# Copyright 2010 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 """Resolver output display operation. """ __all__ = ( "Display", ) import sys from portage import os from portage import _unicode_decode from portage.dbapi.dep_expand import dep_expand from portage.const import PORTAGE_PACKAGE_ATOM from portage.dep import cpvequal, match_from_list from portage.exception import InvalidDependString from portage.output import ( blue, bold, colorize, create_color_func, darkblue, darkgreen, green, nc_len, red, teal, turquoise, yellow ) bad = create_color_func("BAD") from portage.util import writemsg_stdout, writemsg_level from portage.versions import best, catpkgsplit, cpv_getkey from _emerge.Blocker import Blocker from _emerge.create_world_atom import create_world_atom from _emerge.resolver.output_helpers import ( _DisplayConfig, _tree_display, _PackageCounters, _create_use_string, _format_size, _calc_changelog, PkgInfo) if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000: basestring = str class Display(object): """Formats and outputs the depgrah supplied it for merge/re-merge, etc. __call__() @param depgraph: list @param favorites: defaults to [] @param verbosity: integer, defaults to None """ def __init__(self): self.changelogs = [] self.print_msg = [] self.blockers = [] self.counters = _PackageCounters() self.resolver = None self.resolved = None self.vardb = None self.portdb = None self.verboseadd = '' self.oldlp = None self.myfetchlist = None self.indent = '' self.is_new = True self.cur_use = None self.cur_iuse = None self.old_use = '' self.old_iuse = '' self.use_expand = None self.use_expand_hidden = None self.pkgsettings = None self.forced_flags = None self.newlp = None self.conf = None self.blocker_style = None def _blockers(self, pkg, fetch_symbol): """Processes pkg for blockers and adds colorized strings to self.print_msg and self.blockers @param pkg: _emerge.Package instance @param fetch_symbol: string @rtype: bool Modifies class globals: self.blocker_style, self.resolved, self.print_msg """ if pkg.satisfied: self.blocker_style = "PKG_BLOCKER_SATISFIED" addl = "%s %s " % (colorize(self.blocker_style, "b"), fetch_symbol) else: self.blocker_style = "PKG_BLOCKER" addl = "%s %s " % (colorize(self.blocker_style, "B"), fetch_symbol) self.resolved = dep_expand( str(pkg.atom).lstrip("!"), mydb=self.vardb, settings=self.pkgsettings ) if self.conf.columns and self.conf.quiet: addl += " " + colorize(self.blocker_style, str(self.resolved)) else: addl = "[%s %s] %s%s" % \ (colorize(self.blocker_style, "blocks"), addl, self.indent, colorize(self.blocker_style, str(self.resolved)) ) block_parents = self.conf.blocker_parents.parent_nodes(pkg) block_parents = set([pnode[2] for pnode in block_parents]) block_parents = ", ".join(block_parents) if self.resolved != pkg[2]: addl += colorize(self.blocker_style, " (\"%s\" is blocking %s)") % \ (str(pkg.atom).lstrip("!"), block_parents) else: addl += colorize(self.blocker_style, " (is blocking %s)") % block_parents if isinstance(pkg, Blocker) and pkg.satisfied: if self.conf.columns: return True self.print_msg.append(addl) else: self.blockers.append(addl) return False def _display_use(self, pkg, myoldbest, myinslotlist): """ USE flag display @param pkg: _emerge.Package instance @param myoldbest: list of installed versions @param myinslotlist: list of installed slots Modifies class globals: self.forced_flags, self.cur_iuse, self.old_iuse, self.old_use, self.use_expand """ self.forced_flags = set() self.forced_flags.update(pkg.use.force) self.forced_flags.update(pkg.use.mask) self.cur_use = [flag for flag in self.conf.pkg_use_enabled(pkg) \ if flag in pkg.iuse.all] self.cur_iuse = sorted(pkg.iuse.all) if myoldbest and myinslotlist: previous_cpv = myoldbest[0].cpv else: previous_cpv = pkg.cpv if self.vardb.cpv_exists(previous_cpv): previous_pkg = self.vardb.match_pkgs('=' + previous_cpv)[0] self.old_iuse = sorted(previous_pkg.iuse.all) self.old_use = previous_pkg.use.enabled self.is_new = False else: self.old_iuse = [] self.old_use = [] self.is_new = True self.old_use = [flag for flag in self.old_use if flag in self.old_iuse] self.use_expand = self.pkgsettings["USE_EXPAND"].lower().split() self.use_expand.sort() self.use_expand.reverse() self.use_expand_hidden = \ self.pkgsettings["USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN"].lower().split() return def _display_keyword(self, pkg): """ keyword display @param pkg: _emerge.Package instance Modifies self.verboseadd """ used_keyword = pkg.accepted_keyword() hardmasked = pkg.isHardMasked() if used_keyword not in self.pkgsettings['ACCEPT_KEYWORDS'] or hardmasked: if hardmasked: self.verboseadd += 'keyword=' + red('[%s] ' % used_keyword) else: self.verboseadd += 'keyword=' + yellow('%s ' % used_keyword) return def map_to_use_expand(self, myvals, forced_flags=False, remove_hidden=True): """Map use expand variables @param myvals: list @param forced_flags: bool @param remove_hidden: bool @rtype ret dictionary or ret dict, forced dict. """ ret = {} forced = {} for exp in self.use_expand: ret[exp] = [] forced[exp] = set() for val in myvals[:]: if val.startswith(exp.lower()+"_"): if val in self.forced_flags: forced[exp].add(val[len(exp)+1:]) ret[exp].append(val[len(exp)+1:]) myvals.remove(val) ret["USE"] = myvals forced["USE"] = [val for val in myvals \ if val in self.forced_flags] if remove_hidden: for exp in self.use_expand_hidden: ret.pop(exp, None) if forced_flags: return ret, forced return ret def recheck_hidden(self, pkg): """ Prevent USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN flags from being hidden if they are the only thing that triggered reinstallation. @param pkg: _emerge.Package instance Modifies self.use_expand_hidden, self.use_expand, self.verboseadd """ reinst_flags_map = {} reinstall_for_flags = self.conf.reinstall_nodes.get(pkg) reinst_expand_map = None if reinstall_for_flags: reinst_flags_map = self.map_to_use_expand( list(reinstall_for_flags), remove_hidden=False) for k in list(reinst_flags_map): if not reinst_flags_map[k]: del reinst_flags_map[k] if not reinst_flags_map.get("USE"): reinst_expand_map = reinst_flags_map.copy() reinst_expand_map.pop("USE", None) if reinst_expand_map and \ not set(reinst_expand_map).difference( self.use_expand_hidden): self.use_expand_hidden = \ set(self.use_expand_hidden).difference( reinst_expand_map) cur_iuse_map, iuse_forced = \ self.map_to_use_expand(self.cur_iuse, forced_flags=True) cur_use_map = self.map_to_use_expand(self.cur_use) old_iuse_map = self.map_to_use_expand(self.old_iuse) old_use_map = self.map_to_use_expand(self.old_use) self.use_expand.sort() self.use_expand.insert(0, "USE") for key in self.use_expand: if key in self.use_expand_hidden: continue self.verboseadd += _create_use_string(self.conf, key.upper(), cur_iuse_map[key], iuse_forced[key], cur_use_map[key], old_iuse_map[key], old_use_map[key], self.is_new, reinst_flags_map.get(key)) return @staticmethod def pkgprint(pkg_str, pkg_info): """Colorizes a string acording to pkg_info settings @param pkg_str: string @param pkg_info: dictionary @rtype colorized string """ if pkg_info.merge: if pkg_info.built: if pkg_info.system: return colorize("PKG_BINARY_MERGE_SYSTEM", pkg_str) elif pkg_info.world: return colorize("PKG_BINARY_MERGE_WORLD", pkg_str) else: return colorize("PKG_BINARY_MERGE", pkg_str) else: if pkg_info.system: return colorize("PKG_MERGE_SYSTEM", pkg_str) elif pkg_info.world: return colorize("PKG_MERGE_WORLD", pkg_str) else: return colorize("PKG_MERGE", pkg_str) elif pkg_info.operation == "uninstall": return colorize("PKG_UNINSTALL", pkg_str) else: if pkg_info.system: return colorize("PKG_NOMERGE_SYSTEM", pkg_str) elif pkg_info.world: return colorize("PKG_NOMERGE_WORLD", pkg_str) else: return colorize("PKG_NOMERGE", pkg_str) def verbose_size(self, pkg, repoadd_set, pkg_info): """Determines the size of the downloads reqired @param pkg: _emerge.Package instance @param repoadd_set: set of repos to add @param pkg_info: dictionary Modifies class globals: self.myfetchlist, self.counters.totalsize, self.verboseadd, repoadd_set. """ mysize = 0 if pkg.type_name == "ebuild" and pkg_info.merge: try: myfilesdict = self.portdb.getfetchsizes(pkg.cpv, useflags=pkg_info.use, myrepo=pkg.repo) except InvalidDependString: # should have been masked before it was selected raise if myfilesdict is None: myfilesdict = "[empty/missing/bad digest]" else: for myfetchfile in myfilesdict: if myfetchfile not in self.myfetchlist: mysize += myfilesdict[myfetchfile] self.myfetchlist.append(myfetchfile) if pkg_info.ordered: self.counters.totalsize += mysize self.verboseadd += _format_size(mysize) # overlay verbose # assign index for a previous version in the same slot slot_matches = self.vardb.match(pkg.slot_atom) if slot_matches: repo_name_prev = self.vardb.aux_get(slot_matches[0], ["repository"])[0] else: repo_name_prev = None # now use the data to generate output if pkg.installed or not slot_matches: self.repoadd = self.conf.repo_display.repoStr( pkg_info.repo_path_real) else: repo_path_prev = None if repo_name_prev: repo_path_prev = self.portdb.getRepositoryPath( repo_name_prev) if repo_path_prev == pkg_info.repo_path_real: self.repoadd = self.conf.repo_display.repoStr( pkg_info.repo_path_real) else: self.repoadd = "%s=>%s" % ( self.conf.repo_display.repoStr(repo_path_prev), self.conf.repo_display.repoStr(pkg_info.repo_path_real)) if self.repoadd: repoadd_set.add(self.repoadd) @staticmethod def convert_myoldbest(myoldbest): """converts and colorizes a version list to a string @param myoldbest: list @rtype string. """ # Convert myoldbest from a list to a string. myoldbest_str = "" if myoldbest: versions = [] for pos, pkg in enumerate(myoldbest): key = catpkgsplit(pkg.cpv)[2] + \ "-" + catpkgsplit(pkg.cpv)[3] if key[-3:] == "-r0": key = key[:-3] versions.append(key) myoldbest_str = blue("["+", ".join(versions)+"]") return myoldbest_str def set_interactive(self, pkg, ordered, addl): """Increments counters.interactive if the pkg is to be merged and it's metadata has interactive set True @param pkg: _emerge.Package instance @param ordered: boolean @param addl: already defined string to add to """ if 'interactive' in pkg.metadata.properties and \ pkg.operation == 'merge': addl = colorize("WARN", "I") + addl[1:] if ordered: self.counters.interactive += 1 return addl def _set_non_root_columns(self, addl, pkg_info, pkg): """sets the indent level and formats the output @param addl: already defined string to add to @param pkg_info: dictionary @param pkg: _emerge.Package instance @rtype string """ if self.conf.quiet: myprint = addl + " " + self.indent + \ self.pkgprint(pkg_info.cp, pkg_info) myprint = myprint+darkblue(" "+pkg_info.ver)+" " myprint = myprint+pkg_info.oldbest myprint = myprint+darkgreen("to "+pkg.root) self.verboseadd = None else: if not pkg_info.merge: myprint = "[%s] %s%s" % \ (self.pkgprint(pkg_info.operation.ljust(13), pkg_info), self.indent, self.pkgprint(pkg.cp, pkg_info)) else: myprint = "[%s %s] %s%s" % \ (self.pkgprint(pkg.type_name, pkg_info), addl, self.indent, self.pkgprint(pkg.cp, pkg_info)) if (self.newlp-nc_len(myprint)) > 0: myprint = myprint+(" "*(self.newlp-nc_len(myprint))) myprint = myprint+"["+darkblue(pkg_info.ver)+"] " if (self.oldlp-nc_len(myprint)) > 0: myprint = myprint+" "*(self.oldlp-nc_len(myprint)) myprint = myprint+pkg_info.oldbest myprint += darkgreen("to " + pkg.root) return myprint def _set_root_columns(self, addl, pkg_info, pkg): """sets the indent level and formats the output @param addl: already defined string to add to @param pkg_info: dictionary @param pkg: _emerge.Package instance @rtype string Modifies self.verboseadd """ if self.conf.quiet: myprint = addl + " " + self.indent + \ self.pkgprint(pkg_info.cp, pkg_info) myprint = myprint+" "+green(pkg_info.ver)+" " myprint = myprint+pkg_info.oldbest self.verboseadd = None else: if not pkg_info.merge: myprint = "[%s] %s%s" % \ (self.pkgprint(pkg_info.operation.ljust(13), pkg_info), self.indent, self.pkgprint(pkg.cp, pkg_info)) else: myprint = "[%s %s] %s%s" % \ (self.pkgprint(pkg.type_name, pkg_info), addl, self.indent, self.pkgprint(pkg.cp, pkg_info)) if (self.newlp-nc_len(myprint)) > 0: myprint = myprint+(" "*(self.newlp-nc_len(myprint))) myprint = myprint+green(" ["+pkg_info.ver+"] ") if (self.oldlp-nc_len(myprint)) > 0: myprint = myprint+(" "*(self.oldlp-nc_len(myprint))) myprint += pkg_info.oldbest return myprint def _set_no_columns(self, pkg, pkg_info, addl): """prints pkg info without column indentation. @param pkg: _emerge.Package instance @param pkg_info: dictionary @param addl: the current text to add for the next line to output @rtype the updated addl """ if not pkg_info.merge: myprint = "[%s] %s%s %s" % \ (self.pkgprint(pkg_info.operation.ljust(13), pkg_info), self.indent, self.pkgprint(pkg.cpv, pkg_info), pkg_info.oldbest) else: myprint = "[%s %s] %s%s %s" % \ (self.pkgprint(pkg.type_name, pkg_info), addl, self.indent, self.pkgprint(pkg.cpv, pkg_info), pkg_info.oldbest) return myprint def _insert_slot(self, pkg, pkg_info, myinslotlist): """Adds slot info to the message @returns addl: formatted slot info @returns myoldbest: installed version list Modifies self.counters.downgrades, self.counters.upgrades, self.counters.binary """ addl = " " + pkg_info.fetch_symbol if not cpvequal(pkg.cpv, best([pkg.cpv] + [x.cpv for x in myinslotlist])): # Downgrade in slot addl += turquoise("U")+blue("D") if pkg_info.ordered: self.counters.downgrades += 1 if pkg.type_name == "binary": self.counters.binary += 1 else: # Update in slot addl += turquoise("U") + " " if pkg_info.ordered: self.counters.upgrades += 1 if pkg.type_name == "binary": self.counters.binary += 1 return addl def _new_slot(self, pkg, pkg_info): """New