# Copyright 2010 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 __all__ = ( "display", "filter_iuse_defaults", ) import codecs import re import sys from portage import os from portage import _encodings, _unicode_decode, _unicode_encode from portage.dbapi.dep_expand import dep_expand from portage.const import PORTAGE_PACKAGE_ATOM from portage.dep import cpvequal, match_from_list from portage.exception import InvalidDependString from portage._sets.base import InternalPackageSet from portage.output import blue, bold, colorize, create_color_func, darkblue, darkgreen, green, nc_len, red, \ teal, turquoise, yellow bad = create_color_func("BAD") from portage.util import writemsg, writemsg_stdout from portage.versions import best, catpkgsplit, cpv_getkey from _emerge.Blocker import Blocker from _emerge.create_world_atom import create_world_atom from _emerge.Package import Package if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000: basestring = str def filter_iuse_defaults(iuse): for flag in iuse: if flag.startswith("+") or flag.startswith("-"): yield flag[1:] else: yield flag class _RepoDisplay(object): def __init__(self, roots): self._shown_repos = {} self._unknown_repo = False repo_paths = set() for root_config in roots.values(): portdir = root_config.settings.get("PORTDIR") if root_config.settings.repositories: repo_paths.update(root_config.settings.repositories.repoUserLocationList()) repo_paths = list(repo_paths) self._repo_paths = repo_paths self._repo_paths_real = [ os.path.realpath(repo_path) \ for repo_path in repo_paths ] # pre-allocate index for PORTDIR so that it always has index 0. for root_config in roots.values(): portdb = root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi portdir = portdb.porttree_root if portdir: self.repoStr(portdir) def repoStr(self, repo_path_real): real_index = -1 if repo_path_real: real_index = self._repo_paths_real.index(repo_path_real) if real_index == -1: s = "?" self._unknown_repo = True else: shown_repos = self._shown_repos repo_paths = self._repo_paths repo_path = repo_paths[real_index] index = shown_repos.get(repo_path) if index is None: index = len(shown_repos) shown_repos[repo_path] = index s = str(index) return s def __str__(self): output = [] shown_repos = self._shown_repos unknown_repo = self._unknown_repo if shown_repos or self._unknown_repo: output.append("Portage tree and overlays:\n") show_repo_paths = list(shown_repos) for repo_path, repo_index in shown_repos.items(): show_repo_paths[repo_index] = repo_path if show_repo_paths: for index, repo_path in enumerate(show_repo_paths): output.append(" "+teal("["+str(index)+"]")+" %s\n" % repo_path) if unknown_repo: output.append(" "+teal("[?]") + \ " indicates that the source repository could not be determined\n") return "".join(output) if sys.hexversion < 0x3000000: __unicode__ = __str__ def __str__(self): return _unicode_encode(self.__unicode__(), encoding=_encodings['content']) class _PackageCounters(object): def __init__(self): self.upgrades = 0 self.downgrades = 0 self.new = 0 self.newslot = 0 self.reinst = 0 self.uninst = 0 self.blocks = 0 self.blocks_satisfied = 0 self.totalsize = 0 self.restrict_fetch = 0 self.restrict_fetch_satisfied = 0 self.interactive = 0 self.binary = 0 def __str__(self): total_installs = self.upgrades + self.downgrades + self.newslot + self.new + self.reinst myoutput = [] details = [] myoutput.append("Total: %s package" % total_installs) if total_installs != 1: myoutput.append("s") if total_installs != 0: myoutput.append(" (") if self.upgrades > 0: details.append("%s upgrade" % self.upgrades) if self.upgrades > 1: details[-1] += "s" if self.downgrades > 0: details.append("%s downgrade" % self.downgrades) if self.downgrades > 1: details[-1] += "s" if self.new > 0: details.append("%s new" % self.new) if self.newslot > 0: details.append("%s in new slot" % self.newslot) if self.newslot > 1: details[-1] += "s" if self.reinst > 0: details.append("%s reinstall" % self.reinst) if self.reinst > 1: details[-1] += "s" if self.binary > 0: details.append("%s binary" % self.binary) if self.binary > 1: details[-1] = details[-1][:-1] + "ies" if self.uninst > 0: details.append("%s uninstall" % self.uninst) if self.uninst > 1: details[-1] += "s" if self.interactive > 0: details.append("%s %s" % (self.interactive, colorize("WARN", "interactive"))) myoutput.append(", ".join(details)) if total_installs != 0: myoutput.append(")") myoutput.append(", Size of downloads: %s" % _format_size(self.totalsize)) if self.restrict_fetch: myoutput.append("\nFetch Restriction: %s package" % \ self.restrict_fetch) if self.restrict_fetch > 1: myoutput.append("s") if self.restrict_fetch_satisfied < self.restrict_fetch: myoutput.append(bad(" (%s unsatisfied)") % \ (self.restrict_fetch - self.restrict_fetch_satisfied)) if self.blocks > 0: myoutput.append("\nConflict: %s block" % \ self.blocks) if self.blocks > 1: myoutput.append("s") if self.blocks_satisfied < self.blocks: myoutput.append(bad(" (%s unsatisfied)") % \ (self.blocks - self.blocks_satisfied)) return "".join(myoutput) class _DisplayConfig(object): def __init__(self, depgraph, mylist, favorites, verbosity): frozen_config = depgraph._frozen_config dynamic_config = depgraph._dynamic_config self.mylist = mylist self.favorites = InternalPackageSet(favorites, allow_repo=True) self.verbosity = verbosity if self.verbosity is None: self.verbosity = ("--quiet" in frozen_config.myopts and 1 or \ "--verbose" in frozen_config.myopts and 3 or 2) self.oneshot = "--oneshot" in frozen_config.myopts or \ "--onlydeps" in frozen_config.myopts self.columns = "--columns" in frozen_config.myopts self.tree_display = "--tree" in frozen_config.myopts self.alphabetical = "--alphabetical" in frozen_config.myopts self.quiet = "--quiet" in frozen_config.myopts self.all_flags = self.verbosity == 3 or self.quiet self.print_use_string = self.verbosity != 1 or "--verbose" in frozen_config.myopts self.changelog = "--changelog" in frozen_config.myopts self.edebug = frozen_config.edebug self.no_restart = frozen_config._opts_no_restart.intersection(frozen_config.myopts) self.unordered_display = "--unordered-display" in frozen_config.myopts mywidth = 130 if "COLUMNWIDTH" in frozen_config.settings: try: mywidth = int(frozen_config.settings["COLUMNWIDTH"]) except ValueError as e: writemsg("!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1) writemsg("!!! Unable to parse COLUMNWIDTH='%s'\n" % \ frozen_config.settings["COLUMNWIDTH"], noiselevel=-1) del e self.columnwidth = mywidth self.repo_display = _RepoDisplay(frozen_config.roots) self.trees = frozen_config.trees self.pkgsettings = frozen_config.pkgsettings self.target_root = frozen_config.target_root self.running_root = frozen_config._running_root self.roots = frozen_config.roots self.blocker_parents = dynamic_config._blocker_parents self.reinstall_nodes = dynamic_config._reinstall_nodes self.digraph = dynamic_config.digraph self.blocker_uninstalls = dynamic_config._blocker_uninstalls self.slot_pkg_map = dynamic_config._slot_pkg_map self.set_nodes = dynamic_config._set_nodes self.pkg_use_enabled = depgraph._pkg_use_enabled self.pkg = depgraph._pkg # formats a size given in bytes nicely def _format_size(mysize): if isinstance(mysize, basestring): return mysize if 0 != mysize % 1024: # Always round up