#!/usr/bin/env python import os from os.path import walk, splitext, exists, basename, dirname import sys import output from output import * import portage import xpak import string from string import strip, find, replace, split import commands import shutil import re import time #number of ebuilds merged merged=0 # there can only be one action specified; the default action is to merge # specified packages, not update. actions=["help", "rebuild", "search", "update", "clean", "zap", "rsync"] # emerge (prints help) # emerge help (prints help) # emerge help config (prints config file management help) # emerge rsync # the default behavior of emerge is to satisfy dependencies specified by merging packages. # emerge system (satisfy deps for "system" package class) # emerge world (equivalent to emerge system since "world" doesn't offer any new deps) # emerge (satisfy dep by merging most recent version of app available that satisfies dep) # NOTE: this will cause something to be merged again if the dep happens to be already satisfied # "unslotted" is invalid for a package class here because it only applies to already-installed ebuilds. # pkgclass support: "system", "world", , , , # no changes here except we use "update" rather than "--update" # emerge update # emerge update (defaults to "world") # "emerge update doesn't make too much sense. # But it should do the same thing are "emerge ". # rebuild is like "update" except that all packages will be rebuilt even if they currently are installed. # emerge rebuild (defaults to "world") # emerge rebuild # "emerge rebuild doesn't make too much sense. # But it should do the same thing are "emerge ". # emerge search (invalid) # emerge search # clean does "cleaning" only; it does not do anything that would generally be considered dangerous # emerge clean (defaults to "world"; apply default AUTOCLEAN behavior defined in make.conf) # emerge --rev clean (defaults to "world", cleans out old revisions) # emerge --slot clean (defaults to "world", cleans out old stuff from slots) # emerge [--rev/--slot] clean # AUTOCLEAN var can be set to "slot", "rev", or "none/off/etc". # zap flat out removes stuff. No holds barred. Can be dangerous. # emerge zap (only "unslotted" is valid, which is still dangerous. Or a dep "=foo/bar") # NOTE: of course, "emerge zap" alone is invalid and will *not* default to a "world" package class pkgclass=["world","system","unslotted"] helpclass=["config"] # These next options are the only long options for Portage 1.8.9 except for "--help" (equiv. to "help") options=["--autoclean", "--buildpkg", "--debug", "--fetchonly", "--noreplace", "--onlydeps", "--pretend", "--usepkg", "--verbose", "--emptytree", "--rev", "--slot", "--help"] # Here are the currently supported short mappings. shortmapping={"a":"--autoclean", "b":"--buildpkg", "d":"--debug", "f":"--fetchonly", "h":"--help", "k":"--usepkg", "n":"--noreplace", "o":"--onlydeps", "p":"--pretend", "v":"--verbose" } # end of spec myaction=None myopts=[] mymode=[] myfiles=[] edebug=0 # process short actions and options for x in sys.argv[1:]: if x[0:1]=="-"and not x[1:2]=="-": for y in x[1:]: if shortmapping.has_key(y): sys.argv.append(shortmapping[y]) else: print y print "!!! Error: -"+y+" is an invalid short action or option." sys.argv.remove(x) # process the command arguments for x in sys.argv[1:]: if x=="update" or x=="--unmerge" or x=="--world": print if x=="update": print " "+red("* WARNING:"),green("emerge update"),"has been deprecated, use",green("emerge --update"),"instead." elif x=="--unmerge": print " "+red("* WARNING:"),green("emerge --unmerge"),"has been deprecated, use",green("emerge --zap"),"instead." elif x=="--world": print " "+red("* WARNING:"),green("emerge --world"),"has been deprecated, use",green("emerge world"),"instead." print " "+red("*"),"Read",green("emerge --help"),"to get a complete overview of the interface changes." print sys.exit(1) if len(x)>=2: if x[0:1]=="-": if x[1:2]=="-": if x in actions: if myaction: print "!!! Error: more than one action specified on command-line." print "!!! Available actions:",actions sys.exit(1) else: myaction=x elif x in options: myopts.append(x) else: print "!!! Error:",x,"is an invalid action or option." sys.exit(1) else: for y in x[1:]: if shortmapping.has_key(y): myopts.append(shortmapping[y]) else: print y print "!!! Error: -"+y+" is an invalid short action or option." elif x in modes: if len(mymode)>=1: print "!!! Error: more than one mode specified on command-line." print "!!! Available modes:",modes sys.exit(1) else: mymode.append(x) else: # this little conditional helps tab completion if x[-1]=="/": myfiles.append(x[:-1]) else: myfiles.append(x) # check if root user is the current user for the actions where emerge needs this if os.getuid()!=0 and "--help"!=myaction and "--search"!