diff options
3 files changed, 6291 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/po/de.po b/src/po/de.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88ab6f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/po/de.po
@@ -0,0 +1,2097 @@
+msgid "1.18 /e"
+msgstr "1.18 /d"
+msgid "CeeBot-A 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-A 1.18"
+msgid "CeeBot-Teen EDU 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-Teen EDU 1.18"
+msgid "CeeBot-A EDU 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-A EDU 1.18"
+msgid "CeeBot-Teen PERSO 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-Teen PERSO 1.18"
+msgid "CeeBot-A PERSO 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-A PERSO 1.18"
+msgid "CeeBot-Teen DEMO 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-Teen DEMO 1.18"
+msgid "CeeBot-A DEMO 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-A DEMO 1.18"
+msgid "Demo 1.18 /e"
+msgstr "Demo 1.18 /d"
+msgid "SatCom"
+msgstr "SatCom"
+msgid "Maximize"
+msgstr "Großes Fenster"
+msgid "Minimize"
+msgstr "Reduzieren"
+msgid "Normal size"
+msgstr "Normale Größe"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Schließen"
+msgid "Program editor"
+msgstr "Programmeditor"
+msgid "New"
+msgstr "Neu"
+msgid "Player"
+msgstr "Spieler"
+msgid "New ..."
+msgstr "Neu ..."
+msgid " or "
+msgstr " oder "
+msgid "CeeBot"
+msgstr "CeeBot"
+msgid "COLOBOT"
+msgstr "COLOBOT"
+msgid "Programming exercises"
+msgstr "Programmieren"
+msgid "Challenges"
+msgstr "Challenges"
+msgid "Missions"
+msgstr "Missionen"
+msgid "Free game"
+msgstr "Freestyle"
+msgid "User levels"
+msgstr "Userlevels"
+msgid "Prototypes"
+msgstr "Prototypen"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Einstellungen"
+msgid "Player's name"
+msgstr "Name "
+msgid "Customize your appearance"
+msgstr "Aussehen einstellen"
+msgid "Save the current mission"
+msgstr "Aktuelle Mission speichern"
+msgid "Load a saved mission"
+msgstr "Gespeicherte Mission laden"
+msgid " Chapters:"
+msgstr " Liste der Kapitel:"
+msgid " Planets:"
+msgstr " Liste der Planeten:"
+msgid " User levels:"
+msgstr " Userlevels:"
+msgid " Exercises in the chapter:"
+msgstr " Liste der Übungen des Kapitels:"
+msgid " Challenges in the chapter:"
+msgstr " Liste der Challenges des Kapitels:"
+msgid " Missions on this planet:"
+msgstr " Liste der Missionen des Planeten:"
+msgid " Free game on this planet:"
+msgstr " Liste der freien Levels des Planeten:"
+msgid " Missions on this level:"
+msgstr " Missionen des Userlevels:"
+msgid " Prototypes on this planet:"
+msgstr " Liste der Prototypen des Planeten:"
+msgid " Free game on this chapter:"
+msgstr " Liste der freien Levels des Kapitel:"
+msgid " Summary:"
+msgstr " Zusammenfassung:"
+msgid " Drivers:"
+msgstr " Driver:"
+msgid " Resolution:"
+msgstr " Auflösung:"
+msgid "1) First click on the key you want to redefine."
+msgstr "1) Klicken Sie auf die neu zu definierende Taste."
+msgid "2) Then press the key you want to use instead."
+msgstr "2) Drücken Sie auf die neue Taste."
+msgid "Face type:"
+msgstr "Kopf:"
+msgid "Eyeglasses:"
+msgstr "Brille:"
+msgid "Hair color:"
+msgstr "Haarfarbe:"
+msgid "Suit color:"
+msgstr "Farbe des Anzugs:"
+msgid "Strip color:"
+msgstr "Farbe der Streifen:"
+msgid "Do you want to quit CeeBot ?"
+msgstr "Wollen Sie CeeBot schließen ?"
+msgid "Quit\\Quit CeeBot"
+msgstr "Schließen\\CeeBot schließen"
+msgid "Do you want to quit COLOBOT ?"
+msgstr "Wollen Sie COLOBOT schließen ?"
+msgid "Quit\\Quit COLOBOT"
+msgstr "Schließen\\COLOBOT schließen"
+msgid "Quit the mission?"
+msgstr "Mission abbrechen ?"
+msgid "Abort\\Abort the current mission"
+msgstr "Abbrechen\\Mission abbrechen"
+msgid "Continue\\Continue the current mission"
+msgstr "Weitermachen\\Mission weitermachen"
+msgid "Continue\\Continue the game"
+msgstr "Weitermachen\\Weitermachen"
+msgid "Do you really want to destroy the selected building?"
+msgstr "Wollen Sie das angewählte Gebäude wirklich zerstören ?"
+msgid "Do you want to delete %s's saved games? "
+msgstr "Wollen Sie die gespeicherten Missionen von %s löschen ?"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Zerstören"
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Abbrechen"
+msgid "LOADING"
+msgstr "Laden"
+msgid "Keyword help(\\key cbot;)"
+msgstr "Hilfe über den Begriff (\\key cbot;)"
+msgid "Compilation ok (0 errors)"
+msgstr "Kompilieren OK (0 Fehler)"
+msgid "Program finished"
+msgstr "Programm beendet"
+msgid "\\b;List of objects\n"
+msgstr "\\b;Liste der Objekte\n"
+msgid "\\b;Robots\n"
+msgstr "\\b;Liste der Roboter\n"
+msgid "\\b;Buildings\n"
+msgstr "\\b;Listes der Gebäude\n"
+msgid "\\b;Moveable objects\n"
+msgstr "\\b;Listes der tragbaren Gegenstände\n"
+msgid "\\b;Aliens\n"
+msgstr "\\b;Listes der Feinde\n"
+msgid "\\c; (none)\\n;\n"
+msgstr "\\c; (keine)\\n;\n"
+msgid "\\b;Error\n"
+msgstr "\\b;Fehler\n"
+msgid "The list is only available if a \\l;radar station\\u object\\radar; is working.\n"
+msgstr "Die Liste ist ohne \\l;Radar\\u object\\radar; nicht verfügbar !\n"
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "Öffnen"
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Speichern"
+msgid "Folder: %s"
+msgstr "Ordner: %s"
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Name:"
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "In:"
+msgid "Private\\Private folder"
+msgstr "Privat\\Privater Ordner"
+msgid "Public\\Common folder"
+msgstr "Öffentlich\\Gemeinsamer Ordner für alle Spieler"
+msgid "Developed by :"
+msgstr "Entwickelt von:"
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+msgid " "
+msgstr " "
+msgid "Recorder"
+msgstr "Recorder"
+msgid "OK"
+msgstr "OK"
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Nächster"
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Vorherg."
+msgid "Menu (\\key quit;)"
+msgstr "Menü (\\key quit;)"
+msgid "Exercises\\Programming exercises"
+msgstr "Programmieren\\Programmierübungen"
+msgid "Challenges\\Programming challenges"
+msgstr "Challenges\\Herausforderungen"
+msgid "Missions\\Select mission"
+msgstr "Missionen\\Aufbruch ins Weltall"
+msgid "Free game\\Free game without a specific goal"
+msgstr "Freestyle\\Freies Spielen ohne vorgegebenes Ziel"
+msgid "User\\User levels"
+msgstr "User\\Userlevels"
+msgid "Proto\\Prototypes under development"
+msgstr "Proto\\In Entwicklung befindliche Prototypen"
+msgid "New player\\Choose player's name"
+msgstr "Anderer Spieler\\Spielername ändern"
+msgid "Options\\Preferences"
+msgstr "Einstellungen\\Einstellungen"
+msgid "Restart\\Restart the mission from the beginning"
+msgstr "Neu anfangen\\Die Mission von vorne anfangen"
+msgid "Save\\Save the current mission "
+msgstr "Speichern\\Aktuelle Mission speichern"
+msgid "Load\\Load a saved mission"
+msgstr "Laden\\Eine gespeicherte Mission öffnen"
+msgid "\\Return to CeeBot"
+msgstr "\\Zurück zu CeeBot"
+msgid "\\Return to COLOBOT"
+msgstr "\\Zurück zu COLOBOT"
+msgid "<< Back \\Back to the previous screen"
+msgstr "<< Zurück \\Zurück zum Hauptmenü"
+msgid "Play\\Start mission!"
+msgstr "Spielen ...\\Los geht's"
+msgid "Device\\Driver and resolution settings"
+msgstr "Bildschirm\\Driver und Bildschirmauflösung"
+msgid "Graphics\\Graphics settings"
+msgstr "Grafik\\Grafische Einstellungen"
+msgid "Game\\Game settings"
+msgstr "Spiel\\Gameplay Einstellungen"
+msgid "Controls\\Keyboard, joystick and mouse settings"
+msgstr "Steuerung\\Auswahl der Tasten"
+msgid "Sound\\Music and game sound volume"
+msgstr "Geräusche\\Lautstärke Geräusche und Musik"
+msgid "Unit"
+msgstr "Einheit"
+msgid "Resolution"
+msgstr "Auflösung"
+msgid "Full screen\\Full screen or window mode"
+msgstr "Vollbildschirm\\Vollbildschirm oder Fenster"
+msgid "Apply changes\\Activates the changed settings"
+msgstr "Änderungen ausführen\\Getätigte Einstellungen ausführen"
+msgid "Robbie\\Your assistant"
+msgstr "Robby\\Ihr Assistent"
+msgid "Shadows\\Shadows on the ground"
+msgstr "Schatten\\Schlagschatten auf dem Boden"
+msgid "Marks on the ground\\Marks on the ground"
+msgstr "Markierungen\\Markierungen auf dem Boden"
+msgid "Dust\\Dust and dirt on bots and buildings"
+msgstr "Schmutz\\Schmutz auf Robotern und Bauten"
+msgid "Fog\\Fog"
+msgstr "Nebel\\Nebelschwaden"
+msgid "Sunbeams\\Sunbeams in the sky"
+msgstr "Sonnenstrahlen\\Sonnenstrahlen"
+msgid "Sky\\Clouds and nebulae"
+msgstr "Himmel\\Himmel und Wolken"
+msgid "Planets and stars\\Astronomical objects in the sky"
+msgstr "Planeten und Sterne\\Kreisende Planeten und Sterne"
+msgid "Dynamic lighting\\Mobile light sources"
+msgstr "Dynamische Beleuchtung\\Dynamische Beleuchtung"
+msgid "Number of particles\\Explosions, dust, reflections, etc."
+msgstr "Anzahl Partikel\\Explosionen, Staub, usw."
+msgid "Depth of field\\Maximum visibility"
+msgstr "Sichtweite\\Maximale Sichtweite"
+msgid "Details\\Visual quality of 3D objects"
+msgstr "Details\\Detailliertheit der Objekte in 3D"
+msgid "Textures\\Quality of textures "
+msgstr "Qualität der Texturen\\Qualität der Anzeige"
+msgid "Num of decorative objects\\Number of purely ornamental objects"
+msgstr "Anzahl Ziergegenstände\\Anzahl Gegenstände ohne Funktion"
+msgid "Particles in the interface\\Steam clouds and sparks in the interface"
+msgstr "Partikel in den Menüs\\Funken und Sterne in den Menüs"
+msgid "Reflections on the buttons \\Shiny buttons"
+msgstr "Glänzende Tasten\\Glänzende Tasten in den Menüs"
+msgid "Help balloons\\Explain the function of the buttons"
+msgstr "Hilfsblasen\\Hilfsblasen"
+msgid "Film sequences\\Films before and after the missions"
+msgstr "Filme\\Filme vor und nach den Missionen"
+msgid "Exit film\\Film at the exit of exercises"
+msgstr "Zurücksetzen \\Kleine Show beim Zurücksetzen in den Übungen"
+msgid "Friendly fire\\Your shooting can damage your own objects "
+msgstr "Eigenbeschuss\\Ihre Einheiten werden von Ihren Waffen beschädigt."
+msgid "Scrolling\\Scrolling when the mouse touches right or left border"
+msgstr "Kameradrehung mit der Maus\\Die Kamera dreht wenn die Maus den Rand erreicht"
+msgid "Mouse inversion X\\Inversion of the scrolling direction on the X axis"
+msgstr "Umkehr X\\Umkehr der Kameradrehung X-Achse"
+msgid "Mouse inversion Y\\Inversion of the scrolling direction on the Y axis"
+msgstr "Umkehr Y\\Umkehr der Kameradrehung Y-Achse"
+msgid "Quake at explosions\\The screen shakes at explosions"
+msgstr "Beben bei Explosionen\\Die Kamera bebt bei Explosionen"
+msgid "Mouse shadow\\Gives the mouse a shadow"
+msgstr "Schatten unter der Maus\\Ein Schatten erscheint unter der Maus"
+msgid "Automatic indent\\When program editing"
+msgstr "Automatisches Einrücken\\Beim Bearbeiten der Programme"
+msgid "Big indent\\Indent 2 or 4 spaces per level defined by braces"
+msgstr "Einrücken mit 4 Leerstellen\\Einrücken mit 2 oder 4 Leerstellen"
+msgid "Access to solutions\\Show program \"4: Solution\" in the exercises"
+msgstr "Lösung zugänglich\\Die Lösung ist im Programmslot \"4: Lösung\" zugänglich"
+msgid "Standard controls\\Standard key functions"
+msgstr "Alles zurücksetzen\\Standarddefinition aller Tasten"
+msgid "Turn left\\turns the bot to the left"
+msgstr "Drehung nach links\\Steuer links"
+msgid "Turn right\\turns the bot to the right"
+msgstr "Drehung nach rechts\\Steuer rechts"
+msgid "Forward\\Moves forward"
+msgstr "Vorwärts\\Bewegung nach vorne"
+msgid "Backward\\Moves backward"
+msgstr "Rückwärts\\Bewegung nach hinten"
+msgid "Climb\\Increases the power of the jet"
+msgstr "Steigen\\Leistung des Triebwerks steigern"
+msgid "Descend\\Reduces the power of the jet"
+msgstr "Sinken\\Leistung des Triebwerks drosseln"
+msgid "Change camera\\Switches between onboard camera and following camera"
+msgstr "Andere Kamera\\Sichtpunkt einstellen"
+msgid "Previous object\\Selects the previous object"
+msgstr "Vorherg. Auswahl\\Das vorhergehende Objekt auswählen"
+msgid "Standard action\\Standard action of the bot (take/grab, shoot, sniff, etc)"
+msgstr "Standardhandlung\\Führt die Standardhandlung des Roboters aus."
+msgid "Camera closer\\Moves the camera forward"
+msgstr "Kamera näher\\Bewegung der Kamera vorwärts"
+msgid "Camera back\\Moves the camera backward"
+msgstr "Kamera weiter\\Bewegung der Kamera rückwärts"
+msgid "Next object\\Selects the next object"
+msgstr "Nächstes auswählen\\Nächstes Objekt auswählen"
+msgid "Select the astronaut\\Selects the astronaut"
+msgstr "Astronauten auswählen\\Astronauten auswählen"
+msgid "Quit\\Quit the current mission or exercise"
+msgstr "Mission verlassen\\Eine Mission oder Übung verlassen"
+msgid "Instructions\\Shows the instructions for the current mission"
+msgstr "Anweisungen\\Anweisungen für die Mission oder Übung"
+msgid "Programming help\\Gives more detailed help with programming"
+msgstr "Hilfe CBOT-Sprache\\Hilfe über die Programmiersprache CBOT"
+msgid "Key word help\\More detailed help about key words"
+msgstr "Hilfe über Begriff\\Hilfe über einen Begriff"
+msgid "Origin of last message\\Shows where the last message was sent from"
+msgstr "Ort der Meldung\\Zeigt den Ort, von dem die letzte Meldung stammt"
+msgid "Speed 1.0x\\Normal speed"
+msgstr "Geschwindigkeit 1.0x\\Normale Spielgeschwindigkeit"
+msgid "Speed 1.5x\\1.5 times faster"
+msgstr "Geschwindigkeit 1.5x\\Spielgeschwindigkeit anderthalb Mal schneller"
+msgid "Speed 2.0x\\Double speed"
+msgstr "Geschwindigkeit 2.0x\\Spielgeschwindigkeit doppelt so schnell"
+msgid "Speed 3.0x\\Three times faster"
+msgstr "Geschwindigkeit 3.0x\\Spielgeschwindigkeit drei Mal schneller"
+msgid "Sound effects:\\Volume of engines, voice, shooting, etc."
+msgstr "Geräusche:\\Lautstärke Motoren, Stimmen, usw."
