ("image_dir", "pkg", "pkg_path") _shell_binary = portage.const.BASH_BINARY def _start(self): self.args = [self._shell_binary, "-c", "bzip2 -dqc -- %s | tar -xp -C %s -f -" % \ (portage._shell_quote(self.pkg_path), portage._shell_quote(self.image_dir))] self.env = self.pkg.root_config.settings.environ() SpawnProcess._start(self) class MergeListItem(CompositeTask): """ TODO: For parallel scheduling, everything here needs asynchronous execution support (start, poll, and wait methods). """ __slots__ = ("args_set", "binpkg_opts", "build_opts", "config_pool", "emerge_opts", "find_blockers", "logger", "mtimedb", "pkg", "pkg_count", "pkg_to_replace", "prefetcher", "settings", "statusMessage", "world_atom") + \ ("_install_task",) def _start(self): pkg = self.pkg build_opts = self.build_opts if pkg.installed: # uninstall, executed by self.merge() self.returncode = os.EX_OK self.wait() return args_set = self.args_set find_blockers = self.find_blockers logger = self.logger mtimedb = self.mtimedb pkg_count = self.pkg_count scheduler = self.scheduler settings = self.settings world_atom = self.world_atom ldpath_mtimes = mtimedb["ldpath"] action_desc = "Emerging" preposition = "for" if pkg.type_name == "binary": action_desc += " binary" if build_opts.fetchonly: action_desc = "Fetching" msg = "%s (%s of %s) %s" % \ (action_desc, colorize("MERGE_LIST_PROGRESS", str(pkg_count.curval)), colorize("MERGE_LIST_PROGRESS", str(pkg_count.maxval)), colorize("GOOD", pkg.cpv)) portdb = pkg.root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi portdir_repo_name = portdb._repository_map.get(portdb.porttree_root) if portdir_repo_name: pkg_repo_name = pkg.metadata.get("repository") if pkg_repo_name != portdir_repo_name: if not pkg_repo_name: pkg_repo_name = "unknown repo" msg += " from %s" % pkg_repo_name if pkg.root != "/": msg += " %s %s" % (preposition, pkg.root) if not build_opts.pretend: self.statusMessage(msg) logger.log(" >>> emerge (%s of %s) %s to %s" % \ (pkg_count.curval, pkg_count.maxval, pkg.cpv, pkg.root)) if pkg.type_name == "ebuild": build = EbuildBuild(args_set=args_set, background=self.background, config_pool=self.config_pool, find_blockers=find_blockers, ldpath_mtimes=ldpath_mtimes, logger=logger, opts=build_opts, pkg=pkg, pkg_count=pkg_count, prefetcher=self.prefetcher, scheduler=scheduler, settings=settings, world_atom=world_atom) self._install_task = build self._start_task(build, self._default_final_exit) return elif pkg.type_name == "binary": binpkg = Binpkg(background=self.background, find_blockers=find_blockers, ldpath_mtimes=ldpath_mtimes, logger=logger, opts=self.binpkg_opts, pkg=pkg, pkg_count=pkg_count, prefetcher=self.prefetcher, settings=settings, scheduler=scheduler, world_atom=world_atom) self._install_task = binpkg self._start_task(binpkg, self._default_final_exit) return def _poll(self): self._install_task.poll() return self.returncode def _wait(self): self._install_task.wait() return self.returncode def merge(self): pkg = self.pkg build_opts = self.build_opts find_blockers = self.find_blockers logger = self.logger mtimedb = self.mtimedb pkg_count = self.pkg_count prefetcher = self.prefetcher scheduler = self.scheduler settings = self.settings world_atom = self.world_atom ldpath_mtimes = mtimedb["ldpath"] if pkg.installed: if not (build_opts.buildpkgonly or \ build_opts.fetchonly or build_opts.pretend): uninstall = PackageUninstall(background=self.background, ldpath_mtimes=ldpath_mtimes, opts=self.emerge_opts, pkg=pkg, scheduler=scheduler, settings=settings) uninstall.start() retval = uninstall.wait() if retval != os.EX_OK: return retval return os.EX_OK if build_opts.fetchonly or \ build_opts.buildpkgonly: return self.returncode retval = self._install_task.install() return retval class PackageMerge(AsynchronousTask): """ TODO: Implement asynchronous merge so that the scheduler can run while a merge is executing. """ __slots__ = ("merge",) def _start(self): pkg = self.merge.pkg pkg_count = self.merge.pkg_count if pkg.installed: action_desc = "Uninstalling" preposition = "from" else: action_desc = "Installing" preposition = "to" msg = "%s %s" % (action_desc, colorize("GOOD", pkg.cpv)) if pkg.root != "/": msg += " %s %s" % (preposition, pkg.root) if not self.merge.build_opts.fetchonly and \ not self.merge.build_opts.pretend and \ not self.merge.build_opts.buildpkgonly: self.merge.statusMessage(msg) self.returncode = self.merge.merge() self.wait() class DependencyArg(object): def __init__(self, arg=None, root_config=None): self.arg = arg self.root_config = root_config def __str__(self): return str(self.arg) class AtomArg(DependencyArg): def __init__(self, atom=None, **kwargs): DependencyArg.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.atom = atom if not isinstance(self.atom, portage.dep.Atom): self.atom = portage.dep.Atom(self.atom) self.set = (self.atom, ) class PackageArg(DependencyArg): def __init__(self, package=None, **kwargs): DependencyArg.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.package = package self.atom = portage.dep.Atom("=" + package.cpv) self.set = (self.atom, ) class SetArg(DependencyArg): def __init__(self, set=None, **kwargs): DependencyArg.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.set = set self.name = self.arg[len(SETPREFIX):] class Dependency(SlotObject): __slots__ = ("atom", "blocker", "depth", "parent", "onlydeps", "priority", "root") def __init__(self, **kwargs): SlotObject.__init__(self, **kwargs) if self.priority is None: self.priority = DepPriority() if self.depth is None: self.depth = 0 class BlockerCache(DictMixin): """This caches blockers of installed packages so that dep_check does not have to be done for every single installed package on every invocation of emerge. The cache is invalidated whenever it is detected that something has changed that might alter the results of dep_check() calls: 1) the set of installed packages (including COUNTER) has changed 2) the old-style virtuals have changed """ # Number of uncached packages to trigger cache update, since # it's wasteful to update it for every vdb change. _cache_threshold = 5 class BlockerData(object): __slots__ = ("__weakref__", "atoms", "counter") def __init__(self, counter, atoms): self.counter = counter self.atoms = atoms def __init__(self, myroot, vardb): self._vardb = vardb self._virtuals = vardb.settings.getvirtuals() self._cache_filename = os.path.join(myroot, portage.CACHE_PATH.lstrip(os.path.sep), "vdb_blockers.pickle") self._cache_version = "1" self._cache_data = None self._modified = set() self._load() def _load(self): try: f = open(self._cache_filename) mypickle = pickle.Unpickler(f) mypickle.find_global = None self._cache_data = mypickle.load() f.close() del f except (IOError, OSError, EOFError, pickle.UnpicklingError), e: if isinstance(e, pickle.UnpicklingError): writemsg("!!! Error loading '%s': %s\n" % \ (self._cache_filename, str(e)), noiselevel=-1) del e cache_valid = self._cache_data and \ isinstance(self._cache_data, dict) and \ self._cache_data.get("version") == self._cache_version and \ isinstance(self._cache_data.get("blockers"), dict) if cache_valid: # Validate all the atoms and counters so that # corruption is detected as soon as possible. invalid_items = set() for k, v in self._cache_data["blockers"].iteritems(): if not isinstance(k, basestring): invalid_items.add(k) continue try: if portage.catpkgsplit(k) is None: invalid_items.add(k) continue except portage.exception.InvalidData: invalid_items.add(k) continue if not isinstance(v, tuple) or \ len(v) != 2: invalid_items.add(k) continue counter, atoms = v if not isinstance(counter, (int, long)): invalid_items.add(k) continue if not isinstance(atoms, (list, tuple)): invalid_items.add(k) continue invalid_atom = False for atom in atoms: if not isinstance(atom, basestring): invalid_atom = True break if atom[:1] != "!" or \ not portage.isvalidatom( atom, allow_blockers=True): invalid_atom = True break if invalid_atom: invalid_items.add(k) continue for k in invalid_items: del self._cache_data["blockers"][k] if not self._cache_data["blockers"]: cache_valid = False if not cache_valid: self._cache_data = {"version":self._cache_version} self._cache_data["blockers"] = {} self._cache_data["virtuals"] = self._virtuals self._modified.clear() def flush(self): """If the current user has permission and the internal blocker cache been updated, save it to disk and mark it unmodified. This is called by emerge after it has proccessed blockers for all installed packages. Currently, the cache is only written if the user has superuser privileges (since that's required to obtain a lock), but all users have read access and benefit from faster blocker lookups (as long as the entire cache is still valid). The cache is stored as a pickled dict object with the following format: { version : "1", "blockers" : {cpv1:(counter,(atom1, atom2...)), cpv2...}, "virtuals" : vardb.settings.getvirtuals() } """ if len(self._modified) >= self._cache_threshold and \ secpass >= 2: try: f = portage.util.atomic_ofstream(self._cache_filename) pickle.dump(self._cache_data, f, -1) f.close() portage.util.apply_secpass_permissions( self._cache_filename, gid=portage.portage_gid, mode=0644) except (IOError, OSError), e: pass self._modified.clear() def __setitem__(self, cpv, blocker_data): """ Update the cache and mark it as modified for a future call to self.flush(). @param cpv: Package for which to cache blockers. @type cpv: String @param blocker_data: An object with counter and atoms attributes. @type blocker_data: BlockerData """ self._cache_data["blockers"][cpv] = \ (blocker_data.counter, tuple(str(x) for x in blocker_data.atoms)) self._modified.add(cpv) def __iter__(self): if self._cache_data is None: # triggered by python-trace return iter([]) return iter(self._cache_data["blockers"]) def __delitem__(self, cpv): del self._cache_data["blockers"][cpv] def __getitem__(self, cpv): """ @rtype: BlockerData @returns: An object with counter and atoms attributes. """ return self.BlockerData(*self._cache_data["blockers"][cpv]) def keys(self): """This needs to be implemented so that self.__repr__() doesn't raise an AttributeError.""" return list(self) class BlockerDB(object): def __init__(self, root_config): self._root_config = root_config self._vartree = root_config.trees["vartree"] self._portdb = root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi self._dep_check_trees = None self._fake_vartree = None def _get_fake_vartree(self, acquire_lock=0): fake_vartree = self._fake_vartree if fake_vartree is None: fake_vartree = FakeVartree(self._root_config, acquire_lock=acquire_lock) self._fake_vartree = fake_vartree self._dep_check_trees = { self._vartree.root : { "porttree" : fake_vartree, "vartree" : fake_vartree, }} else: fake_vartree.sync(acquire_lock=acquire_lock) return fake_vartree def findInstalledBlockers(self, new_pkg, acquire_lock=0): blocker_cache = BlockerCache(self._vartree.root, self._vartree.dbapi) dep_keys = ["DEPEND", "RDEPEND", "PDEPEND"] settings = self._vartree.settings stale_cache = set(blocker_cache) fake_vartree = self._get_fake_vartree(acquire_lock=acquire_lock) dep_check_trees = self._dep_check_trees vardb = fake_vartree.dbapi installed_pkgs = list(vardb) for inst_pkg in installed_pkgs: stale_cache.discard(inst_pkg.cpv) cached_blockers = blocker_cache.get(inst_pkg.cpv) if cached_blockers is not None and \ cached_blockers.counter != long(inst_pkg.metadata["COUNTER"]): cached_blockers = None if cached_blockers is not None: blocker_atoms = cached_blockers.atoms else: # Use aux_get() to trigger FakeVartree global # updates on *DEPEND when appropriate. depstr = " ".join(vardb.aux_get(inst_pkg.cpv, dep_keys)) try: portage.dep._dep_check_strict = False success, atoms = portage.dep_check(depstr, vardb, settings, myuse=inst_pkg.use.enabled, trees=dep_check_trees, myroot=inst_pkg.root) finally: portage.dep._dep_check_strict = True if not success: pkg_location = os.path.join(inst_pkg.root, portage.VDB_PATH, inst_pkg.category, inst_pkg.pf) portage.writemsg("!!! %s/*DEPEND: %s\n" % \ (pkg_location, atoms), noiselevel=-1) continue blocker_atoms = [atom for atom in atoms \ if atom.startswith("!")] blocker_atoms.sort() counter = long(inst_pkg.metadata["COUNTER"]) blocker_cache[inst_pkg.cpv] = \ blocker_cache.BlockerData(counter, blocker_atoms) for cpv in stale_cache: del blocker_cache[cpv] blocker_cache.flush() blocker_parents = digraph() blocker_atoms = [] for pkg in installed_pkgs: for blocker_atom in blocker_cache[pkg.cpv].atoms: blocker_atom = blocker_atom.lstrip("!") blocker_atoms.append(blocker_atom) blocker_parents.add(blocker_atom, pkg) blocker_atoms = InternalPackageSet(initial_atoms=blocker_atoms) blocking_pkgs = set() for atom in blocker_atoms.iterAtomsForPackage(new_pkg): blocking_pkgs.update(blocker_parents.parent_nodes(atom)) # Check for blockers in the other direction. depstr = " ".join(new_pkg.metadata[k] for k in dep_keys) try: portage.dep._dep_check_strict = False success, atoms = portage.dep_check(depstr, vardb, settings, myuse=new_pkg.use.enabled, trees=dep_check_trees, myroot=new_pkg.root) finally: portage.dep._dep_check_strict = True if not success: # We should never get this far with invalid deps. show_invalid_depstring_notice(new_pkg, depstr, atoms) assert False blocker_atoms = [atom.lstrip("!") for atom in atoms \ if atom[:1] == "!"] if blocker_atoms: blocker_atoms = InternalPackageSet(initial_atoms=blocker_atoms) for inst_pkg in installed_pkgs: try: blocker_atoms.iterAtomsForPackage(inst_pkg).next() except (portage.exception.InvalidDependString, StopIteration): continue blocking_pkgs.add(inst_pkg) return blocking_pkgs def show_invalid_depstring_notice(parent_node, depstring, error_msg): msg1 = "\n\n!!! Invalid or corrupt dependency specification: " + \ "\n\n%s\n\n%s\n\n%s\n\n" % (error_msg, parent_node, depstring) p_type, p_root, p_key, p_status = parent_node msg = [] if p_status == "nomerge": category, pf = portage.catsplit(p_key) pkg_location = os.path.join(p_root, portage.VDB_PATH, category, pf) msg.append("Portage is unable to process the dependencies of the ") msg.append("'%s' package. " % p_key) msg.append("In order to correct this problem, the package ") msg.append("should be uninstalled, reinstalled, or upgraded. ") msg.append("As a temporary workaround, the --nodeps option can ") msg.append("be used to ignore all dependencies. For reference, ") msg.append("the problematic dependencies can be found in the ") msg.append("*DEPEND files located in '%s/'." % pkg_location) else: msg.append("This package can not be installed. ") msg.append("Please notify the '%s' package maintainer " % p_key) msg.append("about this problem.") msg2 = "".join("%s\n" % line for line in textwrap.wrap("".join(msg), 72)) writemsg_level(msg1 + msg2, level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) class PackageVirtualDbapi(portage.dbapi): """ A dbapi-like interface class that represents the state of the installed package database as new packages are installed, replacing any packages that previously existed in the same slot. The main difference between this class and fakedbapi is that this one uses Package instances internally (passed in via cpv_inject() and cpv_remove() calls). """ def __init__(self, settings): portage.dbapi.__init__(self) self.settings = settings self._match_cache = {} self._cp_map = {} self._cpv_map = {} def clear(self): """ Remove all packages. """ if self._cpv_map: self._clear_cache() self._cp_map.clear() self._cpv_map.clear() def copy(self): obj = PackageVirtualDbapi(self.settings) obj._match_cache = self._match_cache.copy() obj._cp_map = self._cp_map.copy() for k, v in obj._cp_map.iteritems(): obj._cp_map[k] = v[:] obj._cpv_map = self._cpv_map.copy() return obj def __iter__(self): return self._cpv_map.itervalues() def __contains__(self, item): existing = self._cpv_map.get(item.cpv) if existing is not None and \ existing == item: return True return False def get(self, item, default=None): cpv = getattr(item, "cpv", None) if cpv is None: if len(item) != 4: return default type_name, root, cpv, operation = item existing = self._cpv_map.get(cpv) if existing is not None and \ existing == item: return existing return default def match_pkgs(self, atom): return [self._cpv_map[cpv] for cpv in self.match(atom)] def _clear_cache(self): if self._categories is not None: self._categories = None if self._match_cache: self._match_cache = {} def match(self, origdep, use_cache=1): result = self._match_cache.get(origdep) if result is not None: return result[:] result = portage.dbapi.match(self, origdep, use_cache=use_cache) self._match_cache[origdep] = result return result[:] def cpv_exists(self, cpv): return cpv in self._cpv_map def cp_list(self, mycp, use_cache=1): cachelist = self._match_cache.get(mycp) # cp_list() doesn't expand old-style virtuals if cachelist and cachelist[0].startswith(mycp): return cachelist[:] cpv_list = self._cp_map.get(mycp) if cpv_list is None: cpv_list = [] else: cpv_list = [pkg.cpv for pkg in cpv_list] self._cpv_sort_ascending(cpv_list) if not (not cpv_list and mycp.startswith("virtual/")): self._match_cache[mycp] = cpv_list return cpv_list[:] def cp_all(self): return list(self._cp_map) def cpv_all(self): return list(self._cpv_map) def cpv_inject(self, pkg): cp_list = self._cp_map.get(pkg.cp) if cp_list is None: cp_list = [] self._cp_map[pkg.cp] = cp_list e_pkg = self._cpv_map.get(pkg.cpv) if e_pkg is not None: if e_pkg == pkg: return self.cpv_remove(e_pkg) for e_pkg in cp_list: if e_pkg.slot_atom == pkg.slot_atom: if e_pkg == pkg: return self.cpv_remove(e_pkg) break cp_list.append(pkg) self._cpv_map[pkg.cpv] = pkg self._clear_cache() def cpv_remove(self, pkg): old_pkg = self._cpv_map.get(pkg.cpv) if old_pkg != pkg: raise KeyError(pkg) self._cp_map[pkg.cp].remove(pkg) del self._cpv_map[pkg.cpv] self._clear_cache() def aux_get(self, cpv, wants): metadata = self._cpv_map[cpv].metadata return [metadata.get(x, "") for x in wants] def aux_update(self, cpv, values): self._cpv_map[cpv].metadata.update(values) self._clear_cache() class depgraph(object): pkg_tree_map = RootConfig.pkg_tree_map _dep_keys = ["DEPEND", "RDEPEND", "PDEPEND"] def __init__(self, settings, trees, myopts, myparams, spinner): self.settings = settings self.target_root = settings["ROOT"] self.myopts = myopts self.myparams = myparams self.edebug = 0 if settings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG", "") == "1": self.edebug = 1 self.spinner = spinner self._running_root = trees["/"]["root_config"] self._opts_no_restart = Scheduler._opts_no_restart self.pkgsettings = {} # Maps slot atom to package for each Package added to the graph. self._slot_pkg_map = {} # Maps nodes to the reasons they were selected for reinstallation. self._reinstall_nodes = {} self.mydbapi = {} self.trees = {} self._trees_orig = trees self.roots = {} # Contains a filtered view of preferred packages that are selected # from available repositories. self._filtered_trees = {} # Contains installed packages and new packages that have been added # to the graph. self._graph_trees = {} # All Package instances self._pkg_cache = {} for myroot in trees: self.trees[myroot] = {} # Create a RootConfig instance that references # the FakeVartree instead of the real one. self.roots[myroot] = RootConfig( trees[myroot]["vartree"].settings, self.trees[myroot], trees[myroot]["root_config"].setconfig) for tree in ("porttree", "bintree"): self.trees[myroot][tree] = trees[myroot][tree] self.trees[myroot]["vartree"] = \ FakeVartree(trees[myroot]["root_config"], pkg_cache=self._pkg_cache) self.pkgsettings[myroot] = portage.config( clone=self.trees[myroot]["vartree"].settings) self._slot_pkg_map[myroot] = {} vardb = self.trees[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi preload_installed_pkgs = "--nodeps" not in self.myopts and \ "--buildpkgonly" not in self.myopts # This fakedbapi instance will model the state that the vdb will # have after new packages have been installed. fakedb = PackageVirtualDbapi(vardb.settings) if preload_installed_pkgs: for pkg in vardb: self.spinner.update() # This triggers metadata updates via FakeVartree. vardb.aux_get(pkg.cpv, []) fakedb.cpv_inject(pkg) # Now that the vardb state is cached in our FakeVartree, # we won't be needing the real vartree cache for awhile. # To make some room on the heap, clear the vardbapi # caches. trees[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi._clear_cache() gc.collect() self.mydbapi[myroot] = fakedb def graph_tree(): pass graph_tree.dbapi = fakedb self._graph_trees[myroot] = {} self._filtered_trees[myroot] = {} # Substitute the graph tree for the vartree in dep_check() since we # want atom selections to be consistent with package selections # have already been made. self._graph_trees[myroot]["porttree"] = graph_tree self._graph_trees[myroot]["vartree"] = graph_tree def filtered_tree(): pass filtered_tree.dbapi = self._dep_check_composite_db(self, myroot) self._filtered_trees[myroot]["porttree"] = filtered_tree # Passing in graph_tree as the vartree here could lead to better # atom selections in some cases by causing atoms for packages that # have been added to the graph to be preferred over other choices. # However, it can trigger atom selections that result in # unresolvable direct circular dependencies. For example, this # happens with gwydion-dylan which depends on either itself or # gwydion-dylan-bin. In case gwydion-dylan is not yet installed, # gwydion-dylan-bin needs to be selected in order to avoid a # an unresolvable direct circular dependency. # # To solve the problem described above, pass in "graph_db" so that # packages that have been added to the graph are distinguishable # from other available packages and installed packages. Also, pass # the parent package into self._select_atoms() calls so that # unresolvable direct circular dependencies can be detected and # avoided when possible. self._filtered_trees[myroot]["graph_db"] = graph_tree.dbapi self._filtered_trees[myroot]["vartree"] = self.trees[myroot]["vartree"] dbs = [] portdb = self.trees[myroot]["porttree"].dbapi bindb = self.trees[myroot]["bintree"].dbapi vardb = self.trees[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi # (db, pkg_type, built, installed, db_keys) if "--usepkgonly" not in self.myopts: db_keys = list(portdb._aux_cache_keys) dbs.append((portdb, "ebuild", False, False, db_keys)) if "--usepkg" in self.myopts: db_keys = list(bindb._aux_cache_keys) dbs.append((bindb, "binary", True, False, db_keys)) db_keys = list(trees[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi._aux_cache_keys) dbs.append((vardb, "installed", True, True, db_keys)) self._filtered_trees[myroot]["dbs"] = dbs if "--usepkg" in self.myopts: self.trees[myroot]["bintree"].populate( "--getbinpkg" in self.myopts, "--getbinpkgonly" in self.myopts) del trees self.digraph=portage.digraph() # contains all sets added to the graph self._sets = {} # contains atoms given as arguments self._sets["args"] = InternalPackageSet() # contains all atoms from all sets added to the graph, including # atoms given as arguments self._set_atoms = InternalPackageSet() self._atom_arg_map = {} # contains all nodes pulled in by self._set_atoms self._set_nodes = set() # Contains only Blocker -> Uninstall edges self._blocker_uninstalls = digraph() # Contains only Package -> Blocker edges self._blocker_parents = digraph() # Contains only irrelevant Package -> Blocker edges self._irrelevant_blockers = digraph() # Contains only unsolvable Package -> Blocker -> Blocked Package edges self._unsolvable_blockers = digraph() self._slot_collision_info = {} # Slot collision nodes are not allowed to block other packages since # blocker validation is only able to account for one package per slot. self._slot_collision_nodes = set() self._parent_atoms = {} self._slot_conflict_parent_atoms = set() self._serialized_tasks_cache = None self._scheduler_graph = None self._displayed_list = None self._pprovided_args = [] self._missing_args = [] self._masked_installed = set() self._unsatisfied_deps_for_display = [] self._unsatisfied_blockers_for_display = None self._circular_deps_for_display = None self._dep_stack = [] self._unsatisfied_deps = [] self._initially_unsatisfied_deps = [] self._ignored_deps = [] self._required_set_names = set(["system", "world"]) self._select_atoms = self._select_atoms_highest_available self._select_package = self._select_pkg_highest_available self._highest_pkg_cache = {} def _show_slot_collision_notice(self): """Show an informational message advising the user to mask one of the the packages. In some cases it may be possible to resolve this automatically, but support for backtracking (removal nodes that have already been selected) will be required in order to handle all possible cases. """ if not self._slot_collision_info: return self._show_merge_list() msg = [] msg.append("\n!!! Multiple package instances within a single " + \ "package slot have been pulled\n") msg.append("!!! into the dependency graph, resulting" + \ " in a slot conflict:\n\n") indent = " " # Max number of parents shown, to avoid flooding the display. max_parents = 3 explanation_columns = 70 explanations = 0 for (slot_atom, root), slot_nodes \ in self._slot_collision_info.iteritems(): msg.append(str(slot_atom)) msg.append("\n\n") for node in slot_nodes: msg.append(indent) msg.append(str(node)) parent_atoms = self._parent_atoms.get(node) if parent_atoms: pruned_list = set() # Prefer conflict atoms over others. for parent_atom in parent_atoms: if len(pruned_list) >= max_parents: break if parent_atom in self._slot_conflict_parent_atoms: pruned_list.add(parent_atom) # If this package was pulled in by conflict atoms then # show those alone since those are the most interesting. if not pruned_list: # When generating the pruned list, prefer instances # of DependencyArg over instances of Package. for parent_atom in parent_atoms: if len(pruned_list) >= max_parents: break parent, atom = parent_atom if isinstance(parent, DependencyArg): pruned_list.add(parent_atom) # Prefer Packages instances that themselves have been # pulled into collision slots. for parent_atom in parent_atoms: if len(pruned_list) >= max_parents: break parent, atom = parent_atom if isinstance(parent, Package) and \ (parent.slot_atom, parent.root) \ in self._slot_collision_info: pruned_list.add(parent_atom) for parent_atom in parent_atoms: if len(pruned_list) >= max_parents: break pruned_list.add(parent_atom) omitted_parents = len(parent_atoms) - len(pruned_list) parent_atoms = pruned_list msg.append(" pulled in by\n") for parent_atom in parent_atoms: parent, atom = parent_atom msg.append(2*indent) if isinstance(parent, (PackageArg, AtomArg)): # For PackageArg and AtomArg types, it's # redundant to display the atom attribute. msg.append(str(parent)) else: # Display the specific atom from SetArg or # Package types. msg.append("%s required by %s" % (atom, parent)) msg.append("\n") if omitted_parents: msg.append(2*indent) msg.append("(and %d more)\n" % omitted_parents) else: msg.append(" (no parents)\n") msg.append("\n") explanation = self._slot_conflict_explanation(slot_nodes) if explanation: explanations += 1 msg.append(indent + "Explanation:\n\n") for line in textwrap.wrap(explanation, explanation_columns): msg.append(2*indent + line + "\n") msg.append("\n") msg.append("\n") sys.stderr.write("".join(msg)) sys.stderr.flush() explanations_for_all = explanations == len(self._slot_collision_info) if explanations_for_all or "--quiet" in self.myopts: return msg = [] msg.append("It may be possible to solve this problem ") msg.append("by using package.mask to prevent one of ") msg.append("those packages from being selected. ") msg.append("However, it is also possible that conflicting ") msg.append("dependencies exist such that they are impossible to ") msg.append("satisfy simultaneously. If such a conflict exists in ") msg.append("the dependencies of two different packages, then those ") msg.append("packages can not be installed simultaneously.") from formatter import AbstractFormatter, DumbWriter f = AbstractFormatter(DumbWriter(sys.stderr, maxcol=72)) for x in msg: f.add_flowing_data(x) f.end_paragraph(1) msg = [] msg.append("For more information, see MASKED PACKAGES ") msg.append("section in the emerge man page or refer ") msg.append("to the Gentoo Handbook.") for x in msg: f.add_flowing_data(x) f.end_paragraph(1) f.writer.flush() def _slot_conflict_explanation(self, slot_nodes): """ When a slot conflict occurs due to USE deps, there are a few different cases to consider: 1) New USE are correctly set but --newuse wasn't requested so an installed package with incorrect USE happened to get pulled into graph before the new one. 2) New USE are incorrectly set but an installed package has correct USE so it got pulled into the graph, and a new instance also got pulled in due to --newuse or an upgrade. 3) Multiple USE deps exist that can't be satisfied simultaneously, and multiple package instances got pulled into the same slot to satisfy the conflicting deps. Currently, explanations and suggested courses of action are generated for cases 1 and 2. Case 3 is too complex to give a useful suggestion. """ if len(slot_nodes) != 2: # Suggestions are only implemented for # conflicts between two packages. return None all_conflict_atoms = self._slot_conflict_parent_atoms matched_node = None matched_atoms = None unmatched_node = None for node in slot_nodes: parent_atoms = self._parent_atoms.get(node) if not parent_atoms: # Normally, there are always parent atoms. If there are # none then something unexpected is happening and there's # currently no suggestion for this case. return None conflict_atoms = all_conflict_atoms.intersection(parent_atoms) for parent_atom in conflict_atoms: parent, atom = parent_atom if not atom.use: # Suggestions are currently only implemented for cases # in which all conflict atoms have USE deps. return None if conflict_atoms: if matched_node is not None: # If conflict atoms match multiple nodes # then there's no suggestion. return None matched_node = node matched_atoms = conflict_atoms else: if unmatched_node is not None: # Neither node is matched by conflict atoms, and # there is no suggestion for this case. return None unmatched_node = node if matched_node is None or unmatched_node is None: # This shouldn't happen. return None if unmatched_node.installed and not matched_node.installed: return "New USE are correctly set, but --newuse wasn't" + \ " requested, so an installed package with incorrect USE " + \ "happened to get pulled into the dependency graph. " + \ "In order to solve " + \ "this, either specify the --newuse option or explicitly " + \ " reinstall '%s'." % matched_node.slot_atom if matched_node.installed and not unmatched_node.installed: atoms = sorted(set(atom for parent, atom in matched_atoms)) explanation = ("New USE for '%s' are incorrectly set. " + \ "In order to solve this, adjust USE to satisfy '%s'") % \ (matched_node.slot_atom, atoms[0]) if len(atoms) > 1: for atom in atoms[1:-1]: explanation += ", '%s'" % (atom,) if len(atoms) > 2: explanation += "," explanation += " and '%s'" % (atoms[-1],) explanation += "." return explanation return None def _process_slot_conflicts(self): """ Process slot conflict data to identify specific atoms which lead to conflict. These atoms only match a subset of the packages that have been pulled into a given slot. """ for (slot_atom, root), slot_nodes \ in self._slot_collision_info.iteritems(): all_parent_atoms = set() for pkg in slot_nodes: parent_atoms = self._parent_atoms.get(pkg) if not parent_atoms: continue all_parent_atoms.update(parent_atoms) for pkg in slot_nodes: parent_atoms = self._parent_atoms.get(pkg) if parent_atoms is None: parent_atoms = set() self._parent_atoms[pkg] = parent_atoms for parent_atom in all_parent_atoms: if parent_atom in parent_atoms: continue # Use package set for matching since it will match via # PROVIDE when necessary, while match_from_list does not. parent, atom = parent_atom atom_set = InternalPackageSet( initial_atoms=(atom,)) if atom_set.findAtomForPackage(pkg): parent_atoms.add(parent_atom) else: self._slot_conflict_parent_atoms.add(parent_atom) def _reinstall_for_flags(self, forced_flags, orig_use, orig_iuse, cur_use, cur_iuse): """Return a set of flags that trigger reinstallation, or None if there are no such flags.""" if "--newuse" in self.myopts: flags = set(orig_iuse.symmetric_difference( cur_iuse).difference(forced_flags)) flags.update(orig_iuse.intersection(orig_use).symmetric_difference( cur_iuse.intersection(cur_use))) if flags: return flags elif "changed-use" == self.myopts.get("--reinstall"): flags = orig_iuse.intersection(orig_use).symmetric_difference( cur_iuse.intersection(cur_use)) if flags: return flags return None def _create_graph(self, allow_unsatisfied=False): dep_stack = self._dep_stack while dep_stack: self.spinner.update() dep = dep_stack.pop() if isinstance(dep, Package): if not self._add_pkg_deps(dep, allow_unsatisfied=allow_unsatisfied): return 0 continue if not self._add_dep(dep, allow_unsatisfied=allow_unsatisfied): return 0 return 1 def _add_dep(self, dep, allow_unsatisfied=False): debug = "--debug" in self.myopts buildpkgonly = "--buildpkgonly" in self.myopts nodeps = "--nodeps" in self.myopts empty = "empty" in self.myparams deep = "deep" in self.myparams update = "--update" in self.myopts and dep.depth <= 1 if dep.blocker: if not buildpkgonly and \ not nodeps and \ dep.parent not in self._slot_collision_nodes: if dep.parent.onlydeps: # It's safe to ignore blockers if the # parent is an --onlydeps node. return 1 # The blocker applies to the root where # the parent is or will be installed. blocker = Blocker(atom=dep.atom, eapi=dep.parent.metadata["EAPI"], root=dep.parent.root) self._blocker_parents.add(blocker, dep.parent) return 1 dep_pkg, existing_node = self._select_package(dep.root, dep.atom, onlydeps=dep.onlydeps) if not dep_pkg: if allow_unsatisfied: self._unsatisfied_deps.append(dep) return 1 self._unsatisfied_deps_for_display.append( ((dep.root, dep.atom), {"myparent":dep.parent})) return 0 # In some cases, dep_check will return deps that shouldn't # be proccessed any further, so they are identified and # discarded here. Try to discard as few as possible since # discarded dependencies reduce the amount of information # available for optimization of merge order. if dep.priority.satisfied and \ not (existing_node or empty or deep or update): myarg = None if dep.root == self.target_root: try: myarg = self._iter_atoms_for_pkg(dep_pkg).next() except StopIteration: pass except portage.exception.InvalidDependString: if not dep_pkg.installed: # This shouldn't happen since the package # should have been masked. raise if not myarg: self._ignored_deps.append(dep) return 1 if not self._add_pkg(dep_pkg, dep): return 0 return 1 def _add_pkg(self, pkg, dep): myparent = None priority = None depth = 0 if dep is None: dep = Dependency() else: myparent = dep.parent priority = dep.priority depth = dep.depth if priority is None: priority = DepPriority() """ Fills the digraph with nodes comprised of packages to merge. mybigkey is the package spec of the package to merge. myparent is the package depending on mybigkey ( or None ) addme = Should we add this package to the digraph or are we just looking at it's deps? Think --onlydeps, we need to ignore packages in that case. #stuff to add: #SLOT-aware emerge #IUSE-aware emerge -> USE DEP aware depgraph #"no downgrade" emerge """ # Ensure that the dependencies of the same package # are never processed more than once. previously_added = pkg in self.digraph # select the correct /var database that we'll be checking against vardbapi = self.trees[pkg.root]["vartree"].dbapi pkgsettings = self.pkgsettings[pkg.root] arg_atoms = None if True: try: arg_atoms = list(self._iter_atoms_for_pkg(pkg)) except portage.exception.InvalidDependString, e: if not pkg.installed: show_invalid_depstring_notice( pkg, pkg.metadata["PROVIDE"], str(e)) return 0 del e if not pkg.onlydeps: if not pkg.installed and \ "empty" not in self.myparams and \ vardbapi.match(pkg.slot_atom): # Increase the priority of dependencies on packages that # are being rebuilt. This optimizes merge order so that # dependencies are rebuilt/updated as soon as possible, # which is needed especially when emerge is called by # revdep-rebuild since dependencies may be affected by ABI # breakage that has rendered them useless. Don't adjust # priority here when in "empty" mode since all packages # are being merged in that case. priority.rebuild = True existing_node = self._slot_pkg_map[pkg.root].get(pkg.slot_atom) slot_collision = False if existing_node: existing_node_matches = pkg.cpv == existing_node.cpv if existing_node_matches and \ pkg != existing_node and \ dep.atom is not None: # Use package set for matching since it will match via # PROVIDE when necessary, while match_from_list does not. atom_set = InternalPackageSet(initial_atoms=[dep.atom]) if not atom_set.findAtomForPackage(existing_node): existing_node_matches = False if existing_node_matches: # The existing node can be reused. if arg_atoms: for parent_atom in arg_atoms: parent, atom = parent_atom self.digraph.add(existing_node, parent, priority=priority) self._add_parent_atom(existing_node, parent_atom) # If a direct circular dependency is not an unsatisfied # buildtime dependency then drop it here since otherwise # it can skew the merge order calculation in an unwanted # way. if existing_node != myparent or \ (priority.buildtime and not priority.satisfied): self.digraph.addnode(existing_node, myparent, priority=priority) if dep.atom is not None and dep.parent is not None: self._add_parent_atom(existing_node, (dep.parent, dep.atom)) return 1 else: # A slot collision has occurred. Sometimes this coincides # with unresolvable blockers, so the slot collision will be # shown later if there are no unresolvable blockers. self._add_slot_conflict(pkg) slot_collision = True if slot_collision: # Now add this node to the graph so that self.display() # can show use flags and --tree portage.output. This node is # only being partially added to the graph. It must not be # allowed to interfere with the other nodes that have been # added. Do not overwrite data for existing nodes in # self.mydbapi since that data will be used for blocker # validation. # Even though the graph is now invalid, continue to process # dependencies so that things like --fetchonly can still # function despite collisions. pass else: self._slot_pkg_map[pkg.root][pkg.slot_atom] = pkg self.mydbapi[pkg.root].cpv_inject(pkg) if not pkg.installed: # Allow this package to satisfy old-style virtuals in case it # doesn't already. Any pre-existing providers will be preferred # over this one. try: pkgsettings.setinst(pkg.cpv, pkg.metadata) # For consistency, also update the global virtuals. settings = self.roots[pkg.root].settings settings.unlock() settings.setinst(pkg.cpv, pkg.metadata) settings.lock() except portage.exception.InvalidDependString, e: show_invalid_depstring_notice( pkg, pkg.metadata["PROVIDE"], str(e)) del e return 0 if arg_atoms: self._set_nodes.add(pkg) # Do this even when addme is False (--onlydeps) so that the # parent/child relationship is always known in case # self._show_slot_collision_notice() needs to be called later. self.digraph.add(pkg, myparent, priority=priority) if dep.atom is not None and dep.parent is not None: self._add_parent_atom(pkg, (dep.parent, dep.atom)) if arg_atoms: for parent_atom in arg_atoms: parent, atom = parent_atom self.digraph.add(pkg, parent, priority=priority) self._add_parent_atom(pkg, parent_atom) """ This section determines whether we go deeper into dependencies or not. We want to go deeper on a few occasions: Installing package A, we need to make sure package A's deps are met. emerge --deep ; we need to recursively check dependencies of pkgspec If we are in --nodeps (no recursion) mode, we obviously only check 1 level of dependencies. """ dep_stack = self._dep_stack if "recurse" not in self.myparams: return 1 elif pkg.installed and \ "deep" not in self.myparams: dep_stack = self._ignored_deps self.spinner.update() if arg_atoms: depth = 0 pkg.depth = depth if not previously_added: dep_stack.append(pkg) return 1 def _add_parent_atom(self, pkg, parent_atom): parent_atoms = self._parent_atoms.get(pkg) if parent_atoms is None: parent_atoms = set() self._parent_atoms[pkg] = parent_atoms parent_atoms.add(parent_atom) def _add_slot_conflict(self, pkg): self._slot_collision_nodes.add(pkg) slot_key = (pkg.slot_atom, pkg.root) slot_nodes = self._slot_collision_info.get(slot_key) if slot_nodes is None: slot_nodes = set() slot_nodes.add(self._slot_pkg_map[pkg.root][pkg.slot_atom]) self._slot_collision_info[slot_key] = slot_nodes slot_nodes.add(pkg) def _add_pkg_deps(self, pkg, allow_unsatisfied=False): mytype = pkg.type_name myroot = pkg.root mykey = pkg.cpv metadata = pkg.metadata myuse = pkg.use.enabled jbigkey = pkg depth = pkg.depth + 1 removal_action = "remove" in self.myparams edepend={} depkeys = ["DEPEND","RDEPEND","PDEPEND"] for k in depkeys: edepend[k] = metadata[k] if not pkg.built and \ "--buildpkgonly" in self.myopts and \ "deep" not in self.myparams and \ "empty" not in self.myparams: edepend["RDEPEND"] = "" edepend["PDEPEND"] = "" bdeps_satisfied = False if pkg.built and not removal_action: if self.myopts.get("--with-bdeps", "n") == "y": # Pull in build time deps as requested, but marked them as # "satisfied" since they are not strictly required. This allows # more freedom in the merge order calculation for solving # circular dependencies. Don't convert to PDEPEND since that # could make --with-bdeps=y less effective if it is used to # adjust merge order to prevent built_with_use() calls from # failing. bdeps_satisfied = True else: # built packages do not have build time dependencies. edepend["DEPEND"] = "" if removal_action and self.myopts.get("--with-bdeps", "y") == "n": edepend["DEPEND"] = "" deps = ( ("/", edepend["DEPEND"], self._priority(buildtime=True, satisfied=bdeps_satisfied)), (myroot, edepend["RDEPEND"], self._priority(runtime=True)), (myroot, edepend["PDEPEND"], self._priority(runtime_post=True)) ) debug = "--debug" in self.myopts strict = mytype != "installed" try: for dep_root, dep_string, dep_priority in deps: if pkg.onlydeps: # Decrease priority so that --buildpkgonly # hasallzeros() works correctly. dep_priority = DepPriority() if not dep_string: continue if debug: print print "Parent: ", jbigkey print "Depstring:", dep_string print "Priority:", dep_priority vardb = self.roots[dep_root].trees["vartree"].dbapi try: selected_atoms = self._select_atoms(dep_root, dep_string, myuse=myuse, parent=pkg, strict=strict) except portage.exception.InvalidDependString, e: show_invalid_depstring_notice(jbigkey, dep_string, str(e)) return 0 if debug: print "Candidates:", selected_atoms for atom in selected_atoms: try: atom = portage.dep.Atom(atom) mypriority = dep_priority.copy() if not atom.blocker and vardb.match(atom): mypriority.satisfied = True if not self._add_dep(Dependency(atom=atom, blocker=atom.blocker, depth=depth, parent=pkg, priority=mypriority, root=dep_root), allow_unsatisfied=allow_unsatisfied): return 0 except portage.exception.InvalidAtom, e: show_invalid_depstring_notice( pkg, dep_string, str(e)) del e if not pkg.installed: return 0 if debug: print "Exiting...", jbigkey except portage.exception.AmbiguousPackageName, e: pkgs = e.args[0] portage.writemsg("\n\n!!! An atom in the dependencies " + \ "is not fully-qualified. Multiple matches:\n\n", noiselevel=-1) for cpv in pkgs: portage.writemsg(" %s\n" % cpv, noiselevel=-1) portage.writemsg("\n", noiselevel=-1) if mytype == "binary": portage.writemsg( "!!! This binary package cannot be installed: '%s'\n" % \ mykey, noiselevel=-1) elif mytype == "ebuild": portdb = self.roots[myroot].trees["porttree"].dbapi myebuild, mylocation = portdb.findname2(mykey) portage.writemsg("!!! This ebuild cannot be installed: " + \ "'%s'\n" % myebuild, noiselevel=-1) portage.writemsg("!!! Please notify the package maintainer " + \ "that atoms must be fully-qualified.