slot, mark it new. @returns addl: formatted slot info @returns myoldbest: installed version list Modifies self.counters.newslot, self.counters.binary """ addl = " " + green("NS") + pkg_info.fetch_symbol + " " if pkg_info.ordered: self.counters.newslot += 1 if pkg.type_name == "binary": self.counters.binary += 1 return addl def print_messages(self, show_repos): """Performs the actual output printing of the pre-formatted messages @param show_repos: bool. """ for msg in self.print_msg: if isinstance(msg, basestring): writemsg_stdout("%s\n" % (msg,), noiselevel=-1) continue myprint, self.verboseadd, repoadd = msg if self.verboseadd: myprint += " " + self.verboseadd if show_repos and repoadd: myprint += " " + teal("[%s]" % repoadd) writemsg_stdout("%s\n" % (myprint,), noiselevel=-1) return def print_blockers(self): """Performs the actual output printing of the pre-formatted blocker messages """ for pkg in self.blockers: writemsg_stdout("%s\n" % (pkg,), noiselevel=-1) return def print_verbose(self, show_repos): """Prints the verbose output to std_out @param show_repos: bool. """ writemsg_stdout('\n%s\n' % (self.counters,), noiselevel=-1) if show_repos: # Use _unicode_decode() to force unicode format string so # that RepoDisplay.__unicode__() is called in python2. writemsg_stdout(_unicode_decode("%s") % (self.conf.repo_display,), noiselevel=-1) return def print_changelog(self): """Prints the changelog text to std_out """ writemsg_stdout('\n', noiselevel=-1) for revision, text in self.changelogs: writemsg_stdout(bold('*'+revision) + '\n' + text, noiselevel=-1) return def get_display_list(self, mylist): """Determines the display list to process @param mylist @rtype list Modifies self.counters.blocks, self.counters.blocks_satisfied, """ unsatisfied_blockers = [] ordered_nodes = [] for pkg in mylist: if isinstance(pkg, Blocker): self.counters.blocks += 1 if pkg.satisfied: ordered_nodes.append(pkg) self.counters.blocks_satisfied += 1 else: unsatisfied_blockers.append(pkg) else: ordered_nodes.append(pkg) if self.conf.tree_display: display_list = _tree_display(self.conf, ordered_nodes) else: display_list = [(pkg, 0, True) for pkg in ordered_nodes] for pkg in unsatisfied_blockers: display_list.append((pkg, 0, True)) return display_list def set_pkg_info(self, pkg, ordered): """Sets various pkg_info dictionary variables @param pkg: _emerge.Package instance @param ordered: bool @rtype pkg_info dictionary Modifies self.counters.restrict_fetch, self.counters.restrict_fetch_satisfied """ pkg_info = PkgInfo() pkg_info.ordered = ordered pkg_info.fetch_symbol = " " pkg_info.operation = pkg.operation pkg_info.merge = ordered and pkg_info.operation == "merge" if not pkg_info.merge and pkg_info.operation == "merge": pkg_info.operation = "nomerge" pkg_info.built = pkg.type_name != "ebuild" pkg_info.ebuild_path = None pkg_info.repo_name = pkg.repo if pkg.type_name == "ebuild": pkg_info.ebuild_path = self.portdb.findname( pkg.cpv, myrepo=pkg_info.repo_name) if pkg_info.ebuild_path is None: raise AssertionError( "ebuild not found for '%s'" % pkg.cpv) pkg_info.repo_path_real = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(pkg_info.ebuild_path))) else: pkg_info.repo_path_real = \ self.portdb.getRepositoryPath(pkg.metadata["repository"]) pkg_info.use = list(self.conf.pkg_use_enabled(pkg)) if not pkg.built and pkg.operation == 'merge' and \ 'fetch' in pkg.metadata.restrict: pkg_info.fetch_symbol = red("F") if pkg_info.ordered: self.counters.restrict_fetch += 1 if self.portdb.fetch_check(pkg.cpv, pkg_info.use, myrepo=pkg.repo): pkg_info.fetch_symbol = green("f") if pkg_info.ordered: self.counters.restrict_fetch_satisfied += 1 return pkg_info def do_changelog(self, pkg, pkg_info): """Processes and adds the changelog text to the master text for output @param pkg: _emerge.Package instance @param pkg_info: dictionay Modifies self.changelogs """ inst_matches = self.vardb.match(pkg.slot_atom) if inst_matches: ebuild_path_cl = pkg_info.ebuild_path if ebuild_path_cl is None: # binary package ebuild_path_cl = self.portdb.findname(pkg.cpv, myrepo=pkg.repo) if ebuild_path_cl is not None: self.changelogs.extend(_calc_changelog( ebuild_path_cl, inst_matches[0], pkg.cpv)) return def check_system_world(self, pkg): """Checks for any occurances of the package in the system or world sets @param pkg: _emerge.Package instance @rtype system and world booleans """ root_config = self.conf.roots[pkg.root] system_set = root_config.sets["system"] world_set = root_config.sets["selected"] system = False world = False try: system = system_set.findAtomForPackage( pkg, modified_use=self.conf.pkg_use_enabled(pkg)) world = world_set.findAtomForPackage( pkg, modified_use=self.conf.pkg_use_enabled(pkg)) if not (self.conf.oneshot or world) and \ pkg.root == self.conf.target_root and \ self.conf.favorites.findAtomForPackage( pkg, modified_use=self.conf.pkg_use_enabled(pkg) ): # Maybe it will be added to world now. if create_world_atom(pkg, self.conf.favorites, root_config): world = True except InvalidDependString: # This is reported elsewhere if relevant. pass return system, world @staticmethod def get_ver_str(pkg): """Obtains the version string @param pkg: _emerge.Package instance @rtype string """ ver_str = list(catpkgsplit(pkg.cpv)[2:]) if ver_str[1] == "r0": ver_str[1] = "" else: ver_str[1] = "-" + ver_str[1] return ver_str[0]+ver_str[1] def _get_installed_best(self, pkg, pkg_info): """ we need to use "--emptrytree" testing here rather than "empty" param testing because "empty" param is used for -u, where you still *do* want to see when something is being upgraded. @param pkg: _emerge.Package instance @param pkg_info: dictionay @rtype addl, myoldbest: list, myinslotlist: list Modifies self.counters.reinst, self.counters.binary, self.counters.new """ myoldbest = [] myinslotlist = None installed_versions = self.vardb.match_pkgs(pkg.cp) if self.vardb.cpv_exists(pkg.cpv): addl = " "+yellow("R")+pkg_info.fetch_symbol+" " if pkg_info.ordered: if pkg_info.merge: self.counters.reinst += 1 if pkg.type_name == "binary": self.counters.binary += 1 elif pkg_info.operation == "uninstall": self.counters.uninst += 1 # filter out old-style virtual matches elif installed_versions and \ installed_versions[0].cp == pkg.cp: myinslotlist = self.vardb.match_pkgs(pkg.slot_atom) # If this is the first install of a new-style virtual, we # need to filter out old-style virtual matches. if myinslotlist and \ myinslotlist[0].cp != pkg.cp: myinslotlist = None if myinslotlist: myoldbest = myinslotlist[:] addl = self._insert_slot(pkg, pkg_info, myinslotlist) else: myoldbest = installed_versions addl = self._new_slot(pkg, pkg_info) if self.conf.changelog: self.do_changelog(pkg, pkg_info) else: addl = " " + green("N") + " " + pkg_info.fetch_symbol + " " if pkg_info.ordered: self.counters.new += 1 if pkg.type_name == "binary": self.counters.binary += 1 return addl, myoldbest, myinslotlist def __call__(self, depgraph, mylist, favorites=None, verbosity=None): """The main operation to format and display the resolver output. @param depgraph: dependency grah @param mylist: list of packages being processed @param favorites: list, defaults to [] @param verbosity: verbose level, defaults to None Modifies self.conf, self.myfetchlist, self.portdb, self.vardb, self.pkgsettings, self.verboseadd, self.oldlp, self.newlp, self.print_msg, """ if favorites is None: favorites = [] self.conf = _DisplayConfig(depgraph, mylist, favorites, verbosity) mylist = self.get_display_list(self.conf.mylist) # files to fetch list - avoids counting a same file twice # in size display (verbose mode) self.myfetchlist = [] # Use this set to detect when all the "repoadd" strings are "[0]" # and disable the entire repo display in this case. repoadd_set = set() for mylist_index in range(len(mylist)): pkg, depth, ordered = mylist[mylist_index] self.portdb = self.conf.trees[pkg.root]["porttree"].dbapi self.vardb = self.conf.trees[pkg.root]["vartree"].dbapi self.pkgsettings = self.conf.pkgsettings[pkg.root] self.indent = " " * depth if isinstance(pkg, Blocker): if self._blockers(pkg, fetch_symbol=" "): continue else: pkg_info = self.set_pkg_info(pkg, ordered) addl, pkg_info.oldbest, myinslotlist = \ self._get_installed_best(pkg, pkg_info) self.verboseadd = "" self.repoadd = None if self.conf.verbosity == 3: self._display_keyword(pkg) self._display_use(pkg, pkg_info.oldbest, myinslotlist) self.recheck_hidden(pkg) if self.conf.verbosity == 3: self.verbose_size(pkg, repoadd_set, pkg_info) pkg_info.cp = pkg.cp pkg_info.ver = self.get_ver_str(pkg) self.oldlp = self.conf.columnwidth - 30 self.newlp = self.oldlp - 30 pkg_info.oldbest = self.convert_myoldbest(pkg_info.oldbest) pkg_info.system, pkg_info.world = \ self.check_system_world(pkg) addl = self.set_interactive(pkg, pkg_info.ordered, addl) if pkg.root != "/": if pkg_info.oldbest: pkg_info.oldbest += " " if self.conf.columns: myprint = self._set_non_root_columns( addl, pkg_info, pkg) else: if not pkg_info.merge: myprint = "[%s] " % ( self.pkgprint(pkg_info.operation.ljust(13), pkg_info) ) else: myprint = "[%s %s] " % ( self.pkgprint(pkg.type_name, pkg_info), addl) myprint += self.indent + \ self.pkgprint(pkg.cpv, pkg_info) + " " + \ pkg_info.oldbest + darkgreen("to " + pkg.root) else: if self.conf.columns: myprint = self._set_root_columns( addl, pkg_info, pkg) else: myprint = self._set_no_columns( pkg, pkg_info, addl) if self.conf.columns and pkg.operation == "uninstall": continue self.print_msg.append((myprint, self.verboseadd, self.repoadd)) if not self.conf.tree_display \ and not self.conf.no_restart \ and pkg.root == self.conf.running_root.root \ and match_from_list(PORTAGE_PACKAGE_ATOM, [pkg]) \ and not self.conf.quiet: if not self.vardb.cpv_exists(pkg.cpv) or \ '9999' in pkg.cpv or \ 'git' in pkg.inherited: if mylist_index < len(mylist) - 1: self.print_msg.append( colorize( "WARN", "*** Portage will stop merging " "at this point and reload itself," ) ) self.print_msg.append( colorize("WARN", " then resume the merge.") ) show_repos = repoadd_set and repoadd_set != set(["0"]) # now finally print out the messages self.print_messages(show_repos) self.print_blockers() if self.conf.verbosity == 3: self.print_verbose(show_repos) if self.conf.changelog: self.print_changelog() return os.EX_OK