# repoman: Utilities # Copyright 2007 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id$ """This module contains utility functions to help repoman find ebuilds to scan""" __all__ = [ "detect_vcs_conflicts", "editor_is_executable", "FindPackagesToScan", "FindPortdir", "format_qa_output", "get_commit_message_with_editor", "get_commit_message_with_stdin", "have_profile_dir", "parse_metadata_use" ] import codecs import errno import itertools import logging import sys try: from subprocess import getstatusoutput as subprocess_getstatusoutput except ImportError: from commands import getstatusoutput as subprocess_getstatusoutput from xml.dom import minidom from xml.dom import NotFoundErr from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError from portage import os from portage import _encodings from portage import _unicode_encode from portage import output from portage.output import red, green from portage.process import find_binary from portage import exception from portage import util normalize_path = util.normalize_path util.initialize_logger() def detect_vcs_conflicts(options, vcs): """Determine if the checkout has problems like cvs conflicts. If you want more vcs support here just keep adding if blocks... This could be better. TODO(antarus): Also this should probably not call sys.exit() as repoman is run on >1 packages and one failure should not cause subsequent packages to fail. Args: vcs - A string identifying the version control system in use Returns: None (calls sys.exit on fatal problems) """ retval = ("","") if vcs == 'cvs': logging.info("Performing a " + output.green("cvs -n up") + \ " with a little magic grep to check for updates.") retval = subprocess_getstatusoutput("cvs -n up 2>&1 | " + \ "egrep '^[^\?] .*' | " + \ "egrep -v '^. .*/digest-[^/]+|^cvs server: .* -- ignored$'") if vcs == 'svn': logging.info("Performing a " + output.green("svn status -u") + \ " with a little magic grep to check for updates.") retval = subprocess_getstatusoutput("svn status -u 2>&1 | " + \ "egrep -v '^. +.*/digest-[^/]+' | " + \ "head -n-1") if vcs in ['cvs', 'svn']: mylines = retval[1].splitlines() myupdates = [] for line in mylines: if not line: continue if line[0] not in "UPMARD": # Updates,Patches,Modified,Added,Removed/Replaced(svn),Deleted(svn) logging.error(red("!!! Please fix the following issues reported " + \ "from cvs: ")+green("(U,P,M,A,R,D are ok)")) logging.error(red("!!! Note: This is a pretend/no-modify pass...")) logging.error(retval[1]) sys.exit(1) elif vcs == 'cvs' and line[0] in "UP": myupdates.append(line[2:]) elif vcs == 'svn' and line[8] == '*': myupdates.append(line[9:].lstrip(" 1234567890")) if myupdates: logging.info(green("Fetching trivial updates...")) if options.pretend: logging.info("(" + vcs + " update " + " ".join(myupdates) + ")") retval = os.EX_OK else: retval = os.system(vcs + " update " + " ".join(myupdates)) if retval != os.EX_OK: logging.fatal("!!! " + vcs + " exited with an error. Terminating.") sys.exit(retval) def have_profile_dir(path, maxdepth=3, filename="profiles.desc"): """ Try to figure out if 'path' has a profiles/ dir in it by checking for the given filename. """ while path != "/" and maxdepth: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "profiles", filename)): return normalize_path(path) path = normalize_path(path + "/..") maxdepth -= 1 def parse_metadata_use(mylines, uselist=None): """ Records are wrapped in XML as per GLEP 56 returns a dict of the form a list of flags""" if uselist is None: uselist = [] try: metadatadom = minidom.parse(mylines) except ExpatError as e: raise exception.ParseError("metadata.xml: %s" % (e,)) try: usetag = metadatadom.getElementsByTagName("use") if not usetag: return uselist except NotFoundErr: return uselist try: flags = usetag[0].getElementsByTagName("flag") except NotFoundErr: raise exception.ParseError("metadata.xml: " + \ "Malformed input: missing 'flag' tag(s)") for flag in flags: pkg_flag = flag.getAttribute("name") if not pkg_flag: raise exception.ParseError("metadata.xml: " + \ "Malformed input: missing 'name' attribute for 'flag' tag") uselist.append(pkg_flag) metadatadom.unlink() return