# deps.py -- Portage dependency resolution functions # Copyright 2003-2004 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id$ # DEPEND SYNTAX: # # 'use?' only affects the immediately following word! # Nesting is the only legal way to form multiple '[!]use?' requirements. # # Where: 'a' and 'b' are use flags, and 'z' is a depend atom. # # "a? z" -- If 'a' in [use], then b is valid. # "a? ( z )" -- Syntax with parenthesis. # "a? b? z" -- Deprecated. # "a? ( b? z )" -- Valid # "a? ( b? ( z ) ) -- Valid # import os,string,types,sys,copy import portage_exception from portage_versions import catpkgsplit, catsplit, pkgcmp, pkgsplit, ververify def strip_empty(myarr): for x in range(len(myarr)-1, -1, -1): if not myarr[x]: del myarr[x] return myarr def paren_reduce(mystr,tokenize=1): "Accepts a list of strings, and converts '(' and ')' surrounded items to sub-lists" mylist = [] while mystr: if ("(" not in mystr) and (")" not in mystr): freesec = mystr subsec = None tail = "" elif mystr[0] == ")": return [mylist,mystr[1:]] elif ("(" in mystr) and (mystr.index("(") < mystr.index(")")): freesec,subsec = mystr.split("(",1) subsec,tail = paren_reduce(subsec,tokenize) else: subsec,tail = mystr.split(")",1) if tokenize: subsec = strip_empty(subsec.split(" ")) return [mylist+subsec,tail] return mylist+[subsec],tail mystr = tail if freesec: if tokenize: mylist = mylist + strip_empty(freesec.split(" ")) else: mylist = mylist + [freesec] if subsec is not None: mylist = mylist + [subsec] return mylist def paren_enclose(mylist): mystrparts = [] for x in mylist: if isinstance(x, list): mystrparts.append("( "+paren_enclose(x)+" )") else: mystrparts.append(x) return " ".join(mystrparts) def use_reduce(deparray, uselist=[], masklist=[], matchall=0, excludeall=[]): """Takes a paren_reduce'd array and reduces the use? conditionals out leaving an array with subarrays """ # Quick validity checks for x in range(len(deparray)): if deparray[x] in ["||","&&"]: if len(deparray) - 1 == x or not isinstance(deparray[x+1], list): raise portage_exception.InvalidDependString(deparray[x]+" missing atom list in \""+paren_enclose(deparray)+"\"") if deparray and deparray[-1] and deparray[-1][-1] == "?": raise portage_exception.InvalidDependString("Conditional without target in \""+paren_enclose(deparray)+"\"") mydeparray = deparray[:] rlist = [] while mydeparray: head = mydeparray.pop(0) if type(head) == types.ListType: additions = use_reduce(head, uselist, masklist, matchall, excludeall) if additions: rlist.append(additions) elif rlist and rlist[-1] == "||": #XXX: Currently some DEPEND strings have || lists without default atoms. # raise portage_exception.InvalidDependString("No default atom(s) in \""+paren_enclose(deparray)+"\"") rlist.append([]) else: if head[-1] == "?": # Use reduce next group on fail. # Pull any other use conditions and the following atom or list into a separate array newdeparray = [head] while isinstance(newdeparray[-1], str) and newdeparray[-1][-1] == "?": if mydeparray: newdeparray.append(mydeparray.pop(0)) else: raise ValueError, "Conditional with no target." # Deprecation checks warned = 0 if len(newdeparray[-1]) == 0: sys.stderr.write("Note: Empty target in string. (Deprecated)\n") warned = 1 if len(newdeparray) != 2: sys.stderr.write("Note: Nested use flags without parenthesis (Deprecated)\n") warned = 1 if warned: sys.stderr.write(" --> "+string.join(map(str,[head]+newdeparray))+"\n") # Check that each flag matches ismatch = True for head in newdeparray[:-1]: head = head[:-1] if head[0] == "!": head = head[1:] if not matchall and head in uselist or head in excludeall: ismatch = False break elif head not in masklist: if not matchall and head not in uselist: ismatch = False break else: ismatch = False # If they all match, process the target if ismatch: target = newdeparray[-1] if isinstance(target, list): additions = use_reduce(target, uselist, masklist, matchall, excludeall) if additions: rlist.append(additions) else: rlist += [target] else: rlist += [head] return rlist def dep_opconvert(deplist): """Move || and && to the beginning of the following arrays""" # Hack in management of the weird || for dep_wordreduce, etc. # dep_opconvert: [stuff, ["||", list, of, things]] # At this point: [stuff, "||", [list, of, things]] retlist = [] x = 0 while