path: root/Kernel/Modules/
diff options
authorAlexander Sulfrian <>2015-01-24 21:41:48 +0100
committerAlexander Sulfrian <>2015-01-24 21:50:45 +0100
commit40a1b4002e1619d9e9112f08ba198dc847f3e0f1 (patch)
tree407ca6366fe6968e10cf2fa28ef48f27169b636a /Kernel/Modules/
parent47b9f45622c01a92525c2bbee07eab356da4e6d4 (diff)
Rename to DefaultRecipient.
There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.
Diffstat (limited to 'Kernel/Modules/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 364 deletions
diff --git a/Kernel/Modules/ b/Kernel/Modules/
deleted file mode 100644
index af49b00..0000000
--- a/Kernel/Modules/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-# --
-# Kernel/Modules/ - to manage DefaultTo <-> templates assignments
-# Copyright (C) 2015 Alexander Sulfrian <>
-# --
-# This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
-# the enclosed file COPYING for license information (AGPL). If you
-# did not receive this file, see
-# --
-package Kernel::Modules::AdminDefaultToTemplates;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-our @ObjectDependencies = qw(
- Kernel::Output::HTML::Layout
- Kernel::System::DB
- Kernel::System::DefaultTo
- Kernel::System::StandardTemplate
- Kernel::System::Web::Request
-sub new {
- my ( $Type, %Param ) = @_;
- # allocate new hash for object
- my $Self = {%Param};
- bless( $Self, $Type );
- # check all needed objects
- for (qw(ParamObject DBObject LayoutObject)) {
- if ( !$Self->{$_} ) {
- $Self->{LayoutObject}->FatalError( Message => "Got no $_!" );
- }
- }
- return $Self;
-sub Run {
- my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;
- # ------------------------------------------------------------ #
- # template <-> DefaultTo 1:n
- # ------------------------------------------------------------ #
- if ( $Self->{Subaction} eq 'Template' ) {
- # get template data
- my $ID = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => 'ID' );
- my $StandardTemplateObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::StandardTemplate');
- my %StandardTemplateData = $StandardTemplateObject->StandardTemplateGet( ID => $ID );
- my $StandardTemplateType = $Self->{LayoutObject}->{LanguageObject}->Translate(
- $StandardTemplateData{TemplateType},
- );
- my $Name = $StandardTemplateType . ' - ' . $StandardTemplateData{Name};
- # get DefaultTo data
- my $DefaultToObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::DefaultTo');
- my %DefaultToData = $DefaultToObject->List();
- my %Member = $DefaultToObject->MappingList(
- TemplateID => $ID,
- );
- my $Output = $Self->{LayoutObject}->Header();
- $Output .= $Self->{LayoutObject}->NavigationBar();
- $Output .= $Self->_Change(
- Data => \%DefaultToData,
- ID => $ID,
- Name => $Name,
- Mapping => \%Member,
- Type => 'Template',
- );
- $Output .= $Self->{LayoutObject}->Footer();
- return $Output;
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------ #
- # templates <-> DefaultTo n:1
- # ------------------------------------------------------------ #
- elsif ( $Self->{Subaction} eq 'DefaultTo' ) {
- my $ID = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => 'ID' );
- my $DefaultToObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::DefaultTo');
- my %DefaultToData = $DefaultToObject->Get( ID => $ID );
- # get templates
- my $StandardTemplateObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::StandardTemplate');
- my %StandardTemplateData = $StandardTemplateObject->StandardTemplateList(
- Valid => 1,
- );
- if (%StandardTemplateData) {
- for my $StandardTemplateID ( sort keys %StandardTemplateData ) {
- my %Data = $StandardTemplateObject->StandardTemplateGet(
- ID => $StandardTemplateID
- );
- $StandardTemplateData{$StandardTemplateID}
- = $Self->{LayoutObject}->{LanguageObject}->Translate( $Data{TemplateType} )
- . ' - '
- . $Data{Name};
- }
- }
- # get assigned templates
- my %Member = $DefaultToObject->MappingList(
- DefaultToID => $ID,
- );
- my $Output = $Self->{LayoutObject}->Header();
- $Output .= $Self->{LayoutObject}->NavigationBar();
- $Output .= $Self->_Change(
- Data => \%StandardTemplateData,
- ID => $ID,
- Name => $DefaultToData{Title},
- Mapping => \%Member,
- Type => 'DefaultTo',
- );
- $Output .= $Self->{LayoutObject}->Footer();
- return $Output;
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------ #
- # add templates to DefaultTo
- # ------------------------------------------------------------ #
- elsif ( $Self->{Subaction} eq 'ChangeDefaultTo' ) {
- # challenge token check for write action
- $Self->{LayoutObject}->ChallengeTokenCheck();
- # get current mapping
- my $ID = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => 'ID' );
- my $DefaultToObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::DefaultTo');
- my %Mapping = $DefaultToObject->MappingList(
- DefaultToID => $ID,
- );
- # get new templates
- my @TemplatesSelected = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetArray( Param => 'ItemsSelected' );
- my @TemplatesAll = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetArray( Param => 'ItemsAll' );
- # create hash with selected templates
- my %TemplatesSelected = map { $_ => 1 } @TemplatesSelected;
- # check all used templates
- for my $TemplateID (@TemplatesAll) {
- if ( $TemplatesSelected{$TemplateID} ) {
- if ( ! $Mapping{$TemplateID} ) {
- $DefaultToObject->MappingAdd(
