# getbinpkg.py -- Portage binary-package helper functions # Copyright 2003-2013 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 from __future__ import unicode_literals from portage.output import colorize from portage.cache.mappings import slot_dict_class from portage.localization import _ import portage from portage import os from portage import _encodings from portage import _unicode_decode from portage import _unicode_encode from portage.package.ebuild.fetch import _hide_url_passwd from _emerge.Package import _all_metadata_keys import sys import socket import time import tempfile import base64 import warnings _all_errors = [NotImplementedError, ValueError, socket.error] try: from html.parser import HTMLParser as html_parser_HTMLParser except ImportError: from HTMLParser import HTMLParser as html_parser_HTMLParser try: from urllib.parse import unquote as urllib_parse_unquote except ImportError: from urllib2 import unquote as urllib_parse_unquote try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle try: import ftplib except ImportError as e: sys.stderr.write(colorize("BAD","!!! CANNOT IMPORT FTPLIB: ")+str(e)+"\n") else: _all_errors.extend(ftplib.all_errors) try: try: from http.client import HTTPConnection as http_client_HTTPConnection from http.client import BadStatusLine as http_client_BadStatusLine from http.client import ResponseNotReady as http_client_ResponseNotReady from http.client import error as http_client_error except ImportError: from httplib import HTTPConnection as http_client_HTTPConnection from httplib import BadStatusLine as http_client_BadStatusLine from httplib import ResponseNotReady as http_client_ResponseNotReady from httplib import error as http_client_error except ImportError as e: sys.stderr.write(colorize("BAD","!!! CANNOT IMPORT HTTP.CLIENT: ")+str(e)+"\n") else: _all_errors.append(http_client_error) _all_errors = tuple(_all_errors) if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000: long = int def make_metadata_dict(data): warnings.warn("portage.getbinpkg.make_metadata_dict() is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) myid,myglob = data mydict = {} for k_bytes in portage.xpak.getindex_mem(myid): k = _unicode_decode(k_bytes, encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='replace') if k not in _all_metadata_keys and \ k != "CATEGORY": continue v = _unicode_decode(portage.xpak.getitem(data, k_bytes), encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='replace') mydict[k] = v return mydict class ParseLinks(html_parser_HTMLParser): """Parser class that overrides HTMLParser to grab all anchors from an html page and provide suffix and prefix limitors""" def __init__(self): warnings.warn("portage.getbinpkg.ParseLinks is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) self.PL_anchors = [] html_parser_HTMLParser.__init__(self) def get_anchors(self): return self.PL_anchors def get_anchors_by_prefix(self,prefix): newlist = [] for x in self.PL_anchors: if x.startswith(prefix): if x not in newlist: newlist.append(x[:]) return newlist def get_anchors_by_suffix(self,suffix): newlist = [] for x in self.PL_anchors: if x.endswith(suffix): if x not in newlist: newlist.append(x[:]) return newlist def handle_endtag(self,tag): pass def handle_starttag(self,tag,attrs): if tag == "a": for x in attrs: if x[0] == 'href': if x[1] not in self.PL_anchors: self.PL_anchors.append(urllib_parse_unquote(x[1])) def create_conn(baseurl,conn=None): """(baseurl,conn) --- Takes a protocol://site:port/address url, and an optional connection. If connection is already active, it is passed on. baseurl is reduced to address and is returned in tuple (conn,address)""" warnings.warn("portage.getbinpkg.create_conn() is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) parts = baseurl.split("://",1) if len(parts) != 2: raise ValueError(_("Provided URI does not " "contain protocol identifier. '%s'") % baseurl) protocol,url_parts = parts del parts url_parts = url_parts.split("/") host = url_parts[0] if len(url_parts) < 2: address = "/" else: address = "/"+"/".join(url_parts[1:]) del url_parts userpass_host = host.split("@",1) if len(userpass_host) == 1: host = userpass_host[0] userpass = ["anonymous"] else: host = userpass_host[1] userpass = userpass_host[0].split(":") del userpass_host if len(userpass) > 2: raise ValueError(_("Unable to interpret username/password provided.")) elif len(userpass) == 2: username = userpass[0] password = userpass[1] elif len(userpass) == 1: username = userpass[0] password = None del userpass http_headers = {} http_params = {} if username and password: try: encodebytes = base64.encodebytes except AttributeError: # Python 2 encodebytes = base64.encodestring http_headers = { b"Authorization": "Basic %s" % \ encodebytes(_unicode_encode("%s:%s" % (username, password))).replace( b"\012", b"" ), } if not conn: if protocol == "https": # Use local import since https typically isn't needed, and # this way we can usually avoid triggering the global scope # http.client ImportError handler (like during stage1 -> stage2 # builds where USE=ssl is disabled for python). try: try: from http.client import HTTPSConnection as http_client_HTTPSConnection except ImportError: from httplib import HTTPSConnection as http_client_HTTPSConnection except ImportError: raise NotImplementedError( _("python must have ssl enabled for https support")) conn = http_client_HTTPSConnection(host) elif protocol == "http": conn = http_client_HTTPConnection(host) elif protocol == "ftp": passive = 1 if(host[-1] == "*"): passive = 0 host = host[:-1] conn = ftplib.FTP(host) if password: conn.login(username,password) else: sys.stderr.write(colorize("WARN", _(" * No password provided for username"))+" '%s'" % \ (username,) + "\n\n") conn.login(username) conn.set_pasv(passive) conn.set_debuglevel(0) elif protocol == "sftp": try: import paramiko except ImportError: raise NotImplementedError( _("paramiko must be installed for sftp support")) t = paramiko.Transport(host) t.connect(username=username, password=password) conn = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(t) else: raise NotImplementedError(_("%s is not a supported protocol.") % protocol) return (conn,protocol,address, http_params, http_headers) def make_ftp_request(conn, address, rest=None, dest=None): """(conn,address,rest) --- uses the conn object to request the data from address and issuing a rest if it is passed.""" warnings.warn("portage.getbinpkg.make_ftp_request() is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) try: if dest: fstart_pos = dest.tell() conn.voidcmd("TYPE I") fsize = conn.size(address) if (rest != None) and (rest < 0): rest = fsize+int(rest) if rest < 0: rest = 0 if rest != None: mysocket = conn.transfercmd("RETR "+str(address), rest) else: mysocket = conn.transfercmd("RETR "+str(address)) mydata = "" while 1: somedata = mysocket.recv(8192) if somedata: if dest: dest.write(somedata) else: mydata = mydata + somedata else: break if dest: data_size = fstart_pos - dest.tell() else: data_size = len(mydata) mysocket.close() conn.voidresp() conn.voidcmd("TYPE A") return mydata,not (fsize==data_size),"" except ValueError as e: return None,int(str(e)[:4]),str(e) def make_http_request(conn, address, params={}, headers={}, dest=None): """(conn,address,params,headers) --- uses the conn object to request the data from address, performing Location forwarding and using the optional params and headers.""" warnings.warn("portage.getbinpkg.make_http_request() is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) rc = 0 response = None while (rc == 0) or (rc == 301) or (rc == 302): try: if (rc != 0): conn,ignore,ignore,ignore,ignore = create_conn(address) conn.request("GET", address, body=None, headers=headers) except SystemExit as e: raise except Exception as e: return None,None,"Server request failed: "+str(e) response = conn.getresponse() rc = response.status # 301 means that the page address is wrong. if ((rc == 301) or (rc == 