# Copyright 1998-2004 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id$ __docformat__ = "epytext" import commands,errno,os,re,shlex,sys from portage_const import COLOR_MAP_FILE from portage_util import writemsg from portage_exception import PortageException, ParseError, PermissionDenied, FileNotFound havecolor=1 dotitles=1 esc_seq = "\x1b[" g_attr = {} g_attr["normal"] = 0 g_attr["bold"] = 1 g_attr["faint"] = 2 g_attr["standout"] = 3 g_attr["underline"] = 4 g_attr["blink"] = 5 g_attr["overline"] = 6 # Why is overline actually useful? g_attr["reverse"] = 7 g_attr["invisible"] = 8 g_attr["no-attr"] = 22 g_attr["no-standout"] = 23 g_attr["no-underline"] = 24 g_attr["no-blink"] = 25 g_attr["no-overline"] = 26 g_attr["no-reverse"] = 27 # 28 isn't defined? # 29 isn't defined? g_attr["black"] = 30 g_attr["red"] = 31 g_attr["green"] = 32 g_attr["yellow"] = 33 g_attr["blue"] = 34 g_attr["magenta"] = 35 g_attr["cyan"] = 36 g_attr["white"] = 37 # 38 isn't defined? g_attr["default"] = 39 g_attr["bg_black"] = 40 g_attr["bg_red"] = 41 g_attr["bg_green"] = 42 g_attr["bg_yellow"] = 43 g_attr["bg_blue"] = 44 g_attr["bg_magenta"] = 45 g_attr["bg_cyan"] = 46 g_attr["bg_white"] = 47 g_attr["bg_default"] = 49 # make_seq("blue", "black", "normal") def color(fg, bg="default", attr=["normal"]): mystr = esc_seq[:] + "%02d" % g_attr[fg] for x in [bg]+attr: mystr += ";%02d" % g_attr[x] return mystr+"m" codes={} codes["reset"] = esc_seq + "39;49;00m" codes["bold"] = esc_seq + "01m" codes["faint"] = esc_seq + "02m" codes["standout"] = esc_seq + "03m" codes["underline"] = esc_seq + "04m" codes["blink"] = esc_seq + "05m" codes["overline"] = esc_seq + "06m" # Who made this up? Seriously. codes["reverse"] = esc_seq + "07m" ansi_color_codes = [] for x in xrange(30, 38): ansi_color_codes.append("%im" % x) ansi_color_codes.append("%i;01m" % x) rgb_ansi_colors = ['0x000000', '0x555555', '0xAA0000', '0xFF5555', '0x00AA00', '0x55FF55', '0xAA5500', '0xFFFF55', '0x0000AA', '0x5555FF', '0xAA00AA', '0xFF55FF', '0x00AAAA', '0x55FFFF', '0xAAAAAA', '0xFFFFFF'] for x in xrange(len(rgb_ansi_colors)): codes[rgb_ansi_colors[x]] = esc_seq + ansi_color_codes[x] del x codes["black"] = codes["0x000000"] codes["darkgray"] = codes["0x555555"] codes["red"] = codes["0xFF5555"] codes["darkred"] = codes["0xAA0000"] codes["green"] = codes["0x55FF55"] codes["darkgreen"] = codes["0x00AA00"] codes["yellow"] = codes["0xFFFF55"] codes["brown"] = codes["0xAA5500"] codes["blue"] = codes["0x5555FF"] codes["darkblue"] = codes["0x0000AA"] codes["fuchsia"] = codes["0xFF55FF"] codes["purple"] = codes["0xAA00AA"] codes["turquoise"] = codes["0x55FFFF"] codes["teal"] = codes["0x00AAAA"] codes["white"] = codes["0xFFFFFF"] codes["lightgray"] = codes["0xAAAAAA"] codes["darkteal"] = codes["turquoise"] # Some terminals have darkyellow instead of brown. codes["0xAAAA00"] = codes["brown"] codes["darkyellow"] = codes["0xAAAA00"] codes["fuscia"] = codes["fuchsia"] codes["white"] = codes["bold"] codes["bg_black"] = esc_seq + "40m" codes["bg_red"] = esc_seq + "41m" codes["bg_green"] = esc_seq + "42m" codes["bg_brown"] = esc_seq + "43m" codes["bg_blue"] = esc_seq + "44m" codes["bg_magenta"] = esc_seq + "45m" codes["bg_cyan"] = esc_seq + "46m" codes["bg_white"] = esc_seq + "47m" # Colors from /sbin/functions.sh codes["GOOD"] = codes["green"] codes["WARN"] = codes["yellow"] codes["BAD"] = codes["red"] codes["HILITE"] = codes["teal"] codes["BRACKET"] = codes["blue"] # Portage functions codes["INFORM"] = codes["darkgreen"] codes["UNMERGE_WARN"] = codes["red"] codes["SECURITY_WARN"] = codes["red"] codes["MERGE_LIST_PROGRESS"] = codes["yellow"] codes["PKG_MERGE"] = codes["darkgreen"] codes["PKG_MERGE_ARG"] = codes["darkgreen"] codes["PKG_MERGE_SYSTEM"] = codes["green"] codes["PKG_MERGE_WORLD"] = codes["green"] codes["PKG_MERGE_ARG_SYSTEM"] = codes["green"] codes["PKG_MERGE_ARG_WORLD"] = codes["green"] codes["PKG_NOMERGE"] = codes["darkblue"] codes["PKG_NOMERGE_ARG"] = codes["darkblue"] codes["PKG_NOMERGE_SYSTEM"] = codes["blue"] codes["PKG_NOMERGE_WORLD"] = codes["blue"] codes["PKG_NOMERGE_ARG_SYSTEM"] = codes["blue"] codes["PKG_NOMERGE_ARG_WORLD"] = codes["blue"] def parse_color_map(onerror=None): """ Parse /etc/portage/color.map and return a dict of