+msgid "Background sound :\\Volume of audio tracks on the CD"
+msgstr "Geräuschkulisse:\\Lautstärke der Soundtracks der CD"
+msgid "3D sound\\3D positioning of the sound"
+msgstr "3D-Geräusche\\Orten der Geräusche im Raum"
+msgid "Lowest\\Minimum graphic quality (highest frame rate)"
+msgstr "Min.\\Minimale Qualität (großes Framerate)"
+msgid "Normal\\Normal graphic quality"
+msgstr "Normal\\Standardqualität"
+msgid "Highest\\Highest graphic quality (lowest frame rate)"
+msgstr "Max.\\Beste Qualität (niedriges Framerate)"
+msgid "Mute\\No sound"
+msgstr "Kein Ton\\Keine Geräusche und Geräuschkulisse"
+msgid "Normal\\Normal sound volume"
+msgstr "Normal\\Normale Lautstärke"
+msgid "Use a joystick\\Joystick or keyboard"
+msgstr "Joystick\\Joystick oder Tastatur"
+msgid "Access to solution\\Shows the solution (detailed instructions for missions)"
+msgstr "Zeigt die Lösung\\Zeigt nach 3mal Scheitern die Lösung"
+msgid "\\New player name"
+msgstr "\\Name des Spielers"
+msgid "OK\\Choose the selected player"
+msgstr "OK\\Spieler auswählen"
+msgid "Cancel\\Keep current player name"
+msgstr "Abbrechen\\Behält den bisherigen Spieler bei"
+msgid "Delete player\\Deletes the player from the list"
+msgstr "Spieler löschen\\Löscht den Spieler aus der Liste"
+msgid "Player name"
+msgstr "Name "
+msgid "Save\\Saves the current mission"
+msgstr "Speichern\\Speichert die Mission"
+msgid "Load\\Loads the selected mission"
+msgstr "Laden\\Öffnet eine gespeicherte Mission"
+msgid "List of saved missions"
+msgstr "Liste der gespeicherten Missionen"
+msgid "Filename:"
+msgstr "Dateiname:"
+msgid "Mission name"
+msgstr "Name der Mission"
+msgid "Photography"
+msgstr "Ansicht der Mission"
+msgid "Delete\\Deletes the selected file"
+msgstr "Löschen\\Löscht die gespeicherte Mission"
+msgid "Appearance\\Choose your appearance"
+msgstr "Aussehen\\Erscheinungsbild des Astronauten einstellen"
+msgid "Standard\\Standard appearance settings"
+msgstr "Standard\\Standardfarben einsetzen"
+msgid "Head\\Face and hair"
+msgstr "Kopf\\Gesicht und Haare"
+msgid "Suit\\Astronaut suit"
+msgstr "Anzug\\Raumfahrtanzug"
+msgid "\\Turn left"
+msgstr "\\Drehung links"
+msgid "\\Turn right"
+msgstr "\\Drehung rechts"
+msgid "Red"
+msgstr "Rot"
+msgid "Green"
+msgstr "Grün"
+msgid "Blue"
+msgstr "Blau"
+msgid "\\Face 1"
+msgstr "\\Kopf 1"
+msgid "\\Face 4"
+msgstr "\\Kopf 4"
+msgid "\\Face 3"
+msgstr "\\Kopf 3"
+msgid "\\Face 2"
+msgstr "\\Kopf 2"
+msgid "\\No eyeglasses"
+msgstr "\\Keine Brille"
+msgid "\\Eyeglasses 1"
+msgstr "\\Brille 1"
+msgid "\\Eyeglasses 2"
+msgstr "\\Brille 2"
+msgid "\\Eyeglasses 3"
+msgstr "\\Brille 3"
+msgid "\\Eyeglasses 4"
+msgstr "\\Brille 4"
+msgid "\\Eyeglasses 5"
+msgstr "\\Brille 5"
+msgid "Previous selection (\\key desel;)"
+msgstr "Vorherg. Auwahl (\\key desel;)"
+msgid "Turn left (\\key left;)"
+msgstr "Drehung links (\\key left;)"
+msgid "Turn right (\\key right;)"
+msgstr "Drehung rechts (\\key right;)"
+msgid "Forward (\\key up;)"
+msgstr "Vorwärts (\\key up;)"
+msgid "Backward (\\key down;)"
+msgstr "Rückwärts (\\key down;)"
+msgid "Up (\\key gup;)"
+msgstr "Steigt (\\key gup;)"
+msgid "Down (\\key gdown;)"
+msgstr "Sinkt (\\key gdown;)"
+msgid "Grab or drop (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Nehmen oder hinlegen (\\key action;)"
+msgid " front"
+msgstr "..vorne"
+msgid "..behind"
+msgstr "..hinten"
+msgid "..power cell"
+msgstr "..Batterie"
+msgid "Instructions for the mission (\\key help;)"
+msgstr "Anweisungen über die Mission(\\key help;)"
+msgid "Take off to finish the mission"
+msgstr "Abheben nach vollbrachter Mission"
+msgid "Build a derrick"
+msgstr "Baut einen Bohrturm"
+msgid "Build a power station"
+msgstr "Baut ein Kraftwerk"
+msgid "Build a bot factory"
+msgstr "Baut eine Roboterfabrik"
+msgid "Build a repair center"
+msgstr "Baut ein Reparaturzentrum"
+msgid "Build a converter"
+msgstr "Baut einen Konverter"
+msgid "Build a defense tower"
+msgstr "Baut einen Geschützturm"
+msgid "Build a research center"
+msgstr "Baut ein Forschungszentrum"
+msgid "Build a radar station"
+msgstr "Baut ein Radar"
+msgid "Build a power cell factory"
+msgstr "Baut eine Batteriefabrik"
+msgid "Build an autolab"
+msgstr "Baut ein automatisches Labor"
+msgid "Build a nuclear power plant"
+msgstr "Baut eine Brennstoffzellenfabrik"
+msgid "Build a lightning conductor"
+msgstr "Baut einen Blitzableiter"
+msgid "Build a exchange post"
+msgstr "Baut einen Infoserver"
+msgid "Show if the ground is flat"
+msgstr "Zeigt ob der Boden eben ist"
+msgid "Plant a flag"
+msgstr "Setzt eine Fahne"
+msgid "Remove a flag"
+msgstr "Sammelt die Fahne ein"
+msgid "\\Blue flags"
+msgstr "\\Blaue Fahne"
+msgid "\\Red flags"
+msgstr "\\Rote Fahne"
+msgid "\\Green flags"
+msgstr "\\Grüne Fahne"
+msgid "\\Yellow flags"
+msgstr "\\Gelbe Fahne"
+msgid "\\Violet flags"
+msgstr "\\Violette Fahne"
+msgid "Build a winged grabber"
+msgstr "Baut einen Jettransporter"
+msgid "Build a tracked grabber"
+msgstr "Baut einen Kettentransporter"
+msgid "Build a wheeled grabber"
+msgstr "Baut einen Radtransporter"
+msgid "Build a legged grabber"
+msgstr "Baut einen Krabbeltransporter"
+msgid "Build a winged shooter"
+msgstr "Baut einen Jetshooter"
+msgid "Build a tracked shooter"
+msgstr "Baut einen Kettenshooter"
+msgid "Build a wheeled shooter"
+msgstr "Baut einen Radshooter"
+msgid "Build a legged shooter"
+msgstr "Baut einen Krabbelshooter"
+msgid "Build a winged orga shooter"
+msgstr "Baut einen Jetorgashooter"
+msgid "Build a tracked orga shooter"
+msgstr "Baut einen Kettenorgashooter"
+msgid "Build a wheeled orga shooter"
+msgstr "Baut einen Radorgashooter"
+msgid "Build a legged orga shooter"
+msgstr "Baut einen Krabbelorgashooter"
+msgid "Build a winged sniffer"
+msgstr "Baut einen Jetschnüffler"
+msgid "Build a tracked sniffer"
+msgstr "Baut einen Kettenschnüffler"
+msgid "Build a wheeled sniffer"
+msgstr "Baut einen Radschnüffler"
+msgid "Build a legged sniffer"
+msgstr "Baut einen Krabbelschnüffler"
+msgid "Build a thumper"
+msgstr "Baut einen Stampfer"
+msgid "Build a phazer shooter"
+msgstr "Baut einen Phazershooter"
+msgid "Build a recycler"
+msgstr "Baut einen Recycler"
+msgid "Build a shielder"
+msgstr "Baut einen Schutzschild"
+msgid "Build a subber"
+msgstr "Baut einen Kettentaucher"
+msgid "Run research program for tracked bots"
+msgstr "Forschungsprogramm Kettenantrieb"
+msgid "Run research program for winged bots"
+msgstr "Forschungsprogramm Jetantrieb"
+msgid "Run research program for thumper"
+msgstr "Forschungsprogramm Stampfer"
+msgid "Run research program for shooter"
+msgstr "Forschungsprogramm Shooterkanone"
+msgid "Run research program for defense tower"
+msgstr "Forschungsprogramm Geschützturm"
+msgid "Run research program for phazer shooter"
+msgstr "Forschungsprogramm Phazerkanone"
+msgid "Run research program for shielder"
+msgstr "Forschungsprogramm Schutzschild"
+msgid "Run research program for nuclear power"
+msgstr "Forschungsprogramm Brennstoffzelle"
+msgid "Run research program for legged bots"
+msgstr "Forschungsprogramm Krabbelantrieb"
+msgid "Run research program for orga shooter"
+msgstr "Forschungsprogramm Orgashooterkanone"
+msgid "Return to start"
+msgstr "Alles zurücksetzen"
+msgid "Sniff (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Schnüffeln (\\key action;)"
+msgid "Thump (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Stampfen (\\key action;)"
+msgid "Shoot (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Feuer (\\key action;)"
+msgid "Recycle (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Recyceln (\\key action;)"
+msgid "Extend shield (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Schutzschild ausfahren (\\key action;)"
+msgid "Withdraw shield (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Schutzschild einholen (\\key action;)"
+msgid "Shield radius"
+msgstr "Reichweite Schutzschild"
+msgid "Execute the selected program"
+msgstr "Gewähltes Programm ausführen"
+msgid "Edit the selected program"
+msgstr "Gewähltes Programm bearbeiten"
+msgid "\\SatCom on standby"
+msgstr "\\SatCom in Standby"
+msgid "Destroy the building"
+msgstr "Gebäude sprengen"
+msgid "Energy level"
+msgstr "Energievorrat"
+msgid "Shield level"
+msgstr "Schäden"
+msgid "Jet temperature"
+msgstr "Triebwerktemperatur"
+msgid "Still working ..."
+msgstr "Prozess im Gang ..."
+msgid "Number of insects detected"
+msgstr "Anzahl erfasster Insekten"
+msgid "Transmitted information"
+msgstr "Gesendete Informationen"
+msgid "Compass"
+msgstr "Kompass"
+msgid "Mini-map"
+msgstr "Minikarte"
+msgid "Zoom mini-map"
+msgstr "Zoom Minikarte"
+msgid "Camera (\\key camera;)"
+msgstr "Kamera (\\key camera;)"
+msgid "Camera to left"
+msgstr "Kamera links"
+msgid "Camera to right"
+msgstr "Kamera rechts"
+msgid "Camera nearest"
+msgstr "Kamera näher"
+msgid "Camera awayest"
+msgstr "Kamera weiter weg"
+msgid "Help about selected object"
+msgstr "Anweisungen über das ausgewählte Objekt"
+msgid "Show the solution"
+msgstr "Zeigt die Lösung"
+msgid "Switch bots <-> buildings"
+msgstr "Anzeige Roboter <-> Bauten"
+msgid "Show the range"
+msgstr "Zeigt die Reichweite"
+msgid "\\Raise the pencil"
+msgstr "\\Bleistift abheben"
+msgid "\\Use the black pencil"
+msgstr "\\Schwarzen Bleistift hinunterlassen"
+msgid "\\Use the yellow pencil"
+msgstr "\\Gelben Bleistift hinunterlassen"
+msgid "\\Use the orange pencil"
+msgstr "\\Orangefarbenen Bleistift hinunterlassen"
+msgid "\\Use the red pencil"
+msgstr "\\Roten Bleistift hinunterlassen"
+msgid "\\Use the purple pencil"
+msgstr "\\Violetten Bleistift hinunterlassen"
+msgid "\\Use the blue pencil"
+msgstr "\\Blauen Bleistift hinunterlassen"
+msgid "\\Use the green pencil"
+msgstr "\\Grünen Bleistift hinunterlassen"
+msgid "\\Use the brown pencil"
+msgstr "\\Braunen Bleistift hinunterlassen"
+msgid "\\Start recording"
+msgstr "\\Aufnahme starten"
+msgid "\\Stop recording"
+msgstr "\\Aufnahme stoppen"
+msgid "Show the place"
+msgstr "Zeigt den Ort"
+msgid "Continue"
+msgstr "Weitermachen"
+msgid "Command line"
+msgstr "Befehleingabe"
+msgid "Game speed"
+msgstr "Spielgeschwindigkeit"
+msgid "Back"
+msgstr "Vorherg. Seite"
+msgid "Forward"
+msgstr "Nächste Seite"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Home"
+msgid "Copy"
+msgstr "Kopieren"
+msgid "Size 1"
+msgstr "Größe 1"
+msgid "Size 2"
+msgstr "Größe 2"
+msgid "Size 3"
+msgstr "Größe 3"
+msgid "Size 4"
+msgstr "Größe 4"
+msgid "Size 5"
+msgstr "Größe 5"
+msgid "Instructions from Houston"
+msgstr "Anweisungen von Houston"
+msgid "Dictionnary"
+msgstr "Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch"
+msgid "Satellite report"
+msgstr "Satellitenbericht"
+msgid "Programs dispatched by Houston"
+msgstr "Von Houston übermittelte Programme"
+msgid "List of objects"
+msgstr "Liste der Objekte"
+msgid "Programming help"
+msgstr "Hilfe über Programmieren"
+msgid "Solution"
+msgstr "Lösung"
+msgid "OK\\Close program editor and return to game"
+msgstr "OK\\Programm kompilieren"
+msgid "Cancel\\Cancel all changes"
+msgstr "Abbrechen\\Editor schließen"
+msgid "Open (Ctrl+o)"
+msgstr "Öffnen (Ctrl+o)"
+msgid "Save (Ctrl+s)"
+msgstr "Speichern (Ctrl+s)"
+msgid "Undo (Ctrl+z)"
+msgstr "Widerrufen (Ctrl+z)"
+msgid "Cut (Ctrl+x)"
+msgstr "Ausschneiden (Ctrl+x)"
+msgid "Copy (Ctrl+c)"
+msgstr "Kopieren (Ctrl+c)"
+msgid "Paste (Ctrl+v)"
+msgstr "Einfügen (Ctrl+v)"
+msgid "Font size"
+msgstr "Zeichengröße"
+msgid "Instructions (\\key help;)"
+msgstr "Anweisungen (\\key help;)"
+msgid "Programming help (\\key prog;)"
+msgstr "Hilfe über Programmieren (\\key prog;)"
+msgid "Compile"
+msgstr "Kompilieren"
+msgid "Execute/stop"
+msgstr "Start/Stop"
+msgid "Pause/continue"
+msgstr "Pause/Weitermachen"
+msgid "One step"
+msgstr "Ein Schritt"
+msgid "Gantry crane"
+msgstr "Träger"
+msgid "Spaceship"
+msgstr "Raumschiff"
+msgid "Derrick"
+msgstr "Bohrturm"
+msgid "Bot factory"
+msgstr "Roboterfabrik"
+msgid "Repair center"
+msgstr "Reparaturzentrum"
+msgid "Destroyer"
+msgstr "Einstampfer"
+msgid "Power station"
+msgstr "Kraftwerk"
+msgid "Converts ore to titanium"
+msgstr "Konverter Erz-Titan"
+msgid "Defense tower"
+msgstr "Geschützturm"
+msgid "Nest"
+msgstr "Orgastoffquelle"
+msgid "Research center"
+msgstr "Forschungszentrum"
+msgid "Radar station"
+msgstr "Radar"
+msgid "Information exchange post"
+msgstr "Infoserver"
+msgid "Disintegrator"
+msgstr "Auflöser"
+msgid "Power cell factory"
+msgstr "Batteriefabrik"
+msgid "Autolab"
+msgstr "Automatisches Labor"
+msgid "Nuclear power station"
+msgstr "Brennstoffzellenfabrik"
+msgid "Lightning conductor"
+msgstr "Blitzableiter"
+msgid "Vault"
+msgstr "Bunker"
+msgid "Houston Mission Control"
+msgstr "Kontrollzentrum"
+msgid "Target"
+msgstr "Zielscheibe"
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Startfläche"
+msgid "Finish"
+msgstr "Zielfläche"
+msgid "Titanium ore"
+msgstr "Titanerz"
+msgid "Uranium ore"
+msgstr "Platinerz"
+msgid "Organic matter"
+msgstr "Orgastoff"
+msgid "Titanium"
+msgstr "Titan"
+msgid "Power cell"
+msgstr "Elektrolytische Batterie"
+msgid "Nuclear power cell"
+msgstr "Brennstoffzelle"
+msgid "Black box"
+msgstr "Flugschreiber"
+msgid "Key A"
+msgstr "Schlüssel A"
+msgid "Key B"
+msgstr "Schlüssel B"
+msgid "Key C"
+msgstr "Schlüssel C"
+msgid "Key D"
+msgstr "Schlüssel D"
+msgid "Explosive"
+msgstr "Sprengstoff"
+msgid "Fixed mine"
+msgstr "Landmine"
+msgid "Survival kit"
+msgstr "Überlebenskit"
+msgid "Checkpoint"
+msgstr "Checkpoint"
+msgid "Blue flag"
+msgstr "Blaue Fahne"
+msgid "Red flag"
+msgstr "Rote Fahne"
+msgid "Green flag"
+msgstr "Grüne Fahne"
+msgid "Yellow flag"
+msgstr "Gelbe Fahne"
+msgid "Violet flag"
+msgstr "Violette Fahne"
+msgid "Energy deposit (site for power station)"
+msgstr "Markierung für unterirdische Energiequelle"
+msgid "Uranium deposit (site for derrick)"
+msgstr "Markierung für unterirdisches Platinvorkommen"
+msgid "Found key A (site for derrick)"
+msgstr "Markierung für vergrabenen Schlüssel A"
+msgid "Found key B (site for derrick)"
+msgstr "Markierung für vergrabenen Schlüssel B"
+msgid "Found key C (site for derrick)"
+msgstr "Markierung für vergrabenen Schlüssel C"
+msgid "Found key D (site for derrick)"
+msgstr "Markierung für vergrabenen Schlüssel D"
+msgid "Titanium deposit (site for derrick)"
+msgstr "Markierung für unterirdisches Titanvorkommen"
+msgid "Practice bot"
+msgstr "Übungsroboter"
+msgid "Winged grabber"
+msgstr "Transporter"
+msgid "Tracked grabber"
+msgstr "Transporter"
+msgid "Wheeled grabber"
+msgstr "Transporter"
+msgid "Legged grabber"
+msgstr "Transporter"
+msgid "Winged shooter"
+msgstr "Shooter"
+msgid "Tracked shooter"
+msgstr "Shooter"
+msgid "Wheeled shooter"
+msgstr "Shooter"
+msgid "Legged shooter"
+msgstr "Shooter"
+msgid "Winged orga shooter"
+msgstr "OrgaShooter"
+msgid "Tracked orga shooter"
+msgstr "OrgaShooter"
+msgid "Wheeled orga shooter"
+msgstr "OrgaShooter"
+msgid "Legged orga shooter"
+msgstr "OrgaShooter"
+msgid "Winged sniffer"
+msgstr "Schnüffler"
+msgid "Tracked sniffer"
+msgstr "Schnüffler"
+msgid "Wheeled sniffer"
+msgstr "Schnüffler"
+msgid "Legged sniffer"
+msgstr "Schnüffler"
+msgid "Thumper"
+msgstr "Stampfer"
+msgid "Phazer shooter"
+msgstr "Phazershooter"
+msgid "Recycler"
+msgstr "Recycler"
+msgid "Shielder"
+msgstr "Schutzschild"
+msgid "Subber"
+msgstr "Kettentaucher"
+msgid "Target bot"
+msgstr "Mobile Zielscheibe"
+msgid "Drawer bot"
+msgstr "Zeichner"
+msgid "Engineer"
+msgstr "Techniker"
+msgid "Robbie"
+msgstr "Robby"
+msgid "Alien Queen"
+msgstr "Insektenkönigin"
+msgid "Ant"
+msgstr "Ameise"
+msgid "Spider"
+msgstr "Spinne"
+msgid "Wasp"
+msgstr "Wespe"
+msgid "Worm"
+msgstr "Wurm"
+msgid "Egg"
+msgstr "Ei"
+msgid "Wreckage"
+msgstr "Roboterwrack"
+msgid "Ruin"
+msgstr "Gebäuderuine"
+msgid "Waste"
+msgstr "Abfall"
+msgid "Spaceship ruin"
+msgstr "Raumschiffruine"
+msgid "Remains of Apollo mission"
+msgstr "Überreste einer Apollo-Mission"
+msgid "Lunar Roving Vehicle"
+msgstr "Lunar Roving Vehicle"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Fehler"
+msgid "Unknown command"
+msgstr "Befehl unbekannt"
+msgid "CeeBot not installed."
+msgstr "CeeBot wurde nicht installiert."
+msgid ""
+"Please insert the CeeBot CD\n"
+"and re-run the game."
+msgstr "Legen Sie die CeeBot-CD ein\nund starten Sie das Spiel neu."
+msgid "COLOBOT not installed."
+msgstr "COLOBOT wurde nicht installiert."
+msgid ""
+"Please insert the COLOBOT CD\n"
+"and re-run the game."
+msgstr "Legen Sie die COLOBOT-CD ein\nund starten Sie das Spiel neu."
