# Copyright 1998-2007 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id$ from portage.cache.cache_errors import CacheError from portage.const import REPO_NAME_LOC from portage.data import portage_gid, secpass from portage.dbapi import dbapi from portage.dep import use_reduce, paren_reduce, dep_getslot, dep_getkey, \ match_from_list, match_to_list, remove_slot from portage.exception import OperationNotPermitted, PortageException, \ UntrustedSignature, SecurityViolation, InvalidSignature, MissingSignature, \ FileNotFound, InvalidDependString from portage.manifest import Manifest from portage.output import red from portage.util import ensure_dirs, writemsg, apply_recursive_permissions from portage.versions import pkgcmp, pkgsplit, catpkgsplit, best import portage.gpg, portage.checksum from portage import eclass_cache, auxdbkeys, auxdbkeylen, doebuild, flatten, \ listdir, dep_expand, eapi_is_supported, key_expand, dep_check import os, stat, sys from itertools import izip class portdbapi(dbapi): """this tree will scan a portage directory located at root (passed to init)""" portdbapi_instances = [] def __init__(self, porttree_root, mysettings=None): portdbapi.portdbapi_instances.append(self) from portage import config if mysettings: self.mysettings = mysettings else: from portage import settings self.mysettings = config(clone=settings) self._categories = set(self.mysettings.categories) # This is strictly for use in aux_get() doebuild calls when metadata # is generated by the depend phase. It's safest to use a clone for # this purpose because doebuild makes many changes to the config # instance that is passed in. self.doebuild_settings = config(clone=self.mysettings) self.manifestVerifyLevel = None self.manifestVerifier = None self.manifestCache = {} # {location: [stat, md5]} self.manifestMissingCache = [] if "gpg" in self.mysettings.features: self.manifestVerifyLevel = portage.gpg.EXISTS if "strict" in self.mysettings.features: self.manifestVerifyLevel = portage.gpg.MARGINAL self.manifestVerifier = portage.gpg.FileChecker(self.mysettings["PORTAGE_GPG_DIR"], "gentoo.gpg", minimumTrust=self.manifestVerifyLevel) elif "severe" in self.mysettings.features: self.manifestVerifyLevel = portage.gpg.TRUSTED self.manifestVerifier = portage.gpg.FileChecker(self.mysettings["PORTAGE_GPG_DIR"], "gentoo.gpg", requireSignedRing=True, minimumTrust=self.manifestVerifyLevel) else: self.manifestVerifier = portage.gpg.FileChecker(self.mysettings["PORTAGE_GPG_DIR"], "gentoo.gpg", minimumTrust=self.manifestVerifyLevel) #self.root=settings["PORTDIR"] self.porttree_root = os.path.realpath(porttree_root) self.depcachedir = self.mysettings.depcachedir[:] self.eclassdb = eclass_cache.cache(self.porttree_root, overlays=self.mysettings["PORTDIR_OVERLAY"].split()) self.metadbmodule = self.mysettings.load_best_module("portdbapi.metadbmodule") #if the portdbapi is "frozen", then we assume that we can cache everything (that no updates to it are happening) self.xcache = {} self.frozen = 0 self.porttrees = [self.porttree_root] + \ [os.path.realpath(t) for t in self.mysettings["PORTDIR_OVERLAY"].split()] self.treemap = {} for path in self.porttrees: repo_name_path = os.path.join(path, REPO_NAME_LOC) try: repo_name = open(repo_name_path, 'r').readline().strip() self.treemap[repo_name] = path except (OSError,IOError): # warn about missing repo_name at some other time, since we # don't want to see a warning every time the portage module is # imported. pass self.auxdbmodule = self.mysettings.load_best_module("portdbapi.auxdbmodule") self.auxdb = {} self._init_cache_dirs() # XXX: REMOVE THIS ONCE UNUSED_0 IS YANKED FROM auxdbkeys # ~harring filtered_auxdbkeys = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("UNUSED_0"), auxdbkeys) if secpass < 1: from portage.cache import metadata_overlay, volatile for x in self.porttrees: db_ro = self.auxdbmodule(self.depcachedir, x, filtered_auxdbkeys, gid=portage_gid, readonly=True) self.auxdb[x] = metadata_overlay.database( self.depcachedir, x, filtered_auxdbkeys, gid=portage_gid, db_rw=volatile.database, db_ro=db_ro) else: for x