# Copyright 2010-2011 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 import io import logging import sys import re try: from configparser import ParsingError if sys.hexversion >= 0x3020000: from configparser import ConfigParser as SafeConfigParser else: from configparser import SafeConfigParser except ImportError: from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser, ParsingError from portage import os from portage.const import USER_CONFIG_PATH, REPO_NAME_LOC from portage.env.loaders import KeyValuePairFileLoader from portage.util import normalize_path, writemsg, writemsg_level, shlex_split from portage.localization import _ from portage import _unicode_encode from portage import _encodings _repo_name_sub_re = re.compile(r'[^\w-]') def _gen_valid_repo(name): """ Substitute hyphen in place of characters that don't conform to PMS 3.1.5, and strip hyphen from left side if necessary. This returns None if the given name contains no valid characters. """ name = _repo_name_sub_re.sub(' ', name.strip()) name = '-'.join(name.split()) name = name.lstrip('-') if not name: name = None return name class RepoConfig(object): """Stores config of one repository""" __slots__ = ['aliases', 'eclass_overrides', 'eclass_locations', 'location', 'user_location', 'masters', 'main_repo', 'missing_repo_name', 'name', 'priority', 'sync', 'format'] def __init__(self, name, repo_opts): """Build a RepoConfig with options in repo_opts Try to read repo_name in repository location, but if it is not found use variable name as repository name""" aliases = repo_opts.get('aliases') if aliases is not None: aliases = tuple(aliases.split()) self.aliases = aliases eclass_overrides = repo_opts.get('eclass-overrides') if eclass_overrides is not None: eclass_overrides = tuple(eclass_overrides.split()) self.eclass_overrides = eclass_overrides #Locations are computed later. self.eclass_locations = None #Masters are only read from layout.conf. self.masters = None #The main-repo key makes only sense for the 'DEFAULT' section. self.main_repo = repo_opts.get('main-repo') priority = repo_opts.get('priority') if priority is not None: try: priority = int(priority) except ValueError: priority = None self.priority = priority sync = repo_opts.get('sync') if sync is not None: sync = sync.strip() self.sync = sync format = repo_opts.get('format') if format is not None: format = format.strip() self.format = format location = repo_opts.get('location') self.user_location = location if location is not None and location.strip(): if os.path.isdir(location): location = os.path.realpath(location) else: location = None self.location = location missing = True if self.location is not None: name, missing = self._read_repo_name(self.location) # We must ensure that the name conforms to PMS 3.1.5 # in order to avoid InvalidAtom exceptions when we # use it to generate atoms. name = _gen_valid_repo(name) if not name: # name only contains invalid characters name = "x-" + os.path.basename(self.location) name = _gen_valid_repo(name) # If basename only contains whitespace then the # end result is name = 'x-'. elif name == "DEFAULT": missing = False self.name = name self.missing_repo_name = missing def update(self, new_repo): """Update repository with options in another RepoConfig""" if new_repo.aliases is not None: self.aliases = new_repo.aliases if new_repo.eclass_overrides is not None: self.eclass_overrides = new_repo.eclass_overrides if new_repo.masters is not None: self.masters = new_repo.masters if new_repo.name is not None: self.name = new_repo.name self.missing_repo_name = new_repo.missing_repo_name if new_repo.user_location is not None: self.user_location = new_repo.user_location if new_repo.location is not None: self.location = new_repo.location if new_repo.priority is not None: self.priority = new_repo.priority if new_repo.sync is not None: self.sync = new_repo.sync def _read_repo_name(self, repo_path): """ Read repo_name from repo_path. Returns repo_name, missing. """ repo_name_path = os.path.join(repo_path, REPO_NAME_LOC) try: return io.open( _unicode_encode(repo_name_path, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='r', encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='replace').readline().strip(), False except EnvironmentError: return "x-" + os.path.basename(repo_path), True def info_string(self): """ Returns a formatted string containing informations about the repository. Used by emerge --info. """ indent = " " * 4 repo_msg = [] repo_msg.append(self.name) if self.format: repo_msg.append(indent + "format: " + self.format) if self.user_location: repo_msg.append(indent + "location: " + self.user_location) if self.sync: repo_msg.append(indent + "sync: " + self.sync) if self.masters: repo_msg.append(indent + "masters: " + " ".join(master.name for master in self.masters)) if self.priority is not None: repo_msg.append(indent + "priority: " + str(self.priority)) if self.aliases: repo_msg.append(indent + "aliases: " + " ".join(self.aliases)) if self.eclass_overrides: repo_msg.append(indent + "eclass_overrides: " + \ " ".join(self.eclass_overrides)) repo_msg.append("") return "\n".join(repo_msg) class RepoConfigLoader(object): """Loads and store config of several repositories, loaded