# Copyright 1998-2012 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 __all__ = [ "vardbapi", "vartree", "dblink"] + \ ["write_contents", "tar_contents"] import portage portage.proxy.lazyimport.lazyimport(globals(), 'portage.checksum:_perform_md5_merge@perform_md5', 'portage.data:portage_gid,portage_uid,secpass', 'portage.dbapi.dep_expand:dep_expand', 'portage.dbapi._MergeProcess:MergeProcess', 'portage.dep:dep_getkey,isjustname,isvalidatom,match_from_list,' + \ 'use_reduce,_get_slot_re', 'portage.eapi:_get_eapi_attrs', 'portage.elog:collect_ebuild_messages,collect_messages,' + \ 'elog_process,_merge_logentries', 'portage.locks:lockdir,unlockdir,lockfile,unlockfile', 'portage.output:bold,colorize', 'portage.package.ebuild.doebuild:doebuild_environment,' + \ '_merge_unicode_error', '_spawn_phase', 'portage.package.ebuild.prepare_build_dirs:prepare_build_dirs', 'portage.package.ebuild._ipc.QueryCommand:QueryCommand', 'portage.update:fixdbentries', 'portage.util:apply_secpass_permissions,ConfigProtect,ensure_dirs,' + \ 'writemsg,writemsg_level,write_atomic,atomic_ofstream,writedict,' + \ 'grabdict,normalize_path,new_protect_filename', 'portage.util.digraph:digraph', 'portage.util.env_update:env_update', 'portage.util.listdir:dircache,listdir', 'portage.util.movefile:movefile', 'portage.util._dyn_libs.PreservedLibsRegistry:PreservedLibsRegistry', 'portage.util._dyn_libs.LinkageMapELF:LinkageMapELF@LinkageMap', 'portage.versions:best,catpkgsplit,catsplit,cpv_getkey,vercmp,' + \ '_pkgsplit@pkgsplit,_pkg_str', 'subprocess', 'tarfile', ) from portage.const import CACHE_PATH, CONFIG_MEMORY_FILE, \ PORTAGE_PACKAGE_ATOM, PRIVATE_PATH, VDB_PATH from portage.const import _ENABLE_DYN_LINK_MAP, _ENABLE_PRESERVE_LIBS from portage.dbapi import dbapi from portage.exception import CommandNotFound, \ InvalidData, InvalidLocation, InvalidPackageName, \ FileNotFound, PermissionDenied, UnsupportedAPIException from portage.localization import _ from portage import abssymlink, _movefile, bsd_chflags # This is a special version of the os module, wrapped for unicode support. from portage import os from portage import shutil from portage import _encodings from portage import _os_merge from portage import _selinux_merge from portage import _unicode_decode from portage import _unicode_encode from _emerge.EbuildBuildDir import EbuildBuildDir from _emerge.EbuildPhase import EbuildPhase from _emerge.emergelog import emergelog from _emerge.PollScheduler import PollScheduler from _emerge.MiscFunctionsProcess import MiscFunctionsProcess from _emerge.SpawnProcess import SpawnProcess import errno import fnmatch import gc import grp import io from itertools import chain import logging import os as _os import pwd import re import stat import sys import tempfile import textwrap import time import warnings try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000: basestring = str long = int _unicode = str else: _unicode = unicode class vardbapi(dbapi): _excluded_dirs = ["CVS", "lost+found"] _excluded_dirs = [re.escape(x) for x in _excluded_dirs] _excluded_dirs = re.compile(r'^(\..*|-MERGING-.*|' + \ "|".join(_excluded_dirs) + r')$') _aux_cache_version = "1" _owners_cache_version = "1" # Number of uncached packages to trigger cache update, since # it's wasteful to update it for every vdb change. _aux_cache_threshold = 5 _aux_cache_keys_re = re.compile(r'^NEEDED\..*$') _aux_multi_line_re = re.compile(r'^(CONTENTS|NEEDED\..*)$') def __init__(self, _unused_param=None, categories=None, settings=None, vartree=None): """ The categories parameter is unused since the dbapi class now has a categories property that is generated from the available packages. """ # Used by emerge to check whether any packages # have been added or removed. self._pkgs_changed = False # The _aux_cache_threshold doesn't work as designed # if the cache is flushed from a subprocess, so we # use this to avoid waste vdb cache updates. self._flush_cache_enabled = True #cache for category directory mtimes self.mtdircache = {} #cache for dependency checks self.matchcache = {} #cache for cp_list results self.cpcache = {} self.blockers = None if settings is None: settings = portage.settings self.settings = settings if _unused_param is not None and _unused_param != settings['ROOT']: warnings.warn("The first parameter of the " "portage.dbapi.vartree.vardbapi" " constructor is now unused. Use " "settings['ROOT'] instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) self._eroot = settings['EROOT'] self._dbroot = self._eroot + VDB_PATH self._lock = None self._lock_count = 0 self._conf_mem_file = self._eroot + CONFIG_MEMORY_FILE self._fs_lock_obj = None self._fs_lock_count = 0 if vartree is None: vartree = portage.db[settings['EROOT']]['vartree'] self.vartree = vartree self._aux_cache_keys = set( ["BUILD_TIME", "CHOST", "COUNTER", "DEPEND", "DESCRIPTION", "EAPI", "HOMEPAGE", "IUSE", "KEYWORDS", "LICENSE", "PDEPEND", "PROPERTIES", "PROVIDE", "RDEPEND", "repository", "RESTRICT" , "SLOT", "USE", "DEFINED_PHASES", ]) self._aux_cache_obj = None self._aux_cache_filename = os.path.join(self._eroot, CACHE_PATH, "vdb_metadata.pickle") self._counter_path = os.path.join(self._eroot, CACHE_PATH, "counter") self._plib_registry = None if _ENABLE_PRESERVE_LIBS: self._plib_registry = PreservedLibsRegistry(settings["ROOT"], os.path.join(self._eroot, PRIVATE_PATH, "preserved_libs_registry")) self._linkmap = None if _ENABLE_DYN_LINK_MAP: self._linkmap = LinkageMap(self) self._owners = self._owners_db(self) self._cached_counter = None @property def root(self): warnings.warn("The root attribute of " "portage.dbapi.vartree.vardbapi" " is deprecated. Use " "settings['ROOT'] instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3) return self.settings['ROOT'] def getpath(self, mykey, filename=None): # This is an optimized hotspot, so don't use unicode-wrapped # os module and don't use os.path.join(). rValue = self._eroot + VDB_PATH + _os.sep + mykey if filename is not None: # If filename is always relative, we can do just # rValue += _os.sep + filename rValue = _os.path.join(rValue, filename) return rValue def lock(self): """ Acquire a reentrant lock, blocking, for cooperation with concurrent processes. State is inherited by subprocesses, allowing subprocesses to reenter a lock that was acquired by a parent process. However, a lock can be released only by the same process that acquired it. """ if self._lock_count: self._lock_count += 1 else: if self._lock is not None: raise AssertionError("already locked") # At least the parent needs to exist for the lock file. ensure_dirs(self._dbroot) self._lock = lockdir(self._dbroot) self._lock_count += 1 def unlock(self): """ Release a lock, decrementing the recursion level. Each unlock() call must be matched with a prior lock() call, or else an AssertionError will be raised if unlock() is called while not locked. """ if self._lock_count > 1: self._lock_count -= 1 else: if self._lock is None: raise AssertionError("not locked") self._lock_count = 0 unlockdir(self._lock) self._lock = None def _fs_lock(self): """ Acquire a reentrant lock, blocking, for cooperation with concurrent processes. """ if self._fs_lock_count < 1: if self._fs_lock_obj is not None: raise AssertionError("already locked") try: self._fs_lock_obj = lockfile(self._conf_mem_file) except InvalidLocation: self.settings._init_dirs() self._fs_lock_obj = lockfile(self._conf_mem_file) self._fs_lock_count += 1 def _fs_unlock(self): """ Release a lock, decrementing the recursion level. """ if self._fs_lock_count <= 1: if self._fs_lock_obj is None: raise AssertionError("not locked") unlockfile(self._fs_lock_obj) self._fs_lock_obj = None self._fs_lock_count -= 1 def _bump_mtime(self, cpv): """ This is called before an after any modifications, so that consumers can use directory mtimes to validate caches. See bug #290428. """ base = self._eroot + VDB_PATH cat = catsplit(cpv)[0] catdir = base + _os.sep + cat t = time.time() t = (t, t) try: for x in (catdir, base): os.utime(x, t) except OSError: ensure_dirs(catdir) def cpv_exists(self, mykey, myrepo=None): "Tells us whether an actual ebuild exists on disk (no masking)" return os.path.exists(self.getpath(mykey)) def cpv_counter(self, mycpv): "This method will grab the COUNTER. Returns a counter value." try: return long(self.aux_get(mycpv, ["COUNTER"])[0]) except (KeyError, ValueError): pass writemsg_level(_("portage: COUNTER for %s was corrupted; " \ "resetting to value of 0\n") % (mycpv,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return 0 def cpv_inject(self, mycpv): "injects a real package into our on-disk database; assumes mycpv is valid and doesn't already exist" ensure_dirs(self.getpath(mycpv)) counter = self.counter_tick(mycpv=mycpv) # write local package counter so that emerge clean does the right thing write_atomic(self.getpath(mycpv, filename="COUNTER"), str(counter)) def isInjected(self, mycpv): if self.cpv_exists(mycpv): if os.path.exists(self.getpath(mycpv, filename="INJECTED")): return True if not os.path.exists(self.getpath(mycpv, filename="CONTENTS")): return True return False def move_ent(self, mylist, repo_match=None): origcp = mylist[1] newcp = mylist[2] # sanity check for atom in (origcp, newcp): if not isjustname(atom): raise InvalidPackageName(str(atom)) origmatches = self.match(origcp, use_cache=0) moves = 0 if not origmatches: return moves for mycpv in origmatches: try: mycpv = self._pkg_str(mycpv, None) except (KeyError, InvalidData): continue mycpv_cp = cpv_getkey(mycpv) if mycpv_cp != origcp: # Ignore PROVIDE virtual match. continue if repo_match is not None \ and not repo_match(mycpv.repo): continue # Use isvalidatom() to check if this move is valid for the # EAPI (characters allowed in package names may vary). if not isvalidatom(newcp, eapi=mycpv.eapi): continue mynewcpv = mycpv.replace(mycpv_cp, _unicode(newcp), 1) mynewcat = catsplit(newcp)[0] origpath = self.getpath(mycpv) if not os.path.exists(origpath): continue moves += 1 if not os.path.exists(self.getpath(mynewcat)): #create the directory ensure_dirs(self.getpath(mynewcat)) newpath = self.getpath(mynewcpv) if os.path.exists(newpath): #dest already exists; keep this puppy where it is. continue _movefile(origpath, newpath, mysettings=self.settings) self._clear_pkg_cache(self._dblink(mycpv)) self._clear_pkg_cache(self._dblink(mynewcpv)) # We need to rename the ebuild now. old_pf = catsplit(mycpv)[1] new_pf = catsplit(mynewcpv)[1] if new_pf != old_pf: try: os.rename(os.path.join(newpath, old_pf + ".ebuild"), os.path.join(newpath, new_pf + ".ebuild")) except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise del e write_atomic(os.path.join(newpath, "PF"), new_pf+"\n") write_atomic(os.path.join(newpath, "CATEGORY"), mynewcat+"\n") fixdbentries([mylist], newpath, eapi=mycpv.eapi) return moves def cp_list(self, mycp, use_cache=1): mysplit=catsplit(mycp) if mysplit[0] == '*': mysplit[0] = mysplit[0][1:] try: if sys.hexversion >= 0x3030000: mystat = os.stat(self.getpath(mysplit[0])).st_mtime_ns else: mystat = os.stat(self.getpath(mysplit[0])).st_mtime except OSError: mystat = 0 if use_cache and mycp in self.cpcache: cpc = self.cpcache[mycp] if cpc[0] == mystat: return cpc[1][:] cat_dir = self.getpath(mysplit[0]) try: dir_list = os.listdir(cat_dir) except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno == PermissionDenied.errno: raise PermissionDenied(cat_dir) del e dir_list = [] returnme = [] for x in dir_list: if self._excluded_dirs.match(x) is not None: continue ps = pkgsplit(x) if not ps: self.invalidentry(os.path.join(self.getpath(mysplit[0]), x)) continue if len(mysplit) > 1: if ps[0] == mysplit[1]: returnme.append(_pkg_str(mysplit[0]+"/"+x)) self._cpv_sort_ascending(returnme) if use_cache: self.cpcache[mycp] = [mystat, returnme[:]] elif mycp in self.cpcache: del self.cpcache[mycp] return returnme def cpv_all(self, use_cache=1): """ Set use_cache=0 to bypass the portage.cachedir() cache in cases when the accuracy of mtime staleness checks should not be trusted (generally this is only necessary in critical sections that involve merge or unmerge of packages). """ returnme = [] basepath = os.path.join(self._eroot, VDB_PATH) + os.path.sep if use_cache: from portage import listdir else: def listdir(p, **kwargs): try: return [x for x in os.listdir(p) \ if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(p, x))] except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno == PermissionDenied.errno: raise PermissionDenied(p) del e return [] for x in listdir(basepath, EmptyOnError=1, ignorecvs=1, dirsonly=1): if self._excluded_dirs.match(x) is not None: continue if not self._category_re.match(x): continue for y in listdir(basepath + x, EmptyOnError=1, dirsonly=1): if self._excluded_dirs.match(y) is not None: continue subpath = x + "/" + y # -MERGING- should never be a cpv, nor should files. try: if catpkgsplit(subpath) is None: self.invalidentry(self.getpath(subpath)) continue except InvalidData: self.invalidentry(self.getpath(subpath)) continue returnme.append(subpath) return returnme def cp_all(self, use_cache=1): mylist = self.cpv_all(use_cache=use_cache) d={} for y in mylist: if y[0] == '*': y = y[1:] try: mysplit = catpkgsplit(y) except InvalidData: self.invalidentry(self.getpath(y)) continue if not mysplit: self.invalidentry(self.getpath(y)) continue d[mysplit[0]+"/"+mysplit[1]] = None return list(d) def checkblockers(self, origdep): pass def _clear_cache(self): self.mtdircache.clear() self.matchcache.clear() self.cpcache.clear() self._aux_cache_obj = None def _add(self, pkg_dblink): self._pkgs_changed = True self._clear_pkg_cache(pkg_dblink) def _remove(self, pkg_dblink): self._pkgs_changed = True self._clear_pkg_cache(pkg_dblink) def _clear_pkg_cache(self, pkg_dblink): # Due to 1 second mtime granularity in = 0x3030000: curmtime = os.stat(os.path.join(self._eroot, VDB_PATH, mycat)).st_mtime_ns else: curmtime = os.stat(os.path.join(self._eroot, VDB_PATH, mycat)).st_mtime except (IOError, OSError): curmtime=0 if mycat not in self.matchcache or \ self.mtdircache[mycat] != curmtime: # clear cache entry self.mtdircache[mycat] = curmtime self.matchcache[mycat] = {} if mydep not in self.matchcache[mycat]: mymatch = list(self._iter_match(mydep, self.cp_list(mydep.cp, use_cache=use_cache))) self.matchcache[mycat][cache_key] = mymatch return self.matchcache[mycat][cache_key][:] def findname(self, mycpv, myrepo=None): return self.getpath(str(mycpv), filename=catsplit(mycpv)[1]+".ebuild") def flush_cache(self): """If the current user has permission and the internal aux_get cache has been updated, save it to disk and mark it unmodified. This is called by emerge after it has loaded the full vdb for use in dependency calculations. Currently, the cache is only written if the user has superuser privileges (since that's required to obtain a lock), but all users have read access and benefit from faster metadata lookups (as long as at least part of the cache is still valid).""" if self._flush_cache_enabled and \ self._aux_cache is not None and \ len(self._aux_cache["modified"]) >= self._aux_cache_threshold and \ secpass >= 2: self._owners.populate() # index any unindexed contents valid_nodes = set(self.cpv_all()) for cpv in list(self._aux_cache["packages"]): if cpv not in valid_nodes: del self._aux_cache["packages"][cpv] del self._aux_cache["modified"] try: f = atomic_ofstream(self._aux_cache_filename, 'wb') pickle.dump(self._aux_cache, f, protocol=2) f.close() apply_secpass_permissions( self._aux_cache_filename, gid=portage_gid, mode=0o644) except (IOError, OSError) as e: pass self._aux_cache["modified"] = set() @property def _aux_cache(self): if self._aux_cache_obj is None: self._aux_cache_init() return self._aux_cache_obj def _aux_cache_init(self): aux_cache = None open_kwargs = {} if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000 and sys.hexversion < 0x3020000: # Buffered io triggers extreme performance issues in # Unpickler.load() (problem observed with python-3.0.1). # Unfortunately, performance is still poor relative to # python-2.x, but buffering makes it much worse (problem # appears to be solved in Python >=3.2 at least). open_kwargs["buffering"] = 0 try: f = open(_unicode_encode(self._aux_cache_filename, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='rb', **open_kwargs) mypickle = pickle.Unpickler(f) try: mypickle.find_global = None except AttributeError: # TODO: If py3k, override Unpickler.find_class(). pass aux_cache = mypickle.load() f.close() del f except (AttributeError, EOFError, EnvironmentError, ValueError, pickle.UnpicklingError) as e: if isinstance(e, EnvironmentError) and \ getattr(e, 'errno', None) in (errno.ENOENT, errno.EACCES): pass else: writemsg(_unicode_decode(_("!!! Error loading '%s': %s\n")) % \ (self._aux_cache_filename, e), noiselevel=-1) del e if not aux_cache or \ not isinstance(aux_cache, dict) or \ aux_cache.get("version") != self._aux_cache_version or \ not aux_cache.get("packages"): aux_cache = {"version": self._aux_cache_version} aux_cache["packages"] = {} owners = aux_cache.get("owners") if owners is not None: if not isinstance(owners, dict): owners = None elif "version" not in owners: owners = None elif owners["version"] != self._owners_cache_version: owners = None elif "base_names" not in owners: owners = None elif not isinstance(owners["base_names"], dict): owners = None if owners is None: owners = { "base_names" : {}, "version" : self._owners_cache_version } aux_cache["owners"] = owners aux_cache["modified"] = set() self._aux_cache_obj = aux_cache def aux_get(self, mycpv, wants, myrepo = None): """This automatically caches selected keys that are frequently needed by emerge for dependency calculations. The cached metadata is considered valid if the mtime of the package directory has not changed since the data was cached. The cache is stored in a pickled dict object with the following format: {version:"1", "packages":{cpv1:(mtime,{k1,v1, k2,v2, ...}), cpv2...