\n", noiselevel=-1) return 0 return 1 def _priority(self, **kwargs): if "remove" in self.myparams: priority_constructor = UnmergeDepPriority else: priority_constructor = DepPriority return priority_constructor(**kwargs) def _dep_expand(self, root_config, atom_without_category): """ @param root_config: a root config instance @type root_config: RootConfig @param atom_without_category: an atom without a category component @type atom_without_category: String @rtype: list @returns: a list of atoms containing categories (possibly empty) """ null_cp = portage.dep_getkey(insert_category_into_atom( atom_without_category, "null")) cat, atom_pn = portage.catsplit(null_cp) cp_set = set() for db, pkg_type, built, installed, db_keys in \ self._filtered_trees[root_config.root]["dbs"]: cp_set.update(db.cp_all()) for cp in list(cp_set): cat, pn = portage.catsplit(cp) if pn != atom_pn: cp_set.discard(cp) deps = [] for cp in cp_set: cat, pn = portage.catsplit(cp) deps.append(insert_category_into_atom( atom_without_category, cat)) return deps def _have_new_virt(self, root, atom_cp): ret = False for db, pkg_type, built, installed, db_keys in \ self._filtered_trees[root]["dbs"]: if db.cp_list(atom_cp): ret = True break return ret def _iter_atoms_for_pkg(self, pkg): # TODO: add multiple $ROOT support if pkg.root != self.target_root: return atom_arg_map = self._atom_arg_map root_config = self.roots[pkg.root] for atom in self._set_atoms.iterAtomsForPackage(pkg): atom_cp = portage.dep_getkey(atom) if atom_cp != pkg.cp and \ self._have_new_virt(pkg.root, atom_cp): continue visible_pkgs = root_config.visible_pkgs.match_pkgs(atom) visible_pkgs.reverse() # descending order higher_slot = None for visible_pkg in visible_pkgs: if visible_pkg.cp != atom_cp: continue if pkg >= visible_pkg: # This is descending order, and we're not # interested in any versions <= pkg given. break if pkg.slot_atom != visible_pkg.slot_atom: higher_slot = visible_pkg break if higher_slot is not None: continue for arg in atom_arg_map[(atom, pkg.root)]: if isinstance(arg, PackageArg) and \ arg.package != pkg: continue yield arg, atom def select_files(self, myfiles): """Given a list of .tbz2s, .ebuilds sets, and deps, create the appropriate depgraph and return a favorite list.""" debug = "--debug" in self.myopts root_config = self.roots[self.target_root] sets = root_config.sets getSetAtoms = root_config.setconfig.getSetAtoms myfavorites=[] myroot = self.target_root dbs = self._filtered_trees[myroot]["dbs"] vardb = self.trees[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi real_vardb = self._trees_orig[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi portdb = self.trees[myroot]["porttree"].dbapi bindb = self.trees[myroot]["bintree"].dbapi pkgsettings = self.pkgsettings[myroot] args = [] onlydeps = "--onlydeps" in self.myopts lookup_owners = [] for x in myfiles: ext = os.path.splitext(x)[1] if ext==".tbz2": if not os.path.exists(x): if os.path.exists( os.path.join(pkgsettings["PKGDIR"], "All", x)): x = os.path.join(pkgsettings["PKGDIR"], "All", x) elif os.path.exists( os.path.join(pkgsettings["PKGDIR"], x)): x = os.path.join(pkgsettings["PKGDIR"], x) else: print "\n\n!!! Binary package '"+str(x)+"' does not exist." print "!!! Please ensure the tbz2 exists as specified.\n" return 0, myfavorites mytbz2=portage.xpak.tbz2(x) mykey=mytbz2.getelements("CATEGORY")[0]+"/"+os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(x))[0] if os.path.realpath(x) != \ os.path.realpath(self.trees[myroot]["bintree"].getname(mykey)): print colorize("BAD", "\n*** You need to adjust PKGDIR to emerge this package.\n") return 0, myfavorites db_keys = list(bindb._aux_cache_keys) metadata = izip(db_keys, bindb.aux_get(mykey, db_keys)) pkg = Package(type_name="binary", root_config=root_config, cpv=mykey, built=True, metadata=metadata, onlydeps=onlydeps) self._pkg_cache[pkg] = pkg args.append(PackageArg(arg=x, package=pkg, root_config=root_config)) elif ext==".ebuild": ebuild_path = portage.util.normalize_path(os.path.abspath(x)) pkgdir = os.path.dirname(ebuild_path) tree_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(pkgdir)) cp = pkgdir[len(tree_root)+1:] e = portage.exception.PackageNotFound( ("%s is not in a valid portage tree " + \ "hierarchy or does not exist") % x) if not portage.isvalidatom(cp): raise e cat = portage.catsplit(cp)[0] mykey = cat + "/" + os.path.basename(ebuild_path[:-7]) if not portage.isvalidatom("="+mykey): raise e ebuild_path = portdb.findname(mykey) if ebuild_path: if ebuild_path != os.path.join(os.path.realpath(tree_root), cp, os.path.basename(ebuild_path)): print colorize("BAD", "\n*** You need to adjust PORTDIR or PORTDIR_OVERLAY to emerge this package.\n") return 0, myfavorites if mykey not in portdb.xmatch( "match-visible", portage.dep_getkey(mykey)): print colorize("BAD", "\n*** You are emerging a masked package. It is MUCH better to use") print colorize("BAD", "*** /etc/portage/package.* to accomplish this. See portage(5) man") print colorize("BAD", "*** page for details.") countdown(int(self.settings["EMERGE_WARNING_DELAY"]), "Continuing...") else: raise portage.exception.PackageNotFound( "%s is not in a valid portage tree hierarchy or does not exist" % x) db_keys = list(portdb._aux_cache_keys) metadata = izip(db_keys, portdb.aux_get(mykey, db_keys)) pkg = Package(type_name="ebuild", root_config=root_config, cpv=mykey, metadata=metadata, onlydeps=onlydeps) pkgsettings.setcpv(pkg) pkg.metadata["USE"] = pkgsettings["PORTAGE_USE"] self._pkg_cache[pkg] = pkg args.append(PackageArg(arg=x, package=pkg, root_config=root_config)) elif x.startswith(os.path.sep): if not x.startswith(myroot): portage.writemsg(("\n\n!!! '%s' does not start with" + \ " $ROOT.\n") % x, noiselevel=-1) return 0, [] # Queue these up since it's most efficient to handle # multiple files in a single iter_owners() call. lookup_owners.append(x) else: if x in ("system", "world"): x = SETPREFIX + x if x.startswith(SETPREFIX): s = x[len(SETPREFIX):] if s not in sets: raise portage.exception.PackageSetNotFound(s) if s in self._sets: continue # Recursively expand sets so that containment tests in # self._get_parent_sets() properly match atoms in nested # sets (like if world contains system). expanded_set = InternalPackageSet( initial_atoms=getSetAtoms(s)) self._sets[s] = expanded_set args.append(SetArg(arg=x, set=expanded_set, root_config=root_config)) myfavorites.append(x) continue if not is_valid_package_atom(x): portage.writemsg("\n\n!!! '%s' is not a valid package atom.\n" % x, noiselevel=-1) portage.writemsg("!!! Please check ebuild(5) for full details.\n") portage.writemsg("!!! (Did you specify a version but forget to prefix with '='?)\n") return (0,[]) # Don't expand categories or old-style virtuals here unless # necessary. Expansion of old-style virtuals here causes at # least the following problems: # 1) It's more difficult to determine which set(s) an atom # came from, if any. # 2) It takes away freedom from the resolver to choose other # possible expansions when necessary. if "/" in x: args.append(AtomArg(arg=x, atom=x, root_config=root_config)) continue expanded_atoms = self._dep_expand(root_config, x) installed_cp_set = set() for atom in expanded_atoms: atom_cp = portage.dep_getkey(atom) if vardb.cp_list(atom_cp): installed_cp_set.add(atom_cp) if len(expanded_atoms) > 1 and len(installed_cp_set) == 1: installed_cp = iter(installed_cp_set).next() expanded_atoms = [atom for atom in expanded_atoms \ if portage.dep_getkey(atom) == installed_cp] if len(expanded_atoms) > 1: print print ambiguous_package_name(x, expanded_atoms, root_config, self.spinner, self.myopts) return False, myfavorites if expanded_atoms: atom = expanded_atoms[0] else: null_atom = insert_category_into_atom(x, "null") null_cp = portage.dep_getkey(null_atom) cat, atom_pn = portage.catsplit(null_cp) virts_p = root_config.settings.get_virts_p().get(atom_pn) if virts_p: # Allow the depgraph to choose which virtual. atom = insert_category_into_atom(x, "virtual") else: atom = insert_category_into_atom(x, "null") args.append(AtomArg(arg=x, atom=atom, root_config=root_config)) if lookup_owners: relative_paths = [] search_for_multiple = False if len(lookup_owners) > 1: search_for_multiple = True for x in lookup_owners: if not search_for_multiple and os.path.isdir(x): search_for_multiple = True relative_paths.append(x[len(myroot):]) owners = set() for pkg, relative_path in \ real_vardb._owners.iter_owners(relative_paths): owners.add(pkg.mycpv) if not search_for_multiple: break if not owners: portage.writemsg(("\n\n!!! '%s' is not claimed " + \ "by any package.\n") % lookup_owners[0], noiselevel=-1) return 0, [] for cpv in owners: slot = vardb.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])[0] if not slot: # portage now masks packages with missing slot, but it's # possible that one was installed by an older version atom = portage.cpv_getkey(cpv) else: atom = "%s:%s" % (portage.cpv_getkey(cpv), slot) args.append(AtomArg(arg=atom, atom=atom, root_config=root_config)) if "--update" in self.myopts: # Enable greedy SLOT atoms for atoms given as arguments. # This is currently disabled for sets since greedy SLOT # atoms could be a property of the set itself. greedy_atoms = [] for arg in args: # In addition to any installed slots, also try to pull # in the latest new slot that may be available. greedy_atoms.append(arg) if not isinstance(arg, (AtomArg, PackageArg)): continue atom_cp = portage.dep_getkey(arg.atom) slots = set() for cpv in vardb.match(arg.atom): slots.add(vardb.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])[0]) for slot in slots: greedy_atoms.append( AtomArg(arg=arg.arg, atom="%s:%s" % (atom_cp, slot), root_config=root_config)) args = greedy_atoms del greedy_atoms # Create the "args" package set from atoms and # packages given as arguments. args_set = self._sets["args"] for arg in args: if not isinstance(arg, (AtomArg, PackageArg)): continue myatom = arg.atom if myatom in args_set: continue args_set.add(myatom) myfavorites.append(myatom) self._set_atoms.update(chain(*self._sets.itervalues())) atom_arg_map = self._atom_arg_map for arg in args: for atom in arg.set: atom_key = (atom, myroot) refs = atom_arg_map.get(atom_key) if refs is None: refs = [] atom_arg_map[atom_key] = refs if arg not in refs: refs.append(arg) pprovideddict = pkgsettings.pprovideddict if debug: portage.writemsg("\n", noiselevel=-1) # Order needs to be preserved since a feature of --nodeps # is to allow the user to force a specific merge order. args.reverse() while args: arg = args.pop() for atom in arg.set: self.spinner.update() dep = Dependency(atom=atom, onlydeps=onlydeps, root=myroot, parent=arg) atom_cp = portage.dep_getkey(atom) try: pprovided = pprovideddict.get(portage.dep_getkey(atom)) if pprovided and portage.match_from_list(atom, pprovided): # A provided package has been specified on the command line. self._pprovided_args.append((arg, atom)) continue if isinstance(arg, PackageArg): if not self._add_pkg(arg.package, dep) or \ not self._create_graph(): sys.stderr.write(("\n\n!!! Problem resolving " + \ "dependencies for %s\n") % arg.arg) return 0, myfavorites continue if debug: portage.writemsg(" Arg: %s\n Atom: %s\n" % \ (arg, atom), noiselevel=-1) pkg, existing_node = self._select_package( myroot, atom, onlydeps=onlydeps) if not pkg: if not (isinstance(arg, SetArg) and \ arg.name in ("system", "world")): self._unsatisfied_deps_for_display.append( ((myroot, atom), {})) return 0, myfavorites self._missing_args.append((arg, atom)) continue if atom_cp != pkg.cp: # For old-style virtuals, we need to repeat the # package.provided check against the selected package. expanded_atom = atom.replace(atom_cp, pkg.cp) pprovided = pprovideddict.get(pkg.cp) if pprovided and \ portage.match_from_list(expanded_atom, pprovided): # A provided package has been # specified on the command line. self._pprovided_args.append((arg, atom)) continue if pkg.installed and "selective" not in self.myparams: self._unsatisfied_deps_for_display.append( ((myroot, atom), {})) # Previous behavior was to bail out in this case, but # since the dep is satisfied by the installed package, # it's more friendly to continue building the graph # and just show a warning message. Therefore, only bail # out here if the atom is not from either the system or # world set. if not (isinstance(arg, SetArg) and \ arg.name in ("system", "world")): return 0, myfavorites # Add the selected package to the graph as soon as possible # so that later dep_check() calls can use it as feedback # for making more consistent atom selections. if not self._add_pkg(pkg, dep): if isinstance(arg, SetArg): sys.stderr.write(("\n\n!!! Problem resolving " + \ "dependencies for %s from %s\n") % \ (atom, arg.arg)) else: sys.stderr.write(("\n\n!!! Problem resolving " + \ "dependencies for %s\n") % atom) return 0, myfavorites except portage.exception.MissingSignature, e: portage.writemsg("\n\n!!! A missing gpg signature is preventing portage from calculating the\n") portage.writemsg("!!! required dependencies. This is a security feature enabled by the admin\n") portage.writemsg("!!! to aid in the detection of malicious intent.\n\n") portage.writemsg("!!! THIS IS A POSSIBLE INDICATION OF TAMPERED FILES -- CHECK CAREFULLY.\n") portage.writemsg("!!! Affected file: %s\n" % (e), noiselevel=-1) return 0, myfavorites except portage.exception.InvalidSignature, e: portage.writemsg("\n\n!!! An invalid gpg signature is preventing portage from calculating the\n") portage.writemsg("!!! required dependencies. This is a security feature enabled by the admin\n") portage.writemsg("!!! to aid in the detection of malicious intent.\n\n") portage.writemsg("!!! THIS IS A POSSIBLE INDICATION OF TAMPERED FILES -- CHECK CAREFULLY.\n") portage.writemsg("!!! Affected file: %s\n" % (e), noiselevel=-1) return 0, myfavorites except SystemExit, e: raise # Needed else can't exit except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, "\n\n!!! Problem in '%s' dependencies." % atom print >> sys.stderr, "!!!", str(e), getattr(e, "__module__", None) raise # Now that the root packages have been added to the graph, # process the dependencies. if not self._create_graph(): return 0, myfavorites missing=0 if "--usepkgonly" in self.myopts: for xs in self.digraph.all_nodes(): if not isinstance(xs, Package): continue if len(xs) >= 4 and xs[0] != "binary" and xs[3] == "merge": if missing == 0: print missing += 1 print "Missing binary for:",xs[2] try: self.altlist() except self._unknown_internal_error: return False, myfavorites # We're true here unless we are missing binaries. return (not missing,myfavorites) def _select_atoms_from_graph(self, *pargs, **kwargs): """ Prefer atoms matching packages that have already been added to the graph or those that are installed and have not been scheduled for replacement. """ kwargs["trees"] = self._graph_trees return self._select_atoms_highest_available(*pargs, **kwargs) def _select_atoms_highest_available(self, root, depstring, myuse=None, parent=None, strict=True, trees=None): """This will raise InvalidDependString if necessary. If trees is None then self._filtered_trees is used.""" pkgsettings = self.pkgsettings[root] if trees is None: trees = self._filtered_trees if True: try: if parent is not None: trees[root]["parent"] = parent if not strict: portage.dep._dep_check_strict = False mycheck = portage.dep_check(depstring, None, pkgsettings, myuse=myuse, myroot=root, trees=trees) finally: if parent is not None: trees[root].pop("parent") portage.dep._dep_check_strict = True if not mycheck[0]: raise portage.exception.InvalidDependString(mycheck[1]) selected_atoms = mycheck[1] return selected_atoms def _show_unsatisfied_dep(self, root, atom, myparent=None, arg=None): atom = portage.dep.Atom(atom) atom_set = InternalPackageSet(initial_atoms=(atom,)) atom_without_use = atom if atom.use: atom_without_use = portage.dep.remove_slot(atom) if atom.slot: atom_without_use += ":" + atom.slot atom_without_use = portage.dep.Atom(atom_without_use) xinfo = '"%s"' % atom if arg: xinfo='"%s"' % arg # Discard null/ from failed cpv_expand category expansion. xinfo = xinfo.replace("null/", "") masked_packages = [] missing_use = [] missing_licenses = [] have_eapi_mask = False pkgsettings = self.pkgsettings[root] implicit_iuse = pkgsettings._get_implicit_iuse() root_config = self.roots[root] portdb = self.roots[root].trees["porttree"].dbapi dbs = self._filtered_trees[root]["dbs"] for db, pkg_type, built, installed, db_keys in dbs: if installed: continue match = db.match if hasattr(db, "xmatch"): cpv_list = db.xmatch("match-all", atom_without_use) else: cpv_list = db.match(atom_without_use) # descending order cpv_list.reverse() for cpv in cpv_list: metadata, mreasons = get_mask_info(root_config, cpv, pkgsettings, db, pkg_type, built, installed, db_keys) if metadata is not None: pkg = Package(built=built, cpv=cpv, installed=installed, metadata=metadata, root_config=root_config) if pkg.cp != atom.cp: # A cpv can be returned from dbapi.match() as an # old-style virtual match even in cases when the # package does not actually PROVIDE the virtual. # Filter out any such false matches here. if not atom_set.findAtomForPackage(pkg): continue if atom.use and not mreasons: missing_use.append(pkg) continue masked_packages.append( (root_config, pkgsettings, cpv, metadata, mreasons)) missing_use_reasons = [] missing_iuse_reasons = [] for pkg in missing_use: use = pkg.use.enabled iuse = implicit_iuse.union(re.escape(x) for x in pkg.iuse.all) iuse_re = re.compile("^(%s)$" % "|".join(iuse)) missing_iuse = [] for x in atom.use.required: if iuse_re.match(x) is None: missing_iuse.append(x) mreasons = [] if missing_iuse: mreasons.append("Missing IUSE: %s" % " ".join(missing_iuse)) missing_iuse_reasons.append((pkg, mreasons)) else: need_enable = sorted(atom.use.enabled.difference(use)) need_disable = sorted(atom.use.disabled.intersection(use)) if need_enable or need_disable: changes = [] changes.extend(colorize("red", "+" + x) \ for x in need_enable) changes.extend(colorize("blue", "-" + x) \ for x in need_disable) mreasons.append("Change USE: %s" % " ".join(changes)) missing_use_reasons.append((pkg, mreasons)) if missing_iuse_reasons and not missing_use_reasons: missing_use_reasons = missing_iuse_reasons elif missing_use_reasons: # Only show the latest version. del missing_use_reasons[1:] if missing_use_reasons: print "\nemerge: there are no ebuilds built with USE flags to satisfy "+green(xinfo)+"." print "!!! One of the following packages is required to complete your request:" for pkg, mreasons in missing_use_reasons: print "- "+pkg.cpv+" ("+", ".join(mreasons)+")" elif masked_packages: print "\n!!! " + \ colorize("BAD", "All ebuilds that could satisfy ") + \ colorize("INFORM", xinfo) + \ colorize("BAD", " have been masked.") print "!!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your request:" have_eapi_mask = show_masked_packages(masked_packages) if have_eapi_mask: print msg = ("The current version of portage supports " + \ "EAPI '%s'. You must upgrade to a newer version" + \ " of portage before EAPI masked packages can" + \ " be installed.") % portage.const.EAPI from textwrap import wrap for line in wrap(msg, 75): print line print show_mask_docs() else: print "\nemerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "+green(xinfo)+"." # Show parent nodes and the argument that pulled them in. traversed_nodes = set() node = myparent msg = [] while node is not None: traversed_nodes.add(node) msg.append('(dependency required by "%s" [%s])' % \ (colorize('INFORM', str(node.cpv)), node.type_name)) # When traversing to parents, prefer arguments over packages # since arguments are root nodes. Never traverse the same # package twice, in order to prevent an infinite loop. selected_parent = None for parent in self.digraph.parent_nodes(node): if isinstance(parent, DependencyArg): msg.append('(dependency required by "%s" [argument])' % \ (colorize('INFORM', str(parent)))) selected_parent = None break if parent not in traversed_nodes: selected_parent = parent node = selected_parent for line in msg: print line print def _select_pkg_highest_available(self, root, atom, onlydeps=False): cache_key = (root, atom, onlydeps) ret = self._highest_pkg_cache.get(cache_key) if ret is not None: pkg, existing = ret if pkg and not existing: existing = self._slot_pkg_map[root].get(pkg.slot_atom) if existing and existing == pkg: # Update the cache to reflect that the # package has been added to the graph. ret = pkg, pkg self._highest_pkg_cache[cache_key] = ret return ret ret = self._select_pkg_highest_available_imp(root, atom, onlydeps=onlydeps) self._highest_pkg_cache[cache_key] = ret pkg, existing = ret if pkg is not None: settings = pkg.root_config.settings if visible(settings, pkg) and not (pkg.installed and \ settings._getMissingKeywords(pkg.cpv, pkg.metadata)): pkg.root_config.visible_pkgs.cpv_inject(pkg) return ret def _select_pkg_highest_available_imp(self, root, atom, onlydeps=False): root_config = self.roots[root] pkgsettings = self.pkgsettings[root] dbs = self._filtered_trees[root]["dbs"] vardb = self.roots[root].trees["vartree"].dbapi portdb = self.roots[root].trees["porttree"].dbapi # List of acceptable packages, ordered by type preference. matched_packages = [] highest_version = None if not isinstance(atom, portage.dep.Atom): atom = portage.dep.Atom(atom) atom_cp = atom.cp atom_set = InternalPackageSet(initial_atoms=(atom,)) existing_node = None myeb = None usepkgonly = "--usepkgonly" in self.myopts empty = "empty" in self.myparams selective = "selective" in self.myparams reinstall = False noreplace = "--noreplace" in self.myopts # Behavior of the "selective" parameter depends on # whether or not a package matches an argument atom. # If an installed package provides an old-style # virtual that is no longer provided by an available # package, the installed package may match an argument # atom even though none of the available packages do. # Therefore, "selective" logic does not consider # whether or not an installed package matches an # argument atom. It only considers whether or not # available packages match argument atoms, which is # represented by the found_available_arg flag. found_available_arg = False for find_existing_node in True, False: if existing_node: break for db, pkg_type, built, installed, db_keys in dbs: if existing_node: break if installed and not find_existing_node: want_reinstall = reinstall or empty or \ (found_available_arg and not selective) if want_reinstall and matched_packages: continue if hasattr(db, "xmatch"): cpv_list = db.xmatch("match-all", atom) else: cpv_list = db.match(atom) # USE=multislot can make an installed package appear as if # it doesn't satisfy a slot dependency. Rebuilding the ebuild # won't do any good as long as USE=multislot is enabled since # the newly built package still won't have the expected slot. # Therefore, assume that such SLOT dependencies are already # satisfied rather than forcing a rebuild. if installed and not cpv_list and atom.slot: for cpv in db.match(atom.cp): slot_available = False for other_db, other_type, other_built, \ other_installed, other_keys in dbs: try: if atom.slot == \ other_db.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])[0]: slot_available = True break except KeyError: pass if not slot_available: continue inst_pkg = self._pkg(cpv, "installed", root_config, installed=installed) # Remove the slot from the atom and verify that # the package matches the resulting atom. atom_without_slot = portage.dep.remove_slot(atom) if atom.use: atom_without_slot += str(atom.use) atom_without_slot = portage.dep.Atom(atom_without_slot) if portage.match_from_list( atom_without_slot, [inst_pkg]): cpv_list = [inst_pkg.cpv] break if not cpv_list: continue pkg_status = "merge" if installed or onlydeps: pkg_status = "nomerge" # descending order cpv_list.reverse() for cpv in cpv_list: # Make --noreplace take precedence over --newuse. if not installed and noreplace and \ cpv in vardb.match(atom): # If the installed version is masked, it may # be necessary to look at lower versions, # in case there is a visible downgrade. continue reinstall_for_flags = None cache_key = (pkg_type, root, cpv, pkg_status) calculated_use = True pkg = self._pkg_cache.get(cache_key) if pkg is None: calculated_use = False try: metadata = izip(db_keys, db.aux_get(cpv, db_keys)) except KeyError: continue pkg = Package(built=built, cpv=cpv, installed=installed, metadata=metadata, onlydeps=onlydeps, root_config=root_config, type_name=pkg_type) metadata = pkg.metadata if not built and ("?" in metadata["LICENSE"] or \ "?" in metadata["PROVIDE"]): # This is avoided whenever possible because # it's expensive. It only needs to be done here # if it has an effect on visibility. pkgsettings.setcpv(pkg) metadata["USE"] = pkgsettings["PORTAGE_USE"] calculated_use = True self._pkg_cache[pkg] = pkg if not installed or (built and matched_packages): # Only enforce visibility on installed packages # if there is at least one other visible package # available. By filtering installed masked packages # here, packages that have been masked since they # were installed can be automatically downgraded # to an unmasked version. try: if not visible(pkgsettings, pkg): continue except portage.exception.InvalidDependString: if not installed: continue # Enable upgrade or downgrade to a version # with visible KEYWORDS when the installed # version is masked by KEYWORDS, but never # reinstall the same exact version only due # to a KEYWORDS mask. if built and matched_packages: different_version = None for avail_pkg in matched_packages: if not portage.dep.cpvequal( pkg.cpv, avail_pkg.cpv): different_version = avail_pkg break if different_version is not None: if installed and \ pkgsettings._getMissingKeywords( pkg.cpv, pkg.metadata): continue # If the ebuild no longer exists or it's # keywords have been dropped, reject built # instances (installed or binary). # If --usepkgonly is enabled, assume that # the ebuild status should be ignored. if not usepkgonly: try: pkg_eb = self._pkg( pkg.cpv, "ebuild", root_config) except portage.exception.PackageNotFound: continue else: if not visible(pkgsettings, pkg_eb): continue if not pkg.built and not calculated_use: # This is avoided whenever possible because # it's expensive. pkgsettings.setcpv(pkg) pkg.metadata["USE"] = pkgsettings["PORTAGE_USE"] if pkg.cp != atom.cp: # A cpv can be returned from dbapi.match() as an # old-style virtual match even in cases when the # package does not actually PROVIDE the virtual. # Filter out any such false matches here. if not atom_set.findAtomForPackage(pkg): continue myarg = None if root == self.target_root: try: # Ebuild USE must have been calculated prior # to this point, in case atoms have USE deps. myarg = self._iter_atoms_for_pkg(pkg).next() except StopIteration: pass except portage.exception.InvalidDependString: if not installed: # masked by corruption continue if not installed and myarg: found_available_arg = True if atom.use and not pkg.built: use = pkg.use.enabled if atom.use.enabled.difference(use): continue if atom.use.disabled.intersection(use): continue if pkg.cp == atom_cp: if highest_version is None: highest_version = pkg elif pkg > highest_version: highest_version = pkg # At this point, we've found the highest visible # match from the current repo. Any lower versions # from this repo are ignored, so this so the loop # will always end with a break statement below # this point. if find_existing_node: e_pkg = self._slot_pkg_map[root].get(pkg.slot_atom) if not e_pkg: break if portage.dep.match_from_list(atom, [e_pkg]): if highest_version and \ e_pkg.cp == atom_cp and \ e_pkg < highest_version and \ e_pkg.slot_atom != highest_version.slot_atom: # There is a higher version available in a # different slot, so this existing node is # irrelevant. pass else: matched_packages.append(e_pkg) existing_node = e_pkg break # Compare built package to current config and # reject the built package if necessary. if built and not installed and \ ("--newuse" in self.myopts or \ "--reinstall" in self.myopts): iuses = pkg.iuse.all old_use = pkg.use.enabled if myeb: pkgsettings.setcpv(myeb) else: pkgsettings.setcpv(pkg) now_use = pkgsettings["PORTAGE_USE"].split() forced_flags = set() forced_flags.update(pkgsettings.useforce) forced_flags.update(pkgsettings.usemask) cur_iuse = iuses if myeb and not usepkgonly: cur_iuse = myeb.iuse.all if self._reinstall_for_flags(forced_flags, old_use, iuses, now_use, cur_iuse): break # Compare current config to installed package # and do not reinstall if possible. if not installed and \ ("--newuse" in self.myopts or \ "--reinstall" in self.myopts) and \ cpv in vardb.match(atom): pkgsettings.setcpv(pkg) forced_flags = set() forced_flags.update(pkgsettings.useforce) forced_flags.update(pkgsettings.usemask) old_use = vardb.aux_get(cpv, ["USE"])[0].split() old_iuse = set(filter_iuse_defaults( vardb.aux_get(cpv, ["IUSE"])[0].split())) cur_use = pkgsettings["PORTAGE_USE"].split() cur_iuse = pkg.iuse.all reinstall_for_flags = \ self._reinstall_for_flags( forced_flags, old_use, old_iuse, cur_use, cur_iuse) if reinstall_for_flags: reinstall = True if not built: myeb = pkg matched_packages.append(pkg) if reinstall_for_flags: self._reinstall_nodes[pkg] = \ reinstall_for_flags break if not matched_packages: return None, None if "--debug" in self.myopts: for pkg in matched_packages: portage.writemsg("%s %s\n" % \ ((pkg.type_name + ":").rjust(10), pkg.cpv), noiselevel=-1) # Filter out any old-style virtual matches if they are # mixed with new-style virtual matches. cp = portage.dep_getkey(atom) if len(matched_packages) > 1 and \ "virtual" == portage.catsplit(cp)[0]: for pkg in matched_packages: if pkg.cp != cp: continue # Got a new-style virtual, so filter # out any old-style virtuals. matched_packages = [pkg for pkg in matched_packages \ if pkg.cp == cp] break if len(matched_packages) > 1: bestmatch = portage.best( [pkg.cpv for pkg in matched_packages]) matched_packages = [pkg for pkg in matched_packages \ if portage.dep.cpvequal(pkg.cpv, bestmatch)] # ordered by type preference ("ebuild" type is the last resort) return matched_packages[-1], existing_node def _select_pkg_from_graph(self, root, atom, onlydeps=False): """ Select packages that have already been added to the graph or those that are installed and have not been scheduled for replacement. """ graph_db = self._graph_trees[root]["porttree"].dbapi matches = graph_db.match(atom) if not matches: return None, None cpv = matches[-1] # highest match slot_atom = "%s:%s" % (portage.cpv_getkey(cpv), graph_db.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])[0]) e_pkg = self._slot_pkg_map[root].get(slot_atom) if e_pkg: return e_pkg, e_pkg # Since this cpv exists in the graph_db, # we must have a cached Package instance. cache_key = ("installed", root, cpv, "nomerge") return (self._pkg_cache[cache_key], None) def _complete_graph(self): """ Add any deep dependencies of required sets (args, system, world) that have not been pulled into the graph yet. This ensures that the graph is consistent such that initially satisfied deep dependencies are not broken in the new graph. Initially unsatisfied dependencies are irrelevant since we only want to avoid breaking dependencies that are intially satisfied. Since this method can consume enough time to disturb users, it is currently only enabled by the --complete-graph option. """ if "--buildpkgonly" in self.myopts or \ "recurse" not in self.myparams: return 1 if "complete" not in self.myparams: # Skip this to avoid consuming enough time to disturb users. return 1 # Put the depgraph into a mode that causes it to only # select packages that have already been added to the # graph or those that are installed and have not been # scheduled for replacement. Also, toggle the "deep" # parameter so that all dependencies are traversed and # accounted for. self._select_atoms = self._select_atoms_from_graph self._select_package = self._select_pkg_from_graph already_deep = "deep" in self.myparams if not already_deep: self.myparams.add("deep") for root in self.roots: required_set_names = self._required_set_names.copy() if root == self.target_root and \ (already_deep or "empty" in self.myparams): required_set_names.difference_update(self._sets) if not required_set_names and not self._ignored_deps: continue root_config = self.roots[root] setconfig = root_config.setconfig args = [] # Reuse existing SetArg instances when available. for arg in self.digraph.root_nodes(): if not isinstance(arg, SetArg): continue if arg.root_config != root_config: continue if arg.name in required_set_names: args.append(arg) required_set_names.remove(arg.name) # Create new SetArg instances only when necessary. for s in required_set_names: expanded_set = InternalPackageSet( initial_atoms=setconfig.getSetAtoms(s)) atom = SETPREFIX + s args.append(SetArg(arg=atom, set=expanded_set, root_config=root_config)) vardb = root_config.trees["vartree"].dbapi for arg in args: for atom in arg.set: self._dep_stack.append( Dependency(atom=atom, root=root, parent=arg)) if self._ignored_deps: self._dep_stack.extend(self._ignored_deps) self._ignored_deps = [] if not self._create_graph(allow_unsatisfied=True): return 0 # Check the unsatisfied deps to see if any initially satisfied deps # will become unsatisfied due to an upgrade. Initially unsatisfied # deps are irrelevant since we only want to avoid breaking deps # that are initially satisfied. while self._unsatisfied_deps: dep = self._unsatisfied_deps.pop() matches = vardb.match_pkgs(dep.atom) if not matches: self._initially_unsatisfied_deps.append(dep) continue # An scheduled installation broke a deep dependency. # Add the installed package to the graph so that it # will be appropriately reported as a slot collision # (possibly solvable via backtracking). pkg = matches[-1] # highest match if not self._add_pkg(pkg, dep): return 0 if not self._create_graph(allow_unsatisfied=True): return 0 return 1 def _pkg(self, cpv, type_name, root_config, installed=False): """ Get a package instance from the cache, or create a new one if necessary. Raises KeyError from aux_get if it failures for some reason (package does not exist or is corrupt). """ operation = "merge" if installed: operation = "nomerge" pkg = self._pkg_cache.get( (type_name, root_config.root, cpv, operation)) if pkg is None: tree_type = self.pkg_tree_map[type_name] db = root_config.trees[tree_type].dbapi db_keys = list(self._trees_orig[root_config.root][ tree_type].dbapi._aux_cache_keys) try: metadata = izip(db_keys, db.aux_get(cpv, db_keys)) except KeyError: raise portage.exception.PackageNotFound(cpv) pkg = Package(cpv=cpv, metadata=metadata, root_config=root_config, installed=installed) if type_name == "ebuild": settings = self.pkgsettings[root_config.root] settings.setcpv(pkg) pkg.metadata["USE"] = settings["PORTAGE_USE"] self._pkg_cache[pkg] = pkg return pkg def validate_blockers(self): """Remove any blockers from the digraph that do not match any of the packages within the graph. If necessary, create hard deps to ensure correct merge order such that mutually blocking packages are never installed simultaneously.""" if "--buildpkgonly" in self.myopts or \ "--nodeps" in self.myopts: return True #if "deep" in self.myparams: if True: # Pull in blockers from all installed packages that haven't already # been pulled into the depgraph. This is not enabled by default # due to the performance penalty that is incurred by all the # additional dep_check calls that are required. dep_keys = ["DEPEND","RDEPEND","PDEPEND"] for myroot in self.trees: vardb = self.trees[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi portdb = self.trees[myroot]["porttree"].dbapi pkgsettings = self.pkgsettings[myroot] final_db = self.mydbapi[myroot] blocker_cache = BlockerCache(myroot, vardb) stale_cache = set(blocker_cache) for pkg in vardb: cpv = pkg.cpv stale_cache.discard(cpv) pkg_in_graph = self.digraph.contains(pkg) # Check for masked installed packages. Only warn about # packages that are in the graph in order to avoid warning # about those that will be automatically uninstalled during # the merge process or by --depclean. if pkg in final_db: if pkg_in_graph and not visible(pkgsettings, pkg): self._masked_installed.add(pkg) blocker_atoms = None blockers = None if pkg_in_graph: blockers = [] try: blockers.extend( self._blocker_parents.child_nodes(pkg)) except KeyError: pass try: blockers.extend( self._irrelevant_blockers.child_nodes(pkg)) except KeyError: pass if blockers is not None: blockers = set(str(blocker.atom) \ for blocker in blockers) # If this node has any blockers, create a "nomerge" # node for it so that they can be enforced. self.spinner.update() blocker_data = blocker_cache.get(cpv) if blocker_data is not None and \ blocker_data.counter != long(pkg.metadata["COUNTER"]): blocker_data = None # If blocker data from the graph is available, use # it to validate the cache and update the cache if # it seems invalid. if blocker_data is not None and \ blockers is not None: if not blockers.symmetric_difference( blocker_data.atoms): continue blocker_data = None if blocker_data is None and \ blockers is not None: # Re-use the blockers from the graph. blocker_atoms = sorted(blockers) counter = long(pkg.metadata["COUNTER"]) blocker_data = \ blocker_cache.BlockerData(counter, blocker_atoms) blocker_cache[pkg.cpv] = blocker_data continue if blocker_data: blocker_atoms = blocker_data.atoms else: # Use aux_get() to trigger FakeVartree global # updates on *DEPEND when appropriate. depstr = " ".join(vardb.aux_get(pkg.cpv, dep_keys)) # It is