in self.porttrees: # location, label, auxdbkeys self.auxdb[x] = self.auxdbmodule( self.depcachedir, x, filtered_auxdbkeys, gid=portage_gid) # Selectively cache metadata in order to optimize dep matching. self._aux_cache_keys = set( ["EAPI", "IUSE", "KEYWORDS", "LICENSE", "PROVIDE", "SLOT"]) self._aux_cache = {} self._broken_ebuilds = set() def _init_cache_dirs(self): """Create /var/cache/edb/dep and adjust permissions for the portage group.""" dirmode = 02070 filemode = 060 modemask = 02 try: ensure_dirs(self.depcachedir, gid=portage_gid, mode=dirmode, mask=modemask) except PortageException, e: pass def close_caches(self): if not hasattr(self, "auxdb"): # unhandled exception thrown from constructor return for x in self.auxdb: self.auxdb[x].sync() self.auxdb.clear() def flush_cache(self): for x in self.auxdb.values(): x.sync() def finddigest(self,mycpv): try: mydig = self.findname2(mycpv)[0] if not mydig: return "" mydigs = mydig.split("/")[:-1] mydig = "/".join(mydigs) mysplit = mycpv.split("/") except OSError: return "" return mydig+"/files/digest-"+mysplit[-1] def findLicensePath(self, license_name): mytrees = self.porttrees[:] mytrees.reverse() for x in mytrees: license_path = os.path.join(x, "licenses", license_name) if os.access(license_path, os.R_OK): return license_path return None def findname(self,mycpv): return self.findname2(mycpv)[0] def getRepositoryPath(self, repository_id): """ This function is required for GLEP 42 compliance; given a valid repository ID it must return a path to the repository TreeMap = { id:path } """ if repository_id in self.treemap: return self.treemap[repository_id] return None def getRepositories(self): """ This function is required for GLEP 42 compliance; it will return a list of repository ID's TreeMap = {id: path} """ return [k for k in self.treemap if k] def findname2(self, mycpv, mytree=None): """ Returns the location of the CPV, and what overlay it was in. Searches overlays first, then PORTDIR; this allows us to return the first matching file. As opposed to starting in portdir and then doing overlays second, we would have to exhaustively search the overlays until we found the file we wanted. """ if not mycpv: return "",0 mysplit = mycpv.split("/") psplit = pkgsplit(mysplit[1]) if mytree: mytrees = [mytree] else: mytrees = self.porttrees[:] mytrees.reverse() if psplit: for x in mytrees: file=x+"/"+mysplit[0]+"/"+psplit[0]+"/"+mysplit[1]+".ebuild" if os.access(file, os.R_OK): return[file, x] return None, 0 def aux_get(self, mycpv, mylist, mytree=None): "stub code for returning auxilliary db information, such as SLOT, DEPEND, etc." 'input: "sys-apps/foo-1.0",["SLOT","DEPEND","HOMEPAGE"]' 'return: ["0",">=sys-libs/bar-1.0","http://www.foo.com"] or raise KeyError if error' cache_me = False if not mytree: cache_me = True if not mytree and not set(mylist).difference(self._aux_cache_keys): aux_cache = self._aux_cache.get(mycpv) if aux_cache is not None: return [aux_cache[x] for x in mylist] cache_me = True global auxdbkeys, auxdbkeylen cat,pkg = mycpv.split("/", 1) myebuild, mylocation = self.findname2(mycpv, mytree) if not myebuild: writemsg("!!! aux_get(): ebuild path for '%(cpv)s' not specified:\n" % {"cpv":mycpv}, noiselevel=1) writemsg("!!! %s\n" % myebuild, noiselevel=1) raise KeyError(mycpv) myManifestPath = "/".join(myebuild.split("/")[:-1])+"/Manifest" if "gpg" in self.mysettings.features: try: mys = portage.gpg.fileStats(myManifestPath) if (myManifestPath in self.manifestCache) and \ (self.manifestCache[myManifestPath] == mys): pass elif self.manifestVerifier: if not self.manifestVerifier.verify(myManifestPath): # Verification failed the desired level. raise UntrustedSignature, "Untrusted Manifest: %(manifest)s" % {"manifest":myManifestPath} if ("severe" in self.mysettings.features) and \ (mys != portage.gpg.fileStats(myManifestPath)): raise SecurityViolation, "Manifest changed: %(manifest)s" % {"manifest":myManifestPath} except InvalidSignature, e: if ("strict" in self.mysettings.features) or \ ("severe" in self.mysettings.features): raise writemsg("!!! INVALID MANIFEST SIGNATURE DETECTED: %(manifest)s\n" % {"manifest":myManifestPath}) except MissingSignature, e: if ("severe" in self.mysettings.features): raise if ("strict" in self.mysettings.features): if myManifestPath not in self.manifestMissingCache: writemsg("!!! WARNING: Missing signature in: %(manifest)s\n" % {"manifest":myManifestPath}) self.manifestMissingCache.insert(0,myManifestPath) except (OSError, FileNotFound), e: if ("strict" in self.mysettings.features) or \ ("severe" in self.mysettings.features): raise SecurityViolation, "Error in verification of signatures: %(errormsg)s" % {"errormsg":str(e)} writemsg("!!! Manifest is missing or inaccessable: %(manifest)s\n" % {"manifest":myManifestPath}, noiselevel=-1) try: emtime = os.stat(myebuild)[stat.ST_MTIME] except OSError: writemsg("!!! aux_get(): ebuild for '%(cpv)s' does not exist at:\n" % {"cpv":mycpv}, noiselevel=-1) writemsg("!!! %s\n" % myebuild, noiselevel=-1) raise KeyError(mycpv) try: mydata = self.auxdb[mylocation][mycpv] eapi = mydata.get("EAPI","").strip() if not eapi: eapi = "0" if eapi.startswith("-") and eapi_is_supported(eapi[1:]): doregen = True elif emtime != long(mydata.get("_mtime_", 0)): doregen = True elif len(mydata.get("_eclasses_", [])) > 0: doregen = not self.eclassdb.is_eclass_data_valid(mydata["_eclasses_"]) else: doregen = False except KeyError: doregen = True except CacheError: doregen = True try: del self.auxdb[mylocation][mycpv] except KeyError: pass writemsg("auxdb is valid: "+str(not doregen)+" "+str(pkg)+"\n", 2) if doregen: if myebuild in self._broken_ebuilds: raise KeyError(mycpv) writemsg("doregen: %s %s\n" % (doregen, mycpv), 2) writemsg("Generating cache entry(0) for: "+str(myebuild)+"\n", 1) self.doebuild_settings.reset() mydata = {} myret = doebuild(myebuild, "depend", self.doebuild_settings["ROOT"], self.doebuild_settings, dbkey=mydata, tree="porttree", mydbapi=self) if myret != os.EX_OK: self._broken_ebuilds.add(myebuild) raise KeyError(mycpv) if "EAPI" not in mydata or not mydata["EAPI"].strip(): mydata["EAPI"] = "0" if not eapi_is_supported(mydata["EAPI"]): # if newer version, wipe everything and negate eapi eapi = mydata["EAPI"] mydata = {} map(lambda x: mydata.setdefault(x, ""), auxdbkeys) mydata["EAPI"] = "-"+eapi if mydata.get("INHERITED", False): mydata["_eclasses_"] = self.eclassdb.get_eclass_data(mydata["INHERITED"].split()) else: mydata["_eclasses_"] = {} del mydata["INHERITED"] mydata["_mtime_"] = emtime self.auxdb[mylocation][mycpv] = mydata if not mydata.setdefault("EAPI", "0"): mydata["EAPI"] = "0" #finally, we look at our internal cache entry and return the requested data. returnme = [] for x in mylist: if x == "INHERITED": returnme.append(' '.join(mydata.get("_eclasses_", []))) else: returnme.append(mydata.get(x,"")) if cache_me: aux_cache = {} for x in self._aux_cache_keys: aux_cache[x] = mydata.get(x, "") self._aux_cache[mycpv] = aux_cache return returnme def getfetchlist(self, mypkg, useflags=None, mysettings=None, all=0, mytree=None): if mysettings is None: mysettings = self.mysettings try: eapi, myuris = self.aux_get(mypkg, ["EAPI", "SRC_URI"], mytree=mytree) except KeyError: # Convert this to an InvalidDependString exception since callers # already handle it. raise portage.exception.InvalidDependString( "getfetchlist(): aux_get() error reading "+mypkg+"; aborting.") if not eapi_is_supported(eapi): # Convert this to an InvalidDependString exception # since callers already handle it. raise portage.exception.InvalidDependString( "getfetchlist(): '%s' has unsupported EAPI: '%s'" % \ (mypkg, eapi.lstrip("-"))) if useflags is None: useflags = mysettings["USE"].split() myurilist = paren_reduce(myuris) myurilist = use_reduce(myurilist, uselist=useflags, matchall=all) newuris = flatten(myurilist) myfiles = [] for x in newuris: mya = os.path.basename(x) if not mya: raise portage.exception.InvalidDependString( "getfetchlist(): '%s' SRC_URI has no file name: '%s'" % \ (mypkg, x)) if not mya in myfiles: myfiles.append(mya) return [newuris, myfiles] def getfetchsizes(self, mypkg, useflags=None, debug=0): # returns a filename:size dictionnary of remaining