}} If an error occurs while loading the cache pickle or the version is unrecognized, the cache will simple be recreated from scratch (it is completely disposable). """ cache_these_wants = self._aux_cache_keys.intersection(wants) for x in wants: if self._aux_cache_keys_re.match(x) is not None: cache_these_wants.add(x) if not cache_these_wants: mydata = self._aux_get(mycpv, wants) return [mydata[x] for x in wants] cache_these = set(self._aux_cache_keys) cache_these.update(cache_these_wants) mydir = self.getpath(mycpv) mydir_stat = None try: mydir_stat = os.stat(mydir) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise raise KeyError(mycpv) # Use float mtime when available. mydir_mtime = mydir_stat.st_mtime pkg_data = self._aux_cache["packages"].get(mycpv) pull_me = cache_these.union(wants) mydata = {"_mtime_" : mydir_mtime} cache_valid = False cache_incomplete = False cache_mtime = None metadata = None if pkg_data is not None: if not isinstance(pkg_data, tuple) or len(pkg_data) != 2: pkg_data = None else: cache_mtime, metadata = pkg_data if not isinstance(cache_mtime, (float, long, int)) or \ not isinstance(metadata, dict): pkg_data = None if pkg_data: cache_mtime, metadata = pkg_data if isinstance(cache_mtime, float): cache_valid = cache_mtime == mydir_stat.st_mtime else: # Cache may contain integer mtime. cache_valid = cache_mtime == mydir_stat[stat.ST_MTIME] if cache_valid: # Migrate old metadata to unicode. for k, v in metadata.items(): metadata[k] = _unicode_decode(v, encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='replace') mydata.update(metadata) pull_me.difference_update(mydata) if pull_me: # pull any needed data and cache it aux_keys = list(pull_me) mydata.update(self._aux_get(mycpv, aux_keys, st=mydir_stat)) if not cache_valid or cache_these.difference(metadata): cache_data = {} if cache_valid and metadata: cache_data.update(metadata) for aux_key in cache_these: cache_data[aux_key] = mydata[aux_key] self._aux_cache["packages"][_unicode(mycpv)] = \ (mydir_mtime, cache_data) self._aux_cache["modified"].add(mycpv) eapi_attrs = _get_eapi_attrs(mydata['EAPI']) if _get_slot_re(eapi_attrs).match(mydata['SLOT']) is None: # Empty or invalid slot triggers InvalidAtom exceptions when # generating slot atoms for packages, so translate it to '0' here. mydata['SLOT'] = _unicode_decode('0') return [mydata[x] for x in wants] def _aux_get(self, mycpv, wants, st=None): mydir = self.getpath(mycpv) if st is None: try: st = os.stat(mydir) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise KeyError(mycpv) elif e.errno == PermissionDenied.errno: raise PermissionDenied(mydir) else: raise if not stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): raise KeyError(mycpv) results = {} env_keys = [] for x in wants: if x == "_mtime_": results[x] = st[stat.ST_MTIME] continue try: myf = io.open( _unicode_encode(os.path.join(mydir, x), encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='r', encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='replace') try: myd = myf.read() finally: myf.close() except IOError: if x not in self._aux_cache_keys and \ self._aux_cache_keys_re.match(x) is None: env_keys.append(x) continue myd = _unicode_decode('') # Preserve \n for metadata that is known to # contain multiple lines. if self._aux_multi_line_re.match(x) is None: myd = " ".join(myd.split()) results[x] = myd if env_keys: env_results = self._aux_env_search(mycpv, env_keys) for k in env_keys: v = env_results.get(k) if v is None: v = _unicode_decode('') if self._aux_multi_line_re.match(k) is None: v = " ".join(v.split()) results[k] = v if results.get("EAPI") == "": results[_unicode_decode("EAPI")] = _unicode_decode('0') return results def _aux_env_search(self, cpv, variables): """ Search environment.bz2 for the specified variables. Returns a dict mapping variables to values, and any variables not found in the environment will not be included in the dict. This is useful for querying variables like ${SRC_URI} and ${A}, which are not saved in separate files but are available in environment.bz2 (see bug #395463). """ env_file = self.getpath(cpv, filename="environment.bz2") if not os.path.isfile(env_file): return {} bunzip2_cmd = portage.util.shlex_split( self.settings.get("PORTAGE_BUNZIP2_COMMAND", "")) if not bunzip2_cmd: bunzip2_cmd = portage.util.shlex_split( self.settings["PORTAGE_BZIP2_COMMAND"]) bunzip2_cmd.append("-d") args = bunzip2_cmd + ["-c", env_file] try: proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise raise portage.exception.CommandNotFound(args[0]) # Parts of the following code are borrowed from # filter-bash-environment.py (keep them in sync). var_assign_re = re.compile(r'(^|^declare\s+-\S+\s+|^declare\s+|^export\s+)([^=\s]+)=("|\')?(.*)$') close_quote_re = re.compile(r'(\\"|"|\')\s*$') def have_end_quote(quote, line): close_quote_match = close_quote_re.search(line) return close_quote_match is not None and \ close_quote_match.group(1) == quote variables = frozenset(variables) results = {} for line in proc.stdout: line = _unicode_decode(line, encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='replace') var_assign_match = var_assign_re.match(line) if var_assign_match is not None: key = var_assign_match.group(2) quote = var_assign_match.group(3) if quote is not None: if have_end_quote(quote, line[var_assign_match.end(2)+2:]): value = var_assign_match.group(4) else: value = [var_assign_match.group(4)] for line in proc.stdout: line = _unicode_decode(line, encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='replace') value.append(line) if have_end_quote(quote, line): break value = ''.join(value) # remove trailing quote and whitespace value = value.rstrip()[:-1] else: value = var_assign_match.group(4).rstrip() if key in variables: results[key] = value proc.wait() proc.stdout.close() return results def aux_update(self, cpv, values): mylink = self._dblink(cpv) if not mylink.exists(): raise KeyError(cpv) self._bump_mtime(cpv) self._clear_pkg_cache(mylink) for k, v in values.items(): if v: mylink.setfile(k, v) else: try: os.unlink(os.path.join(self.getpath(cpv), k)) except EnvironmentError: pass self._bump_mtime(cpv) def counter_tick(self, myroot=None, mycpv=None): """ @param myroot: ignored, self._eroot is used instead """ return self.counter_tick_core(incrementing=1, mycpv=mycpv) def get_counter_tick_core(self, myroot=None, mycpv=None): """ Use this method to retrieve the counter instead of having to trust the value of a global counter file that can lead to invalid COUNTER generation. When cache is valid, the package COUNTER files are not read and we rely on the timestamp of the package directory to validate cache. The stat calls should only take a short time, so performance is sufficient without having to rely on a potentially corrupt global counter file. The global counter file located at $CACHE_PATH/counter serves to record the counter of the last installed package and it also corresponds to the total number of installation actions that have occurred in the history of this package database. @param myroot: ignored, self._eroot is used instead """ del myroot counter = -1 try: cfile = io.open( _unicode_encode(self._counter_path, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='r', encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='replace') except EnvironmentError as e: # Silently allow ENOENT since files under # /var/cache/ are allowed to disappear. if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: writemsg(_("!!! Unable to read COUNTER file: '%s'\n") % \ self._counter_path, noiselevel=-1) writemsg("!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1) del e else: try: try: counter = long(cfile.readline().strip()) finally: cfile.close() except (OverflowError, ValueError) as e: writemsg(_("!!! COUNTER file is corrupt: '%s'\n") % \ self._counter_path, noiselevel=-1) writemsg("!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1) del e if self._cached_counter == counter: max_counter = counter else: # We must ensure that we return a counter # value that is at least as large as the # highest one from the installed packages, # since having a corrupt value that is too low # can trigger incorrect AUTOCLEAN behavior due # to newly installed packages having lower # COUNTERs than the previous version in the # same slot. max_counter = counter for cpv in self.cpv_all(): try: pkg_counter = int(self.aux_get(cpv, ["COUNTER"])[0]) except (KeyError, OverflowError, ValueError): continue if pkg_counter > max_counter: max_counter = pkg_counter return max_counter + 1 def counter_tick_core(self, myroot=None, incrementing=1, mycpv=None): """ This method will grab the next COUNTER value and record it back to the global file. Note that every package install must have a unique counter, since a slotmove update can move two packages into the same SLOT and in that case it's important that both packages have different COUNTER metadata. @param myroot: ignored, self._eroot is used instead @param mycpv: ignored @rtype: int @return: new counter value """ myroot = None mycpv = None self.lock() try: counter = self.get_counter_tick_core() - 1 if incrementing: #increment counter counter += 1 # update new global counter file try: write_atomic(self._counter_path, str(counter)) except InvalidLocation: self.settings._init_dirs() write_atomic(self._counter_path, str(counter)) self._cached_counter = counter # Since we hold a lock, this is a good opportunity # to flush the cache. Note that this will only # flush the cache periodically in the main process # when _aux_cache_threshold is exceeded. self.flush_cache() finally: self.unlock() return counter def _dblink(self, cpv): category, pf = catsplit(cpv) return dblink(category, pf, settings=self.settings, vartree=self.vartree, treetype="vartree") def removeFromContents(self, pkg, paths, relative_paths=True): """ @param pkg: cpv for an installed package @type pkg: string @param paths: paths of files to remove from contents @type paths: iterable """ if not hasattr(pkg, "getcontents"): pkg = self._dblink(pkg) root = self.settings['ROOT'] root_len = len(root) - 1 new_contents = pkg.getcontents().copy() removed = 0 for filename in paths: filename = _unicode_decode(filename, encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='strict') filename = normalize_path(filename) if relative_paths: relative_filename = filename else: relative_filename = filename[root_len:] contents_key = pkg._match_contents(relative_filename) if contents_key: del new_contents[contents_key] removed += 1 if removed: self._bump_mtime(pkg.mycpv) f = atomic_ofstream(os.path.join(pkg.dbdir, "CONTENTS")) write_contents(new_contents, root, f) f.close() self._bump_mtime(pkg.mycpv) pkg._clear_contents_cache() class _owners_cache(object): """ This class maintains an hash table that serves to index package contents by mapping the basename of file to a list of possible packages that own it. This is used to optimize owner lookups by narrowing the search down to a smaller number of packages. """ try: from hashlib import md5 as _new_hash except ImportError: from md5 import new as _new_hash _hash_bits = 16 _hex_chars = int(_hash_bits / 4) def __init__(self, vardb): self._vardb = vardb def add(self, cpv): eroot_len = len(self._vardb._eroot) contents = self._vardb._dblink(cpv).getcontents() pkg_hash = self._hash_pkg(cpv) if not contents: # Empty path is a code used to represent empty contents. self._add_path("", pkg_hash) for x in contents: self._add_path(x[eroot_len:], pkg_hash) self._vardb._aux_cache["modified"].add(cpv) def _add_path(self, path, pkg_hash): """ Empty path is a code that represents empty contents. """ if path: name = os.path.basename(path.rstrip(os.path.sep)) if not name: return else: name = path name_hash = self._hash_str(name) base_names = self._vardb._aux_cache["owners"]["base_names"] pkgs = base_names.get(name_hash) if pkgs is None: pkgs = {} base_names[name_hash] = pkgs pkgs[pkg_hash] = None def _hash_str(self, s): h = self._new_hash() # Always use a constant utf_8 encoding here, since # the "default" encoding can change. h.update(_unicode_encode(s, encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='backslashreplace')) h = h.hexdigest() h = h[-self._hex_chars:] h = int(h, 16) return h def _hash_pkg(self, cpv): counter, mtime = self._vardb.aux_get( cpv, ["COUNTER", "_mtime_"]) try: counter = int(counter) except ValueError: counter = 0 return (_unicode(cpv), counter, mtime) class _owners_db(object): def __init__(self, vardb): self._vardb = vardb def populate(self): self._populate() def _populate(self): owners_cache = vardbapi._owners_cache(self._vardb) cached_hashes = set() base_names = self._vardb._aux_cache["owners"]["base_names"] # Take inventory of all cached package hashes. for name, hash_values in list(base_names.items()): if not isinstance(hash_values, dict): del base_names[name] continue cached_hashes.update(hash_values) # Create sets of valid package hashes and uncached packages. uncached_pkgs = set() hash_pkg = owners_cache._hash_pkg valid_pkg_hashes = set() for cpv in self._vardb.cpv_all(): hash_value = hash_pkg(cpv) valid_pkg_hashes.add(hash_value) if hash_value not in cached_hashes: uncached_pkgs.add(cpv) # Cache any missing packages. for cpv in uncached_pkgs: owners_cache.add(cpv) # Delete any stale cache. stale_hashes = cached_hashes.difference(valid_pkg_hashes) if stale_hashes: for base_name_hash, bucket in list(base_names.items()): for hash_value in stale_hashes.intersection(bucket): del bucket[hash_value] if not bucket: del base_names[base_name_hash] return owners_cache def get_owners(self, path_iter): """ @return the owners as a dblink -> set(files) mapping. """ owners = {} for owner, f in self.iter_owners(path_iter): owned_files = owners.get(owner) if owned_files is None: owned_files = set() owners[owner] = owned_files owned_files.add(f) return owners def getFileOwnerMap(self, path_iter): owners = self.get_owners(path_iter) file_owners = {} for pkg_dblink, files in owners.items(): for f in files: owner_set = file_owners.get(f) if owner_set is None: owner_set = set() file_owners[f] = owner_set owner_set.add(pkg_dblink) return file_owners def iter_owners(self, path_iter): """ Iterate over tuples of (dblink, path). In order to avoid consuming too many resources for too much time, resources are only allocated for the duration of a given iter_owners() call. Therefore, to maximize reuse of resources when searching for multiple files, it's best to search for them all in a single call. """ if not isinstance(path_iter, list): path_iter = list(path_iter) owners_cache = self._populate() vardb = self._vardb root = vardb._eroot hash_pkg = owners_cache._hash_pkg hash_str = owners_cache._hash_str base_names = self._vardb._aux_cache["owners"]["base_names"] dblink_cache = {} def dblink(cpv): x = dblink_cache.get(cpv) if x is None: if len(dblink_cache) > 20: # Ensure that we don't run out of memory. raise StopIteration() x = self._vardb._dblink(cpv) dblink_cache[cpv] = x return x while path_iter: path = path_iter.pop() is_basename = os.sep != path[:1] if is_basename: name = path else: name = os.path.basename(path.rstrip(os.path.sep)) if not name: continue name_hash = hash_str(name) pkgs = base_names.get(name_hash) owners = [] if pkgs is not None: try: for hash_value in pkgs: if not isinstance(hash_value, tuple) or \ len(hash_value) != 3: continue cpv, counter, mtime = hash_value if not isinstance(cpv, basestring): continue try: current_hash = hash_pkg(cpv) except KeyError: continue if current_hash != hash_value: continue if is_basename: for p in dblink(cpv).getcontents(): if os.path.basename(p) == name: owners.append((cpv, p[len(root):])) else: if dblink(cpv).isowner(path): owners.append((cpv, path)) except StopIteration: path_iter.append(path) del owners[:] dblink_cache.clear() gc.collect() for x in self._iter_owners_low_mem(path_iter): yield x return else: for cpv, p in owners: yield (dblink(cpv), p) def _iter_owners_low_mem(self, path_list): """ This implemention will make a short-lived dblink instance (and parse CONTENTS) for every single installed package. This is slower and but uses less memory than the method which uses the basename cache. """ if not path_list: return path_info_list = [] for path in path_list: is_basename = os.sep != path[:1] if is_basename: name = path else: name = os.path.basename(path.rstrip(os.path.sep)) path_info_list.append((path, name, is_basename)) root = self._vardb._eroot for cpv in self._vardb.cpv_all(): dblnk = self._vardb._dblink(cpv) for path, name, is_basename in path_info_list: if is_basename: for p in dblnk.getcontents(): if os.path.basename(p) == name: yield dblnk, p[len(root):] else: if dblnk.isowner(path): yield dblnk, path class vartree(object): "this tree will scan a var/db/pkg database located at root (passed to init)" def __init__(self, root=None, virtual=DeprecationWarning, categories=None, settings=None): if settings is None: settings = portage.settings if root is not None and root != settings['ROOT']: warnings.warn("The 'root' parameter of the " "portage.dbapi.vartree.vartree" " constructor is now unused. Use " "settings['ROOT'] instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if virtual is not DeprecationWarning: warnings.warn("The 'virtual' parameter of the " "portage.dbapi.vartree.vartree" " constructor is unused", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) self.settings = settings self.dbapi = vardbapi(settings=settings, vartree=self) self.populated = 1 @property def root(self): warnings.warn("The root attribute of " "portage.dbapi.vartree.vartree" " is deprecated. Use " "settings['ROOT'] instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3) return self.settings['ROOT'] def getpath(self, mykey, filename=None): return self.dbapi.getpath(mykey, filename=filename) def zap(self, mycpv): return def inject(self, mycpv): return def get_provide(self, mycpv): myprovides = [] mylines = None try: mylines, myuse = self.dbapi.aux_get(mycpv, ["PROVIDE", "USE"]) if mylines: myuse = myuse.split() mylines = use_reduce(mylines, uselist=myuse, flat=True) for myprovide in mylines: mys = catpkgsplit(myprovide) if not mys: mys = myprovide.split("/") myprovides += [mys[0] + "/" + mys[1]] return myprovides except SystemExit as e: raise except Exception as e: mydir = self.dbapi.getpath(mycpv) writemsg(_("\nParse Error reading PROVIDE and USE in '%s'\n") % mydir, noiselevel=-1) if mylines: writemsg(_("Possibly Invalid: '%s'\n") % str(mylines), noiselevel=-1) writemsg(_("Exception: %s\n\n") % str(e), noiselevel=-1) return [] def get_all_provides(self): myprovides = {} for node in self.getallcpv(): for mykey in self.get_provide(node): if mykey in myprovides: myprovides[mykey] += [node] else: myprovides[mykey] = [node] return myprovides def dep_bestmatch(self, mydep, use_cache=1): "compatibility method -- all matches, not just visible ones" #mymatch=best(match(dep_expand(mydep,self.dbapi),self.dbapi)) mymatch = best(self.dbapi.match( dep_expand(mydep, mydb=self.dbapi, settings=self.settings), use_cache=use_cache)) if mymatch is None: return "" else: return mymatch def dep_match(self, mydep, use_cache=1): "compatibility method -- we want to see all matches, not just visible ones" #mymatch = match(mydep,self.dbapi) mymatch = self.dbapi.match(mydep, use_cache=use_cache) if mymatch is None: return [] else: return mymatch def exists_specific(self, cpv): return self.dbapi.cpv_exists(cpv) def getallcpv(self): """temporary function, probably to be renamed --- Gets a list of all category/package-versions installed on the system.""" return self.dbapi.cpv_all() def getallnodes(self): """new behavior: these are all *unmasked* nodes. There may or may not be available masked package for nodes in this nodes list.""" return self.dbapi.cp_all() def getebuildpath(self, fullpackage): cat, package = catsplit(fullpackage) return self.getpath(fullpackage, filename=package+".ebuild") def getslot(self, mycatpkg): "Get a slot for a catpkg; assume it exists." try: return self.dbapi.aux_get(mycatpkg, ["SLOT"])[0] except KeyError: return "" def populate(self): self.populated=1 class dblink(object): """ This class provides an interface to the installed package database At present this is implemented as a text backend in /var/db/pkg. """ import re _normalize_needed = re.compile(r'//|^[^/]|./$|(^|/)\.