=myaction: print "!!! to be able to perform the requested action, emerge must be run by root." sys.exit(1) # search functionality class search: # # class constants # VERSION_SHORT=1 VERSION_RELEASE=2 # # public interface # def __init__(self,searchkey=""): """Searches the available and installed packages for the supplied search key. The list of available and installed packages is created at object instantiation. This makes successive searches faster.""" self.searchkey = searchkey self.treecache = portage.portagetree() self.treecache.populate() self.installcache = portage.vartree() self.installcache.populate() self.re_portagedir = re.compile('/usr/portage/') self.re_description = re.compile('DESCRIPTION="') self.initResults() def setKey(self,searchkey): """changes the search key""" self.searchkey = searchkey self.initResults() def execute(self): """Performs the saerch for the supplied search key""" if self.searchkey: self.initResults() for package in self.treecache.getallnodes(): package_parts=package.split("/") if package_parts: if self.searchkey != "*": if re.search(self.searchkey.lower(), package_parts[1].lower()): self.packagematches.append(package) else: self.packagematches.append(package) def output(self): """Outputs the results of the search.""" print "[ Results for search key : "+white(self.searchkey)+" ]" print "[ Applications found : "+white(str(len(self.packagematches)))+" ]" print " " for match in self.packagematches: full_package = strip(self.treecache.dep_bestmatch(match)) if len(full_package) > 1: print green("*")+" "+white(match) print " ", "Latest version Available:",self.getVersion(full_package, search.VERSION_RELEASE) print " ", self.getInstallationStatus(match) print " ", "Description:",self.getDescription(self.getFullPath(match, full_package),self.getVersion(full_package, search.VERSION_SHORT)) print " " else: print green("*")+" "+white(match)+" "+red("[ Masked ]") print " " # # private interface # def initResults(self): self.packagematches = [] def getInstallationStatus(self,package): installed_package = self.installcache.dep_bestmatch(package) result = "" version = self.getVersion(installed_package,search.VERSION_RELEASE) if len(version) > 1: result = "Latest version Installed: "+version else: result = "Latest version Installed: [ Not Installed ]" return result def getDescription(self,ebuildPath,packageVersion): ## Gets description from latest ebuild ## file = open(ebuildPath) result = ""; indescription=0 while 1: data = file.readline() if data: if self.re_description.match(data.upper()): indescription=1 p = self.re_description.split(data) p = p[1].split('"') result = p[0].strip() if len(p)>1: break elif indescription==1: if '"' in data: p = data.split('"') result = result+" "+p[0].strip() indescription = 0 else: result = result+" "+data.strip() else: break; result = replace(result, "${PV}", packageVersion) result = replace(result, "${pv}", packageVersion) result = replace(result, "${description}", "KDE " + packageVersion + " ") result = replace(result, "\n", "") file.close() # format and wrap the description text nicely wraplength=60 formatted_result="" while len(result)>wraplength: lineposition=0 position=wraplength while result[lineposition+position]!=' ' and position != 0: position = position-1 if position==0: position=wraplength if len(formatted_result)==0: formatted_result=result[:position] else: formatted_result=formatted_result+"\n "+result[:position] result=result[position+1:] if wraplength==60: wraplength=73 formatted_result=formatted_result+"\n "+result return formatted_result def getFullPath(self,packageShortName,packageFullName): ## Returns the full path of the ebuild ## absolute_path = '/usr/portage/' + strip(packageShortName) package_parts = packageFullName.split("/") result = absolute_path + "/" + package_parts[1] + ".ebuild" return result def getVersion(self,full_package,detail): if len(full_package) > 1: package_parts = portage.catpkgsplit(full_package) if detail == search.VERSION_RELEASE and package_parts[3] != 'r0': result = package_parts[2]+ "-" + package_parts[3] else: result = package_parts[2] else: result = "" return result #build our package digraph def getsyslist(): if os.path.exists(portage.profiledir+"/packages"): pfile=portage.profiledir+"/packages" else: print "!!! Couldn't find",portage.profiledir+"/packages;" print "\"system\" mode unavailable." sys.exit(1) myfile=open(pfile,"r") mylines=myfile.readlines() myfile.close() mynewlines=[] for x in mylines: myline=string.join(string.split(x)) if not len(myline): continue elif myline[0]=="#": continue elif myline[0]!="*": continue myline=myline[1:] mynewlines.append(myline.strip()) return mynewlines class depgraph: def __init__(self,mymode,myaction,myopts): self.mymode=mymode self.myaction=myaction self.myopts=myopts virts=portage.getvirtuals("/") self.db={} self.db["/"]={"virtuals":virts,"vartree":portage.vartree("/",virts),"porttree":portage.portagetree("/",virts),"bintree":portage.binarytree("/",virts)} if portage.root!