302)): ignored_data = response.read() del ignored_data for x in str(response.msg).split("\n"): parts = x.split(": ",1) if parts[0] == "Location": if (rc == 301): sys.stderr.write(colorize("BAD", _("Location has moved: ")) + str(parts[1]) + "\n") if (rc == 302): sys.stderr.write(colorize("BAD", _("Location has temporarily moved: ")) + \ str(parts[1]) + "\n") address = parts[1] break if (rc != 200) and (rc != 206): return None,rc,"Server did not respond successfully ("+str(response.status)+": "+str(response.reason)+")" if dest: dest.write(response.read()) return "",0,"" return response.read(),0,"" def match_in_array(array, prefix="", suffix="", match_both=1, allow_overlap=0): warnings.warn("portage.getbinpkg.match_in_array() is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) myarray = [] if not (prefix and suffix): match_both = 0 for x in array: add_p = 0 if prefix and (len(x) >= len(prefix)) and (x[:len(prefix)] == prefix): add_p = 1 if match_both: if prefix and not add_p: # Require both, but don't have first one. continue else: if add_p: # Only need one, and we have it. myarray.append(x[:]) continue if not allow_overlap: # Not allow to overlap prefix and suffix if len(x) >= (len(prefix)+len(suffix)): pass else: continue # Too short to match. else: pass # Do whatever... We're overlapping. if suffix and (len(x) >= len(suffix)) and (x[-len(suffix):] == suffix): myarray.append(x) # It matches else: continue # Doesn't match. return myarray def dir_get_list(baseurl,conn=None): """(baseurl[,connection]) -- Takes a base url to connect to and read from. URI should be in the form ://[:port] Connection is used for persistent connection instances.""" warnings.warn("portage.getbinpkg.dir_get_list() is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if not conn: keepconnection = 0 else: keepconnection = 1 conn,protocol,address,params,headers = create_conn(baseurl, conn) listing = None if protocol in ["http","https"]: if not address.endswith("/"): # http servers can return a 400 error here # if the address doesn't end with a slash. address += "/" page,rc,msg = make_http_request(conn,address,params,headers) if page: parser = ParseLinks() parser.feed(_unicode_decode(page)) del page listing = parser.get_anchors() else: import portage.exception raise portage.exception.PortageException( _("Unable to get listing: %s %s") % (rc,msg)) elif protocol in ["ftp"]: if address[-1] == '/': olddir = conn.pwd() conn.cwd(address) listing = conn.nlst() conn.cwd(olddir) del olddir else: listing = conn.nlst(address) elif protocol == "sftp": listing = conn.listdir(address) else: raise TypeError(_("Unknown protocol. '%s'") % protocol) if not keepconnection: conn.close() return listing def file_get_metadata(baseurl,conn=None, chunk_size=3000): """(baseurl[,connection]) -- Takes a base url to connect to and read from. URI should be in the form ://[:port] Connection is used for persistent connection instances.""" warnings.warn("portage.getbinpkg.file_get_metadata() is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if not conn: keepconnection = 0 else: keepconnection = 1 conn,protocol,address,params,headers = create_conn(baseurl, conn) if protocol in ["http","https"]: headers["Range"] = "bytes=-"+str(chunk_size) data,rc,msg = make_http_request(conn, address, params, headers) elif protocol in ["ftp"]: data,rc,msg = make_ftp_request(conn, address, -chunk_size) elif protocol == "sftp": f = conn.open(address) try: f.seek(-chunk_size, 2) data = f.read() finally: f.close() else: raise TypeError(_("Unknown protocol. '%s'") % protocol) if data: xpaksize = portage.xpak.decodeint(data[-8:-4]) if (xpaksize+8) > chunk_size: myid = file_get_metadata(baseurl, conn, (xpaksize+8)) if not keepconnection: conn.close() return myid else: xpak_data = data[len(data)-(xpaksize+8):-8] del data myid = portage.xpak.xsplit_mem(xpak_data) if not myid: myid = None,None del xpak_data else: myid = None,None if not keepconnection: conn.close() return myid def