to the next kB so that it doesn't show 0 kB when # some small file still needs to be fetched. mysize += 1024 - mysize % 1024 mystr=str(mysize//1024) mycount=len(mystr) while (mycount > 3): mycount-=3 mystr=mystr[:mycount]+","+mystr[mycount:] return mystr+" kB" def display(depgraph, mylist, favorites=[], verbosity=None): conf = _DisplayConfig(depgraph, mylist, favorites, verbosity) changelogs=[] p=[] blockers = [] counters = _PackageCounters() repo_display = conf.repo_display unsatisfied_blockers = [] ordered_nodes = [] for x in conf.mylist: if isinstance(x, Blocker): counters.blocks += 1 if x.satisfied: ordered_nodes.append(x) counters.blocks_satisfied += 1 else: unsatisfied_blockers.append(x) else: ordered_nodes.append(x) if conf.tree_display: display_list = _tree_display(conf, ordered_nodes) else: display_list = [(x, 0, True) for x in ordered_nodes] mylist = display_list for x in unsatisfied_blockers: mylist.append((x, 0, True)) # files to fetch list - avoids counting a same file twice # in size display (verbose mode) myfetchlist=[] # Use this set to detect when all the "repoadd" strings are "[0]" # and disable the entire repo display in this case. repoadd_set = set() for mylist_index in range(len(mylist)): x, depth, ordered = mylist[mylist_index] pkg_type = x[0] myroot = x[1] pkg_key = x[2] portdb = conf.trees[myroot]["porttree"].dbapi vardb = conf.trees[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi pkgsettings = conf.pkgsettings[myroot] fetch=" " indent = " " * depth if isinstance(x, Blocker): if x.satisfied: blocker_style = "PKG_BLOCKER_SATISFIED" addl = "%s %s " % (colorize(blocker_style, "b"), fetch) else: blocker_style = "PKG_BLOCKER" addl = "%s %s " % (colorize(blocker_style, "B"), fetch) resolved = dep_expand( str(x.atom).lstrip("!"), mydb=vardb, settings=pkgsettings) if conf.columns and conf.quiet: addl += " " + colorize(blocker_style, str(resolved)) else: addl = "[%s %s] %s%s" % \ (colorize(blocker_style, "blocks"), addl, indent, colorize(blocker_style, str(resolved))) block_parents = conf.blocker_parents.parent_nodes(x) block_parents = set([pnode[2] for pnode in block_parents]) block_parents = ", ".join(block_parents) if resolved!=x[2]: addl += colorize(blocker_style, " (\"%s\" is blocking %s)") % \ (str(x.atom).lstrip("!"), block_parents) else: addl += colorize(blocker_style, " (is blocking %s)") % block_parents if isinstance(x, Blocker) and x.satisfied: if conf.columns: continue p.append(addl) else: blockers.append(addl) else: pkg_status = x[3] pkg_merge = ordered and pkg_status == "merge" if not pkg_merge and pkg_status == "merge": pkg_status = "nomerge" built = pkg_type != "ebuild" pkg = x metadata = pkg.metadata ebuild_path = None repo_name = pkg.repo if pkg.type_name == "ebuild": ebuild_path = portdb.findname(pkg.cpv, myrepo=repo_name) if ebuild_path is None: raise AssertionError( "ebuild not found for '%s'" % pkg.cpv) repo_path_real = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(ebuild_path))) else: repo_path_real = portdb.getRepositoryPath(repo_name) pkg_use = list(conf.pkg_use_enabled(pkg)) if not pkg.built and pkg.operation == 'merge' and \ 'fetch' in pkg.metadata.restrict: fetch = red("F") if ordered: counters.restrict_fetch += 1 if portdb.fetch_check(pkg_key, pkg_use, myrepo=pkg.repo): fetch = green("f") if ordered: counters.restrict_fetch_satisfied += 1 #we need to use "--emptrytree" testing here rather than "empty" param testing because "empty" #param is used for -u, where you still *do* want to see when something is being upgraded. myoldbest = [] myinslotlist = None installed_versions = vardb.match(cpv_getkey(pkg_key)) if