="/": pr=portage.root virts=portage.getvirtuals(pr) self.db[pr]={"virtuals":virts,"vartree":portage.vartree(pr,virts),"porttree":portage.portagetree(pr,virts),"bintree":portage.binarytree(pr,virts)} self.digraph=portage.digraph() self.orderedkeys=[] #the following is so we have an empty vartree (used in emerge update calculations) self.emptytree=portage.vartree("/",virts,self.db["/"]["vartree"]) self.emptytree.tree={} if "--emptytree" in myopts: print "Running in empty tree mode" self.db["/"]["vartree"].tree=self.emptytree.tree self.db["/"]["vartree"].populated=1 self.db["/"]["vartree"].inject("virtual/glibc-1.0") self.outdatedpackages=[] def create(self,mybigkey,myparent=None,addme=1): """creates the actual digraph of packages to merge. return 1 on success, 0 on failure mybigkey = specification of package to merge; myparent = parent package (one depending on me); addme = should I be added to the tree? (for the --onlydeps mode)""" if mybigkey==None: return sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() if self.digraph.hasnode(mybigkey): #if we've already hit this node before, we're already recursing on the dependencies. #no need to recurse again. if addme: if myparent: self.digraph.addnode(mybigkey,myparent) return 1 mytype,myroot,mykey=string.split(mybigkey) if "--noreplace" in self.myopts: if self.db[myroot]["vartree"].exists_specific(mykey): print "\n>>>",mykey,"already merged in",myroot+", skipping...\n" return 1 if mytype=="binary": if not self.db[portage.root]["bintree"].exists_specific(mykey): print "\n\n!!!",mytype,mykey,"not found (possibly blocked by package.mask)\n" sys.exit(1) mypkgparts=portage.catpkgsplit(mykey) mytbz2=xpak.tbz2(self.db[portage.root]["bintree"].getname(mykey)) edepend=["",string.join(mytbz2.getelements("RDEPEND")," "),mytbz2.getfile("SLOT",mypkgparts[2])] elif mytype=="ebuild": if not self.db[myroot]["porttree"].exists_specific(mykey): print "\n\n!!!",mytype,mykey,"not found (possibly blocked by package.mask)\n" sys.exit(1) mydep={} myebuild=self.db[myroot]["porttree"].getname(mykey) edepend=portage.doebuild(myebuild,"depend",myroot,1,edebug) if edepend==1: print "!!! emerge aborting." sys.exit(1) elif mytype=="blocks": edepend=None parenttype,parentroot,parentkey=string.split(myparent) mykeyparts=portage.catpkgsplit(mykey) parentkeyparts=portage.catpkgsplit(parentkey) # only add blocking deps that aren't from the same package that is installing if mykeyparts[0]!=parentkeyparts[0] or mykeyparts[1]!=parentkeyparts[1]: self.digraph.addnode(mybigkey,myparent) if edepend: mydep={} if myroot=="/": mydep["/"]=edepend[0]+" "+edepend[1] else: mydep["/"],mydep[myroot]=edepend if addme: self.digraph.addnode(mybigkey,myparent) for dep in mydep.keys(): if "--update"==self.myaction: mycheck=self.emptytree.depcheck(mydep[dep]) else: mycheck=self.db[dep]["vartree"].depcheck(mydep[dep]) if mycheck[0]==0: print "!!! depgraph.create() error: string format:",mydep return 0 for x in mycheck[1]: mynew=self.match(x,dep,mykey) if not self.digraph.hasnode(mynew): if addme: if not self.create(mynew,mybigkey): return 0 else: if not self.create(mynew,None): return 0 else: self.digraph.addnode(mynew,mybigkey) return 1 def altlist(self): mygraph=self.digraph.copy() dolist=["/"] retlist=[] for x in self.db.keys(): self.db[x]["merge"]=[] if x not in dolist: dolist.append(x) while (not mygraph.empty()): mycurkey=mygraph.firstzero() if not mycurkey: print "!!! Error: circular dependencies" sys.exit(1) splitski=string.split(mycurkey) if "--update"==self.myaction: if not self.db["/"]["vartree"].exists_specific(splitski[2]): self.db["/"]["merge"].append(splitski) else: self.db[splitski[1]]["merge"].append(splitski) mygraph.delnode(mycurkey) for x in dolist: for y in self.db[x]["merge"]: retlist.append(y) return retlist def syscreate(self,mylines=[]): for myline in mylines: if "--update"==self.myaction or "--rebuild"==self.myaction: self.create(self.match(myline,mykey="update (likely old /var/db/pkg entry)")) else: mycheck=self.db[portage.root]["vartree"].depcheck(myline) if mycheck[0]==0: print "\n!!! Warning:",myline,"has an invalid depstring\n" continue if mycheck[1]==None: continue for x in mycheck[1]: self.create(self.match(myline,mykey="syscreate1")) def match(self,mydep,myroot=portage.root,mykey=None): # support mutual exclusive deps mydep2=mydep if mydep2[0]=="!": mydep2=mydep[1:] if self.myaction=="--rebuild": myeb=self.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dep_bestmatch(mydep2) if not self.db[portage.root]["porttree"].exists_specific(myeb): self.outdatedpackages.append(myeb) return None else: myeb=self.