# Copyright 2010-2013 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 from __future__ import unicode_literals __all__ = ['prepare_build_dirs'] import errno import gzip import stat import time import portage from portage import os, shutil, _encodings, _unicode_encode, _unicode_decode from portage.data import portage_gid, portage_uid, secpass from portage.exception import DirectoryNotFound, FileNotFound, \ OperationNotPermitted, PermissionDenied, PortageException from portage.localization import _ from portage.output import colorize from portage.util import apply_recursive_permissions, \ apply_secpass_permissions, ensure_dirs, normalize_path, writemsg def prepare_build_dirs(myroot=None, settings=None, cleanup=False): """ The myroot parameter is ignored. """ myroot = None if settings is None: raise TypeError("settings argument is required") mysettings = settings clean_dirs = [mysettings["HOME"]] # We enable cleanup when we want to make sure old cruft (such as the old # environment) doesn't interfere with the current phase. if cleanup and 'keeptemp' not in mysettings.features: clean_dirs.append(mysettings["T"]) for clean_dir in clean_dirs: try: shutil.rmtree(clean_dir) except OSError as oe: if errno.ENOENT == oe.errno: pass elif errno.EPERM == oe.errno: writemsg("%s\n" % oe, noiselevel=-1) writemsg(_("Operation Not Permitted: rmtree('%s')\n") % \ clean_dir, noiselevel=-1) return 1 else: raise def makedirs(dir_path): try: os.makedirs(dir_path) except OSError as oe: if errno.EEXIST == oe.errno: pass elif errno.EPERM == oe.errno: writemsg("%s\n" % oe, noiselevel=-1) writemsg(_("Operation Not Permitted: makedirs('%s')\n") % \ dir_path, noiselevel=-1) return False else: raise return True mysettings["PKG_LOGDIR"] = os.path.join(mysettings["T"], "logging") mydirs = [os.path.dirname(mysettings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"])] mydirs.append(os.path.dirname(mydirs[-1])) try: for mydir in mydirs: ensure_dirs(mydir) try: apply_secpass_permissions(mydir, gid=portage_gid, uid=portage_uid, mode=0o70, mask=0) except PortageException: if not os.path.isdir(mydir): raise for dir_key in ("PORTAGE_BUILDDIR", "HOME", "PKG_LOGDIR", "T"): """These directories don't necessarily need to be group writable. However, the setup phase is commonly run as a privileged user prior to the other phases being run by an unprivileged user. Currently, we use the portage group to ensure that the unprivleged user still has write access to these directories in any case.""" ensure_dirs(mysettings[dir_key], mode=0o775) apply_secpass_permissions(mysettings[dir_key], uid=portage_uid, gid=portage_gid) except PermissionDenied as e: writemsg(_("Permission Denied: %s\n") % str(e), noiselevel=-1) return 1 except OperationNotPermitted as e: writemsg(_("Operation Not Permitted: %s\n") % str(e), noiselevel=-1) return 1 except FileNotFound as e: writemsg(_("File Not Found: '%s'\n") % str(e), noiselevel=-1) return 1 # Reset state for things like noauto and keepwork in FEATURES. for x in ('.die_hooks',): try: os.unlink(os.path.join(mysettings['PORTAGE_BUILDDIR'], x)) except OSError: pass _prepare_workdir(mysettings) if mysettings.get("EBUILD_PHASE") not in ("info", "fetch", "pretend"): # Avoid spurious permissions adjustments when fetching with # a temporary PORTAGE_TMPDIR setting (for fetchonly). _prepare_features_dirs(mysettings) def _adjust_perms_msg(settings, msg): def write(msg): writemsg(msg, noiselevel=-1) background = settings.get("PORTAGE_BACKGROUND") == "1" log_path = settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE") log_file = None log_file_real = None if background and log_path is not None: try: log_file = open(_unicode_encode(log_path, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='ab') log_file_real = log_file except IOError: def write(msg): pass else: if log_path.endswith('.gz'): log_file = gzip.GzipFile(filename='', mode='ab', fileobj=log_file) def write(msg): log_file.write(_unicode_encode(msg)) log_file.flush() try: write(msg) finally: if log_file is not None: log_file.close() if log_file_real is not log_file: log_file_real.close() def _prepare_features_dirs(mysettings): # Use default ABI libdir in accordance with bug #355283. libdir = None