crucial to pass in final_db here in order to # optimize dep_check calls by eliminating atoms via # dep_wordreduce and dep_eval calls. try: portage.dep._dep_check_strict = False try: success, atoms = portage.dep_check(depstr, final_db, pkgsettings, myuse=pkg.use.enabled, trees=self._graph_trees, myroot=myroot) except Exception, e: if isinstance(e, SystemExit): raise # This is helpful, for example, if a ValueError # is thrown from cpv_expand due to multiple # matches (this can happen if an atom lacks a # category). show_invalid_depstring_notice( pkg, depstr, str(e)) del e raise finally: portage.dep._dep_check_strict = True if not success: replacement_pkg = final_db.match_pkgs(pkg.slot_atom) if replacement_pkg and \ replacement_pkg[0].operation == "merge": # This package is being replaced anyway, so # ignore invalid dependencies so as not to # annoy the user too much (otherwise they'd be # forced to manually unmerge it first). continue show_invalid_depstring_notice(pkg, depstr, atoms) return False blocker_atoms = [myatom for myatom in atoms \ if myatom.startswith("!")] blocker_atoms.sort() counter = long(pkg.metadata["COUNTER"]) blocker_cache[cpv] = \ blocker_cache.BlockerData(counter, blocker_atoms) if blocker_atoms: try: for atom in blocker_atoms: blocker = Blocker(atom=portage.dep.Atom(atom), eapi=pkg.metadata["EAPI"], root=myroot) self._blocker_parents.add(blocker, pkg) except portage.exception.InvalidAtom, e: depstr = " ".join(vardb.aux_get(pkg.cpv, dep_keys)) show_invalid_depstring_notice( pkg, depstr, "Invalid Atom: %s" % (e,)) return False for cpv in stale_cache: del blocker_cache[cpv] blocker_cache.flush() del blocker_cache # Discard any "uninstall" tasks scheduled by previous calls # to this method, since those tasks may not make sense given # the current graph state. previous_uninstall_tasks = self._blocker_uninstalls.leaf_nodes() if previous_uninstall_tasks: self._blocker_uninstalls = digraph() self.digraph.difference_update(previous_uninstall_tasks) for blocker in self._blocker_parents.leaf_nodes(): self.spinner.update() root_config = self.roots[blocker.root] virtuals = root_config.settings.getvirtuals() myroot = blocker.root initial_db = self.trees[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi final_db = self.mydbapi[myroot] provider_virtual = False if blocker.cp in virtuals and \ not self._have_new_virt(blocker.root, blocker.cp): provider_virtual = True if provider_virtual: atoms = [] for provider_entry in virtuals[blocker.cp]: provider_cp = \ portage.dep_getkey(provider_entry) atoms.append(blocker.atom.replace( blocker.cp, provider_cp)) else: atoms = [blocker.atom] blocked_initial = [] for atom in atoms: blocked_initial.extend(initial_db.match_pkgs(atom)) blocked_final = [] for atom in atoms: blocked_final.extend(final_db.match_pkgs(atom)) if not blocked_initial and not blocked_final: parent_pkgs = self._blocker_parents.parent_nodes(blocker) self._blocker_parents.remove(blocker) # Discard any parents that don't have any more blockers. for pkg in parent_pkgs: self._irrelevant_blockers.add(blocker, pkg) if not self._blocker_parents.child_nodes(pkg): self._blocker_parents.remove(pkg) continue for parent in self._blocker_parents.parent_nodes(blocker): unresolved_blocks = set() depends_on_order = set() for pkg in blocked_initial: if pkg.slot_atom == parent.slot_atom: # TODO: Support blocks within slots in cases where it # might make sense. For example, a new version might # require that the old version be uninstalled at build # time. continue if parent.installed: # Two currently installed packages conflict with # eachother. Ignore this case since the damage # is already done and this would be likely to # confuse users if displayed like a normal blocker. continue if parent.operation == "merge": # Maybe the blocked package can be replaced or simply # unmerged to resolve this block. depends_on_order.add((pkg, parent)) continue # None of the above blocker resolutions techniques apply, # so apparently this one is unresolvable. unresolved_blocks.add(pkg) for pkg in blocked_final: if pkg.slot_atom == parent.slot_atom: # TODO: Support blocks within slots. continue if parent.operation == "nomerge" and \ pkg.operation == "nomerge": # This blocker will be handled the next time that a # merge of either package is triggered. continue # Maybe the blocking package can be # unmerged to resolve this block. if parent.operation == "merge" and pkg.installed: depends_on_order.add((pkg, parent)) continue elif parent.operation == "nomerge": depends_on_order.add((parent, pkg)) continue # None of the above blocker resolutions techniques apply, # so apparently this one is unresolvable. unresolved_blocks.add(pkg) if not unresolved_blocks and depends_on_order: for inst_pkg, inst_task in depends_on_order: uninst_task = Package(built=inst_pkg.built, cpv=inst_pkg.cpv, installed=inst_pkg.installed, metadata=inst_pkg.metadata, operation="uninstall", root_config=inst_pkg.root_config, type_name=inst_pkg.type_name) self._pkg_cache[uninst_task] = uninst_task # Enforce correct merge order with a hard dep. self.digraph.addnode(uninst_task, inst_task, priority=BlockerDepPriority.instance) # Count references to this blocker so that it can be # invalidated after nodes referencing it have been # merged. self._blocker_uninstalls.addnode(uninst_task, blocker) if not unresolved_blocks and not depends_on_order: self._irrelevant_blockers.add(blocker, parent) self._blocker_parents.remove_edge(blocker, parent) if not self._blocker_parents.parent_nodes(blocker): self._blocker_parents.remove(blocker) if not self._blocker_parents.child_nodes(parent): self._blocker_parents.remove(parent) if unresolved_blocks: self._unsolvable_blockers.add(blocker, parent) for pkg in unresolved_blocks: self._unsolvable_blockers.add(pkg, blocker) return True def _accept_blocker_conflicts(self): acceptable = False for x in ("--buildpkgonly", "--fetchonly", "--fetch-all-uri", "--nodeps", "--pretend"): if x in self.myopts: acceptable = True break return acceptable def _merge_order_bias(self, mygraph): """Order nodes from highest to lowest overall reference count for optimal leaf node selection.""" node_info = {} for node in mygraph.order: node_info[node] = len(mygraph.parent_nodes(node)) def cmp_merge_preference(node1, node2): return node_info[node2] - node_info[node1] mygraph.order.sort(cmp_merge_preference) def altlist(self, reversed=False): while self._serialized_tasks_cache is None: self._resolve_conflicts() try: self._serialized_tasks_cache, self._scheduler_graph = \ self._serialize_tasks() except self._serialize_tasks_retry: pass retlist = self._serialized_tasks_cache[:] if reversed: retlist.reverse() return retlist def schedulerGraph(self): """ The scheduler graph is identical to the normal one except that uninstall edges are reversed in specific cases that require conflicting packages to be temporarily installed simultaneously. This is intended for use by the Scheduler in it's parallelization logic. It ensures that temporary simultaneous installation of conflicting packages is avoided when appropriate (especially for !!atom blockers), but allowed in specific cases that require it. Note that this method calls break_refs() which alters the state of internal Package instances such that this depgraph instance should not be used to perform any more calculations. """ if self._scheduler_graph is None: self.altlist() self.break_refs(self._scheduler_graph.order) return self._scheduler_graph def break_refs(self, nodes): """ Take a mergelist like that returned from self.altlist() and break any references that lead back to the depgraph. This is useful if you want to hold references to packages without also holding the depgraph on the heap. """ for node in nodes: if hasattr(node, "root_config"): # The FakeVartree references the _package_cache which # references the depgraph. So that Package instances don't # hold the depgraph and FakeVartree on the heap, replace # the RootConfig that references the FakeVartree with the # original RootConfig instance which references the actual # vartree. node.root_config = \ self._trees_orig[node.root_config.root]["root_config"] def _resolve_conflicts(self): if not self._complete_graph(): raise self._unknown_internal_error() if not self.validate_blockers(): raise self._unknown_internal_error() if self._slot_collision_info: self._process_slot_conflicts() def _serialize_tasks(self): if "--debug" in self.myopts: writemsg("\ndigraph:\n\n", noiselevel=-1) self.digraph.debug_print() writemsg("\n", noiselevel=-1) scheduler_graph = self.digraph.copy() mygraph=self.digraph.copy() # Prune "nomerge" root nodes if nothing depends on them, since # otherwise they slow down merge order calculation. Don't remove # non-root nodes since they help optimize merge order in some cases # such as revdep-rebuild. removed_nodes = set() while True: for node in mygraph.root_nodes(): if not isinstance(node, Package) or \ node.installed or node.onlydeps: removed_nodes.add(node) if removed_nodes: self.spinner.update() mygraph.difference_update(removed_nodes) if not removed_nodes: break removed_nodes.clear() self._merge_order_bias(mygraph) def cmp_circular_bias(n1, n2): """ RDEPEND is stronger than PDEPEND and this function measures such a strength bias within a circular dependency relationship. """ n1_n2_medium = n2 in mygraph.child_nodes(n1, ignore_priority=DepPriority.MEDIUM_SOFT) n2_n1_medium = n1 in mygraph.child_nodes(n2, ignore_priority=DepPriority.MEDIUM_SOFT) if n1_n2_medium == n2_n1_medium: return 0 elif n1_n2_medium: return 1 return -1 myblocker_uninstalls = self._blocker_uninstalls.copy() retlist=[] # Contains uninstall tasks that have been scheduled to # occur after overlapping blockers have been installed. scheduled_uninstalls = set() # Contains any Uninstall tasks that have been ignored # in order to avoid the circular deps code path. These # correspond to blocker conflicts that could not be # resolved. ignored_uninstall_tasks = set() have_uninstall_task = False complete = "complete" in self.myparams asap_nodes = [] def get_nodes(**kwargs): """ Returns leaf nodes excluding Uninstall instances since those should be executed as late as possible. """ return [node for node in mygraph.leaf_nodes(**kwargs) \ if isinstance(node, Package) and \ (node.operation != "uninstall" or \ node in scheduled_uninstalls)] # sys-apps/portage needs special treatment if ROOT="/" running_root = self._running_root.root from portage.const import PORTAGE_PACKAGE_ATOM runtime_deps = InternalPackageSet( initial_atoms=[PORTAGE_PACKAGE_ATOM]) running_portage = self.trees[running_root]["vartree"].dbapi.match_pkgs( PORTAGE_PACKAGE_ATOM) replacement_portage = self.mydbapi[running_root].match_pkgs( PORTAGE_PACKAGE_ATOM) if running_portage: running_portage = running_portage[0] else: running_portage = None if replacement_portage: replacement_portage = replacement_portage[0] else: replacement_portage = None if replacement_portage == running_portage: replacement_portage = None if replacement_portage is not None: # update from running_portage to replacement_portage asap asap_nodes.append(replacement_portage) if running_portage is not None: try: portage_rdepend = self._select_atoms_highest_available( running_root, running_portage.metadata["RDEPEND"], myuse=running_portage.use.enabled, parent=running_portage, strict=False) except portage.exception.InvalidDependString, e: portage.writemsg("!!! Invalid RDEPEND in " + \ "'%svar/db/pkg/%s/RDEPEND': %s\n" % \ (running_root, running_portage.cpv, e), noiselevel=-1) del e portage_rdepend = [] runtime_deps.update(atom for atom in portage_rdepend \ if not atom.startswith("!")) ignore_priority_soft_range = [None] ignore_priority_soft_range.extend( xrange(DepPriority.MIN, DepPriority.MEDIUM_SOFT + 1)) tree_mode = "--tree" in self.myopts # Tracks whether or not the current iteration should prefer asap_nodes # if available. This is set to False when the previous iteration # failed to select any nodes. It is reset whenever nodes are # successfully selected. prefer_asap = True # By default, try to avoid selecting root nodes whenever possible. This # helps ensure that the maximimum possible number of soft dependencies # have been removed from the graph before their parent nodes have # selected. This is especially important when those dependencies are # going to be rebuilt by revdep-rebuild or `emerge -e system` after the # CHOST has been changed (like when building a stage3 from a stage2). accept_root_node = False # State of prefer_asap and accept_root_node flags for successive # iterations that loosen the criteria for node selection. # # iteration prefer_asap accept_root_node # 1 True False # 2 False False # 3 False True # # If no nodes are selected on the 3rd iteration, it is due to # unresolved blockers or circular dependencies. while not mygraph.empty(): self.spinner.update() selected_nodes = None ignore_priority = None if prefer_asap and asap_nodes: """ASAP nodes are merged before their soft deps.""" asap_nodes = [node for node in asap_nodes \ if mygraph.contains(node)] for node in asap_nodes: if not mygraph.child_nodes(node, ignore_priority=DepPriority.SOFT): selected_nodes = [node] asap_nodes.remove(node) break if not selected_nodes and \ not (prefer_asap and asap_nodes): for ignore_priority in ignore_priority_soft_range: nodes = get_nodes(ignore_priority=ignore_priority) if nodes: break if nodes: if ignore_priority is None and not tree_mode: # Greedily pop all of these nodes since no relationship # has been ignored. This optimization destroys --tree # output, so it's disabled in reversed mode. If there # is a mix of merge and uninstall nodes, save the # uninstall nodes from later since sometimes a merge # node will render an install node unnecessary, and # we want to avoid doing a separate uninstall task in # that case. merge_nodes = [node for node in nodes \ if node.operation == "merge"] if merge_nodes: selected_nodes = merge_nodes else: selected_nodes = nodes else: # For optimal merge order: # * Only pop one node. # * Removing a root node (node without a parent) # will not produce a leaf node, so avoid it. for node in nodes: if mygraph.parent_nodes(node): # found a non-root node selected_nodes = [node] break if not selected_nodes and \ (accept_root_node or ignore_priority is None): # settle for a root node selected_nodes = [nodes[0]] if not selected_nodes: nodes = get_nodes(ignore_priority=DepPriority.MEDIUM) if nodes: """Recursively gather a group of nodes that RDEPEND on eachother. This ensures that they are merged as a group and get their RDEPENDs satisfied as soon as possible.""" def gather_deps(ignore_priority, mergeable_nodes, selected_nodes, node): if node in selected_nodes: return True if node not in mergeable_nodes: return False if node == replacement_portage and \ mygraph.child_nodes(node, ignore_priority=DepPriority.MEDIUM_SOFT): # Make sure that portage always has all of it's # RDEPENDs installed first. return False selected_nodes.add(node) for child in mygraph.child_nodes(node, ignore_priority=ignore_priority): if not gather_deps(ignore_priority, mergeable_nodes, selected_nodes, child): return False return True mergeable_nodes = set(nodes) if prefer_asap and asap_nodes: nodes = asap_nodes for ignore_priority in xrange(DepPriority.SOFT, DepPriority.MEDIUM_SOFT + 1): for node in nodes: if nodes is not asap_nodes and \ not accept_root_node and \ not mygraph.parent_nodes(node): continue selected_nodes = set() if gather_deps(ignore_priority, mergeable_nodes, selected_nodes, node): break else: selected_nodes = None if selected_nodes: break # If any nodes have been selected here, it's always # possible that anything up to a MEDIUM_SOFT priority # relationship has been ignored. This state is recorded # in ignore_priority so that relevant nodes will be # added to asap_nodes when appropriate. if selected_nodes: ignore_priority = DepPriority.MEDIUM_SOFT if prefer_asap and asap_nodes and not selected_nodes: # We failed to find any asap nodes to merge, so ignore # them for the next iteration. prefer_asap = False continue if not selected_nodes and not accept_root_node: # Maybe there are only root nodes left, so accept them # for the next iteration. accept_root_node = True continue if selected_nodes and ignore_priority > DepPriority.SOFT: # Try to merge ignored medium deps as soon as possible. for node in selected_nodes: children = set(mygraph.child_nodes(node)) soft = children.difference( mygraph.child_nodes(node, ignore_priority=DepPriority.SOFT)) medium_soft = children.difference( mygraph.child_nodes(node, ignore_priority=DepPriority.MEDIUM_SOFT)) medium_soft.difference_update(soft) for child in medium_soft: if child in selected_nodes: continue if child in asap_nodes: continue asap_nodes.append(child) if selected_nodes and len(selected_nodes) > 1: if not isinstance(selected_nodes, list): selected_nodes = list(selected_nodes) selected_nodes.sort(cmp_circular_bias) if not selected_nodes and not myblocker_uninstalls.is_empty(): # An Uninstall task needs to be executed in order to # avoid conflict if possible. min_parent_deps = None uninst_task = None for task in myblocker_uninstalls.leaf_nodes(): # Do some sanity checks so that system or world packages # don't get uninstalled inappropriately here (only really # necessary when --complete-graph has not been enabled). if task in ignored_uninstall_tasks: continue if task in scheduled_uninstalls: # It's been scheduled but it hasn't # been executed yet due to dependence # on installation of blocking packages. continue root_config = self.roots[task.root] inst_pkg = self._pkg_cache[ ("installed", task.root, task.cpv, "nomerge")] if self.digraph.contains(inst_pkg): continue forbid_overlap = False heuristic_overlap = False for blocker in myblocker_uninstalls.parent_nodes(task): if blocker.eapi in ("0", "1"): heuristic_overlap = True elif blocker.atom.blocker.overlap.forbid: forbid_overlap = True break if forbid_overlap and running_root == task.root: continue if heuristic_overlap and running_root == task.root: # Never uninstall sys-apps/portage or it's essential # dependencies, except through replacement. try: runtime_dep_atoms = \ list(runtime_deps.iterAtomsForPackage(task)) except portage.exception.InvalidDependString, e: portage.writemsg("!!! Invalid PROVIDE in " + \ "'%svar/db/pkg/%s/PROVIDE': %s\n" % \ (task.root, task.cpv, e), noiselevel=-1) del e continue # Don't uninstall a runtime dep if it appears # to be the only suitable one installed. skip = False vardb = root_config.trees["vartree"].dbapi for atom in runtime_dep_atoms: other_version = None for pkg in vardb.match_pkgs(atom): if pkg.cpv == task.cpv and \ pkg.metadata["COUNTER"] == \ task.metadata["COUNTER"]: continue other_version = pkg break if other_version is None: skip = True break if skip: continue # For packages in the system set, don't take # any chances. If the conflict can't be resolved # by a normal replacement operation then abort. skip = False try: for atom in root_config.sets[ "system"].iterAtomsForPackage(task): skip = True break except portage.exception.InvalidDependString, e: portage.writemsg("!!! Invalid PROVIDE in " + \ "'%svar/db/pkg/%s/PROVIDE': %s\n" % \ (task.root, task.cpv, e), noiselevel=-1) del e skip = True if skip: continue # Note that the world check isn't always # necessary since self._complete_graph() will # add all packages from the system and world sets to the # graph. This just allows unresolved conflicts to be # detected as early as possible, which makes it possible # to avoid calling self._complete_graph() when it is # unnecessary due to blockers triggering an abortion. if not complete: # For packages in the world set, go ahead an uninstall # when necessary, as long as the atom will be satisfied # in the final state. graph_db = self.mydbapi[task.root] skip = False try: for atom in root_config.sets[ "world"].iterAtomsForPackage(task): satisfied = False for pkg in graph_db.match_pkgs(atom): if pkg == inst_pkg: continue satisfied = True break if not satisfied: skip = True break except portage.exception.InvalidDependString, e: portage.writemsg("!!! Invalid PROVIDE in " + \ "'%svar/db/pkg/%s/PROVIDE': %s\n" % \ (task.root, task.cpv, e), noiselevel=-1) del e skip = True if skip: continue # Check the deps of parent nodes to ensure that # the chosen task produces a leaf node. Maybe # this can be optimized some more to make the # best possible choice, but the current algorithm # is simple and should be near optimal for most # common cases. parent_deps = set() for parent in mygraph.parent_nodes(task): parent_deps.update(mygraph.child_nodes(parent, ignore_priority=DepPriority.MEDIUM_SOFT)) parent_deps.remove(task) if min_parent_deps is None or \ len(parent_deps) < min_parent_deps: min_parent_deps = len(parent_deps) uninst_task = task if uninst_task is not None: # The uninstall is performed only after blocking # packages have been merged on top of it. File # collisions between blocking packages are detected # and removed from the list of files to be uninstalled. scheduled_uninstalls.add(uninst_task) parent_nodes = mygraph.parent_nodes(uninst_task) # Reverse the parent -> uninstall edges since we want # to do the uninstall after blocking packages have # been merged on top of it. mygraph.remove(uninst_task) for blocked_pkg in parent_nodes: mygraph.add(blocked_pkg, uninst_task, priority=BlockerDepPriority.instance) scheduler_graph.remove_edge(uninst_task, blocked_pkg) scheduler_graph.add(blocked_pkg, uninst_task, priority=BlockerDepPriority.instance) else: # None of the Uninstall tasks are acceptable, so # the corresponding blockers are unresolvable. # We need to drop an Uninstall task here in order # to avoid the circular deps code path, but the # blocker will still be counted as an unresolved # conflict. for node in myblocker_uninstalls.leaf_nodes(): try: mygraph.remove(node) except KeyError: pass else: uninst_task = node ignored_uninstall_tasks.add(node) break if uninst_task is not None: # After dropping an Uninstall task, reset # the state variables for leaf node selection and # continue trying to select leaf nodes. prefer_asap = True accept_root_node = False continue if not selected_nodes: self._circular_deps_for_display = mygraph raise self._unknown_internal_error() # At this point, we've succeeded in selecting one or more nodes, so # it's now safe to reset the prefer_asap and accept_root_node flags # to their default states. prefer_asap = True accept_root_node = False mygraph.difference_update(selected_nodes) for node in selected_nodes: if isinstance(node, Package) and \ node.operation == "nomerge": continue # Handle interactions between blockers # and uninstallation tasks. solved_blockers = set() uninst_task = None if isinstance(node, Package) and \ "uninstall" == node.operation: have_uninstall_task = True uninst_task = node else: vardb = self.trees[node.root]["vartree"].dbapi previous_cpv = vardb.match(node.slot_atom) if previous_cpv: # The package will be replaced by this one, so remove # the corresponding Uninstall task if necessary. previous_cpv = previous_cpv[0] uninst_task = \ ("installed", node.root, previous_cpv, "uninstall") try: mygraph.remove(uninst_task) except KeyError: pass if uninst_task is not None and \ uninst_task not in ignored_uninstall_tasks and \ myblocker_uninstalls.contains(uninst_task): blocker_nodes = myblocker_uninstalls.parent_nodes(uninst_task) myblocker_uninstalls.remove(uninst_task) # Discard any blockers that this Uninstall solves. for blocker in blocker_nodes: if not myblocker_uninstalls.child_nodes(blocker): myblocker_uninstalls.remove(blocker) solved_blockers.add(blocker) retlist.append(node) if (isinstance(node, Package) and \ "uninstall" == node.operation) or \ (uninst_task is not None and \ uninst_task in scheduled_uninstalls): # Include satisfied blockers in the merge list # since the user might be interested and also # it serves as an indicator that blocking packages # will be temporarily installed simultaneously. for blocker in solved_blockers: retlist.append(Blocker(atom=blocker.atom, root=blocker.root, eapi=blocker.eapi, satisfied=True)) unsolvable_blockers = set(node for node in \ self._unsolvable_blockers if isinstance(node, Blocker)) for node in myblocker_uninstalls.root_nodes(): unsolvable_blockers.add(node) for blocker in unsolvable_blockers: retlist.append(blocker) # If any Uninstall tasks need to be executed in order # to avoid a conflict, complete the graph with any # dependencies that may have been initially # neglected (to ensure that unsafe Uninstall tasks # are properly identified and blocked from execution). if have_uninstall_task and \ not complete and \ not unsolvable_blockers: self.myparams.add("complete") raise self._serialize_tasks_retry("") if unsolvable_blockers and \ not self._accept_blocker_conflicts(): self._unsatisfied_blockers_for_display = unsolvable_blockers self._serialized_tasks_cache = retlist[:] self._scheduler_graph = scheduler_graph raise self._unknown_internal_error() if self._slot_collision_info and \ not self._accept_blocker_conflicts(): self._serialized_tasks_cache = retlist[:] self._scheduler_graph = scheduler_graph raise self._unknown_internal_error() return retlist, scheduler_graph def _show_circular_deps(self, mygraph): # No leaf nodes are available, so we have a circular # dependency panic situation. Reduce the noise level to a # minimum via repeated elimination of root nodes since they # have no parents and thus can not be part of a cycle. while True: root_nodes = mygraph.root_nodes( ignore_priority=DepPriority.MEDIUM_SOFT) if not root_nodes: break mygraph.difference_update(root_nodes) # Display the USE flags that are enabled on nodes that are part # of dependency cycles in case that helps the user decide to # disable some of them. display_order = [] tempgraph = mygraph.copy() while not tempgraph.empty(): nodes = tempgraph.leaf_nodes() if not nodes: node = tempgraph.order[0] else: node = nodes[0] display_order.append(node) tempgraph.remove(node) display_order.reverse() self.myopts.pop("--quiet", None) self.myopts.pop("--verbose", None) self.myopts["--tree"] = True portage.writemsg("\n\n", noiselevel=-1) self.display(display_order) prefix = colorize("BAD", " * ") portage.writemsg("\n", noiselevel=-1) portage.writemsg(prefix + "Error: circular dependencies:\n", noiselevel=-1) portage.writemsg("\n", noiselevel=-1) mygraph.debug_print() portage.writemsg("\n", noiselevel=-1) portage.writemsg(prefix + "Note that circular dependencies " + \ "can often be avoided by temporarily\n", noiselevel=-1) portage.writemsg(prefix + "disabling USE flags that trigger " + \ "optional dependencies.\n", noiselevel=-1) def _show_merge_list(self): if self._serialized_tasks_cache is not None and \ not (self._displayed_list and \ (self._displayed_list == self._serialized_tasks_cache or \ self._displayed_list == \ list(reversed(self._serialized_tasks_cache)))): display_list = self._serialized_tasks_cache[:] if "--tree" in self.myopts: display_list.reverse() self.display(display_list) def _show_unsatisfied_blockers(self, blockers): self._show_merge_list() msg = "Error: The above package list contains " + \ "packages which cannot be installed " + \ "at the same time on the same system." prefix = colorize("BAD", " * ") from textwrap import wrap portage.writemsg("\n", noiselevel=-1) for line in wrap(msg, 70): portage.writemsg(prefix + line + "\n", noiselevel=-1) if "--quiet" not in self.myopts: show_blocker_docs_link() def display(self, mylist, favorites=[], verbosity=None): # This is used to prevent display_problems() from # redundantly displaying this exact same merge list # again via _show_merge_list(). self._displayed_list = mylist if verbosity is None: verbosity = ("--quiet" in self.myopts and 1 or \ "--verbose" in self.myopts and 3 or 2) favorites_set = InternalPackageSet(favorites) oneshot = "--oneshot" in self.myopts or \ "--onlydeps" in self.myopts columns = "--columns" in self.myopts changelogs=[] p=[] blockers = [] counters = PackageCounters() if verbosity == 1 and "--verbose" not in self.myopts: def create_use_string(*args): return "" else: def create_use_string(name, cur_iuse, iuse_forced, cur_use, old_iuse, old_use, is_new, reinst_flags, all_flags=(verbosity == 3 or "--quiet" in self.myopts), alphabetical=("--alphabetical" in self.myopts)): enabled = [] if alphabetical: disabled = enabled removed = enabled else: disabled = [] removed = [] cur_iuse = set(cur_iuse) enabled_flags = cur_iuse.intersection(cur_use) removed_iuse = set(old_iuse).difference(cur_iuse) any_iuse = cur_iuse.union(old_iuse) any_iuse = list(any_iuse) any_iuse.sort() for flag in any_iuse: flag_str = None isEnabled = False reinst_flag = reinst_flags and flag in reinst_flags if flag in enabled_flags: isEnabled = True if is_new or flag in old_use and \ (all_flags or reinst_flag): flag_str = red(flag) elif flag not in old_iuse: flag_str = yellow(flag) + "%*" elif flag not in old_use: flag_str = green(flag) + "*" elif flag in removed_iuse: if all_flags or reinst_flag: flag_str = yellow("-" + flag) + "%" if flag in old_use: flag_str += "*" flag_str = "(" + flag_str + ")" removed.append(flag_str) continue else: if is_new or flag in old_iuse and \ flag not in old_use and \ (all_flags or reinst_flag): flag_str = blue("-" + flag) elif flag not in old_iuse: flag_str = yellow("-" + flag) if flag not in iuse_forced: flag_str += "%" elif flag in old_use: flag_str = green("-" + flag) + "*" if flag_str: if flag in iuse_forced: flag_str = "(" + flag_str + ")" if isEnabled: enabled.append(flag_str) else: disabled.append(flag_str) if alphabetical: ret = " ".join(enabled) else: ret = " ".join(enabled + disabled + removed) if ret: ret = '%s="%s" ' % (name, ret) return ret repo_display = RepoDisplay(self.roots) tree_nodes = [] display_list = [] mygraph = self.digraph.copy() # If there are any Uninstall instances, add the corresponding # blockers to the digraph (useful for --tree display). executed_uninstalls = set(node for node in mylist \ if isinstance(node, Package) and node.operation == "unmerge") for uninstall in self._blocker_uninstalls.leaf_nodes(): uninstall_parents = \ self._blocker_uninstalls.parent_nodes(uninstall) if not uninstall_parents: continue # Remove the corresponding "nomerge" node and substitute # the Uninstall node. inst_pkg = self._pkg_cache[ ("installed", uninstall.root, uninstall.cpv, "nomerge")] try: mygraph.remove(inst_pkg) except KeyError: pass try: inst_pkg_blockers = self._blocker_parents.child_nodes(inst_pkg) except KeyError: inst_pkg_blockers = [] # Break the Package -> Uninstall edges. mygraph.remove(uninstall) # Resolution of a package's blockers # depend on it's own uninstallation. for blocker in inst_pkg_blockers: mygraph.add(uninstall, blocker) # Expand Package -> Uninstall edges into # Package -> Blocker -> Uninstall edges. for blocker in uninstall_parents: mygraph.add(uninstall, blocker) for parent in self._blocker_parents.parent_nodes(blocker): if parent != inst_pkg: mygraph.add(blocker, parent) # If the uninstall task did not need to be executed because # of an upgrade, display Blocker -> Upgrade edges since the # corresponding Blocker -> Uninstall edges will not be shown. upgrade_node = \ self._slot_pkg_map[uninstall.root].get(uninstall.slot_atom) if upgrade_node is not None and \ uninstall not in executed_uninstalls: for blocker in uninstall_parents: mygraph.add(upgrade_node, blocker) unsatisfied_blockers = [] i = 0 depth = 0 shown_edges = set() for x in mylist: if isinstance(x, Blocker) and not x.satisfied: unsatisfied_blockers.append(x) continue graph_key = x if "--tree" in self.myopts: depth = len(tree_nodes) while depth and graph_key not in \ mygraph.child_nodes(tree_nodes[depth-1]): depth -= 1 if depth: tree_nodes = tree_nodes[:depth] tree_nodes.append(graph_key) display_list.append((x, depth, True)) shown_edges.add((graph_key, tree_nodes[depth-1])) else: traversed_nodes = set() # prevent endless circles traversed_nodes.add(graph_key) def add_parents(current_node, ordered): parent_nodes = None # Do not traverse to parents if this node is an # an argument or a direct member of a set that has # been specified as an argument (system or world). if current_node not in self._set_nodes: parent_nodes = mygraph.parent_nodes(current_node) if parent_nodes: child_nodes = set(mygraph.child_nodes(current_node)) selected_parent = None # First, try to avoid a direct cycle. for node in parent_nodes: if not isinstance(node, (Blocker, Package)): continue if node not in traversed_nodes and \ node not in child_nodes: edge = (current_node, node) if edge in shown_edges: continue selected_parent = node break if not selected_parent: # A direct cycle is unavoidable. for node in parent_nodes: if not isinstance(node, (Blocker, Package)): continue if node not in traversed_nodes: edge = (current_node, node) if edge in shown_edges: continue selected_parent = node break if selected_parent: shown_edges.add((current_node, selected_parent)) traversed_nodes.add(selected_parent) add_parents(selected_parent, False) display_list.append((current_node, len(tree_nodes), ordered)) tree_nodes.append(current_node) tree_nodes = [] add_parents(graph_key, True) else: display_list.append((x, depth, True)) mylist = display_list for x in unsatisfied_blockers: mylist.append((x, 0, True)) last_merge_depth = 0 for i in xrange(len(mylist)-1,-1,-1): graph_key, depth, ordered = mylist[i] if not ordered and depth == 0 and i > 0 \ and graph_key == mylist[i-1][0] and \ mylist[i-1][1] == 0: # An ordered node got a consecutive duplicate when the tree was # being filled in. del mylist[i] continue if ordered and graph_key[-1] != "nomerge": last_merge_depth = depth continue if depth >= last_merge_depth or \ i < len(mylist) - 1 and \ depth >= mylist[i+1][1]: del mylist[i] from portage import flatten from portage.dep import use_reduce, paren_reduce # files to fetch list - avoids counting a same file twice # in size display (verbose mode) myfetchlist=[] # Use this set to detect when all the "repoadd" strings are "[0]" # and disable the entire repo display in this case. repoadd_set = set() for mylist_index in xrange(len(mylist)): x, depth, ordered = mylist[mylist_index] pkg_type = x[0] myroot = x[1] pkg_key = x[2] portdb = self.trees[myroot]["porttree"].dbapi bindb = self.trees[myroot]["bintree"].dbapi vardb = self.trees[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi vartree = self.trees[myroot]["vartree"] pkgsettings = self.pkgsettings[myroot] fetch=" " indent = " " * depth if isinstance(x, Blocker): if x.satisfied: blocker_style = "PKG_BLOCKER_SATISFIED" addl = "%s %s " % (colorize(blocker_style, "b"), fetch) else: blocker_style = "PKG_BLOCKER" addl = "%s %s " % (colorize(blocker_style, "B"), fetch) if ordered: counters.blocks += 1 if x.satisfied: counters.blocks_satisfied += 1 resolved = portage.key_expand( str(x.atom).lstrip("!"), mydb=vardb, settings=pkgsettings) if "--columns" in self.myopts and "--quiet" in self.myopts: addl += " " + colorize(blocker_style, resolved) else: addl = "[%s %s] %s%s" % \ (colorize(blocker_style, "blocks"), addl, indent, colorize(blocker_style, resolved)) block_parents = self._blocker_parents.parent_nodes(x) block_parents = set([pnode[2] for pnode in block_parents]) block_parents = ", ".join(block_parents) if resolved!=x[2]: addl += colorize(blocker_style, " (\"%s\" is blocking %s)") % \ (str(x.atom).lstrip("!"), block_parents) else: addl += colorize(blocker_style, " (is blocking %s)") % block_parents if isinstance(x, Blocker) and x.satisfied: if columns: continue p.append(addl) else: blockers.append(addl) else: pkg_status = x[3] pkg_merge = ordered and pkg_status == "merge" if not pkg_merge and pkg_status == "merge": pkg_status = "nomerge" built = pkg_type != "ebuild" installed = pkg_type == "installed" pkg = x metadata = pkg.metadata ebuild_path = None repo_name = metadata["repository"] if pkg_type == "ebuild": ebuild_path = portdb.findname(pkg_key) if not ebuild_path: # shouldn't happen raise portage.exception.PackageNotFound(pkg_key) repo_path_real = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(ebuild_path))) else: repo_path_real = portdb.getRepositoryPath(repo_name) pkg_use = list(pkg.use.enabled) try: restrict = flatten(use_reduce(paren_reduce( pkg.metadata["RESTRICT"]), uselist=pkg_use)) except portage.exception.InvalidDependString, e: if not pkg.installed: show_invalid_depstring_notice(x, pkg.metadata["RESTRICT"], str(e)) del e return 1 restrict = [] if "ebuild" == pkg_type and x[3] != "nomerge" and \ "fetch" in restrict: fetch = red("F") if ordered: counters.restrict_fetch += 1 if portdb.fetch_check(pkg_key, pkg_use): fetch = green("f") if ordered: counters.restrict_fetch_satisfied += 1 #we need to use "--emptrytree" testing here rather than "empty" param testing because "empty" #param is used for -u, where you still *do* want to see when something is being upgraded. myoldbest = [] myinslotlist = None installed_versions = vardb.match(portage.cpv_getkey(pkg_key)) if vardb.cpv_exists(pkg_key): addl=" "+yellow("R")+fetch+" " if ordered: if pkg_merge: counters.reinst += 1 elif pkg_status == "uninstall": counters.uninst += 1 # filter out old-style virtual matches elif installed_versions and \ portage.cpv_getkey(installed_versions[0]) == \ portage.cpv_getkey(pkg_key): myinslotlist = vardb.match(pkg.slot_atom) # If this is the first install of a new-style virtual, we # need to filter out old-style virtual matches. if myinslotlist and \ portage.cpv_getkey(myinslotlist[0]) != \ portage.cpv_getkey(pkg_key): myinslotlist = None if myinslotlist: myoldbest = myinslotlist[:] addl = " " + fetch if not portage.dep.cpvequal(pkg_key, portage.best([pkg_key] + myoldbest)): # Downgrade in slot addl += turquoise("U")+blue("D") if ordered: counters.downgrades += 1 else: # Update in slot addl += turquoise("U") + " " if ordered: counters.upgrades += 1 else: # New slot, mark it new. addl = " " + green("NS") + fetch + " " myoldbest = vardb.match(portage.cpv_getkey(pkg_key)) if ordered: counters.newslot += 1 if "--changelog" in self.myopts: inst_matches = vardb.match(pkg.slot_atom) if inst_matches: changelogs.extend(self.calc_changelog( portdb.findname(pkg_key), inst_matches[0], pkg_key)) else: addl = " " + green("N") + " " + fetch + " " if ordered: counters.new += 1 verboseadd = "" repoadd = None if True: # USE flag display forced_flags = set() pkgsettings.setcpv(pkg) # for package.use.{mask,force} forced_flags.update(pkgsettings.useforce) forced_flags.update(pkgsettings.usemask) cur_use = [flag for flag in pkg.use.enabled \ if flag in pkg.iuse.all] cur_iuse = sorted(pkg.iuse.all) if myoldbest and myinslotlist: previous_cpv = myoldbest[0] else: previous_cpv = pkg.cpv if vardb.cpv_exists(previous_cpv): old_iuse, old_use = vardb.aux_get( previous_cpv, ["IUSE", "USE"]) old_iuse = list(set( filter_iuse_defaults(old_iuse.split()))) old_iuse.sort() old_use = old_use.split() is_new = False else: old_iuse = [] old_use = [] is_new = True old_use = [flag for flag in old_use if flag in old_iuse] use_expand = pkgsettings["USE_EXPAND"].lower().split() use_expand.sort() use_expand.reverse() use_expand_hidden = \ pkgsettings["USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN"].lower().split() def map_to_use_expand(myvals, forcedFlags=False, removeHidden=True): ret = {} forced = {} for exp in use_expand: ret[exp] = [] forced[exp] = set() for val in myvals[:]: if val.startswith(exp.lower()+"_"): if val in forced_flags: forced[exp].add(val[len(exp)+1:]) ret[exp].append(val[len(exp)+1:]) myvals.remove(val) ret["USE"] = myvals forced["USE"] = [val for val in myvals \ if val in forced_flags] if removeHidden: for exp in use_expand_hidden: ret.pop(exp, None) if forcedFlags: return ret, forced return ret # Prevent USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN flags from being hidden if they # are the only thing that triggered reinstallation. reinst_flags_map = {} reinstall_for_flags = self._reinstall_nodes.get(pkg) reinst_expand_map = None if reinstall_for_flags: reinst_flags_map = map_to_use_expand( list(reinstall_for_flags), removeHidden=False) for k in list(reinst_flags_map): if not reinst_flags_map[k]: del reinst_flags_map[k] if not reinst_flags_map.get("USE"): reinst_expand_map = reinst_flags_map.copy() reinst_expand_map.pop("USE", None) if reinst_expand_map and \ not set(reinst_expand_map).difference( use_expand_hidden): use_expand_hidden = \ set(use_expand_hidden).difference( reinst_expand_map) cur_iuse_map, iuse_forced = \ map_to_use_expand(cur_iuse, forcedFlags=True) cur_use_map = map_to_use_expand(cur_use) old_iuse_map = map_to_use_expand(old_iuse) old_use_map = map_to_use_expand(old_use) use_expand.sort() use_expand.insert(0, "USE") for key in use_expand: if key in use_expand_hidden: continue verboseadd += create_use_string(key.upper(), cur_iuse_map[key], iuse_forced[key], cur_use_map[key], old_iuse_map[key], old_use_map[key], is_new, reinst_flags_map.get(key)) if verbosity == 3: # size verbose mysize=0 if pkg_type == "ebuild" and pkg_merge: try: myfilesdict = portdb.getfetchsizes(pkg_key, useflags=pkg_use, debug=self.edebug) except portage.exception.InvalidDependString, e: src_uri = portdb.aux_get(pkg_key, ["SRC_URI"])[0] show_invalid_depstring_notice(x, src_uri, str(e)) del e return 1 if myfilesdict is None: myfilesdict="[empty/missing/bad digest]" else: for myfetchfile in myfilesdict: if myfetchfile not in myfetchlist: mysize+=myfilesdict[myfetchfile] myfetchlist.append(myfetchfile) if ordered: counters.totalsize += mysize verboseadd += format_size(mysize) # overlay verbose # assign index for a previous version in the same slot has_previous = False repo_name_prev = None slot_atom = "%s:%s" % (portage.dep_getkey(pkg_key), metadata["SLOT"]) slot_matches = vardb.match(slot_atom) if slot_matches: has_previous = True repo_name_prev = vardb.aux_get(slot_matches[0], ["repository"])[0] # now use the data to generate output if pkg.installed or not has_previous: repoadd = repo_display.repoStr(repo_path_real) else: repo_path_prev = None if repo_name_prev: repo_path_prev = portdb.getRepositoryPath( repo_name_prev) if repo_path_prev == repo_path_real: repoadd = repo_display.repoStr(repo_path_real) else: repoadd = "%s=>%s" % ( repo_display.repoStr(repo_path_prev), repo_display.repoStr(repo_path_real)) if repoadd: repoadd_set.add(repoadd) xs = [portage.cpv_getkey(pkg_key)] + \ list(portage.catpkgsplit(pkg_key)[2:]) if xs[2] == "r0": xs[2] = "" else: xs[2] = "-" + xs[2] mywidth = 130 if "COLUMNWIDTH" in self.settings: try: mywidth = int(self.settings["COLUMNWIDTH"]) except ValueError, e: portage.writemsg("!