# portage: Lock management code # Copyright 2004-2011 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 __all__ = ["lockdir", "unlockdir", "lockfile", "unlockfile", \ "hardlock_name", "hardlink_is_mine", "hardlink_lockfile", \ "unhardlink_lockfile", "hardlock_cleanup"] import errno import fcntl import platform import sys import time import warnings import portage from portage import os, _encodings, _unicode_decode from portage.exception import DirectoryNotFound, FileNotFound, \ InvalidData, TryAgain, OperationNotPermitted, PermissionDenied from portage.data import portage_gid from portage.util import writemsg from portage.localization import _ if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000: basestring = str HARDLINK_FD = -2 _HARDLINK_POLL_LATENCY = 3 # seconds _default_lock_fn = fcntl.lockf if platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy': # workaround for https://bugs.pypy.org/issue747 _default_lock_fn = fcntl.flock # Used by emerge in order to disable the "waiting for lock" message # so that it doesn't interfere with the status display. _quiet = False def lockdir(mydir, flags=0): return lockfile(mydir, wantnewlockfile=1, flags=flags) def unlockdir(mylock): return unlockfile(mylock) def lockfile(mypath, wantnewlockfile=0, unlinkfile=0, waiting_msg=None, flags=0): """ If wantnewlockfile is True then this creates a lockfile in the parent directory as the file: '.' + basename + '.portage_lockfile'. """ if not mypath: raise InvalidData(_("Empty path given")) # Support for file object or integer file descriptor parameters is # deprecated due to ambiguity in whether or not it's safe to close # the file descriptor, making it prone to "Bad file descriptor" errors # or file descriptor leaks. if isinstance(mypath, basestring) and mypath[-1] == '/': mypath = mypath[:-1] lockfilename_path = mypath if hasattr(mypath, 'fileno'): warnings.warn("portage.locks.lockfile() support for " "file object parameters is deprecated. Use a file path instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) lockfilename_path = getattr(mypath, 'name', None) mypath = mypath.fileno() if isinstance(mypath, int): warnings.warn("portage.locks.lockfile() support for integer file " "descriptor parameters is deprecated. Use a file path instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) lockfilename = mypath wantnewlockfile = 0 unlinkfile = 0 elif wantnewlockfile: base, tail = os.path.split(mypath) lockfilename = os.path.join(base, "." + tail + ".portage_lockfile") lockfilename_path = lockfilename unlinkfile = 1 else: lockfilename = mypath if isinstance(mypath, basestring): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(mypath)): raise DirectoryNotFound(os.path.dirname(mypath)) preexisting = os.path.exists(lockfilename) old_mask = os.umask(000) try: try: myfd = os.open(lockfilename, os.O_CREAT|os.O_RDWR, 0o660) except OSError as e: func_call = "open('%s')" % lockfilename if e.errno == OperationNotPermitted.errno: raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call) elif e.errno == PermissionDenied.errno: raise PermissionDenied(func_call) else: raise if not preexisting: try: if os.stat(lockfilename).st_gid != portage_gid: os.chown(lockfilename, -1, portage_gid) except OSError as e: if e.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ESTALE): return lockfile(mypath, wantnewlockfile=wantnewlockfile, unlinkfile=unlinkfile, waiting_msg=waiting_msg, flags=flags) else: writemsg("%s: chown('%s', -1, %d)\n" % \ (e, lockfilename, portage_gid), noiselevel=-1) writemsg(_("Cannot chown a lockfile: '%s'\n") % \ lockfilename, noiselevel=-1) writemsg(_("Group IDs of current user: %s\n") % \ " ".join(str(n) for n in os.getgroups()), noiselevel=-1) finally: os.umask(old_mask) elif isinstance(mypath, int): myfd = mypath else: raise ValueError(_("Unknown type passed in '%s': '%s'") % \ (type(mypath), mypath)) # try for a non-blocking lock, if it's held, throw a message # we're waiting on lockfile and use a blocking attempt. locking_method = _default_lock_fn try: if "__PORTAGE_TEST_HARDLINK_LOCKS" in os.environ: raise IOError(errno.ENOSYS, "Function not implemented") locking_method(myfd, fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB) except IOError as e: if not hasattr(e, "errno"): raise if e.errno in (errno.EACCES, errno.EAGAIN): # resource temp unavailable; eg, someone beat us to the lock. if flags & os.O_NONBLOCK: os.close(myfd) raise TryAgain(mypath) global _quiet if _quiet: out = None else: out = portage.output.EOutput() if waiting_msg is None: if isinstance(mypath, int): waiting_msg = _("waiting for lock on fd %i") % myfd else: waiting_msg = _("waiting for lock on %s\n") % lockfilename