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dep_bestmatch(mydep2) if not myeb: if not mykey: print "\n!!! Warning: couldn't find match for",mydep else: print "\n!!! Warning: couldn't find match for",mydep,"in",mykey return None # handle filtering of virtual deps for the rebuild action if self.myaction=="--rebuild" and myeb[0:len("virtual")]=="virtual": return None # handle filtering of non slot packages if "noslot" in mymode and self.db[portage.root]["vartree"].slotted(myeb)==1: return None if mydep[0]=="!": myk="blocks "+myroot+" "+myeb else: if "--usepkg" in self.myopts: mypk=self.db[portage.root]["bintree"].dep_bestmatch(mydep) if myeb==mypk: myk="binary "+portage.root+" "+mypk else: myk="ebuild "+myroot+" "+myeb else: myk="ebuild "+myroot+" "+myeb return myk def display(self,mylist): for x in mylist: if x[0]=="blocks": addl=""+red("B")+" " print "["+x[0]+" "+addl+"]",red(x[2]) else: if self.db[x[1]]["vartree"].exists_specific(x[2]): addl=" "+yellow("R")+" " elif self.db[x[1]]["vartree"].exists_specific_cat(x[2]): addl=" "+turquoise("U")+" " else: addl=" "+green("N")+" " print "["+x[0]+" "+addl+"]",x[2],"to",x[1] def outdated(self): return self.outdatedpackages def merge(self,mylist): returnme=0 #check for blocking dependencies for x in mylist: if x[0]=="blocks": print "\n!!! Error: the "+x[2]+" package conflicts with this package and both can't be installed on the same system together." sys.exit(1) #above line used by --fetchonly for x in mylist: myroot=x[1] print ">>> emerge",x[2],"to",x[1] #the last argument in the portage.doebuild() tells doebuild to *not* do dep checking #(emerge is already handling that) y=self.db[myroot]["porttree"].getname(x[2]) if x[0]=="ebuild": if "--fetchonly" in self.myopts: retval=portage.doebuild(y,"fetch",myroot,0,edebug) if retval: print print "!!! Fetch for",y,"failed, continuing..." print returnme=1 elif "--buildpkg" in self.myopts: #create pkg, then merge pkg retval=portage.doebuild(y,"clean",myroot,0,edebug) if retval: print "!!! emerge aborting on ",y,"." sys.exit(1) retval=portage.doebuild(y,"package",myroot,0,edebug) if retval: print "!!! emerge aborting on ",y,"." sys.exit(1) #dynamically update our database self.db[portage.root]["bintree"].inject(x[2]) mytbz2=self.db[portage.root]["bintree"].getname(x[2]) retval=portage.pkgmerge(mytbz2,myroot) if retval==None: print "!!! emerge aborting on ",y,"." sys.exit(1) else: retval=portage.doebuild(y,"clean",myroot,0,edebug) if retval: print "!!! emerge aborting on ",y,"." sys.exit(1) retval=portage.doebuild(y,"merge",myroot,0,edebug) if retval: print "!!! emerge aborting on ",y,"." sys.exit(1) #dynamically update our database elif x[0]=="binary": #merge the tbz2 mytbz2=self.db[portage.root]["bintree"].getname(x[2]) retval=portage.pkgmerge(mytbz2,x[1]) if retval==None: print "!!! emerge aborting on ",y,"." sys.exit(1) #need to check for errors self.db[x[1]]["vartree"].inject(x[2]) if "--autoclean" in self.myopts: retval=portage.doebuild(y,"clean",myroot,0,edebug) if retval: print "!!! emerge aborting on ",y,"." sys.exit(1) #my doing an exit this way, --fetchonly can continue to try to #fetch everything even if a particular download fails. if "--fetchonly" in self.myopts: if returnme: print "\n\n!!! Some fetch errors were encountered. Please see above for details.\n\n" sys.exit(returnme) else: sys.exit(0) def post_emerge(retval=0): auxpat=re.compile('^([^-]*)(-\d+)?\.info(-\d+)?(\.gz)?') global myopts print if "--pretend" in myopts: sys.exit(retval) root=portage.root if not os.path.isdir(root+"usr/share/info"): print " "+root+"usr/share/info doesn't exist, skipping info regeneration." elif not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/install-info"): print " /usr/bin/install-info doesn't exist; skipping info regeneration." else: print " "+green("*")+" Regenerating GNU info directory index..." if os.path.exists(root+"usr/share/info/dir"): os.rename(root+"usr/share/info/dir",root+"usr/share/info/dir.old") icount=0 badcount=0 for x in os.listdir(root+"usr/share/info"): aux=auxpat.search(x) if not aux: continue auxgroups=aux.groups() if not (auxgroups[1] or auxgroups[2]): myso=commands.getstatusoutput("/usr/bin/install-info --dir-file="+root+"usr/share/info/dir "+root+"usr/share/info/"+x)[1] if myso!="": print auxgroups badcount=badcount+1 if "--verbose" in myopts: print myso icount=icount+1 if badcount: if "--verbose" not in myopts: print " "+yellow("*")+" Processed",icount,"info files:",badcount,"errors; type "+green("emerge --verbose")+" to view errors." else: print " "+yellow("*")+" Processed",icount,"info files;",badcount,"errors." else: print " "+green("*")+" Processed",icount,"info files." if portage.settings["CONFIG_PROTECT"]: #number of directories with some protect files in them procount=0 for x in string.split(portage.settings["CONFIG_PROTECT"]): if os.path.isdir(x): a=commands.getstatusoutput("cd "+x+"; find -iname '._cfg????_*'") if a[0]!