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1) portage.writemsg( "!!! Unable to parse COLUMNWIDTH='%s'\n" % \ self.settings["COLUMNWIDTH"], noiselevel=-1) del e oldlp = mywidth - 30 newlp = oldlp - 30 # Convert myoldbest from a list to a string. if not myoldbest: myoldbest = "" else: for pos, key in enumerate(myoldbest): key = portage.catpkgsplit(key)[2] + \ "-" + portage.catpkgsplit(key)[3] if key[-3:] == "-r0": key = key[:-3] myoldbest[pos] = key myoldbest = blue("["+", ".join(myoldbest)+"]") pkg_cp = xs[0] root_config = self.roots[myroot] system_set = root_config.sets["system"] world_set = root_config.sets["world"] pkg_system = False pkg_world = False try: pkg_system = system_set.findAtomForPackage(pkg) pkg_world = world_set.findAtomForPackage(pkg) if not (oneshot or pkg_world) and \ myroot == self.target_root and \ favorites_set.findAtomForPackage(pkg): # Maybe it will be added to world now. if create_world_atom(pkg, favorites_set, root_config): pkg_world = True except portage.exception.InvalidDependString: # This is reported elsewhere if relevant. pass def pkgprint(pkg_str): if pkg_merge: if pkg_system: return colorize("PKG_MERGE_SYSTEM", pkg_str) elif pkg_world: return colorize("PKG_MERGE_WORLD", pkg_str) else: return colorize("PKG_MERGE", pkg_str) elif pkg_status == "uninstall": return colorize("PKG_UNINSTALL", pkg_str) else: if pkg_system: return colorize("PKG_NOMERGE_SYSTEM", pkg_str) elif pkg_world: return colorize("PKG_NOMERGE_WORLD", pkg_str) else: return colorize("PKG_NOMERGE", pkg_str) try: properties = flatten(use_reduce(paren_reduce( pkg.metadata["PROPERTIES"]), uselist=pkg.use.enabled)) except portage.exception.InvalidDependString, e: if not pkg.installed: show_invalid_depstring_notice(pkg, pkg.metadata["PROPERTIES"], str(e)) del e return 1 properties = [] interactive = "interactive" in properties if interactive and pkg.operation == "merge": addl = colorize("WARN", "I") + addl[1:] if ordered: counters.interactive += 1 if x[1]!="/": if myoldbest: myoldbest +=" " if "--columns" in self.myopts: if "--quiet" in self.myopts: myprint=addl+" "+indent+pkgprint(pkg_cp) myprint=myprint+darkblue(" "+xs[1]+xs[2])+" " myprint=myprint+myoldbest myprint=myprint+darkgreen("to "+x[1]) verboseadd = None else: if not pkg_merge: myprint = "[%s] %s%s" % \ (pkgprint(pkg_status.ljust(13)), indent, pkgprint(pkg.cp)) else: myprint = "[%s %s] %s%s" % \ (pkgprint(pkg.type_name), addl, indent, pkgprint(pkg.cp)) if (newlp-nc_len(myprint)) > 0: myprint=myprint+(" "*(newlp-nc_len(myprint))) myprint=myprint+"["+darkblue(xs[1]+xs[2])+"] " if (oldlp-nc_len(myprint)) > 0: myprint=myprint+" "*(oldlp-nc_len(myprint)) myprint=myprint+myoldbest myprint += darkgreen("to " + pkg.root) else: if not pkg_merge: myprint = "[%s] " % pkgprint(pkg_status.ljust(13)) else: myprint = "[" + pkg_type + " " + addl + "] " myprint += indent + pkgprint(pkg_key) + " " + \ myoldbest + darkgreen("to " + myroot) else: if "--columns" in self.myopts: if "--quiet" in self.myopts: myprint=addl+" "+indent+pkgprint(pkg_cp) myprint=myprint+" "+green(xs[1]+xs[2])+" " myprint=myprint+myoldbest verboseadd = None else: if not pkg_merge: myprint = "[%s] %s%s" % \ (pkgprint(pkg_status.ljust(13)), indent, pkgprint(pkg.cp)) else: myprint = "[%s %s] %s%s" % \ (pkgprint(pkg.type_name), addl, indent, pkgprint(pkg.cp)) if (newlp-nc_len(myprint)) > 0: myprint=myprint+(" "*(newlp-nc_len(myprint))) myprint=myprint+green(" ["+xs[1]+xs[2]+"] ") if (oldlp-nc_len(myprint)) > 0: myprint=myprint+(" "*(oldlp-nc_len(myprint))) myprint += myoldbest else: if not pkg_merge: myprint = "[%s] %s%s %s" % \ (pkgprint(pkg_status.ljust(13)), indent, pkgprint(pkg.cpv), myoldbest) else: myprint = "[%s %s] %s%s %s" % \ (pkgprint(pkg_type), addl, indent, pkgprint(pkg.cpv), myoldbest) if columns and pkg.operation == "uninstall": continue p.append((myprint, verboseadd, repoadd)) if "--tree" not in self.myopts and \ "--quiet" not in self.myopts and \ not self._opts_no_restart.intersection(self.myopts) and \ pkg.root == self._running_root.root and \ portage.match_from_list( portage.const.PORTAGE_PACKAGE_ATOM, [pkg]) and \ not vardb.cpv_exists(pkg.cpv) and \ "--quiet" not in self.myopts: if mylist_index < len(mylist) - 1: p.append(colorize("WARN", "*** Portage will stop merging at this point and reload itself,")) p.append(colorize("WARN", " then resume the merge.")) out = sys.stdout show_repos = repoadd_set and repoadd_set != set(["0"]) for x in p: if isinstance(x, basestring): out.write("%s\n" % (x,)) continue myprint, verboseadd, repoadd = x if verboseadd: myprint += " " + verboseadd if show_repos and repoadd: myprint += " " + teal("[%s]" % repoadd) out.write("%s\n" % (myprint,)) for x in blockers: print x if verbosity == 3: print print counters if show_repos: sys.stdout.write(str(repo_display)) if "--changelog" in self.myopts: print for revision,text in changelogs: print bold('*'+revision) sys.stdout.write(text) sys.stdout.flush() return os.EX_OK def display_problems(self): """ Display problems with the dependency graph such as slot collisions. This is called internally by display() to show the problems _after_ the merge list where it is most likely to be seen, but if display() is not going to be called then this method should be called explicitly to ensure that the user is notified of problems with the graph. All output goes to stderr, except for unsatisfied dependencies which go to stdout for parsing by programs such as autounmask. """ # Note that show_masked_packages() sends it's output to # stdout, and some programs such as autounmask parse the # output in cases when emerge bails out. However, when # show_masked_packages() is called for installed packages # here, the message is a warning that is more appropriate # to send to stderr, so temporarily redirect stdout to # stderr. TODO: Fix output code so there's a cleaner way # to redirect everything to stderr. sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() stdout = sys.stdout try: sys.stdout = sys.stderr self._display_problems() finally: sys.stdout = stdout sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() # This goes to stdout for parsing by programs like autounmask. for pargs, kwargs in self._unsatisfied_deps_for_display: self._show_unsatisfied_dep(*pargs, **kwargs) def _display_problems(self): if self._circular_deps_for_display is not None: self._show_circular_deps( self._circular_deps_for_display) # The user is only notified of a slot conflict if # there are no unresolvable blocker conflicts. if self._unsatisfied_blockers_for_display is not None: self._show_unsatisfied_blockers( self._unsatisfied_blockers_for_display) else: self._show_slot_collision_notice() # TODO: Add generic support for "set problem" handlers so that # the below warnings aren't special cases for world only. if self._missing_args: world_problems = False if "world" in self._sets: # Filter out indirect members of world (from nested sets) # since only direct members of world are desired here. world_set = self.roots[self.target_root].sets["world"] for arg, atom in self._missing_args: if arg.name == "world" and atom in world_set: world_problems = True break if world_problems: sys.stderr.write("\n!!! Problems have been " + \ "detected with your world file\n") sys.stderr.write("!!! Please run " + \ green("emaint --check world")+"\n\n") if self._missing_args: sys.stderr.write("\n" + colorize("BAD", "!!!") + \ " Ebuilds for the following packages are either all\n") sys.stderr.write(colorize("BAD", "!!!") + \ " masked or don't exist:\n") sys.stderr.write(" ".join(str(atom) for arg, atom in \ self._missing_args) + "\n") if self._pprovided_args: arg_refs = {} for arg, atom in self._pprovided_args: if isinstance(arg, SetArg): parent = arg.name arg_atom = (atom, atom) else: parent = "args" arg_atom = (arg.arg, atom) refs = arg_refs.setdefault(arg_atom, []) if parent not in refs: refs.append(parent) msg = [] msg.append(bad("\nWARNING: ")) if len(self._pprovided_args) > 1: msg.append("Requested packages will not be " + \ "merged because they are listed in\n") else: msg.append("A requested package will not be " + \ "merged because it is listed in\n") msg.append("package.provided:\n\n") problems_sets = set() for (arg, atom), refs in arg_refs.iteritems(): ref_string = "" if refs: problems_sets.update(refs) refs.sort() ref_string = ", ".join(["'%s'" % name for name in refs]) ref_string = " pulled in by " + ref_string msg.append(" %s%s\n" % (colorize("INFORM", str(arg)), ref_string)) msg.append("\n") if "world" in problems_sets: msg.append("This problem can be solved in one of the following ways:\n\n") msg.append(" A) Use emaint to clean offending packages from world (if not installed).\n") msg.append(" B) Uninstall offending packages (cleans them from world).\n") msg.append(" C) Remove offending entries from package.provided.\n\n") msg.append("The best course of action depends on the reason that an offending\n") msg.append("package.provided entry exists.\n\n") sys.stderr.write("".join(msg)) masked_packages = [] for pkg in self._masked_installed: root_config = pkg.root_config pkgsettings = self.pkgsettings[pkg.root] mreasons = get_masking_status(pkg, pkgsettings, root_config) masked_packages.append((root_config, pkgsettings, pkg.cpv, pkg.metadata, mreasons)) if masked_packages: sys.stderr.write("\n" + colorize("BAD", "!!!") + \ " The following installed packages are masked:\n") show_masked_packages(masked_packages) show_mask_docs() print def calc_changelog(self,ebuildpath,current,next): if ebuildpath == None or not os.path.exists(ebuildpath): return [] current = '-'.join(portage.catpkgsplit(current)[1:]) if current.endswith('-r0'): current = current[:-3] next = '-'.join(portage.catpkgsplit(next)[1:]) if next.endswith('-r0'): next = next[:-3] changelogpath = os.path.join(os.path.split(ebuildpath)[0],'ChangeLog') try: changelog = open(changelogpath).read() except SystemExit, e: raise # Needed else can't exit except: return [] divisions = self.find_changelog_tags(changelog) #print 'XX from',current,'to',next #for div,text in divisions: print 'XX',div # skip entries for all revisions above the one we are about to emerge for i in range(len(divisions)): if divisions[i][0]==next: divisions = divisions[i:] break # find out how many entries we are going to display for i in range(len(divisions)): if divisions[i][0]==current: divisions = divisions[:i] break else: # couldnt find the current revision in the list. display nothing return [] return divisions def find_changelog_tags(self,changelog): divs = [] release = None while 1: match = re.search(r'^\*\ ?([-a-zA-Z0-9_.+]*)(?:\ .*)?\n',changelog,re.M) if match is None: if release is not None: divs.append((release,changelog)) return divs if release is not None: divs.append((release,changelog[:match.start()])) changelog = changelog[match.end():] release = match.group(1) if release.endswith('.ebuild'): release = release[:-7] if release.endswith('-r0'): release = release[:-3] def saveNomergeFavorites(self): """Find atoms in favorites that are not in the mergelist and add them to the world file if necessary.""" for x in ("--buildpkgonly", "--fetchonly", "--fetch-all-uri", "--oneshot", "--onlydeps", "--pretend"): if x in self.myopts: return root_config = self.roots[self.target_root] world_set = root_config.sets["world"] world_locked = False if hasattr(world_set, "lock"): world_set.lock() world_locked = True if hasattr(world_set, "load"): world_set.load() # maybe it's changed on disk args_set = self._sets["args"] portdb = self.trees[self.target_root]["porttree"].dbapi added_favorites = set() for x in self._set_nodes: pkg_type, root, pkg_key, pkg_status = x if pkg_status != "nomerge": continue try: myfavkey = create_world_atom(x, args_set, root_config) if myfavkey: if myfavkey in added_favorites: continue added_favorites.add(myfavkey) except portage.exception.InvalidDependString, e: writemsg("\n\n!!! '%s' has invalid PROVIDE: %s\n" % \ (pkg_key, str(e)), noiselevel=-1) writemsg("!!! see '%s'\n\n" % os.path.join( root, portage.VDB_PATH, pkg_key, "PROVIDE"), noiselevel=-1) del e all_added = [] for k in self._sets: if k in ("args", "world") or not root_config.sets[k].world_candidate: continue s = SETPREFIX + k if s in world_set: continue all_added.append(SETPREFIX + k) all_added.extend(added_favorites) all_added.sort() for a in all_added: print ">>> Recording %s in \"world\" favorites file..." % \ colorize("INFORM", str(a)) if all_added: world_set.update(all_added) if world_locked: world_set.unlock() def loadResumeCommand(self, resume_data, skip_masked=False): """ Add a resume command to the graph and validate it in the process. This will raise a PackageNotFound exception if a package is not available. """ if not isinstance(resume_data, dict): return False mergelist = resume_data.get("mergelist") if not isinstance(mergelist, list): mergelist = [] fakedb = self.mydbapi trees = self.trees serialized_tasks = [] masked_tasks = [] for x in mergelist: if not (isinstance(x, list) and len(x) == 4): continue pkg_type, myroot, pkg_key, action = x if pkg_type not in self.pkg_tree_map: continue if action != "merge": continue tree_type = self.pkg_tree_map[pkg_type] mydb = trees[myroot][tree_type].dbapi db_keys = list(self._trees_orig[myroot][ tree_type].dbapi._aux_cache_keys) try: metadata = izip(db_keys, mydb.aux_get(pkg_key, db_keys)) except KeyError: # It does no exist or it is corrupt. if action == "uninstall": continue raise portage.exception.PackageNotFound(pkg_key) installed = action == "uninstall" built = pkg_type != "ebuild" root_config = self.roots[myroot] pkg = Package(built=built, cpv=pkg_key, installed=installed, metadata=metadata, operation=action, root_config=root_config, type_name=pkg_type) if pkg_type == "ebuild": pkgsettings = self.pkgsettings[myroot] pkgsettings.setcpv(pkg) pkg.metadata["USE"] = pkgsettings["PORTAGE_USE"] self._pkg_cache[pkg] = pkg root_config = self.roots[pkg.root] if "merge" == pkg.operation and \ not visible(root_config.settings, pkg): if skip_masked: masked_tasks.append(Dependency(root=pkg.root, parent=pkg)) else: self._unsatisfied_deps_for_display.append( ((pkg.root, "="+pkg.cpv), {"myparent":None})) fakedb[myroot].cpv_inject(pkg) serialized_tasks.append(pkg) self.spinner.update() if self._unsatisfied_deps_for_display: return False if not serialized_tasks or "--nodeps" in self.myopts: self._serialized_tasks_cache = serialized_tasks self._scheduler_graph = self.digraph else: self._select_package = self._select_pkg_from_graph self.myparams.add("selective") favorites = resume_data.get("favorites") args_set = self._sets["args"] if isinstance(favorites, list): args = self._load_favorites(favorites) else: args = [] for task in serialized_tasks: if isinstance(task, Package) and \ task.operation == "merge": if not self._add_pkg(task, None): return False # Packages for argument atoms need to be explicitly # added via _add_pkg() so that they are included in the # digraph (needed at least for --tree display). for arg in args: for atom in arg.set: pkg, existing_node = self._select_package( arg.root_config.root, atom) if existing_node is None and \ pkg is not None: if not self._add_pkg(pkg, Dependency(atom=atom, root=pkg.root, parent=arg)): return False # Allow unsatisfied deps here to avoid showing a masking # message for an unsatisfied dep that isn't necessarily # masked. if not self._create_graph(allow_unsatisfied=True): return False if masked_tasks or self._unsatisfied_deps: # This probably means that a required package # was dropped via --skipfirst. It makes the # resume list invalid, so convert it to a # UnsatisfiedResumeDep exception. raise self.UnsatisfiedResumeDep(self, masked_tasks + self._unsatisfied_deps) self._serialized_tasks_cache = None try: self.altlist() except self._unknown_internal_error: return False return True def _load_favorites(self, favorites): """ Use a list of favorites to resume state from a previous select_files() call. This creates similar DependencyArg instances to those that would have been created by the original select_files() call. This allows Package instances to be matched with DependencyArg instances during graph creation. """ root_config = self.roots[self.target_root] getSetAtoms = root_config.setconfig.getSetAtoms sets = root_config.sets args = [] for x in favorites: if not isinstance(x, basestring): continue if x in ("system", "world"): x = SETPREFIX + x if x.startswith(SETPREFIX): s = x[len(SETPREFIX):] if s not in sets: continue if s in self._sets: continue # Recursively expand sets so that containment tests in # self._get_parent_sets() properly match atoms in nested # sets (like if world contains system). expanded_set = InternalPackageSet( initial_atoms=getSetAtoms(s)) self._sets[s] = expanded_set args.append(SetArg(arg=x, set=expanded_set, root_config=root_config)) else: if not portage.isvalidatom(x): continue args.append(AtomArg(arg=x, atom=x, root_config=root_config)) # Create the "args" package set from atoms and # packages given as arguments. args_set = self._sets["args"] for arg in args: if not isinstance(arg, (AtomArg, PackageArg)): continue myatom = arg.atom if myatom in args_set: continue args_set.add(myatom) self._set_atoms.update(chain(*self._sets.itervalues())) atom_arg_map = self._atom_arg_map for arg in args: for atom in arg.set: atom_key = (atom, arg.root_config.root) refs = atom_arg_map.get(atom_key) if refs is None: refs = [] atom_arg_map[atom_key] = refs if arg not in refs: refs.append(arg) return args class UnsatisfiedResumeDep(portage.exception.PortageException): """ A dependency of a resume list is not installed. This can occur when a required package is dropped from the merge list via --skipfirst. """ def __init__(self, depgraph, value): portage.exception.PortageException.__init__(self, value) self.depgraph = depgraph class _internal_exception(portage.exception.PortageException): def __init__(self, value=""): portage.exception.PortageException.__init__(self, value) class _unknown_internal_error(_internal_exception): """ Used by the depgraph internally to terminate graph creation. The specific reason for the failure should have been dumped to stderr, unfortunately, the exact reason for the failure may not be known. """ class _serialize_tasks_retry(_internal_exception): """ This is raised by the _serialize_tasks() method when it needs to be called again for some reason. The only case that it's currently used for is when neglected dependencies need to be added to the graph in order to avoid making a potentially unsafe decision. """ class _dep_check_composite_db(portage.dbapi): """ A dbapi-like interface that is optimized for use in dep_check() calls. This is built on top of the existing depgraph package selection logic. Some packages that have been added to the graph may be masked from this view in order to influence the atom preference selection that occurs via dep_check(). """ def __init__(self, depgraph, root): portage.dbapi.__init__(self) self._depgraph = depgraph self._root = root self._match_cache = {} self._cpv_pkg_map = {} def match(self, atom): ret = self._match_cache.get(atom) if ret is not None: return ret[:] orig_atom = atom if "/" not in atom: atom = self._dep_expand(atom) pkg, existing = self._depgraph._select_package(self._root, atom) if not pkg: ret = [] else: # Return the highest available from select_package() as well as # any matching slots in the graph db. slots = set() slots.add(pkg.metadata["SLOT"]) atom_cp = portage.dep_getkey(atom) if pkg.cp.startswith("virtual/"): # For new-style virtual lookahead that occurs inside # dep_check(), examine all slots. This is needed # so that newer slots will not unnecessarily be pulled in # when a satisfying lower slot is already installed. For # example, if virtual/jdk-1.4 is satisfied via kaffe then # there's no need to pull in a newer slot to satisfy a # virtual/jdk dependency. for db, pkg_type, built, installed, db_keys in \ self._depgraph._filtered_trees[self._root]["dbs"]: for cpv in db.match(atom): if portage.cpv_getkey(cpv) != pkg.cp: continue slots.add(db.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])[0]) ret = [] if self._visible(pkg): self._cpv_pkg_map[pkg.cpv] = pkg ret.append(pkg.cpv) slots.remove(pkg.metadata["SLOT"]) while slots: slot_atom = "%s:%s" % (atom_cp, slots.pop()) pkg, existing = self._depgraph._select_package( self._root, slot_atom) if not pkg: continue if not self._visible(pkg): continue self._cpv_pkg_map[pkg.cpv] = pkg ret.append(pkg.cpv) if ret: self._cpv_sort_ascending(ret) self._match_cache[orig_atom] = ret return ret[:] def _visible(self, pkg): if pkg.installed and "selective" not in self._depgraph.myparams: try: arg = self._depgraph._iter_atoms_for_pkg(pkg).next() except (StopIteration, portage.exception.InvalidDependString): arg = None if arg: return False if pkg.installed: try: if not visible( self._depgraph.pkgsettings[pkg.root], pkg): return False except portage.exception.InvalidDependString: pass return True def _dep_expand(self, atom): """ This is only needed for old installed packages that may contain atoms that are not fully qualified with a specific category. Emulate the cpv_expand() function that's used by dbapi.match() in cases like this. If there are multiple matches, it's often due to a new-style virtual that has been added, so try to filter those out to avoid raising a ValueError. """ root_config = self._depgraph.roots[self._root] orig_atom = atom expanded_atoms = self._depgraph._dep_expand(root_config, atom) if len(expanded_atoms) > 1: non_virtual_atoms = [] for x in expanded_atoms: if not portage.dep_getkey(x).startswith("virtual/"): non_virtual_atoms.append(x) if len(non_virtual_atoms) == 1: expanded_atoms = non_virtual_atoms if len(expanded_atoms) > 1: # compatible with portage.cpv_expand() raise portage.exception.AmbiguousPackageName( [portage.dep_getkey(x) for x in expanded_atoms]) if expanded_atoms: atom = expanded_atoms[0] else: null_atom = insert_category_into_atom(atom, "null") null_cp = portage.dep_getkey(null_atom) cat, atom_pn = portage.catsplit(null_cp) virts_p = root_config.settings.get_virts_p().get(atom_pn) if virts_p: # Allow the resolver to choose which virtual. atom = insert_category_into_atom(atom, "virtual") else: atom = insert_category_into_atom(atom, "null") return atom def aux_get(self, cpv, wants): metadata = self._cpv_pkg_map[cpv].metadata return [metadata.get(x, "") for x in wants] class RepoDisplay(object): def __init__(self, roots): self._shown_repos = {} self._unknown_repo = False repo_paths = set() for root_config in roots.itervalues(): portdir = root_config.settings.get("PORTDIR") if portdir: repo_paths.add(portdir) overlays = root_config.settings.get("PORTDIR_OVERLAY") if overlays: repo_paths.update(overlays.split()) repo_paths = list(repo_paths) self._repo_paths = repo_paths self._repo_paths_real = [ os.path.realpath(repo_path) \ for repo_path in repo_paths ] # pre-allocate index for PORTDIR so that it always has index 0. for root_config in roots.itervalues(): portdb = root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi portdir = portdb.porttree_root if portdir: self.repoStr(portdir) def repoStr(self, repo_path_real): real_index = -1 if repo_path_real: real_index = self._repo_paths_real.index(repo_path_real) if real_index == -1: s = "?" self._unknown_repo = True else: shown_repos = self._shown_repos repo_paths = self._repo_paths repo_path = repo_paths[real_index] index = shown_repos.get(repo_path) if index is None: index = len(shown_repos) shown_repos[repo_path] = index s = str(index) return s def __str__(self): output = [] shown_repos = self._shown_repos unknown_repo = self._unknown_repo if shown_repos or self._unknown_repo: output.append("Portage tree and overlays:\n") show_repo_paths = list(shown_repos) for repo_path, repo_index in shown_repos.iteritems(): show_repo_paths[repo_index] = repo_path if show_repo_paths: for index, repo_path in enumerate(show_repo_paths): output.append(" "+teal("["+str(index)+"]")+" %s\n" % repo_path) if unknown_repo: output.append(" "+teal("[?]") + \ " indicates that the source repository could not be determined\n") return "".join(output) class PackageCounters(object): def __init__(self): self.upgrades = 0 self.downgrades = 0 self.new = 0 self.newslot = 0 self.reinst = 0 self.uninst = 0 self.blocks = 0 self.blocks_satisfied = 0 self.totalsize = 0 self.restrict_fetch = 0 self.restrict_fetch_satisfied = 0 self.interactive = 0 def __str__(self): total_installs = self.upgrades + self.downgrades + self.newslot + self.new + self.reinst myoutput = [] details = [] myoutput.append("Total: %s package" % total_installs) if total_installs != 1: myoutput.append("s") if total_installs != 0: myoutput.append(" (") if self.upgrades > 0: details.append("%s upgrade" % self.upgrades) if self.upgrades > 1: details[-1] += "s" if self.downgrades > 0: details.append("%s downgrade" % self.downgrades) if self.downgrades > 1: details[-1] += "s" if self.new > 0: details.append("%s new" % self.new) if self.newslot > 0: details.append("%s in new slot" % self.newslot) if self.newslot > 1: details[-1] += "s" if self.reinst > 0: details.append("%s reinstall" % self.reinst) if self.reinst > 1: details[-1] += "s" if self.uninst > 0: details.append("%s uninstall" % self.uninst) if self.uninst > 1: details[-1] += "s" if self.interactive > 0: details.append("%s %s" % (self.interactive, colorize("WARN", "interactive"))) myoutput.append(", ".join(details)) if total_installs != 0: myoutput.append(")") myoutput.append(", Size of downloads: %s" % format_size(self.totalsize)) if self.restrict_fetch: myoutput.append("\nFetch Restriction: %s package" % \ self.restrict_fetch) if self.restrict_fetch > 1: myoutput.append("s") if self.restrict_fetch_satisfied < self.restrict_fetch: myoutput.append(bad(" (%s unsatisfied)") % \ (self.restrict_fetch - self.restrict_fetch_satisfied)) if self.blocks > 0: myoutput.append("\nConflict: %s block" % \ self.blocks) if self.blocks > 1: myoutput.append("s") if self.blocks_satisfied < self.blocks: myoutput.append(bad(" (%s unsatisfied)") % \ (self.blocks - self.blocks_satisfied)) return "".join(myoutput) class PollSelectAdapter(PollConstants): """ Use select to emulate a poll object, for systems that don't support poll(). """ def __init__(self): self._registered = {} self._select_args = [[], [], []] def register(self, fd, *args): """ Only POLLIN is currently supported! """ if len(args) > 1: raise TypeError( "register expected at most 2 arguments, got " + \ repr(1 + len(args))) eventmask = PollConstants.POLLIN | \ PollConstants.POLLPRI | PollConstants.POLLOUT if args: eventmask = args[0] self._registered[fd] = eventmask self._select_args = None def unregister(self, fd): self._select_args = None del self._registered[fd] def poll(self, *args): if len(args) > 1: raise TypeError( "poll expected at most 2 arguments, got " + \ repr(1 + len(args))) timeout = None if args: timeout = args[0] select_args = self._select_args if select_args is None: select_args = [self._registered.keys(), [], []] if timeout is not None: select_args = select_args[:] # Translate poll() timeout args to select() timeout args: # # | units | value(s) for indefinite block # ---------|--------------|------------------------------ # poll | milliseconds | omitted, negative, or None # ---------|--------------|------------------------------ # select | seconds | omitted # ---------|--------------|------------------------------ if timeout is not None and timeout < 0: timeout = None if timeout is not None: select_args.append(timeout / 1000) select_events = select.select(*select_args) poll_events = [] for fd in select_events[0]: poll_events.append((fd, PollConstants.POLLIN)) return poll_events class SequentialTaskQueue(SlotObject): __slots__ = ("max_jobs", "running_tasks") + \ ("_dirty", "_scheduling", "_task_queue") def __init__(self, **kwargs): SlotObject.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._task_queue = deque() self.running_tasks = set() if self.max_jobs is None: self.max_jobs = 1 self._dirty = True def add(self, task): self._task_queue.append(task) self._dirty = True def addFront(self, task): self._task_queue.appendleft(task) self._dirty = True def schedule(self): if not self._dirty: return False if not self: return False if self._scheduling: # Ignore any recursive schedule() calls triggered via # self._task_exit(). return False self._scheduling = True task_queue = self._task_queue running_tasks = self.running_tasks max_jobs = self.max_jobs state_changed = False while task_queue and \ (max_jobs is True or len(running_tasks) < max_jobs): task = task_queue.popleft() cancelled = getattr(task, "cancelled", None) if not cancelled: running_tasks.add(task) task.addExitListener(self._task_exit) task.start() state_changed = True self._dirty = False self._scheduling = False return state_changed def _task_exit(self, task): """ Since we can always rely on exit listeners being called, the set of running tasks is always pruned automatically and there is never any need to actively prune it. """ self.running_tasks.remove(task) if self._task_queue: self._dirty = True def clear(self): self._task_queue.clear() running_tasks = self.running_tasks while running_tasks: task = running_tasks.pop() task.removeExitListener(self._task_exit) task.cancel() self._dirty = False def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self._task_queue or self.running_tasks) def __len__(self): return len(self._task_queue) + len(self.running_tasks) _can_poll_device = None def can_poll_device(): """ Test if it's possible to use poll() on a device such as a pty. This is known to fail on Darwin. @rtype: bool @returns: True if poll() on a device succeeds, False otherwise. """ global _can_poll_device if _can_poll_device is not None: return _can_poll_device if not hasattr(select, "poll"): _can_poll_device = False return _can_poll_device try: dev_null = open('/dev/null', 'rb') except IOError: _can_poll_device = False return _can_poll_device p = select.poll() p.register(dev_null.fileno(), PollConstants.POLLIN) invalid_request = False for f, event in p.poll(): if event & PollConstants.POLLNVAL: invalid_request = True break dev_null.close() _can_poll_device = not invalid_request return _can_poll_device def create_poll_instance(): """ Create an instance of select.poll, or an instance of PollSelectAdapter there is no poll() implementation or it is broken somehow. """ if can_poll_device(): return select.poll() return PollSelectAdapter() class PollScheduler(object): class _sched_iface_class(SlotObject): __slots__ = ("register", "schedule", "unregister") def __init__(self): self._max_jobs = 1 self._max_load = None self._jobs = 0 self._poll_event_queue = [] self._poll_event_handlers = {} self._poll_event_handler_ids = {} # Increment id for each new handler. self._event_handler_id = 0 self._poll_obj = create_poll_instance() self._scheduling = False def _schedule(self): """ Calls _schedule_tasks() and automatically returns early from any recursive calls to this method that the _schedule_tasks() call might trigger. This makes _schedule() safe to call from inside exit listeners. """ if self._scheduling: return False self._scheduling = True try: return self._schedule_tasks() finally: self._scheduling = False def _running_job_count(self): return self._jobs def _can_add_job(self): max_jobs = self._max_jobs max_load = self._max_load if self._max_jobs is not True and \ self._running_job_count() >= self._max_jobs: return False if max_load is not None and \ (max_jobs is True or max_jobs > 1) and \ self._running_job_count() >= 1: try: avg1, avg5, avg15 = os.getloadavg() except (AttributeError, OSError), e: writemsg("!!! getloadavg() failed: %s\n" % (e,), noiselevel=-1) del e return False if avg1 >= max_load: return False return True def _poll(self, timeout=None): """ All poll() calls pass through here. The poll events are added directly to self._poll_event_queue. In order to avoid endless blocking, this raises StopIteration if timeout is None and there are no file descriptors to poll. """ if not self._poll_event_handlers: self._schedule() if timeout is None and \ not self._poll_event_handlers: raise StopIteration( "timeout is None and there are no poll() event handlers") # The following error is known to occur with Linux kernel versions # less than 2.6.24: # # select.error: (4, 'Interrupted system call') # # This error has been observed after a SIGSTOP, followed by SIGCONT. # Treat it similar to EAGAIN if timeout is None, otherwise just return # without any events. while True: try: self._poll_event_queue.extend(self._poll_obj.poll(timeout)) break except select.error, e: writemsg_level("\n!!! select error: %s\n" % (e,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) del e if timeout is not None: break def _next_poll_event(self, timeout=None): """ Since the _schedule_wait() loop is called by event handlers from _poll_loop(), maintain a central event queue for both of them to share events from a single poll() call. In order to avoid endless blocking, this raises StopIteration if timeout is None and there are no file descriptors to poll. """ if not self._poll_event_queue: self._poll(timeout) return self._poll_event_queue.pop() def _poll_loop(self): event_handlers = self._poll_event_handlers event_handled = False try: while event_handlers: f, event = self._next_poll_event() handler, reg_id = event_handlers[f] handler(f, event) event_handled = True except StopIteration: event_handled = True if not event_handled: raise AssertionError("tight loop") def _schedule_yield(self): """ Schedule for a short period of time chosen by the scheduler based on internal state. Synchronous tasks should call this periodically in order to allow the scheduler to service pending poll events. The scheduler will call poll() exactly once, without blocking, and any resulting poll events will be serviced. """ event_handlers = self._poll_event_handlers events_handled = 0 if not event_handlers: return bool(events_handled) if not self._poll_event_queue: self._poll(0) try: while event_handlers and self._poll_event_queue: f, event = self._next_poll_event() handler, reg_id = event_handlers[f] handler(f, event) events_handled += 1 except StopIteration: events_handled += 1 return bool(events_handled) def _register(self, f, eventmask, handler): """ @rtype: Integer @return: A unique registration id, for use in schedule() or unregister() calls. """ if f in self._poll_event_handlers: raise AssertionError("fd %d is already registered" % f) self._event_handler_id += 1 reg_id = self._event_handler_id self._poll_event_handler_ids[reg_id] = f self._poll_event_handlers[f] = (handler, reg_id) self._poll_obj.register(f, eventmask) return reg_id def _unregister(self, reg_id): f = self._poll_event_handler_ids[reg_id] self._poll_obj.unregister(f) del self._poll_event_handlers[f] del self._poll_event_handler_ids[reg_id] def _schedule_wait(self, wait_ids): """ Schedule until wait_id is not longer registered for poll() events. @type wait_id: int @param wait_id: a task id to wait for """ event_handlers = self._poll_event_handlers handler_ids = self._poll_event_handler_ids event_handled = False if isinstance(wait_ids, int): wait_ids = frozenset([wait_ids]) try: while wait_ids.intersection(handler_ids): f, event = self._next_poll_event() handler, reg_id = event_handlers[f] handler(f, event) event_handled = True except StopIteration: event_handled = True return event_handled class QueueScheduler(PollScheduler): """ Add instances of SequentialTaskQueue and then call run(). The run() method returns when no tasks remain. """ def __init__(self, max_jobs=None, max_load=None): PollScheduler.__init__(self) if max_jobs is None: max_jobs = 1 self._max_jobs = max_jobs self._max_load = max_load self.sched_iface = self._sched_iface_class( register=self._register, schedule=self._schedule_wait, unregister=self._unregister) self._queues = [] self._schedule_listeners = [] def add(self, q): self._queues.append(q) def remove(self, q): self._queues.remove(q) def run(self): while self._schedule(): self._poll_loop() while self._running_job_count(): self._poll_loop() def _schedule_tasks(self): """ @rtype: bool @returns: True if there may be remaining tasks to schedule, False otherwise. """ while self._can_add_job(): n = self._max_jobs - self._running_job_count() if n < 1: break if not self._start_next_job(n): return False for q in self._queues: if q: return True return False def _running_job_count(self): job_count = 0 for q in self._queues: job_count += len(q.running_tasks) self._jobs = job_count return job_count def _start_next_job(self, n=1): started_count = 0 for q in self._queues: initial_job_count = len(q.running_tasks) q.schedule() final_job_count = len(q.running_tasks) if final_job_count > initial_job_count: started_count += (final_job_count - initial_job_count) if started_count >= n: break return started_count class TaskScheduler(object): """ A simple way to handle scheduling of AsynchrousTask instances. Simply add tasks and call run(). The run() method returns when no tasks remain. """ def __init__(self, max_jobs=None, max_load=None): self._queue = SequentialTaskQueue(max_jobs=max_jobs) self._scheduler = QueueScheduler( max_jobs=max_jobs, max_load=max_load) self.sched_iface = self._scheduler.sched_iface self.run = self._scheduler.run self._scheduler.add(self._queue) def add(self, task): self._queue.add(task) class JobStatusDisplay(object): _bound_properties = ("curval", "failed", "running") _jobs_column_width = 48 # Don't update the display unless at least this much # time has passed, in units of seconds. _min_display_latency = 2 _default_term_codes = { 'cr' : '\r', 'el' : '\x1b[K', 'nel' : '\n', } _termcap_name_map = { 'carriage_return' : 'cr', 'clr_eol' : 'el', 'newline' : 'nel', } def __init__(self, out=sys.stdout, quiet=False): object.__setattr__(self, "out", out) object.__setattr__(self, "quiet", quiet) object.__setattr__(self, "maxval", 0) object.__setattr__(self, "merges", 0) object.__setattr__(self, "_changed", False) object.__setattr__(self, "_displayed", False) object.__setattr__(self, "_last_display_time", 0) object.__setattr__(self, "width", 80) self.reset() isatty = hasattr(out, "isatty") and out.isatty() object.__setattr__(self, "_isatty", isatty) if not isatty or not self._init_term(): term_codes = {} for k, capname in self._termcap_name_map.iteritems(): term_codes[k] = self._default_term_codes[capname] object.__setattr__(self, "_term_codes", term_codes) def _init_term(self): """ Initialize term control codes. @rtype: bool @returns: True if term codes were successfully initialized, False otherwise. """ term_type = os.environ.get("TERM", "vt100") tigetstr = None try: import curses try: curses.setupterm(term_type, self.out.fileno()) tigetstr = curses.tigetstr except curses.error: pass except ImportError: pass if tigetstr is None: return False term_codes = {} for k, capname in self._termcap_name_map.iteritems(): code = tigetstr(capname) if code is None: code = self._default_term_codes[capname] term_codes[k] = code object.