+msgid "Inappropriate bot"
+msgstr "Roboter ungeeignet"
+msgid "Impossible when flying"
+msgstr "Im Flug unmöglich"
+msgid "Already carrying something"
+msgstr "Trägt schon etwas"
+msgid "Nothing to grab"
+msgstr "Nichts zu ergreifen"
+msgid "Impossible when moving"
+msgstr "In Fahrt unmöglich"
+msgid "Place occupied"
+msgstr "Stelle schon besetzt"
+msgid "No other robot"
+msgstr "Kein anderer Roboter"
+msgid "You can not carry a radioactive object"
+msgstr "Sie können keinen radioaktiven Gegenstand tragen"
+msgid "You can not carry an object under water"
+msgstr "Sie können unter Wasser nichts tragen"
+msgid "Nothing to drop"
+msgstr "Nichts abzulegen"
+msgid "Impossible under water"
+msgstr "Unter Wasser unmöglich"
+msgid "Not enough energy"
+msgstr "Nicht genug Energie"
+msgid "Titanium too far away"
+msgstr "Titan zu weit weg"
+msgid "Titanium too close"
+msgstr "Titan zu nahe"
+msgid "No titanium around"
+msgstr "Kein Titan vorhanden"
+msgid "Ground not flat enough"
+msgstr "Boden nicht eben genug"
+msgid "Flat ground not large enough"
+msgstr "Ebener Boden nicht groß genug"
+msgid "Too close to space ship"
+msgstr "Zu nahe am Raumschiff"
+msgid "Too close to a building"
+msgstr "Zu nahe an einem Gebäude"
+msgid "Ground inappropriate"
+msgstr "Boden ungeeignet"
+msgid "Building too close"
+msgstr "Gebäude zu nahe"
+msgid "Object too close"
+msgstr "Gegenstand zu nahe"
+msgid "Nothing to recycle"
+msgstr "Nichts zu recyceln"
+msgid "No more energy"
+msgstr "Keine Energie mehr"
+msgid "Error in instruction move"
+msgstr "Ziel kann nicht erreicht werden"
+msgid "Object not found"
+msgstr "Das Objekt existiert nicht"
+msgid "Goto: inaccessible destination"
+msgstr "Ziel kann nicht erreicht werden"
+msgid "Goto: destination occupied"
+msgstr "Ziel ist schon besetzt"
+msgid "No titanium ore to convert"
+msgstr "Kein konvertierbares Titanerz vorhanden"
+msgid "No ore in the subsoil"
+msgstr "Keine unterirdische Erzlagerstätte"
+msgid "No energy in the subsoil"
+msgstr "Kein unterirdisches Energievorkommen"
+msgid "No power cell"
+msgstr "Keine Batterie"
+msgid "Inappropriate cell type"
+msgstr "Falscher Batterietyp"
+msgid "Research program already performed"
+msgstr "Forschungsprogramm schon ausgeführt"
+msgid "Not enough energy yet"
+msgstr "Noch nicht genug Energie"
+msgid "No titanium to transform"
+msgstr "Kein konvertierbares Titanerz vorhanden"
+msgid "Transforms only titanium"
+msgstr "Wandelt nur Titanerz um"
+msgid "Doors blocked by a robot or another object "
+msgstr "Die Türen werden von einem Gegenstand blockiert"
+msgid "You must get on the spaceship to take off "
+msgstr "Gehen Sie an Bord, bevor Sie abheben"
+msgid "Nothing to analyze"
+msgstr "Nichts zu analysieren"
+msgid "Analyzes only organic matter"
+msgstr "Analysiert nur Orgastoff"
+msgid "Analysis already performed"
+msgstr "Analyse schon durchgeführt"
+msgid "Not yet enough energy"
+msgstr "Noch nicht genug Energie"
+msgid "No uranium to transform"
+msgstr "Kein konvertierbares Platin"
+msgid "Transforms only uranium"
+msgstr "Wandelt nur Platin um"
+msgid "No titanium"
+msgstr "Kein Titan vorhanden"
+msgid "No information exchange post within range"
+msgstr "Kein Infoserver in Reichweite"
+msgid "Program infected by a virus"
+msgstr "Ein Programm wurde von einem Virus infiziert"
+msgid "Infected by a virus, temporarily out of order"
+msgstr "Von Virus infiziert, zeitweise außer Betrieb"
+msgid "Impossible when swimming"
+msgstr "Im Wasser unmöglich"
+msgid "Impossible when carrying an object"
+msgstr "Unmöglich wenn Sie etwas tragen"
+msgid "Too many flags of this color (maximum 5)"
+msgstr "Zu viele Fahnen dieser Farbe (Maximum 5)"
+msgid "Too close to an existing flag"
+msgstr "Zu nahe an einer anderen Fahne"
+msgid "No flag nearby"
+msgstr "Keine Fahne in Reichweite"
+msgid "The mission is not accomplished yet (press \\key help; for more details)"
+msgstr "Mission noch nicht beendet (Drücken Sie auf \\key help; für weitere Informationen)"
+msgid "Bot destroyed"
+msgstr "Roboter zerstört"
+msgid "Building destroyed"
+msgstr "Gebäude zerstört"
+msgid "Can not create this, there are too many objects"
+msgstr "Kein neues Objekt kann erstellt werden (zu viele vorhanden)"
+msgid "\"%s\" missing in this exercise"
+msgstr "Es fehlt \"%s\" in Ihrem Programm"
+msgid "Do not use in this exercise"
+msgstr "In dieser Übung verboten"
+msgid "Building completed"
+msgstr "Gebäude fertiggestellt"
+msgid "Titanium available"
+msgstr "Titan verfügbar"
+msgid "Research program completed"
+msgstr "Forschungsprogramm abgeschlossen"
+msgid "Plans for tracked robots available "
+msgstr "Herstellung eines Roboters mit Kettenantrieb möglich"
+msgid "You can fly with the keys (\\key gup;) and (\\key gdown;)"
+msgstr "Sie können jetzt mit den Tasten \\key gup; und \\key gdown; fliegen"
+msgid "Plans for thumper available"
+msgstr "Herstellung eines Stampfers möglich"
+msgid "Plans for shooter available"
+msgstr "Herstellung eines Shooters möglich"
+msgid "Plans for defense tower available"
+msgstr "Errichtung eines Geschützturms möglich"
+msgid "Plans for phazer shooter available"
+msgstr "Herstellung eines Phazershooters möglich"
+msgid "Plans for shielder available"
+msgstr "Herstellung eines Schutzschildes möglich"
+msgid "Plans for nuclear power plant available"
+msgstr "Errichtung einer Brennstoffzellenfabrik möglich"
+msgid "New bot available"
+msgstr "Neuer Roboter verfügbar"
+msgid "Analysis performed"
+msgstr "Analyse vollendet"
+msgid "Power cell available"
+msgstr "Batterie verfügbar"
+msgid "Nuclear power cell available"
+msgstr "Brennstoffzelle verfügbar"
+msgid "You found a usable object"
+msgstr "Sie haben ein brauchbares Objekt gefunden"
+msgid "Found a site for power station"
+msgstr "Geeignete Stelle für Kraftwerk gefunden"
+msgid "Found a site for a derrick"
+msgstr "Geeignete Stelle für Bohrturm gefunden"
+msgid "<<< Well done, mission accomplished >>>"
+msgstr "<<< Bravo, Mission vollendet >>>"
+msgid "<<< Sorry, mission failed >>>"
+msgstr "<<< Mission gescheitert >>>"
+msgid "Current mission saved"
+msgstr "Mission gespeichert"
+msgid "Checkpoint crossed"
+msgstr "Checkpoint erreicht"
+msgid "Alien Queen killed"
+msgstr "Insektenkönigin tödlich verwundet"
+msgid "Ant fatally wounded"
+msgstr "Ameise tödlich verwundet"
+msgid "Wasp fatally wounded"
+msgstr "Wespe tödlich verwundet"
+msgid "Worm fatally wounded"
+msgstr "Wurm tödlich verwundet"
+msgid "Spider fatally wounded"
+msgstr "Spinne tödlich verwundet"
+msgid "Press \\key help; to read instructions on your SatCom"
+msgstr "Beziehen Sie sich auf Ihren SatCom, indem Sie auf \\key help; drücken"
+msgid "Opening bracket missing"
+msgstr "Es fehlt eine offene Klammer \"(\""
+msgid "Closing bracket missing "
+msgstr "Es fehlt eine geschlossene Klammer \")\""
+msgid "The expression must return a boolean value"
+msgstr "Der Ausdruck muss einen boolschen Wert ergeben"
+msgid "Variable not declared"
+msgstr "Variable nicht deklariert"
+msgid "Assignment impossible"
+msgstr "Zuweisung unmöglich"
+msgid "Semicolon terminator missing"
+msgstr "Es fehlt ein Strichpunkt \";\" am Ende der Anweisung"
+msgid "Instruction \"case\" outside a block \"switch\""
+msgstr "Anweisung \"case\" ohne vorhergehende Anweisung \"switch\""
+msgid "Instructions after the final closing brace"
+msgstr "Hier ist eine Anweisung nach dem Ende des Programms"
+msgid "End of block missing"
+msgstr "Es fehlt eine geschlossene geschweifte Klammer \"}\" (Ende des Blocks)"
+msgid "Instruction \"else\" without corresponding \"if\" "
+msgstr "Anweisung \"else\" ohne vorhergehende Anweisung \"if\""
+msgid "Opening brace missing "
+msgstr "Es fehlt eine offene geschweifte Klammer\"{\""
+msgid "Wrong type for the assignment"
+msgstr "Der Ausdruck ergibt einen falschen Typ für die Zuweisung"
+msgid "A variable can not be declared twice"
+msgstr "Eine Variable wird zum zweiten Mal deklariert"
+msgid "The types of the two operands are incompatible "
+msgstr "Die zwei Operanden sind nicht kompatibel"
+msgid "Unknown function"
+msgstr "Unbekannte Funktion"
+msgid "Sign \" : \" missing"
+msgstr "Es fehlt ein Doppelpunkt \" : \""
+msgid "Keyword \"while\" missing"
+msgstr "Es fehlt das Wort \"while\""
+msgid "Instruction \"break\" outside a loop"
+msgstr "Anweisung \"break\" außerhalb einer Schleife"
+msgid "A label must be followed by \"for\", \"while\", \"do\" or \"switch\""
+msgstr "Ein Label kann nur vor den Anweisungen \"for\", \"while\", \"do\" oder \"switch\" vorkommen"
+msgid "This label does not exist"
+msgstr "Dieses Label existiert nicht"
+msgid "Instruction \"case\" missing"
+msgstr "Es fehlt eine Anweisung \"case\""
+msgid "Number missing"
+msgstr "Es fehlt eine Zahl"
+msgid "Void parameter"
+msgstr "Parameter void"
+msgid "Type declaration missing"
+msgstr "Hier muss ein Variablentyp stehen"
+msgid "Variable name missing"
+msgstr "Es fehlt der Name einer Variable"
+msgid "Function name missing"
+msgstr "Hier muss der Name der Funktion stehen"
+msgid "Too many parameters"
+msgstr "Zu viele Parameter"
+msgid "Function already exists"
+msgstr "Diese Funktion gibt es schon"
+msgid "Parameters missing "
+msgstr "Nicht genug Parameter"
+msgid "No function with this name accepts this kind of parameter"
+msgstr "Keine Funktion mit diesem Namen verträgt Parameter diesen Typs"
+msgid "No function with this name accepts this number of parameters"
+msgstr "Keine Funktion mit diesem Namen verträgt diese Anzahl Parameter"
+msgid "This is not a member of this class"
+msgstr "Dieses Element gibt es nicht in dieser Klasse"
+msgid "This object is not a member of a class"
+msgstr "Das Objekt ist nicht eine Instanz einer Klasse"
+msgid "Appropriate constructor missing"
+msgstr "Es gibt keinen geeigneten Konstruktor"
+msgid "This class already exists"
+msgstr "Diese Klasse gibt es schon"
+msgid "\" ] \" missing"
+msgstr "Es fehlt eine geschlossene eckige Klammer \" ] \""
+msgid "Reserved keyword of CBOT language"
+msgstr "Dieses Wort ist reserviert"
+msgid "Bad argument for \"new\""
+msgstr "Falsche Argumente für \"new\""
+msgid "\" [ \" expected"
+msgstr "Es fehlt eine offene eckige Klammer \" [ \""
+msgid "String missing"
+msgstr "Hier wird eine Zeichenkette erwartet"
+msgid "Incorrect index type"
+msgstr "Falscher Typ für einen Index"
+msgid "Private element"
+msgstr "Geschütztes Element (private)"
+msgid "Public required"
+msgstr "Hier muss das Wort \"public\" stehen"
+msgid "Dividing by zero"
+msgstr "Teilung durch Null"
+msgid "Variable not initialized"
+msgstr "Der Wert dieser Variable wurde nicht definiert"
+msgid "Negative value rejected by \"throw\""
+msgstr "Negativer Wert ungeeignet für Anweisung \"throw\""
+msgid "The function returned no value "
+msgstr "Die Funktion hat kein Ergebnis zurückgegeben"
+msgid "No function running"
+msgstr "Keine Funktion wird ausgeführt"
+msgid "Calling an unknown function"
+msgstr "Die aufgerufene Funktion existiert nicht"
+msgid "This class does not exist"
+msgstr "Diese Klasse existiert nicht"
+msgid "Unknown Object"
+msgstr "Das Objekt existiert nicht"
+msgid "Operation impossible with value \"nan\""
+msgstr "Operation mit dem Wert \"nan\""
+msgid "Access beyond array limit"
+msgstr "Zugriff im Array außerhalb der Grenzen"
+msgid "Stack overflow"
+msgstr "Stack overflow"
+msgid "Illegal object"
+msgstr "Objekt nicht verfügbar"
+msgid "Can't open file"
+msgstr "Die Datei kann nicht geöffnet werden"
+msgid "File not open"
+msgstr "Die Datei wurde nicht geöffnet"
+msgid "Read error"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Lesezugriff"
+msgid "Write error"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Schreibzugriff"
+msgid "< none >"
+msgstr "< keine >"
+msgid "Arrow left"
+msgstr "Pfeiltaste links"
+msgid "Arrow right"
+msgstr "Pfeiltaste rechts"
+msgid "Arrow up"
+msgstr "Pfeil nach oben"
+msgid "Arrow down"
+msgstr "Pfeil nach unten"
+msgid "Control-break"
+msgstr "Ctrl-Break"
+msgid "<--"
+msgstr "<--"
+msgid "Tab"
+msgstr "Tab"
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr "Clear"
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "Eingabe"
+msgid "Shift"
+msgstr "Shift"
+msgid "Ctrl"
+msgstr "Ctrl"
+msgid "Alt"
+msgstr "Alt"
+msgid "Pause"
+msgstr "Pause"
+msgid "Caps Lock"
+msgstr "Caps Lock"
+msgid "Esc"
+msgstr "Esc"
+msgid "Space"
+msgstr "Leertaste"
+msgid "Page Up"
+msgstr "Page Up"
+msgid "Page Down"
+msgstr "Page Down"
+msgid "End"
+msgstr "End"
+msgid "Home Key"
+msgstr "Home"
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "Select"
+msgid "Execute"
+msgstr "Execute"
+msgid "Print Scrn"
+msgstr "Print Scrn"
+msgid "Insert"
+msgstr "Insert"
+msgid "Delete Key"
+msgstr "Delete"
+msgid "Help"
+msgstr "Help"
+msgid "Left Windows"
+msgstr "Left Windows"
+msgid "Right Windows"
+msgstr "Right Windows"
+msgid "Application key"
+msgstr "Application key"
+msgid "NumPad 0"
+msgstr "NumPad 0"
+msgid "NumPad 1"
+msgstr "NumPad 1"
+msgid "NumPad 2"
+msgstr "NumPad 2"
+msgid "NumPad 3"
+msgstr "NumPad 3"
+msgid "NumPad 4"
+msgstr "NumPad 4"
+msgid "NumPad 5"
+msgstr "NumPad 5"
+msgid "NumPad 6"
+msgstr "NumPad 6"
+msgid "NumPad 7"
+msgstr "NumPad 7"
+msgid "NumPad 8"
+msgstr "NumPad 8"
+msgid "NumPad 9"
+msgstr "NumPad 9"
+msgid "NumPad *"
+msgstr "NumPad *"
+msgid "NumPad +"
+msgstr "NumPad +"
+msgid "NumPad sep"
+msgstr "NumPad sep"
+msgid "NumPad -"
+msgstr "NumPad -"
+msgid "NumPad ."
+msgstr "NumPad ."
+msgid "NumPad /"
+msgstr "NumPad /"
+msgid "F1"
+msgstr "F1"
+msgid "F2"
+msgstr "F2"
+msgid "F3"
+msgstr "F3"
+msgid "F4"
+msgstr "F4"
+msgid "F5"
+msgstr "F5"
+msgid "F6"
+msgstr "F6"
+msgid "F7"
+msgstr "F7"
+msgid "F8"
+msgstr "F8"
+msgid "F9"
+msgstr "F9"
+msgid "F10"
+msgstr "F10"
+msgid "F11"
+msgstr "F11"
+msgid "F12"
+msgstr "F12"
+msgid "F13"
+msgstr "F13"
+msgid "F14"
+msgstr "F14"
+msgid "F15"
+msgstr "F15"
+msgid "F16"
+msgstr "F16"
+msgid "F17"
+msgstr "F17"
+msgid "F18"
+msgstr "F18"
+msgid "F19"
+msgstr "F19"
+msgid "F20"
+msgstr "F20"
+msgid "Num Lock"
+msgstr "Num Lock"
+msgid "Scroll"
+msgstr "Scroll"
+msgid "Attn"
+msgstr "Attn"
+msgid "CrSel"
+msgstr "CrSel"
+msgid "ExSel"
+msgstr "ExSel"
+msgid "Erase EOF"
+msgstr "Erase EOF"
+msgid "Play"
+msgstr "Play"
+msgid "Zoom"
+msgstr "Zoom"
+msgid "PA1"
+msgstr "PA1"
+msgid "Button 1"
+msgstr "Knopf 1"
+msgid "Button 2"
+msgstr "Knopf 2"
+msgid "Button 3"
+msgstr "Knopf 3"
+msgid "Button 4"
+msgstr "Knopf 4"
+msgid "Button 5"
+msgstr "Knopf 5"
+msgid "Button 6"
+msgstr "Knopf 6"
+msgid "Button 7"
+msgstr "Knopf 7"
+msgid "Button 8"
+msgstr "Knopf 8"
+msgid "Button 9"
+msgstr "Knopf 9"
+msgid "Button 10"
+msgstr "Knopf 10"
+msgid "Button 11"
+msgstr "Knopf 11"
+msgid "Button 12"
+msgstr "Knopf 12"
+msgid "Button 13"
+msgstr "Knopf 13"
+msgid "Button 14"
+msgstr "Knopf 14"
+msgid "Button 15"
+msgstr "Knopf 15"
+msgid "Button 16"
+msgstr "Knopf 16"
+msgid "Button 17"
+msgstr "Knopf 17"
+msgid "Button 18"
+msgstr "Knopf 18"
+msgid "Button 19"
+msgstr "Knopf 19"
+msgid "Button 20"
+msgstr "Knopf 20"
+msgid "Button 21"
+msgstr "Knopf 21"
+msgid "Button 22"
+msgstr "Knopf 22"
+msgid "Button 23"
+msgstr "Knopf 23"
+msgid "Button 24"
+msgstr "Knopf 24"
+msgid "Button 25"
+msgstr "Knopf 25"
+msgid "Button 26"
+msgstr "Knopf 26"
+msgid "Button 27"
+msgstr "Knopf 27"
+msgid "Button 28"
+msgstr "Knopf 28"
+msgid "Button 29"
+msgstr "Knopf 29"
+msgid "Button 30"
+msgstr "Knopf 30"
+msgid "Button 31"
+msgstr "Knopf 31"
+msgid "Button 32"
+msgstr "Knopf 32"
+msgid "Wheel up"
+msgstr "Mausrad nach vorne"
+msgid "Wheel down"
+msgstr "Mausrad zurück"
diff --git a/src/po/fr.po b/src/po/fr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c70a77e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/po/fr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,2097 @@
+msgid "1.18 /e"
+msgstr "1.18 /f"
+msgid "CeeBot-A 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-A 1.18"
+msgid "CeeBot-Teen EDU 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-Teen EDU 1.18"
+msgid "CeeBot-A EDU 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-A EDU 1.18"
+msgid "CeeBot-Teen PERSO 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-Teen PERSO 1.18"
+msgid "CeeBot-A PERSO 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-A PERSO 1.18"
+msgid "CeeBot-Teen DEMO 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-Teen DEMO 1.18"
+msgid "CeeBot-A DEMO 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-A DEMO 1.18"
+msgid "Demo 1.18 /e"
+msgstr "Demo 1.18 /f"
+msgid "SatCom"
+msgstr "SatCom"
+msgid "Maximize"
+msgstr "Taille maximale"
+msgid "Minimize"
+msgstr "Taille réduite"
+msgid "Normal size"
+msgstr "Taille normale"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Fermer"
+msgid "Program editor"
+msgstr "Edition du programme"
+msgid "New"
+msgstr "Nouveau"
+msgid "Player"
+msgstr "Joueur"
+msgid "New ..."
+msgstr "Nouveau ..."
+msgid " or "
+msgstr " ou "
+msgid "CeeBot"
+msgstr "CeeBot"
+msgid "COLOBOT"
+msgstr "COLOBOT"
+msgid "Programming exercises"
+msgstr "Programmation"
+msgid "Challenges"
+msgstr "Défis"
+msgid "Missions"
+msgstr "Missions"
+msgid "Free game"
+msgstr "Jeu libre"
+msgid "User levels"
+msgstr "Niveaux supplémentaires"
+msgid "Prototypes"
+msgstr "Prototypes"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Options"
+msgid "Player's name"
+msgstr "Nom du joueur"
+msgid "Customize your appearance"
+msgstr "Personnalisation de votre apparence"
+msgid "Save the current mission"
+msgstr "Enregistrement de la mission en cours"
+msgid "Load a saved mission"
+msgstr "Chargement d'une mission enregistrée"
+msgid " Chapters:"
+msgstr " Liste des chapitres :"
+msgid " Planets:"
+msgstr " Liste des plančtes :"
+msgid " User levels:"
+msgstr " Niveaux supplémentaires :"
+msgid " Exercises in the chapter:"
+msgstr " Liste des exercices du chapitre :"
+msgid " Challenges in the chapter:"
+msgstr " Liste des défis du chapitre :"
+msgid " Missions on this planet:"
+msgstr " Liste des missions du chapitre :"
+msgid " Free game on this planet:"
+msgstr " Liste des jeux libres du chapitre :"
+msgid " Missions on this level:"
+msgstr " Missions du niveau :"
+msgid " Prototypes on this planet:"
+msgstr " Liste des prototypes du chapitre :"
+msgid " Free game on this chapter:"
+msgstr " Liste des jeux libres du chapitre :"
+msgid " Summary:"
+msgstr " Résumé :"
+msgid " Drivers:"
+msgstr " Pilotes :"
+msgid " Resolution:"
+msgstr " Résolutions :"
+msgid "1) First click on the key you want to redefine."
+msgstr "1) Cliquez d'abord sur la touche ŕ redéfinir."
+msgid "2) Then press the key you want to use instead."
+msgstr "2) Appuyez ensuite sur la nouvelle touche souhaitée."
+msgid "Face type:"
+msgstr "Type de visage :"
+msgid "Eyeglasses:"
+msgstr "Lunettes :"
+msgid "Hair color:"
+msgstr "Couleur des cheveux :"
+msgid "Suit color:"
+msgstr "Couleur de la combinaison :"
+msgid "Strip color:"
+msgstr "Couleur des bandes :"
+msgid "Do you want to quit CeeBot ?"
+msgstr "Voulez-vous quitter CeeBot ?"
+msgid "Quit\\Quit CeeBot"
+msgstr "Quitter\\Quitter CeeBot"
+msgid "Do you want to quit COLOBOT ?"
+msgstr "Voulez-vous quitter COLOBOT ?"
+msgid "Quit\\Quit COLOBOT"
+msgstr "Quitter\\Quitter COLOBOT"
+msgid "Quit the mission?"
+msgstr "Quitter la mission ?"
+msgid "Abort\\Abort the current mission"
+msgstr "Abandonner\\Abandonner la mission en cours"
+msgid "Continue\\Continue the current mission"
+msgstr "Continuer\\Continuer la mission en cours"
+msgid "Continue\\Continue the game"
+msgstr "Continuer\\Continuer de jouer"
+msgid "Do you really want to destroy the selected building?"
+msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment détruire le bâtiment sélectionné ?"
+msgid "Do you want to delete %s's saved games? "
+msgstr "Voulez-vous détruire les sauvegardes de %s ?"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Détruire"
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Annuler"
+msgid "LOADING"
+msgstr "CHARGEMENT"
+msgid "Keyword help(\\key cbot;)"
+msgstr "Aide sur le mot-clé (\\key cbot;)"
+msgid "Compilation ok (0 errors)"
+msgstr "Compilation ok (0 erreur)"
+msgid "Program finished"
+msgstr "Programme terminé"
+msgid "\\b;List of objects\n"
+msgstr "\\b;Listes des objets\n"
+msgid "\\b;Robots\n"
+msgstr "\\b;Listes des robots\n"
+msgid "\\b;Buildings\n"
+msgstr "\\b;Listes des bâtiments\n"
+msgid "\\b;Moveable objects\n"
+msgstr "\\b;Listes des objets transportables\n"
+msgid "\\b;Aliens\n"
+msgstr "\\b;Listes des ennemis\n"
+msgid "\\c; (none)\\n;\n"
+msgstr "\\c; (aucun)\\n;\n"
+msgid "\\b;Error\n"
+msgstr "\\b;Erreur\n"
+msgid "The list is only available if a \\l;radar station\\u object\\radar; is working.\n"
+msgstr "Liste non disponible sans \\l;radar\\u object\\radar; !\n"
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "Ouvrir"
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Enregistrer"
+msgid "Folder: %s"
+msgstr "Dossier: %s"
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nom:"
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Dans:"
+msgid "Private\\Private folder"
+msgstr "Privé\\Dossier privé"
+msgid "Public\\Common folder"
+msgstr "Public\\Dossier commun ŕ tous les joueurs"
+msgid "Developed by :"
+msgstr "Développé par :"
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+msgid " "
+msgstr " "
+msgid "Recorder"
+msgstr "Enregistreur"
+msgid "OK"
+msgstr "D'accord"
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Suivant"
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Précédent"
+msgid "Menu (\\key quit;)"
+msgstr "Menu (\\key quit;)"
+msgid "Exercises\\Programming exercises"
+msgstr "Programmation\\Exercices de programmation"
+msgid "Challenges\\Programming challenges"
+msgstr "Défis\\Défis de programmation"
+msgid "Missions\\Select mission"
+msgstr "Missions\\La grande aventure"
+msgid "Free game\\Free game without a specific goal"
+msgstr "Jeu libre\\Jeu libre sans but précis"
+msgid "User\\User levels"
+msgstr "Suppl.\\Niveaux supplémentaires"
+msgid "Proto\\Prototypes under development"
+msgstr "Proto\\Prototypes en cours d'élaboration"
+msgid "New player\\Choose player's name"
+msgstr "Autre joueur\\Choix du nom du joueur"
+msgid "Options\\Preferences"
+msgstr "Options\\Réglages"
+msgid "Restart\\Restart the mission from the beginning"
+msgstr "Recommencer\\Recommencer la mission au début"
+msgid "Save\\Save the current mission "
+msgstr "Enregistrer\\Enregistrer la mission en cours"
+msgid "Load\\Load a saved mission"
+msgstr "Charger\\Charger une mission enregistrée"
+msgid "\\Return to CeeBot"
+msgstr "\\Retourner dans CeeBot"
+msgid "\\Return to COLOBOT"
+msgstr "\\Retourner dans COLOBOT"
+msgid "<< Back \\Back to the previous screen"
+msgstr "<< Retour \\Retour au niveau précédent"
+msgid "Play\\Start mission!"