vardb.cpv_exists(pkg_key): addl=" "+yellow("R")+fetch+" " if ordered: if pkg_merge: counters.reinst += 1 if pkg_type == "binary": counters.binary += 1 elif pkg_status == "uninstall": counters.uninst += 1 # filter out old-style virtual matches elif installed_versions and \ cpv_getkey(installed_versions[0]) == \ cpv_getkey(pkg_key): myinslotlist = vardb.match(pkg.slot_atom) # If this is the first install of a new-style virtual, we # need to filter out old-style virtual matches. if myinslotlist and \ cpv_getkey(myinslotlist[0]) != \ cpv_getkey(pkg_key): myinslotlist = None if myinslotlist: myoldbest = myinslotlist[:] addl = " " + fetch if not cpvequal(pkg_key, best([pkg_key] + myoldbest)): # Downgrade in slot addl += turquoise("U")+blue("D") if ordered: counters.downgrades += 1 if pkg_type == "binary": counters.binary += 1 else: # Update in slot addl += turquoise("U") + " " if ordered: counters.upgrades += 1 if pkg_type == "binary": counters.binary += 1 else: # New slot, mark it new. addl = " " + green("NS") + fetch + " " myoldbest = vardb.match(cpv_getkey(pkg_key)) if ordered: counters.newslot += 1 if pkg_type == "binary": counters.binary += 1 if conf.changelog: inst_matches = vardb.match(pkg.slot_atom) if inst_matches: ebuild_path_cl = ebuild_path if ebuild_path_cl is None: # binary package ebuild_path_cl = portdb.findname(pkg.cpv) if ebuild_path_cl is not None: changelogs.extend(_calc_changelog( ebuild_path_cl, inst_matches[0], pkg.cpv)) else: addl = " " + green("N") + " " + fetch + " " if ordered: counters.new += 1 if pkg_type == "binary": counters.binary += 1 verboseadd = "" repoadd = None if True: # USE flag display forced_flags = set() pkgsettings.setcpv(pkg) # for package.use.{mask,force} forced_flags.update(pkgsettings.useforce) forced_flags.update(pkgsettings.usemask) cur_use = [flag for flag in conf.pkg_use_enabled(pkg) \ if flag in pkg.iuse.all] cur_iuse = sorted(pkg.iuse.all) if myoldbest and myinslotlist: previous_cpv = myoldbest[0] else: previous_cpv = pkg.cpv if vardb.cpv_exists(previous_cpv): old_iuse, old_use = vardb.aux_get( previous_cpv, ["IUSE", "USE"]) old_iuse = list(set( filter_iuse_defaults(old_iuse.split()))) old_iuse.sort() old_use = old_use.split() is_new = False else: old_iuse = [] old_use = [] is_new = True old_use = [flag for flag in old_use if flag in old_iuse] use_expand = pkgsettings["USE_EXPAND"].lower().split() use_expand.sort() use_expand.reverse() use_expand_hidden = \ pkgsettings["USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN"].lower().split() def map_to_use_expand(myvals, forcedFlags=False, removeHidden=True): ret = {} forced = {} for exp in use_expand: ret[exp] = [] forced[exp] = set() for val in myvals[:]: if val.startswith(exp.lower()+"_"): if val in forced_flags: forced[exp].add(val[len(exp)+1:]) ret[exp].append(val[len(exp)+1:]) myvals.remove(val) ret["USE"] = myvals forced["USE"] = [val for val in myvals \ if val in forced_flags] if removeHidden: for exp in use_expand_hidden: ret.pop(exp, None) if forcedFlags: return ret, forced return ret # Prevent USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN flags from being hidden if they # are the only thing that triggered reinstallation. reinst_flags_map = {} reinstall_for_flags = conf.reinstall_nodes.get(pkg) reinst_expand_map = None if reinstall_for_flags: reinst_flags_map = map_to_use_expand( list(reinstall_for_flags), removeHidden=False) for k in list(reinst_flags_map): if not reinst_flags_map[k]: del reinst_flags_map[k] if not reinst_flags_map.get("USE"): reinst_expand_map = reinst_flags_map.copy() reinst_expand_map.pop("USE", None) if reinst_expand_map and \ not set(reinst_expand_map).difference( use_expand_hidden): use_expand_hidden = \ set(use_expand_hidden).difference( reinst_expand_map) cur_iuse_map, iuse_forced = \ map_to_use_expand(cur_iuse, forcedFlags=True) cur_use_map = map_to_use_expand(cur_use) old_iuse_map = map_to_use_expand(old_iuse) old_use_map = map_to_use_expand(old_use) use_expand.sort() use_expand.insert(0, "USE") for key in use_expand: if key in use_expand_hidden: continue verboseadd += _create_use_string(conf, key.upper(), cur_iuse_map[key], iuse_forced[key], cur_use_map[key], old_iuse_map[key], old_use_map[key], is_new, reinst_flags_map.get(key)) if conf.verbosity == 3: # size verbose mysize=0 if pkg_type == "ebuild" and pkg_merge: try: myfilesdict = portdb.getfetchsizes(pkg_key, useflags=pkg_use, debug=conf.edebug) except InvalidDependString: # should have been masked before it was selected raise if myfilesdict is None: myfilesdict="[empty/missing/bad digest]" else: for myfetchfile in myfilesdict: if myfetchfile not in myfetchlist: mysize+=myfilesdict[myfetchfile] myfetchlist.append(myfetchfile) if ordered: counters.totalsize += mysize verboseadd += _format_size(mysize) # overlay verbose # assign index for a previous version in the same slot has_previous = False repo_name_prev = None slot_matches = vardb.match(pkg.slot_atom) if slot_matches: has_previous = True repo_name_prev = vardb.aux_get(slot_matches[0], ["repository"])[0] # now use the data to generate output if pkg.installed or not has_previous: repoadd = repo_display.repoStr(repo_path_real) else: repo_path_prev = None if repo_name_prev: repo_path_prev = portdb.getRepositoryPath( repo_name_prev) if repo_path_prev == repo_path_real: repoadd = repo_display.repoStr(repo_path_real) else: repoadd = "%s=>%s" % ( repo_display.repoStr(repo_path_prev), repo_display.repoStr(repo_path_real)) if repoadd: repoadd_set.add(repoadd) xs = [cpv_getkey(pkg_key)] + \ list(catpkgsplit(pkg_key)[2:]) if xs[2] == "r0": xs[2] = "" else: xs[2] = "-" + xs[2] oldlp = conf.columnwidth - 30 newlp = oldlp - 30 # Convert myoldbest from a list to a string. if not myoldbest: myoldbest = "" else: for pos, key in enumerate(myoldbest): key = catpkgsplit(key)[2] + \ "-" + catpkgsplit(key)[3] if key[-3:] == "-r0": key = key[:-3] myoldbest[pos] = key myoldbest = blue("["+", ".join(myoldbest)+"]") pkg_cp = xs[0] root_config = conf.roots[myroot] system_set = root_config.sets["system"] world_set = root_config.sets["selected"] pkg_system = False pkg_world = False try: pkg_system = system_set.findAtomForPackage(pkg, modified_use=conf.pkg_use_enabled(pkg)) pkg_world = world_set.findAtomForPackage(pkg, modified_use=conf.pkg_use_enabled(pkg)) if not (conf.oneshot or pkg_world) and \ myroot == conf.target_root and \ conf.favorites.findAtomForPackage(pkg, modified_use=conf.pkg_use_enabled(pkg)): # Maybe it will be added to world now. if create_world_atom(pkg, conf.favorites, root_config): pkg_world = True except InvalidDependString: # This is reported elsewhere if relevant. pass def pkgprint(pkg_str): if pkg_merge: if built: if pkg_system: return colorize("PKG_BINARY_MERGE_SYSTEM", pkg_str) elif pkg_world: return colorize("PKG_BINARY_MERGE_WORLD", pkg_str) else: return colorize("PKG_BINARY_MERGE", pkg_str) else: if pkg_system: return colorize("PKG_MERGE_SYSTEM", pkg_str) elif pkg_world: return colorize("PKG_MERGE_WORLD", pkg_str) else: return colorize("PKG_MERGE", pkg_str) elif pkg_status == "uninstall": return colorize("PKG_UNINSTALL", pkg_str) else: if pkg_system: return colorize("PKG_NOMERGE_SYSTEM", pkg_str) elif pkg_world: return colorize("PKG_NOMERGE_WORLD", pkg_str) else: return colorize("PKG_NOMERGE", pkg_str) if 'interactive' in pkg.metadata.properties and \ pkg.operation == 'merge': addl = colorize("WARN", "I") + addl[1:] if ordered: counters.interactive += 1 if x[1]!