# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id$ from __future__ import print_function import sys from portage.output import bold, create_color_func def userquery(prompt, responses=None, colours=None): """Displays a prompt and a set of responses, then waits for a response which is checked against the responses and the first to match is returned. An empty response will match the first value in responses. The input buffer is *not* cleared prior to the prompt! prompt: a String. responses: a List of Strings. colours: a List of Functions taking and returning a String, used to process the responses for display. Typically these will be functions like red() but could be e.g. lambda x: "DisplayString". If responses is omitted, defaults to ["Yes", "No"], [green, red]. If only colours is omitted, defaults to [bold, ...]. Returns a member of the List responses. (If called without optional arguments, returns "Yes" or "No".) KeyboardInterrupt is converted to SystemExit to avoid tracebacks being printed.""" if responses is None: responses = ["Yes", "No"] colours = [ create_color_func("PROMPT_CHOICE_DEFAULT"), create_color_func("PROMPT_CHOICE_OTHER") ] elif colours is None: colours=[bold] colours=(colours*len(responses))[:len(responses)] print(bold(prompt), end=' ') try: while True: response=raw_input("["+"/".join([colours[i](responses[i]) for i in range(len(responses))])+"] ") for key in responses: # An empty response will match the first value in responses. if response.upper()==key[:len(response)].upper(): return key print("Sorry, response '%s' not understood." % response, end=' ') except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): print("Interrupted.") sys.exit(1)