+msgstr "Jouer ...\\Démarrer l'action"
+msgid "Device\\Driver and resolution settings"
+msgstr "Affichage\\Pilote et résolution d'affichage"
+msgid "Graphics\\Graphics settings"
+msgstr "Graphique\\Options graphiques"
+msgid "Game\\Game settings"
+msgstr "Jeu\\Options de jouabilité"
+msgid "Controls\\Keyboard, joystick and mouse settings"
+msgstr "Commandes\\Touches du clavier"
+msgid "Sound\\Music and game sound volume"
+msgstr "Son\\Volumes bruitages & musiques"
+msgid "Unit"
+msgstr "Unité"
+msgid "Resolution"
+msgstr "Résolution"
+msgid "Full screen\\Full screen or window mode"
+msgstr "Plein écran\\Plein écran ou fenętré"
+msgid "Apply changes\\Activates the changed settings"
+msgstr "Appliquer les changements\\Active les changements effectués"
+msgid "Robbie\\Your assistant"
+msgstr "Robbie\\Votre assistant"
+msgid "Shadows\\Shadows on the ground"
+msgstr "Ombres\\Ombres projetées au sol"
+msgid "Marks on the ground\\Marks on the ground"
+msgstr "Marques sur le sol\\Marques dessinées sur le sol"
+msgid "Dust\\Dust and dirt on bots and buildings"
+msgstr "Salissures\\Salissures des robots et bâtiments"
+msgid "Fog\\Fog"
+msgstr "Brouillard\\Nappes de brouillard"
+msgid "Sunbeams\\Sunbeams in the sky"
+msgstr "Rayons du soleil\\Rayons selon l'orientation"
+msgid "Sky\\Clouds and nebulae"
+msgstr "Ciel\\Ciel et nuages"
+msgid "Planets and stars\\Astronomical objects in the sky"
+msgstr "Plančtes et étoiles\\Motifs mobiles dans le ciel"
+msgid "Dynamic lighting\\Mobile light sources"
+msgstr "Lumičres dynamiques\\Eclairages mobiles"
+msgid "Number of particles\\Explosions, dust, reflections, etc."
+msgstr "Quantité de particules\\Explosions, poussičres, reflets, etc."
+msgid "Depth of field\\Maximum visibility"
+msgstr "Profondeur de champ\\Distance de vue maximale"
+msgid "Details\\Visual quality of 3D objects"
+msgstr "Détails des objets\\Qualité des objets en 3D"
+msgid "Textures\\Quality of textures "
+msgstr "Qualité des textures\\Qualité des images"
+msgid "Num of decorative objects\\Number of purely ornamental objects"
+msgstr "Nb d'objets décoratifs\\Qualité d'objets non indispensables"
+msgid "Particles in the interface\\Steam clouds and sparks in the interface"
+msgstr "Particules dans l'interface\\Pluie de particules"
+msgid "Reflections on the buttons \\Shiny buttons"
+msgstr "Reflets sur les boutons\\Boutons brillants"
+msgid "Help balloons\\Explain the function of the buttons"
+msgstr "Bulles d'aide\\Bulles explicatives"
+msgid "Film sequences\\Films before and after the missions"
+msgstr "Séquences cinématiques\\Films avant ou aprčs une mission"
+msgid "Exit film\\Film at the exit of exercises"
+msgstr "Retour animé\\Retour animé dans les exercices"
+msgid "Friendly fire\\Your shooting can damage your own objects "
+msgstr "Dégâts ŕ soi-męme\\Vos tirs infligent des dommages ŕ vos unités"
+msgid "Scrolling\\Scrolling when the mouse touches right or left border"
+msgstr "Défilement dans les bords\\Défilement lorsque la souris touches les bords gauche ou droite"
+msgid "Mouse inversion X\\Inversion of the scrolling direction on the X axis"
+msgstr "Inversion souris X\\Inversion de la rotation lorsque la souris touche un bord"
+msgid "Mouse inversion Y\\Inversion of the scrolling direction on the Y axis"
+msgstr "Inversion souris Y\\Inversion de la rotation lorsque la souris touche un bord"
+msgid "Quake at explosions\\The screen shakes at explosions"
+msgstr "Secousses lors d'explosions\\L'écran vibre lors d'une explosion"
+msgid "Mouse shadow\\Gives the mouse a shadow"
+msgstr "Souris ombrée\\Jolie souris avec une ombre"
+msgid "Automatic indent\\When program editing"
+msgstr "Indentation automatique\\Pendant l'édition d'un programme"
+msgid "Big indent\\Indent 2 or 4 spaces per level defined by braces"
+msgstr "Grande indentation\\Indente avec 2 ou 4 espaces"
+msgid "Access to solutions\\Show program \"4: Solution\" in the exercises"
+msgstr "Accčs aux solutions\\Programme \"4: Solution\" dans les exercices"
+msgid "Standard controls\\Standard key functions"
+msgstr "Tout réinitialiser\\Remet toutes les touches standards"
+msgid "Turn left\\turns the bot to the left"
+msgstr "Tourner ŕ gauche\\Moteur ŕ gauche"
+msgid "Turn right\\turns the bot to the right"
+msgstr "Tourner ŕ droite\\Moteur ŕ droite"
+msgid "Forward\\Moves forward"
+msgstr "Avancer\\Moteur en avant"
+msgid "Backward\\Moves backward"
+msgstr "Reculer\\Moteur en arričre"
+msgid "Climb\\Increases the power of the jet"
+msgstr "Monter\\Augmenter la puissance du réacteur"
+msgid "Descend\\Reduces the power of the jet"
+msgstr "Descendre\\Diminuer la puissance du réacteur"
+msgid "Change camera\\Switches between onboard camera and following camera"
+msgstr "Changement de caméra\\Autre de point de vue"
+msgid "Previous object\\Selects the previous object"
+msgstr "Sélection précédente\\Sélectionne l'objet précédent"
+msgid "Standard action\\Standard action of the bot (take/grab, shoot, sniff, etc)"
+msgstr "Action standard\\Action du bouton avec le cadre rouge"
+msgid "Camera closer\\Moves the camera forward"
+msgstr "Caméra plus proche\\Avance la caméra"
+msgid "Camera back\\Moves the camera backward"
+msgstr "Caméra plus loin\\Recule la caméra"
+msgid "Next object\\Selects the next object"
+msgstr "Sélectionner l'objet suivant\\Sélectionner l'objet suivant"
+msgid "Select the astronaut\\Selects the astronaut"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le cosmonaute\\Sélectionner le cosmonaute"
+msgid "Quit\\Quit the current mission or exercise"
+msgstr "Quitter la mission en cours\\Terminer un exercice ou une mssion"
+msgid "Instructions\\Shows the instructions for the current mission"
+msgstr "Instructions mission\\Marche ŕ suivre"
+msgid "Programming help\\Gives more detailed help with programming"
+msgstr "Instructions programmation\\Explication sur la programmation"
+msgid "Key word help\\More detailed help about key words"
+msgstr "Instructions mot-clé\\Explication sur le mot-clé"
+msgid "Origin of last message\\Shows where the last message was sent from"
+msgstr "Montrer le lieu d'un message\\Montrer le lieu du dernier message"
+msgid "Speed 1.0x\\Normal speed"
+msgstr "Vitesse 1.0x\\Vitesse normale"
+msgid "Speed 1.5x\\1.5 times faster"
+msgstr "Vitesse 1.5x\\Une fois et demi plus rapide"
+msgid "Speed 2.0x\\Double speed"
+msgstr "Vitesse 2.0x\\Deux fois plus rapide"
+msgid "Speed 3.0x\\Three times faster"
+msgstr "Vitesse 3.0x\\Trois fois plus rapide"
+msgid "Sound effects:\\Volume of engines, voice, shooting, etc."
+msgstr "Bruitages :\\Volume des moteurs, voix, etc."
+msgid "Background sound :\\Volume of audio tracks on the CD"
+msgstr "Fond sonore :\\Volume des pistes audio du CD"
+msgid "3D sound\\3D positioning of the sound"
+msgstr "Bruitages 3D\\Positionnement sonore dans l'espace"
+msgid "Lowest\\Minimum graphic quality (highest frame rate)"
+msgstr "Mini\\Qualité minimale (+ rapide)"
+msgid "Normal\\Normal graphic quality"
+msgstr "Normal\\Qualité standard"
+msgid "Highest\\Highest graphic quality (lowest frame rate)"
+msgstr "Maxi\\Haute qualité (+ lent)"
+msgid "Mute\\No sound"
+msgstr "Silencieux\\Totalement silencieux"
+msgid "Normal\\Normal sound volume"
+msgstr "Normal\\Niveaux normaux"
+msgid "Use a joystick\\Joystick or keyboard"
+msgstr "Utilise un joystick\\Joystick ou clavier"
+msgid "Access to solution\\Shows the solution (detailed instructions for missions)"
+msgstr "Accčs ŕ la solution\\Donne la solution"
+msgid "\\New player name"
+msgstr "\\Nom du joueur ŕ créer"
+msgid "OK\\Choose the selected player"
+msgstr "D'accord\\Choisir le joueur"
+msgid "Cancel\\Keep current player name"
+msgstr "Annuler\\Conserver le joueur actuel"
+msgid "Delete player\\Deletes the player from the list"
+msgstr "Supprimer le joueur\\Supprimer le joueur de la liste"
+msgid "Player name"
+msgstr "Nom du joueur"
+msgid "Save\\Saves the current mission"
+msgstr "Enregistrer\\Enregistrer la mission en cours"
+msgid "Load\\Loads the selected mission"
+msgstr "Charger\\Charger la mission sélectionnée"
+msgid "List of saved missions"
+msgstr "Liste des missions enregistrées"
+msgid "Filename:"
+msgstr "Nom du fichier :"
+msgid "Mission name"
+msgstr "Nom de la mission"
+msgid "Photography"
+msgstr "Vue de la mission"
+msgid "Delete\\Deletes the selected file"
+msgstr "Supprimer\\Supprime l'enregistrement sélectionné"
+msgid "Appearance\\Choose your appearance"
+msgstr "Aspect\\Choisir votre aspect"
+msgid "Standard\\Standard appearance settings"
+msgstr "Standard\\Remet les couleurs standards"
+msgid "Head\\Face and hair"
+msgstr "Tęte\\Visage et cheveux"
+msgid "Suit\\Astronaut suit"
+msgstr "Corps\\Combinaison"
+msgid "\\Turn left"
+msgstr "\\Rotation ŕ gauche"
+msgid "\\Turn right"
+msgstr "\\Rotation ŕ droite"
+msgid "Red"
+msgstr "Rouge"
+msgid "Green"
+msgstr "Vert"
+msgid "Blue"
+msgstr "Bleu"
+msgid "\\Face 1"
+msgstr "\\Visage 1"
+msgid "\\Face 4"
+msgstr "\\Visage 4"
+msgid "\\Face 3"
+msgstr "\\Visage 3"
+msgid "\\Face 2"
+msgstr "\\Visage 2"
+msgid "\\No eyeglasses"
+msgstr "\\Pas de lunettes"
+msgid "\\Eyeglasses 1"
+msgstr "\\Lunettes 1"
+msgid "\\Eyeglasses 2"
+msgstr "\\Lunettes 2"
+msgid "\\Eyeglasses 3"
+msgstr "\\Lunettes 3"
+msgid "\\Eyeglasses 4"
+msgstr "\\Lunettes 4"
+msgid "\\Eyeglasses 5"
+msgstr "\\Lunettes 5"
+msgid "Previous selection (\\key desel;)"
+msgstr "Sélection précédente (\\key desel;)"
+msgid "Turn left (\\key left;)"
+msgstr "Tourne ŕ gauche (\\key left;)"
+msgid "Turn right (\\key right;)"
+msgstr "Tourne ŕ droite (\\key right;)"
+msgid "Forward (\\key up;)"
+msgstr "Avance (\\key up;)"
+msgid "Backward (\\key down;)"
+msgstr "Recule (\\key down;)"
+msgid "Up (\\key gup;)"
+msgstr "Monte (\\key gup;)"
+msgid "Down (\\key gdown;)"
+msgstr "Descend (\\key gdown;)"
+msgid "Grab or drop (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Prend ou dépose (\\key action;)"
+msgid " front"
+msgstr "..devant"
+msgid "..behind"
+msgstr "..derričre"
+msgid "..power cell"
+msgstr "..pile"
+msgid "Instructions for the mission (\\key help;)"
+msgstr "Instructions sur la mission (\\key help;)"
+msgid "Take off to finish the mission"
+msgstr "Décolle pour terminer la mission"
+msgid "Build a derrick"
+msgstr "Construit un derrick"
+msgid "Build a power station"
+msgstr "Construit une station"
+msgid "Build a bot factory"
+msgstr "Construit une fabrique de robots"
+msgid "Build a repair center"
+msgstr "Construit un centre de réparation"
+msgid "Build a converter"
+msgstr "Construit un convertisseur"
+msgid "Build a defense tower"
+msgstr "Construit une tour"
+msgid "Build a research center"
+msgstr "Construit un centre de recherches"
+msgid "Build a radar station"
+msgstr "Construit un radar"
+msgid "Build a power cell factory"
+msgstr "Construit une fabrique de piles"
+msgid "Build an autolab"
+msgstr "Construit un laboratoire"
+msgid "Build a nuclear power plant"
+msgstr "Construit une centrale nucléaire"
+msgid "Build a lightning conductor"
+msgstr "Construit un paratonnerre"
+msgid "Build a exchange post"
+msgstr "Construit une borne d'information"
+msgid "Show if the ground is flat"
+msgstr "Montre si le sol est plat"
+msgid "Plant a flag"
+msgstr "Pose un drapeau de couleur"
+msgid "Remove a flag"
+msgstr "Enlčve un drapeau"
+msgid "\\Blue flags"
+msgstr "\\Drapeaux bleus"
+msgid "\\Red flags"
+msgstr "\\Drapeaux rouges"
+msgid "\\Green flags"
+msgstr "\\Drapeaux verts"
+msgid "\\Yellow flags"
+msgstr "\\Drapeaux jaunes"
+msgid "\\Violet flags"
+msgstr "\\Drapeaux violets"
+msgid "Build a winged grabber"
+msgstr "Fabrique un déménageur volant"
+msgid "Build a tracked grabber"
+msgstr "Fabrique un déménageur ŕ chenilles"
+msgid "Build a wheeled grabber"
+msgstr "Fabrique un déménageur ŕ roues"
+msgid "Build a legged grabber"
+msgstr "Fabrique un déménageur ŕ pattes"
+msgid "Build a winged shooter"
+msgstr "Fabrique un shooter volant"
+msgid "Build a tracked shooter"
+msgstr "Fabrique un shooter ŕ chenilles"
+msgid "Build a wheeled shooter"
+msgstr "Fabrique un shooter ŕ roues"
+msgid "Build a legged shooter"
+msgstr "Fabrique un shooter ŕ pattes"
+msgid "Build a winged orga shooter"
+msgstr "Fabrique un orgaShooter volant"
+msgid "Build a tracked orga shooter"
+msgstr "Fabrique un orgaShooter ŕ chenilles"
+msgid "Build a wheeled orga shooter"
+msgstr "Fabrique un orgaShooter ŕ roues"
+msgid "Build a legged orga shooter"
+msgstr "Fabrique un orgaShooter ŕ pattes"
+msgid "Build a winged sniffer"
+msgstr "Fabrique un renifleur volant"
+msgid "Build a tracked sniffer"
+msgstr "Fabrique un renifleur ŕ chenilles"
+msgid "Build a wheeled sniffer"
+msgstr "Fabrique un renifleur ŕ roues"
+msgid "Build a legged sniffer"
+msgstr "Fabrique un renifleur ŕ pattes"
+msgid "Build a thumper"
+msgstr "Fabrique un robot secoueur"
+msgid "Build a phazer shooter"
+msgstr "Fabrique un robot phazer"
+msgid "Build a recycler"
+msgstr "Fabrique un robot recycleur"
+msgid "Build a shielder"
+msgstr "Fabrique un robot bouclier"
+msgid "Build a subber"
+msgstr "Fabrique un robot sous-marin"
+msgid "Run research program for tracked bots"
+msgstr "Recherche les chenilles"
+msgid "Run research program for winged bots"
+msgstr "Recherche les robots volants"
+msgid "Run research program for thumper"
+msgstr "Recherche le secoueur"
+msgid "Run research program for shooter"
+msgstr "Recherche le canon shooter"
+msgid "Run research program for defense tower"
+msgstr "Recherche la tour de défense"
+msgid "Run research program for phazer shooter"
+msgstr "Recherche le canon phazer"
+msgid "Run research program for shielder"
+msgstr "Recherche le bouclier"
+msgid "Run research program for nuclear power"
+msgstr "Recherche le nucléaire"
+msgid "Run research program for legged bots"
+msgstr "Recherche les pattes"
+msgid "Run research program for orga shooter"
+msgstr "Recherche le canon orgaShooter"
+msgid "Return to start"
+msgstr "Remet au départ"
+msgid "Sniff (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Cherche (\\key action;)"
+msgid "Thump (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Secoue (\\key action;)"
+msgid "Shoot (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Tir (\\key action;)"
+msgid "Recycle (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Recycle (\\key action;)"
+msgid "Extend shield (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Déploie le bouclier (\\key action;)"
+msgid "Withdraw shield (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Stoppe le bouclier (\\key action;)"
+msgid "Shield radius"
+msgstr "Rayon du bouclier"
+msgid "Execute the selected program"
+msgstr "Exécute le programme sélectionné"
+msgid "Edit the selected program"
+msgstr "Edite le programme sélectionné"
+msgid "\\SatCom on standby"
+msgstr "\\Mettre le SatCom en veille"
+msgid "Destroy the building"
+msgstr "Démolit le bâtiment"
+msgid "Energy level"
+msgstr "Niveau d'énergie"
+msgid "Shield level"
+msgstr "Niveau du bouclier"
+msgid "Jet temperature"
+msgstr "Température du réacteur"
+msgid "Still working ..."
+msgstr "Travail en cours ..."
