# Copyright: 2005 Gentoo Foundation # Author(s): Brian Harring (ferringb@gentoo.org) # License: GPL2 # $Id$ __all__ = ["mirror_cache", "non_quiet_mirroring", "quiet_mirroring"] from itertools import chain from portage.cache import cache_errors from portage.localization import _ def mirror_cache(valid_nodes_iterable, src_cache, trg_cache, eclass_cache=None, verbose_instance=None): from portage import eapi_is_supported, \ _validate_cache_for_unsupported_eapis if not src_cache.complete_eclass_entries and not eclass_cache: raise Exception("eclass_cache required for cache's of class %s!" % src_cache.__class__) if verbose_instance == None: noise=quiet_mirroring() else: noise=verbose_instance dead_nodes = set(trg_cache) count=0 if not trg_cache.autocommits: trg_cache.sync(100) for x in valid_nodes_iterable: # print "processing x=",x count+=1 dead_nodes.discard(x) try: entry = src_cache[x] except KeyError, e: noise.missing_entry(x) del e continue except cache_errors.CacheError, ce: noise.exception(x, ce) del ce continue eapi = entry.get('EAPI') if not eapi: eapi = '0' eapi = eapi.lstrip('-') eapi_supported = eapi_is_supported(eapi) if not eapi_supported: if not _validate_cache_for_unsupported_eapis: noise.misc(x, _("unable to validate cache for EAPI='%s'") % eapi) continue write_it = True trg = None try: trg = trg_cache[x] except (KeyError, cache_errors.CacheError): pass else: if trg['_mtime_'] == entry['_mtime_'] and \ eclass_cache.is_eclass_data_valid(trg['_eclasses_']) and \ set(trg['_eclasses_']) == set(entry['_eclasses_']): write_it = False for d in (entry, trg): if d is not None and d.get('EAPI') in ('', '0'): del d['EAPI'] if trg and not write_it: """ We don't want to skip the write unless we're really sure that the existing cache is identical, so don't trust _mtime_ and _eclasses_ alone.""" for k in set(chain(entry, trg)).difference( ("_mtime_", "_eclasses_")): if trg.get(k, "") != entry.get(k, ""): write_it = True break if write_it: try: inherited = entry.get("INHERITED", "") eclasses = entry.get("_eclasses_") except cache_errors.CacheError, ce: noise.exception(x, ce) del ce continue if eclasses is not None: if not eclass_cache.is_eclass_data_valid(entry["_eclasses_"]): noise.eclass_stale(x) continue inherited = eclasses else: inherited = inherited.split() if inherited: if src_cache.complete_eclass_entries and eclasses is None: noise.corruption(x, "missing _eclasses_ field") continue # Even if _eclasses_ already exists, replace it with data from # eclass_cache, in order to insert local eclass paths. try: eclasses = eclass_cache.get_eclass_data(inherited) except KeyError: # INHERITED contains a non-existent eclass. noise.eclass_stale(x) continue if eclasses is None: noise.eclass_stale(x) continue entry["_eclasses_"] = eclasses if not eapi_supported: for k in set(entry).difference(("_mtime_", "_eclasses_")): entry[k] = "" entry["EAPI"] = "-" + eapi # by this time, if it reaches here, the eclass has been validated, and the entry has # been updated/translated (if needs be, for metadata/cache mainly) try: trg_cache[x] = entry except cache_errors.CacheError, ce: noise.exception(x, ce) del ce continue if count >= noise.call_update_min: noise.update(x) count = 0 if not trg_cache.autocommits: trg_cache.commit() # ok. by this time, the trg_cache is up to date, and we have a dict # with a crapload of cpv's. we now walk the target db, removing stuff if it's in the list. for key in dead_nodes: try: del trg_cache[key] except KeyError: pass except cache_errors.CacheError, ce: noise.exception(ce) del ce noise.finish() class quiet_mirroring(object): # call_update_every is used by mirror_cache to determine how often to call in. # quiet defaults to 2^24 -1. Don't call update, 'cept once every 16 million or so :) call_update_min = 0xffffff def update(self,key,*arg): pass def exception(self,key,*arg): pass def eclass_stale(self,*arg): pass def missing_entry(self, key): pass def misc(self,key,*arg): pass def corruption(self, key, s): pass def finish(self, *arg): pass class non_quiet_mirroring(quiet_mirroring): call_update_min=1 def update(self,key,*arg): print "processed",key def exception(self, key, *arg): print "exec",key,arg def missing(self,key): print "key %s is missing", key def corruption(self,key,*arg): print "corrupt %s:" % key,arg def eclass_stale(self,key,*arg):print "stale %s:"%key,arg