uselist def FindPackagesToScan(settings, startdir, reposplit): """ Try to find packages that need to be scanned Args: settings - portage.config instance, preferably repoman_settings startdir - directory that repoman was run in reposplit - root of the repository Returns: A list of directories to scan """ def AddPackagesInDir(path): """ Given a list of dirs, add any packages in it """ ret = [] pkgdirs = os.listdir(path) for d in pkgdirs: if d == 'CVS' or d.startswith('.'): continue p = os.path.join(path, d) if os.path.isdir(p): cat_pkg_dir = os.path.join(*p.split(os.path.sep)[-2:]) logging.debug('adding %s to scanlist' % cat_pkg_dir) ret.append(cat_pkg_dir) return ret scanlist = [] repolevel = len(reposplit) if repolevel == 1: # root of the tree, startdir = repodir for cat in settings.categories: path = os.path.join(startdir, cat) if not os.path.isdir(path): continue pkgdirs = os.listdir(path) scanlist.extend(AddPackagesInDir(path)) elif repolevel == 2: # category level, startdir = catdir # we only want 1 segment of the directory, is why we use catdir instead of startdir catdir = reposplit[-2] if catdir not in settings.categories: logging.warn('%s is not a valid category according to profiles/categories, ' \ 'skipping checks in %s' % (catdir, catdir)) else: scanlist = AddPackagesInDir(catdir) elif repolevel == 3: # pkgdir level, startdir = pkgdir catdir = reposplit[-2] pkgdir = reposplit[-1] if catdir not in settings.categories: logging.warn('%s is not a valid category according to profiles/categories, ' \ 'skipping checks in %s' % (catdir, catdir)) else: path = os.path.join(catdir, pkgdir) logging.debug('adding %s to scanlist' % path) scanlist.append(path) return scanlist def format_qa_output(formatter, stats, fails, dofull, dofail, options, qawarnings): """Helper function that formats output properly Args: formatter - a subclass of Formatter stats - a dict of qa status items fails - a dict of qa status failures dofull - boolean to print full results or a summary dofail - boolean to decide if failure was hard or soft Returns: None (modifies formatter) """ full = options.mode == 'full' # we only want key value pairs where value > 0 for category, number in \ itertools.ifilter(lambda myitem: myitem[1] > 0, stats.iteritems()): formatter.add_literal_data(" " + category.ljust(30)) if category in qawarnings: formatter.push_style("WARN") else: formatter.push_style("BAD") formatter.add_literal_data(str(number)) formatter.pop_style() formatter.add_line_break() if not dofull: if not full and dofail and category in qawarnings: # warnings are considered noise when there are failures continue fails_list = fails[category] if not full and len(fails_list) > 12: fails_list = fails_list[:12] for failure in fails_list: formatter.add_literal_data(" " + failure) formatter.add_line_break() def editor_is_executable(editor): """ Given an EDITOR string, validate that it refers to an executable. This uses shlex_split() to split the first component and do a PATH lookup if necessary. @param editor: An EDITOR value from the environment. @type: string @rtype: bool @returns: True if an executable is found, False otherwise. """ editor_split = util.shlex_split(editor) if not editor_split: return False filename = editor_split[0] if not os.path.isabs(filename): return find_binary(filename) is not None return os.access(filename, os.X_OK) and os.path.isfile(filename) def get_commit_message_with_editor(editor, message=None): """ Execute editor with a temporary file as it's argument and return the file content afterwards. @param editor: An EDITOR value from the environment @type: string @param message: An iterable of lines to show in the editor. @type: iterable @rtype: string or None @returns: A string on success or None if an error occurs. """ from tempfile import mkstemp fd, filename = mkstemp() try: os.write(fd, "\n# Please enter the commit message " + \ "for your changes.