+msgid "Number of insects detected"
+msgstr "Nombre d'insectes détectés"
+msgid "Transmitted information"
+msgstr "Informations diffusées"
+msgid "Compass"
+msgstr "Boussole"
+msgid "Mini-map"
+msgstr "Mini-carte"
+msgid "Zoom mini-map"
+msgstr "Zoom mini-carte"
+msgid "Camera (\\key camera;)"
+msgstr "Caméra (\\key camera;)"
+msgid "Camera to left"
+msgstr "Caméra ŕ gauche"
+msgid "Camera to right"
+msgstr "Caméra ŕ droite"
+msgid "Camera nearest"
+msgstr "Caméra plus proche"
+msgid "Camera awayest"
+msgstr "Caméra plus loin"
+msgid "Help about selected object"
+msgstr "Instructions sur la sélection"
+msgid "Show the solution"
+msgstr "Donne la solution"
+msgid "Switch bots <-> buildings"
+msgstr "Permute robots <-> bâtiments"
+msgid "Show the range"
+msgstr "Montre le rayon d'action"
+msgid "\\Raise the pencil"
+msgstr "\\Relčve le crayon"
+msgid "\\Use the black pencil"
+msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon noir"
+msgid "\\Use the yellow pencil"
+msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon jaune"
+msgid "\\Use the orange pencil"
+msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon orange"
+msgid "\\Use the red pencil"
+msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon rouge"
+msgid "\\Use the purple pencil"
+msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon violet"
+msgid "\\Use the blue pencil"
+msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon bleu"
+msgid "\\Use the green pencil"
+msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon vert"
+msgid "\\Use the brown pencil"
+msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon brun"
+msgid "\\Start recording"
+msgstr "\\Démarre l'enregistrement"
+msgid "\\Stop recording"
+msgstr "\\Stoppe l'enregistrement"
+msgid "Show the place"
+msgstr "Montre l'endroit"
+msgid "Continue"
+msgstr "Continuer"
+msgid "Command line"
+msgstr "Console de commande"
+msgid "Game speed"
+msgstr "Vitesse du jeu"
+msgid "Back"
+msgstr "Page précédente"
+msgid "Forward"
+msgstr "Page suivante"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Page initiale"
+msgid "Copy"
+msgstr "Copier"
+msgid "Size 1"
+msgstr "Taille 1"
+msgid "Size 2"
+msgstr "Taille 2"
+msgid "Size 3"
+msgstr "Taille 3"
+msgid "Size 4"
+msgstr "Taille 4"
+msgid "Size 5"
+msgstr "Taille 5"
+msgid "Instructions from Houston"
+msgstr "Instructions de Houston"
+msgid "Dictionnary"
+msgstr "Dictionnaire anglais-français"
+msgid "Satellite report"
+msgstr "Rapport du satellite"
+msgid "Programs dispatched by Houston"
+msgstr "Programmes envoyés par Houston"
+msgid "List of objects"
+msgstr "Liste des objets"
+msgid "Programming help"
+msgstr "Aide ŕ la programmation"
+msgid "Solution"
+msgstr "Solution"
+msgid "OK\\Close program editor and return to game"
+msgstr "D'accord\\Compiler le programme"
+msgid "Cancel\\Cancel all changes"
+msgstr "Annuler\\Annuler toutes les modifications"
+msgid "Open (Ctrl+o)"
+msgstr "Ouvrir (Ctrl+o)"
+msgid "Save (Ctrl+s)"
+msgstr "Enregistrer (Ctrl+s)"
+msgid "Undo (Ctrl+z)"
+msgstr "Annuler (Ctrl+z)"
+msgid "Cut (Ctrl+x)"
+msgstr "Couper (Ctrl+x)"
+msgid "Copy (Ctrl+c)"
+msgstr "Copier (Ctrl+c)"
+msgid "Paste (Ctrl+v)"
+msgstr "Coller (Ctrl+v)"
+msgid "Font size"
+msgstr "Taille des caractčres"
+msgid "Instructions (\\key help;)"
+msgstr "Instructions (\\key help;)"
+msgid "Programming help (\\key prog;)"
+msgstr "Aide ŕ la programmation (\\key prog;)"
+msgid "Compile"
+msgstr "Compiler"
+msgid "Execute/stop"
+msgstr "Démarrer/stopper"
+msgid "Pause/continue"
+msgstr "Pause/continuer"
+msgid "One step"
+msgstr "Un pas"
+msgid "Gantry crane"
+msgstr "Portique"
+msgid "Spaceship"
+msgstr "Vaisseau spatial"
+msgid "Derrick"
+msgstr "Derrick"
+msgid "Bot factory"
+msgstr "Fabrique de robots"
+msgid "Repair center"
+msgstr "Centre de réparation"
+msgid "Destroyer"
+msgstr "Destructeur"
+msgid "Power station"
+msgstr "Station de recharge"
+msgid "Converts ore to titanium"
+msgstr "Conversion minerai en titanium"
+msgid "Defense tower"
+msgstr "Tour de défense"
+msgid "Nest"
+msgstr "Nid"
+msgid "Research center"
+msgstr "Centre de recherches"
+msgid "Radar station"
+msgstr "Radar"
+msgid "Information exchange post"
+msgstr "Borne d'information"
+msgid "Disintegrator"
+msgstr "Désintégrateur"
+msgid "Power cell factory"
+msgstr "Fabrique de piles"
+msgid "Autolab"
+msgstr "Laboratoire de matičres organiques"
+msgid "Nuclear power station"
+msgstr "Centrale nucléaire"
+msgid "Lightning conductor"
+msgstr "Paratonnerre"
+msgid "Vault"
+msgstr "Coffre-fort"
+msgid "Houston Mission Control"
+msgstr "Centre de contrôle"
+msgid "Target"
+msgstr "Cible"
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Départ"
+msgid "Finish"
+msgstr "But"
+msgid "Titanium ore"
+msgstr "Minerai de titanium"
+msgid "Uranium ore"
+msgstr "Minerai d'uranium"
+msgid "Organic matter"
+msgstr "Matičre organique"
+msgid "Titanium"
+msgstr "Titanium"
+msgid "Power cell"
+msgstr "Pile normale"
+msgid "Nuclear power cell"
+msgstr "Pile nucléaire"
+msgid "Black box"
+msgstr "Boîte noire"
+msgid "Key A"
+msgstr "Clé A"
+msgid "Key B"
+msgstr "Clé B"
+msgid "Key C"
+msgstr "Clé C"
+msgid "Key D"
+msgstr "Clé D"
+msgid "Explosive"
+msgstr "Explosif"
+msgid "Fixed mine"
+msgstr "Mine fixe"
+msgid "Survival kit"
+msgstr "Sac de survie"
+msgid "Checkpoint"
+msgstr "Indicateur"
+msgid "Blue flag"
+msgstr "Drapeau bleu"
+msgid "Red flag"
+msgstr "Drapeau rouge"
+msgid "Green flag"
+msgstr "Drapeau vert"
+msgid "Yellow flag"
+msgstr "Drapeau jaune"
+msgid "Violet flag"
+msgstr "Drapeau violet"
+msgid "Energy deposit (site for power station)"
+msgstr "Emplacement pour station"
+msgid "Uranium deposit (site for derrick)"
+msgstr "Emplacement pour derrick (uranium)"
+msgid "Found key A (site for derrick)"
+msgstr "Emplacement pour derrick (clé A)"
+msgid "Found key B (site for derrick)"
+msgstr "Emplacement pour derrick (clé B)"
+msgid "Found key C (site for derrick)"
+msgstr "Emplacement pour derrick (clé C)"
+msgid "Found key D (site for derrick)"
+msgstr "Emplacement pour derrick (clé D)"
+msgid "Titanium deposit (site for derrick)"
+msgstr "Emplacement pour derrick (titanium)"
+msgid "Practice bot"
+msgstr "Robot d'entraînement"
+msgid "Winged grabber"
+msgstr "Robot déménageur"
+msgid "Tracked grabber"
+msgstr "Robot déménageur"
+msgid "Wheeled grabber"
+msgstr "Robot déménageur"
+msgid "Legged grabber"
+msgstr "Robot déménageur"
+msgid "Winged shooter"
+msgstr "Robot shooter"
+msgid "Tracked shooter"
+msgstr "Robot shooter"
+msgid "Wheeled shooter"
+msgstr "Robot shooter"
+msgid "Legged shooter"
+msgstr "Robot shooter"
+msgid "Winged orga shooter"
+msgstr "Robot orgaShooter"
+msgid "Tracked orga shooter"
+msgstr "Robot orgaShooter"
+msgid "Wheeled orga shooter"
+msgstr "Robot orgaShooter"
+msgid "Legged orga shooter"
+msgstr "Robot orgaShooter"
+msgid "Winged sniffer"
+msgstr "Robot renifleur"
+msgid "Tracked sniffer"
+msgstr "Robot renifleur"
+msgid "Wheeled sniffer"
+msgstr "Robot renifleur"
+msgid "Legged sniffer"
+msgstr "Robot renifleur"
+msgid "Thumper"
+msgstr "Robot secoueur"
+msgid "Phazer shooter"
+msgstr "Robot phazer"
+msgid "Recycler"
+msgstr "Robot recycleur"
+msgid "Shielder"
+msgstr "Robot bouclier"
+msgid "Subber"
+msgstr "Robot sous-marin"
+msgid "Target bot"
+msgstr "Cible d'entraînement"
+msgid "Drawer bot"
+msgstr "Robot dessinateur"
+msgid "Engineer"
+msgstr "Technicien"
+msgid "Robbie"
+msgstr "Robbie"
+msgid "Alien Queen"
+msgstr "Pondeuse"
+msgid "Ant"
+msgstr "Fourmi"
+msgid "Spider"
+msgstr "Araignée"
+msgid "Wasp"
+msgstr "Guępe"
+msgid "Worm"
+msgstr "Ver"
+msgid "Egg"
+msgstr "Oeuf"
+msgid "Wreckage"
+msgstr "Epave de robot"
+msgid "Ruin"
+msgstr "Bâtiment en ruine"
+msgid "Waste"
+msgstr "Déchet"
+msgid "Spaceship ruin"
+msgstr "Epave de vaisseau spatial"
+msgid "Remains of Apollo mission"
+msgstr "Vestige d'une mission Apollo"
+msgid "Lunar Roving Vehicle"
+msgstr "Lunar Roving Vehicle"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Erreur"
+msgid "Unknown command"
+msgstr "Commande inconnue"
+msgid "CeeBot not installed."
+msgstr "CeeBot n'est pas installé."
+msgid ""
+"Please insert the CeeBot CD\n"
+"and re-run the game."
+msgstr "Veuillez mettre le CD de CeeBot\net relancer le jeu."
+msgid "COLOBOT not installed."
+msgstr "COLOBOT n'est pas installé."
+msgid ""
+"Please insert the COLOBOT CD\n"
+"and re-run the game."
+msgstr "Veuillez mettre le CD de COLOBOT\net relancer le jeu."
+msgid "Inappropriate bot"
+msgstr "Robot inadapté"
+msgid "Impossible when flying"
+msgstr "Impossible en vol"
+msgid "Already carrying something"
+msgstr "Porte déjŕ quelque chose"
+msgid "Nothing to grab"
+msgstr "Rien ŕ prendre"
+msgid "Impossible when moving"
+msgstr "Impossible en mouvement"
+msgid "Place occupied"
+msgstr "Emplacement occupé"
+msgid "No other robot"
+msgstr "Pas d'autre robot"
+msgid "You can not carry a radioactive object"
+msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas transporter un objet radioactif"
+msgid "You can not carry an object under water"
+msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas transporter un objet sous l'eau"
+msgid "Nothing to drop"
+msgstr "Rien ŕ déposer"
+msgid "Impossible under water"
+msgstr "Impossible sous l'eau"
+msgid "Not enough energy"
+msgstr "Pas assez d'énergie"
+msgid "Titanium too far away"
+msgstr "Titanium trop loin"
+msgid "Titanium too close"
+msgstr "Titanium trop proche"
+msgid "No titanium around"
+msgstr "Titanium inexistant"
+msgid "Ground not flat enough"
+msgstr "Sol pas assez plat"
+msgid "Flat ground not large enough"
+msgstr "Sol plat pas assez grand"
+msgid "Too close to space ship"
+msgstr "Trop proche du vaisseau spatial"
+msgid "Too close to a building"
+msgstr "Trop proche d'un bâtiment"
+msgid "Ground inappropriate"
+msgstr "Terrain inadapté"
+msgid "Building too close"
+msgstr "Bâtiment trop proche"
+msgid "Object too close"
+msgstr "Objet trop proche"
+msgid "Nothing to recycle"
+msgstr "Rien ŕ recycler"
+msgid "No more energy"
+msgstr "Plus d'énergie"
+msgid "Error in instruction move"
+msgstr "Déplacement impossible"
+msgid "Object not found"
+msgstr "Objet n'existe pas"
+msgid "Goto: inaccessible destination"
+msgstr "Chemin introuvable"
+msgid "Goto: destination occupied"
+msgstr "Destination occupée"
+msgid "No titanium ore to convert"
+msgstr "Pas de minerai de titanium ŕ convertir"
+msgid "No ore in the subsoil"
+msgstr "Pas de minerai en sous-sol"
+msgid "No energy in the subsoil"
+msgstr "Pas d'énergie en sous-sol"
+msgid "No power cell"
+msgstr "Pas de pile"
+msgid "Inappropriate cell type"
+msgstr "Pas le bon type de pile"
+msgid "Research program already performed"
+msgstr "Recherche déjŕ effectuée"
+msgid "Not enough energy yet"
+msgstr "Pas encore assez d'énergie"
+msgid "No titanium to transform"
+msgstr "Pas de titanium ŕ transformer"
+msgid "Transforms only titanium"
+msgstr "Ne transforme que le titanium"
+msgid "Doors blocked by a robot or another object "
+msgstr "Portes bloquées par un robot ou un objet"
+msgid "You must get on the spaceship to take off "
+msgstr "Vous devez embarquer pour pouvoir décoller"
+msgid "Nothing to analyze"
+msgstr "Rien ŕ analyser"
+msgid "Analyzes only organic matter"
+msgstr "N'analyse que la matičre organique"
+msgid "Analysis already performed"
+msgstr "Analyse déjŕ effectuée"
+msgid "Not yet enough energy"
+msgstr "Pas encore assez d'énergie"
+msgid "No uranium to transform"
+msgstr "Pas d'uranium ŕ transformer"
+msgid "Transforms only uranium"
+msgstr "Ne transforme que l'uranium"
+msgid "No titanium"
+msgstr "Pas de titanium"
+msgid "No information exchange post within range"
+msgstr "Pas trouvé de borne d'information"
+msgid "Program infected by a virus"
+msgstr "Un programme est infecté par un virus"
+msgid "Infected by a virus, temporarily out of order"
+msgstr "Infecté par un virus, ne fonctionne plus temporairement"
+msgid "Impossible when swimming"
+msgstr "Impossible en nageant"
+msgid "Impossible when carrying an object"
+msgstr "Impossible en portant un objet"
+msgid "Too many flags of this color (maximum 5)"
+msgstr "Trop de drapeaux de cette couleur (maximum 5)"
+msgid "Too close to an existing flag"
+msgstr "Trop proche d'un drapeau existant"
+msgid "No flag nearby"
+msgstr "Aucun drapeau ŕ proximité"
+msgid "The mission is not accomplished yet (press \\key help; for more details)"
+msgstr "La misssion n'est pas terminée (appuyez sur \\key help; pour plus de détails)"
+msgid "Bot destroyed"
+msgstr "Robot détruit"
+msgid "Building destroyed"
+msgstr "Bâtiment détruit"
+msgid "Can not create this, there are too many objects"
+msgstr "Création impossible, il y a trop d'objets"
+msgid "\"%s\" missing in this exercise"
+msgstr "Il manque \"%s\" dans le programme"
+msgid "Do not use in this exercise"
+msgstr "Interdit dans cet exercice"
+msgid "Building completed"
+msgstr "Bâtiment terminé"
+msgid "Titanium available"
+msgstr "Titanium disponible"
+msgid "Research program completed"
+msgstr "Recherche terminée"
+msgid "Plans for tracked robots available "
+msgstr "Fabrication d'un robot ŕ chenilles possible"
+msgid "You can fly with the keys (\\key gup;) and (\\key gdown;)"
+msgstr "Il est possible de voler avec les touches (\\key gup;) et (\\key gdown;)"
+msgid "Plans for thumper available"
+msgstr "Fabrication d'un robot secoueur possible"
+msgid "Plans for shooter available"
+msgstr "Fabrication de robots shooter possible"
+msgid "Plans for defense tower available"
+msgstr "Construction d'une tour de défense possible"
+msgid "Plans for phazer shooter available"
+msgstr "Fabrication d'un robot phazer possible"
+msgid "Plans for shielder available"
+msgstr "Fabrication d'un robot bouclier possible"
+msgid "Plans for nuclear power plant available"
+msgstr "Construction d'une centrale nucléaire possible"
+msgid "New bot available"
+msgstr "Nouveau robot disponible"
+msgid "Analysis performed"
+msgstr "Analyse terminée"
+msgid "Power cell available"
+msgstr "Pile disponible"
+msgid "Nuclear power cell available"
+msgstr "Pile nucléaire disponible"
+msgid "You found a usable object"
+msgstr "Vous avez trouvé un objet utilisable"
+msgid "Found a site for power station"
+msgstr "Emplacement pour station trouvé"
+msgid "Found a site for a derrick"
+msgstr "Emplacement pour derrick trouvé"
+msgid "<<< Well done, mission accomplished >>>"
+msgstr "<<< Bravo, mission terminée >>>"
+msgid "<<< Sorry, mission failed >>>"
+msgstr "<<< Désolé, mission échouée >>>"
+msgid "Current mission saved"
+msgstr "Enregistrement effectué"
+msgid "Checkpoint crossed"
+msgstr "Indicateur atteint"
+msgid "Alien Queen killed"
+msgstr "Pondeuse mortellement touchée"
+msgid "Ant fatally wounded"
+msgstr "Fourmi mortellement touchée"
+msgid "Wasp fatally wounded"
+msgstr "Guępe mortellement touchée"
+msgid "Worm fatally wounded"
+msgstr "Ver mortellement touché"
+msgid "Spider fatally wounded"
+msgstr "Araignée mortellement touchée"
+msgid "Press \\key help; to read instructions on your SatCom"
+msgstr "Consultez votre SatCom en appuyant sur \\key help;"
+msgid "Opening bracket missing"
+msgstr "Il manque une parenthčse ouvrante"
+msgid "Closing bracket missing "
+msgstr "Il manque une parenthčse fermante"
+msgid "The expression must return a boolean value"
+msgstr "L'expression doit ętre un boolean"
+msgid "Variable not declared"
+msgstr "Variable non déclarée"
+msgid "Assignment impossible"
+msgstr "Assignation impossible"
+msgid "Semicolon terminator missing"
+msgstr "Terminateur point-virgule non trouvé"
+msgid "Instruction \"case\" outside a block \"switch\""
+msgstr "Instruction \"case\" hors d'un bloc \"switch\""
+msgid "Instructions after the final closing brace"
+msgstr "Instructions aprčs la fin"
+msgid "End of block missing"
+msgstr "Il manque la fin du bloc"
+msgid "Instruction \"else\" without corresponding \"if\" "
+msgstr "Instruction \"else\" sans \"if\" correspondant"
+msgid "Opening brace missing "
+msgstr "Début d'un bloc attendu"
+msgid "Wrong type for the assignment"
+msgstr "Mauvais type de résultat pour l'assignation"
+msgid "A variable can not be declared twice"
+msgstr "Redéfinition d'une variable"
+msgid "The types of the two operands are incompatible "
+msgstr "Les deux opérandes ne sont pas de types compatibles"
+msgid "Unknown function"
+msgstr "Routine inconnue"
+msgid "Sign \" : \" missing"
+msgstr "Séparateur \" : \" attendu"
+msgid "Keyword \"while\" missing"
+msgstr "Manque le mot \"while\""
+msgid "Instruction \"break\" outside a loop"
+msgstr "Instruction \"break\" en dehors d'une boucle"
+msgid "A label must be followed by \"for\", \"while\", \"do\" or \"switch\""
+msgstr "Un label ne peut se placer que devant un \"for\", un \"while\", un \"do\" ou un \"switch\""
+msgid "This label does not exist"
+msgstr "Cette étiquette n'existe pas"
+msgid "Instruction \"case\" missing"
+msgstr "Manque une instruction \"case\""
+msgid "Number missing"
+msgstr "Un nombre est attendu"
+msgid "Void parameter"
+msgstr "Paramčtre void"
+msgid "Type declaration missing"
+msgstr "Déclaration de type attendu"
+msgid "Variable name missing"
+msgstr "Nom d'une variable attendu"
+msgid "Function name missing"
+msgstr "Nom de la fonction attendu"
+msgid "Too many parameters"
+msgstr "Trop de paramčtres"
+msgid "Function already exists"
+msgstr "Cette fonction existe déjŕ"
+msgid "Parameters missing "
+msgstr "Pas assez de paramčtres"
+msgid "No function with this name accepts this kind of parameter"
+msgstr "Aucune fonction de ce nom n'accepte ce(s) type(s) de paramčtre(s)"
+msgid "No function with this name accepts this number of parameters"
+msgstr "Aucune fonction de ce nom n'accepte ce nombre de paramčtres"
+msgid "This is not a member of this class"
+msgstr "Cet élément n'existe pas dans cette classe"
+msgid "This object is not a member of a class"
+msgstr "L'objet n'est pas une instance d'une classe"
+msgid "Appropriate constructor missing"
+msgstr "Il n'y a pas de constructeur approprié"
+msgid "This class already exists"
+msgstr "Cette classe existe déjŕ"
+msgid "\" ] \" missing"
+msgstr "\" ] \" attendu"
+msgid "Reserved keyword of CBOT language"
+msgstr "Ce mot est réservé"
+msgid "Bad argument for \"new\""
+msgstr "Mauvais argument pour \"new\""
+msgid "\" [ \" expected"
+msgstr "\" [ \" attendu"
+msgid "String missing"
+msgstr "Une chaîne de caractčre est attendue"
+msgid "Incorrect index type"
+msgstr "Mauvais type d'index"
+msgid "Private element"
+msgstr "Elément protégé"
+msgid "Public required"
+msgstr "Public requis"
+msgid "Dividing by zero"
+msgstr "Division par zéro"
+msgid "Variable not initialized"
+msgstr "Variable non initialisée"
+msgid "Negative value rejected by \"throw\""
+msgstr "Valeur négative refusée pour \"throw\""
+msgid "The function returned no value "
+msgstr "La fonction n'a pas retourné de résultat"
+msgid "No function running"
+msgstr "Pas de fonction en exécution"
+msgid "Calling an unknown function"
+msgstr "Appel d'une fonction inexistante"
+msgid "This class does not exist"
+msgstr "Cette classe n'existe pas"
+msgid "Unknown Object"
+msgstr "Objet n'existe pas"
+msgid "Operation impossible with value \"nan\""
+msgstr "Opération sur un \"nan\""
+msgid "Access beyond array limit"
+msgstr "Accčs hors du tableau"
+msgid "Stack overflow"
+msgstr "Débordement de la pile"
+msgid "Illegal object"
+msgstr "Objet inaccessible"
+msgid "Can't open file"
+msgstr "Ouverture du fichier impossible"
+msgid "File not open"
+msgstr "Le fichier n'est pas ouvert"
+msgid "Read error"
+msgstr "Erreur ŕ la lecture"
+msgid "Write error"
+msgstr "Erreur ŕ l'écriture"
+msgid "< none >"
+msgstr "< aucune >"
+msgid "Arrow left"
+msgstr "Flčche Gauche"
+msgid "Arrow right"
+msgstr "Flčche Droite"
+msgid "Arrow up"
+msgstr "Flčche Haut"
+msgid "Arrow down"
+msgstr "Flčche Bas"
+msgid "Control-break"
+msgstr "Control-break"
+msgid "<--"
+msgstr "<--"
+msgid "Tab"
+msgstr "Tab"
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr "Clear"
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "Entrée"
+msgid "Shift"
+msgstr "Shift"
+msgid "Ctrl"
+msgstr "Ctrl"
+msgid "Alt"
+msgstr "Alt"
+msgid "Pause"
+msgstr "Pause"
+msgid "Caps Lock"
+msgstr "Caps Lock"
+msgid "Esc"
+msgstr "Esc"
+msgid "Space"
+msgstr "Espace"
+msgid "Page Up"
+msgstr "Page Up"
+msgid "Page Down"
+msgstr "Page Down"
+msgid "End"
+msgstr "End"
+msgid "Home Key"
+msgstr "Home"
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "Select"
+msgid "Execute"
+msgstr "Execute"
+msgid "Print Scrn"
+msgstr "Print Scrn"
+msgid "Insert"
+msgstr "Insert"
+msgid "Delete Key"
+msgstr "Delete"
+msgid "Help"
+msgstr "Help"
+msgid "Left Windows"
+msgstr "Left Windows"
+msgid "Right Windows"
+msgstr "Right Windows"
+msgid "Application key"
+msgstr "Application key"
+msgid "NumPad 0"
+msgstr "NumPad 0"
+msgid "NumPad 1"
+msgstr "NumPad 1"
+msgid "NumPad 2"
+msgstr "NumPad 2"
+msgid "NumPad 3"
+msgstr "NumPad 3"
+msgid "NumPad 4"
+msgstr "NumPad 4"
+msgid "NumPad 5"
+msgstr "NumPad 5"
+msgid "NumPad 6"
+msgstr "NumPad 6"
+msgid "NumPad 7"
+msgstr "NumPad 7"
+msgid "NumPad 8"
+msgstr "NumPad 8"
+msgid "NumPad 9"
+msgstr "NumPad 9"
+msgid "NumPad *"
+msgstr "NumPad *"
+msgid "NumPad +"
+msgstr "NumPad +"
+msgid "NumPad sep"
+msgstr "NumPad sep"
+msgid "NumPad -"
+msgstr "NumPad -"
+msgid "NumPad ."