=0: print " "+red("*")+" error scanning",x else: files=string.split(a[1]) if files: procount=procount+1 print " "+yellow("* IMPORTANT:")+"",len(files),"config files in",x,"need updating." if procount: print " "+yellow("*")+" Type "+green("emerge --help config")+" to learn how to update config files." print sys.exit(retval) # general options that should be taken into account before any action if not portage.settings.has_key("MAINTAINER_noclean"): if not "--autoclean" in myopts: myopts.append("--autoclean") if "--debug" in myopts: edebug=1 # process modes that aren't in the universal emerge interface format first # this format is 'emerge --action --option --option [packageset]' if "rsync" in mymode and not myaction: if not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/rsync"): print "!!! /usr/bin/rsync does not exist, so rsync support is disabled." sys.exit(1) rclean=0 myportdir=portage.settings["PORTDIR"] if myportdir[-1]=="/": myportdir=myportdir[:-1] if not os.path.exists(myportdir): print ">>>",myportdir,"not found, creating it." os.makedirs(myportdir,0755) if "--clean" in myopts: #we'll --delete files when we rsync rclean=1 mycommand="/usr/bin/rsync -rlptDv --stats --progress " if rclean: mycommand=mycommand+"--delete --exclude='distfiles/*' --exclude='packages/*' " mycommand=mycommand+"rsync://cvs.gentoo.org/gentoo-x86-portage/* "+myportdir print ">>> starting rsync with cvs.gentoo.org..." #protect users that did not set a default umask os.umask(022) sys.exit(os.system(mycommand)) # HELP action elif "--help"==myaction: if len(mymode)==0: print print bold("Usage: ")+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("action")+" ] [ "+green("options")+" ] [ "+turquoise("ebuildfile")+" | "+turquoise("tbz2file")+" | "+turquoise("dependency")+" ] ..." print " "+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("action")+" ] [ "+green("options")+" ] [ "+turquoise("system")+" | "+turquoise("world")+" | "+turquoise("noslot")+" ]" print " "+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("--clean")+" "+green("-c")+" ] "+turquoise("rsync") print " "+turquoise("emerge")+" "+green("--help")+" "" "+green("-h")+" [ "+turquoise("rsync")+" | "+turquoise("system")+" | "+turquoise("world")+" | "+turquoise("noslot")+" | "+turquoise("config")+" ] " print print turquoise("Actions:") print " "+green("--help")+" "+green("-h") print " displays this help, an additional mode specifier provides" print " detailed help about that mode instead" print print " "+green("--update")+" "+green("-u") print " updates installed packages, this is typically used with",bold("world") print " and",bold("system") print print " "+green("--zap")+" "+green("-z") print " removes an installed package. the arguments can be in two" print " different formats : /var/db/pkg/category/package-version" print " or category/package." print print " "+green("--rebuild")+" "+green("-r") print " forcably rebuild installed packages, this is typically used with" print " "+bold("world"),"and",bold("system") print print " "+green("--search")+" "+green("-s") print " searches for matches of the supplied string in the current local" print " portage tree. The search string is a regular expression." print " A few examples: " print " "+bold("emerge --search \"^kde\"") print " list all packages starting with kde" print " "+bold("emerge --search \"gcc$\"") print " list all packages ending with gcc" print " "+bold("emerge --search \"\"")+" or" print " "+bold("emerge --search \"*\"") print " list all available packages " print print turquoise("Options:") print " "+green("--autoclean")+" "+green("-a") print " emerge normally cleans out the package-specific temporary" print " build directory before it starts the building a package. With" print " --autoclean, it will also clean the directory *after* the" print " build completes. This option is automatically enabled for" print " normal users, but maintainers can use this option to enable" print " autocleaning." print print " "+green("--buildpkg")+" "+green("-b") print " tell emerge to build binary packages for all ebuilds processed" print " (in addition to actually merging the packages. Useful for" print " maintainers or if you administrate multiple Gentoo Linux" print " systems (build once, emerge tbz2s everywhere)." print print " "+green("--debug")+" "+green("-d") print " Tell emerge to run the ebuild command in --debug mode. In this" print " mode, the bash build environment will run with the -x option," print " causing it to output verbose debug information print to stdout." print " --debug is great for finding bash syntax errors." print print " "+green("--fetchonly")+" "+green("-f") print " Instead of doing any package building, just perform fetches for" print " all packages (main package as well as all dependencies.)" print print " "+green("--onlydeps")+" "+green("-o") print " Only merge (or pretend to merge) the dependencies of the" print " specified packages, not the packages themselves." print