\.?(/|$)') _contents_re = re.compile(r'^(' + \ r'(?P(dev|dir|fif) (.+))|' + \ r'(?P(obj) (.+) (\S+) (\d+))|' + \ r'(?P(sym) (.+) -> (.+) ((\d+)|(?P(' + \ r'\(\d+, \d+L, \d+L, \d+, \d+, \d+, \d+L, \d+, (\d+), \d+\)))))' + \ r')$' ) # These files are generated by emerge, so we need to remove # them when they are the only thing left in a directory. _infodir_cleanup = frozenset(["dir", "dir.old"]) _ignored_unlink_errnos = ( errno.EBUSY, errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOTDIR, errno.EISDIR) _ignored_rmdir_errnos = ( errno.EEXIST, errno.ENOTEMPTY, errno.EBUSY, errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOTDIR, errno.EISDIR, errno.EPERM) def __init__(self, cat, pkg, myroot=None, settings=None, treetype=None, vartree=None, blockers=None, scheduler=None, pipe=None): """ Creates a DBlink object for a given CPV. The given CPV may not be present in the database already. @param cat: Category @type cat: String @param pkg: Package (PV) @type pkg: String @param myroot: ignored, settings['ROOT'] is used instead @type myroot: String (Path) @param settings: Typically portage.settings @type settings: portage.config @param treetype: one of ['porttree','bintree','vartree'] @type treetype: String @param vartree: an instance of vartree corresponding to myroot. @type vartree: vartree """ if settings is None: raise TypeError("settings argument is required") mysettings = settings self._eroot = mysettings['EROOT'] self.cat = cat self.pkg = pkg self.mycpv = self.cat + "/" + self.pkg if self.mycpv == settings.mycpv and \ isinstance(settings.mycpv, _pkg_str): self.mycpv = settings.mycpv else: self.mycpv = _pkg_str(self.mycpv) self.mysplit = list(self.mycpv.cpv_split[1:]) self.mysplit[0] = self.mycpv.cp self.treetype = treetype if vartree is None: vartree = portage.db[self._eroot]["vartree"] self.vartree = vartree self._blockers = blockers self._scheduler = scheduler self.dbroot = normalize_path(os.path.join(self._eroot, VDB_PATH)) self.dbcatdir = self.dbroot+"/"+cat self.dbpkgdir = self.dbcatdir+"/"+pkg self.dbtmpdir = self.dbcatdir+"/-MERGING-"+pkg self.dbdir = self.dbpkgdir self.settings = mysettings self._verbose = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_VERBOSE") == "1" self.myroot = self.settings['ROOT'] self._installed_instance = None self.contentscache = None self._contents_inodes = None self._contents_basenames = None self._linkmap_broken = False self._hardlink_merge_map = {} self._hash_key = (self._eroot, self.mycpv) self._protect_obj = None self._pipe = pipe def __hash__(self): return hash(self._hash_key) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, dblink) and \ self._hash_key == other._hash_key def _get_protect_obj(self): if self._protect_obj is None: self._protect_obj = ConfigProtect(self._eroot, portage.util.shlex_split( self.settings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT", "")), portage.util.shlex_split( self.settings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK", ""))) return self._protect_obj def isprotected(self, obj): return self._get_protect_obj().isprotected(obj) def updateprotect(self): self._get_protect_obj().updateprotect() def lockdb(self): self.vartree.dbapi.lock() def unlockdb(self): self.vartree.dbapi.unlock() def getpath(self): "return path to location of db information (for >>> informational display)" return self.dbdir def exists(self): "does the db entry exist? boolean." return os.path.exists(self.dbdir) def delete(self): """ Remove this entry from the database """ if not os.path.exists(self.dbdir): return # Check validity of self.dbdir before attempting to remove it. if not self.dbdir.startswith(self.dbroot): writemsg(_("portage.dblink.delete(): invalid dbdir: %s\n") % \ self.dbdir, noiselevel=-1) return shutil.rmtree(self.dbdir) # If empty, remove parent category directory. try: os.rmdir(os.path.dirname(self.dbdir)) except OSError: pass self.vartree.dbapi._remove(self) def clearcontents(self): """ For a given db entry (self), erase the CONTENTS values. """ self.lockdb() try: if os.path.exists(self.dbdir+"/CONTENTS"): os.unlink(self.dbdir+"/CONTENTS") finally: self.unlockdb() def _clear_contents_cache(self): self.contentscache = None self._contents_inodes = None self._contents_basenames = None def getcontents(self): """ Get the installed files of a given package (aka what that package installed) """ contents_file = os.path.join(self.dbdir, "CONTENTS") if self.contentscache is not None: return self.contentscache pkgfiles = {} try: myc = io.open(_unicode_encode(contents_file, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='r', encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='replace') except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise del e self.contentscache = pkgfiles return pkgfiles mylines = myc.readlines() myc.close() null_byte = "\0" normalize_needed = self._normalize_needed contents_re = self._contents_re obj_index = contents_re.groupindex['obj'] dir_index = contents_re.groupindex['dir'] sym_index = contents_re.groupindex['sym'] # The old symlink format may exist on systems that have packages # which were installed many years ago (see bug #351814). oldsym_index = contents_re.groupindex['oldsym'] # CONTENTS files already contain EPREFIX myroot = self.settings['ROOT'] if myroot == os.path.sep: myroot = None # used to generate parent dir entries dir_entry = (_unicode_decode("dir"),) eroot_split_len = len(self.settings["EROOT"].split(os.sep)) - 1 pos = 0 errors = [] for pos, line in enumerate(mylines): if null_byte in line: # Null bytes are a common indication of corruption. errors.append((pos + 1, _("Null byte found in CONTENTS entry"))) continue line = line.rstrip("\n") m = contents_re.match(line) if m is None: errors.append((pos + 1, _("Unrecognized CONTENTS entry"))) continue if m.group(obj_index) is not None: base = obj_index #format: type, mtime, md5sum data = (m.group(base+1), m.group(base+4), m.group(base+3)) elif m.group(dir_index) is not None: base = dir_index #format: type data = (m.group(base+1),) elif m.group(sym_index) is not None: base = sym_index if m.group(oldsym_index) is None: mtime = m.group(base+5) else: mtime = m.group(base+8) #format: type, mtime, dest data = (m.group(base+1), mtime, m.group(base+3)) else: # This won't happen as long the regular expression # is written to only match valid entries. raise AssertionError(_("required group not found " + \ "in CONTENTS entry: '%s'") % line) path = m.group(base+2) if normalize_needed.search(path) is not None: path = normalize_path(path) if not path.startswith(os.path.sep): path = os.path.sep + path if myroot is not None: path = os.path.join(myroot, path.lstrip(os.path.sep)) # Implicitly add parent directories, since we can't necessarily # assume that they are explicitly listed in CONTENTS, and it's # useful for callers if they can rely on parent directory entries # being generated here (crucial for things like dblink.isowner()). path_split = path.split(os.sep) path_split.pop() while len(path_split) > eroot_split_len: parent = os.sep.join(path_split) if parent in pkgfiles: break pkgfiles[parent] = dir_entry path_split.pop() pkgfiles[path] = data if errors: writemsg(_("!!! Parse error in '%s'\n") % contents_file, noiselevel=-1) for pos, e in errors: writemsg(_("!!! line %d: %s\n") % (pos, e), noiselevel=-1) self.contentscache = pkgfiles return pkgfiles def _prune_plib_registry(self, unmerge=False, needed=None, preserve_paths=None): # remove preserved libraries that don't have any consumers left if not (self._linkmap_broken or self.vartree.dbapi._linkmap is None or self.vartree.dbapi._plib_registry is None): self.vartree.dbapi._fs_lock() plib_registry = self.vartree.dbapi._plib_registry plib_registry.lock() try: plib_registry.load() unmerge_with_replacement = \ unmerge and preserve_paths is not None if unmerge_with_replacement: # If self.mycpv is about to be unmerged and we # have a replacement package, we want to exclude # the irrelevant NEEDED data that belongs to # files which are being unmerged now. exclude_pkgs = (self.mycpv,) else: exclude_pkgs = None self._linkmap_rebuild(exclude_pkgs=exclude_pkgs, include_file=needed, preserve_paths=preserve_paths) if unmerge: unmerge_preserve = None if not unmerge_with_replacement: unmerge_preserve = \ self._find_libs_to_preserve(unmerge=True) counter = self.vartree.dbapi.cpv_counter(self.mycpv) plib_registry.unregister(self.mycpv, self.settings["SLOT"], counter) if unmerge_preserve: for path in sorted(unmerge_preserve): contents_key = self._match_contents(path) if not contents_key: continue obj_type = self.getcontents()[contents_key][0] self._display_merge(_(">>> needed %s %s\n") % \ (obj_type, contents_key), noiselevel=-1) plib_registry.register(self.mycpv, self.settings["SLOT"], counter, unmerge_preserve) # Remove the preserved files from our contents # so that they won't be unmerged. self.vartree.dbapi.removeFromContents(self, unmerge_preserve) unmerge_no_replacement = \ unmerge and not unmerge_with_replacement cpv_lib_map = self._find_unused_preserved_libs( unmerge_no_replacement) if cpv_lib_map: self._remove_preserved_libs(cpv_lib_map) self.vartree.dbapi.lock() try: for cpv, removed in cpv_lib_map.items(): if not self.vartree.dbapi.cpv_exists(cpv): continue self.vartree.dbapi.removeFromContents(cpv, removed) finally: self.vartree.dbapi.unlock() plib_registry.store() finally: plib_registry.unlock() self.vartree.dbapi._fs_unlock() def unmerge(self, pkgfiles=None, trimworld=None, cleanup=True, ldpath_mtimes=None, others_in_slot=None, needed=None, preserve_paths=None): """ Calls prerm Unmerges a given package (CPV) calls postrm calls cleanrm calls env_update @param pkgfiles: files to unmerge (generally self.getcontents() ) @type pkgfiles: Dictionary @param trimworld: Unused @type trimworld: Boolean @param cleanup: cleanup to pass to doebuild (see doebuild) @type cleanup: Boolean @param ldpath_mtimes: mtimes to pass to env_update (see env_update) @type ldpath_mtimes: Dictionary @param others_in_slot: all dblink instances in this slot, excluding self @type others_in_slot: list @param needed: Filename containing libraries needed after unmerge. @type needed: String @param preserve_paths: Libraries preserved by a package instance that is currently being merged. They need to be explicitly passed to the LinkageMap, since they are not registered in the PreservedLibsRegistry yet. @type preserve_paths: set @rtype: Integer @return: 1. os.EX_OK if everything went well. 2. return code of the failed phase (for prerm, postrm, cleanrm) """ if trimworld is not None: warnings.warn("The trimworld parameter of the " + \ "portage.dbapi.vartree.dblink.unmerge()" + \ " method is now unused.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) background = False log_path = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE") if self._scheduler is None: # We create a scheduler instance and use it to # log unmerge output separately from merge output. self._scheduler = PollScheduler().sched_iface if self.settings.get("PORTAGE_BACKGROUND") == "subprocess": if self.settings.get("PORTAGE_BACKGROUND_UNMERGE") == "1": self.settings["PORTAGE_BACKGROUND"] = "1" self.settings.backup_changes("PORTAGE_BACKGROUND") background = True elif self.settings.get("PORTAGE_BACKGROUND_UNMERGE") == "0": self.settings["PORTAGE_BACKGROUND"] = "0" self.settings.backup_changes("PORTAGE_BACKGROUND") elif self.settings.get("PORTAGE_BACKGROUND") == "1": background = True self.vartree.dbapi._bump_mtime(self.mycpv) showMessage = self._display_merge if self.vartree.dbapi._categories is not None: self.vartree.dbapi._categories = None # When others_in_slot is not None, the backup has already been # handled by the caller. caller_handles_backup = others_in_slot is not None # When others_in_slot is supplied, the security check has already been # done for this slot, so it shouldn't be repeated until the next # replacement or unmerge operation. if others_in_slot is None: slot = self.vartree.dbapi.aux_get(self.mycpv, ["SLOT"])[0] slot_matches = self.vartree.dbapi.match( "%s:%s" % (portage.cpv_getkey(self.mycpv), slot)) others_in_slot = [] for cur_cpv in slot_matches: if cur_cpv == self.mycpv: continue others_in_slot.append(dblink(self.cat, catsplit(cur_cpv)[1], settings=self.settings, vartree=self.vartree, treetype="vartree", pipe=self._pipe)) retval = self._security_check([self] + others_in_slot) if retval: return retval contents = self.getcontents() # Now, don't assume that the name of the ebuild is the same as the # name of the dir; the package may have been moved. myebuildpath = os.path.join(self.dbdir, self.pkg + ".ebuild") failures = 0 ebuild_phase = "prerm" mystuff = os.listdir(self.dbdir) for x in mystuff: if x.endswith(".ebuild"): if x[:-7] != self.pkg: # Clean up after vardbapi.move_ent() breakage in # portage versions before 2.1.2 os.rename(os.path.join(self.dbdir, x), myebuildpath) write_atomic(os.path.join(self.dbdir, "PF"), self.pkg+"\n") break if self.mycpv != self.settings.mycpv or \ "EAPI" not in self.settings.configdict["pkg"]: # We avoid a redundant setcpv call here when # the caller has already taken care of it. self.settings.setcpv(self.mycpv, mydb=self.vartree.dbapi) eapi_unsupported = False try: doebuild_environment(myebuildpath, "prerm", settings=self.settings, db=self.vartree.dbapi) except UnsupportedAPIException as e: eapi_unsupported = e builddir_lock = None scheduler = self._scheduler retval = os.EX_OK try: # Only create builddir_lock if the caller # has not already acquired the lock. if "PORTAGE_BUILDIR_LOCKED" not in self.settings: builddir_lock = EbuildBuildDir( scheduler=scheduler, settings=self.settings) builddir_lock.lock() prepare_build_dirs(settings=self.settings, cleanup=True) log_path = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE") # Do this before the following _prune_plib_registry call, since # that removes preserved libraries from our CONTENTS, and we # may want to backup those libraries first. if not caller_handles_backup: retval = self._pre_unmerge_backup(background) if retval != os.EX_OK: showMessage(_("!!! FAILED prerm: quickpkg: %s\n") % retval, level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return retval self._prune_plib_registry(unmerge=True, needed=needed, preserve_paths=preserve_paths) # Log the error after PORTAGE_LOG_FILE is initialized # by prepare_build_dirs above. if eapi_unsupported: # Sometimes this happens due to corruption of the EAPI file. failures += 1 showMessage(_("!!! FAILED prerm: %s\n") % \ os.path.join(self.dbdir, "EAPI"), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) showMessage(_unicode_decode("%s\n") % (eapi_unsupported,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) elif os.path.isfile(myebuildpath): phase = EbuildPhase(background=background, phase=ebuild_phase, scheduler=scheduler, settings=self.settings) phase.start() retval = phase.wait() # XXX: Decide how to handle failures here. if retval != os.EX_OK: failures += 1 showMessage(_("!!! FAILED prerm: %s\n") % retval, level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) self.vartree.dbapi._fs_lock() try: self._unmerge_pkgfiles(pkgfiles, others_in_slot) finally: self.vartree.dbapi._fs_unlock() self._clear_contents_cache() if not eapi_unsupported and os.path.isfile(myebuildpath): ebuild_phase = "postrm" phase = EbuildPhase(background=background, phase=ebuild_phase, scheduler=scheduler, settings=self.settings) phase.start() retval = phase.wait() # XXX: Decide how to handle failures here. if retval != os.EX_OK: failures += 1 showMessage(_("!!! FAILED postrm: %s\n") % retval, level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) finally: self.vartree.dbapi._bump_mtime(self.mycpv) try: if not eapi_unsupported and os.path.isfile(myebuildpath): if retval != os.EX_OK: msg_lines = [] msg = _("The '%(ebuild_phase)s' " "phase of the '%(cpv)s' package " "has failed with exit value %(retval)s.") % \ {"ebuild_phase":ebuild_phase, "cpv":self.mycpv, "retval":retval} from textwrap import wrap msg_lines.extend(wrap(msg, 72)) msg_lines.append("") ebuild_name = os.path.basename(myebuildpath) ebuild_dir = os.path.dirname(myebuildpath) msg = _("The problem occurred while executing " "the ebuild file named '%(ebuild_name)s' " "located in the '%(ebuild_dir)s' directory. " "If necessary, manually remove " "the environment.bz2 file and/or the " "ebuild file located in that directory.") % \ {"ebuild_name":ebuild_name, "ebuild_dir":ebuild_dir} msg_lines.extend(wrap(msg, 72)) msg_lines.append("") msg = _("Removal " "of the environment.bz2 file is " "preferred since it may allow the " "removal phases to execute successfully. " "The ebuild will be " "sourced and the eclasses " "from the current portage tree will be used " "when necessary. Removal of " "the ebuild file will cause the " "pkg_prerm() and pkg_postrm() removal " "phases to be skipped entirely.") msg_lines.extend(wrap(msg, 72)) self._eerror(ebuild_phase, msg_lines) self._elog_process(phasefilter=("prerm", "postrm")) if retval == os.EX_OK: try: doebuild_environment(myebuildpath, "cleanrm", settings=self.settings, db=self.vartree.dbapi) except UnsupportedAPIException: pass phase = EbuildPhase(background=background, phase="cleanrm", scheduler=scheduler, settings=self.settings) phase.start() retval = phase.wait() finally: if builddir_lock is not None: builddir_lock.unlock() if log_path is not None: if not failures and 'unmerge-logs' not in self.settings.features: try: os.unlink(log_path) except OSError: pass try: st = os.stat(log_path) except OSError: pass else: if st.st_size == 0: try: os.unlink(log_path) except OSError: pass if log_path is not None and os.path.exists(log_path): # Restore this since it gets lost somewhere above and it # needs to be set for _display_merge() to be able to log. # Note that the log isn't necessarily supposed to exist # since if PORT_LOGDIR is unset then it's a temp file # so it gets cleaned above. self.settings["PORTAGE_LOG_FILE"] = log_path else: self.settings.pop("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE", None) env_update(target_root=self.settings['ROOT'], prev_mtimes=ldpath_mtimes, contents=contents, env=self.settings, writemsg_level=self._display_merge, vardbapi=self.vartree.dbapi) unmerge_with_replacement = preserve_paths is not None if not unmerge_with_replacement: # When there's a replacement package which calls us via treewalk, # treewalk will automatically call _prune_plib_registry for us. # Otherwise, we need to call _prune_plib_registry ourselves. # Don't pass in the "unmerge=True" flag here, since that flag # is intended to be used _prior_ to unmerge, not after. self._prune_plib_registry() return os.EX_OK def _display_merge(self, msg, level=0, noiselevel=0): if not self._verbose and noiselevel >= 0 and level < logging.WARN: return if self._scheduler is None: writemsg_level(msg, level=level, noiselevel=noiselevel) else: log_path = None if self.settings.get("PORTAGE_BACKGROUND") != "subprocess": log_path = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE") background = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_BACKGROUND") == "1" if background and log_path is None: if level >= logging.WARN: writemsg_level(msg, level=level, noiselevel=noiselevel) else: self._scheduler.output(msg, log_path=log_path, background=background, level=level, noiselevel=noiselevel) def _show_unmerge(self, zing, desc, file_type, file_name): self._display_merge("%s %s %s %s\n" % \ (zing, desc.ljust(8), file_type, file_name)) def _unmerge_pkgfiles(self, pkgfiles, others_in_slot): """ Unmerges the contents of a package from the liveFS Removes the VDB entry for self @param pkgfiles: typically self.getcontents() @type pkgfiles: Dictionary { filename: [ 'type', '?', 'md5sum' ] } @param others_in_slot: all dblink instances in this slot, excluding self @type others_in_slot: list @rtype: None """ os = _os_merge perf_md5 = perform_md5 showMessage = self._display_merge show_unmerge = self._show_unmerge ignored_unlink_errnos = self._ignored_unlink_errnos ignored_rmdir_errnos = self._ignored_rmdir_errnos if not pkgfiles: showMessage(_("No package files given... Grabbing a set.\n")) pkgfiles = self.getcontents() if others_in_slot is None: others_in_slot = [] slot = self.vartree.dbapi.aux_get(self.mycpv, ["SLOT"])[0] slot_matches = self.vartree.dbapi.match( "%s:%s" % (portage.cpv_getkey(self.mycpv), slot)) for cur_cpv in slot_matches: if cur_cpv == self.mycpv: continue others_in_slot.append(dblink(self.cat, catsplit(cur_cpv)[1], settings=self.settings, vartree=self.vartree, treetype="vartree", pipe=self._pipe)) cfgfiledict = grabdict(self.vartree.dbapi._conf_mem_file) stale_confmem = [] protected_symlinks = {} unmerge_orphans = "unmerge-orphans" in self.settings.features calc_prelink = "prelink-checksums" in self.settings.features if pkgfiles: self.updateprotect() mykeys = list(pkgfiles) mykeys.sort() mykeys.reverse() #process symlinks second-to-last, directories last. mydirs = set() uninstall_ignore = portage.util.shlex_split( self.settings.get("UNINSTALL_IGNORE", "")) def unlink(file_name, lstatobj): if bsd_chflags: if lstatobj.st_flags != 0: bsd_chflags.lchflags(file_name, 0) parent_name = os.path.dirname(file_name) # Use normal stat/chflags for the parent since we want to # follow any symlinks to the real parent directory. pflags = os.stat(parent_name).st_flags if pflags != 0: bsd_chflags.chflags(parent_name, 0) try: if not stat.S_ISLNK(lstatobj.st_mode): # Remove permissions to ensure that any hardlinks to # suid/sgid files are rendered harmless. os.chmod(file_name, 0) os.unlink(file_name) except OSError as ose: # If the chmod or unlink fails, you are in trouble. # With Prefix this can be because the file is owned # by someone else (a screwup by root?), on a normal # system maybe filesystem corruption. In any case, # if we backtrace and die here, we leave the system # in a totally undefined state, hence we just bleed # like hell and continue to hopefully finish all our # administrative and pkg_postinst stuff. self._eerror("postrm", ["Could not chmod or unlink '%s': %s" % \ (file_name, ose)]) finally: if bsd_chflags and pflags != 0: # Restore the parent flags we saved before unlinking bsd_chflags.chflags(parent_name, pflags) unmerge_desc = {} unmerge_desc["cfgpro"] = _("cfgpro") unmerge_desc["replaced"] = _("replaced") unmerge_desc["!dir"] = _("!dir") unmerge_desc["!empty"] = _("!empty") unmerge_desc["!fif"] = _("!fif") unmerge_desc["!found"] = _("!found") unmerge_desc["!md5"] = _("!md5") unmerge_desc["!mtime"] = _("!mtime") unmerge_desc["!obj"] = _("!obj") unmerge_desc["!sym"] = _("!sym") unmerge_desc["!prefix"] = _("!prefix") real_root = self.settings['ROOT'] real_root_len = len(real_root) - 1 eroot = self.settings["EROOT"] infodirs = frozenset(infodir for infodir in chain( self.settings.get("INFOPATH", "").split(":"), self.settings.get("INFODIR", "").split(":")) if infodir) infodirs_inodes = set() for infodir in infodirs: infodir = os.path.join(real_root, infodir.lstrip(os.sep)) try: statobj = os.stat(infodir) except OSError: pass else: infodirs_inodes.add((statobj.st_dev, statobj.st_ino)) for i, objkey in enumerate(mykeys): obj = normalize_path(objkey) if os is _os_merge: try: _unicode_encode(obj, encoding=_encodings['merge'], errors='strict') except UnicodeEncodeError: # The package appears to have been merged with a # different value of sys.getfilesystemencoding(), # so fall back to utf_8 if appropriate. try: _unicode_encode(obj, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict') except UnicodeEncodeError: pass else: os = portage.os perf_md5 = portage.checksum.perform_md5 file_data = pkgfiles[objkey] file_type = file_data[0] # don't try to unmerge the prefix offset itself if len(obj) <= len(eroot) or not obj.startswith(eroot): show_unmerge("---", unmerge_desc["!prefix"], file_type, obj) continue statobj = None try: statobj = os.stat(obj) except OSError: pass lstatobj = None try: lstatobj = os.lstat(obj) except (OSError, AttributeError): pass islink = lstatobj is not None and stat.S_ISLNK(lstatobj.st_mode) if lstatobj is None: show_unmerge("---", unmerge_desc["!found"], file_type, obj) continue f_match = obj[len(eroot)-1:] ignore = False for pattern in uninstall_ignore: if fnmatch.fnmatch(f_match, pattern): ignore = True break if not ignore: if islink and f_match in \ ("/lib", "/usr/lib", "/usr/local/lib"): # Ignore libdir symlinks for bug #423127. ignore = True if ignore: show_unmerge("---", unmerge_desc["cfgpro"], file_type, obj) continue # don't use EROOT, CONTENTS entries already contain EPREFIX if obj.startswith(real_root): relative_path = obj[real_root_len:] is_owned = False for dblnk in others_in_slot: if dblnk.isowner(relative_path): is_owned = True break if is_owned and islink and \ file_type in ("sym", "dir") and \ statobj and stat.S_ISDIR(statobj.st_mode): # A new instance of this package claims the file, so # don't unmerge it. If the file is symlink to a # directory and the unmerging package installed it as # a symlink, but the new owner has it listed as a # directory, then we'll produce a warning since the # symlink is a sort of orphan in this case (see # bug #326685). symlink_orphan = False for dblnk in others_in_slot: parent_contents_key = \ dblnk._match_contents(relative_path) if not parent_contents_key: continue if not parent_contents_key.startswith( real_root): continue if dblnk.getcontents()[ parent_contents_key][0] == "dir": symlink_orphan = True break if symlink_orphan: protected_symlinks.setdefault( (statobj.st_dev, statobj.st_ino), []).append(relative_path) if is_owned: show_unmerge("---", unmerge_desc["replaced"], file_type, obj) continue elif relative_path in cfgfiledict: stale_confmem.append(relative_path) # Don't unlink symlinks to directories here since that can # remove /lib and /usr/lib symlinks. if unmerge_orphans and \ lstatobj and not stat.S_ISDIR(lstatobj.st_mode) and \ not (islink and statobj and stat.S_ISDIR(statobj.st_mode)) and \ not self.isprotected(obj): try: unlink(obj, lstatobj) except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno not in ignored_unlink_errnos: raise del e show_unmerge("<<<", "", file_type, obj) continue lmtime = str(lstatobj[stat.ST_MTIME]) if (pkgfiles[objkey][0] not in ("dir", "fif", "dev")) and (lmtime != pkgfiles[objkey][1]): show_unmerge("---", unmerge_desc["!mtime"], file_type, obj) continue if file_type == "dir" and not islink: if lstatobj is None or not stat.S_ISDIR(lstatobj.st_mode): show_unmerge("---", unmerge_desc["!dir"], file_type, obj) continue mydirs.add((obj, (lstatobj.st_dev, lstatobj.st_ino))) elif file_type == "sym" or (file_type == "dir" and islink): if not islink: show_unmerge("---", unmerge_desc["!sym"], file_type, obj) continue # If this symlink points to a directory then we don't want # to unmerge it if there are any other packages that # installed files into the directory via this symlink # (see bug #326685). # TODO: Resolving a symlink to a directory will require # simulation if $ROOT != / and the link is not relative. if islink and statobj and stat.S_ISDIR(statobj.st_mode) \ and obj.startswith(real_root): relative_path = obj[real_root_len:] try: target_dir_contents = os.listdir(obj) except OSError: pass else: if target_dir_contents: # If all the children are regular files owned # by this package, then the symlink should be # safe to unmerge. all_owned = True for child in target_dir_contents: child = os.path.join(relative_path, child) if not self.isowner(child): all_owned = False break try: child_lstat = os.lstat(os.path.join( real_root, child.lstrip(os.sep))) except OSError: continue if not stat.S_ISREG(child_lstat.st_mode): # Nested symlinks or directories make # the issue very complex, so just # preserve the symlink in order to be # on the safe side. all_owned = False break if not all_owned: protected_symlinks.setdefault( (statobj.st_dev, statobj.st_ino), []).append(relative_path) show_unmerge("---", unmerge_desc["!empty"], file_type, obj) continue # Go ahead and unlink symlinks to directories here when # they're actually recorded as symlinks in the contents. # Normally, symlinks such as /lib -> lib64 are not recorded # as symlinks in the contents of a package. If a package # installs something into ${D}/lib/, it is recorded in the # contents as a directory even if it happens to correspond # to a symlink when it's merged to the live filesystem. try: unlink(obj, lstatobj) show_unmerge("<<<", "", file_type, obj) except (OSError, IOError) as e: if e.errno not in ignored_unlink_errnos: raise del e show_unmerge("!!!", "", file_type, obj) elif pkgfiles[objkey][0] == "obj": if statobj is None or not stat.S_ISREG(statobj.st_mode): show_unmerge("---", unmerge_desc["!obj"], file_type, obj) continue mymd5 = None try: mymd5 = perf_md5(obj, calc_prelink=calc_prelink) except FileNotFound as e: # the file has disappeared between now and our stat call show_unmerge("---", unmerge_desc["!obj"], file_type, obj) continue # string.lower is needed because db entries used to be in upper-case. The # string.lower allows for backwards compatibility. if mymd5 != pkgfiles[objkey][2].lower(): show_unmerge("---", unmerge_desc["!md5"], file_type, obj) continue try: unlink(obj, lstatobj) except (OSError, IOError) as e: if e.errno not in ignored_unlink_errnos: raise del e show_unmerge("<<<", "", file_type, obj) elif pkgfiles[objkey][0] == "fif": if not stat.S_ISFIFO(lstatobj[stat.ST_MODE]): show_unmerge("---", unmerge_desc["!fif"], file_type, obj) continue show_unmerge("---", "", file_type, obj) elif pkgfiles[objkey][0] == "dev": show_unmerge("---", "", file_type, obj) self._unmerge_dirs(mydirs, infodirs_inodes, protected_symlinks, unmerge_desc, unlink, os) mydirs.clear() if protected_symlinks: self._unmerge_protected_symlinks(others_in_slot, infodirs_inodes, protected_symlinks, unmerge_desc, unlink, os) if protected_symlinks: msg = "One or more symlinks to directories have been " + \ "preserved in order to ensure that files installed " + \ "via these symlinks remain accessible. " + \ "This indicates that the mentioned symlink(s) may " + \ "be obsolete remnants of an old install, and it " + \ "may be appropriate to replace a given symlink " + \ "with the directory that it points to." lines = textwrap.wrap(msg, 72) lines.append("") flat_list = set() flat_list.update(*protected_symlinks.values()) flat_list = sorted(flat_list) for f in flat_list: lines.append("\t%s" % (os.path.join(real_root, f.lstrip(os.sep)))) lines.append("") self._elog("elog", "postrm", lines) # Remove stale entries from config memory. if stale_confmem: for filename in stale_confmem: del cfgfiledict[filename] writedict(cfgfiledict, self.vartree.dbapi._conf_mem_file) #remove self from vartree database so that our own virtual gets zapped if we're the last node self.vartree.zap(self.mycpv) def _unmerge_protected_symlinks(self, others_in_slot, infodirs_inodes, protected_symlinks, unmerge_desc, unlink, os): real_root = self.settings['ROOT'] show_unmerge = self._show_unmerge ignored_unlink_errnos = self._ignored_unlink_errnos flat_list = set() flat_list.update(*protected_symlinks.values()) flat_list = sorted(flat_list) for f in flat_list: for dblnk in others_in_slot: if dblnk.isowner(f): # If another package in the same slot installed # a file via a protected symlink, return early # and don't bother searching for any other owners. return msg = [] msg.append("") msg.append(_("Directory symlink(s) may need protection:")) msg.append("") for f in flat_list: msg.append("\t%s" % \ os.path.join(real_root, f.lstrip(os.path.sep))) msg.append("") msg.append(_("Searching all installed" " packages for files installed via above symlink(s)...")) msg.append("") self._elog("elog", "postrm", msg) self.lockdb() try: owners = self.vartree.dbapi._owners.get_owners(flat_list) self.vartree.dbapi.flush_cache() finally: self.unlockdb() for owner in list(owners): if owner.mycpv == self.mycpv: owners.pop(owner, None) if not owners: msg = [] msg.append(_("The above directory symlink(s) are all " "safe to remove. Removing them now...")) msg.append("") self._elog("elog", "postrm", msg) dirs = set() for unmerge_syms in protected_symlinks.values(): for relative_path in unmerge_syms: obj = os.path.join(real_root, relative_path.lstrip(os.sep)) parent = os.path.dirname(obj) while len(parent) > len(self._eroot): try: lstatobj = os.lstat(parent) except OSError: break else: dirs.add((parent, (lstatobj.st_dev, lstatobj.st_ino))) parent = os.path.dirname(parent) try: unlink(obj, os.lstat(obj)) show_unmerge("<<<", "", "sym", obj) except (OSError, IOError) as e: if e.errno not in ignored_unlink_errnos: raise del e show_unmerge("!!!", "", "sym", obj) protected_symlinks.clear() self._unmerge_dirs(dirs, infodirs_inodes, protected_symlinks, unmerge_desc, unlink, os) dirs.clear() def _unmerge_dirs(self, dirs, infodirs_inodes, protected_symlinks, unmerge_desc, unlink, os): show_unmerge = self._show_unmerge infodir_cleanup = self._infodir_cleanup ignored_unlink_errnos = self._ignored_unlink_errnos ignored_rmdir_errnos = self._ignored_rmdir_errnos real_root = self.settings['ROOT'] dirs = sorted(dirs) dirs.reverse() for obj, inode_key in dirs: # Treat any directory named "info" as a candidate here, # since it might have been in INFOPATH previously even # though it may not be there now. if inode_key in infodirs_inodes or \ os.path.basename(obj) == "info": try: remaining = os.listdir(obj) except OSError: pass else: cleanup_info_dir = () if remaining and \ len(remaining) <= len(infodir_cleanup): if not set(remaining).difference(infodir_cleanup): cleanup_info_dir = remaining for child in cleanup_info_dir: child = os.path.join(obj, child) try: lstatobj = os.lstat(child) if stat.S_ISREG(lstatobj.st_mode): unlink(child, lstatobj) show_unmerge("<<<", "", "obj", child) except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno not in ignored_unlink_errnos: raise del e show_unmerge("!!!", "", "obj", child) try: if bsd_chflags: lstatobj = os.lstat(obj) if lstatobj.st_flags != 0: bsd_chflags.lchflags(obj, 0) parent_name = os.path.dirname(obj) # Use normal stat/chflags for the parent since we want to # follow any symlinks to the real parent directory. pflags = os.stat(parent_name).st_flags if pflags != 0: bsd_chflags.chflags(parent_name, 0) try: os.rmdir(obj) finally: if bsd_chflags and pflags != 0: # Restore the parent flags we saved before unlinking bsd_chflags.chflags(parent_name, pflags) show_unmerge("<<<", "", "dir", obj) except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno not in ignored_rmdir_errnos: raise if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: show_unmerge("---", unmerge_desc["!empty"], "dir", obj) del e else: # When a directory is successfully removed, there's # no need to protect symlinks that point to it. unmerge_syms = protected_symlinks.pop(inode_key, None) if unmerge_syms is not None: for relative_path in unmerge_syms: obj = os.path.join(real_root, relative_path.lstrip(os.sep)) try: unlink(obj, os.lstat(obj)) show_unmerge("<<<", "", "sym", obj) except (OSError, IOError) as e: if e.errno not in ignored_unlink_errnos: raise del e show_unmerge("!!!", "", "sym", obj) def isowner(self, filename, destroot=None): """ Check if a file belongs to this package. This may result in a stat call for the parent directory of every installed file, since the inode numbers are used to work around the problem of ambiguous paths caused by symlinked directories. The results of stat calls are cached to optimize multiple calls to this method. @param filename: @type filename: @param destroot: @type destroot: @rtype: Boolean @return: 1. True if this package owns the file. 2. False if this package does not own the file. """ if destroot is not None and destroot != self._eroot: warnings.warn("The second parameter of the " + \ "portage.dbapi.vartree.dblink.isowner()" + \ " is now unused. Instead " + \ "self.settings['EROOT'] will be used.