default_abi = mysettings.get("DEFAULT_ABI") if default_abi: libdir = mysettings.get("LIBDIR_" + default_abi) if not libdir: libdir = "lib" features_dirs = { "ccache":{ "path_dir": "/usr/%s/ccache/bin" % (libdir,), "basedir_var":"CCACHE_DIR", "default_dir":os.path.join(mysettings["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"], "ccache"), "always_recurse":False}, "distcc":{ "path_dir": "/usr/%s/distcc/bin" % (libdir,), "basedir_var":"DISTCC_DIR", "default_dir":os.path.join(mysettings["BUILD_PREFIX"], ".distcc"), "subdirs":("lock", "state"), "always_recurse":True} } dirmode = 0o2070 filemode = 0o60 modemask = 0o2 restrict = mysettings.get("PORTAGE_RESTRICT","").split() droppriv = secpass >= 2 and \ "userpriv" in mysettings.features and \ "userpriv" not in restrict for myfeature, kwargs in features_dirs.items(): if myfeature in mysettings.features: failure = False basedir = mysettings.get(kwargs["basedir_var"]) if basedir is None or not basedir.strip(): basedir = kwargs["default_dir"] mysettings[kwargs["basedir_var"]] = basedir try: path_dir = kwargs["path_dir"] if not os.path.isdir(path_dir): raise DirectoryNotFound(path_dir) mydirs = [mysettings[kwargs["basedir_var"]]] if "subdirs" in kwargs: for subdir in kwargs["subdirs"]: mydirs.append(os.path.join(basedir, subdir)) for mydir in mydirs: modified = ensure_dirs(mydir) # Generally, we only want to apply permissions for # initial creation. Otherwise, we don't know exactly what # permissions the user wants, so should leave them as-is. droppriv_fix = False if droppriv: st = os.stat(mydir) if st.st_gid != portage_gid or \ not dirmode == (stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode) & dirmode): droppriv_fix = True if not droppriv_fix: # Check permissions of files in the directory. for filename in os.listdir(mydir): try: subdir_st = os.lstat( os.path.join(mydir, filename)) except OSError: continue if subdir_st.st_gid != portage_gid or \ ((stat.S_ISDIR(subdir_st.st_mode) and \ not dirmode == (stat.S_IMODE(subdir_st.st_mode) & dirmode))): droppriv_fix = True break if droppriv_fix: _adjust_perms_msg(mysettings, colorize("WARN", " * ") + \ _("Adjusting permissions " "for FEATURES=userpriv: '%s'\n") % mydir) elif modified: _adjust_perms_msg(mysettings, colorize("WARN", " * ") + \ _("Adjusting permissions " "for FEATURES=%s: '%s'\n") % (myfeature, mydir)) if modified or kwargs["always_recurse"] or droppriv_fix: def onerror(e): raise # The feature is disabled if a single error # occurs during permissions adjustment. if not apply_recursive_permissions(mydir, gid=portage_gid, dirmode=dirmode, dirmask=modemask, filemode=filemode, filemask=modemask, onerror=onerror): raise OperationNotPermitted( _("Failed to apply recursive permissions for the portage group.")) except DirectoryNotFound as e: failure = True writemsg(_("\n!!! Directory does not exist: '%s'\n") % \ (e,), noiselevel=-1) writemsg(_("!!! Disabled FEATURES='%s'\n") % myfeature, noiselevel=-1) except PortageException as e: failure = True writemsg("\n!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1) writemsg(_("!!! Failed resetting perms on %s='%s'\n") % \ (kwargs["basedir_var"], basedir), noiselevel=-1) writemsg(_("!!! Disabled FEATURES='%s'\n") % myfeature, noiselevel=-1) if failure: mysettings.features.remove(myfeature) time.sleep(5) def _prepare_workdir(mysettings): workdir_mode = 0o700 try: mode = mysettings["PORTAGE_WORKDIR_MODE"] if mode.isdigit(): parsed_mode = int(mode, 8) elif mode == "": raise KeyError() else: raise ValueError() if parsed_mode & 0o7777 != parsed_mode: raise ValueError("Invalid file mode: %s" % mode) else: workdir_mode = parsed_mode except KeyError as e: writemsg(_("!!! PORTAGE_WORKDIR_MODE is unset, using %s.\n") % oct(workdir_mode)) except ValueError as e: if len(str(e)) > 0: writemsg("%s\n" % e) writemsg(_("!!! Unable to parse PORTAGE_WORKDIR_MODE='%s', using %s.