__setattr__(self, "_term_codes", term_codes) return True def _format_msg(self, msg): return ">>> %s" % msg def _erase(self): self.out.write( self._term_codes['carriage_return'] + \ self._term_codes['clr_eol']) self.out.flush() self._displayed = False def _display(self, line): self.out.write(line) self.out.flush() self._displayed = True def _update(self, msg): out = self.out if not self._isatty: out.write(self._format_msg(msg) + self._term_codes['newline']) self.out.flush() self._displayed = True return if self._displayed: self._erase() self._display(self._format_msg(msg)) def displayMessage(self, msg): was_displayed = self._displayed if self._isatty and self._displayed: self._erase() self.out.write(self._format_msg(msg) + self._term_codes['newline']) self.out.flush() self._displayed = False if was_displayed: self._changed = True self.display() def reset(self): self.maxval = 0 self.merges = 0 for name in self._bound_properties: object.__setattr__(self, name, 0) if self._displayed: self.out.write(self._term_codes['newline']) self.out.flush() self._displayed = False def __setattr__(self, name, value): old_value = getattr(self, name) if value == old_value: return object.__setattr__(self, name, value) if name in self._bound_properties: self._property_change(name, old_value, value) def _property_change(self, name, old_value, new_value): self._changed = True self.display() def _load_avg_str(self): try: avg = os.getloadavg() except (AttributeError, OSError), e: return str(e) max_avg = max(avg) if max_avg < 10: digits = 2 elif max_avg < 100: digits = 1 else: digits = 0 return ", ".join(("%%.%df" % digits ) % x for x in avg) def display(self): """ Display status on stdout, but only if something has changed since the last call. """ if self.quiet: return current_time = time.time() time_delta = current_time - self._last_display_time if self._displayed and \ not self._changed: if not self._isatty: return if time_delta < self._min_display_latency: return self._last_display_time = current_time self._changed = False self._display_status() def _display_status(self): # Don't use len(self._completed_tasks) here since that also # can include uninstall tasks. curval_str = str(self.curval) maxval_str = str(self.maxval) running_str = str(self.running) failed_str = str(self.failed) load_avg_str = self._load_avg_str() color_output = StringIO.StringIO() plain_output = StringIO.StringIO() style_file = portage.output.ConsoleStyleFile(color_output) style_file.write_listener = plain_output style_writer = portage.output.StyleWriter(file=style_file, maxcol=9999) style_writer.style_listener = style_file.new_styles f = formatter.AbstractFormatter(style_writer) number_style = "INFORM" f.add_literal_data("Jobs: ") f.push_style(number_style) f.add_literal_data(curval_str) f.pop_style() f.add_literal_data(" of ") f.push_style(number_style) f.add_literal_data(maxval_str) f.pop_style() f.add_literal_data(" complete") if self.running: f.add_literal_data(", ") f.push_style(number_style) f.add_literal_data(running_str) f.pop_style() f.add_literal_data(" running") if self.failed: f.add_literal_data(", ") f.push_style(number_style) f.add_literal_data(failed_str) f.pop_style() f.add_literal_data(" failed") padding = self._jobs_column_width - len(plain_output.getvalue()) if padding > 0: f.add_literal_data(padding * " ") f.add_literal_data("Load avg: ") f.add_literal_data(load_avg_str) # Truncate to fit width, to avoid making the terminal scroll if the # line overflows (happens when the load average is large). plain_output = plain_output.getvalue() if self._isatty and len(plain_output) > self.width: # Use plain_output here since it's easier to truncate # properly than the color output which contains console # color codes. self._update(plain_output[:self.width]) else: self._update(color_output.getvalue()) xtermTitle(" ".join(plain_output.split())) class Scheduler(PollScheduler): _opts_ignore_blockers = \ frozenset(["--buildpkgonly", "--fetchonly", "--fetch-all-uri", "--nodeps", "--pretend"]) _opts_no_background = \ frozenset(["--pretend", "--fetchonly", "--fetch-all-uri"]) _opts_no_restart = frozenset(["--buildpkgonly", "--fetchonly", "--fetch-all-uri", "--pretend"]) _bad_resume_opts = set(["--ask", "--changelog", "--resume", "--skipfirst"]) _fetch_log = "/var/log/emerge-fetch.log" class _iface_class(SlotObject): __slots__ = ("dblinkEbuildPhase", "dblinkDisplayMerge", "dblinkElog", "fetch", "register", "schedule", "scheduleSetup", "scheduleUnpack", "scheduleYield", "unregister") class _fetch_iface_class(SlotObject): __slots__ = ("log_file", "schedule") _task_queues_class = slot_dict_class( ("merge", "jobs", "fetch", "unpack"), prefix="") class _build_opts_class(SlotObject): __slots__ = ("buildpkg", "buildpkgonly", "fetch_all_uri", "fetchonly", "pretend") class _binpkg_opts_class(SlotObject): __slots__ = ("fetchonly", "getbinpkg", "pretend") class _pkg_count_class(SlotObject): __slots__ = ("curval", "maxval") class _emerge_log_class(SlotObject): __slots__ = ("xterm_titles",) def log(self, *pargs, **kwargs): if not self.xterm_titles: # Avoid interference with the scheduler's status display. kwargs.pop("short_msg", None) emergelog(self.xterm_titles, *pargs, **kwargs) class _failed_pkg(SlotObject): __slots__ = ("build_dir", "build_log", "pkg", "returncode") class _ConfigPool(object): """Interface for a task to temporarily allocate a config instance from a pool. This allows a task to be constructed long before the config instance actually becomes needed, like when prefetchers are constructed for the whole merge list.""" __slots__ = ("_root", "_allocate", "_deallocate") def __init__(self, root, allocate, deallocate): self._root = root self._allocate = allocate self._deallocate = deallocate def allocate(self): return self._allocate(self._root) def deallocate(self, settings): self._deallocate(settings) class _unknown_internal_error(portage.exception.PortageException): """ Used internally to terminate scheduling. The specific reason for the failure should have been dumped to stderr. """ def __init__(self, value=""): portage.exception.PortageException.__init__(self, value) def __init__(self, settings, trees, mtimedb, myopts, spinner, mergelist, favorites, digraph): PollScheduler.__init__(self) self.settings = settings self.target_root = settings["ROOT"] self.trees = trees self.myopts = myopts self._spinner = spinner self._mtimedb = mtimedb self._mergelist = mergelist self._favorites = favorites self._args_set = InternalPackageSet(favorites) self._build_opts = self._build_opts_class() for k in self._build_opts.__slots__: setattr(self._build_opts, k, "--" + k.replace("_", "-") in myopts) self._binpkg_opts = self._binpkg_opts_class() for k in self._binpkg_opts.__slots__: setattr(self._binpkg_opts, k, "--" + k.replace("_", "-") in myopts) self.curval = 0 self._logger = self._emerge_log_class() self._task_queues = self._task_queues_class() for k in self._task_queues.allowed_keys: setattr(self._task_queues, k, SequentialTaskQueue()) self._status_display = JobStatusDisplay() self._max_load = myopts.get("--load-average") max_jobs = myopts.get("--jobs") if max_jobs is None: max_jobs = 1 self._set_max_jobs(max_jobs) # The root where the currently running # portage instance is installed. self._running_root = trees["/"]["root_config"] self.edebug = 0 if settings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG", "") == "1": self.edebug = 1 self.pkgsettings = {} self._config_pool = {} self._blocker_db = {} for root in trees: self._config_pool[root] = [] self._blocker_db[root] = BlockerDB(trees[root]["root_config"]) fetch_iface = self._fetch_iface_class(log_file=self._fetch_log, schedule=self._schedule_fetch) self._sched_iface = self._iface_class( dblinkEbuildPhase=self._dblink_ebuild_phase, dblinkDisplayMerge=self._dblink_display_merge, dblinkElog=self._dblink_elog, fetch=fetch_iface, register=self._register, schedule=self._schedule_wait, scheduleSetup=self._schedule_setup, scheduleUnpack=self._schedule_unpack, scheduleYield=self._schedule_yield, unregister=self._unregister) self._prefetchers = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() self._pkg_queue = [] self._completed_tasks = set() self._failed_pkgs = [] self._failed_pkgs_all = [] self._failed_pkgs_die_msgs = [] self._post_mod_echo_msgs = [] self._parallel_fetch = False merge_count = len([x for x in mergelist \ if isinstance(x, Package) and x.operation == "merge"]) self._pkg_count = self._pkg_count_class( curval=0, maxval=merge_count) self._status_display.maxval = self._pkg_count.maxval # The load average takes some time to respond when new # jobs are added, so we need to limit the rate of adding # new jobs. self._job_delay_max = 10 self._job_delay_factor = 1.0 self._job_delay_exp = 1.5 self._previous_job_start_time = None self._set_digraph(digraph) # This is used to memoize the _choose_pkg() result when # no packages can be chosen until one of the existing # jobs completes. self._choose_pkg_return_early = False features = self.settings.features if "parallel-fetch" in features and \ not ("--pretend" in self.myopts or \ "--fetch-all-uri" in self.myopts or \ "--fetchonly" in self.myopts): if "distlocks" not in features: portage.writemsg(red("!!!")+"\n", noiselevel=-1) portage.writemsg(red("!!!")+" parallel-fetching " + \ "requires the distlocks feature enabled"+"\n", noiselevel=-1) portage.writemsg(red("!!!")+" you have it disabled, " + \ "thus parallel-fetching is being disabled"+"\n", noiselevel=-1) portage.writemsg(red("!!!")+"\n", noiselevel=-1) elif len(mergelist) > 1: self._parallel_fetch = True if self._parallel_fetch: # clear out existing fetch log if it exists try: open(self._fetch_log, 'w') except EnvironmentError: pass self._running_portage = None portage_match = self._running_root.trees["vartree"].dbapi.match( portage.const.PORTAGE_PACKAGE_ATOM) if portage_match: cpv = portage_match.pop() self._running_portage = self._pkg(cpv, "installed", self._running_root, installed=True) def _poll(self, timeout=None): self._schedule() PollScheduler._poll(self, timeout=timeout) def _set_max_jobs(self, max_jobs): self._max_jobs = max_jobs self._task_queues.jobs.max_jobs = max_jobs def _background_mode(self): """ Check if background mode is enabled and adjust states as necessary. @rtype: bool @returns: True if background mode is enabled, False otherwise. """ background = (self._max_jobs is True or \ self._max_jobs > 1 or "--quiet" in self.myopts) and \ not bool(self._opts_no_background.intersection(self.myopts)) if background: interactive_tasks = self._get_interactive_tasks() if interactive_tasks: background = False writemsg_level(">>> Sending package output to stdio due " + \ "to interactive package(s):\n", level=logging.INFO, noiselevel=-1) msg = [""] for pkg in interactive_tasks: pkg_str = " " + colorize("INFORM", str(pkg.cpv)) if pkg.root != "/": pkg_str += " for " + pkg.root msg.append(pkg_str) msg.append("") writemsg_level("".join("%s\n" % (l,) for l in msg), level=logging.INFO, noiselevel=-1) if self._max_jobs is True or self._max_jobs > 1: self._set_max_jobs(1) writemsg_level(">>> Setting --jobs=1 due " + \ "to the above interactive package(s)\n", level=logging.INFO, noiselevel=-1) self._status_display.quiet = \ not background or \ ("--quiet" in self.myopts and \ "--verbose" not in self.myopts) self._logger.xterm_titles = \ "notitles" not in self.settings.features and \ self._status_display.quiet return background def _get_interactive_tasks(self): from portage import flatten from portage.dep import use_reduce, paren_reduce interactive_tasks = [] for task in self._mergelist: if not (isinstance(task, Package) and \ task.operation == "merge"): continue try: properties = flatten(use_reduce(paren_reduce( task.metadata["PROPERTIES"]), uselist=task.use.enabled)) except portage.exception.InvalidDependString, e: show_invalid_depstring_notice(task, task.metadata["PROPERTIES"], str(e)) raise self._unknown_internal_error() if "interactive" in properties: interactive_tasks.append(task) return interactive_tasks def _set_digraph(self, digraph): if "--nodeps" in self.myopts or \ (self._max_jobs is not True and self._max_jobs < 2): # save some memory self._digraph = None return self._digraph = digraph self._prune_digraph() def _prune_digraph(self): """ Prune any root nodes that are irrelevant. """ graph = self._digraph completed_tasks = self._completed_tasks removed_nodes = set() while True: for node in graph.root_nodes(): if not isinstance(node, Package) or \ (node.installed and node.operation == "nomerge") or \ node.onlydeps or \ node in completed_tasks: removed_nodes.add(node) if removed_nodes: graph.difference_update(removed_nodes) if not removed_nodes: break removed_nodes.clear() class _pkg_failure(portage.exception.PortageException): """ An instance of this class is raised by unmerge() when an uninstallation fails. """ status = 1 def __init__(self, *pargs): portage.exception.PortageException.__init__(self, pargs) if pargs: self.status = pargs[0] def _schedule_fetch(self, fetcher): """ Schedule a fetcher on the fetch queue, in order to serialize access to the fetch log. """ self._task_queues.fetch.addFront(fetcher) def _schedule_setup(self, setup_phase): """ Schedule a setup phase on the merge queue, in order to serialize unsandboxed access to the live filesystem. """ self._task_queues.merge.addFront(setup_phase) self._schedule() def _schedule_unpack(self, unpack_phase): """ Schedule an unpack phase on the unpack queue, in order to serialize $DISTDIR access for live ebuilds. """ self._task_queues.unpack.add(unpack_phase) def _find_blockers(self, new_pkg): """ Returns a callable which should be called only when the vdb lock has been acquired. """ def get_blockers(): return self._find_blockers_with_lock(new_pkg, acquire_lock=0) return get_blockers def _find_blockers_with_lock(self, new_pkg, acquire_lock=0): if self._opts_ignore_blockers.intersection(self.myopts): return None # Call gc.collect() here to avoid heap overflow that # triggers 'Cannot allocate memory' errors (reported # with python-2.5). import gc gc.collect() blocker_db = self._blocker_db[new_pkg.root] blocker_dblinks = [] for blocking_pkg in blocker_db.findInstalledBlockers( new_pkg, acquire_lock=acquire_lock): if new_pkg.slot_atom == blocking_pkg.slot_atom: continue if new_pkg.cpv == blocking_pkg.cpv: continue blocker_dblinks.append(portage.dblink( blocking_pkg.category, blocking_pkg.pf, blocking_pkg.root, self.pkgsettings[blocking_pkg.root], treetype="vartree", vartree=self.trees[blocking_pkg.root]["vartree"])) gc.collect() return blocker_dblinks def _dblink_pkg(self, pkg_dblink): cpv = pkg_dblink.mycpv type_name = RootConfig.tree_pkg_map[pkg_dblink.treetype] root_config = self.trees[pkg_dblink.myroot]["root_config"] installed = type_name == "installed" return self._pkg(cpv, type_name, root_config, installed=installed) def _append_to_log_path(self, log_path, msg): f = open(log_path, 'a') try: f.write(msg) finally: f.close() def _dblink_elog(self, pkg_dblink, phase, func, msgs): log_path = pkg_dblink.settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE") log_file = None out = sys.stdout background = self._background if background and log_path is not None: log_file = open(log_path, 'a') out = log_file try: for msg in msgs: func(msg, phase=phase, key=pkg_dblink.mycpv, out=out) finally: if log_file is not None: log_file.close() def _dblink_display_merge(self, pkg_dblink, msg, level=0, noiselevel=0): log_path = pkg_dblink.settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE") background = self._background if log_path is None: if not (background and level < logging.WARN): portage.util.writemsg_level(msg, level=level, noiselevel=noiselevel) else: if not background: portage.util.writemsg_level(msg, level=level, noiselevel=noiselevel) self._append_to_log_path(log_path, msg) def _dblink_ebuild_phase(self, pkg_dblink, pkg_dbapi, ebuild_path, phase): """ Using this callback for merge phases allows the scheduler to run while these phases execute asynchronously, and allows the scheduler control output handling. """ scheduler = self._sched_iface settings = pkg_dblink.settings pkg = self._dblink_pkg(pkg_dblink) background = self._background log_path = settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE") ebuild_phase = EbuildPhase(background=background, pkg=pkg, phase=phase, scheduler=scheduler, settings=settings, tree=pkg_dblink.treetype) ebuild_phase.start() ebuild_phase.wait() return ebuild_phase.returncode def _check_manifests(self): # Verify all the manifests now so that the user is notified of failure # as soon as possible. if "strict" not in self.settings.features or \ "--fetchonly" in self.myopts or \ "--fetch-all-uri" in self.myopts: return os.EX_OK shown_verifying_msg = False quiet_settings = {} for myroot, pkgsettings in self.pkgsettings.iteritems(): quiet_config = portage.config(clone=pkgsettings) quiet_config["PORTAGE_QUIET"] = "1" quiet_config.backup_changes("PORTAGE_QUIET") quiet_settings[myroot] = quiet_config del quiet_config for x in self._mergelist: if not isinstance(x, Package) or \ x.type_name != "ebuild": continue if not shown_verifying_msg: shown_verifying_msg = True self._status_msg("Verifying ebuild manifests") root_config = x.root_config portdb = root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi quiet_config = quiet_settings[root_config.root] quiet_config["O"] = os.path.dirname(portdb.findname(x.cpv)) if not portage.digestcheck([], quiet_config, strict=True): return 1 return os.EX_OK def _add_prefetchers(self): if not self._parallel_fetch: return if self._parallel_fetch: self._status_msg("Starting parallel fetch") prefetchers = self._prefetchers getbinpkg = "--getbinpkg" in self.myopts # In order to avoid "waiting for lock" messages # at the beginning, which annoy users, never # spawn a prefetcher for the first package. for pkg in self._mergelist[1:]: prefetcher = self._create_prefetcher(pkg) if prefetcher is not None: self._task_queues.fetch.add(prefetcher) prefetchers[pkg] = prefetcher def _create_prefetcher(self, pkg): """ @return: a prefetcher, or None if not applicable """ prefetcher = None if not isinstance(pkg, Package): pass elif pkg.type_name == "ebuild": prefetcher = EbuildFetcher(background=True, config_pool=self._ConfigPool(pkg.root, self._allocate_config, self._deallocate_config), fetchonly=1, logfile=self._fetch_log, pkg=pkg, prefetch=True, scheduler=self._sched_iface) elif pkg.type_name == "binary" and \ "--getbinpkg" in self.myopts and \ pkg.root_config.trees["bintree"].isremote(pkg.cpv): prefetcher = BinpkgPrefetcher(background=True, pkg=pkg, scheduler=self._sched_iface) return prefetcher def _is_restart_scheduled(self): """ Check if the merge list contains a replacement for the current running instance, that will result in restart after merge. @rtype: bool @returns: True if a restart is scheduled, False otherwise. """ if self._opts_no_restart.intersection(self.myopts): return False mergelist = self._mergelist for i, pkg in enumerate(mergelist): if self._is_restart_necessary(pkg) and \ i != len(mergelist) - 1: return True return False def _is_restart_necessary(self, pkg): """ @return: True if merging the given package requires restart, False otherwise. """ # Figure out if we need a restart. if pkg.root == self._running_root.root and \ portage.match_from_list( portage.const.PORTAGE_PACKAGE_ATOM, [pkg]): if self._running_portage: return pkg.cpv != self._running_portage.cpv return True return False def _restart_if_necessary(self, pkg): """ Use execv() to restart emerge. This happens if portage upgrades itself and there are remaining packages in the list. """ if self._opts_no_restart.intersection(self.myopts): return if not self._is_restart_necessary(pkg): return if pkg == self._mergelist[-1]: return self._main_loop_cleanup() logger = self._logger pkg_count = self._pkg_count mtimedb = self._mtimedb bad_resume_opts = self._bad_resume_opts logger.log(" ::: completed emerge (%s of %s) %s to %s" % \ (pkg_count.curval, pkg_count.maxval, pkg.cpv, pkg.root)) logger.log(" *** RESTARTING " + \ "emerge via exec() after change of " + \ "portage version.") mtimedb["resume"]["mergelist"].remove(list(pkg)) mtimedb.commit() portage.run_exitfuncs() mynewargv = [sys.argv[0], "--resume"] resume_opts = self.myopts.copy() # For automatic resume, we need to prevent # any of bad_resume_opts from leaking in # via EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS. resume_opts["--ignore-default-opts"] = True for myopt, myarg in resume_opts.iteritems(): if myopt not in bad_resume_opts: if myarg is True: mynewargv.append(myopt) else: mynewargv.append(myopt +"="+ str(myarg)) # priority only needs to be adjusted on the first run os.environ["PORTAGE_NICENESS"] = "0" os.execv(mynewargv[0], mynewargv) def merge(self): if "--resume" in self.myopts: # We're resuming. portage.writemsg_stdout( colorize("GOOD", "*** Resuming merge...\n"), noiselevel=-1) self._logger.log(" *** Resuming merge...") self._save_resume_list() try: self._background = self._background_mode() except self._unknown_internal_error: return 1 for root in self.trees: root_config = self.trees[root]["root_config"] # Even for --pretend --fetch mode, PORTAGE_TMPDIR is required # since it might spawn pkg_nofetch which requires PORTAGE_BUILDDIR # for ensuring sane $PWD (bug #239560) and storing elog messages. tmpdir = root_config.settings.get("PORTAGE_TMPDIR", "") if not tmpdir or not os.path.isdir(tmpdir): msg = "The directory specified in your " + \ "PORTAGE_TMPDIR variable, '%s', " % tmpdir + \ "does not exist. Please create this " + \ "directory or correct your PORTAGE_TMPDIR setting." msg = textwrap.wrap(msg, 70) out = portage.output.EOutput() for l in msg: out.eerror(l) return 1 if self._background: root_config.settings.unlock() root_config.settings["PORTAGE_BACKGROUND"] = "1" root_config.settings.backup_changes("PORTAGE_BACKGROUND") root_config.settings.lock() self.pkgsettings[root] = portage.config( clone=root_config.settings) rval = self._check_manifests() if rval != os.EX_OK: return rval keep_going = "--keep-going" in self.myopts fetchonly = self._build_opts.fetchonly mtimedb = self._mtimedb failed_pkgs = self._failed_pkgs while True: rval = self._merge() if rval == os.EX_OK or fetchonly or not keep_going: break if "resume" not in mtimedb: break mergelist = self._mtimedb["resume"].get("mergelist") if not mergelist: break if not failed_pkgs: break for failed_pkg in failed_pkgs: mergelist.remove(list(failed_pkg.pkg)) self._failed_pkgs_all.extend(failed_pkgs) del failed_pkgs[:] if not mergelist: break if not self._calc_resume_list(): break clear_caches(self.trees) if not self._mergelist: break self._save_resume_list() self._pkg_count.curval = 0 self._pkg_count.maxval = len([x for x in self._mergelist \ if isinstance(x, Package) and x.operation == "merge"]) self._status_display.maxval = self._pkg_count.maxval self._logger.log(" *** Finished. Cleaning up...") if failed_pkgs: self._failed_pkgs_all.extend(failed_pkgs) del failed_pkgs[:] background = self._background failure_log_shown = False if background and len(self._failed_pkgs_all) == 1: # If only one package failed then just show it's # whole log for easy viewing. failed_pkg = self._failed_pkgs_all[-1] build_dir = failed_pkg.build_dir log_file = None log_paths = [failed_pkg.build_log] log_path = self._locate_failure_log(failed_pkg) if log_path is not None: try: log_file = open(log_path, 'rb') except IOError: pass if log_file is not None: try: for line in log_file: writemsg_level(line, noiselevel=-1) finally: log_file.close() failure_log_shown = True # Dump mod_echo output now since it tends to flood the terminal. # This allows us to avoid having more important output, generated # later, from being swept away by the mod_echo output. mod_echo_output = _flush_elog_mod_echo() if background and not failure_log_shown and \ self._failed_pkgs_all and \ self._failed_pkgs_die_msgs and \ not mod_echo_output: printer = portage.output.EOutput() for mysettings, key, logentries in self._failed_pkgs_die_msgs: root_msg = "" if mysettings["ROOT"] != "/": root_msg = " merged to %s" % mysettings["ROOT"] print printer.einfo("Error messages for package %s%s:" % \ (colorize("INFORM", key), root_msg)) print for phase in portage.const.EBUILD_PHASES: if phase not in logentries: continue for msgtype, msgcontent in logentries[phase]: if isinstance(msgcontent, basestring): msgcontent = [msgcontent] for line in msgcontent: printer.eerror(line.strip("\n")) if self._post_mod_echo_msgs: for msg in self._post_mod_echo_msgs: msg() if len(self._failed_pkgs_all) > 1: msg = "The following packages have " + \ "failed to build or install:" prefix = bad(" * ") writemsg(prefix + "\n", noiselevel=-1) from textwrap import wrap for line in wrap(msg, 72): writemsg("%s%s\n" % (prefix, line), noiselevel=-1) writemsg(prefix + "\n", noiselevel=-1) for failed_pkg in self._failed_pkgs_all: writemsg("%s\t%s\n" % (prefix, colorize("INFORM", str(failed_pkg.pkg))), noiselevel=-1) writemsg(prefix + "\n", noiselevel=-1) return rval def _elog_listener(self, mysettings, key, logentries, fulltext): errors = portage.elog.filter_loglevels(logentries, ["ERROR"]) if errors: self._failed_pkgs_die_msgs.append( (mysettings, key, errors)) def _locate_failure_log(self, failed_pkg): build_dir = failed_pkg.build_dir log_file = None log_paths = [failed_pkg.build_log] for log_path in log_paths: if not log_path: continue try: log_size = os.stat(log_path).st_size except OSError: continue if log_size == 0: continue return log_path return None def _add_packages(self): pkg_queue = self._pkg_queue for pkg in self._mergelist: if isinstance(pkg, Package): pkg_queue.append(pkg) elif isinstance(pkg, Blocker): pass def _merge_exit(self, merge): self._do_merge_exit(merge) self._deallocate_config(merge.merge.settings) if merge.returncode == os.EX_OK and \ not merge.merge.pkg.installed: self._status_display.curval += 1 self._status_display.merges = len(self._task_queues.merge) self._schedule() def _do_merge_exit(self, merge): pkg = merge.merge.pkg if merge.returncode != os.EX_OK: settings = merge.merge.settings build_dir = settings.get("PORTAGE_BUILDDIR") build_log = settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE") self._failed_pkgs.append(self._failed_pkg( build_dir=build_dir, build_log=build_log, pkg=pkg, returncode=merge.returncode)) self._failed_pkg_msg(self._failed_pkgs[-1], "install", "to") self._status_display.failed = len(self._failed_pkgs) return self._task_complete(pkg) pkg_to_replace = merge.merge.pkg_to_replace if pkg_to_replace is not None: # When a package is replaced, mark it's uninstall # task complete (if any). uninst_hash_key = \ ("installed", pkg.root, pkg_to_replace.cpv, "uninstall") self._task_complete(uninst_hash_key) if pkg.installed: return self._restart_if_necessary(pkg) # Call mtimedb.commit() after each merge so that # --resume still works after being interrupted # by reboot, sigkill or similar. mtimedb = self._mtimedb mtimedb["resume"]["mergelist"].remove(list(pkg)) if not mtimedb["resume"]["mergelist"]: del mtimedb["resume"] mtimedb.commit() def _build_exit(self, build): if build.returncode == os.EX_OK: self.curval += 1 merge = PackageMerge(merge=build) merge.addExitListener(self._merge_exit) self._task_queues.merge.add(merge) self._status_display.merges = len(self._task_queues.merge) else: settings = build.settings build_dir = settings.get("PORTAGE_BUILDDIR") build_log = settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE") self._failed_pkgs.append(self._failed_pkg( build_dir=build_dir, build_log=build_log, pkg=build.pkg, returncode=build.returncode)) self._failed_pkg_msg(self._failed_pkgs[-1], "emerge", "for") self._status_display.failed = len(self._failed_pkgs) self._deallocate_config(build.settings) self._jobs -= 1 self._status_display.running = self._jobs self._schedule() def _extract_exit(self, build): self._build_exit(build) def _task_complete(self, pkg): self._completed_tasks.add(pkg) self._choose_pkg_return_early = False def _merge(self): self._add_prefetchers() self._add_packages() pkg_queue = self._pkg_queue failed_pkgs = self._failed_pkgs portage.locks._quiet = self._background portage.elog._emerge_elog_listener = self._elog_listener rval = os.EX_OK try: self._main_loop() finally: self._main_loop_cleanup() portage.locks._quiet = False portage.elog._emerge_elog_listener = None if failed_pkgs: rval = failed_pkgs[-1].returncode return rval def _main_loop_cleanup(self): del self._pkg_queue[:] self._completed_tasks.clear() self._choose_pkg_return_early = False self._status_display.reset() self._digraph = None self._task_queues.fetch.clear() def _choose_pkg(self): """ Choose a task that has all it's dependencies satisfied. """ if self._choose_pkg_return_early: return None if self._digraph is None: if (self._jobs or self._task_queues.merge) and \ not ("--nodeps" in self.myopts and \ (self._max_jobs is True or self._max_jobs > 1)): self._choose_pkg_return_early = True return None return self._pkg_queue.pop(0) if not (self._jobs or self._task_queues.merge): return self._pkg_queue.pop(0) self._prune_digraph() chosen_pkg = None later = set(self._pkg_queue) for pkg in self._pkg_queue: later.remove(pkg) if not self._dependent_on_scheduled_merges(pkg, later): chosen_pkg = pkg break if chosen_pkg is not None: self._pkg_queue.remove(chosen_pkg) if chosen_pkg is None: # There's no point in searching for a package to # choose until at least one of the existing jobs # completes. self._choose_pkg_return_early = True return chosen_pkg def _dependent_on_scheduled_merges(self, pkg, later): """ Traverse the subgraph of the given packages deep dependencies to see if it contains any scheduled merges. @param pkg: a package to check dependencies for @type pkg: Package @param later: packages for which dependence should be ignored since they will be merged later than pkg anyway and therefore delaying the merge of pkg will not result in a more optimal merge order @type later: set @rtype: bool @returns: True if the package is dependent, False otherwise. """ graph = self._digraph completed_tasks = self._completed_tasks dependent = False traversed_nodes = set([pkg]) direct_deps = graph.child_nodes(pkg) node_stack = direct_deps direct_deps = frozenset(direct_deps) while node_stack: node = node_stack.pop() if node in traversed_nodes: continue traversed_nodes.add(node) if not ((node.installed and node.operation == "nomerge") or \ (node.operation == "uninstall" and \ node not in direct_deps) or \ node in completed_tasks or \ node in later): dependent = True break node_stack.extend(graph.child_nodes(node)) return dependent def _allocate_config(self, root): """ Allocate a unique config instance for a task in order to prevent interference between parallel tasks. """ if self._config_pool[root]: temp_settings = self._config_pool[root].pop() else: temp_settings = portage.config(clone=self.pkgsettings[root]) # Since config.setcpv() isn't guaranteed to call config.reset() due to # performance reasons, call it here to make sure all settings from the # previous package get flushed out (such as PORTAGE_LOG_FILE). temp_settings.reload() temp_settings.reset() return temp_settings def _deallocate_config(self, settings): self._config_pool[settings["ROOT"]].append(settings) def _main_loop(self): # Only allow 1 job max if a restart is scheduled # due to portage update. if self._is_restart_scheduled() or \ self._opts_no_background.intersection(self.myopts): self._set_max_jobs(1) merge_queue = self._task_queues.merge while self._schedule(): if self._poll_event_handlers: self._poll_loop() while True: self._schedule() if not (self._jobs or merge_queue): break if self._poll_event_handlers: self._poll_loop() def _keep_scheduling(self): return bool(self._pkg_queue and \ not (self._failed_pkgs and not self._build_opts.fetchonly)) def _schedule_tasks(self): self._schedule_tasks_imp() self._status_display.display() state_change = 0 for q in self._task_queues.values(): if q.schedule(): state_change += 1 # Cancel prefetchers if they're the only reason # the main poll loop is still running. if self._failed_pkgs and not self._build_opts.fetchonly and \ not (self._jobs or self._task_queues.merge) and \ self._task_queues.fetch: self._task_queues.fetch.clear() state_change += 1 if state_change: self._schedule_tasks_imp() self._status_display.display() return self._keep_scheduling() def _job_delay(self): """ @rtype: bool @returns: True if job scheduling should be delayed, False otherwise. """ if self._jobs and self._max_load is not None: current_time = time.time() delay = self._job_delay_factor * self._jobs ** self._job_delay_exp if delay > self._job_delay_max: delay = self._job_delay_max if (current_time - self._previous_job_start_time) < delay: return True return False def _schedule_tasks_imp(self): """ @rtype: bool @returns: True if state changed, False otherwise. """ state_change = 0 while True: if not self._keep_scheduling(): return bool(state_change) if self._choose_pkg_return_early or \ not self._can_add_job() or \ self._job_delay(): return bool(state_change) pkg = self._choose_pkg() if pkg is None: return bool(state_change) state_change += 1 if not pkg.installed: self._pkg_count.curval += 1 task = self._task(pkg) if pkg.installed: merge = PackageMerge(merge=task) merge.addExitListener(self._merge_exit) self._task_queues.merge.add(merge) elif pkg.built: self._jobs += 1 self._previous_job_start_time = time.time() self._status_display.running = self._jobs task.addExitListener(self._extract_exit) self._task_queues.jobs.add(task) else: self._jobs += 1 self._previous_job_start_time = time.time() self._status_display.running = self._jobs task.addExitListener(self._build_exit) self._task_queues.jobs.add(task) return bool(state_change) def _task(self, pkg): pkg_to_replace = None if pkg.operation != "uninstall": vardb = pkg.root_config.trees["vartree"].dbapi previous_cpv = vardb.match(pkg.slot_atom) if previous_cpv: previous_cpv = previous_cpv.pop() pkg_to_replace = self._pkg(previous_cpv, "installed", pkg.root_config, installed=True) task = MergeListItem(args_set=self._args_set, background=self._background, binpkg_opts=self._binpkg_opts, build_opts=self._build_opts, config_pool=self._ConfigPool(pkg.root, self._allocate_config, self._deallocate_config), emerge_opts=self.myopts, find_blockers=self._find_blockers(pkg), logger=self._logger, mtimedb=self._mtimedb, pkg=pkg, pkg_count=self._pkg_count.copy(), pkg_to_replace=pkg_to_replace, prefetcher=self._prefetchers.get(pkg), scheduler=self._sched_iface, settings=self._allocate_config(pkg.root), statusMessage=self._status_msg, world_atom=self._world_atom) return task def _failed_pkg_msg(self, failed_pkg, action, preposition): pkg = failed_pkg.pkg msg = "%s to %s %s" % \ (bad("Failed"), action, colorize("INFORM", pkg.cpv)) if pkg.root != "/": msg += " %s %s" % (preposition, pkg.root) log_path = self._locate_failure_log(failed_pkg) if log_path is not None: msg += ", Log file:" self._status_msg(msg) if log_path is not None: self._status_msg(" '%s'" % (colorize("INFORM", log_path),)) def _status_msg(self, msg): """ Display a brief status message (no newlines) in the status display. This is called by tasks to provide feedback to the user. This delegates the resposibility of generating \r and \n control characters, to guarantee that lines are created or erased when necessary and appropriate. @type msg: str @param msg: a brief status message (no newlines allowed) """ if not self._background: writemsg_level("\n") self._status_display.displayMessage(msg) def _save_resume_list(self): """ Do this before verifying the ebuild Manifests since it might be possible for the user to use --resume --skipfirst get past a non-essential package with a broken digest. """ mtimedb = self._mtimedb mtimedb["resume"]["mergelist"] = [list(x) \ for x in self._mergelist \ if isinstance(x, Package) and x.operation == "merge"] mtimedb.commit() def _calc_resume_list(self): """ Use the current resume list to calculate a new one, dropping any packages with unsatisfied deps. @rtype: bool @returns: True if successful, False otherwise. """ print colorize("GOOD", "*** Resuming merge...") if self._show_list(): if "--tree" in self.myopts: portage.writemsg_stdout("\n" + \ darkgreen("These are the packages that " + \ "would be merged, in reverse order:\n\n")) else: portage.writemsg_stdout("\n" + \ darkgreen("These are the packages that " + \ "would be merged, in order:\n\n")) show_spinner = "--quiet" not in self.myopts and \ "--nodeps" not in self.myopts if show_spinner: print "Calculating dependencies ", myparams = create_depgraph_params(self.myopts, None) success = False e = None try: success, mydepgraph, dropped_tasks = resume_depgraph( self.settings, self.trees, self._mtimedb, self.myopts, myparams, self._spinner, skip_unsatisfied=True) except depgraph.UnsatisfiedResumeDep, e: mydepgraph = e.depgraph dropped_tasks = set() if show_spinner: print "\b\b... done!" if e is not None: def unsatisfied_resume_dep_msg(): mydepgraph.display_problems() out = portage.output.EOutput() out.eerror("One or more packages are either masked or " + \ "have missing dependencies:") out.eerror("") indent = " " show_parents = set() for dep in e.value: if dep.parent in show_parents: continue show_parents.add(dep.parent) if dep.atom is None: out.eerror(indent + "Masked package:") out.eerror(2 * indent + str(dep.parent)) out.eerror("") else: out.eerror(indent + str(dep.atom) + " pulled in by:") out.eerror(2 * indent + str(dep.parent)) out.eerror("") msg = "The resume list contains packages " + \ "that are either masked or have " + \ "unsatisfied dependencies. " + \ "Please restart/continue " + \ "the operation manually, or use --skipfirst " + \ "to skip the first package in the list and " + \ "any other packages that may be " + \ "masked or have missing dependencies." for line in textwrap.wrap(msg, 72): out.eerror(line) self._post_mod_echo_msgs.append(unsatisfied_resume_dep_msg) return False if success and self._show_list(): mylist = mydepgraph.altlist() if mylist: if "--tree" in self.myopts: mylist.reverse() mydepgraph.display(mylist, favorites=self._favorites) if not success: self._post_mod_echo_msgs.append(mydepgraph.display_problems) return False mydepgraph.display_problems() mylist = mydepgraph.altlist() mydepgraph.break_refs(mylist) mydepgraph.break_refs(dropped_tasks) self._mergelist = mylist self._set_digraph(mydepgraph.schedulerGraph()) msg_width = 75 for task in dropped_tasks: if not (isinstance(task, Package) and task.operation == "merge"): continue pkg = task msg = "emerge --keep-going:" + \ " %s" % (pkg.cpv,) if pkg.root != "/": msg += " for %s" % (pkg.root,) msg += " dropped due to unsatisfied dependency." for line in textwrap.wrap(msg, msg_width): eerror(line, phase="other", key=pkg.cpv) settings = self.pkgsettings[pkg.root] # Ensure that log collection from $T is disabled inside # elog_process(), since any logs that might exist are # not valid here. settings.pop("T", None) portage.elog.elog_process(pkg.cpv, settings) self._failed_pkgs_all.append(self._failed_pkg(pkg=pkg)) return True def _show_list(self): myopts = self.myopts if "--quiet" not in myopts and \ ("--ask" in myopts or "--tree" in myopts or \ "--verbose" in myopts): return True return False def _world_atom(self, pkg): """ Add the package to the world file, but only if it's supposed to be added. Otherwise, do nothing. """ if set(("--buildpkgonly", "--fetchonly", "--fetch-all-uri", "--oneshot", "--onlydeps", "--pretend")).intersection(self.myopts): return if pkg.root != self.target_root: return args_set = self._args_set if not args_set.findAtomForPackage(pkg): return logger = self._logger pkg_count = self._pkg_count root_config = pkg.root_config world_set = root_config.sets["world"] world_locked = False if hasattr(world_set, "lock"): world_set.lock() world_locked = True try: if hasattr(world_set, "load"): world_set.load() # maybe it's changed on disk atom = create_world_atom(pkg, args_set, root_config) if atom: if hasattr(world_set, "add"): self._status_msg(('Recording %s in "world" ' + \ 'favorites file...') % atom) logger.log(" === (%s of %s) Updating world file (%s)" % \ (pkg_count.curval, pkg_count.maxval, pkg.cpv)) world_set.add(atom) else: writemsg_level('\n!!! Unable to record %s in "world"\n' % \ (atom,), level=logging.WARN, noiselevel=-1) finally: if world_locked: world_set.unlock() def _pkg(self, cpv, type_name, root_config, installed=False): """ Get a package instance from the cache, or create a new one if necessary. Raises KeyError from aux_get if it failures for some reason (package does not exist or is corrupt). """ operation = "merge" if installed: operation = "nomerge" if self._digraph is not None: # Reuse existing instance when available. pkg = self._digraph.get( (type_name, root_config.root, cpv, operation)) if pkg is not None: return pkg tree_type = depgraph.pkg_tree_map[type_name] db = root_config.trees[tree_type].dbapi db_keys = list(self.trees[root_config.root][ tree_type].dbapi._aux_cache_keys) metadata = izip(db_keys, db.aux_get(cpv, db_keys)) pkg = Package(cpv=cpv, metadata=metadata, root_config=root_config, installed=installed) if type_name == "ebuild": settings = self.pkgsettings[root_config.root] settings.setcpv(pkg) pkg.metadata["USE"] = settings["PORTAGE_USE"] return pkg class MetadataRegen(PollScheduler): def __init__(self, portdb, max_jobs=None, max_load=None): PollScheduler.