downloads myebuild = self.findname(mypkg) pkgdir = os.path.dirname(myebuild) mf = Manifest(pkgdir, self.mysettings["DISTDIR"]) checksums = mf.getDigests() if not checksums: if debug: print "[empty/missing/bad digest]: "+mypkg return None filesdict={} if useflags is None: myuris, myfiles = self.getfetchlist(mypkg,all=1) else: myuris, myfiles = self.getfetchlist(mypkg,useflags=useflags) #XXX: maybe this should be improved: take partial downloads # into account? check checksums? for myfile in myfiles: if myfile not in checksums: if debug: writemsg("[bad digest]: missing %s for %s\n" % (myfile, mypkg)) continue file_path = os.path.join(self.mysettings["DISTDIR"], myfile) mystat = None try: mystat = os.stat(file_path) except OSError, e: pass if mystat is None: existing_size = 0 else: existing_size = mystat.st_size remaining_size = int(checksums[myfile]["size"]) - existing_size if remaining_size > 0: # Assume the download is resumable. filesdict[myfile] = remaining_size elif remaining_size < 0: # The existing file is too large and therefore corrupt. filesdict[myfile] = int(checksums[myfile]["size"]) return filesdict def fetch_check(self, mypkg, useflags=None, mysettings=None, all=False): if not useflags: if mysettings: useflags = mysettings["USE"].split() myuri, myfiles = self.getfetchlist(mypkg, useflags=useflags, mysettings=mysettings, all=all) myebuild = self.findname(mypkg) pkgdir = os.path.dirname(myebuild) mf = Manifest(pkgdir, self.mysettings["DISTDIR"]) mysums = mf.getDigests() failures = {} for x in myfiles: if not mysums or x not in mysums: ok = False reason = "digest missing" else: try: ok, reason = portage.checksum.verify_all( os.path.join(self.mysettings["DISTDIR"], x), mysums[x]) except FileNotFound, e: ok = False reason = "File Not Found: '%s'" % str(e) if not ok: failures[x] = reason if failures: return False return True def cpv_exists(self, mykey): "Tells us whether an actual ebuild exists on disk (no masking)" cps2 = mykey.split("/") cps = catpkgsplit(mykey, silent=0) if not cps: #invalid cat/pkg-v return 0 if self.findname(cps[0] + "/" + cps2[1]): return 1 else: return 0 def cp_all(self): "returns a list of all keys in our tree" d = {} for x in self.mysettings.categories: for oroot in self.porttrees: for y in listdir(oroot+"/"+x, EmptyOnError=1, ignorecvs=1, dirsonly=1): d[x+"/"+y] = None l = d.keys() l.sort() return l def p_list(self,mycp): d={} for oroot in self.porttrees: for x in listdir(oroot+"/"+mycp,EmptyOnError=1,ignorecvs=1): if x[-7:]==".ebuild": d[x[:-7]] = None return d.keys() def cp_list(self, mycp, use_cache=1, mytree=None): if self.frozen and mytree is None: cachelist = self.xcache["cp-list"].get(mycp) if cachelist is not None: # Try to propagate this to the match-all cache here for # repoman since he uses separate match-all caches for each # profile (due to old-style virtuals). Do not propagate # old-style virtuals since cp_list() doesn't expand them. if not (not cachelist and mycp.startswith("virtual/")): self.xcache["match-all"][mycp] = cachelist return cachelist[:] mysplit = mycp.split("/") invalid_category = mysplit[0] not in self._categories d={} if mytree: mytrees = [mytree] else: mytrees = self.porttrees for oroot in mytrees: try: file_list = os.listdir(os.path.join(oroot, mycp)) except OSError: continue for x in file_list: if x.endswith(".ebuild"): pf = x[:-7] ps = pkgsplit(pf) if not ps: writemsg("\nInvalid ebuild name: %s\n" % \ os.path.join(oroot, mycp, x), noiselevel=-1) continue if ps[0] != mysplit[1]: writemsg("\nInvalid ebuild name: %s\n" % \ os.path.join(oroot, mycp, x), noiselevel=-1) continue d[mysplit[0]+"/"+pf] = None if invalid_category and d: writemsg(("\n!!! '%s' has a category that is not listed in " + \ "/etc/portage/categories\n") % mycp, noiselevel=-1) mylist = [] else: mylist = d.keys() # Always sort in ascending order here since it's handy # and the result can be easily cached and reused. self._cpv_sort_ascending(mylist) if self.frozen and mytree is None: cachelist = mylist[:] self.xcache["cp-list"][mycp] = cachelist # Do not propagate old-style virtuals since # cp_list() doesn't