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return bool(self._match_contents(filename)) def _match_contents(self, filename, destroot=None): """ The matching contents entry is returned, which is useful since the path may differ from the one given by the caller, due to symlinks. @rtype: String @return: the contents entry corresponding to the given path, or False if the file is not owned by this package. """ filename = _unicode_decode(filename, encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='strict') if destroot is not None and destroot != self._eroot: warnings.warn("The second parameter of the " + \ "portage.dbapi.vartree.dblink._match_contents()" + \ " is now unused. Instead " + \ "self.settings['ROOT'] will be used.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) # don't use EROOT here, image already contains EPREFIX destroot = self.settings['ROOT'] # The given filename argument might have a different encoding than the # the filenames contained in the contents, so use separate wrapped os # modules for each. The basename is more likely to contain non-ascii # characters than the directory path, so use os_filename_arg for all # operations involving the basename of the filename arg. os_filename_arg = _os_merge os = _os_merge try: _unicode_encode(filename, encoding=_encodings['merge'], errors='strict') except UnicodeEncodeError: # The package appears to have been merged with a # different value of sys.getfilesystemencoding(), # so fall back to utf_8 if appropriate. try: _unicode_encode(filename, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict') except UnicodeEncodeError: pass else: os_filename_arg = portage.os destfile = normalize_path( os_filename_arg.path.join(destroot, filename.lstrip(os_filename_arg.path.sep))) pkgfiles = self.getcontents() if pkgfiles and destfile in pkgfiles: return destfile if pkgfiles: basename = os_filename_arg.path.basename(destfile) if self._contents_basenames is None: try: for x in pkgfiles: _unicode_encode(x, encoding=_encodings['merge'], errors='strict') except UnicodeEncodeError: # The package appears to have been merged with a # different value of sys.getfilesystemencoding(), # so fall back to utf_8 if appropriate. try: for x in pkgfiles: _unicode_encode(x, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict') except UnicodeEncodeError: pass else: os = portage.os self._contents_basenames = set( os.path.basename(x) for x in pkgfiles) if basename not in self._contents_basenames: # This is a shortcut that, in most cases, allows us to # eliminate this package as an owner without the need # to examine inode numbers of parent directories. return False # Use stat rather than lstat since we want to follow # any symlinks to the real parent directory. parent_path = os_filename_arg.path.dirname(destfile) try: parent_stat = os_filename_arg.stat(parent_path) except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise del e return False if self._contents_inodes is None: if os is _os_merge: try: for x in pkgfiles: _unicode_encode(x, encoding=_encodings['merge'], errors='strict') except UnicodeEncodeError: # The package appears to have been merged with a # different value of sys.getfilesystemencoding(), # so fall back to utf_8 if appropriate. try: for x in pkgfiles: _unicode_encode(x, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict') except UnicodeEncodeError: pass else: os = portage.os self._contents_inodes = {} parent_paths = set() for x in pkgfiles: p_path = os.path.dirname(x) if p_path in parent_paths: continue parent_paths.add(p_path) try: s = os.stat(p_path) except OSError: pass else: inode_key = (s.st_dev, s.st_ino) # Use lists of paths in case multiple # paths reference the same inode. p_path_list = self._contents_inodes.get(inode_key) if p_path_list is None: p_path_list = [] self._contents_inodes[inode_key] = p_path_list if p_path not in p_path_list: p_path_list.append(p_path) p_path_list = self._contents_inodes.get( (parent_stat.st_dev, parent_stat.st_ino)) if p_path_list: for p_path in p_path_list: x = os_filename_arg.path.join(p_path, basename) if x in pkgfiles: return x return False def _linkmap_rebuild(self, **kwargs): """ Rebuild the self._linkmap if it's not broken due to missing scanelf binary. Also, return early if preserve-libs is disabled and the preserve-libs registry is empty. """ if self._linkmap_broken or \ self.vartree.dbapi._linkmap is None or \ self.vartree.dbapi._plib_registry is None or \ ("preserve-libs" not in self.settings.features and \ not self.vartree.dbapi._plib_registry.hasEntries()): return try: self.vartree.dbapi._linkmap.rebuild(**kwargs) except CommandNotFound as e: self._linkmap_broken = True self._display_merge(_("!!! Disabling preserve-libs " \ "due to error: Command Not Found: %s\n") % (e,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) def _find_libs_to_preserve(self, unmerge=False): """ Get set of relative paths for libraries to be preserved. When unmerge is False, file paths to preserve are selected from self._installed_instance. Otherwise, paths are selected from self. """ if self._linkmap_broken or \ self.vartree.dbapi._linkmap is None or \ self.vartree.dbapi._plib_registry is None or \ (not unmerge and self._installed_instance is None) or \ "preserve-libs" not in self.settings.features: return set() os = _os_merge linkmap = self.vartree.dbapi._linkmap if unmerge: installed_instance = self else: installed_instance = self._installed_instance old_contents = installed_instance.getcontents() root = self.settings['ROOT'] root_len = len(root) - 1 lib_graph = digraph() path_node_map = {} def path_to_node(path): node = path_node_map.get(path) if node is None: node = LinkageMap._LibGraphNode(linkmap._obj_key(path)) alt_path_node = lib_graph.get(node) if alt_path_node is not None: node = alt_path_node node.alt_paths.add(path) path_node_map[path] = node return node consumer_map = {} provider_nodes = set() # Create provider nodes and add them to the graph. for f_abs in old_contents: if os is _os_merge: try: _unicode_encode(f_abs, encoding=_encodings['merge'], errors='strict') except UnicodeEncodeError: # The package appears to have been merged with a # different value of sys.getfilesystemencoding(), # so fall back to utf_8 if appropriate. try: _unicode_encode(f_abs, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict') except UnicodeEncodeError: pass else: os = portage.os f = f_abs[root_len:] if not unmerge and self.isowner(f): # We have an indentically named replacement file, # so we don't try to preserve the old copy. continue try: consumers = linkmap.findConsumers(f, exclude_providers=(installed_instance.isowner,)) except KeyError: continue if not consumers: continue provider_node = path_to_node(f) lib_graph.add(provider_node, None) provider_nodes.add(provider_node) consumer_map[provider_node] = consumers # Create consumer nodes and add them to the graph. # Note that consumers can also be providers. for provider_node, consumers in consumer_map.items(): for c in consumers: consumer_node = path_to_node(c) if installed_instance.isowner(c) and \ consumer_node not in provider_nodes: # This is not a provider, so it will be uninstalled. continue lib_graph.add(provider_node, consumer_node) # Locate nodes which should be preserved. They consist of all # providers that are reachable from consumers that are not # providers themselves. preserve_nodes = set() for consumer_node in lib_graph.root_nodes(): if consumer_node in provider_nodes: continue # Preserve all providers that are reachable from this consumer. node_stack = lib_graph.child_nodes(consumer_node) while node_stack: provider_node = node_stack.pop() if provider_node in preserve_nodes: continue preserve_nodes.add(provider_node) node_stack.extend(lib_graph.child_nodes(provider_node)) preserve_paths = set() for preserve_node in preserve_nodes: # Preserve the library itself, and also preserve the # soname symlink which is the only symlink that is # strictly required. hardlinks = set() soname_symlinks = set() soname = linkmap.getSoname(next(iter(preserve_node.alt_paths))) for f in preserve_node.alt_paths: f_abs = os.path.join(root, f.lstrip(os.sep)) try: if stat.S_ISREG(os.lstat(f_abs).st_mode): hardlinks.add(f) elif os.path.basename(f) == soname: soname_symlinks.add(f) except OSError: pass if hardlinks: preserve_paths.update(hardlinks) preserve_paths.update(soname_symlinks) return preserve_paths def _add_preserve_libs_to_contents(self, preserve_paths): """ Preserve libs returned from _find_libs_to_preserve(). """ if not preserve_paths: return os = _os_merge showMessage = self._display_merge root = self.settings['ROOT'] # Copy contents entries from the old package to the new one. new_contents = self.getcontents().copy() old_contents = self._installed_instance.getcontents() for f in sorted(preserve_paths): f = _unicode_decode(f, encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='strict') f_abs = os.path.join(root, f.lstrip(os.sep)) contents_entry = old_contents.get(f_abs) if contents_entry is None: # This will probably never happen, but it might if one of the # paths returned from findConsumers() refers to one of the libs # that should be preserved yet the path is not listed in the # contents. Such a path might belong to some other package, so # it shouldn't be preserved here. showMessage(_("!!! File '%s' will not be preserved " "due to missing contents entry\n") % (f_abs,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) preserve_paths.remove(f) continue new_contents[f_abs] = contents_entry obj_type = contents_entry[0] showMessage(_(">>> needed %s %s\n") % (obj_type, f_abs), noiselevel=-1) # Add parent directories to contents if necessary. parent_dir = os.path.dirname(f_abs) while len(parent_dir) > len(root): new_contents[parent_dir] = ["dir"] prev = parent_dir parent_dir = os.path.dirname(parent_dir) if prev == parent_dir: break outfile = atomic_ofstream(os.path.join(self.dbtmpdir, "CONTENTS")) write_contents(new_contents, root, outfile) outfile.close() self._clear_contents_cache() def _find_unused_preserved_libs(self, unmerge_no_replacement): """ Find preserved libraries that don't have any consumers left. """ if self._linkmap_broken or \ self.vartree.dbapi._linkmap is None or \ self.vartree.dbapi._plib_registry is None or \ not self.vartree.dbapi._plib_registry.hasEntries(): return {} # Since preserved libraries can be consumers of other preserved # libraries, use a graph to track consumer relationships. plib_dict = self.vartree.dbapi._plib_registry.getPreservedLibs() linkmap = self.vartree.dbapi._linkmap lib_graph = digraph() preserved_nodes = set() preserved_paths = set() path_cpv_map = {} path_node_map = {} root = self.settings['ROOT'] def path_to_node(path): node = path_node_map.get(path) if node is None: node = LinkageMap._LibGraphNode(linkmap._obj_key(path)) alt_path_node = lib_graph.get(node) if alt_path_node is not None: node = alt_path_node node.alt_paths.add(path) path_node_map[path] = node return node for cpv, plibs in plib_dict.items(): for f in plibs: path_cpv_map[f] = cpv preserved_node = path_to_node(f) if not preserved_node.file_exists(): continue lib_graph.add(preserved_node, None) preserved_paths.add(f) preserved_nodes.add(preserved_node) for c in self.vartree.dbapi._linkmap.findConsumers(f): consumer_node = path_to_node(c) if not consumer_node.file_exists(): continue # Note that consumers may also be providers. lib_graph.add(preserved_node, consumer_node) # Eliminate consumers having providers with the same soname as an # installed library that is not preserved. This eliminates # libraries that are erroneously preserved due to a move from one # directory to another. # Also eliminate consumers that are going to be unmerged if # unmerge_no_replacement is True. provider_cache = {} for preserved_node in preserved_nodes: soname = linkmap.getSoname(preserved_node) for consumer_node in lib_graph.parent_nodes(preserved_node): if consumer_node in preserved_nodes: continue if unmerge_no_replacement: will_be_unmerged = True for path in consumer_node.alt_paths: if not self.isowner(path): will_be_unmerged = False break if will_be_unmerged: # This consumer is not preserved and it is # being unmerged, so drop this edge. lib_graph.remove_edge(preserved_node, consumer_node) continue providers = provider_cache.get(consumer_node) if providers is None: providers = linkmap.findProviders(consumer_node) provider_cache[consumer_node] = providers providers = providers.get(soname) if providers is None: continue for provider in providers: if provider in preserved_paths: continue provider_node = path_to_node(provider) if not provider_node.file_exists(): continue if provider_node in preserved_nodes: continue # An alternative provider seems to be # installed, so drop this edge. lib_graph.remove_edge(preserved_node, consumer_node) break cpv_lib_map = {} while lib_graph: root_nodes = preserved_nodes.intersection(lib_graph.root_nodes()) if not root_nodes: break lib_graph.difference_update(root_nodes) unlink_list = set() for node in root_nodes: unlink_list.update(node.alt_paths) unlink_list = sorted(unlink_list) for obj in unlink_list: cpv = path_cpv_map.get(obj) if cpv is None: # This means that a symlink is in the preserved libs # registry, but the actual lib it points to is not. self._display_merge(_("!!! symlink to lib is preserved, " "but not the lib itself:\n!!! '%s'\n") % (obj,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) continue removed = cpv_lib_map.get(cpv) if removed is None: removed = set() cpv_lib_map[cpv] = removed removed.add(obj) return cpv_lib_map def _remove_preserved_libs(self, cpv_lib_map): """ Remove files returned from _find_unused_preserved_libs(). """ os = _os_merge files_to_remove = set() for files in cpv_lib_map.values(): files_to_remove.update(files) files_to_remove = sorted(files_to_remove) showMessage = self._display_merge root = self.settings['ROOT'] parent_dirs = set() for obj in files_to_remove: obj = os.path.join(root, obj.lstrip(os.sep)) parent_dirs.add(os.path.dirname(obj)) if os.path.islink(obj): obj_type = _("sym") else: obj_type = _("obj") try: os.unlink(obj) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise del e else: showMessage(_("<<< !needed %s %s\n") % (obj_type, obj), noiselevel=-1) # Remove empty parent directories if possible. while parent_dirs: x = parent_dirs.pop() while True: try: os.rmdir(x) except OSError: break prev = x x = os.path.dirname(x) if x == prev: break self.vartree.dbapi._plib_registry.pruneNonExisting() def _collision_protect(self, srcroot, destroot, mypkglist, file_list, symlink_list): os = _os_merge collision_ignore = [] for x in portage.util.shlex_split( self.settings.get("COLLISION_IGNORE", "")): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self._eroot, x.lstrip(os.sep))): x = normalize_path(x) x += "/*" collision_ignore.append(x) # For collisions with preserved libraries, the current package # will assume ownership and the libraries will be unregistered. if self.vartree.dbapi._plib_registry is None: # preserve-libs is entirely disabled plib_cpv_map = None plib_paths = None plib_inodes = {} else: plib_dict = self.vartree.dbapi._plib_registry.getPreservedLibs() plib_cpv_map = {} plib_paths = set() for cpv, paths in plib_dict.items(): plib_paths.update(paths) for f in paths: plib_cpv_map[f] = cpv plib_inodes = self._lstat_inode_map(plib_paths) plib_collisions = {} showMessage = self._display_merge stopmerge = False collisions = [] symlink_collisions = [] destroot = self.settings['ROOT'] showMessage(_(" %s checking %d files for package collisions\n") % \ (colorize("GOOD", "*"), len(file_list) + len(symlink_list))) for i, (f, f_type) in enumerate(chain( ((f, "reg") for f in file_list), ((f, "sym") for f in symlink_list))): if i % 1000 == 0 and i != 0: showMessage(_("%d files checked ...