# Copyright 2004 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/pym/portage_util.py,v 2005/04/23 07:26:04 jstubbs Exp $ import sys,string,shlex,os.path noiselimit = 0 def writemsg(mystr,noiselevel=0): """Prints out warning and debug messages based on the noiselimit setting""" global noiselimit if noiselevel <= noiselimit: sys.stderr.write(mystr) sys.stderr.flush() def grabfile(myfilename, compat_level=0, recursive=0): """This function grabs the lines in a file, normalizes whitespace and returns lines in a list; if a line begins with a #, it is ignored, as are empty lines""" mylines=grablines(myfilename, recursive) newlines=[] for x in mylines: #the split/join thing removes leading and trailing whitespace, and converts any whitespace in the line #into single spaces. myline=string.join(string.split(x)) if not len(myline): continue if myline[0]=="#": # Check if we have a compat-level string. BC-integration data. # '##COMPAT==>N<==' 'some string attached to it' mylinetest = string.split(myline, "<==", 1) if len(mylinetest) == 2: myline_potential = mylinetest[1] mylinetest = string.split(mylinetest[0],"##COMPAT==>") if len(mylinetest) == 2: if compat_level >= int(mylinetest[1]): # It's a compat line, and the key matches. newlines.append(myline_potential) continue else: continue newlines.append(myline) return newlines def map_dictlist_vals(func,myDict): """Performs a function on each value of each key in a dictlist. Returns a new dictlist.""" new_dl = {} for key in myDict.keys(): new_dl[key] = [] new_dl[key] = map(func,myDict[key]) return new_dl def stack_dictlist(original_dicts, incremental=0, incrementals=[], ignore_none=0): """Stacks an array of dict-types into one array. Optionally merging or overwriting matching key/value pairs for the dict[key]->list. Returns a single dict. Higher index in lists is preferenced.""" final_dict = None kill_list = {} for mydict in original_dicts: if mydict == None: continue if final_dict == None: final_dict = {} for y in mydict.keys(): if not final_dict.has_key(y): final_dict[y] = [] if not kill_list.has_key(y): kill_list[y] = [] mydict[y].reverse() for thing in mydict[y]: if thing and (thing not in kill_list[y]) and ("*" not in kill_list[y]): if (incremental or (y in incrementals)) and thing[0] == '-': if thing[1:] not in kill_list[y]: kill_list[y] += [thing[1:]] else: if thing not in final_dict[y]: final_dict[y].append(thing[:]) mydict[y].reverse() if final_dict.has_key(y) and not final_dict[y]: del final_dict[y] return final_dict def stack_dicts(dicts, incremental=0, incrementals=[], ignore_none=0): """Stacks an array of dict-types into one array. Optionally merging or overwriting matching key/value pairs for the dict[key]->string. Returns a single dict.""" final_dict = None for mydict in dicts: if mydict == None: if ignore_none: continue else: return None if final_dict == None: final_dict = {} for y in mydict.keys(): if mydict[y]: if final_dict.has_key(y) and (incremental or (y in incrementals)): final_dict[y] += " "+mydict[y][:] else: final_dict[y] = mydict[y][:] mydict[y] = string.join(mydict[y].split()) # Remove extra spaces. return final_dict def stack_lists(lists, incremental=1): """Stacks an array of list-types into one array. Optionally removing distinct values using '-value' notation. Higher index is preferenced. all elements must be hashable.""" new_list = {} for x in lists: for y in filter(None, x): if incremental and y.startswith("-"): if y[1:] in new_list: del new_list[y[1:]] else: new_list[y] = True return new_list.keys() def