error codes. @param onerror: an optional callback to handle any ParseError that would otherwise be raised @type onerror: callable @rtype: dict @return: a dictionary mapping color classes to color codes """ myfile = COLOR_MAP_FILE ansi_code_pattern = re.compile("^[0-9;]*m$") def strip_quotes(token, quotes): if token[0] in quotes and token[0] == token[-1]: token = token[1:-1] return token try: s = shlex.shlex(open(myfile)) s.wordchars = s.wordchars + ";" # for ansi codes d = {} while True: k, o, v = s.get_token(), s.get_token(), s.get_token() if k is s.eof: break if o != "=": e = ParseError("%s%s'%s'" % ( s.error_leader(myfile, s.lineno), "expected '=' operator: ", o)) if onerror: onerror(e) else: raise e continue k = strip_quotes(k, s.quotes) v = strip_quotes(v, s.quotes) if not k in codes: e = ParseError("%s%s'%s'" % ( s.error_leader(myfile, s.lineno), "Unknown variable: ", k)) if onerror: onerror(e) else: raise e continue if ansi_code_pattern.match(v): codes[k] = esc_seq + v else: code_list = [] for x in v.split(" "): if x in codes: code_list.append(codes[x]) else: e = ParseError("%s%s'%s'" % ( s.error_leader(myfile, s.lineno), "Undefined: ", x)) if onerror: onerror(e) else: raise e codes[k] = "".join(code_list) except (IOError, OSError), e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise FileNotFound(myfile) elif e.errno == errno.EACCES: raise PermissionDenied(myfile) raise try: parse_color_map(onerror=lambda e: writemsg("%s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)) except FileNotFound, e: pass except PortageException, e: writemsg("%s\n" % str(e)) def nc_len(mystr): tmp = re.sub(esc_seq + "^m]+m", "", mystr); return len(tmp) def xtermTitle(mystr, raw=False): if dotitles and "TERM" in os.environ and sys.stderr.isatty(): myt=os.environ["TERM"] legal_terms = ["xterm","Eterm","aterm","rxvt","screen","kterm","rxvt-unicode","gnome"] for term in legal_terms: if myt.startswith(term): if not raw: mystr = "\x1b]0;%s\x07" % mystr sys.stderr.write(mystr) sys.stderr.flush() break default_xterm_title = None def xtermTitleReset(): global default_xterm_title if default_xterm_title is None: prompt_command = os.getenv('PROMPT_COMMAND') if prompt_command == "": default_xterm_title = "" elif prompt_command is not None: if dotitles and "TERM" in os.environ and sys.stderr.isatty(): from portage_exec import find_binary, spawn shell = os.environ.get("SHELL") if not shell or not os.access(shell, os.EX_OK): shell = find_binary("sh") if shell: spawn([shell, "-c", prompt_command], env=os.environ, fd_pipes={0:sys.stdin.fileno(),1:sys.stderr.fileno(), 2:sys.stderr.fileno()}) else: os.system(prompt_command) return else: pwd = os.getenv('PWD','') home = os.getenv('HOME', '') if home != '' and pwd.startswith(home): pwd = '~' + pwd[len(home):] default_xterm_title = '\x1b]0;%s@%s:%s\x07' % ( os.getenv('LOGNAME', ''), os.getenv('HOSTNAME', '').split('.', 1)[0], pwd) xtermTitle(default_xterm_title, raw=True) def notitles(): "turn off title setting" dotitles=0 def nocolor(): "turn off colorization" global havecolor havecolor=0 def resetColor(): return codes["reset"] def colorize(color_key, text): global havecolor if havecolor: return codes[color_key] + text + codes["reset"] else: return text compat_functions_colors = ["bold","white","teal","turquoise","darkteal", "fuscia","fuchsia","purple","blue","darkblue","green","darkgreen","yellow", "brown","darkyellow","red","darkred"] def create_color_func(color_key): def derived_func(*args): newargs = list(args) newargs.insert(0, color_key) return colorize(*newargs) return derived_func for c in compat_functions_colors: setattr(sys.modules[__name__], c, create_color_func(c)) def get_term_size(): """ Get the number of lines and columns of the tty that is connected to stdout. Returns a tuple of (lines, columns) or (-1, -1) if an error occurs. The curses module is used if available, otherwise the output of `stty size` is parsed. """ if not sys.stdout.isatty(): return -1, -1 try: import curses try: curses.setupterm() return curses.tigetnum('lines'), curses.tigetnum('cols') except curses.error: pass except ImportError: pass st, out = commands.getstatusoutput('stty size') if st == os.EX_OK: out = out.split() if len(out) == 2: try: return