# Copyright 2004 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/pym/Attic/portage_db_flat.py,v 2005/04/19 07:14:17 ferringb Exp $ import types import os import stat import portage_db_template # since this format is massively deprecated, # we're hardcoding the previously weird line count magic_line_count = 22 class database(portage_db_template.database): def module_init(self): self.lastkey = None # Cache self.lastval = None # Cache self.fullpath = self.path + "/" + self.category + "/" if not os.path.exists(self.fullpath): prevmask=os.umask(0) os.makedirs(self.fullpath, 02775) os.umask(prevmask) try: os.chown(self.fullpath, self.uid, self.gid) os.chmod(self.fullpath, 02775) except SystemExit, e: raise except: pass def has_key(self,key): if os.path.exists(self.fullpath+key): return 1 return 0 def keys(self): # XXX: NEED TOOLS SEPERATED # return portage.listdir(self.fullpath,filesonly=1) mykeys = [] for x in os.listdir(self.fullpath): if os.path.isfile(self.fullpath+x) and not x.startswith(".update."): mykeys += [x] return mykeys def get_values(self,key, data=None): """ do not use data unless you know what it does.""" if not key: raise KeyError, "key is not set to a valid value" mydict = {} if data == None: try: # give buffering a hint of the pretty much maximal cache size we deal with myf = open(self.fullpath+key, "r", 8192) except OSError: # either the file didn't exist, or it was removed under our feet. raise KeyError("failed reading key") # nuke the newlines right off the batt. data = myf.read().splitlines() mydict["_mtime_"] = os.fstat(myf.fileno()).st_mtime myf.close() else: mydict["_mtime_"] = data.pop(-1) # rely on exceptions to note differing line counts. try: for x in range(magic_line_count): mydict[self.dbkeys[x]] = data[x] except IndexError: raise ValueError, "Key count mistmatch" return mydict def set_values(self,key, val, raw=False): if not key: raise KeyError, "No key provided. key:%s val:%s" % (key,val) if not val: raise ValueError, "No value provided. key:%s val:%s" % (key,val) # XXX threaded cache updates won't play nice with this. # need a synchronization primitive, or locking (of the fileno, not a seperate file) # to correctly handle threading. update_fp = self.fullpath + ".update." + str(os.getpid()) + "." + key myf = open(update_fp,"w") if not raw: myf.writelines( [ str(val[x]) +"\n" for x in self.dbkeys] ) if len(self.dbkeys) != magic_line_count: myf.writelines(["\n"] * len(self.dbkeys) - magic_line_count) mtime = val["_mtime_"] else: mtime = val.pop(-1) myf.writelines(val) myf.close() os.chown(update_fp, self.uid, self.gid) os.chmod(update_fp, 0664) os.utime(update_fp, (-1,long(mtime))) os.rename(update_fp, self.fullpath+key) def del_key(self,key): try: os.unlink(self.fullpath+key) except OSError, oe: # just attempt it without checking, due to the fact that # a cache update could be in progress. self.lastkey = None self.lastval = None return 0 return 1 def sync(self): return def close(self): return