if out is not None: out.ebegin(waiting_msg) # try for the exclusive lock now. try: locking_method(myfd, fcntl.LOCK_EX) except EnvironmentError as e: if out is not None: out.eend(1, str(e)) raise if out is not None: out.eend(os.EX_OK) elif e.errno in (errno.ENOSYS, errno.ENOLCK): # We're not allowed to lock on this FS. if not isinstance(lockfilename, int): # If a file object was passed in, it's not safe # to close the file descriptor because it may # still be in use. os.close(myfd) lockfilename_path = _unicode_decode(lockfilename_path, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict') if not isinstance(lockfilename_path, basestring): raise link_success = hardlink_lockfile(lockfilename_path, waiting_msg=waiting_msg, flags=flags) if not link_success: raise lockfilename = lockfilename_path locking_method = None myfd = HARDLINK_FD else: raise if isinstance(lockfilename, basestring) and \ myfd != HARDLINK_FD and _fstat_nlink(myfd) == 0: # The file was deleted on us... Keep trying to make one... os.close(myfd) writemsg(_("lockfile recurse\n"), 1) lockfilename, myfd, unlinkfile, locking_method = lockfile( mypath, wantnewlockfile=wantnewlockfile, unlinkfile=unlinkfile, waiting_msg=waiting_msg, flags=flags) writemsg(str((lockfilename,myfd,unlinkfile))+"\n",1) return (lockfilename,myfd,unlinkfile,locking_method) def _fstat_nlink(fd): """ @param fd: an open file descriptor @type fd: Integer @rtype: Integer @return: the current number of hardlinks to the file """ try: return os.fstat(fd).st_nlink except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ESTALE): # Some filesystems such as CIFS return # ENOENT which means st_nlink == 0. return 0 raise def unlockfile(mytuple): #XXX: Compatability hack. if len(mytuple) == 3: lockfilename,myfd,unlinkfile = mytuple locking_method = fcntl.flock elif len(mytuple) == 4: lockfilename,myfd,unlinkfile,locking_method = mytuple else: raise InvalidData if(myfd == HARDLINK_FD): unhardlink_lockfile(lockfilename, unlinkfile=unlinkfile) return True # myfd may be None here due to myfd = mypath in lockfile() if isinstance(lockfilename, basestring) and \ not os.path.exists(lockfilename): writemsg(_("lockfile does not exist '%s'\n") % lockfilename,1) if myfd is not None: os.close(myfd) return False try: if myfd is None: myfd = os.open(lockfilename, os.O_WRONLY,0o660) unlinkfile = 1 locking_method(myfd,fcntl.LOCK_UN) except OSError: if isinstance(lockfilename, basestring): os.close(myfd) raise IOError(_("Failed to unlock file '%s'\n") % lockfilename) try: # This sleep call was added to allow other processes that are # waiting for a lock to be able to grab it before it is deleted. # lockfile() already accounts for this situation, however, and # the sleep here adds more time than is saved overall, so am # commenting until it is proved necessary. #time.sleep(0.0001) if unlinkfile: locking_method(myfd,fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB) # We won the lock, so there isn't competition for it. # We can safely delete the file. writemsg(_("Got the lockfile...\n"), 1) if _fstat_nlink(myfd) == 1: os.unlink(lockfilename) writemsg(_("Unlinked lockfile...\n"), 1) locking_method(myfd,fcntl.LOCK_UN) else: writemsg(_("lockfile does not exist '%s'\n") % lockfilename, 1) os.close(myfd) return False except SystemExit: raise except Exception as e: writemsg(_("Failed to get lock... someone took it.\n"), 1) writemsg(str(e)+"\n",1) # why test lockfilename? because we may have been handed an # fd originally, and the caller might not like having their # open fd closed automatically on them. if isinstance(lockfilename, basestring): os.close(myfd) return True def hardlock_name(path): base, tail = os.path.split(path) return os.path.join(base, ".%s.hardlock-%s-%s" % (tail, os.uname()[1], os.getpid())) def hardlink_is_mine(link,lock): try: lock_st = os.stat(lock) if lock_st.st_nlink == 2: link_st = os.stat(link) return lock_st.st_ino == link_st.st_ino and \ lock_st.st_dev == link_st.st_dev except OSError: pass return False def hardlink_lockfile(lockfilename, max_wait=DeprecationWarning, waiting_msg=None, flags=0): """Does the NFS, hardlink shuffle to ensure locking on the disk. We create a PRIVATE hardlink to the real lockfile, that is just a placeholder on the disk. If our file can 2 references, then we have the lock. :) Otherwise we lather, rise, and repeat. """ if max_wait is not DeprecationWarning: warnings.warn("The 'max_wait' parameter of " "portage.locks.hardlink_lockfile() is now unused. Use " "flags=os.O_NONBLOCK instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) global _quiet out = None displayed_waiting_msg = False preexisting = os.path.exists(lockfilename) myhardlock = hardlock_name(lockfilename) # myhardlock must not exist prior to our link() call, and we can # safely unlink it since its file name is unique to our PID try: os.unlink(myhardlock) except OSError as e: if e.