# Copyright: 2005 Gentoo Foundation # Author(s): Brian Harring (ferringb@gentoo.org) # License: GPL2 # $Id$ import os, stat, types from cache import flat_hash import eclass_cache from cache.template import reconstruct_eclasses from cache.mappings import ProtectedDict # this is the old cache format, flat_list. count maintained here. magic_line_count = 22 # store the current key order *here*. class database(flat_hash.database): complete_eclass_entries = False auxdbkey_order=('DEPEND', 'RDEPEND', 'SLOT', 'SRC_URI', 'RESTRICT', 'HOMEPAGE', 'LICENSE', 'DESCRIPTION', 'KEYWORDS', 'INHERITED', 'IUSE', 'CDEPEND', 'PDEPEND', 'PROVIDE', 'EAPI') autocommits = True def __init__(self, location, *args, **config): loc = location super(database, self).__init__(location, *args, **config) self.location = os.path.join(loc, "metadata","cache") self.ec = eclass_cache.cache(loc) def __getitem__(self, cpv): return flat_hash.database.__getitem__(self, cpv) def _parse_data(self, data, mtime): # easy attempt first. data = list(data) if len(data) != magic_line_count: d = flat_hash.database._parse_data(self, data, mtime) else: # this one's interesting. d = {} for line in data: # yes, meant to iterate over a string. hashed = False # poor mans enumerate. replace when python 2.3 is required for idx, c in zip(range(len(line)), line): if not c.isalpha(): if c == "=" and idx > 0: hashed = True d[line[:idx]] = line[idx + 1:].rstrip("\n") elif c == "_" or c.isdigit(): continue break if not hashed: # non hashed. d.clear() # poor mans enumerate. replace when python 2.3 is required for idx, key in zip(range(len(self.auxdbkey_order)), self.auxdbkey_order): d[key] = data[idx].strip() break if "_eclasses_" not in d: if "INHERITED" in d: d["_eclasses_"] = self.ec.get_eclass_data(d["INHERITED"].split(), from_master_only=True) del d["INHERITED"] elif not isinstance(d["_eclasses_"], types.DictType): # We skip this if flat_hash.database._parse_data() was called above # because it calls reconstruct_eclasses() internally. d["_eclasses_"] = reconstruct_eclasses(None, d["_eclasses_"]) return d def _setitem(self, cpv, values): values = ProtectedDict(values) # hack. proper solution is to make this a __setitem__ override, since template.__setitem__ # serializes _eclasses_, then we reconstruct it. if "_eclasses_" in values: values["INHERITED"] = ' '.join(reconstruct_eclasses(cpv, values["_eclasses_"]).keys()) del values["_eclasses_"] flat_hash.database._setitem(self, cpv, values)