grabdict(myfilename, juststrings=0, empty=0, recursive=0): """This function grabs the lines in a file, normalizes whitespace and returns lines in a dictionary""" newdict={} for x in grablines(myfilename, recursive): #the split/join thing removes leading and trailing whitespace, and converts any whitespace in the line #into single spaces. if x[0] == "#": continue myline=string.split(x) if len(myline) < 2 and empty == 0: continue if len(myline) < 1 and empty == 1: continue if juststrings: newdict[myline[0]]=string.join(myline[1:]) else: newdict[myline[0]]=myline[1:] return newdict def grabdict_package(myfilename, juststrings=0, recursive=0): pkgs=grabdict(myfilename, juststrings, empty=1, recursive=recursive) for x in pkgs: if not isvalidatom(x): del(pkgs[x]) writemsg("--- Invalid atom in %s: %s\n" % (myfilename, x)) return pkgs def grabfile_package(myfilename, compatlevel=0, recursive=0): pkgs=grabfile(myfilename, compatlevel, recursive=recursive) for x in range(len(pkgs)-1, -1, -1): pkg = pkgs[x] if pkg[0] == "-": pkg = pkg[1:] if pkg[0] == "*": # Kill this so we can deal the "packages" file too pkg = pkg[1:] if not isvalidatom(pkg): writemsg("--- Invalid atom in %s: %s\n" % (myfilename, pkgs[x])) del(pkgs[x]) return pkgs def grablines(myfilename,recursive=0): mylines=[] if recursive and os.path.isdir(myfilename): myfiles = [myfilename+os.path.sep+x for x in os.listdir(myfilename)] myfiles.sort() for f in myfiles: mylines.extend(grablines(f, recursive)) else: try: myfile = open(myfilename, "r") mylines = myfile.readlines() myfile.close() except IOError: pass return mylines def writedict(mydict,myfilename,writekey=True): """Writes out a dict to a file; writekey=0 mode doesn't write out the key and assumes all values are strings, not lists.""" myfile = None myf2 = "%s.%i" % (myfilename, os.getpid()) try: myfile=open(myf2,"w") if not writekey: for x in mydict.values(): myfile.write(x+"\n") else: for x in mydict.keys(): myfile.write("%s %s\n" % (x, " ".join(mydict[x]))) myfile.close() os.rename(myf2, myfilename) except IOError: if myfile is not None: os.unlink(myf2) return 0 return 1 def getconfig(mycfg,tolerant=0,allow_sourcing=False): mykeys={} try: f=open(mycfg,'r') except IOError: return None try: lex=shlex.shlex(f) lex.wordchars=string.digits+string.letters+"~!@#$%*_\:;?,./-+{}" lex.quotes="\"'" if allow_sourcing: lex.source="source" while 1: key=lex.get_token() if (key==''): #normal end of file break; equ=lex.get_token() if (equ==''): #unexpected end of file #lex.error_leader(self.filename,lex.lineno) if not tolerant: writemsg("!!! Unexpected end of config file: variable "+str(key)+"\n") raise Exception("ParseError: Unexpected EOF: "+str(mycfg)+": on/before line "+str(lex.lineno)) else: return mykeys elif (equ!='='): #invalid token #lex.error_leader(self.filename,lex.lineno) if not tolerant: writemsg("!!! Invalid token (not \"=\") "+str(equ)+"\n") raise Exception("ParseError: Invalid token (not '='): "+str(mycfg)+": line "+str(lex.lineno)) else: return mykeys val=lex.get_token() if (val==''): #unexpected end of file #lex.error_leader(self.filename,lex.lineno) if not tolerant: writemsg("!!! Unexpected end of config file: variable "+str(key)+"\n") raise portage_exception.CorruptionError("ParseError: Unexpected EOF: "+str(mycfg)+": line "+str(lex.lineno)) else: return mykeys mykeys[key]=varexpand(val,mykeys) except SystemExit, e: raise except Exception, e: raise e.