\n") % i) dest_path = normalize_path( os.path.join(destroot, f.lstrip(os.path.sep))) try: dest_lstat = os.lstat(dest_path) except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: del e continue elif e.errno == errno.ENOTDIR: del e # A non-directory is in a location where this package # expects to have a directory. dest_lstat = None parent_path = dest_path while len(parent_path) > len(destroot): parent_path = os.path.dirname(parent_path) try: dest_lstat = os.lstat(parent_path) break except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOTDIR: raise del e if not dest_lstat: raise AssertionError( "unable to find non-directory " + \ "parent for '%s'" % dest_path) dest_path = parent_path f = os.path.sep + dest_path[len(destroot):] if f in collisions: continue else: raise if f[0] != "/": f="/"+f if stat.S_ISDIR(dest_lstat.st_mode): if f_type == "sym": # This case is explicitly banned # by PMS (see bug #326685). symlink_collisions.append(f) collisions.append(f) continue plibs = plib_inodes.get((dest_lstat.st_dev, dest_lstat.st_ino)) if plibs: for path in plibs: cpv = plib_cpv_map[path] paths = plib_collisions.get(cpv) if paths is None: paths = set() plib_collisions[cpv] = paths paths.add(path) # The current package will assume ownership and the # libraries will be unregistered, so exclude this # path from the normal collisions. continue isowned = False full_path = os.path.join(destroot, f.lstrip(os.path.sep)) for ver in mypkglist: if ver.isowner(f): isowned = True break if not isowned and self.isprotected(full_path): isowned = True if not isowned: f_match = full_path[len(self._eroot)-1:] stopmerge = True for pattern in collision_ignore: if fnmatch.fnmatch(f_match, pattern): stopmerge = False break if stopmerge: collisions.append(f) return collisions, symlink_collisions, plib_collisions def _lstat_inode_map(self, path_iter): """ Use lstat to create a map of the form: {(st_dev, st_ino) : set([path1, path2, ...])} Multiple paths may reference the same inode due to hardlinks. All lstat() calls are relative to self.myroot. """ os = _os_merge root = self.settings['ROOT'] inode_map = {} for f in path_iter: path = os.path.join(root, f.lstrip(os.sep)) try: st = os.lstat(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOTDIR): raise del e continue key = (st.st_dev, st.st_ino) paths = inode_map.get(key) if paths is None: paths = set() inode_map[key] = paths paths.add(f) return inode_map def _security_check(self, installed_instances): if not installed_instances: return 0 os = _os_merge showMessage = self._display_merge file_paths = set() for dblnk in installed_instances: file_paths.update(dblnk.getcontents()) inode_map = {} real_paths = set() for i, path in enumerate(file_paths): if os is _os_merge: try: _unicode_encode(path, encoding=_encodings['merge'], errors='strict') except UnicodeEncodeError: # The package appears to have been merged with a # different value of sys.getfilesystemencoding(), # so fall back to utf_8 if appropriate. try: _unicode_encode(path, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict') except UnicodeEncodeError: pass else: os = portage.os try: s = os.lstat(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOTDIR): raise del e continue if not stat.S_ISREG(s.st_mode): continue path = os.path.realpath(path) if path in real_paths: continue real_paths.add(path) if s.st_nlink > 1 and \ s.st_mode & (stat.S_ISUID | stat.S_ISGID): k = (s.st_dev, s.st_ino) inode_map.setdefault(k, []).append((path, s)) suspicious_hardlinks = [] for path_list in inode_map.values(): path, s = path_list[0] if len(path_list) == s.st_nlink: # All hardlinks seem to be owned by this package. continue suspicious_hardlinks.append(path_list) if not suspicious_hardlinks: return 0 msg = [] msg.append(_("suid/sgid file(s) " "with suspicious hardlink(s):")) msg.append("") for path_list in suspicious_hardlinks: for path, s in path_list: msg.append("\t%s" % path) msg.append("") msg.append(_("See the Gentoo Security Handbook " "guide for advice on how to proceed.")) self._eerror("preinst", msg) return 1 def _eqawarn(self, phase, lines): self._elog("eqawarn", phase, lines) def _eerror(self, phase, lines): self._elog("eerror", phase, lines) def _elog(self, funcname, phase, lines): func = getattr(portage.elog.messages, funcname) if self._scheduler is None: for l in lines: func(l, phase=phase, key=self.mycpv) else: background = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_BACKGROUND") == "1" log_path = None if self.settings.get("PORTAGE_BACKGROUND") != "subprocess": log_path = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE") out = io.StringIO() for line in lines: func(line, phase=phase, key=self.mycpv, out=out) msg = out.getvalue() self._scheduler.output(msg, background=background, log_path=log_path) def _elog_process(self, phasefilter=None): cpv = self.mycpv if self._pipe is None: elog_process(cpv, self.settings, phasefilter=phasefilter) else: logdir = os.path.join(self.settings["T"], "logging") ebuild_logentries = collect_ebuild_messages(logdir) py_logentries = collect_messages(key=cpv).get(cpv, {}) logentries = _merge_logentries(py_logentries, ebuild_logentries) funcnames = { "INFO": "einfo", "LOG": "elog", "WARN": "ewarn", "QA": "eqawarn", "ERROR": "eerror" } str_buffer = [] for phase, messages in logentries.items(): for key, lines in messages: funcname = funcnames[key] if isinstance(lines, basestring): lines = [lines] for line in lines: for line in line.split('\n'): fields = (funcname, phase, cpv, line) str_buffer.append(' '.join(fields)) str_buffer.append('\n') if str_buffer: os.write(self._pipe, _unicode_encode(''.join(str_buffer))) def _emerge_log(self, msg): emergelog(False, msg) def treewalk(self, srcroot, destroot, inforoot, myebuild, cleanup=0, mydbapi=None, prev_mtimes=None, counter=None): """ This function does the following: calls self._preserve_libs if FEATURES=preserve-libs calls self._collision_protect if FEATURES=collision-protect calls doebuild(mydo=pkg_preinst) Merges the package to the livefs unmerges old version (if required) calls doebuild(mydo=pkg_postinst) calls env_update @param srcroot: Typically this is ${D} @type srcroot: String (Path) @param destroot: ignored, self.settings['ROOT'] is used instead @type destroot: String (Path) @param inforoot: root of the vardb entry ? @type inforoot: String (Path) @param myebuild: path to the ebuild that we are processing @type myebuild: String (Path) @param mydbapi: dbapi which is handed to doebuild. @type mydbapi: portdbapi instance @param prev_mtimes: { Filename:mtime } mapping for env_update @type prev_mtimes: Dictionary @rtype: Boolean @return: 1. 0 on success 2. 1 on failure secondhand is a list of symlinks that have been skipped due to their target not existing; we will merge these symlinks at a later time. """ os = _os_merge srcroot = _unicode_decode(srcroot, encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='strict') destroot = self.settings['ROOT'] inforoot = _unicode_decode(inforoot, encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='strict') myebuild = _unicode_decode(myebuild, encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='strict') showMessage = self._display_merge srcroot = normalize_path(srcroot).rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep if not os.path.isdir(srcroot): showMessage(_("!!! Directory Not Found: D='%s'\n") % srcroot, level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return 1 slot = '' for var_name in ('CHOST', 'SLOT'): if var_name == 'CHOST' and self.cat == 'virtual': try: os.unlink(os.path.join(inforoot, var_name)) except OSError: pass continue f = None try: f = io.open(_unicode_encode( os.path.join(inforoot, var_name), encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='r', encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='replace') val = f.readline().strip() except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise del e val = '' finally: if f is not None: f.close() if var_name == 'SLOT': slot = val if not slot.strip(): slot = self.settings.get(var_name, '') if not slot.strip(): showMessage(_("!!! SLOT is undefined\n"), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return 1 write_atomic(os.path.join(inforoot, var_name), slot + '\n') if val != self.settings.get(var_name, ''): self._eqawarn('preinst', [_("QA Notice: Expected %(var_name)s='%(expected_value)s', got '%(actual_value)s'\n") % \ {"var_name":var_name, "expected_value":self.settings.get(var_name, ''), "actual_value":val}]) def eerror(lines): self._eerror("preinst", lines) if not os.path.exists(self.dbcatdir): ensure_dirs(self.dbcatdir) # NOTE: We use SLOT obtained from the inforoot # directory, in order to support USE=multislot. # Use _pkg_str discard the sub-slot part if necessary. slot = _pkg_str(self.mycpv, slot=slot).slot cp = self.mysplit[0] slot_atom = "%s:%s" % (cp, slot) # filter any old-style virtual matches slot_matches = [cpv for cpv in self.vartree.dbapi.match(slot_atom) \ if cpv_getkey(cpv) == cp] if self.mycpv not in slot_matches and \ self.vartree.dbapi.cpv_exists(self.mycpv): # handle multislot or unapplied slotmove slot_matches.append(self.mycpv) others_in_slot = [] from portage import config for cur_cpv in slot_matches: # Clone the config in case one of these has to be unmerged since # we need it to have private ${T} etc... for things like elog. settings_clone = config(clone=self.settings) settings_clone.pop("PORTAGE_BUILDIR_LOCKED", None) settings_clone.reset() others_in_slot.append(dblink(self.cat, catsplit(cur_cpv)[1], settings=settings_clone, vartree=self.vartree, treetype="vartree", scheduler=self._scheduler, pipe=self._pipe)) retval = self._security_check(others_in_slot) if retval: return retval if slot_matches: # Used by self.isprotected(). max_dblnk = None max_counter = -1 for dblnk in others_in_slot: cur_counter = self.vartree.dbapi.cpv_counter(dblnk.mycpv) if cur_counter > max_counter: max_counter = cur_counter max_dblnk = dblnk self._installed_instance = max_dblnk if self.settings.get("INSTALL_MASK") or \ "nodoc" in self.settings.features or \ "noinfo" in self.settings.features or \ "noman" in self.settings.features: # Apply INSTALL_MASK before collision-protect, since it may # be useful to avoid collisions in some scenarios. phase = MiscFunctionsProcess(background=False, commands=["preinst_mask"], phase="preinst", scheduler=self._scheduler, settings=self.settings) phase.start() phase.wait() # We check for unicode encoding issues after src_install. However, # the check must be repeated here for binary packages (it's # inexpensive since we call os.walk() here anyway). unicode_errors = [] line_ending_re = re.compile('[\n\r]') srcroot_len = len(srcroot) ed_len = len(self.settings["ED"]) while True: unicode_error = False eagain_error = False myfilelist = [] mylinklist = [] paths_with_newlines = [] def onerror(e): raise walk_iter = os.walk(srcroot, onerror=onerror) while True: try: parent, dirs, files = next(walk_iter) except StopIteration: break except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EAGAIN: raise # Observed with PyPy 1.8. eagain_error = True break try: parent = _unicode_decode(parent, encoding=_encodings['merge'], errors='strict') except UnicodeDecodeError: new_parent = _unicode_decode(parent, encoding=_encodings['merge'], errors='replace') new_parent = _unicode_encode(new_parent, encoding='ascii', errors='backslashreplace') new_parent = _unicode_decode(new_parent, encoding=_encodings['merge'], errors='replace') os.rename(parent, new_parent) unicode_error = True unicode_errors.append(new_parent[ed_len:]) break for fname in files: try: fname = _unicode_decode(fname, encoding=_encodings['merge'], errors='strict') except UnicodeDecodeError: fpath = portage._os.path.join( parent.encode(_encodings['merge']), fname) new_fname = _unicode_decode(fname, encoding=_encodings['merge'], errors='replace') new_fname = _unicode_encode(new_fname, encoding='ascii', errors='backslashreplace') new_fname = _unicode_decode(new_fname, encoding=_encodings['merge'], errors='replace') new_fpath = os.path.join(parent, new_fname) os.rename(fpath, new_fpath) unicode_error = True unicode_errors.append(new_fpath[ed_len:]) fname = new_fname fpath = new_fpath else: fpath = os.path.join(parent, fname) relative_path = fpath[srcroot_len:] if line_ending_re.search(relative_path) is not None: paths_with_newlines.append(relative_path) file_mode = os.lstat(fpath).st_mode if stat.S_ISREG(file_mode): myfilelist.append(relative_path) elif stat.S_ISLNK(file_mode): # Note: os.walk puts symlinks to directories in the "dirs" # list and it does not traverse them since that could lead # to an infinite recursion loop. mylinklist.append(relative_path) if unicode_error: break if not (unicode_error or eagain_error): break if unicode_errors: self._elog("eqawarn", "preinst", _merge_unicode_error(unicode_errors)) if paths_with_newlines: msg = [] msg.append(_("This package installs one or more files containing line ending characters:")) msg.append("") paths_with_newlines.sort() for f in paths_with_newlines: msg.append("\t/%s" % (f.replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\r", "\\r"))) msg.append("") msg.append(_("package %s NOT merged") % self.mycpv) msg.append("") eerror(msg) return 1 # If there are no files to merge, and an installed package in the same # slot has files, it probably means that something went wrong. if self.settings.get("PORTAGE_PACKAGE_EMPTY_ABORT") == "1" and \ not myfilelist and not mylinklist and others_in_slot: installed_files = None for other_dblink in others_in_slot: installed_files = other_dblink.getcontents() if not installed_files: continue from textwrap import wrap wrap_width = 72 msg = [] d = { "new_cpv":self.mycpv, "old_cpv":other_dblink.mycpv } msg.extend(wrap(_("The '%(new_cpv)s' package will not install " "any files, but the currently installed '%(old_cpv)s'" " package has the following files: ") % d, wrap_width)) msg.append("") msg.extend(sorted(installed_files)) msg.append("") msg.append(_("package %s NOT merged") % self.mycpv) msg.append("") msg.extend(wrap( _("Manually run `emerge --unmerge =%s` if you " "really want to remove the above files. Set " "PORTAGE_PACKAGE_EMPTY_ABORT=\"0\" in " "/etc/make.conf if you do not want to " "abort in cases like this.") % other_dblink.mycpv, wrap_width)) eerror(msg) if installed_files: return 1 # Make sure the ebuild environment is initialized and that ${T}/elog # exists for logging of collision-protect eerror messages. if myebuild is None: myebuild = os.path.join(inforoot, self.pkg + ".ebuild") doebuild_environment(myebuild, "preinst", settings=self.settings, db=mydbapi) self.settings["REPLACING_VERSIONS"] = " ".join( [portage.versions.cpv_getversion(other.mycpv) for other in others_in_slot]) prepare_build_dirs(settings=self.settings, cleanup=cleanup) # check for package collisions blockers = self._blockers if blockers is None: blockers = [] collisions, symlink_collisions, plib_collisions = \ self._collision_protect(srcroot, destroot, others_in_slot + blockers, myfilelist, mylinklist) if symlink_collisions: # Symlink collisions need to be distinguished from other types # of collisions, in order to avoid confusion (see bug #409359). msg = _("Package '%s' has one or more collisions " "between symlinks and directories, which is explicitly " "forbidden by PMS section 13.4 (see bug #326685):") % \ (self.settings.mycpv,) msg = textwrap.wrap(msg, 70) msg.append("") for f in symlink_collisions: msg.append("\t%s" % os.path.join(destroot, f.lstrip(os.path.sep))) msg.append("") self._elog("eerror", "preinst", msg) if collisions: collision_protect = "collision-protect" in self.settings.features protect_owned = "protect-owned" in self.settings.features msg = _("This package will overwrite one or more files that" " may belong to other packages (see list below).") if not (collision_protect or protect_owned): msg += _(" Add either \"collision-protect\" or" " \"protect-owned\" to FEATURES in" " make.conf if you would like the merge to abort" " in cases like this. See the make.conf man page for" " more information about these features.") if self.settings.get("PORTAGE_QUIET") != "1": msg += _(" You can use a command such as" " `portageq owners / ` to identify the" " installed package that owns a file. If portageq" " reports that only one package owns a file then do NOT" " file a bug report. A bug report is only useful if it" " identifies at least two or more packages that are known" " to install the same file(s)." " If a collision occurs and you" " can not explain where the file came from then you" " should simply ignore the collision since there is not" " enough information to determine if a real problem" " exists. Please do NOT file a bug report at" " http://bugs.gentoo.org unless you report exactly which" " two packages install the same file(s). Once again," " please do NOT file a bug report unless you have" " completely understood the above message.") self.settings["EBUILD_PHASE"] = "preinst" from textwrap import wrap msg = wrap(msg, 70) if collision_protect: msg.append("") msg.append(_("package %s NOT merged") % self.settings.mycpv) msg.append("") msg.append(_("Detected file collision(s):")) msg.append("") for f in collisions: msg.append("\t%s" % \ os.path.join(destroot, f.lstrip(os.path.sep))) eerror(msg) owners = None if collision_protect or protect_owned or symlink_collisions: msg = [] msg.append("") msg.append(_("Searching all installed" " packages for file collisions...")) msg.append("") msg.append(_("Press Ctrl-C to Stop")) msg.append("") eerror(msg) if len(collisions) > 20: # get_owners is slow for large numbers of files, so # don't look them all up. collisions = collisions[:20] self.lockdb() try: owners = self.vartree.dbapi._owners.get_owners(collisions) self.vartree.dbapi.flush_cache() finally: self.unlockdb() for pkg, owned_files in owners.items(): cpv = pkg.mycpv msg = [] msg.append("%s" % cpv) for f in sorted(owned_files): msg.append("\t%s" % os.path.join(destroot, f.lstrip(os.path.sep))) msg.append("") eerror(msg) if not owners: eerror([_("None of the installed" " packages claim the file(s)."), ""]) symlink_abort_msg =_("Package '%s' NOT