\n# (Comment lines starting " + \ "with '#' will not be included)\n") if message: os.write(fd, "#\n") for line in message: os.write(fd, "#" + line) os.close(fd) retval = os.system(editor + " '%s'" % filename) if not (os.WIFEXITED(retval) and os.WEXITSTATUS(retval) == os.EX_OK): return None try: mylines = codecs.open(_unicode_encode(filename, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='r', encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='replace' ).readlines() except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise del e return None return "".join(line for line in mylines if not line.startswith("#")) finally: try: os.unlink(filename) except OSError: pass def get_commit_message_with_stdin(): """ Read a commit message from the user and return it. @rtype: string or None @returns: A string on success or None if an error occurs. """ print("Please enter a commit message. Use Ctrl-d to finish or Ctrl-c to abort.") commitmessage = [] while True: commitmessage.append(sys.stdin.readline()) if not commitmessage[-1]: break commitmessage = "".join(commitmessage) return commitmessage def FindPortdir(settings): """ Try to figure out what repo we are in and whether we are in a regular tree or an overlay. Basic logic is: 1. Determine what directory we are in (supports symlinks). 2. Build a list of directories from / to our current location 3. Iterate over PORTDIR_OVERLAY, if we find a match, search for a profiles directory in the overlay. If it has one, make it portdir, otherwise make it portdir_overlay. 4. If we didn't find an overlay in PORTDIR_OVERLAY, see if we are in PORTDIR; if so, set portdir_overlay to PORTDIR. If we aren't in PORTDIR, see if PWD has a profiles dir, if so, set portdir_overlay and portdir to PWD, else make them False. 5. If we haven't found portdir_overlay yet, it means the user is doing something odd, report an error. 6. If we haven't found a portdir yet, set portdir to PORTDIR. Args: settings - portage.config instance, preferably repoman_settings Returns: tuple(portdir, portdir_overlay, location) """ portdir = None portdir_overlay = None location = os.getcwd() pwd = os.environ.get('PWD', '') if pwd and pwd != location and os.path.realpath(pwd) == location: # getcwd() returns the canonical path but that makes it hard for repoman to # orient itself if the user has symlinks in their portage tree structure. # We use os.environ["PWD"], if available, to get the non-canonical path of # the current working directory (from the shell). location = pwd location = normalize_path(location) path_ids = {} p = location s = None while True: s = os.stat(p) path_ids[(s.st_dev, s.st_ino)] = p if p == "/": break p = os.path.dirname(p) if location[-1] != "/": location += "/" for overlay in settings["PORTDIR_OVERLAY"].split(): overlay = os.path.realpath(overlay) try: s = os.stat(overlay) except OSError: continue overlay = path_ids.get((s.st_dev, s.st_ino)) if overlay is None: continue if overlay[-1] != "/": overlay += "/" if True: portdir_overlay = overlay subdir = location[len(overlay):] if subdir and subdir[-1] != "/": subdir += "/" if have_profile_dir(location, subdir.count("/")): portdir = portdir_overlay break # Couldn't match location with anything from PORTDIR_OVERLAY, # so fall back to have_profile_dir() checks alone. Assume that # an overlay will contain at least a "repo_name" file while a # master repo (portdir) will contain at least a "profiles.desc" # file. if not portdir_overlay: portdir_overlay = have_profile_dir(location, filename="repo_name") if portdir_overlay: subdir = location[len(portdir_overlay):] if subdir and subdir[-1] != os.sep: subdir += os.sep if have_profile_dir(location, subdir.count(os.sep)): portdir = portdir_overlay if not portdir_overlay: if (settings["PORTDIR"] + os.path.sep).startswith(location): portdir_overlay = settings["PORTDIR"] else: portdir_overlay = have_profile_dir(location) portdir = portdir_overlay if not portdir_overlay: msg = 'Repoman is unable to determine PORTDIR or PORTDIR_OVERLAY' + \ ' from the current working directory' logging.critical(msg) return (None, None, None) if not portdir: portdir = settings["PORTDIR"] if not portdir_overlay.endswith('/'): portdir_overlay += '/' if not portdir.endswith('/'): portdir += '/' return map(normalize_path, (portdir, portdir_overlay, location))