+msgstr "NumPad ."
+msgid "NumPad /"
+msgstr "NumPad /"
+msgid "F1"
+msgstr "F1"
+msgid "F2"
+msgstr "F2"
+msgid "F3"
+msgstr "F3"
+msgid "F4"
+msgstr "F4"
+msgid "F5"
+msgstr "F5"
+msgid "F6"
+msgstr "F6"
+msgid "F7"
+msgstr "F7"
+msgid "F8"
+msgstr "F8"
+msgid "F9"
+msgstr "F9"
+msgid "F10"
+msgstr "F10"
+msgid "F11"
+msgstr "F11"
+msgid "F12"
+msgstr "F12"
+msgid "F13"
+msgstr "F13"
+msgid "F14"
+msgstr "F14"
+msgid "F15"
+msgstr "F15"
+msgid "F16"
+msgstr "F16"
+msgid "F17"
+msgstr "F17"
+msgid "F18"
+msgstr "F18"
+msgid "F19"
+msgstr "F19"
+msgid "F20"
+msgstr "F20"
+msgid "Num Lock"
+msgstr "Num Lock"
+msgid "Scroll"
+msgstr "Scroll"
+msgid "Attn"
+msgstr "Attn"
+msgid "CrSel"
+msgstr "CrSel"
+msgid "ExSel"
+msgstr "ExSel"
+msgid "Erase EOF"
+msgstr "Erase EOF"
+msgid "Play"
+msgstr "Play"
+msgid "Zoom"
+msgstr "Zoom"
+msgid "PA1"
+msgstr "PA1"
+msgid "Button 1"
+msgstr "Bouton 1"
+msgid "Button 2"
+msgstr "Bouton 2"
+msgid "Button 3"
+msgstr "Bouton 3"
+msgid "Button 4"
+msgstr "Bouton 4"
+msgid "Button 5"
+msgstr "Bouton 5"
+msgid "Button 6"
+msgstr "Bouton 6"
+msgid "Button 7"
+msgstr "Bouton 7"
+msgid "Button 8"
+msgstr "Bouton 8"
+msgid "Button 9"
+msgstr "Bouton 9"
+msgid "Button 10"
+msgstr "Bouton 10"
+msgid "Button 11"
+msgstr "Bouton 11"
+msgid "Button 12"
+msgstr "Bouton 12"
+msgid "Button 13"
+msgstr "Bouton 13"
+msgid "Button 14"
+msgstr "Bouton 14"
+msgid "Button 15"
+msgstr "Bouton 15"
+msgid "Button 16"
+msgstr "Bouton 16"
+msgid "Button 17"
+msgstr "Bouton 17"
+msgid "Button 18"
+msgstr "Bouton 18"
+msgid "Button 19"
+msgstr "Bouton 19"
+msgid "Button 20"
+msgstr "Bouton 20"
+msgid "Button 21"
+msgstr "Bouton 21"
+msgid "Button 22"
+msgstr "Bouton 22"
+msgid "Button 23"
+msgstr "Bouton 23"
+msgid "Button 24"
+msgstr "Bouton 24"
+msgid "Button 25"
+msgstr "Bouton 25"
+msgid "Button 26"
+msgstr "Bouton 26"
+msgid "Button 27"
+msgstr "Bouton 27"
+msgid "Button 28"
+msgstr "Bouton 28"
+msgid "Button 29"
+msgstr "Bouton 29"
+msgid "Button 30"
+msgstr "Bouton 30"
+msgid "Button 31"
+msgstr "Bouton 31"
+msgid "Button 32"
+msgstr "Bouton 32"
+msgid "Wheel up"
+msgstr "Molette haut"
+msgid "Wheel down"
+msgstr "Molette bas"
diff --git a/src/po/pl.po b/src/po/pl.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f5db21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/po/pl.po
@@ -0,0 +1,2097 @@
+msgid "1.18 /e"
+msgstr "Wersja 1.18 /pl"
+msgid "CeeBot-A 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-A 1.18"
+msgid "CeeBot-Teen EDU 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-Teen EDU 1.18"
+msgid "CeeBot-A EDU 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-A EDU 1.18"
+msgid "CeeBot-Teen PERSO 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-Teen PERSO 1.18"
+msgid "CeeBot-A PERSO 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-A PERSO 1.18"
+msgid "CeeBot-Teen DEMO 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-Teen DEMO 1.18"
+msgid "CeeBot-A DEMO 1.18"
+msgstr "CeeBot-A DEMO 1.18"
+msgid "Demo 1.18 /e"
+msgstr "Demo 1.18 /pl"
+msgid "SatCom"
+msgstr "SatCom"
+msgid "Maximize"
+msgstr "Powiększ"
+msgid "Minimize"
+msgstr "Pomniejsz"
+msgid "Normal size"
+msgstr "Normalna wielkość"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Zamknij"
+msgid "Program editor"
+msgstr "Edytor programu"
+msgid "New"
+msgstr "Nowy"
+msgid "Player"
+msgstr "Gracz"
+msgid "New ..."
+msgstr "Nowy ..."
+msgid " or "
+msgstr " lub "
+msgid "CeeBot"
+msgstr "CeeBot"
+msgid "COLOBOT"
+msgstr "COLOBOT"
+msgid "Programming exercises"
+msgstr "Ćwiczenia programistyczne"
+msgid "Challenges"
+msgstr "Wyzwania"
+msgid "Missions"
+msgstr "Misje"
+msgid "Free game"
+msgstr "Swobodna gra"
+msgid "User levels"
+msgstr "Poziomy użytkownika"
+msgid "Prototypes"
+msgstr "Prototypy"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opcje"
+msgid "Player's name"
+msgstr "Imię gracza"
+msgid "Customize your appearance"
+msgstr "Dostosuj wygląd"
+msgid "Save the current mission"
+msgstr "Zapisz bieżącą misję"
+msgid "Load a saved mission"
+msgstr "Wczytaj zapisaną misję"
+msgid " Chapters:"
+msgstr " Rozdziały:"
+msgid " Planets:"
+msgstr " Planety:"
+msgid " User levels:"
+msgstr " Poziomy użytkownika:"
+msgid " Exercises in the chapter:"
+msgstr " Ćwiczenia w tym rozdziale:"
+msgid " Challenges in the chapter:"
+msgstr " Wyzwania w tym rozdziale:"
+msgid " Missions on this planet:"
+msgstr " Misje na tej planecie:"
+msgid " Free game on this planet:"
+msgstr " Swobodna gra na tej planecie:"
+msgid " Missions on this level:"
+msgstr " Misje na tym poziomie:"
+msgid " Prototypes on this planet:"
+msgstr " Prototypy na tej planecie:"
+msgid " Free game on this chapter:"
+msgstr " Prototypy na tej planecie:"
+msgid " Summary:"
+msgstr " Streszczenie:"
+msgid " Drivers:"
+msgstr " Sterowniki:"
+msgid " Resolution:"
+msgstr " Rozdzielczość:"
+msgid "1) First click on the key you want to redefine."
+msgstr "1) Najpierw kliknij klawisz, który chcesz przedefiniować."
+msgid "2) Then press the key you want to use instead."
+msgstr "2) Następnie naciśnij klawisz, którego chcesz używać."
+msgid "Face type:"
+msgstr "Rodzaj twarzy:"
+msgid "Eyeglasses:"
+msgstr "Okulary:"
+msgid "Hair color:"
+msgstr "Kolor włosów:"
+msgid "Suit color:"
+msgstr "Kolor skafandra:"
+msgid "Strip color:"
+msgstr "Kolor pasków:"
+msgid "Do you want to quit CeeBot ?"
+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz opuścić grę CeeBot?"
+msgid "Quit\\Quit CeeBot"
+msgstr "Zakończ\\Kończy grę CeeBot"
+msgid "Do you want to quit COLOBOT ?"
+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz opuścić grę COLOBOT?"
+msgid "Quit\\Quit COLOBOT"
+msgstr "Zakończ\\Kończy grę COLOBOT"
+msgid "Quit the mission?"
+msgstr "Opuścić misję?"
+msgid "Abort\\Abort the current mission"
+msgstr "Przerwij\\Przerywa bieżącą misję"
+msgid "Continue\\Continue the current mission"
+msgstr "Kontynuuj\\Kontynuuje bieżącą misję"
+msgid "Continue\\Continue the game"
+msgstr "Kontynuuj\\Kontynuuje grę"
+msgid "Do you really want to destroy the selected building?"
+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz zniszczyć zaznaczony budynek?"
+msgid "Do you want to delete %s's saved games? "
+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz skasować zapisane gry gracza %s? "
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Usuń"
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Anuluj"
+msgid "LOADING"
+msgid "Keyword help(\\key cbot;)"
+msgstr "Skróty klawiszowe (\\key cbot;)"
+msgid "Compilation ok (0 errors)"
+msgstr "Program skompilowany (0 błędów)"
+msgid "Program finished"
+msgstr "Program zakończony"
+msgid "\\b;List of objects\n"
+msgstr "\\b;Lista obiektów\n"
+msgid "\\b;Robots\n"
+msgstr "\\b;Roboty\n"
+msgid "\\b;Buildings\n"
+msgstr "\\b;Budynki\n"
+msgid "\\b;Moveable objects\n"
+msgstr "\\b;Obiekty ruchome\n"
+msgid "\\b;Aliens\n"
+msgstr "\\b;Obcy\n"
+msgid "\\c; (none)\\n;\n"
+msgstr "\\c; (brak)\\n;\n"
+msgid "\\b;Error\n"
+msgstr "\\b;Błąd\n"
+msgid "The list is only available if a \\l;radar station\\u object\\radar; is working.\n"
+msgstr "Lista jest dostępna jedynie gdy działa \\l;stacja radarowa\\u object\\radar;.\n"
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "Otwórz"
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Zapisz"
+msgid "Folder: %s"
+msgstr "Folder: %s"
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nazwa:"
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Folder:"
+msgid "Private\\Private folder"
+msgstr "Prywatny\\Folder prywatny"
+msgid "Public\\Common folder"
+msgstr "Publiczny\\Folder ogólnodostępny"
+msgid "Developed by :"
+msgstr "Twórcy:"
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+msgid " "
+msgstr " "
+msgid "Recorder"
+msgstr "Recorder"
+msgid "OK"
+msgstr "OK"
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Następny"
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Poprzedni"
+msgid "Menu (\\key quit;)"
+msgstr "Menu (\\key quit;)"
+msgid "Exercises\\Programming exercises"
+msgstr "Ćwiczenia\\Ćwiczenia programistyczne"
+msgid "Challenges\\Programming challenges"
+msgstr "Wyzwania\\Wyzwania programistyczne"
+msgid "Missions\\Select mission"
+msgstr "Misje\\Wybierz misję"
+msgid "Free game\\Free game without a specific goal"
+msgstr "Swobodna gra\\Swobodna gra bez konkretnych celów"
+msgid "User\\User levels"
+msgstr "Poziomy\\Poziomy użytkownika"
+msgid "Proto\\Prototypes under development"
+msgstr "Prototypy\\Prototypy w trakcie rozwijania"
+msgid "New player\\Choose player's name"
+msgstr "Nowy gracz\\Wybierz imię gracza"
+msgid "Options\\Preferences"
+msgstr "Opcje\\Preferencje"
+msgid "Restart\\Restart the mission from the beginning"
+msgstr "Uruchom ponownie\\Uruchamia ponownie misję od początku"
+msgid "Save\\Save the current mission "
+msgstr "Zapisz\\Zapisuje bieżącą misję"
+msgid "Load\\Load a saved mission"
+msgstr "Wczytaj\\Wczytuje zapisaną misję"
+msgid "\\Return to CeeBot"
+msgstr "\\Powróć do gry CeeBot"
+msgid "\\Return to COLOBOT"
+msgstr "\\Powróć do gry COLOBOT"
+msgid "<< Back \\Back to the previous screen"
+msgstr "<< Wstecz \\Wraca do poprzedniego ekranu"
+msgid "Play\\Start mission!"
+msgstr "Graj\\Rozpoczyna misję!"
+msgid "Device\\Driver and resolution settings"
+msgstr "Urządzenie\\Ustawienia sterownika i rozdzielczości"
+msgid "Graphics\\Graphics settings"
+msgstr "Grafika\\Ustawienia grafiki"
+msgid "Game\\Game settings"
+msgstr "Gra\\Ustawienia gry"
+msgid "Controls\\Keyboard, joystick and mouse settings"
+msgstr "Sterowanie\\Ustawienia klawiatury, joysticka i myszy"
+msgid "Sound\\Music and game sound volume"
+msgstr "Dźwięk\\Głośność muzyki i dźwięków gry"
+msgid "Unit"
+msgstr "Jednostka"
+msgid "Resolution"
+msgstr "Rozdzielczość"
+msgid "Full screen\\Full screen or window mode"
+msgstr "Pełny ekran\\Pełny ekran lub tryb okna"
+msgid "Apply changes\\Activates the changed settings"
+msgstr "Zastosuj zmiany\\Aktywuje zmienione ustawienia"
+msgid "Robbie\\Your assistant"
+msgstr "Robbie\\Twój asystent"
+msgid "Shadows\\Shadows on the ground"
+msgstr "Cienie\\Cienie na ziemi"
+msgid "Marks on the ground\\Marks on the ground"
+msgstr "Znaki na ziemi\\Znaki na ziemi"
+msgid "Dust\\Dust and dirt on bots and buildings"
+msgstr "Kurz\\Kurz i bród na robotach i budynkach"
+msgid "Fog\\Fog"
+msgstr "Mgła\\Mgła"
+msgid "Sunbeams\\Sunbeams in the sky"
+msgstr "Promienie słoneczne\\Promienie słoneczne na niebie"
+msgid "Sky\\Clouds and nebulae"
+msgstr "Niebo\\Chmury i mgławice"
+msgid "Planets and stars\\Astronomical objects in the sky"
+msgstr "Planety i gwiazdy\\Obiekty astronomiczne na niebie"
+msgid "Dynamic lighting\\Mobile light sources"
+msgstr "Dynamiczne oświetlenie\\Ruchome źródła światła"
+msgid "Number of particles\\Explosions, dust, reflections, etc."
+msgstr "Liczba cząstek\\Wybuchy, kurz, odbicia, itp."
+msgid "Depth of field\\Maximum visibility"
+msgstr "Głębokość pola\\Maksymalna widoczność"
+msgid "Details\\Visual quality of 3D objects"
+msgstr "Szczegóły\\Jakość wizualna obiektów 3D"
+msgid "Textures\\Quality of textures "
+msgstr "Tekstury\\Jakość tekstur "
+msgid "Num of decorative objects\\Number of purely ornamental objects"
+msgstr "Ilość elementów dekoracyjnych \\Ilość elementów czysto dekoracyjnych"
+msgid "Particles in the interface\\Steam clouds and sparks in the interface"
+msgstr "Cząstki w interfejsie\\Para i iskry z silników w interfejsie"
+msgid "Reflections on the buttons \\Shiny buttons"
+msgstr "Odbicia na przyciskach \\Świecące przyciski"
+msgid "Help balloons\\Explain the function of the buttons"
+msgstr "Dymki pomocy\\Wyjaśnia funkcje przycisków"
+msgid "Film sequences\\Films before and after the missions"
+msgstr "Sekwencje filmowe\\Filmy przed rozpoczęciem i na zakończenie misji"
+msgid "Exit film\\Film at the exit of exercises"
+msgstr "Końcowy film\\Film na zakończenie ćwiczeń"
+msgid "Friendly fire\\Your shooting can damage your own objects "
+msgstr "Przyjacielski ogień\\Własne strzały uszkadzają Twoje obiekty"
+msgid "Scrolling\\Scrolling when the mouse touches right or left border"
+msgstr "Przewijanie\\Ekran jest przewijany gdy mysz dotknie prawej lub lewej jego krawędzi"
+msgid "Mouse inversion X\\Inversion of the scrolling direction on the X axis"
+msgstr "Odwrócenie myszy X\\Odwrócenie kierunków przewijania w poziomie"
+msgid "Mouse inversion Y\\Inversion of the scrolling direction on the Y axis"
+msgstr "Odwrócenie myszy Y\\Odwrócenie kierunków przewijania w pionie"
+msgid "Quake at explosions\\The screen shakes at explosions"
+msgstr "Wstrząsy przy wybuchach\\Ekran trzęsie się podczas wybuchów"
+msgid "Mouse shadow\\Gives the mouse a shadow"
+msgstr "Cień kursora myszy\\Dodaje cień kursorowi myszy"
+msgid "Automatic indent\\When program editing"
+msgstr "Automatyczne wcięcia\\Automatyczne wcięcia podczas edycji programu"
+msgid "Big indent\\Indent 2 or 4 spaces per level defined by braces"
+msgstr "Duże wcięcie\\2 lub 4 spacje wcięcia na każdy poziom zdefiniowany przez klamry"
+msgid "Access to solutions\\Show program \"4: Solution\" in the exercises"
+msgstr "Accčs aux solutions\\Programme \"4: Solution\" dans les exercices"
+msgid "Standard controls\\Standard key functions"
+msgstr "Standardowa kontrola\\Standardowe klawisze funkcyjne"
+msgid "Turn left\\turns the bot to the left"
+msgstr "Skręć w lewo\\Obraca robota w lewo"
+msgid "Turn right\\turns the bot to the right"
+msgstr "Obróć w prawo\\Obraca robota w prawo"
+msgid "Forward\\Moves forward"
+msgstr "Naprzód\\Porusza do przodu"
+msgid "Backward\\Moves backward"
+msgstr "Wstecz\\Porusza do tyłu"
+msgid "Climb\\Increases the power of the jet"
+msgstr "W górę\\Zwiększa moc silnika"
+msgid "Descend\\Reduces the power of the jet"
+msgstr "W dół\\Zmniejsza moc silnika"
+msgid "Change camera\\Switches between onboard camera and following camera"
+msgstr "Zmień kamerę\\Przełącza pomiędzy kamerą pokładową i śledzącą"
+msgid "Previous object\\Selects the previous object"
+msgstr "Poprzedni obiekt\\Zaznacz poprzedni obiekt"
+msgid "Standard action\\Standard action of the bot (take/grab, shoot, sniff, etc)"
+msgstr "Standardowa akcja\\Standardowa akcja robota (podnieś/upuść, strzelaj, szukaj, itp.)"