expand them. if not (not cachelist and mycp.startswith("virtual/")): self.xcache["match-all"][mycp] = cachelist return mylist def freeze(self): for x in "bestmatch-visible", "cp-list", "list-visible", "match-all", \ "match-visible", "minimum-all", "minimum-visible": self.xcache[x]={} self.frozen=1 def melt(self): self.xcache = {} self.frozen = 0 def xmatch(self,level,origdep,mydep=None,mykey=None,mylist=None): "caching match function; very trick stuff" #if no updates are being made to the tree, we can consult our xcache... if self.frozen: try: return self.xcache[level][origdep][:] except KeyError: pass if not mydep: #this stuff only runs on first call of xmatch() #create mydep, mykey from origdep mydep = dep_expand(origdep, mydb=self, settings=self.mysettings) mykey = dep_getkey(mydep) myslot = dep_getslot(mydep) if level == "list-visible": #a list of all visible packages, not called directly (just by xmatch()) #myval = self.visible(self.cp_list(mykey)) myval = self.gvisible(self.visible(self.cp_list(mykey))) elif level == "minimum-all": # Find the minimum matching version. This is optimized to # minimize the number of metadata accesses (improves performance # especially in cases where metadata needs to be generated). if mydep == mykey: mylist = self.cp_list(mykey) else: mylist = match_from_list(mydep, self.cp_list(mykey)) myval = "" if mylist: if myslot is None: myval = mylist[0] else: for cpv in mylist: try: if self.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])[0] == myslot: myval = cpv break except KeyError: pass # ebuild masked by corruption elif level in ("minimum-visible", "bestmatch-visible"): # Find the minimum matching visible version. This is optimized to # minimize the number of metadata accesses (improves performance # especially in cases where metadata needs to be generated). if mydep == mykey: mylist = self.cp_list(mykey) else: mylist = match_from_list(mydep, self.cp_list(mykey)) myval = "" settings = self.mysettings local_config = settings.local_config aux_keys = list(self._aux_cache_keys) if level == "minimum-visible": iterfunc = iter else: iterfunc = reversed for cpv in iterfunc(mylist): try: metadata = dict(izip(aux_keys, self.aux_get(cpv, aux_keys))) except KeyError: # ebuild masked by corruption continue if not eapi_is_supported(metadata["EAPI"]): continue if myslot and myslot != metadata["SLOT"]: continue if settings.getMissingKeywords(cpv, metadata): continue if settings.getMaskAtom(cpv, metadata): continue if settings.getProfileMaskAtom(cpv, metadata): continue if local_config: metadata["USE"] = "" if "?" in metadata["LICENSE"]: self.doebuild_settings.setcpv(cpv, mydb=metadata) metadata["USE"] = self.doebuild_settings.get("USE", "") try: if settings.getMissingLicenses(cpv, metadata): continue except InvalidDependString: continue myval = cpv break elif level == "bestmatch-list": #dep match -- find best match but restrict search to sublist #no point in calling xmatch again since we're not caching list deps myval = best(match_from_list(mydep, mylist)) elif level == "match-list": #dep match -- find all matches but restrict search to sublist (used in 2nd half of visible()) myval = match_from_list(mydep, mylist) elif level == "match-visible": #dep match -- find all visible matches #get all visible packages, then get the matching ones myval = match_from_list(mydep, self.xmatch("list-visible", mykey, mydep=mykey, mykey=mykey)) elif level == "match-all": #match *all* visible *and* masked packages if mydep == mykey: myval = self.cp_list(mykey) else: myval = match_from_list(mydep, self.cp_list(mykey)) else: print "ERROR: xmatch doesn't handle", level, "query!" raise KeyError if myslot is not None and isinstance(myval, list): slotmatches = [] for cpv in myval: try: if self.