="/": if myoldbest: myoldbest +=" " if conf.columns: if conf.quiet: myprint=addl+" "+indent+pkgprint(pkg_cp) myprint=myprint+darkblue(" "+xs[1]+xs[2])+" " myprint=myprint+myoldbest myprint=myprint+darkgreen("to "+x[1]) verboseadd = None else: if not pkg_merge: myprint = "[%s] %s%s" % \ (pkgprint(pkg_status.ljust(13)), indent, pkgprint(pkg.cp)) else: myprint = "[%s %s] %s%s" % \ (pkgprint(pkg.type_name), addl, indent, pkgprint(pkg.cp)) if (newlp-nc_len(myprint)) > 0: myprint=myprint+(" "*(newlp-nc_len(myprint))) myprint=myprint+"["+darkblue(xs[1]+xs[2])+"] " if (oldlp-nc_len(myprint)) > 0: myprint=myprint+" "*(oldlp-nc_len(myprint)) myprint=myprint+myoldbest myprint += darkgreen("to " + pkg.root) else: if not pkg_merge: myprint = "[%s] " % pkgprint(pkg_status.ljust(13)) else: myprint = "[%s %s] " % (pkgprint(pkg_type), addl) myprint += indent + pkgprint(pkg_key) + " " + \ myoldbest + darkgreen("to " + myroot) else: if conf.columns: if conf.quiet: myprint=addl+" "+indent+pkgprint(pkg_cp) myprint=myprint+" "+green(xs[1]+xs[2])+" " myprint=myprint+myoldbest verboseadd = None else: if not pkg_merge: myprint = "[%s] %s%s" % \ (pkgprint(pkg_status.ljust(13)), indent, pkgprint(pkg.cp)) else: myprint = "[%s %s] %s%s" % \ (pkgprint(pkg.type_name), addl, indent, pkgprint(pkg.cp)) if (newlp-nc_len(myprint)) > 0: myprint=myprint+(" "*(newlp-nc_len(myprint))) myprint=myprint+green(" ["+xs[1]+xs[2]+"] ") if (oldlp-nc_len(myprint)) > 0: myprint=myprint+(" "*(oldlp-nc_len(myprint))) myprint += myoldbest else: if not pkg_merge: myprint = "[%s] %s%s %s" % \ (pkgprint(pkg_status.ljust(13)), indent, pkgprint(pkg.cpv), myoldbest) else: myprint = "[%s %s] %s%s %s" % \ (pkgprint(pkg_type), addl, indent, pkgprint(pkg.cpv), myoldbest) if conf.columns and pkg.operation == "uninstall": continue p.append((myprint, verboseadd, repoadd)) if not conf.tree_display and \ conf.quiet and \ not conf.no_restart and \ pkg.root == conf.running_root.root and \ match_from_list( PORTAGE_PACKAGE_ATOM, [pkg]) and \ not conf.quiet: if not vardb.cpv_exists(pkg.cpv) or \ '9999' in pkg.cpv or \ 'git' in pkg.inherited: if mylist_index < len(mylist) - 1: p.append(colorize("WARN", "*** Portage will stop merging at this point and reload itself,")) p.append(colorize("WARN", " then resume the merge.")) show_repos = repoadd_set and repoadd_set != set(["0"]) for x in p: if isinstance(x, basestring): writemsg_stdout("%s\n" % (x,), noiselevel=-1) continue myprint, verboseadd, repoadd = x if verboseadd: myprint += " " + verboseadd if show_repos and repoadd: myprint += " " + teal("[%s]" % repoadd) writemsg_stdout("%s\n" % (myprint,), noiselevel=-1) for x in blockers: writemsg_stdout("%s\n" % (x,), noiselevel=-1) if conf.verbosity == 3: writemsg_stdout('\n%s\n' % (counters,), noiselevel=-1) if show_repos: # Use _unicode_decode() to force unicode format string so # that RepoDisplay.__unicode__() is called in python2. writemsg_stdout(_unicode_decode("%s") % (repo_display,), noiselevel=-1) if conf.changelog: writemsg_stdout('\n', noiselevel=-1) for revision,text in changelogs: writemsg_stdout(bold('*'+revision) + '\n' + text, noiselevel=-1) return os.EX_OK def _create_use_string(conf, name, cur_iuse, iuse_forced, cur_use, old_iuse, old_use, is_new, reinst_flags): if not conf.print_use_string: return "" enabled = [] if conf.alphabetical: disabled = enabled removed = enabled else: disabled = [] removed = [] cur_iuse = set(cur_iuse) enabled_flags = cur_iuse.intersection(cur_use) removed_iuse = set(old_iuse).difference(cur_iuse) any_iuse = cur_iuse.union(old_iuse) any_iuse = list(any_iuse) any_iuse.sort() for flag in any_iuse: flag_str = None isEnabled = False reinst_flag = reinst_flags and flag in reinst_flags if flag in enabled_flags: isEnabled = True if is_new or flag in old_use and \ (conf.all_flags or reinst_flag): flag_str = red(flag) elif flag not in old_iuse: flag_str = yellow(flag) + "%*" elif flag not in old_use: flag_str = green(flag) + "*" elif flag in removed_iuse: if conf.all_flags or reinst_flag: flag_str = yellow("-" + flag) + "%" if flag in old_use: flag_str += "*" flag_str = "(" + flag_str + ")" removed.append(flag_str) continue else: if is_new or flag in old_iuse and \ flag not in old_use and \ (conf.all_flags or reinst_flag): flag_str = blue("-" + flag) elif flag not in old_iuse: flag_str = yellow("-" + flag) if flag not in iuse_forced: flag_str += "%" elif flag in old_use: flag_str = green("-" + flag) + "*" if flag_str: if flag in iuse_forced: flag_str = "(" + flag_str + ")" if isEnabled: enabled.append(flag_str) else: disabled.append(flag_str) if conf.alphabetical: ret = " ".join(enabled) else: ret = " ".join(enabled + disabled + removed) if ret: ret = '%s="%s" ' % (name, ret) return ret def _tree_display(conf, mylist): # If there are any Uninstall instances, add the # corresponding blockers to the digraph. mygraph = conf.digraph.copy() executed_uninstalls = set(node for node in mylist \ if isinstance(node, Package) and node.operation == "unmerge") for uninstall in conf.blocker_uninstalls.leaf_nodes(): uninstall_parents = \ conf.blocker_uninstalls.parent_nodes(uninstall) if not uninstall_parents: continue # Remove the corresponding "nomerge" node and substitute # the Uninstall node. inst_pkg = conf.pkg(uninstall.cpv, "installed", uninstall.root_config, installed=True) try: mygraph.remove(inst_pkg) except KeyError: pass try: inst_pkg_blockers = conf.blocker_parents.child_nodes(inst_pkg) except KeyError: inst_pkg_blockers = [] # Break the Package -> Uninstall edges. mygraph.remove(uninstall) # Resolution of a package's blockers # depend on it's own uninstallation. for blocker in inst_pkg_blockers: mygraph.add(uninstall, blocker) # Expand Package -> Uninstall edges into # Package -> Blocker -> Uninstall edges. for blocker in uninstall_parents: mygraph.add(uninstall, blocker) for parent in conf.blocker_parents.parent_nodes(blocker): if parent != inst_pkg: mygraph.add(blocker, parent) # If the uninstall task did not need to be executed because # of an upgrade, display Blocker -> Upgrade edges since the # corresponding Blocker -> Uninstall edges will not be shown. upgrade_node = \ conf.slot_pkg_map[uninstall.root].get(uninstall.slot_atom) if upgrade_node is not None and \ uninstall not in executed_uninstalls: for blocker in uninstall_parents: mygraph.add(upgrade_node, blocker) if conf.unordered_display: display_list = _unordered_tree_display(mygraph, mylist) else: display_list = _ordered_tree_display(conf, mygraph, mylist) _prune_tree_display(display_list) return display_list def _unordered_tree_display(mygraph, mylist): display_list = [] seen_nodes = set() def print_node(node, depth): if node in seen_nodes: pass else: seen_nodes.add(node) if isinstance(node, (Blocker, Package)): display_list.append((node, depth, True)) else: depth = -1 for child_node in mygraph.child_nodes(node): print_node(child_node, depth + 1) for root_node in mygraph.root_nodes(): print_node(root_node, 0) return display_list def _ordered_tree_display(conf, mygraph, mylist): depth = 0 shown_edges = set() tree_nodes = [] display_list = [] for x in mylist: depth = len(tree_nodes) while depth and x not in \ mygraph.child_nodes(tree_nodes[depth-1]): depth -= 1 