int(out[0]), int(out[1]) except ValueError: pass return -1, -1 class EOutput: """ Performs fancy terminal formatting for status and informational messages. The provided methods produce identical terminal output to the eponymous functions in the shell script C{/sbin/functions.sh} and also accept identical parameters. This is not currently a drop-in replacement however, as the output-related functions in C{/sbin/functions.sh} are oriented for use mainly by system init scripts and ebuilds and their output can be customized via certain C{RC_*} environment variables (see C{/etc/conf.d/rc}). B{EOutput} is not customizable in this manner since it's intended for more general uses. Likewise, no logging is provided. @ivar quiet: Specifies if output should be silenced. @type quiet: BooleanType @ivar term_columns: Width of terminal in characters. Defaults to the value specified by the shell's C{COLUMNS} variable, else to the queried tty size, else to C{80}. @type term_columns: IntType """ def __init__(self): self.__last_e_cmd = "" self.__last_e_len = 0 self.quiet = False lines, columns = get_term_size() if columns <= 0: columns = 80 # Adjust columns so that eend works properly on a standard BSD console. if os.environ.get("TERM") == "cons25": columns = columns - 1 self.term_columns = columns def __eend(self, caller, errno, msg): if errno == 0: status_brackets = colorize("BRACKET", "[ ") + colorize("GOOD", "ok") + colorize("BRACKET", " ]") else: status_brackets = colorize("BRACKET", "[ ") + colorize("BAD", "!!") + colorize("BRACKET", " ]") if msg: if caller == "eend": self.eerror(msg[0]) elif caller == "ewend": self.ewarn(msg[0]) if self.__last_e_cmd != "ebegin": self.__last_e_len = 0 print "%*s%s" % ((self.term_columns - self.__last_e_len - 6), "", status_brackets) sys.stdout.flush() def ebegin(self, msg): """ Shows a message indicating the start of a process. @param msg: A very brief (shorter than one line) description of the starting process. @type msg: StringType """ msg += " ..." if not self.quiet: self.einfon(msg) self.__last_e_len = len(msg) + 4 self.__last_e_cmd = "ebegin" def eend(self, errno, *msg): """ Indicates the completion of a process, optionally displaying a message via L{eerror} if the process's exit status isn't C{0}. @param errno: A standard UNIX C{errno} code returned by processes upon exit. @type errno: IntType @param msg: I{(optional)} An error message, typically a standard UNIX error string corresponding to C{errno}. @type msg: StringType """ if not self.quiet: self.__eend("eend", errno, msg) self.__last_e_cmd = "eend" def eerror(self, msg): """ Shows an error message. @param msg: A very brief (shorter than one line) error message. @type msg: StringType """ if not self.quiet: if self.__last_e_cmd == "ebegin": print print colorize("BAD", " * ") + msg sys.stdout.flush() self.__last_e_cmd = "eerror" def einfo(self, msg): """ Shows an informative message terminated with a newline. @param msg: A very brief (shorter than one line) informative message. @type msg: StringType """ if not self.quiet: if self.__last_e_cmd == "ebegin": print print colorize("GOOD", " * ") + msg sys.stdout.flush() self.__last_e_cmd = "einfo" def einfon(self, msg): """ Shows an informative message terminated without a newline. @param msg: A very brief (shorter than one line) informative message. @type msg: StringType """ if not self.quiet: if self.__last_e_cmd == "ebegin": print print colorize("GOOD", " * ") + msg , sys.stdout.flush() self.__last_e_cmd = "einfon" def ewarn(self, msg): """ Shows a warning message. @param msg: A very brief (shorter than one line) warning message. @type msg: StringType """ if not self.quiet: if self.__last_e_cmd == "ebegin": print print colorize("WARN", " * ") + msg sys.stdout.flush() self.__last_e_cmd = "ewarn" def ewend(self, errno, *msg): """ Indicates the completion of a process, optionally displaying a message via L{ewarn} if the process's exit status isn't C{0}. @param errno: A standard UNIX C{errno} code returned by processes upon exit. @type errno: IntType @param msg: I{(optional)} A warning message, typically a standard UNIX error string corresponding to C{errno}. @type msg: StringType """ if not self.quiet: self.__eend("ewend", errno, msg) self.__last_e_cmd = "ewend"