\n") % \ (mysettings["PORTAGE_WORKDIR_MODE"], oct(workdir_mode))) mysettings["PORTAGE_WORKDIR_MODE"] = oct(workdir_mode).replace('o', '') try: apply_secpass_permissions(mysettings["WORKDIR"], uid=portage_uid, gid=portage_gid, mode=workdir_mode) except FileNotFound: pass # ebuild.sh will create it if mysettings.get("PORT_LOGDIR", "") == "": while "PORT_LOGDIR" in mysettings: del mysettings["PORT_LOGDIR"] if "PORT_LOGDIR" in mysettings: try: modified = ensure_dirs(mysettings["PORT_LOGDIR"]) if modified: # Only initialize group/mode if the directory doesn't # exist, so that we don't override permissions if they # were previously set by the administrator. # NOTE: These permissions should be compatible with our # default logrotate config as discussed in bug 374287. apply_secpass_permissions(mysettings["PORT_LOGDIR"], uid=portage_uid, gid=portage_gid, mode=0o2770) except PortageException as e: writemsg("!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1) writemsg(_("!!! Permission issues with PORT_LOGDIR='%s'\n") % \ mysettings["PORT_LOGDIR"], noiselevel=-1) writemsg(_("!!! Disabling logging.\n"), noiselevel=-1) while "PORT_LOGDIR" in mysettings: del mysettings["PORT_LOGDIR"] compress_log_ext = '' if 'compress-build-logs' in mysettings.features: compress_log_ext = '.gz' logdir_subdir_ok = False if "PORT_LOGDIR" in mysettings and \ os.access(mysettings["PORT_LOGDIR"], os.W_OK): logdir = normalize_path(mysettings["PORT_LOGDIR"]) logid_path = os.path.join(mysettings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"], ".logid") if not os.path.exists(logid_path): open(_unicode_encode(logid_path), 'w').close() logid_time = _unicode_decode(time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S", time.gmtime(os.stat(logid_path).st_mtime)), encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='replace') if "split-log" in mysettings.features: log_subdir = os.path.join(logdir, "build", mysettings["CATEGORY"]) mysettings["PORTAGE_LOG_FILE"] = os.path.join( log_subdir, "%s:%s.log%s" % (mysettings["PF"], logid_time, compress_log_ext)) else: log_subdir = logdir mysettings["PORTAGE_LOG_FILE"] = os.path.join( logdir, "%s:%s:%s.log%s" % \ (mysettings["CATEGORY"], mysettings["PF"], logid_time, compress_log_ext)) if log_subdir is logdir: logdir_subdir_ok = True else: try: _ensure_log_subdirs(logdir, log_subdir) except PortageException as e: writemsg("!!! %s\n" % (e,), noiselevel=-1) if os.access(log_subdir, os.W_OK): logdir_subdir_ok = True else: writemsg("!!! %s: %s\n" % (_("Permission Denied"), log_subdir), noiselevel=-1) tmpdir_log_path = os.path.join( mysettings["T"], "build.log%s" % compress_log_ext) if not logdir_subdir_ok: # NOTE: When sesandbox is enabled, the local SELinux security policies # may not allow output to be piped out of the sesandbox domain. The # current policy will allow it to work when a pty is available, but # not through a normal pipe. See bug #162404. mysettings["PORTAGE_LOG_FILE"] = tmpdir_log_path else: # Create a symlink from tmpdir_log_path to PORTAGE_LOG_FILE, as # requested in bug #412865. make_new_symlink = False try: target = os.readlink(tmpdir_log_path) except OSError: make_new_symlink = True else: if target != mysettings["PORTAGE_LOG_FILE"]: make_new_symlink = True if make_new_symlink: try: os.unlink(tmpdir_log_path) except OSError: pass os.symlink(mysettings["PORTAGE_LOG_FILE"], tmpdir_log_path) def _ensure_log_subdirs(logdir, subdir): """ This assumes that logdir exists, and creates subdirectories down to subdir as necessary. The gid of logdir is copied to all subdirectories, along with 0x2070 mode bits if present. Both logdir and subdir are assumed to be normalized absolute paths. """ st = os.stat(logdir) uid = -1 gid = st.st_gid grp_mode = 0o2070 & st.st_mode # If logdir is writable by the portage group but its uid # is not portage_uid, then set the uid to portage_uid if # we have privileges to do so, for compatibility with our # default logrotate config (see bug 378451). With the # "su portage portage" directive and logrotate-3.8.0, # logrotate's chown call during the compression phase will # only succeed if the log file's uid is portage_uid. if grp_mode and gid == portage_gid and \ portage.data.secpass >= 2: uid = portage_uid if st.st_uid != portage_uid: ensure_dirs(logdir, uid=uid) logdir_split_len = len(logdir.split(os.sep)) subdir_split = subdir.split(os.sep)[logdir_split_len:] subdir_split.reverse() current = logdir while subdir_split: current = os.path.join(current, subdir_split.pop()) ensure_dirs(current, uid=uid, gid=gid, mode=grp_mode, mask=0)