+msgid "Camera closer\\Moves the camera forward"
+msgstr "Kamera bliżej\\Przybliża kamerę"
+msgid "Camera back\\Moves the camera backward"
+msgstr "Kamera dalej\\Oddala kamerę"
+msgid "Next object\\Selects the next object"
+msgstr "Następny obiekt\\Zaznacza następny obiekt"
+msgid "Select the astronaut\\Selects the astronaut"
+msgstr "Zaznacz astronautę\\Zaznacza astronautę"
+msgid "Quit\\Quit the current mission or exercise"
+msgstr "Zakończ\\Kończy bieżącą misję lub ćwiczenie"
+msgid "Instructions\\Shows the instructions for the current mission"
+msgstr "Rozkazy\\Pokazuje rozkazy dotyczące bieżącej misji"
+msgid "Programming help\\Gives more detailed help with programming"
+msgstr "Podręcznik programowania\\Dostarcza szczegółową pomoc w programowaniu"
+msgid "Key word help\\More detailed help about key words"
+msgstr "Pomoc dot. słów kluczowych\\Dokładniejsza pomoc na temat słów kluczowych"
+msgid "Origin of last message\\Shows where the last message was sent from"
+msgstr "Miejsce nadania wiadomości\\Pokazuje skąd została wysłana ostatnia wiadomość"
+msgid "Speed 1.0x\\Normal speed"
+msgstr "Prędkość 1,0x\\Prędkość normalna"
+msgid "Speed 1.5x\\1.5 times faster"
+msgstr "Prędkość 1,5x\\1,5 raza szybciej"
+msgid "Speed 2.0x\\Double speed"
+msgstr "Prędkość 2,0x\\Dwa razy szybciej"
+msgid "Speed 3.0x\\Three times faster"
+msgstr "Prędkość 3,0x\\Trzy razy szybciej"
+msgid "Sound effects:\\Volume of engines, voice, shooting, etc."
+msgstr "Efekty dźwiękowe:\\Głośność silników, głosów, strzałów, itp."
+msgid "Background sound :\\Volume of audio tracks on the CD"
+msgstr "Muzyka w tle :\\Głośność ścieżek dźwiękowych z płyty CD"
+msgid "3D sound\\3D positioning of the sound"
+msgstr "Dźwięk 3D\\Przestrzenne pozycjonowanie dźwięków"
+msgid "Lowest\\Minimum graphic quality (highest frame rate)"
+msgstr "Najniższa\\Minimalna jakość grafiki (najwyższa częstotliwość odświeżania)"
+msgid "Normal\\Normal graphic quality"
+msgstr "Normalna\\Normalna jakość grafiki"
+msgid "Highest\\Highest graphic quality (lowest frame rate)"
+msgstr "Najwyższa\\Maksymalna jakość grafiki (najniższa częstotliwość odświeżania)"
+msgid "Mute\\No sound"
+msgstr "Cisza\\Brak dźwięków"
+msgid "Normal\\Normal sound volume"
+msgstr "Normalne\\Normalna głośność dźwięków"
+msgid "Use a joystick\\Joystick or keyboard"
+msgstr "Używaj joysticka\\Joystick lub klawiatura"
+msgid "Access to solution\\Shows the solution (detailed instructions for missions)"
+msgstr "Dostęp do rozwiązania\\Pokazuje rozwiązanie (szczegółowe instrukcje dotyczące misji)"
+msgid "\\New player name"
+msgstr "\\Nowe imię gracza"
+msgid "OK\\Choose the selected player"
+msgstr "OK\\Wybiera zaznaczonego gracza"
+msgid "Cancel\\Keep current player name"
+msgstr "Anuluj\\Zachowuje bieżące imię gracza"
+msgid "Delete player\\Deletes the player from the list"
+msgstr "Usuń gracza\\Usuwa gracza z listy"
+msgid "Player name"
+msgstr "Imię gracza"
+msgid "Save\\Saves the current mission"
+msgstr "Zapisz\\Zapisuje bieżącą misję"
+msgid "Load\\Loads the selected mission"
+msgstr "Wczytaj\\Wczytuje zaznaczoną misję"
+msgid "List of saved missions"
+msgstr "Lista zapisanych misji"
+msgid "Filename:"
+msgstr "Nazwa pliku:"
+msgid "Mission name"
+msgstr "Nazwa misji"
+msgid "Photography"
+msgstr "Fotografia"
+msgid "Delete\\Deletes the selected file"
+msgstr "Usuń\\Usuwa zaznaczony plik"
+msgid "Appearance\\Choose your appearance"
+msgstr "Wygląd\\Wybierz swoją postać"
+msgid "Standard\\Standard appearance settings"
+msgstr "Standardowe\\Standardowe ustawienia wyglądu"
+msgid "Head\\Face and hair"
+msgstr "Głowa\\Twarz i włosy"
+msgid "Suit\\Astronaut suit"
+msgstr "Skafander\\Skafander astronauty"
+msgid "\\Turn left"
+msgstr "\\Obróć w lewo"
+msgid "\\Turn right"
+msgstr "\\Obróć w prawo"
+msgid "Red"
+msgstr "Czerwony"
+msgid "Green"
+msgstr "Zielony"
+msgid "Blue"
+msgstr "Niebieski"
+msgid "\\Face 1"
+msgstr "\\Twarz 1"
+msgid "\\Face 4"
+msgstr "\\Twarz 4"
+msgid "\\Face 3"
+msgstr "\\Twarz 3"
+msgid "\\Face 2"
+msgstr "\\Twarz 2"
+msgid "\\No eyeglasses"
+msgstr "\\Bez okularów"
+msgid "\\Eyeglasses 1"
+msgstr "\\Okulary 1"
+msgid "\\Eyeglasses 2"
+msgstr "\\Okulary 2"
+msgid "\\Eyeglasses 3"
+msgstr "\\Okulary 3"
+msgid "\\Eyeglasses 4"
+msgstr "\\Okulary 4"
+msgid "\\Eyeglasses 5"
+msgstr "\\Okulary 5"
+msgid "Previous selection (\\key desel;)"
+msgstr "Poprzednie zaznaczenie (\\key desel;)"
+msgid "Turn left (\\key left;)"
+msgstr "Skręć w lewo (\\key left;)"
+msgid "Turn right (\\key right;)"
+msgstr "Skręć w prawo (\\key right;)"
+msgid "Forward (\\key up;)"
+msgstr "Naprzód (\\key up;)"
+msgid "Backward (\\key down;)"
+msgstr "Cofnij (\\key down;)"
+msgid "Up (\\key gup;)"
+msgstr "Góra (\\key gup;)"
+msgid "Down (\\key gdown;)"
+msgstr "Dół (\\key gdown;)"
+msgid "Grab or drop (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Podnieś lub upuść (\\key action;)"
+msgid " front"
+msgstr "..przed"
+msgid "..behind"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "..power cell"
+msgstr "..ogniwo elektryczne"
+msgid "Instructions for the mission (\\key help;)"
+msgstr "Rozkazy dotyczące misji (\\key help;)"
+msgid "Take off to finish the mission"
+msgstr "Odleć, aby zakończyć misję"
+msgid "Build a derrick"
+msgstr "Zbuduj kopalnię"
+msgid "Build a power station"
+msgstr "Zbuduj elektrownię"
+msgid "Build a bot factory"
+msgstr "Zbuduj fabrykę robotów"
+msgid "Build a repair center"
+msgstr "Zbuduj warsztat"
+msgid "Build a converter"
+msgstr "Zbuduj hutę"
+msgid "Build a defense tower"
+msgstr "Zbuduj wieżę obronną"
+msgid "Build a research center"
+msgstr "Zbuduj centrum badawcze"
+msgid "Build a radar station"
+msgstr "Zbuduj stację radarową"
+msgid "Build a power cell factory"
+msgstr "Zbuduj fabrykę ogniw elektrycznych"
+msgid "Build an autolab"
+msgstr "Zbuduj laboratorium"
+msgid "Build a nuclear power plant"
+msgstr "Zbuduj elektrownię atomową"
+msgid "Build a lightning conductor"
+msgstr "Zbuduj odgromnik"
+msgid "Build a exchange post"
+msgstr "Zbuduj stację przekaźnikową"
+msgid "Show if the ground is flat"
+msgstr "Pokaż czy teren jest płaski"
+msgid "Plant a flag"
+msgstr "Postaw flagę"
+msgid "Remove a flag"
+msgstr "Usuń flagę"
+msgid "\\Blue flags"
+msgstr "\\Niebieskie flagi"
+msgid "\\Red flags"
+msgstr "\\Czerwone flagi"
+msgid "\\Green flags"
+msgstr "\\Zielone flagi"
+msgid "\\Yellow flags"
+msgstr "\\Żółte flagi"
+msgid "\\Violet flags"
+msgstr "\\Fioletowe flagi"
+msgid "Build a winged grabber"
+msgstr "Zbuduj transporter latający"
+msgid "Build a tracked grabber"
+msgstr "Zbuduj transporter na gąsienicach"
+msgid "Build a wheeled grabber"
+msgstr "Zbuduj transporter na kołach"
+msgid "Build a legged grabber"
+msgstr "Zbuduj transporter na nogach"
+msgid "Build a winged shooter"
+msgstr "Zbuduj działo latające"
+msgid "Build a tracked shooter"
+msgstr "Zbuduj działo na gąsienicach"
+msgid "Build a wheeled shooter"
+msgstr "Zbuduj działo na kołach"
+msgid "Build a legged shooter"
+msgstr "Zbuduj działo na nogach"
+msgid "Build a winged orga shooter"
+msgstr "Zbuduj latające działo organiczne"
+msgid "Build a tracked orga shooter"
+msgstr "Zbuduj działo organiczne na gąsienicach"
+msgid "Build a wheeled orga shooter"
+msgstr "Zbuduj działo organiczne na kołach"
+msgid "Build a legged orga shooter"
+msgstr "Zbuduj działo organiczne na nogach"
+msgid "Build a winged sniffer"
+msgstr "Zbuduj szperacz latający"
+msgid "Build a tracked sniffer"
+msgstr "Zbuduj szperacz na gąsienicach"
+msgid "Build a wheeled sniffer"
+msgstr "Zbuduj szperacz na kołach"
+msgid "Build a legged sniffer"
+msgstr "Zbuduj szperacz na nogach"
+msgid "Build a thumper"
+msgstr "Zbuduj robota uderzacza"
+msgid "Build a phazer shooter"
+msgstr "Zbuduj działo fazowe"
+msgid "Build a recycler"
+msgstr "Zbuduj robota recyklera"
+msgid "Build a shielder"
+msgstr "Zbuduj robota osłaniajacza"
+msgid "Build a subber"
+msgstr "Zbuduj robota nurka"
+msgid "Run research program for tracked bots"
+msgstr "Rozpocznij prace badawcze nad transporterem na gąsienicach"
+msgid "Run research program for winged bots"
+msgstr "Rozpocznij prace badawcze nad transporterem latającym"
+msgid "Run research program for thumper"
+msgstr "Rozpocznij prace badawcze nad robotem uderzaczem"
+msgid "Run research program for shooter"
+msgstr "Rozpocznij prace badawcze nad działem"
+msgid "Run research program for defense tower"
+msgstr "Rozpocznij prace badawcze nad wieżą obronną"
+msgid "Run research program for phazer shooter"
+msgstr "Rozpocznij prace badawcze nad działem fazowym"
+msgid "Run research program for shielder"
+msgstr "Rozpocznij prace badawcze nad robotem osłaniaczem"
+msgid "Run research program for nuclear power"
+msgstr "Rozpocznij prace badawcze nad energią atomową"
+msgid "Run research program for legged bots"
+msgstr "Rozpocznij prace badawcze nad transporterem na nogach"
+msgid "Run research program for orga shooter"
+msgstr "Rozpocznij prace badawcze nad działem organicznym"
+msgid "Return to start"
+msgstr "Powrót do początku"
+msgid "Sniff (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Szukaj (\\key action;)"
+msgid "Thump (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Uderz (\\key action;)"
+msgid "Shoot (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Strzelaj (\\key action;)"
+msgid "Recycle (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Odzyskaj (\\key action;)"
+msgid "Extend shield (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Rozszerz osłonę (\\key action;)"
+msgid "Withdraw shield (\\key action;)"
+msgstr "Wyłącz osłonę (\\key action;)"
+msgid "Shield radius"
+msgstr "Zasięg osłony"
+msgid "Execute the selected program"
+msgstr "Wykonaj zaznaczony program"
+msgid "Edit the selected program"
+msgstr "Edytuj zaznaczony program"
+msgid "\\SatCom on standby"
+msgstr "\\Przełącz przekaźnik SatCom w stan gotowości"
+msgid "Destroy the building"
+msgstr "Zniszcz budynek"
+msgid "Energy level"
+msgstr "Poziom energii"
+msgid "Shield level"
+msgstr "Poziom osłony"
+msgid "Jet temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatura silnika"
+msgid "Still working ..."
+msgstr "Wciąż pracuje..."
+msgid "Number of insects detected"
+msgstr "Liczba wykrytych insektów"
+msgid "Transmitted information"
+msgstr "Przesłane informacje"
+msgid "Compass"
+msgstr "Kompas"
+msgid "Mini-map"
+msgstr "Mapka"
+msgid "Zoom mini-map"
+msgstr "Powiększenie mapki"
+msgid "Camera (\\key camera;)"
+msgstr "Kamera (\\key camera;)"
+msgid "Camera to left"
+msgstr "Camera to left"
+msgid "Camera to right"
+msgstr "Camera to right"
+msgid "Camera nearest"
+msgstr "Camera nearest"
+msgid "Camera awayest"
+msgstr "Camera awayest"
+msgid "Help about selected object"
+msgstr "Pomoc na temat zaznaczonego obiektu"
+msgid "Show the solution"
+msgstr "Pokaż rozwiązanie"
+msgid "Switch bots <-> buildings"
+msgstr "Przełącz roboty <-> budynki"
+msgid "Show the range"
+msgstr "Pokaż zasięg"
+msgid "\\Raise the pencil"
+msgstr "\\Relčve le crayon"
+msgid "\\Use the black pencil"
+msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon noir"
+msgid "\\Use the yellow pencil"
+msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon jaune"
+msgid "\\Use the orange pencil"
+msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon orange"
+msgid "\\Use the red pencil"
+msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon rouge"
+msgid "\\Use the purple pencil"
+msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon violet"
+msgid "\\Use the blue pencil"
+msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon bleu"
+msgid "\\Use the green pencil"
+msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon vert"
+msgid "\\Use the brown pencil"
+msgstr "\\Abaisse le crayon brun"
+msgid "\\Start recording"
+msgstr "\\Démarre l'enregistrement"
+msgid "\\Stop recording"
+msgstr "\\Stoppe l'enregistrement"
+msgid "Show the place"
+msgstr "Pokaż miejsce"
+msgid "Continue"
+msgstr "Kontynuuj"
+msgid "Command line"
+msgstr "Linia polecenia"
+msgid "Game speed"
+msgstr "Prędkość gry"
+msgid "Back"
+msgstr "Wstecz"
+msgid "Forward"
+msgstr "Naprzód"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Początek"
+msgid "Copy"
+msgstr "Kopiuj"
+msgid "Size 1"
+msgstr "Wielkość 1"
+msgid "Size 2"
+msgstr "Wielkość 2"
+msgid "Size 3"
+msgstr "Wielkość 3"
+msgid "Size 4"
+msgstr "Wielkość 4"
+msgid "Size 5"
+msgstr "Wielkość 5"
+msgid "Instructions from Houston"
+msgstr "Rozkazy z Houston"
+msgid "Dictionnary"
+msgstr "Raport z satelity"
+msgid "Satellite report"
+msgstr "Raport z satelity"
+msgid "Programs dispatched by Houston"
+msgstr "Program dostarczony z Houston"
+msgid "List of objects"
+msgstr "Lista obiektów"
+msgid "Programming help"
+msgstr "Podręcznik programowania"
+msgid "Solution"
+msgstr "Rozwiązanie"
+msgid "OK\\Close program editor and return to game"
+msgstr "OK\\Zamyka edytor programu i powraca do gry"
+msgid "Cancel\\Cancel all changes"
+msgstr "Anuluj\\Pomija wszystkie zmiany"
+msgid "Open (Ctrl+o)"
+msgstr "Otwórz (Ctrl+O)"
+msgid "Save (Ctrl+s)"
+msgstr "Zapisz (Ctrl+S)"
+msgid "Undo (Ctrl+z)"
+msgstr "Cofnij (Ctrl+Z)"
+msgid "Cut (Ctrl+x)"
+msgstr "Wytnij (Ctrl+X)"
+msgid "Copy (Ctrl+c)"
+msgstr "Kopiuj (Ctrl+C)"
+msgid "Paste (Ctrl+v)"
+msgstr "Wklej (Ctrl+V)"
+msgid "Font size"
+msgstr "Wielkość czcionki"
+msgid "Instructions (\\key help;)"
+msgstr "Rozkazy (\\key help;)"
+msgid "Programming help (\\key prog;)"
+msgstr "Podręcznik programowania (\\key prog;)"
+msgid "Compile"
+msgstr "Kompiluj"
+msgid "Execute/stop"
+msgstr "Wykonaj/Zatrzymaj"
+msgid "Pause/continue"
+msgstr "Pauza/Kontynuuj"
+msgid "One step"
+msgstr "Jeden krok"
+msgid "Gantry crane"
+msgstr "Żuraw przesuwalny"
+msgid "Spaceship"
+msgstr "Statek kosmiczny"
+msgid "Derrick"
+msgstr "Kopalnia"
+msgid "Bot factory"
+msgstr "Fabryka robotów"
+msgid "Repair center"
+msgstr "Warsztat"
+msgid "Destroyer"
+msgstr "Destroyer"
+msgid "Power station"
+msgstr "Stacja energetyczna"
+msgid "Converts ore to titanium"
+msgstr "Przetop rudę na tytan"
+msgid "Defense tower"
+msgstr "Wieża obronna"
+msgid "Nest"
+msgstr "Gniazdo"
+msgid "Research center"
+msgstr "Centrum badawcze"
+msgid "Radar station"
+msgstr "Stacja radarowa"
+msgid "Information exchange post"
+msgstr "Stacja przekaźnikowa informacji"
+msgid "Disintegrator"
+msgstr "Fabryka ogniw elektrycznych"
+msgid "Power cell factory"
+msgstr "Fabryka ogniw elektrycznych"
+msgid "Autolab"
+msgstr "Laboratorium"
+msgid "Nuclear power station"
+msgstr "Elektrownia atomowa"
+msgid "Lightning conductor"
+msgstr "Odgromnik"
+msgid "Vault"
+msgstr "Skrytka"
+msgid "Houston Mission Control"
+msgstr "Centrum Kontroli Misji w Houston"
+msgid "Target"
+msgstr "Cel"
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Początek"
+msgid "Finish"
+msgstr "Koniec"
+msgid "Titanium ore"
+msgstr "Ruda tytanu"
+msgid "Uranium ore"
+msgstr "Ruda uranu"
+msgid "Organic matter"
+msgstr "Materia organiczna"
+msgid "Titanium"
+msgstr "Tytan"
+msgid "Power cell"
+msgstr "Ogniwo elektryczne"
+msgid "Nuclear power cell"
+msgstr "Atomowe ogniwa elektryczne"
+msgid "Black box"
+msgstr "Czarna skrzynka"
+msgid "Key A"
+msgstr "Klucz A"
+msgid "Key B"
+msgstr "Klucz B"
+msgid "Key C"
+msgstr "Klucz C"
+msgid "Key D"
+msgstr "Klucz D"
+msgid "Explosive"
+msgstr "Materiały wybuchowe"
+msgid "Fixed mine"
+msgstr "Mina"
+msgid "Survival kit"
+msgstr "Zestaw przetrwania"
+msgid "Checkpoint"
+msgstr "Punkt kontrolny"
+msgid "Blue flag"
+msgstr "Niebieska flaga"
+msgid "Red flag"
+msgstr "Czerwona flaga"
+msgid "Green flag"
+msgstr "Zielona flaga"
+msgid "Yellow flag"
+msgstr "Żółta flaga"
+msgid "Violet flag"
+msgstr "Fioletowa flaga"
+msgid "Energy deposit (site for power station)"
+msgstr "Źródło energii (miejsce na elektrownię)"
+msgid "Uranium deposit (site for derrick)"
+msgstr "Złoże uranu (miejsce na kopalnię)"
+msgid "Found key A (site for derrick)"
+msgstr "Znaleziono klucz A (miejsce na kopalnię)"
+msgid "Found key B (site for derrick)"
+msgstr "Znaleziono klucz B (miejsce na kopalnię)"
+msgid "Found key C (site for derrick)"
+msgstr "Znaleziono klucz C (miejsce na kopalnię)"
+msgid "Found key D (site for derrick)"
+msgstr "Znaleziono klucz D (miejsce na kopalnię)"
+msgid "Titanium deposit (site for derrick)"
+msgstr "Złoże tytanu (miejsce na kopalnię)"
+msgid "Practice bot"
+msgstr "Robot treningowy"
+msgid "Winged grabber"
+msgstr "Transporter latający"
+msgid "Tracked grabber"
+msgstr "Transporter na gąsienicach"
+msgid "Wheeled grabber"
+msgstr "Transporter na kołach"
+msgid "Legged grabber"
+msgstr "Transporter na nogach"
+msgid "Winged shooter"
+msgstr "Działo latające"
+msgid "Tracked shooter"
+msgstr "Działo na gąsienicach"
+msgid "Wheeled shooter"
+msgstr "Działo na kołach"
+msgid "Legged shooter"
+msgstr "Działo na nogach"
+msgid "Winged orga shooter"
+msgstr "Latające działo organiczne"
+msgid "Tracked orga shooter"
+msgstr "Działo organiczne na gąsienicach"
+msgid "Wheeled orga shooter"
+msgstr "Działo organiczne na kołach"
+msgid "Legged orga shooter"
+msgstr "Działo organiczne na nogach"
+msgid "Winged sniffer"
+msgstr "Szperacz latający"
+msgid "Tracked sniffer"
+msgstr "Szperacz na gąsienicach"
+msgid "Wheeled sniffer"
+msgstr "Szperacz na kołach"
+msgid "Legged sniffer"
+msgstr "Szperacz na nogach"
+msgid "Thumper"
+msgstr "Uderzacz"
+msgid "Phazer shooter"
+msgstr "Działo fazowe"
+msgid "Recycler"
+msgstr "Recykler"
+msgid "Shielder"
+msgstr "Osłaniacz"
+msgid "Subber"
+msgstr "Robot nurek"
+msgid "Target bot"
+msgstr "Robot cel"
+msgid "Drawer bot"
+msgstr "Drawer bot"
+msgid "Engineer"
+msgstr "Inżynier"
+msgid "Robbie"
+msgstr "Robbie"
+msgid "Alien Queen"
+msgstr "Królowa Obcych"
+msgid "Ant"
+msgstr "Mrówka"
+msgid "Spider"
+msgstr "Pająk"
+msgid "Wasp"
+msgstr "Osa"
+msgid "Worm"
+msgstr "Robal"
+msgid "Egg"
+msgstr "Jajo"
+msgid "Wreckage"
+msgstr "Wrak"
+msgid "Ruin"
+msgstr "Ruiny"
+msgid "Waste"
+msgstr "Odpady"
+msgid "Spaceship ruin"
+msgstr "Ruiny statku kosmicznego"
+msgid "Remains of Apollo mission"
+msgstr "Pozostałości z misji Apollo"
+msgid "Lunar Roving Vehicle"
+msgstr "Pojazd Księżycowy"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Błąd"
+msgid "Unknown command"
+msgstr "Nieznane polecenie"
+msgid "CeeBot not installed."