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])[0] == myslot: slotmatches.append(cpv) except KeyError: pass # ebuild masked by corruption myval = slotmatches if self.frozen and (level not in ["match-list", "bestmatch-list"]): self.xcache[level][mydep] = myval if origdep and origdep != mydep: self.xcache[level][origdep] = myval return myval[:] def match(self, mydep, use_cache=1): return self.xmatch("match-visible", mydep) def visible(self, mylist): """two functions in one. Accepts a list of cpv values and uses the package.mask *and* packages file to remove invisible entries, returning remaining items. This function assumes that all entries in mylist have the same category and package name.""" if not mylist: return [] db_keys = ["SLOT"] visible = [] getMaskAtom = self.mysettings.getMaskAtom getProfileMaskAtom = self.mysettings.getProfileMaskAtom for cpv in mylist: try: metadata = dict(izip(db_keys, self.aux_get(cpv, db_keys))) except KeyError: # masked by corruption continue if getMaskAtom(cpv, metadata): continue if getProfileMaskAtom(cpv, metadata): continue visible.append(cpv) return visible def gvisible(self,mylist): "strip out group-masked (not in current group) entries" if mylist is None: return [] newlist=[] aux_keys = list(self._aux_cache_keys) metadata = {} local_config = self.mysettings.local_config for mycpv in mylist: metadata.clear() try: metadata.update(izip(aux_keys, self.aux_get(mycpv, aux_keys))) except KeyError: continue except PortageException, e: writemsg("!!! Error: aux_get('%s', %s)\n" % (mycpv, aux_keys), noiselevel=-1) writemsg("!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1) del e continue if not eapi_is_supported(metadata["EAPI"]): continue if self.mysettings.getMissingKeywords(mycpv, metadata): continue if local_config: metadata["USE"] = "" if "?" in metadata["LICENSE"]: self.doebuild_settings.setcpv(mycpv, mydb=metadata) metadata["USE"] = self.doebuild_settings.get("USE", "") try: if self.mysettings.getMissingLicenses(mycpv, metadata): continue except InvalidDependString: continue newlist.append(mycpv) return newlist def close_portdbapi_caches(): for i in portdbapi.portdbapi_instances: i.close_caches() class portagetree(object): def __init__(self, root="/", virtual=None, clone=None, settings=None): """ Constructor for a PortageTree @param root: ${ROOT}, defaults to '/', see make.conf(5) @type root: String/Path @param virtual: UNUSED @type virtual: No Idea @param clone: Set this if you want a copy of Clone @type clone: Existing portagetree Instance @param settings: Portage Configuration object (portage.settings) @type settings: Instance of portage.config """ if clone: writemsg("portagetree.__init__(): deprecated " + \ "use of clone parameter\n", noiselevel=-1) self.root = clone.root self.portroot = clone.portroot self.pkglines = clone.pkglines else: self.root = root if settings is None: from portage import settings self.settings = settings self.portroot = settings["PORTDIR"] self.virtual = virtual self.dbapi = portdbapi( settings["PORTDIR"], mysettings=settings) def dep_bestmatch(self,mydep): "compatibility method" mymatch = self.dbapi.xmatch("bestmatch-visible",mydep) if mymatch is None: return "" return mymatch def dep_match(self,mydep): "compatibility method" mymatch = self.dbapi.xmatch("match-visible",mydep) if mymatch is None: return [] return mymatch def exists_specific(self,cpv): return self.dbapi.cpv_exists(cpv) def getallnodes(self): """new behavior: these are all *unmasked* nodes. There may or may not be available masked package for nodes in this nodes list.""" return self.dbapi.cp_all() def getname(self, pkgname): "returns file location for this particular package (DEPRECATED)" if not pkgname: return "" mysplit = pkgname.split("/") psplit = pkgsplit(mysplit[1]) return "/".join([self.portroot, mysplit[0], psplit[0], mysplit[1]])+".ebuild" def resolve_specific(self, myspec): cps = catpkgsplit(myspec) if not cps: return None mykey = key_expand(cps[0]+"/"+cps[1], mydb=self.dbapi, settings=self.settings) mykey = mykey + "-" + cps[2] if cps[3] != "r0": mykey = mykey + "-" + cps[3] return mykey def depcheck(self, mycheck, use="yes", myusesplit=None): return dep_check(mycheck, self.dbapi, use=use, myuse=myusesplit) def getslot(self,mycatpkg): "Get a slot for a catpkg; assume it exists." myslot = "" try: myslot = self.dbapi.aux_get(mycatpkg, ["SLOT"])[0] except SystemExit, e: raise except Exception, e: pass return myslot