print " "+green("--pretend")+" "+green("-p") print " instead of actually performing the merge, simply display what" print " ebuilds and tbz2s *would* have been installed if --pretend" print " weren't used. Using --pretend is strongly recommended before" print " installing an unfamiliar package. In the printout, N = new," print " U = upgrading, R = replacing" print print " "+green("--noreplace")+" "+green("-n") print " Skip the packages specified on the command-line that have" print " already been installed. Without this option, any packages," print " ebuilds, or deps you specify on on the command-line *will* cause" print " Portage to remerge the package, even if it is already installed." print " Note that Portage will never remerge dependencies automatically." print print " "+green("--usepkg")+" "+green("-k") print " tell emerge to use binary packages (from $PKGDIR) if they are" print " available, thus possibly avoiding some time-consuming compiles." print " This option is useful for CD installs; you can export" print " PKGDIR=/mnt/cdrom/packages and then use this option to have" print " emerge \"pull\" binary packages from the CD in order to satisfy" print " dependencies." print print " "+green("--verbose")+" "+green("-v") print " Tell emerge to run in verbose mode. Currently, this causes" print " emerge to print out GNU info errors, if any." print elif "rsync" in mymode: print print bold("Usage: ")+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("--clean")+" "+green("-c")+" ] "+turquoise("rsync") print print " \"emerge rsync\" initiates an rsync update with cvs.gentoo.org," print " updating your Portage tree (typically in /usr/portage). This option" print " will erase any changes that you have made to existing Portage files" print " so be careful. \"emerge --clean rsync\" does the same thing as \"emerge" print " rsync\", but files that no longer exist on our server are removed." print elif "system" in mymode: print print bold("Usage: ")+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("action")+" ] "+" [ "+green("options")+" ] "+turquoise("system") print print " \"emerge system\" is the Portage system update command. When run, it" print " will scan the etc/make.profile/packages file and determine what" print " packages need to be installed so that your system meets the minimum" print " requirements of your current system profile. Note that this doesn't" print " necessarily bring your system up-to-date at all; instead, it just" print " ensures that you have no missing parts. For example, if your system" print " profile specifies that you should have sys-apps/iptables installed" print " and you don't, then \"emerge system\" will install it (the most" print " recent version that matches the profile spec) for you. It's always a" print " good idea to do an \"emerge --pretend system\" before an \"emerge" print " system\", just so you know what emerge is planning to do." print elif "world" in mymode: print print bold("Usage: ")+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("action")+" ] "+" [ "+green("options")+" ] "+turquoise("world") print elif "noslot" in mymode: print print bold("Usage: ")+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("action")+" ] "+" [ "+green("options")+" ] "+turquoise("noslot") print elif "config" in mymode: outstuff=green("Config file management support (preliminary)")+""" Portage has a special feature called "config file protection". The purpose of this feature is to prevent new package installs from clobbering existig configuration files. By default, config file protection is turned on for /etc and the KDE configuration dirs; more may be added in the future. When Portage installs a file into a protected directory tree like /etc, any existing files will not be overwritten. If a file of the same name already exists, Portage will change the name of the to-be- installed file from 'foo' to '._cfg0000_foo'. If '._cfg0000_foo' already exists, this name becomes '._cfg0001_foo', etc. In this way, existing files are not overwritten, allowing the administrator to manually merge the new config files and avoid any unexpected changes. In addition to protecting overwritten files, Portage will not delete any files from a protected directory when a package is unmerged. While this may be a little bit untidy, it does prevent potentially valuable config files from being deleted, which is of paramount importance. Protected directories are set using the CONFIG_PROTECT variable, normally defined in /etc/make.globals. Directory exceptions to the CONFIG_PROTECTed directories can be specified using the CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK variable. To find files that need to be updated in /etc, type: # find /etc -iname '._cfg????