# gpg.py -- core Portage functionality # Copyright 2004 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id$ import os import copy import types import commands import portage.exception import portage.checksum GPG_BINARY = "/usr/bin/gpg" GPG_OPTIONS = " --lock-never --no-random-seed-file --no-greeting --no-sig-cache " GPG_VERIFY_FLAGS = " --verify " GPG_KEYDIR = " --homedir '%s' " GPG_KEYRING = " --keyring '%s' " UNTRUSTED = 0 EXISTS = UNTRUSTED + 1 MARGINAL = EXISTS + 1 TRUSTED = MARGINAL + 1 def fileStats(filepath): mya = [] for x in os.stat(filepath): mya.append(x) mya.append(portage.checksum.perform_checksum(filepath)) return mya class FileChecker(object): def __init__(self,keydir=None,keyring=None,requireSignedRing=False,minimumTrust=EXISTS): self.minimumTrust = TRUSTED # Default we require trust. For rings. self.keydir = None self.keyring = None self.keyringPath = None self.keyringStats = None self.keyringIsTrusted = False if (keydir != None): # Verify that the keydir is valid. if type(keydir) != types.StringType: raise portage.exception.InvalidDataType, "keydir argument: %s" % keydir if not os.path.isdir(keydir): raise portage.exception.DirectoryNotFound, "keydir: %s" % keydir self.keydir = copy.deepcopy(keydir) if (keyring != None): # Verify that the keyring is a valid filename and exists. if type(keyring) != types.StringType: raise portage.exception.InvalidDataType, "keyring argument: %s" % keyring if keyring.find("/") != -1: raise portage.exception.InvalidData, "keyring: %s" % keyring pathname = "" if keydir: pathname = keydir + "/" + keyring if not os.path.isfile(pathname): raise portage.exception.FileNotFound, "keyring missing: %s (dev.gentoo.org/~carpaski/gpg/)" % pathname keyringPath = keydir+"/"+keyring if not keyring or not keyringPath and requireSignedRing: raise portage.exception.MissingParameter self.keyringStats = fileStats(keyringPath) self.minimumTrust = TRUSTED if not self.verify(keyringPath, keyringPath+".asc"): self.keyringIsTrusted = False if requireSignedRing: raise portage.exception.InvalidSignature, "Required keyring verification: "+keyringPath else: self.keyringIsTrusted = True self.keyring = copy.deepcopy(keyring) self.keyringPath = self.keydir+"/"+self.keyring self.minimumTrust = minimumTrust def _verifyKeyring(self): if self.keyringStats and self.keyringPath: new_stats = fileStats(self.keyringPath) if new_stats != self.keyringStats: raise portage.exception.SecurityViolation, "GPG keyring changed!" def verify(self, filename, sigfile=None): """Uses minimumTrust to determine if it is Valid/True or Invalid/False""" self._verifyKeyring() if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise portage.exception.FileNotFound, filename if sigfile and not os.path.isfile(sigfile): raise portage.exception.FileNotFound, sigfile if self.keydir and not os.path.isdir(self.keydir): raise portage.exception.DirectoryNotFound, filename if self.keyringPath: if not os.path.isfile(self.keyringPath): raise portage.exception.FileNotFound, self.keyringPath if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise portage.exception.CommandNotFound, filename command = GPG_BINARY + GPG_VERIFY_FLAGS + GPG_OPTIONS if self.keydir: command += GPG_KEYDIR % (self.keydir) if self.keyring: command += GPG_KEYRING % (self.keyring) if sigfile: command += " '"+sigfile+"'" command += " '"+filename+"'" result,output = commands.getstatusoutput(command) signal = result & 0xff result = (result >> 8) if signal: raise SignalCaught, "Signal: %d" % (signal) trustLevel = UNTRUSTED if result == 0: trustLevel = TRUSTED #if portage.output.find("WARNING") != -1: # trustLevel = MARGINAL if portage.output.find("BAD") != -1: raise portage.exception.InvalidSignature, filename elif result == 1: trustLevel = EXISTS if portage.output.find("BAD") != -1: raise portage.exception.InvalidSignature, filename elif result == 2: trustLevel = UNTRUSTED if portage.output.find("could not be verified") != -1: raise portage.exception.MissingSignature, filename if portage.output.find("public key not found") != -1: if self.keyringIsTrusted: # We trust the ring, but not the key specifically. trustLevel = MARGINAL else: raise portage.exception.InvalidSignature, filename+" (Unknown Signature)" else: raise portage.exception.UnknownCondition, "GPG returned unknown result: %d" % (result) if trustLevel >= self.minimumTrust: return True return False