+msgstr "Gra CeeBot nie jest zainstalowana."
+msgid ""
+"Please insert the CeeBot CD\n"
+"and re-run the game."
+msgstr "Włóż dysk CD z grą CeeBot\ni uruchom grę jeszcze raz."
+msgid "COLOBOT not installed."
+msgstr "Gra COLOBOT nie jest zainstalowana."
+msgid ""
+"Please insert the COLOBOT CD\n"
+"and re-run the game."
+msgstr "Włóż dysk CD z grą COLOBOT\ni uruchom grę jeszcze raz."
+msgid "Inappropriate bot"
+msgstr "Nieodpowiedni robot"
+msgid "Impossible when flying"
+msgstr "Niemożliwe podczas lotu"
+msgid "Already carrying something"
+msgstr "Nie można nieść więcej przedmiotów"
+msgid "Nothing to grab"
+msgstr "Nie ma nic do podniesienia"
+msgid "Impossible when moving"
+msgstr "Niemożliwe podczas ruchu"
+msgid "Place occupied"
+msgstr "Miejsce zajęte"
+msgid "No other robot"
+msgstr "Brak innego robota"
+msgid "You can not carry a radioactive object"
+msgstr "Nie możesz przenosić przedmiotów radioaktywnych"
+msgid "You can not carry an object under water"
+msgstr "Nie możesz przenosić przedmiotów pod wodą"
+msgid "Nothing to drop"
+msgstr "Nie ma nic do upuszczenia"
+msgid "Impossible under water"
+msgstr "Niemożliwe pod wodą"
+msgid "Not enough energy"
+msgstr "Za mało energii"
+msgid "Titanium too far away"
+msgstr "Tytan za daleko"
+msgid "Titanium too close"
+msgstr "Tytan za blisko"
+msgid "No titanium around"
+msgstr "Brak tytanu w pobliżu"
+msgid "Ground not flat enough"
+msgstr "Powierzchnia nie jest wystarczająco płaska"
+msgid "Flat ground not large enough"
+msgstr "Za mało płaskiego terenu"
+msgid "Too close to space ship"
+msgstr "Za blisko statku kosmicznego"
+msgid "Too close to a building"
+msgstr "Za blisko budynku"
+msgid "Ground inappropriate"
+msgstr "Nieodpowiedni teren"
+msgid "Building too close"
+msgstr "Budynek za blisko"
+msgid "Object too close"
+msgstr "Obiekt za blisko"
+msgid "Nothing to recycle"
+msgstr "Nie ma niczego do odzysku"
+msgid "No more energy"
+msgstr "Nie ma więcej energii"
+msgid "Error in instruction move"
+msgstr "Błąd w poleceniu ruchu"
+msgid "Object not found"
+msgstr "Obiekt nieznany"
+msgid "Goto: inaccessible destination"
+msgstr "Goto: miejsce docelowe niedostępne"
+msgid "Goto: destination occupied"
+msgstr "Goto: miejsce docelowe zajęte"
+msgid "No titanium ore to convert"
+msgstr "Brak rudy tytanu do przetopienia"
+msgid "No ore in the subsoil"
+msgstr "W ziemi nie ma żadnej rudy"
+msgid "No energy in the subsoil"
+msgstr "Brak energii w ziemi"
+msgid "No power cell"
+msgstr "Brak ogniwa elektrycznego"
+msgid "Inappropriate cell type"
+msgstr "Nieodpowiedni rodzaj ogniw"
+msgid "Research program already performed"
+msgstr "Program badawczy został już wykonany"
+msgid "Not enough energy yet"
+msgstr "Wciąż za mało energii"
+msgid "No titanium to transform"
+msgstr "Brak tytanu do przetworzenia"
+msgid "Transforms only titanium"
+msgstr "Przetwarza jedynie tytan"
+msgid "Doors blocked by a robot or another object "
+msgstr "Drzwi zablokowane przez robota lub inny obiekt "
+msgid "You must get on the spaceship to take off "
+msgstr "Musisz być na statku kosmicznym aby nim odlecieć"
+msgid "Nothing to analyze"
+msgstr "Nie ma niczego do zanalizowania"
+msgid "Analyzes only organic matter"
+msgstr "Analizuje jedynie materię organiczną"
+msgid "Analysis already performed"
+msgstr "Analiza została już wykonana"
+msgid "Not yet enough energy"
+msgstr "Wciąż za mało energii"
+msgid "No uranium to transform"
+msgstr "Brak uranu do przetworzenia"
+msgid "Transforms only uranium"
+msgstr "Przetwarza jedynie uran"
+msgid "No titanium"
+msgstr "Brak tytanu"
+msgid "No information exchange post within range"
+msgstr "Nie ma żadnej stacji przekaźnikowej w zasięgu"
+msgid "Program infected by a virus"
+msgstr "Program zawirusowany"
+msgid "Infected by a virus, temporarily out of order"
+msgstr "Zainfekowane wirusem, chwilowo niesprawne"
+msgid "Impossible when swimming"
+msgstr "Niemożliwe podczas pływania"
+msgid "Impossible when carrying an object"
+msgstr "Niemożliwe podczas przenoszenia przedmiotu"
+msgid "Too many flags of this color (maximum 5)"
+msgstr "Za dużo flag w tym kolorze (maksymalnie 5)"
+msgid "Too close to an existing flag"
+msgstr "Za blisko istniejącej flagi"
+msgid "No flag nearby"
+msgstr "Nie ma flagi w pobliżu"
+msgid "The mission is not accomplished yet (press \\key help; for more details)"
+msgstr "Misja nie jest wypełniona (naciśnij \\key help; aby uzyskać szczegóły)"
+msgid "Bot destroyed"
+msgstr "Robot zniszczony"
+msgid "Building destroyed"
+msgstr "Budynek zniszczony"
+msgid "Can not create this, there are too many objects"
+msgstr "Nie można tego utworzyć, za dużo obiektów"
+msgid "\"%s\" missing in this exercise"
+msgstr "It misses \"%s\" in this exercise"
+msgid "Do not use in this exercise"
+msgstr "Do not use in this exercise"
+msgid "Building completed"
+msgstr "Budowa zakończona"
+msgid "Titanium available"
+msgstr "Tytan dostępny"
+msgid "Research program completed"
+msgstr "Program badawczy zakończony"
+msgid "Plans for tracked robots available "
+msgstr "Dostępne plany tranporterów na gąsienicach"
+msgid "You can fly with the keys (\\key gup;) and (\\key gdown;)"
+msgstr "Możesz latać używając klawiszy (\\key gup;) oraz (\\key gdown;)"
+msgid "Plans for thumper available"
+msgstr "Dostępne plany robota uderzacza"
+msgid "Plans for shooter available"
+msgstr "Dostępne plany działa"
+msgid "Plans for defense tower available"
+msgstr "Dostępne plany wieży obronnej"
+msgid "Plans for phazer shooter available"
+msgstr "Dostępne plany działa fazowego"
+msgid "Plans for shielder available"
+msgstr "Dostępne plany robota osłaniacza"
+msgid "Plans for nuclear power plant available"
+msgstr "Dostępne plany elektrowni atomowej"
+msgid "New bot available"
+msgstr "Dostępny nowy robot"
+msgid "Analysis performed"
+msgstr "Analiza wykonana"
+msgid "Power cell available"
+msgstr "Wytworzono ogniwo elektryczne"
+msgid "Nuclear power cell available"
+msgstr "Wytworzono atomowe ogniwo elektryczne"
+msgid "You found a usable object"
+msgstr "Znaleziono użyteczny przedmiot"
+msgid "Found a site for power station"
+msgstr "Znaleziono miejsce na elektrownię"
+msgid "Found a site for a derrick"
+msgstr "Znaleziono miejsce na kopalnię"
+msgid "<<< Well done, mission accomplished >>>"
+msgstr "<<< Dobra robota, misja wypełniona >>>"
+msgid "<<< Sorry, mission failed >>>"
+msgstr "<<< Niestety, misja nie powiodła się >>>"
+msgid "Current mission saved"
+msgstr "Bieżąca misja zapisana"
+msgid "Checkpoint crossed"
+msgstr "Przekroczono punkt kontrolny"
+msgid "Alien Queen killed"
+msgstr "Królowa Obcych została zabita"
+msgid "Ant fatally wounded"
+msgstr "Mrówka śmiertelnie raniona"
+msgid "Wasp fatally wounded"
+msgstr "Osa śmiertelnie raniona"
+msgid "Worm fatally wounded"
+msgstr "Robal śmiertelnie raniony"
+msgid "Spider fatally wounded"
+msgstr "Pająk śmiertelnie raniony"
+msgid "Press \\key help; to read instructions on your SatCom"
+msgstr "Naciśnij klawisz \\key help; aby wyświetlić rozkazy na przekaźniku SatCom"
+msgid "Opening bracket missing"
+msgstr "Brak nawiasu otwierającego"
+msgid "Closing bracket missing "
+msgstr "Brak nawiasu zamykającego"
+msgid "The expression must return a boolean value"
+msgstr "Wyrażenie musi zwrócić wartość logiczną"
+msgid "Variable not declared"
+msgstr "Zmienna nie została zadeklarowana"
+msgid "Assignment impossible"
+msgstr "Przypisanie niemożliwe"
+msgid "Semicolon terminator missing"
+msgstr "Brak średnika na końcu wiersza"
+msgid "Instruction \"case\" outside a block \"switch\""
+msgstr "Polecenie \"case\" na zewnątrz bloku \"switch\""
+msgid "Instructions after the final closing brace"
+msgstr "Polecenie po końcowej klamrze zamykającej"
+msgid "End of block missing"
+msgstr "Brak końca bloku"
+msgid "Instruction \"else\" without corresponding \"if\" "
+msgstr "Polecenie \"else\" bez wystąpienia \"if\" "
+msgid "Opening brace missing "
+msgstr "Brak klamry otwierającej"
+msgid "Wrong type for the assignment"
+msgstr "Zły typ dla przypisania"
+msgid "A variable can not be declared twice"
+msgstr "Zmienna nie może być zadeklarowana dwukrotnie"
+msgid "The types of the two operands are incompatible "
+msgstr "Niezgodne typy operatorów"
+msgid "Unknown function"
+msgstr "Funkcja nieznana"
+msgid "Sign \" : \" missing"
+msgstr "Brak znaku \" : "
+msgid "Keyword \"while\" missing"
+msgstr "Brak kluczowego słowa \"while"
+msgid "Instruction \"break\" outside a loop"
+msgstr "Polecenie \"break\" na zewnątrz pętli"
+msgid "A label must be followed by \"for\", \"while\", \"do\" or \"switch\""
+msgstr "Po etykiecie musi wystąpić \"for\", \"while\", \"do\" lub \"switch\""
+msgid "This label does not exist"
+msgstr "Taka etykieta nie istnieje"
+msgid "Instruction \"case\" missing"
+msgstr "Brak polecenia \"case"
+msgid "Number missing"
+msgstr "Brak liczby"
+msgid "Void parameter"
+msgstr "Pusty parametr"
+msgid "Type declaration missing"
+msgstr "Brak deklaracji typu"
+msgid "Variable name missing"
+msgstr "Brak nazwy zmiennej"
+msgid "Function name missing"
+msgstr "Brakująca nazwa funkcji"
+msgid "Too many parameters"
+msgstr "Za dużo parametrów"
+msgid "Function already exists"
+msgstr "Funkcja już istnieje"
+msgid "Parameters missing "
+msgstr "Brak wymaganego parametru"
+msgid "No function with this name accepts this kind of parameter"
+msgstr "Funkcja o tej nazwie nie akceptuje parametrów tego typu"
+msgid "No function with this name accepts this number of parameters"
+msgstr "Funkcja o tej nazwie nie akceptuje takiej liczby parametrów"
+msgid "This is not a member of this class"
+msgstr "To nie jest obiekt tej klasy"
+msgid "This object is not a member of a class"
+msgstr "Ten obiekt nie jest członkiem klasy"
+msgid "Appropriate constructor missing"
+msgstr "Brak odpowiedniego konstruktora"
+msgid "This class already exists"
+msgstr "Taka klasa już istnieje"
+msgid "\" ] \" missing"
+msgstr "Brak \" ] \""
+msgid "Reserved keyword of CBOT language"
+msgstr "Słowo zarezerwowane języka CBOT"
+msgid "Bad argument for \"new\""
+msgstr "Zły argument dla funkcji \"new\""
+msgid "\" [ \" expected"
+msgstr "Oczekiwane \" [ \""
+msgid "String missing"
+msgstr "Brak łańcucha"
+msgid "Incorrect index type"
+msgstr "Nieprawidłowy typ indeksu"
+msgid "Private element"
+msgstr "Element prywatny"
+msgid "Public required"
+msgstr "Wymagany publiczny"
+msgid "Dividing by zero"
+msgstr "Dzielenie przez zero"
+msgid "Variable not initialized"
+msgstr "Zmienna nie została zainicjalizowana"
+msgid "Negative value rejected by \"throw\""
+msgstr "Wartość ujemna odrzucona przez \"throw\""
+msgid "The function returned no value "
+msgstr "Funkcja nie zwróciła żadnej wartości "
+msgid "No function running"
+msgstr "Żadna funkcja nie działa"
+msgid "Calling an unknown function"
+msgstr "Odwołanie do nieznanej funkcji"
+msgid "This class does not exist"
+msgstr "Taka klasa nie istnieje"
+msgid "Unknown Object"
+msgstr "Obiekt nieznany"
+msgid "Operation impossible with value \"nan\""
+msgstr "Działanie niemożliwe z wartością \"nan\""
+msgid "Access beyond array limit"
+msgstr "Dostęp poza tablicę"
+msgid "Stack overflow"
+msgstr "Przepełnienie stosu"
+msgid "Illegal object"
+msgstr "Nieprawidłowy obiekt"
+msgid "Can't open file"
+msgstr "Nie można otworzyć pliku"
+msgid "File not open"
+msgstr "Plik nie jest otwarty"
+msgid "Read error"
+msgstr "Błąd odczytu"
+msgid "Write error"
+msgstr "Błąd zapisu"
+msgid "< none >"
+msgstr "< brak >"
+msgid "Arrow left"
+msgstr "Strzałka w lewo"
+msgid "Arrow right"
+msgstr "Strzałka w prawo"
+msgid "Arrow up"
+msgstr "Strzałka w górę"
+msgid "Arrow down"
+msgstr "Strzałka w dół"
+msgid "Control-break"
+msgstr "Ctrl-break"
+msgid "<--"
+msgstr "<--"
+msgid "Tab"
+msgstr "Tab"
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr "Delete"
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "Enter"
+msgid "Shift"
+msgstr "Shift"
+msgid "Ctrl"
+msgstr "Ctrl"
+msgid "Alt"
+msgstr "Alt"
+msgid "Pause"
+msgstr "Pause"
+msgid "Caps Lock"
+msgstr "Caps Lock"
+msgid "Esc"
+msgstr "Esc"
+msgid "Space"
+msgstr "Spacja"
+msgid "Page Up"
+msgstr "Page Up"
+msgid "Page Down"
+msgstr "Page Down"
+msgid "End"
+msgstr "End"
+msgid "Home Key"
+msgstr "Home"
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "Zaznacz"
+msgid "Execute"
+msgstr "Wykonaj"
+msgid "Print Scrn"
+msgstr "Print Scrn"
+msgid "Insert"
+msgstr "Insert"
+msgid "Delete Key"
+msgstr "Delete"
+msgid "Help"
+msgstr "Pomoc"
+msgid "Left Windows"
+msgstr "Lewy klawisz Windows"
+msgid "Right Windows"
+msgstr "Prawy klawisz Windows"
+msgid "Application key"
+msgstr "Klawisz menu kontekstowego"
+msgid "NumPad 0"
+msgstr "Klaw. Num. 0"
+msgid "NumPad 1"
+msgstr "Klaw. Num. 1"
+msgid "NumPad 2"
+msgstr "Klaw. Num. 2"
+msgid "NumPad 3"
+msgstr "Klaw. Num. 3"
+msgid "NumPad 4"
+msgstr "Klaw. Num. 4"
+msgid "NumPad 5"
+msgstr "Klaw. Num. 5"
+msgid "NumPad 6"
+msgstr "Klaw. Num. 6"
+msgid "NumPad 7"
+msgstr "Klaw. Num. 7"
+msgid "NumPad 8"
+msgstr "Klaw. Num. 8"
+msgid "NumPad 9"
+msgstr "Klaw. Num. 9"
+msgid "NumPad *"
+msgstr "Klaw. Num. *"
+msgid "NumPad +"
+msgstr "Klaw. Num. +"
+msgid "NumPad sep"
+msgstr "Klaw. Num. separator"
+msgid "NumPad -"
+msgstr "Klaw. Num. -"
+msgid "NumPad ."
+msgstr "Klaw. Num. ."
+msgid "NumPad /"
+msgstr "Klaw. Num. /"
+msgid "F1"
+msgstr "F1"
+msgid "F2"
+msgstr "F2"
+msgid "F3"
+msgstr "F3"
+msgid "F4"
+msgstr "F4"
+msgid "F5"
+msgstr "F5"
+msgid "F6"
+msgstr "F6"
+msgid "F7"
+msgstr "F7"
+msgid "F8"
+msgstr "F8"
+msgid "F9"
+msgstr "F9"
+msgid "F10"
+msgstr "F10"
+msgid "F11"
+msgstr "F11"
+msgid "F12"
+msgstr "F12"
+msgid "F13"
+msgstr "F13"
+msgid "F14"
+msgstr "F14"
+msgid "F15"
+msgstr "F15"
+msgid "F16"
+msgstr "F16"
+msgid "F17"
+msgstr "F17"
+msgid "F18"
+msgstr "F18"
+msgid "F19"
+msgstr "F19"
+msgid "F20"
+msgstr "F20"
+msgid "Num Lock"
+msgstr "Num Lock"
+msgid "Scroll"
+msgstr "Scroll Lock"
+msgid "Attn"
+msgstr "Attn"
+msgid "CrSel"
+msgstr "CrSel"
+msgid "ExSel"
+msgstr "ExSel"
+msgid "Erase EOF"
+msgstr "Erase EOF"
+msgid "Play"
+msgstr "Graj"
+msgid "Zoom"
+msgstr "Powiększenie"
+msgid "PA1"
+msgstr "PA1"
+msgid "Button 1"
+msgstr "Przycisk 1"
+msgid "Button 2"
+msgstr "Przycisk 2"
+msgid "Button 3"
+msgstr "Przycisk 3"
+msgid "Button 4"
+msgstr "Przycisk 4"
+msgid "Button 5"
+msgstr "Przycisk 5"
+msgid "Button 6"
+msgstr "Przycisk 6"
+msgid "Button 7"
+msgstr "Przycisk 7"
+msgid "Button 8"
+msgstr "Przycisk 8"
+msgid "Button 9"
+msgstr "Przycisk 9"
+msgid "Button 10"
+msgstr "Przycisk 10"
+msgid "Button 11"
+msgstr "Przycisk 11"
+msgid "Button 12"
+msgstr "Przycisk 12"
+msgid "Button 13"
+msgstr "Przycisk 13"
+msgid "Button 14"
+msgstr "Przycisk 14"
+msgid "Button 15"
+msgstr "Przycisk 15"
+msgid "Button 16"
+msgstr "Przycisk 16"
+msgid "Button 17"
+msgstr "Przycisk 17"
+msgid "Button 18"
+msgstr "Przycisk 18"
+msgid "Button 19"
+msgstr "Przycisk 19"
+msgid "Button 20"
+msgstr "Przycisk 20"
+msgid "Button 21"
+msgstr "Przycisk 21"
+msgid "Button 22"
+msgstr "Przycisk 22"
+msgid "Button 23"
+msgstr "Przycisk 23"
+msgid "Button 24"
+msgstr "Przycisk 24"
+msgid "Button 25"
+msgstr "Przycisk 25"
+msgid "Button 26"
+msgstr "Przycisk 26"
+msgid "Button 27"
+msgstr "Przycisk 27"
+msgid "Button 28"
+msgstr "Przycisk 28"
+msgid "Button 29"
+msgstr "Przycisk 29"
+msgid "Button 30"
+msgstr "Przycisk 30"
+msgid "Button 31"
+msgstr "Przycisk 31"
+msgid "Button 32"
+msgstr "Przycisk 32"
+msgid "Wheel up"
+msgstr "Kółko w górę"
+msgid "Wheel down"
+msgstr "Kółko w dół"