# Copyright 1998-2012 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 import errno import json import logging import stat import sys try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle from portage import os from portage import _encodings from portage import _os_merge from portage import _unicode_decode from portage import _unicode_encode from portage.exception import PermissionDenied from portage.localization import _ from portage.util import atomic_ofstream from portage.util import writemsg_level from portage.versions import cpv_getkey from portage.locks import lockfile, unlockfile if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000: basestring = str class PreservedLibsRegistry(object): """ This class handles the tracking of preserved library objects """ # JSON read support has been available since portage-2.2.0_alpha89. _json_write = True _json_write_opts = { "ensure_ascii": False, "indent": "\t", "sort_keys": True } if sys.hexversion < 0x3020000: # indent only supports int number of spaces _json_write_opts["indent"] = 4 def __init__(self, root, filename): """ @param root: root used to check existence of paths in pruneNonExisting @type root: String @param filename: absolute path for saving the preserved libs records @type filename: String """ self._root = root self._filename = filename self._data = None self._lock = None def lock(self): """Grab an exclusive lock on the preserved libs registry.""" if self._lock is not None: raise AssertionError("already locked") self._lock = lockfile(self._filename) def unlock(self): """Release our exclusive lock on the preserved libs registry.""" if self._lock is None: raise AssertionError("not locked") unlockfile(self._lock) self._lock = None def load(self): """ Reload the registry data from file """ self._data = None f = None content = None try: f = open(_unicode_encode(self._filename, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'rb') content = f.read() except EnvironmentError as e: if not hasattr(e, 'errno'): raise elif e.errno == errno.ENOENT: pass elif e.errno == PermissionDenied.errno: raise PermissionDenied(self._filename) else: raise finally: if f is not None: f.close() # content is empty if it's an empty lock file if content: try: self._data = json.loads(_unicode_decode(content, encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='strict')) except SystemExit: raise except Exception as e: try: self._data = pickle.loads(content) except SystemExit: raise except Exception: writemsg_level(_("!!! Error loading '%s': %s\n") % (self._filename, e), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) if self._data is None: self._data = {} else: for k, v in self._data.items(): if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) and len(v) == 3 and \ isinstance(v[2], set): # convert set to list, for write with JSONEncoder self._data[k] = (v[0], v[1], list(v[2])) self._data_orig = self._data.copy() self.pruneNonExisting() def store(self): """ Store the registry data to the file. The existing inode will be replaced atomically, so if that inode is currently being used for a lock then that lock will be rendered useless. Therefore, it is important not to call this method until the current lock is ready to be immediately released. """ if os.environ.get("SANDBOX_ON") == "1" or \ self._data == self._data_orig: return try: f = atomic_ofstream(self._filename, 'wb') if self._json_write: f.write(_unicode_encode( json.dumps(self._data, **self._json_write_opts), encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='strict')) else: pickle.dump(self._data, f, protocol=2) f.close() except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno != PermissionDenied.errno: writemsg_level("!!! %s %s\n" % (e, self._filename), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) else: self._data_orig = self._data.copy() def _normalize_counter(self, counter): """ For simplicity, normalize as a unicode string and strip whitespace. This avoids the need for int conversion and a possible ValueError resulting from vardb corruption. """ if not isinstance(counter, basestring): counter = str(counter) return _unicode_decode(counter).strip() def register(self, cpv, slot, counter, paths): """ Register new objects in the registry. If there is a record with the same packagename (internally derived from cpv) and slot it is overwritten with the new data. @param cpv: package instance that owns the objects @type cpv: CPV (as String) @param slot: the value of SLOT of the given package instance @type slot: String @param counter: vdb counter value for the package instance @type counter: String @param paths: absolute paths of objects that got preserved during an update @type paths: List """ cp = cpv_getkey(cpv) cps = cp+":"+slot counter = self._normalize_counter(counter) if len(paths) == 0 and cps in self._data \ and self._data[cps][0] == cpv and \ self._normalize_counter(self._data[cps][1]) == counter: del self._data[cps] elif len(paths) > 0: if isinstance(paths, set): # convert set to list, for write with JSONEncoder paths = list(paths) self._data[cps] = (cpv, counter, paths) def unregister(self, cpv, slot, counter): """ Remove a previous registration of preserved objects for the given package. @param cpv: package instance whose records should be removed @type cpv: CPV (as String) @param slot: the value of SLOT of the given package instance @type slot: String """ self.register(cpv, slot, counter, []) def pruneNonExisting(self): """ Remove all records for objects that no longer exist on the filesystem. """ os = _os_merge for cps in list(self._data): cpv, counter, _paths = self._data[cps] paths = [] hardlinks = set() symlinks = {} for f in _paths: f_abs = os.path.join(self._root, f.lstrip(os.sep)) try: lst = os.lstat(f_abs) except OSError: continue if stat.S_ISLNK(lst.st_mode): try: symlinks[f] = os.readlink(f_abs) except OSError: continue elif stat.S_ISREG(lst.st_mode): hardlinks.add(f) paths.append(f) # Only count symlinks as preserved if they still point to a hardink # in the same directory, in order to handle cases where a tool such # as eselect-opengl has updated the symlink to point to a hardlink # in a different directory (see bug #406837). The unused hardlink # is automatically found by _find_unused_preserved_libs, since the # soname symlink no longer points to it. After the hardlink is # removed by _remove_preserved_libs, it calls pruneNonExisting # which eliminates the irrelevant symlink from the registry here. for f, target in symlinks.items(): if os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f), target) in hardlinks: paths.append(f) if len(paths) > 0: self._data[cps] = (cpv, counter, paths) else: del self._data[cps] def hasEntries(self): """ Check if this registry contains any records. """ if self._data is None: self.load() return len(self._data) > 0 def getPreservedLibs(self): """ Return a mapping of packages->preserved objects. @returns mapping of package instances to preserved objects @rtype Dict cpv->list-of-paths """ if self._data is None: self.load() rValue = {} for cps in self._data: rValue[self._data[cps][0]] = self._data[cps][2] return rValue