from PORTDIR_OVERLAY or repos.conf""" def __init__(self, paths, settings): """Load config from files in paths""" def parse(paths, prepos, ignored_map, ignored_location_map): """Parse files in paths to load config""" parser = SafeConfigParser() try: parser.read(paths) except ParsingError as e: writemsg(_("!!! Error while reading repo config file: %s\n") % e, noiselevel=-1) prepos['DEFAULT'] = RepoConfig("DEFAULT", parser.defaults()) for sname in parser.sections(): optdict = {} for oname in parser.options(sname): optdict[oname] = parser.get(sname, oname) repo = RepoConfig(sname, optdict) if repo.location and not os.path.exists(repo.location): writemsg(_("!!! Invalid repos.conf entry '%s'" " (not a dir): '%s'\n") % (sname, repo.location), noiselevel=-1) continue if repo.name in prepos: old_location = prepos[repo.name].location if old_location is not None and repo.location is not None and old_location != repo.location: ignored_map.setdefault(repo.name, []).append(old_location) ignored_location_map[old_location] = repo.name prepos[repo.name].update(repo) else: prepos[repo.name] = repo def add_overlays(portdir, portdir_overlay, prepos, ignored_map, ignored_location_map): """Add overlays in PORTDIR_OVERLAY as repositories""" overlays = [] if portdir: portdir = normalize_path(portdir) overlays.append(portdir) port_ov = [normalize_path(i) for i in shlex_split(portdir_overlay)] overlays.extend(port_ov) default_repo_opts = {} if prepos['DEFAULT'].aliases is not None: default_repo_opts['aliases'] = \ ' '.join(prepos['DEFAULT'].aliases) if prepos['DEFAULT'].eclass_overrides is not None: default_repo_opts['eclass-overrides'] = \ ' '.join(prepos['DEFAULT'].eclass_overrides) if prepos['DEFAULT'].masters is not None: default_repo_opts['masters'] = \ ' '.join(prepos['DEFAULT'].masters) if overlays: #overlay priority is negative because we want them to be looked before any other repo base_priority = 0 for ov in overlays: if os.path.isdir(ov): repo_opts = default_repo_opts.copy() repo_opts['location'] = ov repo = RepoConfig(None, repo_opts) repo_conf_opts = prepos.get(repo.name) if repo_conf_opts is not None: if repo_conf_opts.aliases is not None: repo_opts['aliases'] = \ ' '.join(repo_conf_opts.aliases) if repo_conf_opts.eclass_overrides is not None: repo_opts['eclass-overrides'] = \ ' '.join(repo_conf_opts.eclass_overrides) if repo_conf_opts.masters is not None: repo_opts['masters'] = \ ' '.join(repo_conf_opts.masters) repo = RepoConfig(repo.name, repo_opts) if repo.name in prepos: old_location = prepos[repo.name].location if old_location is not None and old_location != repo.location: ignored_map.setdefault(repo.name, []).append(old_location) ignored_location_map[old_location] = repo.name if old_location == portdir: portdir = repo.user_location prepos[repo.name].update(repo) repo = prepos[repo.name] else: prepos[repo.name] = repo if ov == portdir and portdir not in port_ov: repo.priority = -1000 else: repo.priority = base_priority base_priority += 1 else: writemsg(_("!!! Invalid PORTDIR_OVERLAY" " (not a dir): '%s'\n") % ov, noiselevel=-1) return portdir def repo_priority(r): """ Key funtion for comparing repositories by priority. None is equal priority zero. """ x = prepos[r].priority if x is None: return 0 return x prepos = {} location_map = {} treemap = {} ignored_map = {} ignored_location_map = {} portdir = settings.get('PORTDIR', '') portdir_overlay = settings.get('PORTDIR_OVERLAY', '') parse(paths, prepos, ignored_map, ignored_location_map) # If PORTDIR_OVERLAY contains a repo with the same repo_name as # PORTDIR, then PORTDIR is overridden. portdir = add_overlays(portdir, portdir_overlay, prepos, ignored_map, ignored_location_map) if portdir and portdir.strip(): portdir = os.path.realpath(portdir) ignored_repos = tuple((repo_name, tuple(paths)) \ for repo_name, paths in ignored_map.items()) self.missing_repo_names = frozenset(repo.location for repo in prepos.values() if repo.location is not None and repo.missing_repo_name) #Parse layout.conf and read masters key. for repo in prepos.values(): if not repo.location: continue layout_filename = os.path.join(repo.location, "metadata", "layout.conf") layout_file = KeyValuePairFileLoader(layout_filename, None, None) layout_data, layout_errors = layout_file.load() masters = layout_data.get('masters') if masters and masters.strip(): masters = masters.split() else: masters = None repo.masters = masters aliases = layout_data.get('aliases') if aliases and aliases.strip(): aliases = aliases.split() else: aliases = None if aliases: if repo.aliases: aliases.extend(repo.aliases) repo.aliases = tuple(sorted(set(aliases))) #Take aliases into account. new_prepos = {} for repo_name, repo in prepos.items(): names = set() names.add(repo_name) if repo.aliases: names.update(repo.aliases) for name in names: if name in new_prepos: writemsg_level(_("!!! Repository name or alias '%s', " + \ "defined for repository '%s', overrides " + \ "existing alias or repository.