__class__, str(e)+" in "+mycfg return mykeys #cache expansions of constant strings cexpand={} def varexpand(mystring,mydict={}): try: return cexpand[" "+mystring] except KeyError: pass """ new variable expansion code. Removes quotes, handles \n, etc. This code is used by the configfile code, as well as others (parser) This would be a good bunch of code to port to C. """ numvars=0 mystring=" "+mystring #in single, double quotes insing=0 indoub=0 pos=1 newstring=" " while (pos=len(mystring)): newstring=newstring+mystring[pos] break else: a=mystring[pos+1] pos=pos+2 if a=='a': newstring=newstring+chr(007) elif a=='b': newstring=newstring+chr(010) elif a=='e': newstring=newstring+chr(033) elif (a=='f') or (a=='n'): newstring=newstring+chr(012) elif a=='r': newstring=newstring+chr(015) elif a=='t': newstring=newstring+chr(011) elif a=='v': newstring=newstring+chr(013) elif a!='\n': #remove backslash only, as bash does: this takes care of \\ and \' and \" as well newstring=newstring+mystring[pos-1:pos] continue elif (mystring[pos]=="$") and (mystring[pos-1]!="\\"): pos=pos+1 if mystring[pos]=="{": pos=pos+1 braced=True else: braced=False myvstart=pos validchars=string.ascii_letters+string.digits+"_" while mystring[pos] in validchars: if (pos+1)>=len(mystring): if braced: cexpand[mystring]="" return "" else: pos=pos+1 break pos=pos+1 myvarname=mystring[myvstart:pos] if braced: if mystring[pos]!="}": cexpand[mystring]="" return "" else: pos=pos+1 if len(myvarname)==0: cexpand[mystring]="" return "" numvars=numvars+1 if mydict.has_key(myvarname): newstring=newstring+mydict[myvarname] else: newstring=newstring+mystring[pos] pos=pos+1 else: newstring=newstring+mystring[pos] pos=pos+1 if numvars==0: cexpand[mystring]=newstring[1:] return newstring[1:] def pickle_write(data,filename,debug=0): import cPickle,os try: myf=open(filename,"w") cPickle.dump(data,myf,-1) myf.flush() myf.close() writemsg("Wrote pickle: "+str(filename)+"\n",1) os.chown(myefn,uid,portage_gid) os.chmod(myefn,0664) except SystemExit, e: raise except Exception, e: return 0 return 1 def pickle_read(filename,default=None,debug=0): import cPickle,os if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK): writemsg("pickle_read(): File not readable. '"+filename+"'\n",1) return default data = None try: myf = open(filename) mypickle = cPickle.Unpickler(myf) mypickle.find_global = None data = mypickle.load() myf.close() del mypickle,myf writemsg("pickle_read(): Loaded pickle. '"+filename+"'\n",1) except SystemExit, e: raise except Exception, e: writemsg("!!! Failed to load pickle: "+str(e)+"\n",1) data = default return data def dump_traceback(msg, noiselevel=1): import sys, traceback info = sys.exc_info() if not info[2]: stack = traceback.extract_stack()[:-1] error = None else: stack = traceback.extract_tb(info[2]) error = str(info[1]) writemsg("\n====================================\n", noiselevel=noiselevel) writemsg("%s\n\n" % msg, noiselevel=noiselevel) for line in traceback.format_list(stack): writemsg(line, noiselevel=noiselevel) if error: writemsg(error+"\n", noiselevel=noiselevel) writemsg("====================================\n\n", noiselevel=noiselevel) def unique_array(s): """lifted from python cookbook, credit: Tim Peters Return a list of the elements in s in arbitrary order, sans duplicates""" n = len(s) # assume all elements are hashable, if so, it's linear try: return list(set(s)) except TypeError: pass # so much for linear. abuse sort. try: t = sorted(s) except TypeError: pass else: assert n > 0 last = t[0] lasti = i = 1 while i < n: if t[i] != last: t[lasti] = last = t[i] lasti += 1 i += 1 return t[:lasti] # blah. back to original portage.unique_array u = [] for x in s: if x not in u: u.append(x) return u