merged since it has " "one or more collisions between symlinks and directories, " "which is explicitly forbidden by PMS section 13.4 " "(see bug #326685).") # The explanation about the collision and how to solve # it may not be visible via a scrollback buffer, especially # if the number of file collisions is large. Therefore, # show a summary at the end. abort = False if symlink_collisions: abort = True msg = symlink_abort_msg % (self.settings.mycpv,) elif collision_protect: abort = True msg = _("Package '%s' NOT merged due to file collisions.") % \ self.settings.mycpv elif protect_owned and owners: abort = True msg = _("Package '%s' NOT merged due to file collisions.") % \ self.settings.mycpv else: msg = _("Package '%s' merged despite file collisions.") % \ self.settings.mycpv msg += _(" If necessary, refer to your elog " "messages for the whole content of the above message.") eerror(wrap(msg, 70)) if abort: return 1 # The merge process may move files out of the image directory, # which causes invalidation of the .installed flag. try: os.unlink(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(normalize_path(srcroot)), ".installed")) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise del e self.dbdir = self.dbtmpdir self.delete() ensure_dirs(self.dbtmpdir) downgrade = False if self._installed_instance is not None and \ vercmp(self.mycpv.version, self._installed_instance.mycpv.version) < 0: downgrade = True if self._installed_instance is not None: rval = self._pre_merge_backup(self._installed_instance, downgrade) if rval != os.EX_OK: showMessage(_("!!! FAILED preinst: ") + "quickpkg: %s\n" % rval, level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return rval # run preinst script showMessage(_(">>> Merging %(cpv)s to %(destroot)s\n") % \ {"cpv":self.mycpv, "destroot":destroot}) phase = EbuildPhase(background=False, phase="preinst", scheduler=self._scheduler, settings=self.settings) phase.start() a = phase.wait() # XXX: Decide how to handle failures here. if a != os.EX_OK: showMessage(_("!!! FAILED preinst: ")+str(a)+"\n", level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return a # copy "info" files (like SLOT, CFLAGS, etc.) into the database for x in os.listdir(inforoot): self.copyfile(inforoot+"/"+x) # write local package counter for recording if counter is None: counter = self.vartree.dbapi.counter_tick(mycpv=self.mycpv) f = io.open(_unicode_encode(os.path.join(self.dbtmpdir, 'COUNTER'), encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='w', encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='backslashreplace') f.write(_unicode_decode(str(counter))) f.close() self.updateprotect() #if we have a file containing previously-merged config file md5sums, grab it. self.vartree.dbapi._fs_lock() try: # Always behave like --noconfmem is enabled for downgrades # so that people who don't know about this option are less # likely to get confused when doing upgrade/downgrade cycles. cfgfiledict = grabdict(self.vartree.dbapi._conf_mem_file) if "NOCONFMEM" in self.settings or downgrade: cfgfiledict["IGNORE"]=1 else: cfgfiledict["IGNORE"]=0 rval = self._merge_contents(srcroot, destroot, cfgfiledict) if rval != os.EX_OK: return rval finally: self.vartree.dbapi._fs_unlock() # These caches are populated during collision-protect and the data # they contain is now invalid. It's very important to invalidate # the contents_inodes cache so that FEATURES=unmerge-orphans # doesn't unmerge anything that belongs to this package that has # just been merged. for dblnk in others_in_slot: dblnk._clear_contents_cache() self._clear_contents_cache() linkmap = self.vartree.dbapi._linkmap plib_registry = self.vartree.dbapi._plib_registry # We initialize preserve_paths to an empty set rather # than None here because it plays an important role # in prune_plib_registry logic by serving to indicate # that we have a replacement for a package that's # being unmerged. preserve_paths = set() needed = None if not (self._linkmap_broken or linkmap is None or plib_registry is None): self.vartree.dbapi._fs_lock() plib_registry.lock() try: plib_registry.load() needed = os.path.join(inforoot, linkmap._needed_aux_key) self._linkmap_rebuild(include_file=needed) # Preserve old libs if they are still in use # TODO: Handle cases where the previous instance # has already been uninstalled but it still has some # preserved libraries in the registry that we may # want to preserve here. preserve_paths = self._find_libs_to_preserve() finally: plib_registry.unlock() self.vartree.dbapi._fs_unlock() if preserve_paths: self._add_preserve_libs_to_contents(preserve_paths) # If portage is reinstalling itself, remove the old # version now since we want to use the temporary # PORTAGE_BIN_PATH that will be removed when we return. reinstall_self = False if self.myroot == "/" and \ match_from_list(PORTAGE_PACKAGE_ATOM, [self.mycpv]): reinstall_self = True emerge_log = self._emerge_log # If we have any preserved libraries then autoclean # is forced so that preserve-libs logic doesn't have # to account for the additional complexity of the # AUTOCLEAN=no mode. autoclean = self.settings.get("AUTOCLEAN", "yes") == "yes" \ or preserve_paths if autoclean: emerge_log(_(" >>> AUTOCLEAN: %s") % (slot_atom,)) others_in_slot.append(self) # self has just been merged for dblnk in list(others_in_slot): if dblnk is self: continue if not (autoclean or dblnk.mycpv == self.mycpv or reinstall_self): continue showMessage(_(">>> Safely unmerging already-installed instance...\n")) emerge_log(_(" === Unmerging... (%s)") % (dblnk.mycpv,)) others_in_slot.remove(dblnk) # dblnk will unmerge itself now dblnk._linkmap_broken = self._linkmap_broken dblnk.settings["REPLACED_BY_VERSION"] = portage.versions.cpv_getversion(self.mycpv) dblnk.settings.backup_changes("REPLACED_BY_VERSION") unmerge_rval = dblnk.unmerge(ldpath_mtimes=prev_mtimes, others_in_slot=others_in_slot, needed=needed, preserve_paths=preserve_paths) dblnk.settings.pop("REPLACED_BY_VERSION", None) if unmerge_rval == os.EX_OK: emerge_log(_(" >>> unmerge success: %s") % (dblnk.mycpv,)) else: emerge_log(_(" !!! unmerge FAILURE: %s") % (dblnk.mycpv,)) self.lockdb() try: # TODO: Check status and abort if necessary. dblnk.delete() finally: self.unlockdb() showMessage(_(">>> Original instance of package unmerged safely.\n")) if len(others_in_slot) > 1: showMessage(colorize("WARN", _("WARNING:")) + _(" AUTOCLEAN is disabled. This can cause serious" " problems due to overlapping packages.\n"), level=logging.WARN, noiselevel=-1) # We hold both directory locks. self.dbdir = self.dbpkgdir self.lockdb() try: self.delete() _movefile(self.dbtmpdir, self.dbpkgdir, mysettings=self.settings) finally: self.unlockdb() # Check for file collisions with blocking packages # and remove any colliding files from their CONTENTS # since they now belong to this package. self._clear_contents_cache() contents = self.getcontents() destroot_len = len(destroot) - 1 self.lockdb() try: for blocker in blockers: self.vartree.dbapi.removeFromContents(blocker, iter(contents), relative_paths=False) finally: self.unlockdb() plib_registry = self.vartree.dbapi._plib_registry if plib_registry: self.vartree.dbapi._fs_lock() plib_registry.lock() try: plib_registry.load() if preserve_paths: # keep track of the libs we preserved plib_registry.register(self.mycpv, slot, counter, sorted(preserve_paths)) # Unregister any preserved libs that this package has overwritten # and update the contents of the packages that owned them. plib_dict = plib_registry.getPreservedLibs() for cpv, paths in plib_collisions.items(): if cpv not in plib_dict: continue has_vdb_entry = False if cpv != self.mycpv: # If we've replaced another instance with the # same cpv then the vdb entry no longer belongs # to it, so we'll have to get the slot and counter # from plib_registry._data instead. self.vartree.dbapi.lock() try: try: slot, counter = self.vartree.dbapi.aux_get( cpv, ["SLOT", "COUNTER"]) except KeyError: pass else: has_vdb_entry = True self.vartree.dbapi.removeFromContents( cpv, paths) finally: self.vartree.dbapi.unlock() if not has_vdb_entry: # It's possible for previously unmerged packages # to have preserved libs in the registry, so try # to retrieve the slot and counter from there. has_registry_entry = False for plib_cps, (plib_cpv, plib_counter, plib_paths) in \ plib_registry._data.items(): if plib_cpv != cpv: continue try: cp, slot = plib_cps.split(":", 1) except ValueError: continue counter = plib_counter has_registry_entry = True break if not has_registry_entry: continue remaining = [f for f in plib_dict[cpv] if f not in paths] plib_registry.register(cpv, slot, counter, remaining) plib_registry.store() finally: plib_registry.unlock() self.vartree.dbapi._fs_unlock() self.vartree.dbapi._add(self) contents = self.getcontents() #do postinst script self.settings["PORTAGE_UPDATE_ENV"] = \ os.path.join(self.dbpkgdir, "environment.bz2") self.settings.backup_changes("PORTAGE_UPDATE_ENV") try: phase = EbuildPhase(background=False, phase="postinst", scheduler=self._scheduler, settings=self.settings) phase.start() a = phase.wait() if a == os.EX_OK: showMessage(_(">>> %s merged.\n") % self.mycpv) finally: self.settings.pop("PORTAGE_UPDATE_ENV", None) if a != os.EX_OK: # It's stupid to bail out here, so keep going regardless of # phase return code. showMessage(_("!!! FAILED postinst: ")+str(a)+"\n", level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) #update environment settings, library paths. DO NOT change symlinks. env_update( target_root=self.settings['ROOT'], prev_mtimes=prev_mtimes, contents=contents, env=self.settings, writemsg_level=self._display_merge, vardbapi=self.vartree.dbapi) # For gcc upgrades, preserved libs have to be removed after the # the library path has been updated. self._prune_plib_registry() return os.EX_OK def _new_backup_path(self, p): """ The works for any type path, such as a regular file, symlink, or directory. The parent directory is assumed to exist. The returned filename is of the form p + '.backup.' + x, where x guarantees that the returned path does not exist yet. """ os = _os_merge x = -1 while True: x += 1 backup_p = p + '.backup.' + str(x).rjust(4, '0') try: os.lstat(backup_p) except OSError: break return backup_p def _merge_contents(self, srcroot, destroot, cfgfiledict): cfgfiledict_orig = cfgfiledict.copy() # open CONTENTS file (possibly overwriting old one) for recording # Use atomic_ofstream for automatic coercion of raw bytes to # unicode, in order to prevent TypeError when writing raw bytes # to TextIOWrapper with python2. outfile = atomic_ofstream(_unicode_encode( os.path.join(self.dbtmpdir, 'CONTENTS'), encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='w', encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='backslashreplace') # Don't bump mtimes on merge since some application require # preservation of timestamps. This means that the unmerge phase must # check to see if file belongs to an installed instance in the same # slot. mymtime = None # set umask to 0 for merging; back up umask, save old one in prevmask (since this is a global change) prevmask = os.umask(0) secondhand = [] # we do a first merge; this will recurse through all files in our srcroot but also build up a # "second hand" of symlinks to merge later if self.mergeme(srcroot, destroot, outfile, secondhand, self.settings["EPREFIX"].lstrip(os.sep), cfgfiledict, mymtime): return 1 # now, it's time for dealing our second hand; we'll loop until we can't merge anymore. The rest are # broken symlinks. We'll merge them too. lastlen = 0 while len(secondhand) and len(secondhand)!=lastlen: # clear the thirdhand. Anything from our second hand that # couldn't get merged will be added to thirdhand. thirdhand = [] if self.mergeme(srcroot, destroot, outfile, thirdhand, secondhand, cfgfiledict, mymtime): return 1 #swap hands lastlen = len(secondhand) # our thirdhand now becomes our secondhand. It's ok to throw # away secondhand since thirdhand contains all the stuff that # couldn't be merged. secondhand = thirdhand if len(secondhand): # force merge of remaining symlinks (broken or circular; oh well) if self.mergeme(srcroot, destroot, outfile, None, secondhand, cfgfiledict, mymtime): return 1 #restore umask os.umask(prevmask) #if we opened it, close it outfile.flush() outfile.close() # write out our collection of md5sums if cfgfiledict != cfgfiledict_orig: cfgfiledict.pop("IGNORE", None) try: writedict(cfgfiledict, self.vartree.dbapi._conf_mem_file) except InvalidLocation: self.settings._init_dirs() writedict(cfgfiledict, self.vartree.dbapi._conf_mem_file) return os.EX_OK def mergeme(self, srcroot, destroot, outfile, secondhand, stufftomerge, cfgfiledict, thismtime): """ This function handles actual merging of the package contents to the livefs. It also handles config protection. @param srcroot: Where are we copying files from (usually ${D}) @type srcroot: String (Path) @param destroot: Typically ${ROOT} @type destroot: String (Path) @param outfile: File to log operations to @type outfile: File Object @param secondhand: A set of items to merge in pass two (usually or symlinks that point to non-existing files that may get merged later) @type secondhand: List @param stufftomerge: Either a diretory to merge, or a list of items. @type stufftomerge: String or List @param cfgfiledict: { File:mtime } mapping for config_protected files @type cfgfiledict: Dictionary @param thismtime: None or new mtime for merged files (expressed in seconds in Python <3.3 and nanoseconds in Python >=3.3) @type thismtime: None or Int @rtype: None or Boolean @return: 1. True on failure 2. None otherwise """ showMessage = self._display_merge writemsg = self._display_merge os = _os_merge sep = os.sep join = os.path.join srcroot = normalize_path(srcroot).rstrip(sep) + sep destroot = normalize_path(destroot).rstrip(sep) + sep calc_prelink = "prelink-checksums" in self.settings.features protect_if_modified = \ "config-protect-if-modified" in self.settings.features and \ self._installed_instance is not None # this is supposed to merge a list of files. There will be 2 forms of argument passing. if isinstance(stufftomerge, basestring): #A directory is specified. Figure out protection paths, listdir() it and process it. mergelist = os.listdir(join(srcroot, stufftomerge)) offset = stufftomerge else: mergelist = stufftomerge offset = "" for i, x in enumerate(mergelist): mysrc = join(srcroot, offset, x) mydest = join(destroot, offset, x) # myrealdest is mydest without the $ROOT prefix (makes a difference if ROOT!="/") myrealdest = join(sep, offset, x) # stat file once, test using S_* macros many times (faster that way) mystat = os.lstat(mysrc) mymode = mystat[stat.ST_MODE] # handy variables; mydest is the target object on the live filesystems; # mysrc is the source object in the temporary install dir try: mydstat = os.lstat(mydest) mydmode = mydstat.st_mode except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise del e #dest file doesn't exist mydstat = None mydmode = None if stat.S_ISLNK(mymode): # we are merging a symbolic link # The file name of mysrc and the actual file that it points to # will have earlier been forcefully converted to the 'merge' # encoding if necessary, but the content of the symbolic link # may need to be forcefully converted here. myto = _os.readlink(_unicode_encode(mysrc, encoding=_encodings['merge'], errors='strict')) try: myto = _unicode_decode(myto, encoding=_encodings['merge'], errors='strict') except UnicodeDecodeError: myto = _unicode_decode(myto, encoding=_encodings['merge'], errors='replace') myto = _unicode_encode(myto, encoding='ascii', errors='backslashreplace') myto = _unicode_decode(myto, encoding=_encodings['merge'], errors='replace') os.unlink(mysrc) os.symlink(myto, mysrc) # Pass in the symlink target in order to bypass the # os.readlink() call inside abssymlink(), since that # call is unsafe if the merge encoding is not ascii # or utf_8 (see bug #382021). myabsto = abssymlink(mysrc, target=myto) if myabsto.startswith(srcroot): myabsto = myabsto[len(srcroot):] myabsto = myabsto.lstrip(sep) if self.settings and self.settings["D"]: if myto.startswith(self.settings["D"]): myto = myto[len(self.settings["D"])-1:] # myrealto contains the path of the real file to which this symlink points. # we can simply test for existence of this file to see if the target has been merged yet myrealto = normalize_path(os.path.join(destroot, myabsto)) if mydmode!=None: #destination exists if stat.S_ISDIR(mydmode): # we can't merge a symlink over a directory newdest = self._new_backup_path(mydest) msg = [] msg.append("") msg.append(_("Installation of a symlink is blocked by a directory:")) msg.append(" '%s'" % mydest) msg.append(_("This symlink will be merged with a different name:")) msg.append(" '%s'" % newdest) msg.append("") self._eerror("preinst", msg) mydest = newdest elif not stat.S_ISLNK(mydmode): if os.path.exists(mysrc) and stat.S_ISDIR(os.stat(mysrc)[stat.ST_MODE]): # Kill file blocking installation of symlink to dir #71787 pass elif self.isprotected(mydest): # Use md5 of the target in ${D} if it exists... try: newmd5 = perform_md5(join(srcroot, myabsto)) except FileNotFound: # Maybe the target is merged already. try: newmd5 = perform_md5(myrealto) except FileNotFound: newmd5 = None mydest = new_protect_filename(mydest, newmd5=newmd5) # if secondhand is None it means we're operating in "force" mode and should not create a second hand. if (secondhand != None) and (not os.path.exists(myrealto)): # either the target directory doesn't exist yet or the target file doesn't exist -- or # the target is a broken symlink. We will add this file to our "second hand" and merge # it later. secondhand.append(mysrc[len(srcroot):]) continue # unlinking no longer necessary; "movefile" will overwrite symlinks atomically and correctly mymtime = movefile(mysrc, mydest, newmtime=thismtime, sstat=mystat, mysettings=self.settings, encoding=_encodings['merge']) if mymtime != None: showMessage(">>> %s -> %s\n" % (mydest, myto)) if sys.hexversion >= 0x3030000: outfile.write("sym "+myrealdest+" -> "+myto+" "+str(mymtime // 1000000000)+"\n") else: outfile.write("sym "+myrealdest+" -> "+myto+" "+str(mymtime)+"\n") else: showMessage(_("!!! Failed to move file.