__init__(self) self._portdb = portdb if max_jobs is None: max_jobs = 1 self._max_jobs = max_jobs self._max_load = max_load self._sched_iface = self._sched_iface_class( register=self._register, schedule=self._schedule_wait, unregister=self._unregister) self._valid_pkgs = set() self._process_iter = self._iter_metadata_processes() def _iter_metadata_processes(self): portdb = self._portdb valid_pkgs = self._valid_pkgs every_cp = portdb.cp_all() every_cp.sort(reverse=True) while every_cp: cp = every_cp.pop() portage.writemsg_stdout("Processing %s\n" % cp) cpv_list = portdb.cp_list(cp) for cpv in cpv_list: valid_pkgs.add(cpv) ebuild_path, repo_path = portdb.findname2(cpv) metadata_process = portdb._metadata_process( cpv, ebuild_path, repo_path) if metadata_process is None: continue yield metadata_process def run(self): portdb = self._portdb from portage.cache.cache_errors import CacheError dead_nodes = {} for mytree in portdb.porttrees: try: dead_nodes[mytree] = set(portdb.auxdb[mytree].iterkeys()) except CacheError, e: portage.writemsg("Error listing cache entries for " + \ "'%s': %s, continuing...\n" % (mytree, e), noiselevel=-1) del e dead_nodes = None break while self._schedule(): self._poll_loop() while self._jobs: self._poll_loop() if dead_nodes: for y in self._valid_pkgs: for mytree in portdb.porttrees: if portdb.findname2(y, mytree=mytree)[0]: dead_nodes[mytree].discard(y) for mytree, nodes in dead_nodes.iteritems(): auxdb = portdb.auxdb[mytree] for y in nodes: try: del auxdb[y] except (KeyError, CacheError): pass def _schedule_tasks(self): """ @rtype: bool @returns: True if there may be remaining tasks to schedule, False otherwise. """ while self._can_add_job(): try: metadata_process = self._process_iter.next() except StopIteration: return False self._jobs += 1 metadata_process.scheduler = self._sched_iface metadata_process.addExitListener(self._metadata_exit) metadata_process.start() return True def _metadata_exit(self, metadata_process): self._jobs -= 1 if metadata_process.returncode != os.EX_OK: self._valid_pkgs.discard(metadata_process.cpv) portage.writemsg("Error processing %s, continuing...\n" % \ (metadata_process.cpv,)) self._schedule() class UninstallFailure(portage.exception.PortageException): """ An instance of this class is raised by unmerge() when an uninstallation fails. """ status = 1 def __init__(self, *pargs): portage.exception.PortageException.__init__(self, pargs) if pargs: self.status = pargs[0] def unmerge(root_config, myopts, unmerge_action, unmerge_files, ldpath_mtimes, autoclean=0, clean_world=1, clean_delay=1, ordered=0, raise_on_error=0, scheduler=None, writemsg_level=portage.util.writemsg_level): quiet = "--quiet" in myopts settings = root_config.settings sets = root_config.sets vartree = root_config.trees["vartree"] candidate_catpkgs=[] global_unmerge=0 xterm_titles = "notitles" not in settings.features out = portage.output.EOutput() pkg_cache = {} db_keys = list(vartree.dbapi._aux_cache_keys) def _pkg(cpv): pkg = pkg_cache.get(cpv) if pkg is None: pkg = Package(cpv=cpv, installed=True, metadata=izip(db_keys, vartree.dbapi.aux_get(cpv, db_keys)), root_config=root_config, type_name="installed") pkg_cache[cpv] = pkg return pkg vdb_path = os.path.join(settings["ROOT"], portage.VDB_PATH) try: # At least the parent needs to exist for the lock file. portage.util.ensure_dirs(vdb_path) except portage.exception.PortageException: pass vdb_lock = None try: if os.access(vdb_path, os.W_OK): vdb_lock = portage.locks.lockdir(vdb_path) realsyslist = sets["system"].getAtoms() syslist = [] for x in realsyslist: mycp = portage.dep_getkey(x) if mycp in settings.getvirtuals(): providers = [] for provider in settings.getvirtuals()[mycp]: if vartree.dbapi.match(provider): providers.append(provider) if len(providers) == 1: syslist.extend(providers) else: syslist.append(mycp) mysettings = portage.config(clone=settings) if not unmerge_files: if unmerge_action == "unmerge": print print bold("emerge unmerge") + " can only be used with specific package names" print return 0 else: global_unmerge = 1 localtree = vartree # process all arguments and add all # valid db entries to candidate_catpkgs if global_unmerge: if not unmerge_files: candidate_catpkgs.extend(vartree.dbapi.cp_all()) else: #we've got command-line arguments if not unmerge_files: print "\nNo packages to unmerge have been provided.\n" return 0 for x in unmerge_files: arg_parts = x.split('/') if x[0] not in [".","/"] and \ arg_parts[-1][-7:] != ".ebuild": #possible cat/pkg or dep; treat as such candidate_catpkgs.append(x) elif unmerge_action in ["prune","clean"]: print "\n!!! Prune and clean do not accept individual" + \ " ebuilds as arguments;\n skipping.\n" continue else: # it appears that the user is specifying an installed # ebuild and we're in "unmerge" mode, so it's ok. if not os.path.exists(x): print "\n!!! The path '"+x+"' doesn't exist.\n" return 0 absx = os.path.abspath(x) sp_absx = absx.split("/") if sp_absx[-1][-7:] == ".ebuild": del sp_absx[-1] absx = "/".join(sp_absx) sp_absx_len = len(sp_absx) vdb_path = os.path.join(settings["ROOT"], portage.VDB_PATH) vdb_len = len(vdb_path) sp_vdb = vdb_path.split("/") sp_vdb_len = len(sp_vdb) if not os.path.exists(absx+"/CONTENTS"): print "!!! Not a valid db dir: "+str(absx) return 0 if sp_absx_len <= sp_vdb_len: # The Path is shorter... so it can't be inside the vdb. print sp_absx print absx print "\n!!!",x,"cannot be inside "+ \ vdb_path+"; aborting.\n" return 0 for idx in range(0,sp_vdb_len): if idx >= sp_absx_len or sp_vdb[idx] != sp_absx[idx]: print sp_absx print absx print "\n!!!", x, "is not inside "+\ vdb_path+"; aborting.\n" return 0 print "="+"/".join(sp_absx[sp_vdb_len:]) candidate_catpkgs.append( "="+"/".join(sp_absx[sp_vdb_len:])) newline="" if (not "--quiet" in myopts): newline="\n" if settings["ROOT"] != "/": writemsg_level(darkgreen(newline+ \ ">>> Using system located in ROOT tree %s\n" % \ settings["ROOT"])) if (("--pretend" in myopts) or ("--ask" in myopts)) and \ not ("--quiet" in myopts): writemsg_level(darkgreen(newline+\ ">>> These are the packages that would be unmerged:\n")) # Preservation of order is required for --depclean and --prune so # that dependencies are respected. Use all_selected to eliminate # duplicate packages since the same package may be selected by # multiple atoms. pkgmap = [] all_selected = set() for x in candidate_catpkgs: # cycle through all our candidate deps and determine # what will and will not get unmerged try: mymatch = vartree.dbapi.match(x) except portage.exception.AmbiguousPackageName, errpkgs: print "\n\n!!! The short ebuild name \"" + \ x + "\" is ambiguous. Please specify" print "!!! one of the following fully-qualified " + \ "ebuild names instead:\n" for i in errpkgs[0]: print " " + green(i) print sys.exit(1) if not mymatch and x[0] not in "<>=~": mymatch = localtree.dep_match(x) if not mymatch: portage.writemsg("\n--- Couldn't find '%s' to %s.\n" % \ (x, unmerge_action), noiselevel=-1) continue pkgmap.append( {"protected": set(), "selected": set(), "omitted": set()}) mykey = len(pkgmap) - 1 if unmerge_action=="unmerge": for y in mymatch: if y not in all_selected: pkgmap[mykey]["selected"].add(y) all_selected.add(y) elif unmerge_action == "prune": if len(mymatch) == 1: continue best_version = mymatch[0] best_slot = vartree.getslot(best_version) best_counter = vartree.dbapi.cpv_counter(best_version) for mypkg in mymatch[1:]: myslot = vartree.getslot(mypkg) mycounter = vartree.dbapi.cpv_counter(mypkg) if (myslot == best_slot and mycounter > best_counter) or \ mypkg == portage.best([mypkg, best_version]): if myslot == best_slot: if mycounter < best_counter: # On slot collision, keep the one with the # highest counter since it is the most # recently installed. continue best_version = mypkg best_slot = myslot best_counter = mycounter pkgmap[mykey]["protected"].add(best_version) pkgmap[mykey]["selected"].update(mypkg for mypkg in mymatch \ if mypkg != best_version and mypkg not in all_selected) all_selected.update(pkgmap[mykey]["selected"]) else: # unmerge_action == "clean" slotmap={} for mypkg in mymatch: if unmerge_action == "clean": myslot = localtree.getslot(mypkg) else: # since we're pruning, we don't care about slots # and put all the pkgs in together myslot = 0 if myslot not in slotmap: slotmap[myslot] = {} slotmap[myslot][localtree.dbapi.cpv_counter(mypkg)] = mypkg for mypkg in vartree.dbapi.cp_list( portage.dep_getkey(mymatch[0])): myslot = vartree.getslot(mypkg) if myslot not in slotmap: slotmap[myslot] = {} slotmap[myslot][vartree.dbapi.cpv_counter(mypkg)] = mypkg for myslot in slotmap: counterkeys = slotmap[myslot].keys() if not counterkeys: continue counterkeys.sort() pkgmap[mykey]["protected"].add( slotmap[myslot][counterkeys[-1]]) del counterkeys[-1] for counter in counterkeys[:]: mypkg = slotmap[myslot][counter] if mypkg not in mymatch: counterkeys.remove(counter) pkgmap[mykey]["protected"].add( slotmap[myslot][counter]) #be pretty and get them in order of merge: for ckey in counterkeys: mypkg = slotmap[myslot][ckey] if mypkg not in all_selected: pkgmap[mykey]["selected"].add(mypkg) all_selected.add(mypkg) # ok, now the last-merged package # is protected, and the rest are selected numselected = len(all_selected) if global_unmerge and not numselected: portage.writemsg_stdout("\n>>> No outdated packages were found on your system.\n") return 0 if not numselected: portage.writemsg_stdout( "\n>>> No packages selected for removal by " + \ unmerge_action + "\n") return 0 finally: if vdb_lock: vartree.dbapi.flush_cache() portage.locks.unlockdir(vdb_lock) from portage.sets.base import EditablePackageSet # generate a list of package sets that are directly or indirectly listed in "world", # as there is no persistent list of "installed" sets installed_sets = ["world"] stop = False pos = 0 while not stop: stop = True pos = len(installed_sets) for s in installed_sets[pos - 1:]: if s not in sets: continue candidates = [x[len(SETPREFIX):] for x in sets[s].getNonAtoms() if x.startswith(SETPREFIX)] if candidates: stop = False installed_sets += candidates installed_sets = [x for x in installed_sets if x not in root_config.setconfig.active] del stop, pos # we don't want to unmerge packages that are still listed in user-editable package sets # listed in "world" as they would be remerged on the next update of "world" or the # relevant package sets. unknown_sets = set() for cp in xrange(len(pkgmap)): for cpv in pkgmap[cp]["selected"].copy(): try: pkg = _pkg(cpv) except KeyError: # It could have been uninstalled # by a concurrent process. continue if unmerge_action != "clean" and \ root_config.root == "/" and \ portage.match_from_list( portage.const.PORTAGE_PACKAGE_ATOM, [pkg]): msg = ("Not unmerging package %s since there is no valid " + \ "reason for portage to unmerge itself.") % (pkg.cpv,) for line in textwrap.wrap(msg, 75): out.eerror(line) # adjust pkgmap so the display output is correct pkgmap[cp]["selected"].remove(cpv) all_selected.remove(cpv) pkgmap[cp]["protected"].add(cpv) continue parents = [] for s in installed_sets: # skip sets that the user requested to unmerge, and skip world # unless we're unmerging a package set (as the package would be # removed from "world" later on) if s in root_config.setconfig.active or (s == "world" and not root_config.setconfig.active): continue if s not in sets: if s in unknown_sets: continue unknown_sets.add(s) out = portage.output.EOutput() out.eerror(("Unknown set '@%s' in " + \ "%svar/lib/portage/world_sets") % \ (s, root_config.root)) continue # only check instances of EditablePackageSet as other classes are generally used for # special purposes and can be ignored here (and are usually generated dynamically, so the # user can't do much about them anyway) if isinstance(sets[s], EditablePackageSet): # This is derived from a snippet of code in the # depgraph._iter_atoms_for_pkg() method. for atom in sets[s].iterAtomsForPackage(pkg): inst_matches = vartree.dbapi.match(atom) inst_matches.reverse() # descending order higher_slot = None for inst_cpv in inst_matches: try: inst_pkg = _pkg(inst_cpv) except KeyError: # It could have been uninstalled # by a concurrent process. continue if inst_pkg.cp != atom.cp: continue if pkg >= inst_pkg: # This is descending order, and we're not # interested in any versions <= pkg given. break if pkg.slot_atom != inst_pkg.slot_atom: higher_slot = inst_pkg break if higher_slot is None: parents.append(s) break if parents: #print colorize("WARN", "Package %s is going to be unmerged," % cpv) #print colorize("WARN", "but still listed in the following package sets:") #print " %s\n" % ", ".join(parents) print colorize("WARN", "Not unmerging package %s as it is" % cpv) print colorize("WARN", "still referenced by the following package sets:") print " %s\n" % ", ".join(parents) # adjust pkgmap so the display output is correct pkgmap[cp]["selected"].remove(cpv) all_selected.remove(cpv) pkgmap[cp]["protected"].add(cpv) del installed_sets numselected = len(all_selected) if not numselected: writemsg_level( "\n>>> No packages selected for removal by " + \ unmerge_action + "\n") return 0 # Unmerge order only matters in some cases if not ordered: unordered = {} for d in pkgmap: selected = d["selected"] if not selected: continue cp = portage.cpv_getkey(iter(selected).next()) cp_dict = unordered.get(cp) if cp_dict is None: cp_dict = {} unordered[cp] = cp_dict for k in d: cp_dict[k] = set() for k, v in d.iteritems(): cp_dict[k].update(v) pkgmap = [unordered[cp] for cp in sorted(unordered)] for x in xrange(len(pkgmap)): selected = pkgmap[x]["selected"] if not selected: continue for mytype, mylist in pkgmap[x].iteritems(): if mytype == "selected": continue mylist.difference_update(all_selected) cp = portage.cpv_getkey(iter(selected).next()) for y in localtree.dep_match(cp): if y not in pkgmap[x]["omitted"] and \ y not in pkgmap[x]["selected"] and \ y not in pkgmap[x]["protected"] and \ y not in all_selected: pkgmap[x]["omitted"].add(y) if global_unmerge and not pkgmap[x]["selected"]: #avoid cluttering the preview printout with stuff that isn't getting unmerged continue if not (pkgmap[x]["protected"] or pkgmap[x]["omitted"]) and cp in syslist: writemsg_level(colorize("BAD","\a\n\n!!! " + \ "'%s' is part of your system profile.\n" % cp), level=logging.WARNING, noiselevel=-1) writemsg_level(colorize("WARN","\a!!! Unmerging it may " + \ "be damaging to your system.\n\n"), level=logging.WARNING, noiselevel=-1) if clean_delay and "--pretend" not in myopts and "--ask" not in myopts: countdown(int(settings["EMERGE_WARNING_DELAY"]), colorize("UNMERGE_WARN", "Press Ctrl-C to Stop")) if not quiet: writemsg_level("\n %s\n" % (bold(cp),), noiselevel=-1) else: writemsg_level(bold(cp) + ": ", noiselevel=-1) for mytype in ["selected","protected","omitted"]: if not quiet: writemsg_level((mytype + ": ").rjust(14), noiselevel=-1) if pkgmap[x][mytype]: sorted_pkgs = [portage.catpkgsplit(mypkg)[1:] for mypkg in pkgmap[x][mytype]] sorted_pkgs.sort(portage.pkgcmp) for pn, ver, rev in sorted_pkgs: if rev == "r0": myversion = ver else: myversion = ver + "-" + rev if mytype == "selected": writemsg_level( colorize("UNMERGE_WARN", myversion + " "), noiselevel=-1) else: writemsg_level( colorize("GOOD", myversion + " "), noiselevel=-1) else: writemsg_level("none ", noiselevel=-1) if not quiet: writemsg_level("\n", noiselevel=-1) if quiet: writemsg_level("\n", noiselevel=-1) writemsg_level("\n>>> " + colorize("UNMERGE_WARN", "'Selected'") + \ " packages are slated for removal.\n") writemsg_level(">>> " + colorize("GOOD", "'Protected'") + \ " and " + colorize("GOOD", "'omitted'") + \ " packages will not be removed.\n\n") if "--pretend" in myopts: #we're done... return return 0 if "--ask" in myopts: if userquery("Would you like to unmerge these packages?")=="No": # enter pretend mode for correct formatting of results myopts["--pretend"] = True print print "Quitting." print return 0 #the real unmerging begins, after a short delay.... if clean_delay and not autoclean: countdown(int(settings["CLEAN_DELAY"]), ">>> Unmerging") for x in xrange(len(pkgmap)): for y in pkgmap[x]["selected"]: writemsg_level(">>> Unmerging "+y+"...\n", noiselevel=-1) emergelog(xterm_titles, "=== Unmerging... ("+y+")") mysplit = y.split("/") #unmerge... retval = portage.unmerge(mysplit[0], mysplit[1], settings["ROOT"], mysettings, unmerge_action not in ["clean","prune"], vartree=vartree, ldpath_mtimes=ldpath_mtimes, scheduler=scheduler) if retval != os.EX_OK: emergelog(xterm_titles, " !!! unmerge FAILURE: "+y) if raise_on_error: raise UninstallFailure(retval) sys.exit(retval) else: if clean_world and hasattr(sets["world"], "cleanPackage"): sets["world"].cleanPackage(vartree.dbapi, y) emergelog(xterm_titles, " >>> unmerge success: "+y) if clean_world and hasattr(sets["world"], "remove"): for s in root_config.setconfig.active: sets["world"].remove(SETPREFIX+s) return 1 def chk_updated_info_files(root, infodirs, prev_mtimes, retval): if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/install-info"): out = portage.output.EOutput() regen_infodirs=[] for z in infodirs: if z=='': continue inforoot=normpath(root+z) if os.path.isdir(inforoot): infomtime = long(os.stat(inforoot).st_mtime) if inforoot not in prev_mtimes or \ prev_mtimes[inforoot] != infomtime: regen_infodirs.append(inforoot) if not regen_infodirs: portage.writemsg_stdout("\n") out.einfo("GNU info directory index is up-to-date.") else: portage.writemsg_stdout("\n") out.einfo("Regenerating GNU info directory index...") dir_extensions = ("", ".gz", ".bz2") icount=0 badcount=0 errmsg = "" for inforoot in regen_infodirs: if inforoot=='': continue if not os.path.isdir(inforoot) or \ not os.access(inforoot, os.W_OK): continue file_list = os.listdir(inforoot) file_list.sort() dir_file = os.path.join(inforoot, "dir") moved_old_dir = False processed_count = 0 for x in file_list: if x.startswith(".") or \ os.path.isdir(os.path.join(inforoot, x)): continue if x.startswith("dir"): skip = False for ext in dir_extensions: if x == "dir" + ext or \ x == "dir" + ext + ".old": skip = True break if skip: continue if processed_count == 0: for ext in dir_extensions: try: os.rename(dir_file + ext, dir_file + ext + ".old") moved_old_dir = True except EnvironmentError, e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise del e processed_count += 1 myso=commands.getstatusoutput("LANG=C LANGUAGE=C /usr/bin/install-info --dir-file="+inforoot+"/dir "+inforoot+"/"+x)[1] existsstr="already exists, for file `" if myso!="": if re.search(existsstr,myso): # Already exists... Don't increment the count for this. pass elif myso[:44]=="install-info: warning: no info dir entry in ": # This info file doesn't contain a DIR-header: install-info produces this # (harmless) warning (the --quiet switch doesn't seem to work). # Don't increment the count for this. pass else: badcount=badcount+1 errmsg += myso + "\n" icount=icount+1 if moved_old_dir and not os.path.exists(dir_file): # We didn't generate a new dir file, so put the old file # back where it was originally found. for ext in dir_extensions: try: os.rename(dir_file + ext + ".old", dir_file + ext) except EnvironmentError, e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise del e # Clean dir.old cruft so that they don't prevent # unmerge of otherwise empty directories. for ext in dir_extensions: try: os.unlink(dir_file + ext + ".old") except EnvironmentError, e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise del e #update mtime so we can potentially avoid regenerating. prev_mtimes[inforoot] = long(os.stat(inforoot).st_mtime) if badcount: out.eerror("Processed %d info files; %d errors." % \ (icount, badcount)) writemsg_level(errmsg, level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) else: if icount > 0: out.einfo("Processed %d info files." % (icount,)) def display_news_notification(root_config, myopts): target_root = root_config.root trees = root_config.trees settings = trees["vartree"].settings portdb = trees["porttree"].dbapi vardb = trees["vartree"].dbapi NEWS_PATH = os.path.join("metadata", "news") UNREAD_PATH = os.path.join(target_root, NEWS_LIB_PATH, "news") newsReaderDisplay = False update = "--pretend" not in myopts for repo in portdb.getRepositories(): unreadItems = checkUpdatedNewsItems( portdb, vardb, NEWS_PATH, UNREAD_PATH, repo, update=update) if unreadItems: if not newsReaderDisplay: newsReaderDisplay = True print print colorize("WARN", " * IMPORTANT:"), print "%s news items need reading for repository '%s'." % (unreadItems, repo) if newsReaderDisplay: print colorize("WARN", " *"), print "Use " + colorize("GOOD", "eselect news") + " to read news items." print def display_preserved_libs(vardbapi): MAX_DISPLAY = 3 # Ensure the registry is consistent with existing files. vardbapi.plib_registry.pruneNonExisting() if vardbapi.plib_registry.hasEntries(): print print colorize("WARN", "!!!") + " existing preserved libs:" plibdata = vardbapi.plib_registry.getPreservedLibs() linkmap = vardbapi.linkmap consumer_map = {} owners = {} linkmap_broken = False try: linkmap.rebuild() except portage.exception.CommandNotFound, e: writemsg_level("!!! Command Not Found: %s\n" % (e,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) del e linkmap_broken = True else: search_for_owners = set() for cpv in plibdata: internal_plib_keys = set(linkmap._obj_key(f) \ for f in plibdata[cpv]) for f in plibdata[cpv]: if f in consumer_map: continue consumers = [] for c in linkmap.findConsumers(f): # Filter out any consumers that are also preserved libs # belonging to the same package as the provider. if linkmap._obj_key(c) not in internal_plib_keys: consumers.append(c) consumers.sort() consumer_map[f] = consumers search_for_owners.update(consumers[:MAX_DISPLAY+1]) owners = vardbapi._owners.getFileOwnerMap(search_for_owners) for cpv in plibdata: print colorize("WARN", ">>>") + " package: %s" % cpv samefile_map = {} for f in plibdata[cpv]: obj_key = linkmap._obj_key(f) alt_paths = samefile_map.get(obj_key) if alt_paths is None: alt_paths = set() samefile_map[obj_key] = alt_paths alt_paths.add(f) for alt_paths in samefile_map.itervalues(): alt_paths = sorted(alt_paths) for p in alt_paths: print colorize("WARN", " * ") + " - %s" % (p,) f = alt_paths[0] consumers = consumer_map.get(f, []) for c in consumers[:MAX_DISPLAY]: print colorize("WARN", " * ") + " used by %s (%s)" % \ (c, ", ".join(x.mycpv for x in owners.get(c, []))) if len(consumers) == MAX_DISPLAY + 1: print colorize("WARN", " * ") + " used by %s (%s)" % \ (consumers[MAX_DISPLAY], ", ".join(x.mycpv \ for x in owners.get(consumers[MAX_DISPLAY], []))) elif len(consumers) > MAX_DISPLAY: print colorize("WARN", " * ") + " used by %d other files" % (len(consumers) - MAX_DISPLAY) print "Use " + colorize("GOOD", "emerge @preserved-rebuild") + " to rebuild packages using these libraries" def _flush_elog_mod_echo(): """ Dump the mod_echo output now so that our other notifications are shown last. @rtype: bool @returns: True if messages were shown, False otherwise. """ messages_shown = False try: from portage.elog import mod_echo except ImportError: pass # happens during downgrade to a version without the module else: messages_shown = bool(mod_echo._items) mod_echo.finalize() return messages_shown def post_emerge(root_config, myopts, mtimedb, retval): """ Misc. things to run at the end of a merge session. Update Info Files Update Config Files Update News Items Commit mtimeDB Display preserved libs warnings Exit Emerge @param trees: A dictionary mapping each ROOT to it's package databases @type trees: dict @param mtimedb: The mtimeDB to store data needed across merge invocations @type mtimedb: MtimeDB class instance @param retval: Emerge's return value @type retval: Int @rype: None @returns: 1. Calls sys.exit(retval) """ target_root = root_config.root trees = { target_root : root_config.trees } vardbapi = trees[target_root]["vartree"].dbapi settings = vardbapi.settings info_mtimes = mtimedb["info"] # Load the most current variables from ${ROOT}/etc/profile.env settings.unlock() settings.reload() settings.regenerate() settings.lock() config_protect = settings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT","").split() infodirs = settings.get("INFOPATH","").split(":") + \ settings.get("INFODIR","").split(":") os.chdir("/") if retval == os.EX_OK: exit_msg = " *** exiting successfully." else: exit_msg = " *** exiting unsuccessfully with status '%s'." % retval emergelog("notitles" not in settings.features, exit_msg) _flush_elog_mod_echo() counter_hash = settings.get("PORTAGE_COUNTER_HASH") if counter_hash is not None and \ counter_hash == vardbapi._counter_hash(): display_news_notification(root_config, myopts) # If vdb state has not changed then there's nothing else to do. sys.exit(retval) vdb_path = os.path.join(target_root, portage.VDB_PATH) portage.util.ensure_dirs(vdb_path) vdb_lock = None if os.access(vdb_path, os.W_OK) and not "--pretend" in myopts: vdb_lock = portage.locks.lockdir(vdb_path) if vdb_lock: try: if "noinfo" not in settings.features: chk_updated_info_files(target_root, infodirs, info_mtimes, retval) mtimedb.commit() finally: if vdb_lock: portage.locks.unlockdir(vdb_lock) chk_updated_cfg_files(target_root, config_protect) display_news_notification(root_config, myopts) if retval in (None, os.EX_OK) or (not "--pretend" in myopts): display_preserved_libs(vardbapi) sys.exit(retval) def chk_updated_cfg_files(target_root, config_protect): if config_protect: #number of directories with some protect files in them procount=0 for x in config_protect: x = os.path.join(target_root, x.lstrip(os.path.sep)) if not os.access(x, os.W_OK): # Avoid Permission denied errors generated # later by `find`. continue try: mymode = os.lstat(x).st_mode except OSError: continue if stat.S_ISLNK(mymode): # We want to treat it like a directory if it # is a symlink to an existing directory. try: real_mode = os.stat(x).st_mode if stat.S_ISDIR(real_mode): mymode = real_mode except OSError: pass if stat.S_ISDIR(mymode): mycommand = "find '%s' -name '.*' -type d -prune -o -name '._cfg????_*'" % x else: mycommand = "find '%s' -maxdepth 1 -name '._cfg????_%s'" % \ os.path.split(x.rstrip(os.path.sep)) mycommand += " ! -name '.*~' ! -iname '.*.bak' -print0" a = commands.getstatusoutput(mycommand) if a[0] != 0: sys.stderr.write(" %s error scanning '%s': " % (bad("*"), x)) sys.stderr.flush() # Show the error message alone, sending stdout to /dev/null. os.system(mycommand + " 1>/dev/null") else: files = a[1].split('\0') # split always produces an empty string as the last element if files and not files[-1]: del files[-1] if files: procount += 1 print "\n"+colorize("WARN", " * IMPORTANT:"), if stat.S_ISDIR(mymode): print "%d config files in '%s' need updating." % \ (len(files), x) else: print "config file '%s' needs updating." % x if procount: print " "+yellow("*")+" See the "+colorize("INFORM","CONFIGURATION FILES")+ \ " section of the " + bold("emerge") print " "+yellow("*")+" man page to learn how to update config files." def checkUpdatedNewsItems(portdb, vardb, NEWS_PATH, UNREAD_PATH, repo_id, update=False): """ Examines news items in repodir + '/' + NEWS_PATH and attempts to find unread items Returns the number of unread (yet relevent) items. @param portdb: a portage tree database @type portdb: pordbapi @param vardb: an installed package database @type vardb: vardbapi @param NEWS_PATH: @type NEWS_PATH: @param UNREAD_PATH: @type UNREAD_PATH: @param repo_id: @type repo_id: @rtype: Integer @returns: 1. The number of unread but relevant news items. """ from portage.news import NewsManager manager = NewsManager(portdb, vardb, NEWS_PATH, UNREAD_PATH) return manager.getUnreadItems( repo_id, update=update ) def insert_category_into_atom(atom, category): alphanum = re.search(r'\w', atom) if alphanum: ret = atom[:alphanum.start()] + "%s/" % category + \ atom[alphanum.start():] else: ret = None return ret def is_valid_package_atom(x): if "/" not in x: alphanum = re.search(r'\w', x) if alphanum: x = x[:alphanum.start()] + "cat/" + x[alphanum.start():] return portage.isvalidatom(x) def show_blocker_docs_link(): print print "For more information about " + bad("Blocked Packages") + ", please refer to the following" print "section of the Gentoo Linux x86 Handbook (architecture is irrelevant):" print print "http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml?full=1#blocked" print def show_mask_docs(): print "For more information, see the MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge" print "man page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook." def action_sync(settings, trees, mtimedb, myopts, myaction): xterm_titles = "notitles" not in settings.features emergelog(xterm_titles, " === sync") myportdir = settings.get("PORTDIR", None) out = portage.output.EOutput() if not myportdir: sys.stderr.write("!!! PORTDIR is undefined. Is /etc/make.globals missing?\n") sys.exit(1) if myportdir[-1]=="/": myportdir=myportdir[:-1] try: st = os.stat(myportdir) except OSError: st = None if st is None: print ">>>",myportdir,"not found, creating it." os.makedirs(myportdir,0755) st = os.stat(myportdir) spawn_kwargs = {} spawn_kwargs["env"] = settings.environ() if portage.data.secpass >= 2 and \ (st.st_uid != os.getuid() and st.st_mode & 0700 or \ st.st_gid != os.getgid() and st.st_mode & 0070): try: homedir = pwd.getpwuid(st.st_uid).pw_dir except KeyError: pass else: # Drop privileges when syncing, in order to match # existing uid/gid settings. spawn_kwargs["uid"] = st.st_uid spawn_kwargs["gid"] = st.st_gid spawn_kwargs["groups"] = [st.st_gid] spawn_kwargs["env"]["HOME"] = homedir umask = 0002 if not st.st_mode & 0020: umask = umask | 0020 spawn_kwargs["umask"] = umask syncuri = settings.get("SYNC", "").strip() if not syncuri: writemsg_level("!!! SYNC is undefined. Is /etc/make.globals missing?\n", noiselevel=-1, level=logging.ERROR) return 1 vcs_dirs = frozenset([".git", ".svn", "CVS", ".hg"]) vcs_dirs = vcs_dirs.intersection(os.listdir(myportdir)) os.umask(0022) dosyncuri = syncuri updatecache_flg = False if myaction == "metadata": print "skipping sync" updatecache_flg = True elif ".git" in vcs_dirs: # Update existing git repository, and ignore the syncuri. We are # going to trust the user and assume that the user is in the branch # that he/she wants updated. We'll let the user manage branches with # git directly. msg = ">>> Starting git pull in %s..." % myportdir emergelog(xterm_titles, msg ) writemsg_level(msg + "\n") exitcode = portage.process.spawn_bash("cd %s ; git pull" % \ (portage._shell_quote(myportdir),), **spawn_kwargs) if exitcode != os.EX_OK: msg = "!!! git pull error in %s." % myportdir emergelog(xterm_titles, msg) writemsg_level(msg + "\n", level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return exitcode msg = ">>> Git pull in %s successful" % myportdir emergelog(xterm_titles, msg) writemsg_level(msg + "\n") exitcode = git_sync_timestamps(settings, myportdir) if exitcode == os.EX_OK: updatecache_flg = True elif syncuri[:8]=="rsync://": for vcs_dir in vcs_dirs: writemsg_level(("!!! %s appears to be under revision " + \ "control (contains %s).\n!!! Aborting rsync sync.\n") % \ (myportdir, vcs_dir), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return 1 if not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/rsync"): print "!!! /usr/bin/rsync does not exist, so rsync support is disabled." print "!!! Type \"emerge net-misc/rsync\" to enable rsync support." sys.exit(1) mytimeout=180 rsync_opts = [] import shlex, StringIO if settings["PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS"] == "": portage.writemsg("PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS empty or unset, using hardcoded defaults\n") rsync_opts.extend([ "--recursive", # Recurse directories "--links", # Consider symlinks "--safe-links", # Ignore links outside of tree "--perms", # Preserve permissions "--times", # Preserive mod times "--compress", # Compress the data transmitted "--force", # Force deletion on non-empty dirs "--whole-file", # Don't do block transfers, only entire files "--delete", # Delete files that aren't in the master tree "--stats", # Show final statistics about what was transfered "--timeout="+str(mytimeout), # IO timeout if not done in X seconds "--exclude=/distfiles", # Exclude distfiles from consideration "--exclude=/local", # Exclude local from consideration "--exclude=/packages", # Exclude packages from consideration ]) else: # The below validation is not needed when using the above hardcoded # defaults. portage.writemsg("Using PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS instead of hardcoded defaults\n", 1) lexer = shlex.shlex(StringIO.StringIO( settings.get("PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS","")), posix=True) lexer.whitespace_split = True rsync_opts.extend(lexer) del lexer for opt in ("--recursive", "--times"): if opt not in rsync_opts: portage.writemsg(yellow("WARNING:") + " adding required option " + \ "%s not included in PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS\n" % opt) rsync_opts.append(opt) for exclude in ("distfiles", "local", "packages"): opt = "--exclude=/%s" % exclude if opt not in rsync_opts: portage.writemsg(yellow("WARNING:") + \ " adding required option %s not included in " % opt + \ "PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS (can be overridden with --exclude='!')\n") rsync_opts.append(opt) if syncuri.rstrip("/").endswith(".gentoo.org/gentoo-portage"): def rsync_opt_startswith(opt_prefix): for x in rsync_opts: if x.startswith(opt_prefix): return True return False if not rsync_opt_startswith("--timeout="): rsync_opts.append("--timeout=%d" % mytimeout) for opt in ("--compress", "--whole-file"): if opt not in rsync_opts: portage.writemsg(yellow("WARNING:") + " adding required option " + \ "%s not included in PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS\n" % opt) rsync_opts.append(opt) if "--quiet" in myopts: rsync_opts.append("--quiet") # Shut up a lot else: rsync_opts.append("--verbose") # Print filelist if "--verbose" in myopts: rsync_opts.append("--progress") # Progress meter for each file if "--debug" in myopts: rsync_opts.append("--checksum") # Force checksum on all files # Real local timestamp file. servertimestampfile = os.path.join( myportdir, "metadata", "timestamp.chk") content = portage.util.grabfile(servertimestampfile) mytimestamp = 0 if content: try: mytimestamp = time.mktime(time.strptime(content[0], "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000")) except (OverflowError, ValueError): pass del content try: rsync_initial_timeout = \ int(settings.get("PORTAGE_RSYNC_INITIAL_TIMEOUT", "15")) except ValueError: rsync_initial_timeout = 15 try: maxretries=int(settings["PORTAGE_RSYNC_RETRIES"]) except SystemExit, e: raise # Needed else can't exit except: maxretries=3 #default number of retries retries=0 user_name, hostname, port = re.split( "rsync://([^:/]+@)?([^:/]*)(:[0-9]+)?", syncuri, maxsplit=3)[1:4] if port is None: port="" if user_name is None: user_name="" updatecache_flg=True all_rsync_opts = set(rsync_opts) lexer = shlex.shlex(StringIO.StringIO( settings.get("PORTAGE_RSYNC_EXTRA_OPTS","")), posix=True) lexer.whitespace_split = True extra_rsync_opts = list(lexer) del lexer all_rsync_opts.update(extra_rsync_opts) family = socket.AF_INET if "-4" in all_rsync_opts or "--ipv4" in all_rsync_opts: family = socket.AF_INET elif socket.has_ipv6 and \ ("-6" in all_rsync_opts or "--ipv6" in all_rsync_opts): family = socket.AF_INET6 ips=[] SERVER_OUT_OF_DATE = -1 EXCEEDED_MAX_RETRIES = -2 while (1): if ips: del ips[0] if ips==[]: try: for addrinfo in socket.getaddrinfo( hostname, None, family, socket.SOCK_STREAM): if socket.has_ipv6 and addrinfo[0] == socket.AF_INET6: # IPv6 addresses need to be enclosed in square brackets ips.append("[%s]" % addrinfo[4][0]) else: ips.append(addrinfo[4][0]) from random import shuffle shuffle(ips) except SystemExit, e: raise # Needed else can't exit except Exception, e: print "Notice:",str(e) dosyncuri=syncuri if ips: try: dosyncuri = syncuri.replace( "//" + user_name + hostname + port + "/", "//" + user_name + ips[0] + port + "/", 1) except SystemExit, e: raise # Needed else can't exit except Exception, e: print "Notice:",str(e) dosyncuri=syncuri if (retries==0): if "--ask" in myopts: if userquery("Do you want to sync your Portage tree with the mirror at\n" + blue(dosyncuri) + bold("?"))=="No": print print "Quitting." print sys.exit(0) emergelog(xterm_titles, ">>> Starting rsync with " + dosyncuri) if "--quiet" not in myopts: print ">>> Starting rsync with "+dosyncuri+"..." else: emergelog(xterm_titles, ">>> Starting retry %d of %d with %s" % \ (retries,maxretries,dosyncuri)) print "\n\n>>> Starting retry %d of %d with %s" % (retries,maxretries,dosyncuri) if mytimestamp != 0 and "--quiet" not in myopts: print ">>> Checking server timestamp ..." rsynccommand = ["/usr/bin/rsync"] + rsync_opts + extra_rsync_opts if "--debug" in myopts: print rsynccommand exitcode = os.EX_OK servertimestamp = 0 # Even if there's no timestamp available locally, fetch the # timestamp anyway as an initial probe to verify that the server is # responsive. This protects us from hanging indefinitely on a # connection attempt to an unresponsive server which rsync's # --timeout option does not prevent. if True: # Temporary file for remote server timestamp comparison. from tempfile import mkstemp fd, tmpservertimestampfile = mkstemp() os.close(fd) mycommand = rsynccommand[:] mycommand.append(dosyncuri.rstrip("/") + \ "/metadata/timestamp.chk") mycommand.append(tmpservertimestampfile) content = None mypids = [] try: def timeout_handler(signum, frame): raise portage.exception.PortageException("timed out") signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler) # Timeout here in case the server is unresponsive. The # --timeout rsync option doesn't apply to the initial # connection attempt. if rsync_initial_timeout: signal.alarm(rsync_initial_timeout) try: mypids.extend(portage.process.spawn( mycommand, env=settings.environ(), returnpid=True)) exitcode = os.waitpid(mypids[0], 0)[1] content = portage.grabfile(tmpservertimestampfile) finally: if rsync_initial_timeout: signal.alarm(0) try: os.unlink(tmpservertimestampfile) except OSError: pass except portage.exception.PortageException, e: # timed out print e del e if mypids and os.waitpid(mypids[0], os.WNOHANG) == (0,0): os.kill(mypids[0], signal.SIGTERM) os.waitpid(mypids[0], 0) # This is the same code rsync uses for timeout. exitcode = 30 else: if exitcode != os.EX_OK: if exitcode & 0xff: exitcode = (exitcode & 0xff) << 8 else: exitcode = exitcode >> 8 if mypids: portage.process.spawned_pids.remove(mypids[0]) if content: try: servertimestamp = time.mktime(time.strptime( content[0], "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000")) except (OverflowError, ValueError): pass del mycommand, mypids, content if exitcode == os.EX_OK: if (servertimestamp != 0) and (servertimestamp == mytimestamp): emergelog(xterm_titles, ">>> Cancelling sync -- Already current.") print print ">>>" print ">>> Timestamps on the server and in the local repository are the same." print ">>> Cancelling all further sync action. You are already up to date." print ">>>" print ">>> In order to force sync, remove '%s'." % servertimestampfile print ">>>" print sys.exit(0) elif (servertimestamp != 0) and (servertimestamp < mytimestamp): emergelog(xterm_titles, ">>> Server out of date: %s" % dosyncuri) print print ">>>" print ">>> SERVER OUT OF DATE: %s" % dosyncuri print ">>>" print ">>> In order to force sync, remove '%s'." % servertimestampfile print ">>>" print exitcode = SERVER_OUT_OF_DATE elif (servertimestamp == 0) or (servertimestamp > mytimestamp): # actual sync mycommand = rsynccommand + [dosyncuri+"/", myportdir] exitcode = portage.process.spawn(mycommand, **spawn_kwargs) if exitcode in [0,1,3,4,11,14,20,21]: break elif exitcode in [1,3,4,11,14,20,21]: break else: # Code 2 indicates protocol incompatibility, which is expected # for servers with protocol < 29 that don't support # --prune-empty-directories. Retry for a server that supports # at least rsync protocol version 29 (>=rsync-2.6.4). pass retries=retries+1 if retries<=maxretries: print ">>> Retrying..." time.sleep(11) else: # over retries # exit loop updatecache_flg=False exitcode = EXCEEDED_MAX_RETRIES break if (exitcode==0): emergelog(xterm_titles, "=== Sync completed with %s" % dosyncuri) elif exitcode == SERVER_OUT_OF_DATE: sys.exit(1) elif exitcode == EXCEEDED_MAX_RETRIES: sys.stderr.write( ">>> Exceeded PORTAGE_RSYNC_RETRIES: %s\n" % maxretries) sys.exit(1) elif (exitcode>0): msg = [] if exitcode==1: msg.append("Rsync has reported that there is a syntax error. Please ensure") msg.append("that your SYNC statement is proper.") msg.append("SYNC=" + settings["SYNC"]) elif exitcode==11: msg.append("Rsync has reported that there is a File IO error. Normally") msg.append("this means your disk is full, but can be caused by corruption") msg.append("on the filesystem that contains PORTDIR. Please investigate") msg.append("and try again after the problem has been fixed.") msg.append("PORTDIR=" + settings["PORTDIR"]) elif exitcode==20: msg.append("Rsync was killed before it finished.") else: msg.append("Rsync has not successfully finished. It is recommended that you keep") msg.append("trying or that you use the 'emerge-webrsync' option if you are unable") msg.append("to use rsync due to firewall or other restrictions. This should be a") msg.append("temporary problem unless complications exist with your network") msg.append("(and possibly your system's filesystem) configuration.") for line in msg: out.eerror(line) sys.exit(exitcode) elif syncuri[:6]=="cvs://": if not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/cvs"): print "!!! /usr/bin/cvs does not exist, so CVS support is disabled." print "!!! Type \"emerge dev-util/cvs\" to enable CVS support." sys.exit(1) cvsroot=syncuri[6:] cvsdir=os.path.dirname(myportdir) if not os.path.exists(myportdir+"/CVS"): #initial checkout print ">>> Starting initial cvs checkout with "+syncuri+"..." if os.path.exists(cvsdir+"/gentoo-x86"): print "!!! existing",cvsdir+"/gentoo-x86 directory; exiting." sys.exit(1) try: os.rmdir(myportdir) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: sys.stderr.write( "!!! existing '%s' directory; exiting.