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ESTALE): pass else: func_call = "unlink('%s')" % myhardlock if e.errno == OperationNotPermitted.errno: raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call) elif e.errno == PermissionDenied.errno: raise PermissionDenied(func_call) else: raise while True: # create lockfilename if it doesn't exist yet try: myfd = os.open(lockfilename, os.O_CREAT|os.O_RDWR, 0o660) except OSError as e: func_call = "open('%s')" % lockfilename if e.errno == OperationNotPermitted.errno: raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call) elif e.errno == PermissionDenied.errno: raise PermissionDenied(func_call) else: raise else: myfd_st = None try: myfd_st = os.fstat(myfd) if not preexisting: # Don't chown the file if it is preexisting, since we # want to preserve existing permissions in that case. if myfd_st.st_gid != portage_gid: os.fchown(myfd, -1, portage_gid) except OSError as e: if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ESTALE): writemsg("%s: fchown('%s', -1, %d)\n" % \ (e, lockfilename, portage_gid), noiselevel=-1) writemsg(_("Cannot chown a lockfile: '%s'\n") % \ lockfilename, noiselevel=-1) writemsg(_("Group IDs of current user: %s\n") % \ " ".join(str(n) for n in os.getgroups()), noiselevel=-1) else: # another process has removed the file, so we'll have # to create it again continue finally: os.close(myfd) # If fstat shows more than one hardlink, then it's extremely # unlikely that the following link call will result in a lock, # so optimize away the wasteful link call and sleep or raise # TryAgain. if myfd_st is not None and myfd_st.st_nlink < 2: try: os.link(lockfilename, myhardlock) except OSError as e: func_call = "link('%s', '%s')" % (lockfilename, myhardlock) if e.errno == OperationNotPermitted.errno: raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call) elif e.errno == PermissionDenied.errno: raise PermissionDenied(func_call) elif e.errno in (errno.ESTALE, errno.ENOENT): # another process has removed the file, so we'll have # to create it again continue else: raise else: if hardlink_is_mine(myhardlock, lockfilename): if out is not None: out.eend(os.EX_OK) break try: os.unlink(myhardlock) except OSError as e: # This should not happen, since the file name of # myhardlock is unique to our host and PID, # and the above link() call succeeded. if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ESTALE): raise raise FileNotFound(myhardlock) if flags & os.O_NONBLOCK: raise TryAgain(lockfilename) if out is None and not _quiet: out = portage.output.EOutput() if out is not None and not displayed_waiting_msg: displayed_waiting_msg = True if waiting_msg is None: waiting_msg = _("waiting for lock on %s\n") % lockfilename out.ebegin(waiting_msg) time.sleep(_HARDLINK_POLL_LATENCY) return True def unhardlink_lockfile(lockfilename, unlinkfile=True): myhardlock = hardlock_name(lockfilename) if unlinkfile and hardlink_is_mine(myhardlock, lockfilename): # Make sure not to touch lockfilename unless we really have a lock. try: os.unlink(lockfilename) except OSError: pass try: os.unlink(myhardlock) except OSError: pass def hardlock_cleanup(path, remove_all_locks=False): mypid = str(os.getpid()) myhost = os.uname()[1] mydl = os.listdir(path) results = [] mycount = 0 mylist = {} for x in mydl: if os.path.isfile(path+"/"+x): parts = x.split(".hardlock-") if len(parts) == 2: filename = parts[0][1:] hostpid = parts[1].split("-") host = "-".join(hostpid[:-1]) pid = hostpid[-1] if filename not in mylist: mylist[filename] = {} if host not in mylist[filename]: mylist[filename][host] = [] mylist[filename][host].append(pid) mycount += 1 results.append(_("Found %(count)s locks") % {"count":mycount}) for x in mylist: if myhost in mylist[x] or remove_all_locks: mylockname = hardlock_name(path+"/"+x) if hardlink_is_mine(mylockname, path+"/"+x) or \ not os.path.exists(path+"/"+x) or \ remove_all_locks: for y in mylist[x]: for z in mylist[x][y]: filename = path+"/."+x+".hardlock-"+y+"-"+z if filename == mylockname: continue try: # We're sweeping through, unlinking everyone's locks. os.unlink(filename) results.append(_("Unlinked: ") + filename) except OSError: pass try: os.unlink(path+"/"+x) results.append(_("Unlinked: ") + path+"/"+x) os.unlink(mylockname) results.append(_("Unlinked: ") + mylockname) except OSError: pass else: try: os.unlink(mylockname) results.append(_("Unlinked: ") + mylockname) except OSError: pass return results