\n") % (name, repo_name), level=logging.WARNING, noiselevel=-1) new_prepos[name] = repo prepos = new_prepos for (name, r) in prepos.items(): if r.location is not None: location_map[r.location] = name treemap[name] = r.location # filter duplicates from aliases, by only including # items where repo.name == key prepos_order = [repo.name for key, repo in prepos.items() \ if repo.name == key and repo.location is not None] prepos_order.sort(key=repo_priority) if portdir in location_map: portdir_repo = prepos[location_map[portdir]] portdir_sync = settings.get('SYNC', '') #if SYNC variable is set and not overwritten by repos.conf if portdir_sync and not portdir_repo.sync: portdir_repo.sync = portdir_sync if prepos['DEFAULT'].main_repo is None or \ prepos['DEFAULT'].main_repo not in prepos: #setting main_repo if it was not set in repos.conf if portdir in location_map: prepos['DEFAULT'].main_repo = location_map[portdir] elif portdir in ignored_location_map: prepos['DEFAULT'].main_repo = ignored_location_map[portdir] else: prepos['DEFAULT'].main_repo = None writemsg(_("!!! main-repo not set in DEFAULT and PORTDIR is empty. \n"), noiselevel=-1) self.prepos = prepos self.prepos_order = prepos_order self.ignored_repos = ignored_repos self.location_map = location_map self.treemap = treemap self._prepos_changed = True self._repo_location_list = [] #The 'masters' key currently contains repo names. Replace them with the matching RepoConfig. for repo_name, repo in prepos.items(): if repo_name == "DEFAULT": continue if repo.masters is None: if self.mainRepo() and repo_name != self.mainRepo().name: repo.masters = self.mainRepo(), else: repo.masters = () else: if repo.masters and isinstance(repo.masters[0], RepoConfig): # This one has already been processed # because it has an alias. continue master_repos = [] for master_name in repo.masters: if master_name not in prepos: layout_filename = os.path.join(repo.user_location, "metadata", "layout.conf") writemsg_level(_("Unavailable repository '%s' " \ "referenced by masters entry in '%s'\n") % \ (master_name, layout_filename), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) else: master_repos.append(prepos[master_name]) repo.masters = tuple(master_repos) #The 'eclass_overrides' key currently contains repo names. Replace them with the matching repo paths. for repo_name, repo in prepos.items(): if repo_name == "DEFAULT": continue eclass_locations = [] eclass_locations.extend(master_repo.location for master_repo in repo.masters) eclass_locations.append(repo.location) if repo.eclass_overrides: for other_repo_name in repo.eclass_overrides: if other_repo_name in self.treemap: eclass_locations.append(self.get_location_for_name(other_repo_name)) else: writemsg_level(_("Unavailable repository '%s' " \ "referenced by eclass-overrides entry for " \ "'%s'\n") % (other_repo_name, repo_name), \ level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) repo.eclass_locations = tuple(eclass_locations) self._prepos_changed = True self._repo_location_list = [] self._check_locations() def repoLocationList(self): """Get a list of repositories location. Replaces PORTDIR_OVERLAY""" if self._prepos_changed: _repo_location_list = [] for repo in self.prepos_order: if self.prepos[repo].location is not None: _repo_location_list.append(self.prepos[repo].location) self._repo_location_list = tuple(_repo_location_list) self._prepos_changed = False return self._repo_location_list def repoUserLocationList(self): """Get a list of repositories location. Replaces PORTDIR_OVERLAY""" user_location_list = [] for repo in self.prepos_order: if self.prepos[repo].location is not None: user_location_list.append(self.prepos[repo].user_location) return tuple(user_location_list) def mainRepoLocation(self): """Returns the location of main repo""" main_repo = self.prepos['DEFAULT'].main_repo if main_repo is not None and main_repo in self.prepos: return self.prepos[main_repo].location else: return '' def mainRepo(self): """Returns the main repo""" maid_repo = self.prepos['DEFAULT'].main_repo if maid_repo is None: return None return self.prepos[maid_repo] def _check_locations(self): """Check if repositories location are correct and show a warning message if not""" for (name, r) in self.prepos.items(): if name != 'DEFAULT': if r.location is None: writemsg(_("!!! Location not set for repository %s\n") % name, noiselevel=-1) else: if not os.path.isdir(r.location): self.prepos_order.remove(name) writemsg(_("!!! Invalid Repository Location" " (not a dir): '%s'\n") % r.location, noiselevel=-1) def repos_with_profiles(self): for repo_name in self.prepos_order: repo = self.prepos[repo_name] if repo.format != "unavailable": yield repo def get_name_for_location(self, location): return self.location_map[location] def get_location_for_name(self, repo_name): if repo_name is None: # This simplifies code in places where # we want to be able to pass in Atom.repo # even if it is None. return None return self.treemap[repo_name] def __getitem__(self, repo_name): return self.prepos[repo_name] def __iter__(self): for repo_name in self.prepos_order: yield self.prepos[repo_name] def load_repository_config(settings): #~ repoconfigpaths = [os.path.join(settings.global_config_path, "repos.conf")] repoconfigpaths = [] if settings.local_config: repoconfigpaths.append(os.path.join(settings["PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT"], USER_CONFIG_PATH, "repos.conf")) return RepoConfigLoader(repoconfigpaths, settings)