\n" % myportdir) sys.exit(1) del e if portage.spawn("cd "+cvsdir+"; cvs -z0 -d "+cvsroot+" co -P gentoo-x86",settings,free=1): print "!!! cvs checkout error; exiting." sys.exit(1) os.rename(os.path.join(cvsdir, "gentoo-x86"), myportdir) else: #cvs update print ">>> Starting cvs update with "+syncuri+"..." retval = portage.process.spawn_bash( "cd %s; cvs -z0 -q update -dP" % \ (portage._shell_quote(myportdir),), **spawn_kwargs) if retval != os.EX_OK: sys.exit(retval) dosyncuri = syncuri else: writemsg_level("!!! Unrecognized protocol: SYNC='%s'\n" % (syncuri,), noiselevel=-1, level=logging.ERROR) return 1 if updatecache_flg and \ myaction != "metadata" and \ "metadata-transfer" not in settings.features: updatecache_flg = False # Reload the whole config from scratch. settings, trees, mtimedb = load_emerge_config(trees=trees) root_config = trees[settings["ROOT"]]["root_config"] portdb = trees[settings["ROOT"]]["porttree"].dbapi if os.path.exists(myportdir+"/metadata/cache") and updatecache_flg: action_metadata(settings, portdb, myopts) if portage._global_updates(trees, mtimedb["updates"]): mtimedb.commit() # Reload the whole config from scratch. settings, trees, mtimedb = load_emerge_config(trees=trees) portdb = trees[settings["ROOT"]]["porttree"].dbapi root_config = trees[settings["ROOT"]]["root_config"] mybestpv = portdb.xmatch("bestmatch-visible", portage.const.PORTAGE_PACKAGE_ATOM) mypvs = portage.best( trees[settings["ROOT"]]["vartree"].dbapi.match( portage.const.PORTAGE_PACKAGE_ATOM)) chk_updated_cfg_files("/", settings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT","").split()) if myaction != "metadata": if os.access(portage.USER_CONFIG_PATH + "/bin/post_sync", os.X_OK): retval = portage.process.spawn( [os.path.join(portage.USER_CONFIG_PATH, "bin", "post_sync"), dosyncuri], env=settings.environ()) if retval != os.EX_OK: print red(" * ")+bold("spawn failed of "+ portage.USER_CONFIG_PATH + "/bin/post_sync") if(mybestpv != mypvs) and not "--quiet" in myopts: print print red(" * ")+bold("An update to portage is available.")+" It is _highly_ recommended" print red(" * ")+"that you update portage now, before any other packages are updated." print print red(" * ")+"To update portage, run 'emerge portage' now." print display_news_notification(root_config, myopts) return os.EX_OK def git_sync_timestamps(settings, portdir): """ Since git doesn't preserve timestamps, synchronize timestamps between entries and ebuilds/eclasses. Assume the cache has the correct timestamp for a given file as long as the file in the working tree is not modified (relative to HEAD). """ cache_dir = os.path.join(portdir, "metadata", "cache") if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir): return os.EX_OK writemsg_level(">>> Synchronizing timestamps...\n") from portage.cache.cache_errors import CacheError try: cache_db = settings.load_best_module("portdbapi.metadbmodule")( portdir, "metadata/cache", portage.auxdbkeys[:], readonly=True) except CacheError, e: writemsg_level("!!! Unable to instantiate cache: %s\n" % (e,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return 1 ec_dir = os.path.join(portdir, "eclass") try: ec_names = set(f[:-7] for f in os.listdir(ec_dir) \ if f.endswith(".eclass")) except OSError, e: writemsg_level("!!! Unable to list eclasses: %s\n" % (e,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return 1 args = [portage.const.BASH_BINARY, "-c", "cd %s && git diff-index --name-only --diff-filter=M HEAD" % \ portage._shell_quote(portdir)] import subprocess proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) modified_files = set(l.rstrip("\n") for l in proc.stdout) rval = proc.wait() if rval != os.EX_OK: return rval modified_eclasses = set(ec for ec in ec_names \ if os.path.join("eclass", ec + ".eclass") in modified_files) updated_ec_mtimes = {} for cpv in cache_db: cpv_split = portage.catpkgsplit(cpv) if cpv_split is None: writemsg_level("!!! Invalid cache entry: %s\n" % (cpv,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) continue cat, pn, ver, rev = cpv_split cat, pf = portage.catsplit(cpv) relative_eb_path = os.path.join(cat, pn, pf + ".ebuild") if relative_eb_path in modified_files: continue try: cache_entry = cache_db[cpv] eb_mtime = cache_entry.get("_mtime_") ec_mtimes = cache_entry.get("_eclasses_") except KeyError: writemsg_level("!!! Missing cache entry: %s\n" % (cpv,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) continue except CacheError, e: writemsg_level("!!! Unable to access cache entry: %s %s\n" % \ (cpv, e), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) continue if eb_mtime is None: writemsg_level("!!! Missing ebuild mtime: %s\n" % (cpv,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) continue try: eb_mtime = long(eb_mtime) except ValueError: writemsg_level("!!! Invalid ebuild mtime: %s %s\n" % \ (cpv, eb_mtime), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) continue if ec_mtimes is None: writemsg_level("!!! Missing eclass mtimes: %s\n" % (cpv,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) continue if modified_eclasses.intersection(ec_mtimes): continue missing_eclasses = set(ec_mtimes).difference(ec_names) if missing_eclasses: writemsg_level("!!! Non-existent eclass(es): %s %s\n" % \ (cpv, sorted(missing_eclasses)), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) continue eb_path = os.path.join(portdir, relative_eb_path) try: current_eb_mtime = os.stat(eb_path) except OSError: writemsg_level("!!! Missing ebuild: %s\n" % \ (cpv,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) continue inconsistent = False for ec, (ec_path, ec_mtime) in ec_mtimes.iteritems(): updated_mtime = updated_ec_mtimes.get(ec) if updated_mtime is not None and updated_mtime != ec_mtime: writemsg_level("!!! Inconsistent eclass mtime: %s %s\n" % \ (cpv, ec), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) inconsistent = True break if inconsistent: continue if current_eb_mtime != eb_mtime: os.utime(eb_path, (eb_mtime, eb_mtime)) for ec, (ec_path, ec_mtime) in ec_mtimes.iteritems(): if ec in updated_ec_mtimes: continue ec_path = os.path.join(ec_dir, ec + ".eclass") current_mtime = long(os.stat(ec_path).st_mtime) if current_mtime != ec_mtime: os.utime(ec_path, (ec_mtime, ec_mtime)) updated_ec_mtimes[ec] = ec_mtime return os.EX_OK def action_metadata(settings, portdb, myopts): portage.writemsg_stdout("\n>>> Updating Portage cache: ") old_umask = os.umask(0002) cachedir = os.path.normpath(settings.depcachedir) if cachedir in ["/", "/bin", "/dev", "/etc", "/home", "/lib", "/opt", "/proc", "/root", "/sbin", "/sys", "/tmp", "/usr", "/var"]: print >> sys.stderr, "!!! PORTAGE_DEPCACHEDIR IS SET TO A PRIMARY " + \ "ROOT DIRECTORY ON YOUR SYSTEM." print >> sys.stderr, \ "!!! This is ALMOST CERTAINLY NOT what you want: '%s'" % cachedir sys.exit(73) if not os.path.exists(cachedir): os.mkdir(cachedir) ec = portage.eclass_cache.cache(portdb.porttree_root) myportdir = os.path.realpath(settings["PORTDIR"]) cm = settings.load_best_module("portdbapi.metadbmodule")( myportdir, "metadata/cache", portage.auxdbkeys[:], readonly=True) from portage.cache import util class percentage_noise_maker(util.quiet_mirroring): def __init__(self, dbapi): self.dbapi = dbapi self.cp_all = dbapi.cp_all() l = len(self.cp_all) self.call_update_min = 100000000 self.min_cp_all = l/100.0 self.count = 1 self.pstr = '' def __iter__(self): for x in self.cp_all: self.count += 1 if self.count > self.min_cp_all: self.call_update_min = 0 self.count = 0 for y in self.dbapi.cp_list(x): yield y self.call_update_mine = 0 def update(self, *arg): try: self.pstr = int(self.pstr) + 1 except ValueError: self.pstr = 1 sys.stdout.write("%s%i%%" % \ ("\b" * (len(str(self.pstr))+1), self.pstr)) sys.stdout.flush() self.call_update_min = 10000000 def finish(self, *arg): sys.stdout.write("\b\b\b\b100%\n") sys.stdout.flush() if "--quiet" in myopts: def quicky_cpv_generator(cp_all_list): for x in cp_all_list: for y in portdb.cp_list(x): yield y source = quicky_cpv_generator(portdb.cp_all()) noise_maker = portage.cache.util.quiet_mirroring() else: noise_maker = source = percentage_noise_maker(portdb) portage.cache.util.mirror_cache(source, cm, portdb.auxdb[myportdir], eclass_cache=ec, verbose_instance=noise_maker) sys.stdout.flush() os.umask(old_umask) def action_regen(settings, portdb, max_jobs, max_load): xterm_titles = "notitles" not in settings.features emergelog(xterm_titles, " === regen") #regenerate cache entries portage.writemsg_stdout("Regenerating cache entries...\n") try: os.close(sys.stdin.fileno()) except SystemExit, e: raise # Needed else can't exit except: pass sys.stdout.flush() regen = MetadataRegen(portdb, max_jobs=max_jobs, max_load=max_load) regen.run() portage.writemsg_stdout("done!\n") def action_config(settings, trees, myopts, myfiles): if len(myfiles) != 1: print red("!!! config can only take a single package atom at this time\n") sys.exit(1) if not is_valid_package_atom(myfiles[0]): portage.writemsg("!!! '%s' is not a valid package atom.\n" % myfiles[0], noiselevel=-1) portage.writemsg("!!! Please check ebuild(5) for full details.\n") portage.writemsg("!!! (Did you specify a version but forget to prefix with '='?)\n") sys.exit(1) print try: pkgs = trees[settings["ROOT"]]["vartree"].dbapi.match(myfiles[0]) except portage.exception.AmbiguousPackageName, e: # Multiple matches thrown from cpv_expand pkgs = e.args[0] if len(pkgs) == 0: print "No packages found.\n" sys.exit(0) elif len(pkgs) > 1: if "--ask" in myopts: options = [] print "Please select a package to configure:" idx = 0 for pkg in pkgs: idx += 1 options.append(str(idx)) print options[-1]+") "+pkg print "X) Cancel" options.append("X") idx = userquery("Selection?", options) if idx == "X": sys.exit(0) pkg = pkgs[int(idx)-1] else: print "The following packages available:" for pkg in pkgs: print "* "+pkg print "\nPlease use a specific atom or the --ask option." sys.exit(1) else: pkg = pkgs[0] print if "--ask" in myopts: if userquery("Ready to configure "+pkg+"?") == "No": sys.exit(0) else: print "Configuring pkg..." print ebuildpath = trees[settings["ROOT"]]["vartree"].dbapi.findname(pkg) mysettings = portage.config(clone=settings) vardb = trees[mysettings["ROOT"]]["vartree"].dbapi debug = mysettings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG") == "1" retval = portage.doebuild(ebuildpath, "config", mysettings["ROOT"], mysettings, debug=(settings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG", "") == 1), cleanup=True, mydbapi=trees[settings["ROOT"]]["vartree"].dbapi, tree="vartree") if retval == os.EX_OK: portage.doebuild(ebuildpath, "clean", mysettings["ROOT"], mysettings, debug=debug, mydbapi=vardb, tree="vartree") print def action_info(settings, trees, myopts, myfiles): print getportageversion(settings["PORTDIR"], settings["ROOT"], settings.profile_path, settings["CHOST"], trees[settings["ROOT"]]["vartree"].dbapi) header_width = 65 header_title = "System Settings" if myfiles: print header_width * "=" print header_title.rjust(int(header_width/2 + len(header_title)/2)) print header_width * "=" print "System uname: "+platform.platform(aliased=1) lastSync = portage.grabfile(os.path.join( settings["PORTDIR"], "metadata", "timestamp.chk")) print "Timestamp of tree:", if lastSync: print lastSync[0] else: print "Unknown" output=commands.getstatusoutput("distcc --version") if not output[0]: print str(output[1].split("\n",1)[0]), if "distcc" in settings.features: print "[enabled]" else: print "[disabled]" output=commands.getstatusoutput("ccache -V") if not output[0]: print str(output[1].split("\n",1)[0]), if "ccache" in settings.features: print "[enabled]" else: print "[disabled]" myvars = ["sys-devel/autoconf", "sys-devel/automake", "virtual/os-headers", "sys-devel/binutils", "sys-devel/libtool", "dev-lang/python"] myvars += portage.util.grabfile(settings["PORTDIR"]+"/profiles/info_pkgs") myvars = portage.util.unique_array(myvars) myvars.sort() for x in myvars: if portage.isvalidatom(x): pkg_matches = trees["/"]["vartree"].dbapi.match(x) pkg_matches = [portage.catpkgsplit(cpv)[1:] for cpv in pkg_matches] pkg_matches.sort(portage.pkgcmp) pkgs = [] for pn, ver, rev in pkg_matches: if rev != "r0": pkgs.append(ver + "-" + rev) else: pkgs.append(ver) if pkgs: pkgs = ", ".join(pkgs) print "%-20s %s" % (x+":", pkgs) else: print "%-20s %s" % (x+":", "[NOT VALID]") libtool_vers = ",".join(trees["/"]["vartree"].dbapi.match("sys-devel/libtool")) if "--verbose" in myopts: myvars=settings.keys() else: myvars = ['GENTOO_MIRRORS', 'CONFIG_PROTECT', 'CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK', 'PORTDIR', 'DISTDIR', 'PKGDIR', 'PORTAGE_TMPDIR', 'PORTDIR_OVERLAY', 'USE', 'CHOST', 'CFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS', 'ACCEPT_KEYWORDS', 'SYNC', 'FEATURES', 'EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS'] myvars.extend(portage.util.grabfile(settings["PORTDIR"]+"/profiles/info_vars")) myvars = portage.util.unique_array(myvars) unset_vars = [] myvars.sort() for x in myvars: if x in settings: if x != "USE": print '%s="%s"' % (x, settings[x]) else: use = set(settings["USE"].split()) use_expand = settings["USE_EXPAND"].split() use_expand.sort() for varname in use_expand: flag_prefix = varname.lower() + "_" for f in list(use): if f.startswith(flag_prefix): use.remove(f) use = list(use) use.sort() print 'USE="%s"' % " ".join(use), for varname in use_expand: myval = settings.get(varname) if myval: print '%s="%s"' % (varname, myval), print else: unset_vars.append(x) if unset_vars: print "Unset: "+", ".join(unset_vars) print if "--debug" in myopts: for x in dir(portage): module = getattr(portage, x) if "cvs_id_string" in dir(module): print "%s: %s" % (str(x), str(module.cvs_id_string)) # See if we can find any packages installed matching the strings # passed on the command line mypkgs = [] vardb = trees[settings["ROOT"]]["vartree"].dbapi portdb = trees[settings["ROOT"]]["porttree"].dbapi for x in myfiles: mypkgs.extend(vardb.match(x)) # If some packages were found... if mypkgs: # Get our global settings (we only print stuff if it varies from # the current config) mydesiredvars = [ 'CHOST', 'CFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS', 'LDFLAGS' ] auxkeys = mydesiredvars + [ "USE", "IUSE"] global_vals = {} pkgsettings = portage.config(clone=settings) for myvar in mydesiredvars: global_vals[myvar] = set(settings.get(myvar, "").split()) # Loop through each package # Only print settings if they differ from global settings header_title = "Package Settings" print header_width * "=" print header_title.rjust(int(header_width/2 + len(header_title)/2)) print header_width * "=" from portage.output import EOutput out = EOutput() for pkg in mypkgs: # Get all package specific variables auxvalues = vardb.aux_get(pkg, auxkeys) valuesmap = {} for i in xrange(len(auxkeys)): valuesmap[auxkeys[i]] = set(auxvalues[i].split()) diff_values = {} for myvar in mydesiredvars: # If the package variable doesn't match the # current global variable, something has changed # so set diff_found so we know to print if valuesmap[myvar] != global_vals[myvar]: diff_values[myvar] = valuesmap[myvar] valuesmap["IUSE"] = set(filter_iuse_defaults(valuesmap["IUSE"])) valuesmap["USE"] = valuesmap["USE"].intersection(valuesmap["IUSE"]) pkgsettings.reset() # If a matching ebuild is no longer available in the tree, maybe it # would make sense to compare against the flags for the best # available version with the same slot? mydb = None if portdb.cpv_exists(pkg): mydb = portdb pkgsettings.setcpv(pkg, mydb=mydb) if valuesmap["IUSE"].intersection( pkgsettings["PORTAGE_USE"].split()) != valuesmap["USE"]: diff_values["USE"] = valuesmap["USE"] # If a difference was found, print the info for # this package. if diff_values: # Print package info print "%s was built with the following:" % pkg for myvar in mydesiredvars + ["USE"]: if myvar in diff_values: mylist = list(diff_values[myvar]) mylist.sort() print "%s=\"%s\"" % (myvar, " ".join(mylist)) print print ">>> Attempting to run pkg_info() for '%s'" % pkg ebuildpath = vardb.findname(pkg) if not ebuildpath or not os.path.exists(ebuildpath): out.ewarn("No ebuild found for '%s'" % pkg) continue portage.doebuild(ebuildpath, "info", pkgsettings["ROOT"], pkgsettings, debug=(settings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG", "") == 1), mydbapi=trees[settings["ROOT"]]["vartree"].dbapi, tree="vartree") def action_search(root_config, myopts, myfiles, spinner): if not myfiles: print "emerge: no search terms provided." else: searchinstance = search(root_config, spinner, "--searchdesc" in myopts, "--quiet" not in myopts, "--usepkg" in myopts, "--usepkgonly" in myopts) for mysearch in myfiles: try: searchinstance.execute(mysearch) except re.error, comment: print "\n!!! Regular expression error in \"%s\": %s" % ( mysearch, comment ) sys.exit(1) searchinstance.output() def action_depclean(settings, trees, ldpath_mtimes, myopts, action, myfiles, spinner): # Kill packages that aren't explicitly merged or are required as a # dependency of another package. World file is explicit. # Global depclean or prune operations are not very safe when there are # missing dependencies since it's unknown how badly incomplete # the dependency graph is, and we might accidentally remove packages # that should have been pulled into the graph. On the other hand, it's # relatively safe to ignore missing deps when only asked to remove # specific packages. allow_missing_deps = len(myfiles) > 0 msg = [] msg.append("Always study the list of packages to be cleaned for any obvious\n") msg.append("mistakes. Packages that are part of the world set will always\n") msg.append("be kept. They can be manually added to this set with\n") msg.append(good("`emerge --noreplace `") + ". Packages that are listed in\n") msg.append("package.provided (see portage(5)) will be removed by\n") msg.append("depclean, even if they are part of the world set.\n") msg.append("\n") msg.append("As a safety measure, depclean will not remove any packages\n") msg.append("unless *all* required dependencies have been resolved. As a\n") msg.append("consequence, it is often necessary to run %s\n" % \ good("`emerge --update")) msg.append(good("--newuse --deep @system @world`") + \ " prior to depclean.\n") if action == "depclean" and "--quiet" not in myopts and not myfiles: portage.writemsg_stdout("\n") for x in msg: portage.writemsg_stdout(colorize("WARN", " * ") + x) xterm_titles = "notitles" not in settings.features myroot = settings["ROOT"] root_config = trees[myroot]["root_config"] getSetAtoms = root_config.setconfig.getSetAtoms vardb = trees[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi required_set_names = ("system", "world") required_sets = {} set_args = [] for s in required_set_names: required_sets[s] = InternalPackageSet( initial_atoms=getSetAtoms(s)) # When removing packages, use a temporary version of world # which excludes packages that are intended to be eligible for # removal. world_temp_set = required_sets["world"] system_set = required_sets["system"] if not system_set or not world_temp_set: if not system_set: writemsg_level("!!! You have no system list.\n", level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) if not world_temp_set: writemsg_level("!!! You have no world file.\n", level=logging.WARNING, noiselevel=-1) writemsg_level("!!! Proceeding is likely to " + \ "break your installation.\n", level=logging.WARNING, noiselevel=-1) if "--pretend" not in myopts: countdown(int(settings["EMERGE_WARNING_DELAY"]), ">>> Depclean") if action == "depclean": emergelog(xterm_titles, " >>> depclean") import textwrap args_set = InternalPackageSet() if myfiles: for x in myfiles: if not is_valid_package_atom(x): writemsg_level("!!! '%s' is not a valid package atom.\n" % x, level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) writemsg_level("!!! Please check ebuild(5) for full details.\n") return try: atom = portage.dep_expand(x, mydb=vardb, settings=settings) except portage.exception.AmbiguousPackageName, e: msg = "The short ebuild name \"" + x + \ "\" is ambiguous. Please specify " + \ "one of the following " + \ "fully-qualified ebuild names instead:" for line in textwrap.wrap(msg, 70): writemsg_level("!!! %s\n" % (line,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) for i in e[0]: writemsg_level(" %s\n" % colorize("INFORM", i), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) writemsg_level("\n", level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return args_set.add(atom) matched_packages = False for x in args_set: if vardb.match(x): matched_packages = True break if not matched_packages: writemsg_level(">>> No packages selected for removal by %s\n" % \ action) return writemsg_level("\nCalculating dependencies ") resolver_params = create_depgraph_params(myopts, "remove") resolver = depgraph(settings, trees, myopts, resolver_params, spinner) vardb = resolver.trees[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi if action == "depclean": if args_set: # Pull in everything that's installed but not matched # by an argument atom since we don't want to clean any # package if something depends on it. world_temp_set.clear() for pkg in vardb: spinner.update() try: if args_set.findAtomForPackage(pkg) is None: world_temp_set.add("=" + pkg.cpv) continue except portage.exception.InvalidDependString, e: show_invalid_depstring_notice(pkg, pkg.metadata["PROVIDE"], str(e)) del e world_temp_set.add("=" + pkg.cpv) continue elif action == "prune": # Pull in everything that's installed since we don't # to prune a package if something depends on it. world_temp_set.clear() world_temp_set.update(vardb.cp_all()) if not args_set: # Try to prune everything that's slotted. for cp in vardb.cp_all(): if len(vardb.cp_list(cp)) > 1: args_set.add(cp) # Remove atoms from world that match installed packages # that are also matched by argument atoms, but do not remove # them if they match the highest installed version. for pkg in vardb: spinner.update() pkgs_for_cp = vardb.match_pkgs(pkg.cp) if not pkgs_for_cp or pkg not in pkgs_for_cp: raise AssertionError("package expected in matches: " + \ "cp = %s, cpv = %s matches = %s" % \ (pkg.cp, pkg.cpv, [str(x) for x in pkgs_for_cp])) highest_version = pkgs_for_cp[-1] if pkg == highest_version: # pkg is the highest version world_temp_set.add("=" + pkg.cpv) continue if len(pkgs_for_cp) <= 1: raise AssertionError("more packages expected: " + \ "cp = %s, cpv = %s matches = %s" % \ (pkg.cp, pkg.cpv, [str(x) for x in pkgs_for_cp])) try: if args_set.findAtomForPackage(pkg) is None: world_temp_set.add("=" + pkg.cpv) continue except portage.exception.InvalidDependString, e: show_invalid_depstring_notice(pkg, pkg.metadata["PROVIDE"], str(e)) del e world_temp_set.add("=" + pkg.cpv) continue set_args = {} for s, package_set in required_sets.iteritems(): set_atom = SETPREFIX + s set_arg = SetArg(arg=set_atom, set=package_set, root_config=resolver.roots[myroot]) set_args[s] = set_arg for atom in set_arg.set: resolver._dep_stack.append( Dependency(atom=atom, root=myroot, parent=set_arg)) resolver.digraph.add(set_arg, None) success = resolver._complete_graph() writemsg_level("\b\b... done!\n") resolver.display_problems() if not success: return 1 def unresolved_deps(): unresolvable = set() for dep in resolver._initially_unsatisfied_deps: if isinstance(dep.parent, Package) and \ (dep.priority > UnmergeDepPriority.SOFT): unresolvable.add((dep.atom, dep.parent.cpv)) if not unresolvable: return False if unresolvable and not allow_missing_deps: prefix = bad(" * ") msg = [] msg.append("Dependencies could not be completely resolved due to") msg.append("the following required packages not being installed:") msg.append("") for atom, parent in unresolvable: msg.append(" %s pulled in by:" % (atom,)) msg.append(" %s" % (parent,)) msg.append("") msg.append("Have you forgotten to run " + \ good("`emerge --update --newuse --deep @system @world`") + " prior") msg.append(("to %s? It may be necessary to manually " + \ "uninstall packages that no longer") % action) msg.append("exist in the portage tree since " + \ "it may not be possible to satisfy their") msg.append("dependencies. Also, be aware of " + \ "the --with-bdeps option that is documented") msg.append("in " + good("`man emerge`") + ".") if action == "prune": msg.append("") msg.append("If you would like to ignore " + \ "dependencies then use %s." % good("--nodeps")) writemsg_level("".join("%s%s\n" % (prefix, line) for line in msg), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return True return False if unresolved_deps(): return 1 graph = resolver.digraph.copy() required_pkgs_total = 0 for node in graph: if isinstance(node, Package): required_pkgs_total += 1 def show_parents(child_node): parent_nodes = graph.parent_nodes(child_node) if not parent_nodes: # With --prune, the highest version can be pulled in without any # real parent since all installed packages are pulled in. In that # case there's nothing to show here. return parent_strs = [] for node in parent_nodes: parent_strs.append(str(getattr(node, "cpv", node))) parent_strs.sort() msg = [] msg.append(" %s pulled in by:\n" % (child_node.cpv,)) for parent_str in parent_strs: msg.append(" %s\n" % (parent_str,)) msg.append("\n") portage.writemsg_stdout("".join(msg), noiselevel=-1) def create_cleanlist(): pkgs_to_remove = [] if action == "depclean": if args_set: for pkg in vardb: arg_atom = None try: arg_atom = args_set.findAtomForPackage(pkg) except portage.exception.InvalidDependString: # this error has already been displayed by now continue if arg_atom: if pkg not in graph: pkgs_to_remove.append(pkg) elif "--verbose" in myopts: show_parents(pkg) else: for pkg in vardb: if pkg not in graph: pkgs_to_remove.append(pkg) elif "--verbose" in myopts: show_parents(pkg) elif action == "prune": # Prune really uses all installed instead of world. It's not # a real reverse dependency so don't display it as such. graph.remove(set_args["world"]) for atom in args_set: for pkg in vardb.match_pkgs(atom): if pkg not in graph: pkgs_to_remove.append(pkg) elif "--verbose" in myopts: show_parents(pkg) if not pkgs_to_remove: writemsg_level( ">>> No packages selected for removal by %s\n" % action) if "--verbose" not in myopts: writemsg_level( ">>> To see reverse dependencies, use %s\n" % \ good("--verbose")) if action == "prune": writemsg_level( ">>> To ignore dependencies, use %s\n" % \ good("--nodeps")) return pkgs_to_remove cleanlist = create_cleanlist() if len(cleanlist): clean_set = set(cleanlist) # Check if any of these package are the sole providers of libraries # with consumers that have not been selected for removal. If so, these # packages and any dependencies need to be added to the graph. real_vardb = trees[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi linkmap = real_vardb.linkmap liblist = linkmap.listLibraryObjects() consumer_cache = {} provider_cache = {} soname_cache = {} consumer_map = {} writemsg_level(">>> Checking for lib consumers...\n") for pkg in cleanlist: pkg_dblink = real_vardb._dblink(pkg.cpv) provided_libs = set() for lib in liblist: if pkg_dblink.isowner(lib, myroot): provided_libs.add(lib) if not provided_libs: continue consumers = {} for lib in provided_libs: lib_consumers = consumer_cache.get(lib) if lib_consumers is None: lib_consumers = linkmap.findConsumers(lib) consumer_cache[lib] = lib_consumers if lib_consumers: consumers[lib] = lib_consumers if not consumers: continue for lib, lib_consumers in consumers.items(): for consumer_file in list(lib_consumers): if pkg_dblink.isowner(consumer_file, myroot): lib_consumers.remove(consumer_file) if not lib_consumers: del consumers[lib] if not consumers: continue for lib, lib_consumers in consumers.iteritems(): soname = soname_cache.get(lib) if soname is None: soname = linkmap.getSoname(lib) soname_cache[lib] = soname consumer_providers = [] for lib_consumer in lib_consumers: providers = provider_cache.get(lib) if providers is None: providers = linkmap.findProviders(lib_consumer) provider_cache[lib_consumer] = providers if soname not in providers: # Why does this happen? continue consumer_providers.append( (lib_consumer, providers[soname])) consumers[lib] = consumer_providers consumer_map[pkg] = consumers if consumer_map: search_files = set() for consumers in consumer_map.itervalues(): for lib, consumer_providers in consumers.iteritems(): for lib_consumer, providers in consumer_providers: search_files.add(lib_consumer) search_files.update(providers) writemsg_level(">>> Assigning files to packages...\n") file_owners = real_vardb._owners.getFileOwnerMap(search_files) for pkg, consumers in consumer_map.items(): for lib, consumer_providers in consumers.items(): lib_consumers = set() for lib_consumer, providers in consumer_providers: owner_set = file_owners.get(lib_consumer) provider_dblinks = set() provider_pkgs = set() if len(providers) > 1: for provider in providers: provider_set = file_owners.get(provider) if provider_set is not None: provider_dblinks.update(provider_set) if len(provider_dblinks) > 1: for provider_dblink in provider_dblinks: pkg_key = ("installed", myroot, provider_dblink.mycpv, "nomerge") if pkg_key not in clean_set: provider_pkgs.add(vardb.get(pkg_key)) if provider_pkgs: continue if owner_set is not None: lib_consumers.update(owner_set) for consumer_dblink in list(lib_consumers): if ("installed", myroot, consumer_dblink.mycpv, "nomerge") in clean_set: lib_consumers.remove(consumer_dblink) continue if lib_consumers: consumers[lib] = lib_consumers else: del consumers[lib] if not consumers: del consumer_map[pkg] if consumer_map: # TODO: Implement a package set for rebuilding consumer packages. msg = "In order to avoid breakage of link level " + \ "dependencies, one or more packages will not be removed. " + \ "This can be solved by rebuilding " + \ "the packages that pulled them in." prefix = bad(" * ") from textwrap import wrap writemsg_level("".join(prefix + "%s\n" % line for \ line in wrap(msg, 70)), level=logging.WARNING, noiselevel=-1) msg = [] for pkg, consumers in consumer_map.iteritems(): unique_consumers = set(chain(*consumers.values())) unique_consumers = sorted(consumer.mycpv \ for consumer in unique_consumers) msg.append("") msg.append(" %s pulled in by:" % (pkg.cpv,)) for consumer in unique_consumers: msg.append(" %s" % (consumer,)) msg.append("") writemsg_level("".join(prefix + "%s\n" % line for line in msg), level=logging.WARNING, noiselevel=-1) # Add lib providers to the graph as children of lib consumers, # and also add any dependencies pulled in by the provider. writemsg_level(">>> Adding lib providers to graph...\n") for pkg, consumers in consumer_map.iteritems(): for consumer_dblink in set(chain(*consumers.values())): consumer_pkg = vardb.get(("installed", myroot, consumer_dblink.mycpv, "nomerge")) if not resolver._add_pkg(pkg, Dependency(parent=consumer_pkg, priority=UnmergeDepPriority(runtime=True), root=pkg.root)): resolver.display_problems() return 1 writemsg_level("\nCalculating dependencies ") success = resolver._complete_graph() writemsg_level("\b\b... done!\n") resolver.display_problems() if not success: return 1 if unresolved_deps(): return 1 graph = resolver.digraph.copy() required_pkgs_total = 0 for node in graph: if isinstance(node, Package): required_pkgs_total += 1 cleanlist = create_cleanlist() if not cleanlist: return 0 clean_set = set(cleanlist) # Use a topological sort to create an unmerge order such that # each package is unmerged before it's dependencies. This is # necessary to avoid breaking things that may need to run # during pkg_prerm or pkg_postrm phases. # Create a new graph to account for dependencies between the # packages being unmerged. graph = digraph() del cleanlist[:] dep_keys = ["DEPEND", "RDEPEND", "PDEPEND"] runtime = UnmergeDepPriority(runtime=True) runtime_post = UnmergeDepPriority(runtime_post=True) buildtime = UnmergeDepPriority(buildtime=True) priority_map = { "RDEPEND": runtime, "PDEPEND": runtime_post, "DEPEND": buildtime, } for node in clean_set: graph.add(node, None) mydeps = [] node_use = node.metadata["USE"].split() for dep_type in dep_keys: depstr = node.metadata[dep_type] if not depstr: continue try: portage.dep._dep_check_strict = False success, atoms = portage.dep_check(depstr, None, settings, myuse=node_use, trees=resolver._graph_trees, myroot=myroot) finally: portage.dep._dep_check_strict = True if not success: # Ignore invalid deps of packages that will # be uninstalled anyway. continue priority = priority_map[dep_type] for atom in atoms: if not isinstance(atom, portage.dep.Atom): # Ignore invalid atoms returned from dep_check(). continue if atom.blocker: continue matches = vardb.match_pkgs(atom) if not matches: continue for child_node in matches: if child_node in clean_set: graph.add(child_node, node, priority=priority) ordered = True if len(graph.order) == len(graph.root_nodes()): # If there are no dependencies between packages # let unmerge() group them by cat/pn. ordered = False cleanlist = [pkg.cpv for pkg in graph.order] else: # Order nodes from lowest to highest overall reference count for # optimal root node selection. node_refcounts = {} for node in graph.order: node_refcounts[node] = len(graph.parent_nodes(node)) def cmp_reference_count(node1, node2): return node_refcounts[node1] - node_refcounts[node2] graph.order.sort(cmp_reference_count) ignore_priority_range = [None] ignore_priority_range.extend( xrange(UnmergeDepPriority.MIN, UnmergeDepPriority.MAX + 1)) while not graph.empty(): for ignore_priority in ignore_priority_range: nodes = graph.root_nodes(ignore_priority=ignore_priority) if nodes: break if not nodes: raise AssertionError("no root nodes") if ignore_priority is not None: # Some deps have been dropped due to circular dependencies, # so only pop one node in order do minimize the number that # are dropped. del nodes[1:] for node in nodes: graph.remove(node) cleanlist.append(node.cpv) unmerge(root_config, myopts, "unmerge", cleanlist, ldpath_mtimes, ordered=ordered) if action == "prune": return if not cleanlist and "--quiet" in myopts: return print "Packages installed: "+str(len(vardb.cpv_all())) print "Packages in world: " + \ str(len(root_config.sets["world"].getAtoms())) print "Packages in system: " + \ str(len(root_config.sets["system"].getAtoms())) print "Required packages: "+str(required_pkgs_total) if "--pretend" in myopts: print "Number to remove: "+str(len(cleanlist)) else: print "Number removed: "+str(len(cleanlist)) def resume_depgraph(settings, trees, mtimedb, myopts, myparams, spinner, skip_masked=False, skip_unsatisfied=False): """ Construct a depgraph for the given resume list. This will raise PackageNotFound or depgraph.UnsatisfiedResumeDep when necessary. @rtype: tuple @returns: (success, depgraph, dropped_tasks) """ mergelist = mtimedb["resume"]["mergelist"] dropped_tasks = set() while True: mydepgraph = depgraph(settings, trees, myopts, myparams, spinner) try: success = mydepgraph.loadResumeCommand(mtimedb["resume"], skip_masked=skip_masked) except depgraph.UnsatisfiedResumeDep, e: if not skip_unsatisfied: raise graph = mydepgraph.digraph unsatisfied_parents = dict((dep.parent, dep.parent) \ for dep in e.value) traversed_nodes = set() unsatisfied_stack = list(unsatisfied_parents) while unsatisfied_stack: pkg = unsatisfied_stack.pop() if pkg in traversed_nodes: continue traversed_nodes.add(pkg) # If this package was pulled in by a parent # package scheduled for merge, removing this # package may cause the the parent package's # dependency to become unsatisfied. for parent_node in graph.parent_nodes(pkg): if not isinstance(parent_node, Package) \ or parent_node.operation not in ("merge", "nomerge"): continue unsatisfied = \ graph.child_nodes(parent_node, ignore_priority=DepPriority.SOFT) if pkg in unsatisfied: unsatisfied_parents[parent_node] = parent_node unsatisfied_stack.append(parent_node) pruned_mergelist = [x for x in mergelist \ if isinstance(x, list) and \ tuple(x) not in unsatisfied_parents] # If the mergelist doesn't shrink then this loop is infinite. if len(pruned_mergelist) == len(mergelist): # This happens if a package can't be dropped because # it's already installed, but it has unsatisfied PDEPEND. raise mergelist[:] = pruned_mergelist # Exclude installed packages that have been removed from the graph due # to failure to build/install runtime dependencies after the dependent # package has already been installed. dropped_tasks.update(pkg for pkg in \ unsatisfied_parents if pkg.operation != "nomerge") mydepgraph.break_refs(unsatisfied_parents) del e, graph, traversed_nodes, \ unsatisfied_parents, unsatisfied_stack continue else: break return (success, mydepgraph, dropped_tasks) def action_build(settings, trees, mtimedb, myopts, myaction, myfiles, spinner): # validate the state of the resume data # so that we can make assumptions later. for k in ("resume", "resume_backup"): if k not in mtimedb: continue resume_data = mtimedb[k] if not isinstance(resume_data, dict): del mtimedb[k] continue mergelist = resume_data.get("mergelist") if not isinstance(mergelist, list): del mtimedb[k] continue for x in mergelist: if not (isinstance(x, list) and len(x) == 4): continue pkg_type, pkg_root, pkg_key, pkg_action = x if pkg_root not in trees: # Current $ROOT setting differs, # so the list must be stale. mergelist = None break if not mergelist: del mtimedb[k] continue resume_opts = resume_data.get("myopts") if not isinstance(resume_opts, (dict, list)): del mtimedb[k] continue favorites = resume_data.get("favorites") if not isinstance(favorites, list): del mtimedb[k] continue resume = False if "--resume" in myopts and \ ("resume" in mtimedb or "resume_backup" in mtimedb): resume = True if "resume" not in mtimedb: mtimedb["resume"] = mtimedb["resume_backup"] del mtimedb["resume_backup"] mtimedb.commit() # "myopts" is a list for backward compatibility. resume_opts = mtimedb["resume"].get("myopts", []) if isinstance(resume_opts, list): resume_opts = dict((k,True) for k in resume_opts) for opt in ("--skipfirst", "--ask", "--tree"): resume_opts.pop(opt, None) myopts.update(resume_opts) if "--debug" in myopts: writemsg_level("myopts %s\n" % (myopts,)) # Adjust config according to options of the command being resumed. for myroot in trees: mysettings = trees[myroot]["vartree"].settings mysettings.unlock() adjust_config(myopts, mysettings) mysettings.lock() del myroot, mysettings ldpath_mtimes = mtimedb["ldpath"] favorites=[] merge_count = 0 buildpkgonly = "--buildpkgonly" in myopts pretend = "--pretend" in myopts fetchonly = "--fetchonly" in myopts or "--fetch-all-uri" in myopts ask = "--ask" in myopts nodeps = "--nodeps" in myopts oneshot = "--oneshot" in myopts or "--onlydeps" in myopts tree = "--tree" in myopts if nodeps and tree: tree = False del myopts["--tree"] portage.writemsg(colorize("WARN", " * ") + \ "--tree is broken with --nodeps. Disabling...