/* * Copyright (C) 2002 Brad House , * Possibly based on code from Geert Bevin, Uwyn, http://www.uwyn.com * Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later * Author: Brad House * * $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/src/sandbox-1.1/Attic/sandbox.h,v 2004/10/22 16:53:30 carpaski Exp $ */ #ifndef __SANDBOX_H__ #define __SANDBOX_H__ /* Uncomment below to use flock instead of fcntl (POSIX way) to lock/unlock files */ /* #define USE_FLOCK */ /* Uncomment below to use system() to execute the shell rather than execv */ /* #define USE_SYSTEM_SHELL */ /* Uncomment below to use /etc/ld.so.preload (could be very intrusive!!) */ /* #define USE_LD_SO_PRELOAD */ /* Uncommend to not have the protected shell forked, just run in parent process */ /* ONLY FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES!! (strace needs it like that) */ /* #define NO_FORK */ #define LD_PRELOAD_FILE "/etc/ld.so.preload" #define LIB_NAME "libsandbox.so" #define BASHRC_NAME "sandbox.bashrc" #define PIDS_FILE "/tmp/sandboxpids.tmp" #define LOG_FILE_PREFIX "/tmp/sandbox-" #define DEBUG_LOG_FILE_PREFIX "/tmp/sandbox-debug-" #define LOG_FILE_EXT ".log" #define ENV_SANDBOX_DEBUG_LOG "SANDBOX_DEBUG_LOG" #define ENV_SANDBOX_LOG "SANDBOX_LOG" #define ENV_SANDBOX_DIR "SANDBOX_DIR" #define ENV_SANDBOX_LIB "SANDBOX_LIB" #define ENV_SANDBOX_DENY "SANDBOX_DENY" #define ENV_SANDBOX_READ "SANDBOX_READ" #define ENV_SANDBOX_WRITE "SANDBOX_WRITE" #define ENV_SANDBOX_PREDICT "SANDBOX_PREDICT" #define ENV_SANDBOX_ON "SANDBOX_ON" #define ENV_SANDBOX_BEEP "SANDBOX_BEEP" #define DEFAULT_BEEP_COUNT 3 char *get_sandbox_path(char *argv0); char *get_sandbox_lib(char *sb_path); char *get_sandbox_pids_file(void); char *get_sandbox_rc(char *sb_path); char *get_sandbox_log(); char *sb_dirname(const char *path); int file_getmode(char *mode); long file_tell(int fp); int file_lock(int fd, int lock, char *filename); int file_unlock(int fd); int file_locktype(char *mode); int file_open(char *filename, char *mode, int perm_specified, ...); void file_close(int fd); long file_length(int fd); int file_truncate(int fd); int file_exist(char *filename, int checkmode); #endif // vim:expandtab noai:cindent ai