x != len(deplist): if isinstance(deplist[x], list): retlist.append(dep_opconvert(deplist[x])) elif deplist[x] == "||" or deplist[x] == "&&": retlist.append([deplist[x]] + dep_opconvert(deplist[x+1])) x += 1 else: retlist.append(deplist[x]) x += 1 return retlist def get_operator(mydep): """ returns '~', '=', '>', '<', '=*', '>=', or '<=' """ if mydep[0] == "~": operator = "~" elif mydep[0] == "=": if mydep[-1] == "*": operator = "=*" else: operator = "=" elif mydep[0] in "><": if len(mydep) > 1 and mydep[1] == "=": operator = mydep[0:2] else: operator = mydep[0] else: operator = None return operator def dep_getcpv(mydep): if mydep and mydep[0] == "*": mydep = mydep[1:] if mydep and mydep[-1] == "*": mydep = mydep[:-1] if mydep and mydep[0] == "!": mydep = mydep[1:] if mydep[:2] in [">=", "<="]: mydep = mydep[2:] elif mydep[:1] in "=<>~": mydep = mydep[1:] return mydep def isvalidatom(atom): mycpv_cps = catpkgsplit(dep_getcpv(atom)) operator = get_operator(atom) if operator: if operator[0] in "<>" and atom[-1] == "*": return 0 if mycpv_cps and mycpv_cps[0] != "null": # >=cat/pkg-1.0 return 1 else: # >=cat/pkg or >=pkg-1.0 (no category) return 0 if mycpv_cps: # cat/pkg-1.0 return 0 if (len(atom.split('/')) == 2): # cat/pkg return 1 else: return 0 def isjustname(mypkg): myparts = mypkg.split('-') for x in myparts: if ververify(x): return 0 return 1 iscache = {} def isspecific(mypkg): "now supports packages with no category" try: return iscache[mypkg] except KeyError: pass mysplit = mypkg.split("/") if not isjustname(mysplit[-1]): iscache[mypkg] = 1 return 1 iscache[mypkg] = 0 return 0 def dep_getkey(mydep): if mydep and mydep[0] == "*": mydep = mydep[1:] if mydep and mydep[-1] == "*": mydep = mydep[:-1] if mydep and mydep[0] == "!": mydep = mydep[1:] if mydep[:2] in [">=", "<="]: mydep = mydep[2:] elif mydep[:1] in "=<>~": mydep = mydep[1:] if mydep and isspecific(mydep): mysplit = catpkgsplit(mydep) if not mysplit: return mydep return mysplit[0] + "/" + mysplit[1] else: return mydep def match_to_list(mypkg, mylist): """(pkgname, list) Searches list for entries that matches the package. """ matches = [] for x in mylist: if match_from_list(x, [mypkg]): if x not in matches: matches.append(x) return matches def best_match_to_list(mypkg, mylist): """(pkgname, list) Returns the most specific entry (assumed to be the longest one) that matches the package given. """ # XXX Assumption is wrong sometimes. maxlen = 0 bestm = None for x in match_to_list(mypkg, mylist): if len(x) > maxlen: maxlen = len(x) bestm = x return bestm def match_from_list(mydep, candidate_list): from portage_util import writemsg if mydep[0] == "!": mydep = mydep[1:] mycpv = dep_getcpv(mydep) mycpv_cps = catpkgsplit(mycpv) # Can be None if not specific if not mycpv_cps: cat, pkg = catsplit(mycpv) ver = None rev = None else: cat, pkg, ver, rev = mycpv_cps if mydep == mycpv: raise KeyError("Specific key requires an operator" + \ " (%s) (try adding an '=')" % (mydep)) if ver and rev: operator = get_operator(mydep) if not operator: writemsg("!!! Invalid atom: %s\n" % mydep, noiselevel=-1) return [] else: operator = None mylist = [] if operator is None: for x in candidate_list: xs = pkgsplit(x) if xs is None: if x != mycpv: continue elif xs[0] != mycpv: continue mylist.append(x) elif operator == "=": # Exact match if mycpv in candidate_list: mylist = [mycpv] elif operator == "=*": # glob match # The old verion ignored _tag suffixes... This one doesn't. for x in candidate_list: if x[0:len(mycpv)] == mycpv: mylist.append(x) elif operator == "~": # version, any revision, match for x in candidate_list: xs = catpkgsplit(x) if xs[0:2] != mycpv_cps[0:2]: continue if xs[2] != ver: continue mylist.append(x) elif operator in [">", ">=", "<", "<="]: for x in candidate_list: try: result = pkgcmp(pkgsplit(x), [cat + "/" + pkg, ver, rev]) except SystemExit: raise except: writemsg("\nInvalid package name: %s\n" % x, noiselevel=-1) raise if result is None: continue elif operator == ">": if result > 0: mylist.append(x) elif operator == ">=": if result >= 0: mylist.append(x) elif operator == "<": if result < 0: mylist.append(x) elif operator == "<=": if result <= 0: mylist.append(x) else: raise KeyError("Unknown operator: %s" % mydep) else: raise KeyError("Unknown operator: %s" % mydep) return mylist