\n"), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) showMessage("!!! %s -> %s\n" % (mydest, myto), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return 1 elif stat.S_ISDIR(mymode): # we are merging a directory if mydmode != None: # destination exists if bsd_chflags: # Save then clear flags on dest. dflags = mydstat.st_flags if dflags != 0: bsd_chflags.lchflags(mydest, 0) if not os.access(mydest, os.W_OK): pkgstuff = pkgsplit(self.pkg) writemsg(_("\n!!! Cannot write to '%s'.\n") % mydest, noiselevel=-1) writemsg(_("!!! Please check permissions and directories for broken symlinks.\n")) writemsg(_("!!! You may start the merge process again by using ebuild:\n")) writemsg("!!! ebuild "+self.settings["PORTDIR"]+"/"+self.cat+"/"+pkgstuff[0]+"/"+self.pkg+".ebuild merge\n") writemsg(_("!!! And finish by running this: env-update\n\n")) return 1 if stat.S_ISDIR(mydmode) or \ (stat.S_ISLNK(mydmode) and os.path.isdir(mydest)): # a symlink to an existing directory will work for us; keep it: showMessage("--- %s/\n" % mydest) if bsd_chflags: bsd_chflags.lchflags(mydest, dflags) else: # a non-directory and non-symlink-to-directory. Won't work for us. Move out of the way. backup_dest = self._new_backup_path(mydest) msg = [] msg.append("") msg.append(_("Installation of a directory is blocked by a file:")) msg.append(" '%s'" % mydest) msg.append(_("This file will be renamed to a different name:")) msg.append(" '%s'" % backup_dest) msg.append("") self._eerror("preinst", msg) if movefile(mydest, backup_dest, mysettings=self.settings, encoding=_encodings['merge']) is None: return 1 showMessage(_("bak %s %s.backup\n") % (mydest, mydest), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) #now create our directory try: if self.settings.selinux_enabled(): _selinux_merge.mkdir(mydest, mysrc) else: os.mkdir(mydest) except OSError as e: # Error handling should be equivalent to # portage.util.ensure_dirs() for cases # like bug #187518. if e.errno in (errno.EEXIST,): pass elif os.path.isdir(mydest): pass else: raise del e if bsd_chflags: bsd_chflags.lchflags(mydest, dflags) os.chmod(mydest, mystat[0]) os.chown(mydest, mystat[4], mystat[5]) showMessage(">>> %s/\n" % mydest) else: try: #destination doesn't exist if self.settings.selinux_enabled(): _selinux_merge.mkdir(mydest, mysrc) else: os.mkdir(mydest) except OSError as e: # Error handling should be equivalent to # portage.util.ensure_dirs() for cases # like bug #187518. if e.errno in (errno.EEXIST,): pass elif os.path.isdir(mydest): pass else: raise del e os.chmod(mydest, mystat[0]) os.chown(mydest, mystat[4], mystat[5]) showMessage(">>> %s/\n" % mydest) outfile.write("dir "+myrealdest+"\n") # recurse and merge this directory if self.mergeme(srcroot, destroot, outfile, secondhand, join(offset, x), cfgfiledict, thismtime): return 1 elif stat.S_ISREG(mymode): # we are merging a regular file mymd5 = perform_md5(mysrc, calc_prelink=calc_prelink) # calculate config file protection stuff mydestdir = os.path.dirname(mydest) moveme = 1 zing = "!!!" mymtime = None protected = self.isprotected(mydest) if mydmode != None: # destination file exists if stat.S_ISDIR(mydmode): # install of destination is blocked by an existing directory with the same name newdest = self._new_backup_path(mydest) msg = [] msg.append("") msg.append(_("Installation of a regular file is blocked by a directory:")) msg.append(" '%s'" % mydest) msg.append(_("This file will be merged with a different name:")) msg.append(" '%s'" % newdest) msg.append("") self._eerror("preinst", msg) mydest = newdest elif stat.S_ISREG(mydmode) or (stat.S_ISLNK(mydmode) and os.path.exists(mydest) and stat.S_ISREG(os.stat(mydest)[stat.ST_MODE])): # install of destination is blocked by an existing regular file, # or by a symlink to an existing regular file; # now, config file management may come into play. # we only need to tweak mydest if cfg file management is in play. if protected: destmd5 = perform_md5(mydest, calc_prelink=calc_prelink) if protect_if_modified: contents_key = \ self._installed_instance._match_contents(myrealdest) if contents_key: inst_info = self._installed_instance.getcontents()[contents_key] if inst_info[0] == "obj" and inst_info[2] == destmd5: protected = False if protected: # we have a protection path; enable config file management. cfgprot = 0 if mymd5 == destmd5: #file already in place; simply update mtimes of destination moveme = 1 else: if mymd5 == cfgfiledict.get(myrealdest, [None])[0]: """ An identical update has previously been merged. Skip it unless the user has chosen --noconfmem.""" moveme = cfgfiledict["IGNORE"] cfgprot = cfgfiledict["IGNORE"] if not moveme: zing = "---" if sys.hexversion >= 0x3030000: mymtime = mystat.st_mtime_ns else: mymtime = mystat[stat.ST_MTIME] else: moveme = 1 cfgprot = 1 if moveme: # Merging a new file, so update confmem. cfgfiledict[myrealdest] = [mymd5] elif destmd5 == cfgfiledict.get(myrealdest, [None])[0]: """A previously remembered update has been accepted, so it is removed from confmem.""" del cfgfiledict[myrealdest] if cfgprot: mydest = new_protect_filename(mydest, newmd5=mymd5) # whether config protection or not, we merge the new file the # same way. Unless moveme=0 (blocking directory) if moveme: # Create hardlinks only for source files that already exist # as hardlinks (having identical st_dev and st_ino). hardlink_key = (mystat.st_dev, mystat.st_ino) hardlink_candidates = self._hardlink_merge_map.get(hardlink_key) if hardlink_candidates is None: hardlink_candidates = [] self._hardlink_merge_map[hardlink_key] = hardlink_candidates mymtime = movefile(mysrc, mydest, newmtime=thismtime, sstat=mystat, mysettings=self.settings, hardlink_candidates=hardlink_candidates, encoding=_encodings['merge']) if mymtime is None: return 1 hardlink_candidates.append(mydest) zing = ">>>" if mymtime != None: if sys.hexversion >= 0x3030000: outfile.write("obj "+myrealdest+" "+mymd5+" "+str(mymtime // 1000000000)+"\n") else: outfile.write("obj "+myrealdest+" "+mymd5+" "+str(mymtime)+"\n") showMessage("%s %s\n" % (zing,mydest)) else: # we are merging a fifo or device node zing = "!!!" if mydmode is None: # destination doesn't exist if movefile(mysrc, mydest, newmtime=thismtime, sstat=mystat, mysettings=self.settings, encoding=_encodings['merge']) is not None: zing = ">>>" else: return 1 if stat.S_ISFIFO(mymode): outfile.write("fif %s\n" % myrealdest) else: outfile.write("dev %s\n" % myrealdest) showMessage(zing + " " + mydest + "\n") def merge(self, mergeroot, inforoot, myroot=None, myebuild=None, cleanup=0, mydbapi=None, prev_mtimes=None, counter=None): """ @param myroot: ignored, self._eroot is used instead """ myroot = None retval = -1 parallel_install = "parallel-install" in self.settings.features if not parallel_install: self.lockdb() self.vartree.dbapi._bump_mtime(self.mycpv) if self._scheduler is None: self._scheduler = PollScheduler().sched_iface try: retval = self.treewalk(mergeroot, myroot, inforoot, myebuild, cleanup=cleanup, mydbapi=mydbapi, prev_mtimes=prev_mtimes, counter=counter) # If PORTAGE_BUILDDIR doesn't exist, then it probably means # fail-clean is enabled, and the success/die hooks have # already been called by EbuildPhase. if os.path.isdir(self.settings['PORTAGE_BUILDDIR']): if retval == os.EX_OK: phase = 'success_hooks' else: phase = 'die_hooks' ebuild_phase = MiscFunctionsProcess( background=False, commands=[phase], scheduler=self._scheduler, settings=self.settings) ebuild_phase.start() ebuild_phase.wait() self._elog_process() if 'noclean' not in self.settings.features and \ (retval == os.EX_OK or \ 'fail-clean' in self.settings.features): if myebuild is None: myebuild = os.path.join(inforoot, self.pkg + ".ebuild") doebuild_environment(myebuild, "clean", settings=self.settings, db=mydbapi) phase = EbuildPhase(background=False, phase="clean", scheduler=self._scheduler, settings=self.settings) phase.start() phase.wait() finally: self.settings.pop('REPLACING_VERSIONS', None) if self.vartree.dbapi._linkmap is None: # preserve-libs is entirely disabled pass else: self.vartree.dbapi._linkmap._clear_cache() self.vartree.dbapi._bump_mtime(self.mycpv) if not parallel_install: self.unlockdb() return retval def getstring(self,name): "returns contents of a file with whitespace converted to spaces" if not os.path.exists(self.dbdir+"/"+name): return "" mydata = io.open( _unicode_encode(os.path.join(self.dbdir, name), encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='r', encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='replace' ).read().split() return " ".join(mydata) def copyfile(self,fname): shutil.copyfile(fname,self.dbdir+"/"+os.path.basename(fname)) def getfile(self,fname): if not os.path.exists(self.dbdir+"/"+fname): return "" return io.open(_unicode_encode(os.path.join(self.dbdir, fname), encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='r', encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='replace' ).read() def setfile(self,fname,data): kwargs = {} if fname == 'environment.bz2' or not isinstance(data, basestring): kwargs['mode'] = 'wb' else: kwargs['mode'] = 'w' kwargs['encoding'] = _encodings['repo.content'] write_atomic(os.path.join(self.dbdir, fname), data, **kwargs) def getelements(self,ename): if not os.path.exists(self.dbdir+"/"+ename): return [] mylines = io.open(_unicode_encode( os.path.join(self.dbdir, ename), encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='r', encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='replace' ).readlines() myreturn = [] for x in mylines: for y in x[:-1].split(): myreturn.append(y) return myreturn def setelements(self,mylist,ename): myelement = io.open(_unicode_encode( os.path.join(self.dbdir, ename), encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='w', encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='backslashreplace') for x in mylist: myelement.write(_unicode_decode(x+"\n")) myelement.close() def isregular(self): "Is this a regular package (does it have a CATEGORY file? A dblink can be virtual *and* regular)" return os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.dbdir, "CATEGORY")) def _pre_merge_backup(self, backup_dblink, downgrade): if ("unmerge-backup" in self.settings.features or (downgrade and "downgrade-backup" in self.settings.features)): return self._quickpkg_dblink(backup_dblink, False, None) return os.EX_OK def _pre_unmerge_backup(self, background): if "unmerge-backup" in self.settings.features : logfile = None if self.settings.get("PORTAGE_BACKGROUND") != "subprocess": logfile = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE") return self._quickpkg_dblink(self, background, logfile) return os.EX_OK def _quickpkg_dblink(self, backup_dblink, background, logfile): trees = QueryCommand.get_db()[self.settings["EROOT"]] bintree = trees["bintree"] binpkg_path = bintree.getname(backup_dblink.mycpv) if os.path.exists(binpkg_path) and \ catsplit(backup_dblink.mycpv)[1] not in bintree.invalids: return os.EX_OK self.lockdb() try: if not backup_dblink.exists(): # It got unmerged by a concurrent process. return os.EX_OK # Call quickpkg for support of QUICKPKG_DEFAULT_OPTS and stuff. quickpkg_binary = os.path.join(self.settings["PORTAGE_BIN_PATH"], "quickpkg") # Let quickpkg inherit the global vartree config's env. env = dict(self.vartree.settings.items()) env["__PORTAGE_INHERIT_VARDB_LOCK"] = "1" pythonpath = [x for x in env.get('PYTHONPATH', '').split(":") if x] if not pythonpath or \ not os.path.samefile(pythonpath[0], portage._pym_path): pythonpath.insert(0, portage._pym_path) env['PYTHONPATH'] = ":".join(pythonpath) quickpkg_proc = SpawnProcess( args=[portage._python_interpreter, quickpkg_binary, "=%s" % (backup_dblink.mycpv,)], background=background, env=env, scheduler=self._scheduler, logfile=logfile) quickpkg_proc.start() return quickpkg_proc.wait() finally: self.unlockdb() def merge(mycat, mypkg, pkgloc, infloc, myroot=None, settings=None, myebuild=None, mytree=None, mydbapi=None, vartree=None, prev_mtimes=None, blockers=None, scheduler=None): """ @param myroot: ignored, settings['EROOT'] is used instead """ myroot = None if settings is None: raise TypeError("settings argument is required") if not os.access(settings['EROOT'], os.W_OK): writemsg(_("Permission denied: access('%s', W_OK)\n") % settings['EROOT'], noiselevel=-1) return errno.EACCES background = (settings.get('PORTAGE_BACKGROUND') == '1') merge_task = MergeProcess( mycat=mycat, mypkg=mypkg, settings=settings, treetype=mytree, vartree=vartree, scheduler=(scheduler or PollScheduler().sched_iface), background=background, blockers=blockers, pkgloc=pkgloc, infloc=infloc, myebuild=myebuild, mydbapi=mydbapi, prev_mtimes=prev_mtimes, logfile=settings.get('PORTAGE_LOG_FILE')) merge_task.start() retcode = merge_task.wait() return retcode def unmerge(cat, pkg, myroot=None, settings=None, mytrimworld=None, vartree=None, ldpath_mtimes=None, scheduler=None): """ @param myroot: ignored, settings['EROOT'] is used instead @param mytrimworld: ignored """ myroot = None if settings is None: raise TypeError("settings argument is required") mylink = dblink(cat, pkg, settings=settings, treetype="vartree", vartree=vartree, scheduler=scheduler) vartree = mylink.vartree parallel_install = "parallel-install" in settings.features if not parallel_install: mylink.lockdb() try: if mylink.exists(): retval = mylink.unmerge(ldpath_mtimes=ldpath_mtimes) if retval == os.EX_OK: mylink.lockdb() try: mylink.delete() finally: mylink.unlockdb() return retval return os.EX_OK finally: if vartree.dbapi._linkmap is None: # preserve-libs is entirely disabled pass else: vartree.dbapi._linkmap._clear_cache() if not parallel_install: mylink.unlockdb() def write_contents(contents, root, f): """ Write contents to any file like object. The file will be left open. """ root_len = len(root) - 1 for filename in sorted(contents): entry_data = contents[filename] entry_type = entry_data[0] relative_filename = filename[root_len:] if entry_type == "obj": entry_type, mtime, md5sum = entry_data line = "%s %s %s %s\n" % \ (entry_type, relative_filename, md5sum, mtime) elif entry_type == "sym": entry_type, mtime, link = entry_data line = "%s %s -> %s %s\n" % \ (entry_type, relative_filename, link, mtime) else: # dir, dev, fif line = "%s %s\n" % (entry_type, relative_filename) f.write(line) def tar_contents(contents, root, tar, protect=None, onProgress=None): os = _os_merge encoding = _encodings['merge'] try: for x in contents: _unicode_encode(x, encoding=_encodings['merge'], errors='strict') except UnicodeEncodeError: # The package appears to have been merged with a # different value of sys.getfilesystemencoding(), # so fall back to utf_8 if appropriate. try: for x in contents: _unicode_encode(x, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict') except UnicodeEncodeError: pass else: os = portage.os encoding = _encodings['fs'] tar.encoding = encoding root = normalize_path(root).rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep id_strings = {} maxval = len(contents) curval = 0 if onProgress: onProgress(maxval, 0) paths = list(contents) paths.sort() for path in paths: curval += 1 try: lst = os.lstat(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise del e if onProgress: onProgress(maxval, curval) continue contents_type = contents[path][0] if path.startswith(root): arcname = "./" + path[len(root):] else: raise ValueError("invalid root argument: '%s'" % root) live_path = path if 'dir' == contents_type and \ not stat.S_ISDIR(lst.st_mode) and \ os.path.isdir(live_path): # Even though this was a directory in the original ${D}, it exists # as a symlink to a directory in the live filesystem. It must be # recorded as a real directory in the tar file to ensure that tar # can properly extract it's children. live_path = os.path.realpath(live_path) lst = os.lstat(live_path) # Since os.lstat() inside TarFile.gettarinfo() can trigger a # UnicodeEncodeError when python has something other than utf_8 # return from sys.getfilesystemencoding() (as in bug #388773), # we implement the needed functionality here, using the result # of our successful lstat call. An alternative to this would be # to pass in the fileobj argument to TarFile.gettarinfo(), so # that it could use fstat instead of lstat. However, that would # have the unwanted effect of dereferencing symlinks. tarinfo = tar.tarinfo() tarinfo.name = arcname tarinfo.mode = lst.st_mode tarinfo.uid = lst.st_uid tarinfo.gid = lst.st_gid tarinfo.size = 0 tarinfo.mtime = lst.st_mtime tarinfo.linkname = "" if stat.S_ISREG(lst.st_mode): inode = (lst.st_ino, lst.st_dev) if (lst.st_nlink > 1 and inode in tar.inodes and arcname != tar.inodes[inode]): tarinfo.type = tarfile.LNKTYPE tarinfo.linkname = tar.inodes[inode] else: tar.inodes[inode] = arcname tarinfo.type = tarfile.REGTYPE tarinfo.size = lst.st_size elif stat.S_ISDIR(lst.st_mode): tarinfo.type = tarfile.DIRTYPE elif stat.S_ISLNK(lst.st_mode): tarinfo.type = tarfile.SYMTYPE tarinfo.linkname = os.readlink(live_path) else: continue try: tarinfo.uname = pwd.getpwuid(tarinfo.uid)[0] except KeyError: pass try: tarinfo.gname = grp.getgrgid(tarinfo.gid)[0] except KeyError: pass if stat.S_ISREG(lst.st_mode): if protect and protect(path): # Create an empty file as a place holder in order to avoid # potential collision-protect issues. f = tempfile.TemporaryFile() f.write(_unicode_encode( "# empty file because --include-config=n " + \ "when `quickpkg` was used\n")) f.flush() f.seek(0) tarinfo.size = os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size tar.addfile(tarinfo, f) f.close() else: f = open(_unicode_encode(path, encoding=encoding, errors='strict'), 'rb') try: tar.addfile(tarinfo, f) finally: f.close() else: tar.addfile(tarinfo) if onProgress: onProgress(maxval, curval)