# repoman: Utilities # Copyright 2007 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id$ """This module contains utility functions to help repoman find ebuilds to scan""" import commands import itertools import logging import os import sys from portage import output from portage import exception from portage import util normalize_path = util.normalize_path util.initialize_logger() def detect_vcs_conflicts(vcs, options): """Determine if the checkout has problems like cvs conflicts. If you want more vcs support here just keep adding if blocks... This could be better. TODO(antarus): Also this should probably not call sys.exit() as repoman is run on >1 packages and one failure should not cause subsequent packages to fail. Args: vcs - A string identifying the version control system in use Returns: None (calls sys.exit on fatal problems) """ retval = ("","") if vcs == 'cvs': logging.info("Performing a " + output.green("cvs -n up") + \ " with a little magic grep to check for updates.") retval = commands.getstatusoutput("cvs -n up 2>&1 | " + \ "egrep '^[^\?] .*' | " + \ "egrep -v '^. .*/digest-[^/]+|^cvs server: .* -- ignored$'") mylines = retval[1].splitlines() myupdates = [] for line in mylines: if not line: continue if line[0] not in "UPMAR": # Updates,Patches,Modified,Added,Removed logging.error(red("!!! Please fix the following issues reported " + \ "from cvs: ")+green("(U,P,M,A,R are ok)")) logging.error(red("!!! Note: This is a pretend/no-modify pass...")) logging.error(retval[1]) sys.exit(1) elif line[0] in "UP": myupdates.append(line[2:]) if myupdates: logging.info(green("Fetching trivial updates...")) if options.pretend: logging.info("(cvs up "+" ".join(myupdates)+")") retval = os.EX_OK else: retval = os.system("cvs up " + " ".join(myupdates)) if retval != os.EX_OK: logging.fatal("!!! cvs exited with an error. Terminating.") sys.exit(retval) def have_profile_dir(path, maxdepth=3): """ Try to figure out if 'path' has a /profiles dir in it by checking for a package.mask file """ while path != "/" and maxdepth: if os.path.exists(path + "/profiles/package.mask"): return normalize_path(path) path = normalize_path(path + "/..") maxdepth -= 1 def parse_use_local_desc(mylines, usedict=None): """ Records are of the form PACKAGE:FLAG - DESC returns a dict of the form {cpv:set(flags)}""" if usedict is None: usedict = {} for line_num, l in enumerate(mylines): if not l or l.startswith('#'): continue pkg_flag = l.split(None, 1) # None implies splitting on whitespace if not pkg_flag: continue try: pkg, flag = pkg_flag[0].split(":") except ValueError: raise exception,ParseError("line %d: Malformed input: '%s'" % \ (linenum + 1, l.rstrip("\n"))) usedict.setdefault(pkg, set()) usedict[pkg].add(flag) return usedict def FindPackagesToScan(settings, startdir, reposplit): """ Try to find packages that need to be scanned Args: settings - portage.config instance, preferably repoman_settings startdir - directory that repoman was run in reposplit - root of the repository Returns: A list of directories to scan """ def AddPackagesInDir(path): """ Given a list of dirs, add any packages in it """ ret = [] pkgdirs = os.listdir(path) for d in pkgdirs: if d == 'CVS' or d.startswith('.'): continue p = os.path.join(path, d) if os.path.isdir(p): cat_pkg_dir = os.path.join(p.split(os.path.sep)[-2:]) logging.debug('adding %s to scanlist' % cat_pkg_dir) ret.append(cat_pkg_dir) return ret scanlist = [] repolevel = len(reposplit) if repolevel == 1: # root of the tree, startdir = repodir for cat in settings.categories: path = os.path.join(startdir, cat) if not os.path.isdir(path): continue pkgdirs = os.listdir(path) scanlist.extend(AddPackagesInDir(path)) elif repolevel == 2: # category level, startdir = catdir # we only want 1 segment of the directory, is why we use catdir instead of startdir catdir = reposplit[-2] if catdir not in settings.categories: logging.warn('%s is not a valid category according to profiles/categories, ' \ 'skipping checks in %s' % (catdir, catdir)) else: scanlist = AddPackagesInDir(catdir) elif repolevel == 3: # pkgdir level, startdir = pkgdir catdir = reposplit[-2] pkgdir = reposplit[-1] if catdir not in settings.categories: logging.warn('%s is not a valid category according to profiles/categories, ' \ 'skipping checks in %s' % (catdir, catdir)) else: scanlist.append(os.path.join(catdir, pkgdir)) return scanlist def format_qa_output(formatter, stats, fails, dofull, dofail, options, qawarnings): """Helper function that formats output properly Args: formatter - a subclass of Formatter stats - a dict of qa status items fails - a dict of qa status failures dofull - boolean to print full results or a summary dofail - boolean to decide if failure was hard or soft Returns: None (modifies formatter) """ full = options.mode in ("full", "lfull") # we only want key value pairs where value > 0 for category, number in \ itertools.ifilter(lambda myitem: myitem[1] > 0, stats.iteritems()): formatter.add_literal_data(" " + category.ljust(30)) if category in qawarnings: formatter.push_style("WARN") else: formatter.push_style("BAD") formatter.add_literal_data(str(number)) formatter.pop_style() formatter.add_line_break() if not dofull: if not full and dofail and category in qawarnings: # warnings are considered noise when there are failures continue fails_list = fails[category] if not full and len(fails_list) > 12: fails_list = fails_list[:12] for failure in fails_list: formatter.add_literal_data(" " + failure) formatter.add_line_break() def editor_is_executable(editor): """ Given an EDITOR string, validate that it refers to an executable. This uses shlex.split() to split the first component and do a PATH lookup if necessary. @param editor: An EDITOR value from the environment. @type: string @rtype: bool @returns: True if an executable is found, False otherwise. """ import shlex editor_split = shlex.split(editor) if not editor_split: return False filename = editor_split[0] if not os.path.isabs(filename): return find_binary(filename) is not None return os.access(filename, os.X_OK) and os.path.isfile(filename) def get_commit_message_with_editor(editor, message=None): """ Execute editor with a temporary file as it's argument and return the file content afterwards. @param editor: An EDITOR value from the environment @type: string @param message: An iterable of lines to show in the editor. @type: iterable @rtype: string or None @returns: A string on success or None if an error occurs. """ from tempfile import mkstemp fd, filename = mkstemp() try: os.write(fd, "\n# Please enter the commit message " + \ "for your changes.\n# (Comment lines starting " + \ "with '#' will not be included)\n") if message: os.write(fd, "#\n") for line in message: os.write(fd, "#" + line) os.close(fd) retval = os.system(editor + " '%s'" % filename) if not (os.WIFEXITED(retval) and os.WEXITSTATUS(retval) == os.EX_OK): return None try: mylines = open(filename).readlines() except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise del e return None return "".join(line for line in mylines if not line.startswith("#")) finally: try: os.unlink(filename) except OSError: pass def get_commit_message_with_stdin(): """ Read a commit message from the user and return it. @rtype: string or None @returns: A string on success or None if an error occurs. """ print "Please enter a commit message. Use Ctrl-d to finish or Ctrl-c to abort." commitmessage = [] while True: commitmessage.append(sys.stdin.readline()) if not commitmessage[-1]: break commitmessage = "".join(commitmessage) return commitmessage def FindPortdir(settings): """ Try to figure out what repo we are in and whether we are in a regular tree or an overlay. Basic logic is: 1. Determine what directory we are in (supports symlinks). 2. Build a list of directories from / to our current location 3. Iterate over PORTDIR_OVERLAY, if we find a match, search for a profiles directory in the overlay. If it has one, make it portdir, otherwise make it portdir_overlay. 4. If we didn't find an overlay in PORTDIR_OVERLAY, see if we are in PORTDIR; if so, set portdir_overlay to PORTDIR. If we aren't in PORTDIR, see if PWD has a profiles dir, if so, set portdir_overlay and portdir to PWD, else make them False. 5. If we haven't found portdir_overlay yet, it means the user is doing something odd, report an error. 6. If we haven't found a portdir yet, set portdir to PORTDIR. Args: settings - portage.config instance, preferably repoman_settings Returns: tuple(portdir, portdir_overlay, location) """ portdir = None portdir_overlay = None location = os.getcwd() pwd = os.environ.get('PWD', '') if pwd != location and os.path.realpath(pwd) == location: # getcwd() returns the canonical path but that makes it hard for repoman to # orient itself if the user has symlinks in their portage tree structure. # We use os.environ["PWD"], if available, to get the non-canonical path of # the current working directory (from the shell). location = pwd location = normalize_path(location) path_ids = set() p = location s = None while True: s = os.stat(p) path_ids.add((s.st_dev, s.st_ino)) if p == "/": break p = os.path.dirname(p) if location[-1] != "/": location += "/" for overlay in settings["PORTDIR_OVERLAY"].split(): overlay = os.path.realpath(overlay) try: s = os.stat(overlay) except OSError: continue overlay_id = (s.st_dev, s.st_ino) if overlay[-1] != "/": overlay += "/" if overlay_id in path_ids: portdir_overlay = overlay subdir = location[len(overlay):] if subdir and subdir[-1] != "/": subdir += "/" if have_profile_dir(location, subdir.count("/")): portdir = portdir_overlay break del p, s, path_ids if not portdir_overlay: if (settings["PORTDIR"] + os.path.sep).startswith(location): portdir_overlay = settings["PORTDIR"] else: portdir_overlay = have_profile_dir(location) portdir = portdir_overlay if not portdir_overlay: msg = 'Repoman is unable to determine PORTDIR or PORTDIR_OVERLAY' + \ ' from the current working directory' logging.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if not portdir: portdir = settings["PORTDIR"] if not portdir_overlay.endswith('/'): portdir_overlay += '/' if not portdir.endswith('/'): portdir += '/' return map(normalize_path, (portdir, portdir_overlay, location))