_*' You can disable this feature by setting CONFIG_PROTECT="" in /etc/make.conf. Then, Portage will mercilessly auto-update your config files. Alternatively, you can leave Config File Protection on but tell Portage that it can overwrite files in certain specific /etc subdirectories. For example, if you wanted Portage to automatically update your rc scripts and your wget configuration, but didn't want any other changes made without your explicit approval, you'd add this to /etc/make.conf: CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/wget /etc/rc.d" """ print outstuff # SEARCH action elif "--search"==myaction: if not myfiles: print print "No search terms provided." print else: searchinstance = search() for mysearch in myfiles: searchinstance.setKey(mysearch) searchinstance.execute() searchinstance.output() # ZAP action elif "--zap"==myaction: if not myfiles and not "noslot" in mymode: print print "No packages to unmerge have been provided." print else: full_paths={} full_ebuild_paths={} full_package_paths={} non_slot_packages=[] var_path=portage.root+"var/db/pkg" if "noslot" in mymode: localtree=portage.vartree(portage.root) for x in localtree.getallnodes(): if localtree.slotted(x)==0: mymatches=localtree.dep_match(x) for package in mymatches: myfullpaths=localtree.getebuildpaths(package) for full_path in myfullpaths : if not os.path.exists(full_path): print "The ebuild '"+full_path+"' couldn't be found." print "Your portage installation tree seems to be corrupted." else: full_package_paths[full_path]=package else: # process all arguments, verify if they can be resolved to an installed # ebuild file and add the absolute paths of these ebuild to a list for x in myfiles: # an absolute path has been given if (x[0]=='/'): path_parts=split(x, '/') if len(path_parts) != 6: print "When providing an absolute path it should be" print "in the following format : "+var_path+"/category/package" print "The path '"+x+"' doesn't respect this." sys.exit(1) elif not os.path.exists(x): print "The path '"+x+"' doesn't exist." sys.exit(1) elif -1 == find(x, var_path): print "The path '"+x+"' didn't commence with '"+var_path+"'." sys.exit(1) else: # check if the SLOT file is present, and get the package version # from the PF file in that case package_slot_path=strip(x)+"/SLOT" package_pf_path=strip(x)+"/PF" if os.path.exists(package_pf_path): package_pf_file=open(package_pf_path) package_pf=package_pf_file.readline().strip() package_pf_file.close() else: package_pf=path_parts[5] full_path=strip(x)+"/"+package_pf+".ebuild" if not os.path.exists(full_path): print "The ebuild '"+full_path+"' couldn't be found." print "Your portage installation tree seems to be corrupted." else: path_parts=split(full_path, "/") full_ebuild_paths[full_path]=path_parts[4]+"/"+package_pf # a category and package name have been given else: localtree=portage.vartree(portage.root) mymatches=localtree.dep_match(x) # if no matches were found, try again by adding a '=' dep symbol if no # dep symbols are already present if not mymatches and x[0] not in ('<','>','=','~'): mymatches=localtree.dep_match("="+x) # only loops over the matches if they were found if mymatches: for package in mymatches: myfullpaths=localtree.getebuildpaths(package) for full_path in myfullpaths : if not os.path.exists(full_path): print "The ebuild '"+full_path+"' couldn't be found." print "Your portage installation tree seems to be corrupted." else: full_package_paths[full_path]=package # determine what the non slot packages are if len(full_package_paths) > 0: # determine the latest installed packages of each cat/pkg key full_paths_keys=full_package_paths.keys() # sort the ebuild paths full_paths_keys.sort() previous_package_set=None for full_path in full_paths_keys: # construct the key that will be used to determine when a new package set # is being processed, the package slot is taken into account for this package_parts=portage.pkgsplit(full_package_paths[full_path]) slot_path=dirname(full_path)+"/SLOT" if not os.path.exists(slot_path): package_slot=package_parts[1] non_slot_packages.append(package_parts[0]+"-"+package_parts[1]) full_paths=full_ebuild_paths.keys() full_paths.extend(full_package_paths.keys()) if len(full_paths)==0: print "Couldn't find any matching installed packages." sys.exit(1) else: if "--pretend" in myopts: print print "The are the packages that I would unmerge :" print else: print print "The following packages are going to be unmerged :" print # this makes revisions come before slot versions # and therefor unmerges the older packages first full_paths.sort() for full_path in full_paths: path_parts=split(full_path, "/") print " "+path_parts[4]+"/"+path_parts[5] if len(non_slot_packages)>0: print if "--verbose" not in myopts: print " "+yellow("* IMPORTANT:"),len(non_slot_packages),"non slot packages; use "+green("--verbose")+" to view details." else: print " "+yellow("* IMPORTANT:"),len(non_slot_packages),"non slot packages" print " "+yellow("*")+" These packages have been merged with an old version of portage that didn't" print " "+yellow("*")+" support binary compatibility slots. This means that each package with a" print " "+yellow("*")+" different version number will be considered different and only older versions" print " "+yellow("*")+" of different releases will be unmerged automatically." print " "+yellow("*")+" To get rid of all non slot packages, you can rebuild your system with" print " "+yellow("*")+" "+green("emerge --noslot rebuild")+"." print for non_slot_package in non_slot_packages: print " "+non_slot_package if "--pretend" in myopts: print else: secs=string.atoi(portage.settings["UNMERGE_DELAY"]) if secs > 0: print print "Waiting",secs,"seconds to make sure that you want these" print "packages to be removed ..." while secs > 0: sys.stdout.write(str(secs)+" ") sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) secs = secs-1 print secs for full_path in full_paths: print "Unmerging "+os.path.basename(full_path)+" ..." retval=portage.doebuild(full_path,"unmerge",portage.root,0,edebug) post_emerge() # REBUILD action elif "--rebuild"==myaction: if not "system" in mymode and not "world" in mymode and not "noslot" in mymode: print print " "+red("* WARNING:"),green("emerge --rebuild"),"shouldn't be used for regular packages" print " "+red("*"),"it's only intended to be used with",green("system")+", "+green("world")+", and",green("noroot") print else: if "--pretend" in myopts: print print "These are the packages that I would rebuild, in order." print if "system" in mymode: mydepgraph=depgraph(mymode,myaction,myopts) print "Calculating system dependencies", mydepgraph.syscreate(getsyslist()) print " done!" elif "world" in mymode or "noslot" in mymode: mydepgraph=depgraph(mymode,myaction,myopts) print "Calculating world dependencies", mydepgraph.syscreate(mydepgraph.db["/"]["vartree"].getallnodes()) print " done!" if "--pretend" in myopts: mydepgraph.display(mydepgraph.altlist()) myoutdated=mydepgraph.outdated() if len(myoutdated): if "--verbose" not in myopts: print print " "+yellow("* IMPORTANT:"),len(myoutdated),"packages aren't available anymore; use "+green("--verbose")+" for details." else: print print " "+yellow("* IMPORTANT:"),len(myoutdated),"packages aren't available anymore" print " "+yellow("*")+" Your portage tree doesn't contain the ebuilds anymore that correspond to the" print " "+yellow("*")+" following packages. This means that portage is unable to rebuild them." print " "+yellow("*")+" Instead you should upgrade to the latest versions or install possible" print " "+yellow("*")+" alternative packages that provide the same functionalities." myoutdated.sort() for mypackage in myoutdated: print " "+mypackage else: mydepgraph.merge(mydepgraph.altlist()) post_emerge() # INSTALL and UPDATE action elif "--update"==myaction or not myaction: if not myaction and "world" in mymode: print print " "+red("* WARNING:"),green("emerge world"),"can't be used without an action" print " "+red("*"),green("world"),"is only intended to be used with",green("emerge --update") print else: if "--pretend" in myopts: print print "These are the packages that I would merge, in order." print if "system" in mymode: mydepgraph=depgraph(mymode,myaction,myopts) print "Calculating system dependencies", mydepgraph.syscreate(getsyslist()) print " done!" elif "world" in mymode: mydepgraph=depgraph(mymode,myaction,myopts) print "Calculating world dependencies", mydepgraph.syscreate(mydepgraph.db["/"]["vartree"].getallnodes()) print " done!" elif "noslot" in mymode: mydepgraph=depgraph(mymode,myaction,myopts) print "Calculating noslot dependencies", mydepgraph.syscreate(mydepgraph.db["/"]["vartree"].getallnodes()) print " done!" else: mydepgraph=depgraph(mymode,myaction,myopts) if not myfiles: post_emerge() #we don't have any files to process; skip this step and exit print "Calculating dependencies", for mypkg in myfiles: if mypkg[-5:]==".tbz2": mytype="binary" mytbz2=xpak.tbz2(mypkg) mykey=mytbz2.getelements("CATEGORY")[0]+"/"+os.path.basename(mypkg)[:-5] elif mypkg[-7:]==".ebuild": mytype="ebuild" mykey=os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(mypkg+"/../.."))+"/"+os.path.basename(mypkg)[:-7] else: mykey="" if "--usepkg" in myopts: mykey=mydepgraph.db[portage.root]["bintree"].dep_bestmatch(mypkg) mytype="binary" if not mykey: mykey=mydepgraph.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dep_bestmatch(mypkg) mytype="ebuild" if not mykey: print "!!! Couldn't find match for",mypkg+"; aborting." sys.exit(1) # else: # print "!!! Error:",x,"is neither an ebuild nor a .tbz2 package." # sys.exit(1) mydepgraph.create(mytype+" "+portage.root+" "+mykey,None,"--onlydeps" not in myopts) print " done!" if "--pretend" in myopts: mydepgraph.display(mydepgraph.altlist()) else: mydepgraph.merge(mydepgraph.altlist()) post_emerge()