if depth: tree_nodes = tree_nodes[:depth] tree_nodes.append(x) display_list.append((x, depth, True)) shown_edges.add((x, tree_nodes[depth-1])) else: traversed_nodes = set() # prevent endless circles traversed_nodes.add(x) def add_parents(current_node, ordered): parent_nodes = None # Do not traverse to parents if this node is an # an argument or a direct member of a set that has # been specified as an argument (system or world). if current_node not in conf.set_nodes: parent_nodes = mygraph.parent_nodes(current_node) if parent_nodes: child_nodes = set(mygraph.child_nodes(current_node)) selected_parent = None # First, try to avoid a direct cycle. for node in parent_nodes: if not isinstance(node, (Blocker, Package)): continue if node not in traversed_nodes and \ node not in child_nodes: edge = (current_node, node) if edge in shown_edges: continue selected_parent = node break if not selected_parent: # A direct cycle is unavoidable. for node in parent_nodes: if not isinstance(node, (Blocker, Package)): continue if node not in traversed_nodes: edge = (current_node, node) if edge in shown_edges: continue selected_parent = node break if selected_parent: shown_edges.add((current_node, selected_parent)) traversed_nodes.add(selected_parent) add_parents(selected_parent, False) display_list.append((current_node, len(tree_nodes), ordered)) tree_nodes.append(current_node) tree_nodes = [] add_parents(x, True) return display_list def _prune_tree_display(display_list): last_merge_depth = 0 for i in range(len(display_list) - 1, -1, -1): node, depth, ordered = display_list[i] if not ordered and depth == 0 and i > 0 \ and node == display_list[i-1][0] and \ display_list[i-1][1] == 0: # An ordered node got a consecutive duplicate # when the tree was being filled in. del display_list[i] continue if ordered and isinstance(node, Package) \ and node.operation in ('merge', 'uninstall'): last_merge_depth = depth continue if depth >= last_merge_depth or \ i < len(display_list) - 1 and \ depth >= display_list[i+1][1]: del display_list[i] def _calc_changelog(ebuildpath,current,next): if ebuildpath == None or not os.path.exists(ebuildpath): return [] current = '-'.join(catpkgsplit(current)[1:]) if current.endswith('-r0'): current = current[:-3] next = '-'.join(catpkgsplit(next)[1:]) if next.endswith('-r0'): next = next[:-3] changelogpath = os.path.join(os.path.split(ebuildpath)[0],'ChangeLog') try: changelog = codecs.open(_unicode_encode(changelogpath, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='r', encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='replace' ).read() except SystemExit: raise # Needed else can't exit except: return [] divisions = _find_changelog_tags(changelog) #print 'XX from',current,'to',next #for div,text in divisions: print 'XX',div # skip entries for all revisions above the one we are about to emerge for i in range(len(divisions)): if divisions[i][0]==next: divisions = divisions[i:] break # find out how many entries we are going to display for i in range(len(divisions)): if divisions[i][0]==current: divisions = divisions[:i] break else: # couldnt find the current revision in the list. display nothing return [] return divisions def _find_changelog_tags(changelog): divs = [] release = None while 1: match = re.search(r'^\*\ ?([-a-zA-Z0-9_.+]*)(?:\ .*)?\n',changelog,re.M) if match is None: if release is not None: divs.append((release,changelog)) return divs if release is not None: divs.append((release,changelog[:match.start()])) changelog = changelog[match.end():] release = match.group(1) if release.endswith('.ebuild'): release = release[:-7] if release.endswith('-r0'): release = release[:-3]