- TemplateID => $TemplateID,
- DefaultToID => $ID,
- );
- }
- }
- else {
- if ( $Mapping{$TemplateID} ) {
- $DefaultToObject->MappingDelete(
- ID => $Mapping{$TemplateID},
- );
- }
- }
- }
- return $Self->{LayoutObject}->Redirect( OP => "Action=$Self->{Action}" );
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------ #
- # add queues to template
- # ------------------------------------------------------------ #
- elsif ( $Self->{Subaction} eq 'ChangeTemplate' ) {
- # challenge token check for write action
- $Self->{LayoutObject}->ChallengeTokenCheck();
- # get current mapping
- my $ID = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => 'ID' );
- my $DefaultToObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::DefaultTo');
- my %Mapping = $DefaultToObject->MappingList(
- TemplateID => $ID,
- );
- # get new queues
- my @Selected = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetArray( Param => 'ItemsSelected' );
- my @All = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetArray( Param => 'ItemsAll' );
- # create hash with selected queues
- my %Selected = map { $_ => 1 } @Selected;
- # check all used queues
- for my $DefaultToID (@All) {
- if ( $Selected{$DefaultToID} ) {
- if ( ! $Mapping{$DefaultToID} ) {
- $DefaultToObject->MappingAdd(
- TemplateID => $ID,
- DefaultToID => $DefaultToID,
- );
- }
- }
- else {
- if ( $Mapping{$DefaultToID} ) {
- $DefaultToObject->MappingDelete(
- ID => $Mapping{$DefaultToID},
- );
- }
- }
- }
- return $Self->{LayoutObject}->Redirect( OP => "Action=$Self->{Action}" );
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------ #
- # overview
- # ------------------------------------------------------------ #
- my $Output = $Self->{LayoutObject}->Header();
- $Output .= $Self->{LayoutObject}->NavigationBar();
- $Output .= $Self->_Overview();
- $Output .= $Self->{LayoutObject}->Footer();
- return $Output;
-sub _Change {
- my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;
- my %Data = %{ $Param{Data} };
- my %Mapping = %{ $Param{Mapping} };
- my $Type = $Param{Type} || 'Template';
- my $NeType = 'DefaultTo';
- $NeType = 'Template' if $Type eq 'DefaultTo';
- $Self->{LayoutObject}->Block( Name => 'Overview' );
- $Self->{LayoutObject}->Block( Name => 'ActionList' );
- $Self->{LayoutObject}->Block( Name => 'ActionOverview' );
- $Self->{LayoutObject}->Block( Name => 'Filter' );
- $Self->{LayoutObject}->Block(
- Name => 'Change',
- Data => {
- ID => $Param{ID},
- Name => $Param{Name},
- ActionHome => 'Admin' . $Type,
- NeType => $NeType,
- },
- );
- $Self->{LayoutObject}->Block( Name => "ChangeHeader$NeType" );
- for my $ID ( sort { uc( $Data{$a} ) cmp uc( $Data{$b} ) } keys %Data ) {
- # set output class
- my $Selected = $Mapping{$ID} ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
- $Self->{LayoutObject}->Block(
- Name => 'ChangeRow',
- Data => {
- Type => $NeType,
- ID => $ID,
- Name => $Data{$ID},
- Selected => $Selected,
- },
- );
- }
- return $Self->{LayoutObject}->Output(
- TemplateFile => 'AdminDefaultToTemplates',
- Data => \%Param,
- );
-sub _Overview {
- my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;
- $Self->{LayoutObject}->Block(
- Name => 'Overview',
- Data => {},
- );
- # no actions in action list
- # $Self->{LayoutObject}->Block(Name=>'ActionList');
- $Self->{LayoutObject}->Block( Name => 'FilterTemplate' );
- $Self->{LayoutObject}->Block( Name => 'FilterDefaultTo' );
- $Self->{LayoutObject}->Block( Name => 'OverviewResult' );
- # get std template list
- my $StandardTemplateObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::StandardTemplate');
- my %StandardTemplateData = $StandardTemplateObject->StandardTemplateList(
- Valid => 1,
- );
- # if there are results to show
- if (%StandardTemplateData) {
- for my $StandardTemplateID ( sort keys %StandardTemplateData ) {
- my %Data = $StandardTemplateObject->StandardTemplateGet(
- ID => $StandardTemplateID,
- );
- $StandardTemplateData{$StandardTemplateID}
- = $Self->{LayoutObject}->{LanguageObject}->Translate( $Data{TemplateType} )
- . ' - '
- . $Data{Name};
- }
- for my $StandardTemplateID (
- sort { uc( $StandardTemplateData{$a} ) cmp uc( $StandardTemplateData{$b} ) }
- keys %StandardTemplateData
- )
- {
- # set output class
- $Self->{LayoutObject}->Block(
- Name => 'List1n',
- Data => {
- Name => $StandardTemplateData{$StandardTemplateID},
- Subaction => 'Template',
- ID => $StandardTemplateID,
- },
- );
- }
- }
- # otherwise it displays a no data found message
- else {
- $Self->{LayoutObject}->Block(
- Name => 'NoTemplatesFoundMsg',
- Data => {},
- );
- }
- # get queue data
- my $DefaultToObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::DefaultTo');
- my %DefaultToData = $DefaultToObject->List();
- # if there are results to show
- if (%DefaultToData) {
- for my $ID (
- sort { uc( $DefaultToData{$a} ) cmp uc( $DefaultToData{$b} ) }
- keys %DefaultToData
- )
- {
- # set output class
- $Self->{LayoutObject}->Block(
- Name => 'Listn1',
- Data => {
- Name => $DefaultToData{$ID},
- Subaction => 'DefaultTo',
- ID => $ID,
- },
- );
- }
- }
- # otherwise it displays a no data found message
- else {
- $Self->{LayoutObject}->Block(
- Name => 'NoDefaultToFoundMsg',
- Data => {},
- );
- }
- # return output
- return $Self->{LayoutObject}->Output(
- TemplateFile => 'AdminDefaultToTemplates',
- Data => \%Param,
- );