# archive_conf.py -- functionality common to archive-conf and dispatch-conf # Copyright 2003-2004 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # Library by Wayne Davison , derived from code # written by Jeremy Wohl (http://igmus.org) from __future__ import print_function import os, sys, shutil try: from subprocess import getstatusoutput as subprocess_getstatusoutput except ImportError: from commands import getstatusoutput as subprocess_getstatusoutput import portage from portage.localization import _ RCS_BRANCH = '1.1.1' RCS_LOCK = 'rcs -ko -M -l' RCS_PUT = 'ci -t-"Archived config file." -m"dispatch-conf update."' RCS_GET = 'co' RCS_MERGE = "rcsmerge -p -r" + RCS_BRANCH + " '%s' > '%s'" DIFF3_MERGE = "diff3 -mE '%s' '%s' '%s' > '%s'" def diffstatusoutput_len(cmd): """ Execute the string cmd in a shell with getstatusoutput() and return a 2-tuple (status, output_length). If getstatusoutput() raises UnicodeDecodeError (known to happen with python3.1), return a 2-tuple (1, 1). This provides a simple way to check for non-zero output length of diff commands, while providing simple handling of UnicodeDecodeError when necessary. """ try: status, output = subprocess_getstatusoutput(cmd) return (status, len(output)) except UnicodeDecodeError: return (1, 1) def read_config(mandatory_opts): loader = portage.env.loaders.KeyValuePairFileLoader( '/etc/dispatch-conf.conf', None) opts, errors = loader.load() if not opts: print(_('dispatch-conf: Error reading /etc/dispatch-conf.conf; fatal'), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # Handle quote removal here, since KeyValuePairFileLoader doesn't do that. quotes = "\"'" for k, v in opts.items(): if v[:1] in quotes and v[:1] == v[-1:]: opts[k] = v[1:-1] for key in mandatory_opts: if key not in opts: if key == "merge": opts["merge"] = "sdiff --suppress-common-lines --output='%s' '%s' '%s'" else: print(_('dispatch-conf: Missing option "%s" in /etc/dispatch-conf.conf; fatal') % (key,), file=sys.stderr) if not os.path.exists(opts['archive-dir']): os.mkdir(opts['archive-dir']) elif not os.path.isdir(opts['archive-dir']): print(_('dispatch-conf: Config archive dir [%s] must exist; fatal') % (opts['archive-dir'],), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) return opts def rcs_archive(archive, curconf, newconf, mrgconf): """Archive existing config in rcs (on trunk). Then, if mrgconf is specified and an old branch version exists, merge the user's changes and the distributed changes and put the result into mrgconf. Lastly, if newconf was specified, leave it in the archive dir with a .dist.new suffix along with the last 1.1.1 branch version with a .dist suffix.""" try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(archive)) except OSError: pass try: shutil.copy2(curconf, archive) except(IOError, os.error) as why: print(_('dispatch-conf: Error copying %(curconf)s to %(archive)s: %(reason)s; fatal') % \ {"curconf": curconf, "archive": archive, "reason": str(why)}, file=sys.stderr) if os.path.exists(archive + ',v'): os.system(RCS_LOCK + ' ' + archive) os.system(RCS_PUT + ' ' + archive) ret = 0 if newconf != '': os.system(RCS_GET + ' -r' + RCS_BRANCH + ' ' + archive) has_branch = os.path.exists(archive) if has_branch: os.rename(archive, archive + '.dist') try: shutil.copy2(newconf, archive) except(IOError, os.error) as why: print(_('dispatch-conf: Error copying %(newconf)s to %(archive)s: %(reason)s; fatal') % \ {"newconf": newconf, "archive": archive, "reason": str(why)}, file=sys.stderr) if has_branch: if mrgconf != '': # This puts the results of the merge into mrgconf. ret = os.system(RCS_MERGE % (archive, mrgconf)) mystat = os.lstat(newconf) os.chmod(mrgconf, mystat.st_mode) os.chown(mrgconf, mystat.st_uid, mystat.st_gid) os.rename(archive, archive + '.dist.new') return ret def file_archive(archive, curconf, newconf, mrgconf): """Archive existing config to the archive-dir, bumping old versions out of the way into .# versions (log-rotate style). Then, if mrgconf was specified and there is a .dist version, merge the user's changes and the distributed changes and put the result into mrgconf. Lastly, if newconf was specified, archive it as a .dist.new version (which gets moved to the .dist version at the end of the processing).""" try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(archive)) except OSError: pass # Archive the current config file if it isn't already saved if os.path.exists(archive) \ and diffstatusoutput_len("diff -aq '%s' '%s'" % (curconf,archive))[1] != 0: suf = 1 while suf < 9 and os.path.exists(archive + '.' + str(suf)): suf += 1 while suf > 1: os.rename(archive + '.' + str(suf-1), archive + '.' + str(suf)) suf -= 1 os.rename(archive, archive + '.1') try: shutil.copy2(curconf, archive) except(IOError, os.error) as why: print(_('dispatch-conf: Error copying %(curconf)s to %(archive)s: %(reason)s; fatal') % \ {"curconf": curconf, "archive": archive, "reason": str(why)}, file=sys.stderr) if newconf != '': # Save off new config file in the archive dir with .dist.new suffix try: shutil.copy2(newconf, archive + '.dist.new') except(IOError, os.error) as why: print(_('dispatch-conf: Error copying %(newconf)s to %(archive)s: %(reason)s; fatal') % \ {"newconf": newconf, "archive": archive + '.dist.new', "reason": str(why)}, file=sys.stderr) ret = 0 if mrgconf != '' and os.path.exists(archive + '.dist'): # This puts the results of the merge into mrgconf. ret = os.system(DIFF3_MERGE % (curconf, archive + '.dist', newconf, mrgconf)) mystat = os.lstat(newconf) os.chmod(mrgconf, mystat.st_mode) os.chown(mrgconf, mystat.st_uid, mystat.st_gid) return ret def rcs_archive_post_process(archive): """Check in the archive file with the .dist.new suffix on the branch and remove the one with the .dist suffix.""" os.rename(archive + '.dist.new', archive) if os.path.exists(archive + '.dist'): # Commit the last-distributed version onto the branch. os.system(RCS_LOCK + RCS_BRANCH + ' ' + archive) os.system(RCS_PUT + ' -r' + RCS_BRANCH + ' ' + archive) os.unlink(archive + '.dist') else: # Forcefully commit the last-distributed version onto the branch. os.system(RCS_PUT + ' -f -r' + RCS_BRANCH + ' ' + archive) def file_archive_post_process(archive): """Rename the archive file with the .dist.new suffix to a .dist suffix""" os.rename(archive + '.dist.new', archive + '.dist')