\n") debug = "--debug" in myopts verbose = "--verbose" in myopts quiet = "--quiet" in myopts if pretend or fetchonly: # make the mtimedb readonly mtimedb.filename = None if "--digest" in myopts: msg = "The --digest option can prevent corruption from being" + \ " noticed. The `repoman manifest` command is the preferred" + \ " way to generate manifests and it is capable of doing an" + \ " entire repository or category at once." prefix = bad(" * ") writemsg(prefix + "\n") from textwrap import wrap for line in wrap(msg, 72): writemsg("%s%s\n" % (prefix, line)) writemsg(prefix + "\n") if "--quiet" not in myopts and \ ("--pretend" in myopts or "--ask" in myopts or \ "--tree" in myopts or "--verbose" in myopts): action = "" if "--fetchonly" in myopts or "--fetch-all-uri" in myopts: action = "fetched" elif "--buildpkgonly" in myopts: action = "built" else: action = "merged" if "--tree" in myopts and action != "fetched": # Tree doesn't work with fetching print print darkgreen("These are the packages that would be %s, in reverse order:") % action print else: print print darkgreen("These are the packages that would be %s, in order:") % action print show_spinner = "--quiet" not in myopts and "--nodeps" not in myopts if not show_spinner: spinner.update = spinner.update_quiet if resume: favorites = mtimedb["resume"].get("favorites") if not isinstance(favorites, list): favorites = [] if show_spinner: print "Calculating dependencies ", myparams = create_depgraph_params(myopts, myaction) resume_data = mtimedb["resume"] mergelist = resume_data["mergelist"] if mergelist and "--skipfirst" in myopts: for i, task in enumerate(mergelist): if isinstance(task, list) and \ task and task[-1] == "merge": del mergelist[i] break skip_masked = "--skipfirst" in myopts skip_unsatisfied = "--skipfirst" in myopts success = False mydepgraph = None try: success, mydepgraph, dropped_tasks = resume_depgraph( settings, trees, mtimedb, myopts, myparams, spinner, skip_masked=skip_masked, skip_unsatisfied=skip_unsatisfied) except (portage.exception.PackageNotFound, depgraph.UnsatisfiedResumeDep), e: if isinstance(e, depgraph.UnsatisfiedResumeDep): mydepgraph = e.depgraph if show_spinner: print from textwrap import wrap from portage.output import EOutput out = EOutput() resume_data = mtimedb["resume"] mergelist = resume_data.get("mergelist") if not isinstance(mergelist, list): mergelist = [] if mergelist and debug or (verbose and not quiet): out.eerror("Invalid resume list:") out.eerror("") indent = " " for task in mergelist: if isinstance(task, list): out.eerror(indent + str(tuple(task))) out.eerror("") if isinstance(e, depgraph.UnsatisfiedResumeDep): out.eerror("One or more packages are either masked or " + \ "have missing dependencies:") out.eerror("") indent = " " for dep in e.value: if dep.atom is None: out.eerror(indent + "Masked package:") out.eerror(2 * indent + str(dep.parent)) out.eerror("") else: out.eerror(indent + str(dep.atom) + " pulled in by:") out.eerror(2 * indent + str(dep.parent)) out.eerror("") msg = "The resume list contains packages " + \ "that are either masked or have " + \ "unsatisfied dependencies. " + \ "Please restart/continue " + \ "the operation manually, or use --skipfirst " + \ "to skip the first package in the list and " + \ "any other packages that may be " + \ "masked or have missing dependencies." for line in wrap(msg, 72): out.eerror(line) elif isinstance(e, portage.exception.PackageNotFound): out.eerror("An expected package is " + \ "not available: %s" % str(e)) out.eerror("") msg = "The resume list contains one or more " + \ "packages that are no longer " + \ "available. Please restart/continue " + \ "the operation manually." for line in wrap(msg, 72): out.eerror(line) else: if show_spinner: print "\b\b... done!" if success: if dropped_tasks: portage.writemsg("!!! One or more packages have been " + \ "dropped due to\n" + \ "!!! masking or unsatisfied dependencies:\n\n", noiselevel=-1) for task in dropped_tasks: portage.writemsg(" " + str(task) + "\n", noiselevel=-1) portage.writemsg("\n", noiselevel=-1) del dropped_tasks else: if mydepgraph is not None: mydepgraph.display_problems() if not (ask or pretend): # delete the current list and also the backup # since it's probably stale too. for k in ("resume", "resume_backup"): mtimedb.pop(k, None) mtimedb.commit() return 1 else: if ("--resume" in myopts): print darkgreen("emerge: It seems we have nothing to resume...") return os.EX_OK myparams = create_depgraph_params(myopts, myaction) if "--quiet" not in myopts and "--nodeps" not in myopts: print "Calculating dependencies ", sys.stdout.flush() mydepgraph = depgraph(settings, trees, myopts, myparams, spinner) try: retval, favorites = mydepgraph.select_files(myfiles) except portage.exception.PackageNotFound, e: portage.writemsg("\n!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1) return 1 except portage.exception.PackageSetNotFound, e: root_config = trees[settings["ROOT"]]["root_config"] display_missing_pkg_set(root_config, e.value) return 1 if show_spinner: print "\b\b... done!" if not retval: mydepgraph.display_problems() return 1 if "--pretend" not in myopts and \ ("--ask" in myopts or "--tree" in myopts or \ "--verbose" in myopts) and \ not ("--quiet" in myopts and "--ask" not in myopts): if "--resume" in myopts: mymergelist = mydepgraph.altlist() if len(mymergelist) == 0: print colorize("INFORM", "emerge: It seems we have nothing to resume...") return os.EX_OK favorites = mtimedb["resume"]["favorites"] retval = mydepgraph.display( mydepgraph.altlist(reversed=tree), favorites=favorites) mydepgraph.display_problems() if retval != os.EX_OK: return retval prompt="Would you like to resume merging these packages?" else: retval = mydepgraph.display( mydepgraph.altlist(reversed=("--tree" in myopts)), favorites=favorites) mydepgraph.display_problems() if retval != os.EX_OK: return retval mergecount=0 for x in mydepgraph.altlist(): if isinstance(x, Package) and x.operation == "merge": mergecount += 1 if mergecount==0: sets = trees[settings["ROOT"]]["root_config"].sets world_candidates = None if "--noreplace" in myopts and \ not oneshot and favorites: # Sets that are not world candidates are filtered # out here since the favorites list needs to be # complete for depgraph.loadResumeCommand() to # operate correctly. world_candidates = [x for x in favorites \ if not (x.startswith(SETPREFIX) and \ not sets[x[1:]].world_candidate)] if "--noreplace" in myopts and \ not oneshot and world_candidates: print for x in world_candidates: print " %s %s" % (good("*"), x) prompt="Would you like to add these packages to your world favorites?" elif settings["AUTOCLEAN"] and "yes"==settings["AUTOCLEAN"]: prompt="Nothing to merge; would you like to auto-clean packages?" else: print print "Nothing to merge; quitting." print return os.EX_OK elif "--fetchonly" in myopts or "--fetch-all-uri" in myopts: prompt="Would you like to fetch the source files for these packages?" else: prompt="Would you like to merge these packages?" print if "--ask" in myopts and userquery(prompt) == "No": print print "Quitting." print return os.EX_OK # Don't ask again (e.g. when auto-cleaning packages after merge) myopts.pop("--ask", None) if ("--pretend" in myopts) and not ("--fetchonly" in myopts or "--fetch-all-uri" in myopts): if ("--resume" in myopts): mymergelist = mydepgraph.altlist() if len(mymergelist) == 0: print colorize("INFORM", "emerge: It seems we have nothing to resume...") return os.EX_OK favorites = mtimedb["resume"]["favorites"] retval = mydepgraph.display( mydepgraph.altlist(reversed=tree), favorites=favorites) mydepgraph.display_problems() if retval != os.EX_OK: return retval else: retval = mydepgraph.display( mydepgraph.altlist(reversed=("--tree" in myopts)), favorites=favorites) mydepgraph.display_problems() if retval != os.EX_OK: return retval if "--buildpkgonly" in myopts: graph_copy = mydepgraph.digraph.clone() for node in list(graph_copy.order): if not isinstance(node, Package): graph_copy.remove(node) if not graph_copy.hasallzeros(ignore_priority=DepPriority.MEDIUM): print "\n!!! --buildpkgonly requires all dependencies to be merged." print "!!! You have to merge the dependencies before you can build this package.\n" return 1 else: if "--buildpkgonly" in myopts: graph_copy = mydepgraph.digraph.clone() for node in list(graph_copy.order): if not isinstance(node, Package): graph_copy.remove(node) if not graph_copy.hasallzeros(ignore_priority=DepPriority.MEDIUM): print "\n!!! --buildpkgonly requires all dependencies to be merged." print "!!! Cannot merge requested packages. Merge deps and try again.\n" return 1 if ("--resume" in myopts): favorites=mtimedb["resume"]["favorites"] mymergelist = mydepgraph.altlist() mydepgraph.break_refs(mymergelist) mergetask = Scheduler(settings, trees, mtimedb, myopts, spinner, mymergelist, favorites, mydepgraph.schedulerGraph()) del mydepgraph, mymergelist clear_caches(trees) retval = mergetask.merge() merge_count = mergetask.curval else: if "resume" in mtimedb and \ "mergelist" in mtimedb["resume"] and \ len(mtimedb["resume"]["mergelist"]) > 1: mtimedb["resume_backup"] = mtimedb["resume"] del mtimedb["resume"] mtimedb.commit() mtimedb["resume"]={} # Stored as a dict starting with portage-2.1.6_rc1, and supported # by >=portage-2.1.3_rc8. Versions >> Auto-cleaning packages...\n") unmerge(trees[settings["ROOT"]]["root_config"], myopts, "clean", [], ldpath_mtimes, autoclean=1) else: portage.writemsg_stdout(colorize("WARN", "WARNING:") + " AUTOCLEAN is disabled. This can cause serious" + " problems due to overlapping packages.\n") trees[settings["ROOT"]]["vartree"].dbapi.plib_registry.pruneNonExisting() return retval def multiple_actions(action1, action2): sys.stderr.write("\n!!! Multiple actions requested... Please choose one only.\n") sys.stderr.write("!!! '%s' or '%s'\n\n" % (action1, action2)) sys.exit(1) def insert_optional_args(args): """ Parse optional arguments and insert a value if one has not been provided. This is done before feeding the args to the optparse parser since that parser does not support this feature natively. """ new_args = [] jobs_opts = ("-j", "--jobs") arg_stack = args[:] arg_stack.reverse() while arg_stack: arg = arg_stack.pop() short_job_opt = bool("j" in arg and arg[:1] == "-" and arg[:2] != "--") if not (short_job_opt or arg in jobs_opts): new_args.append(arg) continue # Insert an empty placeholder in order to # satisfy the requirements of optparse. new_args.append("--jobs") job_count = None saved_opts = None if short_job_opt and len(arg) > 2: if arg[:2] == "-j": try: job_count = int(arg[2:]) except ValueError: saved_opts = arg[2:] else: job_count = "True" saved_opts = arg[1:].replace("j", "") if job_count is None and arg_stack: try: job_count = int(arg_stack[-1]) except ValueError: pass else: # Discard the job count from the stack # since we're consuming it here. arg_stack.pop() if job_count is None: # unlimited number of jobs new_args.append("True") else: new_args.append(str(job_count)) if saved_opts is not None: new_args.append("-" + saved_opts) return new_args def parse_opts(tmpcmdline, silent=False): myaction=None myopts = {} myfiles=[] global actions, options, shortmapping longopt_aliases = {"--cols":"--columns", "--skip-first":"--skipfirst"} argument_options = { "--config-root": { "help":"specify the location for portage configuration files", "action":"store" }, "--color": { "help":"enable or disable color output", "type":"choice", "choices":("y", "n") }, "--jobs": { "help" : "Specifies the number of packages to build " + \ "simultaneously.", "action" : "store" }, "--load-average": { "help" :"Specifies that no new builds should be started " + \ "if there are other builds running and the load average " + \ "is at least LOAD (a floating-point number).", "action" : "store" }, "--with-bdeps": { "help":"include unnecessary build time dependencies", "type":"choice", "choices":("y", "n") }, "--reinstall": { "help":"specify conditions to trigger package reinstallation", "type":"choice", "choices":["changed-use"] } } from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() if parser.has_option("--help"): parser.remove_option("--help") for action_opt in actions: parser.add_option("--" + action_opt, action="store_true", dest=action_opt.replace("-", "_"), default=False) for myopt in options: parser.add_option(myopt, action="store_true", dest=myopt.lstrip("--").replace("-", "_"), default=False) for shortopt, longopt in shortmapping.iteritems(): parser.add_option("-" + shortopt, action="store_true", dest=longopt.lstrip("--").replace("-", "_"), default=False) for myalias, myopt in longopt_aliases.iteritems(): parser.add_option(myalias, action="store_true", dest=myopt.lstrip("--").replace("-", "_"), default=False) for myopt, kwargs in argument_options.iteritems(): parser.add_option(myopt, dest=myopt.lstrip("--").replace("-", "_"), **kwargs) tmpcmdline = insert_optional_args(tmpcmdline) myoptions, myargs = parser.parse_args(args=tmpcmdline) if myoptions.jobs: jobs = None if myoptions.jobs == "True": jobs = True else: try: jobs = int(myoptions.jobs) except ValueError: jobs = -1 if jobs is not True and \ jobs < 1: jobs = None if not silent: writemsg("!!! Invalid --jobs parameter: '%s'\n" % \ (myoptions.jobs,), noiselevel=-1) myoptions.jobs = jobs if myoptions.load_average: try: load_average = float(myoptions.load_average) except ValueError: load_average = 0.0 if load_average <= 0.0: load_average = None if not silent: writemsg("!!! Invalid --load-average parameter: '%s'\n" % \ (myoptions.load_average,), noiselevel=-1) myoptions.load_average = load_average for myopt in options: v = getattr(myoptions, myopt.lstrip("--").replace("-", "_")) if v: myopts[myopt] = True for myopt in argument_options: v = getattr(myoptions, myopt.lstrip("--").replace("-", "_"), None) if v is not None: myopts[myopt] = v for action_opt in actions: v = getattr(myoptions, action_opt.replace("-", "_")) if v: if myaction: multiple_actions(myaction, action_opt) sys.exit(1) myaction = action_opt myfiles += myargs return myaction, myopts, myfiles def validate_ebuild_environment(trees): for myroot in trees: settings = trees[myroot]["vartree"].settings settings.validate() def clear_caches(trees): for d in trees.itervalues(): d["porttree"].dbapi.melt() d["porttree"].dbapi._aux_cache.clear() d["bintree"].dbapi._aux_cache.clear() d["bintree"].dbapi._clear_cache() d["vartree"].dbapi.linkmap._clear_cache() portage.dircache.clear() gc.collect() def load_emerge_config(trees=None): kwargs = {} for k, envvar in (("config_root", "PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT"), ("target_root", "ROOT")): v = os.environ.get(envvar, None) if v and v.strip(): kwargs[k] = v trees = portage.create_trees(trees=trees, **kwargs) for root, root_trees in trees.iteritems(): settings = root_trees["vartree"].settings setconfig = load_default_config(settings, root_trees) root_trees["root_config"] = RootConfig(settings, root_trees, setconfig) settings = trees["/"]["vartree"].settings for myroot in trees: if myroot != "/": settings = trees[myroot]["vartree"].settings break mtimedbfile = os.path.join("/", portage.CACHE_PATH.lstrip(os.path.sep), "mtimedb") mtimedb = portage.MtimeDB(mtimedbfile) return settings, trees, mtimedb def adjust_config(myopts, settings): """Make emerge specific adjustments to the config.""" # To enhance usability, make some vars case insensitive by forcing them to # lower case. for myvar in ("AUTOCLEAN", "NOCOLOR"): if myvar in settings: settings[myvar] = settings[myvar].lower() settings.backup_changes(myvar) del myvar # Kill noauto as it will break merges otherwise. if "noauto" in settings.features: while "noauto" in settings.features: settings.features.remove("noauto") settings["FEATURES"] = " ".join(settings.features) settings.backup_changes("FEATURES") CLEAN_DELAY = 5 try: CLEAN_DELAY = int(settings.get("CLEAN_DELAY", str(CLEAN_DELAY))) except ValueError, e: portage.writemsg("!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1) portage.writemsg("!!! Unable to parse integer: CLEAN_DELAY='%s'\n" % \ settings["CLEAN_DELAY"], noiselevel=-1) settings["CLEAN_DELAY"] = str(CLEAN_DELAY) settings.backup_changes("CLEAN_DELAY") EMERGE_WARNING_DELAY = 10 try: EMERGE_WARNING_DELAY = int(settings.get( "EMERGE_WARNING_DELAY", str(EMERGE_WARNING_DELAY))) except ValueError, e: portage.writemsg("!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1) portage.writemsg("!!! Unable to parse integer: EMERGE_WARNING_DELAY='%s'\n" % \ settings["EMERGE_WARNING_DELAY"], noiselevel=-1) settings["EMERGE_WARNING_DELAY"] = str(EMERGE_WARNING_DELAY) settings.backup_changes("EMERGE_WARNING_DELAY") if "--quiet" in myopts: settings["PORTAGE_QUIET"]="1" settings.backup_changes("PORTAGE_QUIET") if "--verbose" in myopts: settings["PORTAGE_VERBOSE"] = "1" settings.backup_changes("PORTAGE_VERBOSE") # Set so that configs will be merged regardless of remembered status if ("--noconfmem" in myopts): settings["NOCONFMEM"]="1" settings.backup_changes("NOCONFMEM") # Set various debug markers... They should be merged somehow. PORTAGE_DEBUG = 0 try: PORTAGE_DEBUG = int(settings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG", str(PORTAGE_DEBUG))) if PORTAGE_DEBUG not in (0, 1): portage.writemsg("!!! Invalid value: PORTAGE_DEBUG='%i'\n" % \ PORTAGE_DEBUG, noiselevel=-1) portage.writemsg("!!! PORTAGE_DEBUG must be either 0 or 1\n", noiselevel=-1) PORTAGE_DEBUG = 0 except ValueError, e: portage.writemsg("!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1) portage.writemsg("!!! Unable to parse integer: PORTAGE_DEBUG='%s'\n" %\ settings["PORTAGE_DEBUG"], noiselevel=-1) del e if "--debug" in myopts: PORTAGE_DEBUG = 1 settings["PORTAGE_DEBUG"] = str(PORTAGE_DEBUG) settings.backup_changes("PORTAGE_DEBUG") if settings.get("NOCOLOR") not in ("yes","true"): portage.output.havecolor = 1 """The explicit --color < y | n > option overrides the NOCOLOR environment variable and stdout auto-detection.""" if "--color" in myopts: if "y" == myopts["--color"]: portage.output.havecolor = 1 settings["NOCOLOR"] = "false" else: portage.output.havecolor = 0 settings["NOCOLOR"] = "true" settings.backup_changes("NOCOLOR") elif not sys.stdout.isatty() and settings.get("NOCOLOR") != "no": portage.output.havecolor = 0 settings["NOCOLOR"] = "true" settings.backup_changes("NOCOLOR") def apply_priorities(settings): ionice(settings) nice(settings) def nice(settings): try: os.nice(int(settings.get("PORTAGE_NICENESS", "0"))) except (OSError, ValueError), e: out = portage.output.EOutput() out.eerror("Failed to change nice value to '%s'" % \ settings["PORTAGE_NICENESS"]) out.eerror("%s\n" % str(e)) def ionice(settings): ionice_cmd = settings.get("PORTAGE_IONICE_COMMAND") if ionice_cmd: ionice_cmd = shlex.split(ionice_cmd) if not ionice_cmd: return from portage.util import varexpand variables = {"PID" : str(os.getpid())} cmd = [varexpand(x, mydict=variables) for x in ionice_cmd] try: rval = portage.process.spawn(cmd, env=os.environ) except portage.exception.CommandNotFound: # The OS kernel probably doesn't support ionice, # so return silently. return if rval != os.EX_OK: out = portage.output.EOutput() out.eerror("PORTAGE_IONICE_COMMAND returned %d" % (rval,)) out.eerror("See the make.conf(5) man page for PORTAGE_IONICE_COMMAND usage instructions.") def display_missing_pkg_set(root_config, set_name): msg = [] msg.append(("emerge: There are no sets to satisfy '%s'. " + \ "The following sets exist:") % \ colorize("INFORM", set_name)) msg.append("") for s in sorted(root_config.sets): msg.append(" %s" % s) msg.append("") writemsg_level("".join("%s\n" % l for l in msg), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) def expand_set_arguments(myfiles, myaction, root_config): retval = os.EX_OK setconfig = root_config.setconfig sets = setconfig.getSets() # In order to know exactly which atoms/sets should be added to the # world file, the depgraph performs set expansion later. It will get # confused about where the atoms came from if it's not allowed to # expand them itself. do_not_expand = (None, ) newargs = [] for a in myfiles: if a in ("system", "world"): newargs.append(SETPREFIX+a) else: newargs.append(a) myfiles = newargs del newargs newargs = [] # separators for set arguments ARG_START = "{" ARG_END = "}" # WARNING: all operators must be of equal length IS_OPERATOR = "/@" DIFF_OPERATOR = "-@" UNION_OPERATOR = "+@" for i in range(0, len(myfiles)): if myfiles[i].startswith(SETPREFIX): start = 0 end = 0 x = myfiles[i][len(SETPREFIX):] newset = "" while x: start = x.find(ARG_START) end = x.find(ARG_END) if start > 0 and start < end: namepart = x[:start] argpart = x[start+1:end] # TODO: implement proper quoting args = argpart.split(",") options = {} for a in args: if "=" in a: k, v = a.split("=", 1) options[k] = v else: options[a] = "True" setconfig.update(namepart, options) newset += (x[:start-len(namepart)]+namepart) x = x[end+len(ARG_END):] else: newset += x x = "" myfiles[i] = SETPREFIX+newset sets = setconfig.getSets() # display errors that occured while loading the SetConfig instance for e in setconfig.errors: print colorize("BAD", "Error during set creation: %s" % e) # emerge relies on the existance of sets with names "world" and "system" required_sets = ("world", "system") missing_sets = [] for s in required_sets: if s not in sets: missing_sets.append(s) if missing_sets: if len(missing_sets) > 2: missing_sets_str = ", ".join('"%s"' % s for s in missing_sets[:-1]) missing_sets_str += ', and "%s"' % missing_sets[-1] elif len(missing_sets) == 2: missing_sets_str = '"%s" and "%s"' % tuple(missing_sets) else: missing_sets_str = '"%s"' % missing_sets[-1] msg = ["emerge: incomplete set configuration, " + \ "missing set(s): %s" % missing_sets_str] if sets: msg.append(" sets defined: %s" % ", ".join(sets)) msg.append(" This usually means that '%s'" % \ (os.path.join(portage.const.GLOBAL_CONFIG_PATH, "sets.conf"),)) msg.append(" is missing or corrupt.") for line in msg: writemsg_level(line + "\n", level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return (None, 1) unmerge_actions = ("unmerge", "prune", "clean", "depclean") for a in myfiles: if a.startswith(SETPREFIX): # support simple set operations (intersection, difference and union) # on the commandline. Expressions are evaluated strictly left-to-right if IS_OPERATOR in a or DIFF_OPERATOR in a or UNION_OPERATOR in a: expression = a[len(SETPREFIX):] expr_sets = [] expr_ops = [] while IS_OPERATOR in expression or DIFF_OPERATOR in expression or UNION_OPERATOR in expression: is_pos = expression.rfind(IS_OPERATOR) diff_pos = expression.rfind(DIFF_OPERATOR) union_pos = expression.rfind(UNION_OPERATOR) op_pos = max(is_pos, diff_pos, union_pos) s1 = expression[:op_pos] s2 = expression[op_pos+len(IS_OPERATOR):] op = expression[op_pos:op_pos+len(IS_OPERATOR)] if not s2 in sets: display_missing_pkg_set(root_config, s2) return (None, 1) expr_sets.insert(0, s2) expr_ops.insert(0, op) expression = s1 if not expression in sets: display_missing_pkg_set(root_config, expression) return (None, 1) expr_sets.insert(0, expression) result = set(setconfig.getSetAtoms(expression)) for i in range(0, len(expr_ops)): s2 = setconfig.getSetAtoms(expr_sets[i+1]) if expr_ops[i] == IS_OPERATOR: result.intersection_update(s2) elif expr_ops[i] == DIFF_OPERATOR: result.difference_update(s2) elif expr_ops[i] == UNION_OPERATOR: result.update(s2) else: raise NotImplementedError("unknown set operator %s" % expr_ops[i]) newargs.extend(result) else: s = a[len(SETPREFIX):] if s not in sets: display_missing_pkg_set(root_config, s) return (None, 1) setconfig.active.append(s) try: set_atoms = setconfig.getSetAtoms(s) except portage.exception.PackageSetNotFound, e: writemsg_level(("emerge: the given set '%s' " + \ "contains a non-existent set named '%s'.\n") % \ (s, e), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return (None, 1) if myaction in unmerge_actions and \ not sets[s].supportsOperation("unmerge"): sys.stderr.write("emerge: the given set '%s' does " % s + \ "not support unmerge operations\n") retval = 1 elif not set_atoms: print "emerge: '%s' is an empty set" % s elif myaction not in do_not_expand: newargs.extend(set_atoms) else: newargs.append(SETPREFIX+s) for e in sets[s].errors: print e else: newargs.append(a) return (newargs, retval) def repo_name_check(trees): missing_repo_names = set() for root, root_trees in trees.iteritems(): if "porttree" in root_trees: portdb = root_trees["porttree"].dbapi missing_repo_names.update(portdb.porttrees) repos = portdb.getRepositories() for r in repos: missing_repo_names.discard(portdb.getRepositoryPath(r)) if portdb.porttree_root in missing_repo_names and \ not os.path.exists(os.path.join( portdb.porttree_root, "profiles")): # This is normal if $PORTDIR happens to be empty, # so don't warn about it. missing_repo_names.remove(portdb.porttree_root) if missing_repo_names: msg = [] msg.append("WARNING: One or more repositories " + \ "have missing repo_name entries:") msg.append("") for p in missing_repo_names: msg.append("\t%s/profiles/repo_name" % (p,)) msg.append("") msg.extend(textwrap.wrap("NOTE: Each repo_name entry " + \ "should be a plain text file containing a unique " + \ "name for the repository on the first line.", 70)) writemsg_level("".join("%s\n" % l for l in msg), level=logging.WARNING, noiselevel=-1) return bool(missing_repo_names) def config_protect_check(trees): for root, root_trees in trees.iteritems(): if not root_trees["root_config"].settings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT"): msg = "!!! CONFIG_PROTECT is empty" if root != "/": msg += " for '%s'" % root writemsg_level(msg, level=logging.WARN, noiselevel=-1) def ambiguous_package_name(arg, atoms, root_config, spinner, myopts): if "--quiet" in myopts: print "!!! The short ebuild name \"%s\" is ambiguous. Please specify" % arg print "!!! one of the following fully-qualified ebuild names instead:\n" for cp in sorted(set(portage.dep_getkey(atom) for atom in atoms)): print " " + colorize("INFORM", cp) return s = search(root_config, spinner, "--searchdesc" in myopts, "--quiet" not in myopts, "--usepkg" in myopts, "--usepkgonly" in myopts) null_cp = portage.dep_getkey(insert_category_into_atom( arg, "null")) cat, atom_pn = portage.catsplit(null_cp) s.searchkey = atom_pn for cp in sorted(set(portage.dep_getkey(atom) for atom in atoms)): s.addCP(cp) s.output() print "!!! The short ebuild name \"%s\" is ambiguous. Please specify" % arg print "!!! one of the above fully-qualified ebuild names instead.\n" def profile_check(trees, myaction, myopts): if myaction in ("info", "sync"): return os.EX_OK elif "--version" in myopts or "--help" in myopts: return os.EX_OK for root, root_trees in trees.iteritems(): if root_trees["root_config"].settings.profiles: continue # generate some profile related warning messages validate_ebuild_environment(trees) msg = "If you have just changed your profile configuration, you " + \ "should revert back to the previous configuration. Due to " + \ "your current profile being invalid, allowed actions are " + \ "limited to --help, --info, --sync, and --version." writemsg_level("".join("!!! %s\n" % l for l in textwrap.wrap(msg, 70)), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return 1 return os.EX_OK def emerge_main(): global portage # NFC why this is necessary now - genone portage._disable_legacy_globals() # Disable color until we're sure that it should be enabled (after # EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS has been parsed). portage.output.havecolor = 0 # This first pass is just for options that need to be known as early as # possible, such as --config-root. They will be parsed again later, # together with EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS (which may vary depending on the # the value of --config-root). myaction, myopts, myfiles = parse_opts(sys.argv[1:], silent=True) if "--debug" in myopts: os.environ["PORTAGE_DEBUG"] = "1" if "--config-root" in myopts: os.environ["PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT"] = myopts["--config-root"] # Portage needs to ensure a sane umask for the files it creates. os.umask(022) settings, trees, mtimedb = load_emerge_config() portdb = trees[settings["ROOT"]]["porttree"].dbapi rval = profile_check(trees, myaction, myopts) if rval != os.EX_OK: return rval if portage._global_updates(trees, mtimedb["updates"]): mtimedb.commit() # Reload the whole config from scratch. settings, trees, mtimedb = load_emerge_config(trees=trees) portdb = trees[settings["ROOT"]]["porttree"].dbapi xterm_titles = "notitles" not in settings.features tmpcmdline = [] if "--ignore-default-opts" not in myopts: tmpcmdline.extend(settings["EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS"].split()) tmpcmdline.extend(sys.argv[1:]) myaction, myopts, myfiles = parse_opts(tmpcmdline) if "--digest" in myopts: os.environ["FEATURES"] = os.environ.get("FEATURES","") + " digest" # Reload the whole config from scratch so that the portdbapi internal # config is updated with new FEATURES. settings, trees, mtimedb = load_emerge_config(trees=trees) portdb = trees[settings["ROOT"]]["porttree"].dbapi for myroot in trees: mysettings = trees[myroot]["vartree"].settings mysettings.unlock() adjust_config(myopts, mysettings) mysettings["PORTAGE_COUNTER_HASH"] = \ trees[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi._counter_hash() mysettings.backup_changes("PORTAGE_COUNTER_HASH") mysettings.lock() del myroot, mysettings apply_priorities(settings) spinner = stdout_spinner() if "candy" in settings.features: spinner.update = spinner.update_scroll if "--quiet" not in myopts: portage.deprecated_profile_check(settings=settings) repo_name_check(trees) config_protect_check(trees) eclasses_overridden = {} for mytrees in trees.itervalues(): mydb = mytrees["porttree"].dbapi # Freeze the portdbapi for performance (memoize all xmatch results). mydb.freeze() eclasses_overridden.update(mydb.eclassdb._master_eclasses_overridden) del mytrees, mydb if eclasses_overridden and \ settings.get("PORTAGE_ECLASS_WARNING_ENABLE") != "0": prefix = bad(" * ") if len(eclasses_overridden) == 1: writemsg(prefix + "Overlay eclass overrides " + \ "eclass from PORTDIR:\n", noiselevel=-1) else: writemsg(prefix + "Overlay eclasses override " + \ "eclasses from PORTDIR:\n", noiselevel=-1) writemsg(prefix + "\n", noiselevel=-1) for eclass_name in sorted(eclasses_overridden): writemsg(prefix + " '%s/%s.eclass'\n" % \ (eclasses_overridden[eclass_name], eclass_name), noiselevel=-1) writemsg(prefix + "\n", noiselevel=-1) msg = "It is best to avoid overriding eclasses from PORTDIR " + \ "because it will trigger invalidation of cached ebuild metadata " + \ "that is distributed with the portage tree. If you must " + \ "override eclasses from PORTDIR then you are advised to add " + \ "FEATURES=\"metadata-transfer\" to /etc/make.conf and to run " + \ "`emerge --regen` after each time that you run `emerge --sync`. " + \ "Set PORTAGE_ECLASS_WARNING_ENABLE=\"0\" in /etc/make.conf if " + \ "you would like to disable this warning." from textwrap import wrap for line in wrap(msg, 72): writemsg("%s%s\n" % (prefix, line), noiselevel=-1) if "moo" in myfiles: print """ Larry loves Gentoo (""" + platform.system() + """) _______________________ < Have you mooed today? > ----------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || """ for x in myfiles: ext = os.path.splitext(x)[1] if (ext == ".ebuild" or ext == ".tbz2") and os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(x)): print colorize("BAD", "\n*** emerging by path is broken and may not always work!!!\n") break root_config = trees[settings["ROOT"]]["root_config"] if myaction == "list-sets": sys.stdout.write("".join("%s\n" % s for s in sorted(root_config.sets))) sys.stdout.flush() return os.EX_OK # only expand sets for actions taking package arguments oldargs = myfiles[:] if myaction in ("clean", "config", "depclean", "info", "prune", "unmerge", None): myfiles, retval = expand_set_arguments(myfiles, myaction, root_config) if retval != os.EX_OK: return retval # Need to handle empty sets specially, otherwise emerge will react # with the help message for empty argument lists if oldargs and not myfiles: print "emerge: no targets left after set expansion" return 0 if ("--tree" in myopts) and ("--columns" in myopts): print "emerge: can't specify both of \"--tree\" and \"--columns\"." return 1 if ("--quiet" in myopts): spinner.update = spinner.update_quiet portage.util.noiselimit = -1 # Always create packages if FEATURES=buildpkg # Imply --buildpkg if --buildpkgonly if ("buildpkg" in settings.features) or ("--buildpkgonly" in myopts): if "--buildpkg" not in myopts: myopts["--buildpkg"] = True # Also allow -S to invoke search action (-sS) if ("--searchdesc" in myopts): if myaction and myaction != "search": myfiles.append(myaction) if "--search" not in myopts: myopts["--search"] = True myaction = "search" # Always try and fetch binary packages if FEATURES=getbinpkg if ("getbinpkg" in settings.features): myopts["--getbinpkg"] = True if "--buildpkgonly" in myopts: # --buildpkgonly will not merge anything, so # it cancels all binary package options. for opt in ("--getbinpkg", "--getbinpkgonly", "--usepkg", "--usepkgonly"): myopts.pop(opt, None) if "--fetch-all-uri" in myopts: myopts["--fetchonly"] = True if "--skipfirst" in myopts and "--resume" not in myopts: myopts["--resume"] = True if ("--getbinpkgonly" in myopts) and not ("--usepkgonly" in myopts): myopts["--usepkgonly"] = True if ("--getbinpkgonly" in myopts) and not ("--getbinpkg" in myopts): myopts["--getbinpkg"] = True if ("--getbinpkg" in myopts) and not ("--usepkg" in myopts): myopts["--usepkg"] = True # Also allow -K to apply --usepkg/-k if ("--usepkgonly" in myopts) and not ("--usepkg" in myopts): myopts["--usepkg"] = True # Allow -p to remove --ask if ("--pretend" in myopts) and ("--ask" in myopts): print ">>> --pretend disables --ask... removing --ask from options." del myopts["--ask"] # forbid --ask when not in a terminal # note: this breaks `emerge --ask | tee logfile`, but that doesn't work anyway. if ("--ask" in myopts) and (not sys.stdin.isatty()): portage.writemsg("!!! \"--ask\" should only be used in a terminal. Exiting.\n", noiselevel=-1) return 1 if settings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG", "") == "1": spinner.update = spinner.update_quiet portage.debug=1 if "python-trace" in settings.features: import portage.debug portage.debug.set_trace(True) if not ("--quiet" in myopts): if not sys.stdout.isatty() or ("--nospinner" in myopts): spinner.update = spinner.update_basic if "--version" in myopts: print getportageversion(settings["PORTDIR"], settings["ROOT"], settings.profile_path, settings["CHOST"], trees[settings["ROOT"]]["vartree"].dbapi) return 0 elif "--help" in myopts: _emerge.help.help(myaction, myopts, portage.output.havecolor) return 0 if "--debug" in myopts: print "myaction", myaction print "myopts", myopts if not myaction and not myfiles and "--resume" not in myopts: _emerge.help.help(myaction, myopts, portage.output.havecolor) return 1 pretend = "--pretend" in myopts fetchonly = "--fetchonly" in myopts or "--fetch-all-uri" in myopts buildpkgonly = "--buildpkgonly" in myopts # check if root user is the current user for the actions where emerge needs this if portage.secpass < 2: # We've already allowed "--version" and "--help" above. if "--pretend" not in myopts and myaction not in ("search","info"): need_superuser = not \ (fetchonly or \ (buildpkgonly and secpass >= 1) or \ myaction in ("metadata", "regen") or \ (myaction == "sync" and os.access(settings["PORTDIR"], os.W_OK))) if portage.secpass < 1 or \ need_superuser: if need_superuser: access_desc = "superuser" else: access_desc = "portage group" # Always show portage_group_warning() when only portage group # access is required but the user is not in the portage group. from portage.data import portage_group_warning if "--ask" in myopts: myopts["--pretend"] = True del myopts["--ask"] print ("%s access is required... " + \ "adding --pretend to options.\n") % access_desc if portage.secpass < 1 and not need_superuser: portage_group_warning() else: sys.stderr.write(("emerge: %s access is " + \ "required.\n\n") % access_desc) if portage.secpass < 1 and not need_superuser: portage_group_warning() return 1 disable_emergelog = False for x in ("--pretend", "--fetchonly", "--fetch-all-uri"): if x in myopts: disable_emergelog = True break if myaction in ("search", "info"): disable_emergelog = True if disable_emergelog: """ Disable emergelog for everything except build or unmerge operations. This helps minimize parallel emerge.log entries that can confuse log parsers. We especially want it disabled during parallel-fetch, which uses --resume --fetchonly.""" global emergelog def emergelog(*pargs, **kargs): pass if not "--pretend" in myopts: emergelog(xterm_titles, "Started emerge on: "+\ time.strftime("%b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) myelogstr="" if myopts: myelogstr=" ".join(myopts) if myaction: myelogstr+=" "+myaction if myfiles: myelogstr += " " + " ".join(oldargs) emergelog(xterm_titles, " *** emerge " + myelogstr) del oldargs def emergeexitsig(signum, frame): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN) portage.util.writemsg("\n\nExiting on signal %(signal)s\n" % {"signal":signum}) sys.exit(100+signum) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, emergeexitsig) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, emergeexitsig) def emergeexit(): """This gets out final log message in before we quit.""" if "--pretend" not in myopts: emergelog(xterm_titles, " *** terminating.") if "notitles" not in settings.features: xtermTitleReset() portage.atexit_register(emergeexit) if myaction in ("config", "metadata", "regen", "sync"): if "--pretend" in myopts: sys.stderr.write(("emerge: The '%s' action does " + \ "not support '--pretend'.\n") % myaction) return 1 if "sync" == myaction: return action_sync(settings, trees, mtimedb, myopts, myaction) elif "metadata" == myaction: action_metadata(settings, portdb, myopts) elif myaction=="regen": validate_ebuild_environment(trees) action_regen(settings, portdb, myopts.get("--jobs"), myopts.get("--load-average")) # HELP action elif "config"==myaction: validate_ebuild_environment(trees) action_config(settings, trees, myopts, myfiles) # SEARCH action elif "search"==myaction: validate_ebuild_environment(trees) action_search(trees[settings["ROOT"]]["root_config"], myopts, myfiles, spinner) elif myaction in ("clean", "unmerge") or \ (myaction == "prune" and "--nodeps" in myopts): validate_ebuild_environment(trees) # Ensure atoms are valid before calling unmerge(). # For backward compat, leading '=' is not required. for x in myfiles: if is_valid_package_atom(x) or \ is_valid_package_atom("=" + x): continue msg = [] msg.append("'%s' is not a valid package atom." % (x,)) msg.append("Please check ebuild(5) for full details.") writemsg_level("".join("!!! %s\n" % line for line in msg), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return 1 # When given a list of atoms, unmerge # them in the order given. ordered = myaction == "unmerge" if 1 == unmerge(root_config, myopts, myaction, myfiles, mtimedb["ldpath"], ordered=ordered): if not (buildpkgonly or fetchonly or pretend): post_emerge(root_config, myopts, mtimedb, os.EX_OK) elif myaction in ("depclean", "info", "prune"): # Ensure atoms are valid before calling unmerge(). vardb = trees[settings["ROOT"]]["vartree"].dbapi valid_atoms = [] for x in myfiles: if is_valid_package_atom(x): try: valid_atoms.append( portage.dep_expand(x, mydb=vardb, settings=settings)) except portage.exception.AmbiguousPackageName, e: msg = "The short ebuild name \"" + x + \ "\" is ambiguous. Please specify " + \ "one of the following " + \ "fully-qualified ebuild names instead:" for line in textwrap.wrap(msg, 70): writemsg_level("!!! %s\n" % (line,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) for i in e[0]: writemsg_level(" %s\n" % colorize("INFORM", i), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) writemsg_level("\n", level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return 1 continue msg = [] msg.append("'%s' is not a valid package atom." % (x,)) msg.append("Please check ebuild(5) for full details.") writemsg_level("".join("!!! %s\n" % line for line in msg), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return 1 if myaction == "info": return action_info(settings, trees, myopts, valid_atoms) validate_ebuild_environment(trees) action_depclean(settings, trees, mtimedb["ldpath"], myopts, myaction, valid_atoms, spinner) if not (buildpkgonly or fetchonly or pretend): post_emerge(root_config, myopts, mtimedb, os.EX_OK) # "update", "system", or just process files: else: validate_ebuild_environment(trees) if "--pretend" not in myopts: display_news_notification(root_config, myopts) retval = action_build(settings, trees, mtimedb, myopts, myaction, myfiles, spinner) root_config = trees[settings["ROOT"]]["root_config"] post_emerge(root_config, myopts, mtimedb, retval) return retval