file_get(baseurl,dest,conn=None,fcmd=None,filename=None): """(baseurl,dest,fcmd=) -- Takes a base url to connect to and read from. URI should be in the form ://[user[:pass]@][:port]""" if not fcmd: warnings.warn("Use of portage.getbinpkg.file_get() without the fcmd " "parameter is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return file_get_lib(baseurl,dest,conn) if not filename: filename = os.path.basename(baseurl) variables = { "DISTDIR": dest, "URI": baseurl, "FILE": filename } from portage.util import varexpand from portage.process import spawn myfetch = portage.util.shlex_split(fcmd) myfetch = [varexpand(x, mydict=variables) for x in myfetch] fd_pipes= { 0:portage._get_stdin().fileno(), 1:sys.__stdout__.fileno(), 2:sys.__stdout__.fileno() } sys.__stdout__.flush() sys.__stderr__.flush() retval = spawn(myfetch, env=os.environ.copy(), fd_pipes=fd_pipes) if retval != os.EX_OK: sys.stderr.write(_("Fetcher exited with a failure condition.\n")) return 0 return 1 def file_get_lib(baseurl,dest,conn=None): """(baseurl[,connection]) -- Takes a base url to connect to and read from. URI should be in the form ://[:port] Connection is used for persistent connection instances.""" warnings.warn("portage.getbinpkg.file_get_lib() is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if not conn: keepconnection = 0 else: keepconnection = 1 conn,protocol,address,params,headers = create_conn(baseurl, conn) sys.stderr.write("Fetching '"+str(os.path.basename(address)+"'\n")) if protocol in ["http","https"]: data,rc,msg = make_http_request(conn, address, params, headers, dest=dest) elif protocol in ["ftp"]: data,rc,msg = make_ftp_request(conn, address, dest=dest) elif protocol == "sftp": rc = 0 try: f = conn.open(address) except SystemExit: raise except Exception: rc = 1 else: try: if dest: bufsize = 8192 while True: data = f.read(bufsize) if not data: break dest.write(data) finally: f.close() else: raise TypeError(_("Unknown protocol. '%s'") % protocol) if not keepconnection: conn.close() return rc def dir_get_metadata(baseurl, conn=None, chunk_size=3000, verbose=1, usingcache=1, makepickle=None): """(baseurl,conn,chunk_size,verbose) -- """ warnings.warn("portage.getbinpkg.dir_get_metadata() is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if not conn: keepconnection = 0 else: keepconnection = 1 cache_path = "/var/cache/edb" metadatafilename = os.path.join(cache_path, 'remote_metadata.pickle') if makepickle is None: makepickle = "/var/cache/edb/metadata.idx.most_recent" try: conn, protocol, address, params, headers = create_conn(baseurl, conn) except _all_errors as e: # ftplib.FTP(host) can raise errors like this: # socket.error: (111, 'Connection refused') sys.stderr.write("!!! %s\n" % (e,)) return {} out = sys.stdout try: metadatafile = open(_unicode_encode(metadatafilename, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'rb') mypickle = pickle.Unpickler(metadatafile) try: mypickle.find_global = None except AttributeError: # TODO: If py3k, override Unpickler.find_class(). pass metadata = mypickle.load() out.write(_("Loaded metadata pickle.\n")) out.flush() metadatafile.close() except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): raise except Exception: metadata = {} if baseurl not in metadata: metadata[baseurl]={} if "indexname" not in metadata[baseurl]: metadata[baseurl]["indexname"]="" if "timestamp" not in metadata[baseurl]: metadata[baseurl]["timestamp"]=0 if "unmodified" not in metadata[baseurl]: metadata[baseurl]["unmodified"]=0 if "data" not in metadata[baseurl]: metadata[baseurl]["data"]={} if not os.access(cache_path, os.W_OK): sys.stderr.write(_("!!! Unable to write binary metadata to disk!\n")) sys.stderr.write(_("!!! Permission denied: '%s'\n") % cache_path) return metadata[baseurl]["data"] import portage.exception try: filelist = dir_get_list(baseurl, conn) except portage.exception.PortageException as e: sys.stderr.write(_("!!! Error connecting to '%s'.