# Copyright: 2005 Gentoo Foundation # Author(s): Brian Harring (ferringb@gentoo.org) # License: GPL2 # $Id$ import codecs from portage.cache import fs_template from portage.cache import cache_errors import errno, os, stat from portage.cache.template import reconstruct_eclasses # store the current key order *here*. class database(fs_template.FsBased): autocommits = True def __init__(self, *args, **config): super(database,self).__init__(*args, **config) self.location = os.path.join(self.location, self.label.lstrip(os.path.sep).rstrip(os.path.sep)) write_keys = set(self._known_keys) write_keys.add("_eclasses_") write_keys.add("_mtime_") self._write_keys = sorted(write_keys) if not self.readonly and not os.path.exists(self.location): self._ensure_dirs() def _getitem(self, cpv): fp = os.path.join(self.location, cpv) try: myf = codecs.open(fp, mode='r', encoding='utf_8', errors='replace') try: d = self._parse_data(myf.readlines(), cpv) if '_mtime_' not in d: # Backward compatibility with old cache # that uses mtime mangling. d['_mtime_'] = long(os.fstat(myf.fileno()).st_mtime) return d finally: myf.close() except (IOError, OSError), e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise cache_errors.CacheCorruption(cpv, e) raise KeyError(cpv) def _parse_data(self, data, cpv): try: d = dict(map(lambda x:x.rstrip("\n").split("=", 1), data)) except ValueError, e: # If a line is missing an "=", the split length is 1 instead of 2. raise cache_errors.CacheCorruption(cpv, e) return d def _setitem(self, cpv, values): # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() s = cpv.rfind("/") fp = os.path.join(self.location,cpv[:s],".update.%i.%s" % (os.getpid(), cpv[s+1:])) try: myf = codecs.open(fp, mode='w', encoding='utf_8', errors='replace') except (IOError, OSError), e: if errno.ENOENT == e.errno: try: self._ensure_dirs(cpv) myf = codecs.open(fp, mode='w', encoding='utf_8', errors='replace') except (OSError, IOError),e: raise cache_errors.CacheCorruption(cpv, e) else: raise cache_errors.CacheCorruption(cpv, e) try: for k in self._write_keys: v = values.get(k) if not v: continue myf.write("%s=%s\n" % (k, v)) finally: myf.close() self._ensure_access(fp) #update written. now we move it. new_fp = os.path.join(self.location,cpv) try: os.rename(fp, new_fp) except (OSError, IOError), e: os.remove(fp) raise cache_errors.CacheCorruption(cpv, e) def _delitem(self, cpv): # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() try: os.remove(os.path.join(self.location,cpv)) except OSError, e: if errno.ENOENT == e.errno: raise KeyError(cpv) else: raise cache_errors.CacheCorruption(cpv, e) def __contains__(self, cpv): return os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.location, cpv)) def __iter__(self): """generator for walking the dir struct""" dirs = [self.location] len_base = len(self.location) while len(dirs): try: dir_list = os.listdir(dirs[0]) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise del e dirs.pop(0) continue for l in dir_list: if l.endswith(".cpickle"): continue p = os.path.join(dirs[0],l) st = os.lstat(p) if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): dirs.append(p) continue yield p[len_base+1:] dirs.pop(0)