\n") % _hide_url_passwd(baseurl)) sys.stderr.write("!!! %s\n" % str(e)) del e return metadata[baseurl]["data"] tbz2list = match_in_array(filelist, suffix=".tbz2") metalist = match_in_array(filelist, prefix="metadata.idx") del filelist # Determine if our metadata file is current. metalist.sort() metalist.reverse() # makes the order new-to-old. for mfile in metalist: if usingcache and \ ((metadata[baseurl]["indexname"] != mfile) or \ (metadata[baseurl]["timestamp"] < int(time.time()-(60*60*24)))): # Try to download new cache until we succeed on one. data="" for trynum in [1,2,3]: mytempfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile() try: file_get(baseurl+"/"+mfile, mytempfile, conn) if mytempfile.tell() > len(data): mytempfile.seek(0) data = mytempfile.read() except ValueError as e: sys.stderr.write("--- "+str(e)+"\n") if trynum < 3: sys.stderr.write(_("Retrying...\n")) sys.stderr.flush() mytempfile.close() continue if match_in_array([mfile],suffix=".gz"): out.write("gzip'd\n") out.flush() try: import gzip mytempfile.seek(0) gzindex = gzip.GzipFile(mfile[:-3],'rb',9,mytempfile) data = gzindex.read() except SystemExit as e: raise except Exception as e: mytempfile.close() sys.stderr.write(_("!!! Failed to use gzip: ")+str(e)+"\n") sys.stderr.flush() mytempfile.close() try: metadata[baseurl]["data"] = pickle.loads(data) del data metadata[baseurl]["indexname"] = mfile metadata[baseurl]["timestamp"] = int(time.time()) metadata[baseurl]["modified"] = 0 # It's not, right after download. out.write(_("Pickle loaded.\n")) out.flush() break except SystemExit as e: raise except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write(_("!!! Failed to read data from index: ")+str(mfile)+"\n") sys.stderr.write("!!! "+str(e)+"\n") sys.stderr.flush() try: metadatafile = open(_unicode_encode(metadatafilename, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'wb') pickle.dump(metadata, metadatafile, protocol=2) metadatafile.close() except SystemExit as e: raise except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write(_("!!! Failed to write binary metadata to disk!\n")) sys.stderr.write("!!! "+str(e)+"\n") sys.stderr.flush() break # We may have metadata... now we run through the tbz2 list and check. class CacheStats(object): from time import time def __init__(self, out): self.misses = 0 self.hits = 0 self.last_update = 0 self.out = out self.min_display_latency = 0.2 def update(self): cur_time = self.time() if cur_time - self.last_update >= self.min_display_latency: self.last_update = cur_time self.display() def display(self): self.out.write("\r"+colorize("WARN", _("cache miss: '")+str(self.misses)+"'") + \ " --- "+colorize("GOOD", _("cache hit: '")+str(self.hits)+"'")) self.out.flush() cache_stats = CacheStats(out) have_tty = os.environ.get('TERM') != 'dumb' and out.isatty() if have_tty: cache_stats.display() binpkg_filenames = set() for x in tbz2list: x = os.path.basename(x) binpkg_filenames.add(x) if x not in metadata[baseurl]["data"]: cache_stats.misses += 1 if have_tty: cache_stats.update() metadata[baseurl]["modified"] = 1 myid = None for retry in range(3): try: myid = file_get_metadata( "/".join((baseurl.rstrip("/"), x.lstrip("/"))), conn, chunk_size) break except http_client_BadStatusLine: # Sometimes this error is thrown from conn.getresponse() in # make_http_request(). The docstring for this error in # httplib.py says "Presumably, the server closed the # connection before sending a valid response". conn, protocol, address, params, headers = create_conn( baseurl) except http_client_ResponseNotReady: # With some http servers this error is known to be thrown # from conn.getresponse() in make_http_request() when the # remote file does not have appropriate read permissions. # Maybe it's possible to recover from this exception in # cases though, so retry. conn, protocol, address, params, headers = create_conn( baseurl) if myid and myid[0]: metadata[baseurl]["data"][x] = make_metadata_dict(myid) elif verbose: sys.stderr.write(colorize("BAD", _("!!! Failed to retrieve metadata on: "))+str(x)+"\n") sys.stderr.flush() else: cache_stats.hits += 1 if have_tty: cache_stats.update() cache_stats.display() # Cleanse stale cache for files that don't exist on the server anymore. stale_cache = set(metadata[baseurl]["data"]).difference(binpkg_filenames) if stale_cache: for x in stale_cache: del metadata[baseurl]["data"][x] metadata[baseurl]["modified"] = 1 del stale_cache del binpkg_filenames out.write("\n") out.flush() try: if "modified" in metadata[baseurl] and metadata[baseurl]["modified"]: metadata[baseurl]["timestamp"] = int(time.time()) metadatafile = open(_unicode_encode(metadatafilename, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'wb') pickle.dump(metadata, metadatafile, protocol=2) metadatafile.close() if makepickle: metadatafile = open(_unicode_encode(makepickle, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'wb') pickle.dump(metadata[baseurl]["data"], metadatafile, protocol=2) metadatafile.close() except SystemExit as e: raise except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write(_("!!! Failed to write binary metadata to disk!\n")) sys.stderr.write("!!! "+str(e)+"\n") sys.stderr.flush() if not keepconnection: conn.close() return metadata[baseurl]["data"] def _cmp_cpv(d1, d2): cpv1 = d1["CPV"] cpv2 = d2["CPV"] if cpv1 > cpv2: return 1 elif cpv1 == cpv2: return 0 else: return -1 class PackageIndex(object): def __init__(self, allowed_pkg_keys=None, default_header_data=None, default_pkg_data=None, inherited_keys=None, translated_keys=None): self._pkg_slot_dict = None if allowed_pkg_keys is not None: self._pkg_slot_dict = slot_dict_class(allowed_pkg_keys) self._default_header_data = default_header_data self._default_pkg_data = default_pkg_data self._inherited_keys = inherited_keys self._write_translation_map = {} self._read_translation_map = {} if translated_keys: self._write_translation_map.update(translated_keys) self._read_translation_map.update(((y, x) for (x, y) in translated_keys)) self.header = {} if self._default_header_data: self.header.update(self._default_header_data) self.packages = [] self.modified = True def _readpkgindex(self, pkgfile, pkg_entry=True): allowed_keys = None if self._pkg_slot_dict is None or not pkg_entry: d = {} else: d = self._pkg_slot_dict() allowed_keys = d.allowed_keys for line in pkgfile: line = line.rstrip("\n") if not line: break line = line.split(":", 1) if not len(line) == 2: continue k, v = line if v: v = v[1:] k = self._read_translation_map.get(k, k) if allowed_keys is not None and \ k not in allowed_keys: continue d[k] = v return d def _writepkgindex(self, pkgfile, items): for k, v in items: pkgfile.write("%s: %s\n" % \ (self._write_translation_map.get(k, k), v)) pkgfile.write("\n") def read(self, pkgfile): self.readHeader(pkgfile) self.readBody(pkgfile) def readHeader(self, pkgfile): self.header.update(self._readpkgindex(pkgfile, pkg_entry=False)) def readBody(self, pkgfile): while True: d = self._readpkgindex(pkgfile) if not d: break mycpv = d.get("CPV") if not mycpv: continue if self._default_pkg_data: for k, v in self._default_pkg_data.items(): d.setdefault(k, v) if self._inherited_keys: for k in self._inherited_keys: v = self.header.get(k) if v is not None: d.setdefault(k, v) self.packages.append(d) def write(self, pkgfile): if self.modified: self.header["TIMESTAMP"] = str(long(time.time())) self.header["PACKAGES"] = str(len(self.packages)) keys = list(self.header) keys.sort() self._writepkgindex(pkgfile, [(k, self.header[k]) \ for k in keys if self.header[k]]) for metadata in sorted(self.packages, key=portage.util.cmp_sort_key(_cmp_cpv)): metadata = metadata.copy() cpv = metadata["CPV"] if self._inherited_keys: for k in self._inherited_keys: v = self.header.get(k) if v is not None and v == metadata.get(k): del metadata[k] if self._default_pkg_data: for k, v in self._default_pkg_data.items(): if metadata.get(k) == v: metadata.pop(k, None) keys = list(metadata) keys.sort() self._writepkgindex(pkgfile, [(k, metadata[k]) for k in keys if metadata[k]])