// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code // * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA, www.epsitec.ch // * // * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // * (at your option) any later version. // * // * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // * GNU General Public License for more details. // * // * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. #include "stdafx.h" #include "TestCBot.h" #include "TestCBotDoc.h" #include "TestCBotView.h" #include "CBotConsoleDlg.h" #include "PerformDlg.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CTestCBotDoc IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CTestCBotDoc, CDocument) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CTestCBotDoc, CDocument) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CTestCBotDoc) ON_COMMAND(ID_RUN, OnRun) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT1, OnChangeEdit1) ON_COMMAND(ID_TEST, OnTest) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CTestCBotDoc construction/destruction static BOOL test = FALSE; CTestCBotDoc::CTestCBotDoc() { m_pEdit = NULL; m_pProg = NULL; m_bModified = FALSE; } CTestCBotDoc::~CTestCBotDoc() { delete m_pEdit; delete m_pProg; } BOOL CTestCBotDoc::OnNewDocument() { if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument()) return FALSE; return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CTestCBotDoc serialization void CTestCBotDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar) { if (ar.IsStoring()) { m_pEdit->GetWindowText(m_DocText); int w = m_DocText.GetLength(); ar.Write((LPCTSTR)m_DocText, w); } else { int r; char buf[10001]; r = ar.Read(buf, 10000); buf[r] = 0; m_DocText = buf; if ( m_pProg == NULL ) m_pProg = new CBotProgram(); if (!m_pProg->Compile(m_DocText, m_Liste, NULL)) { delete m_pProg; m_pProg = NULL; } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CTestCBotDoc diagnostics #ifdef _DEBUG void CTestCBotDoc::AssertValid() const { CDocument::AssertValid(); } void CTestCBotDoc::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CDocument::Dump(dc); } #endif //_DEBUG ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CTestCBotDoc commands void CTestCBotDoc::OnRun() { OnFileSave(); m_pEdit->GetWindowText(m_DocText); CString TextError; int code, start, end; if ( m_pProg == NULL ) m_pProg = new CBotProgram(); CTestCBotApp* pApp = (CTestCBotApp*)AfxGetApp(); if (!m_pProg->Compile(m_DocText, m_Liste, NULL)) { m_pProg->GetError(code, start, end); delete m_pProg; m_pProg = NULL; m_pEdit->SetSel( start, end ); m_pEdit->SetFocus(); // met en �vidence la partie avec probl�me TextError = CBotProgram::GivErrorText( code ); AfxMessageBox( TextError ); m_pEdit->SetFocus(); return; } if( m_Liste.GivSize() == 0 ) { AfxMessageBox("Aucune fonction marqu�e \"extern\" !"); return; } for ( int i = 0; i < m_Liste.GivSize(); i++ ) { int start, stop; m_pProg->GetPosition(m_Liste[i], start, stop, GetPosNom, GetPosParam); m_Liste[i] = m_DocText.Mid( start, stop-start ); } CBotConsoleDlg dlg; dlg.m_pListe = &m_Liste; dlg.m_pEditx = m_pEdit; dlg.DoModal(); // dialogue pour faire la console if ( dlg.m_code>0 ) { CString TextError; TextError = m_pProg->GivErrorText( dlg.m_code ); m_pEdit->SetSel( dlg.m_start, dlg.m_end ); m_pEdit->SetFocus(); // met en �vidence la partie avec probl�me AfxMessageBox(TextError); } m_pEdit->SetFocus(); return; } void CTestCBotDoc::OnChangeEdit1() { SetModifiedFlag(); m_bModified = TRUE; } BOOL CTestCBotDoc::Compile() { m_pEdit->GetWindowText(m_DocText); CString TextError; int code, start, end; if ( m_pProg == NULL ) m_pProg = new CBotProgram(); char buffer[100]; strcpy(buffer, "le pointeur � passer pour voir"); if (m_bModified && !m_pProg->Compile(m_DocText, m_Liste, (void*)buffer)) { m_pProg->GetError(code, start, end); delete m_pProg; m_pProg = NULL; m_pEdit->SetSel( start, end ); m_pEdit->SetFocus(); // met en �vidence la partie avec probl�me TextError = CBotProgram::GivErrorText( code ); AfxMessageBox( TextError ); m_pEdit->SetFocus(); m_bModified = FALSE; return FALSE; } if ( m_pProg->GetPosition( "TheTest", start, end) ) { m_pEdit->SetSel( start, end ); m_pEdit->SetFocus(); // met en �vidence la partie avec probl�me } m_bModified = FALSE; return TRUE; } static int compt = 0; // routine retournant le "pointeur" � un autre object BOOL rRetObject( CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& ex, void* pUser ) { pResult->SetPointer( NULL ); compt+=45671; if (compt&0x11) return TRUE; CBotVar* pAutre = CBotVar::Create("autre", CBotTypResult( CBotTypClass, "object" )); pAutre->SetUserPtr( (void*)2 ); pResult->SetPointer( pAutre ); if (!pResult->IsElemOfClass("object")) return TRUE; delete pAutre; return TRUE; } CBotTypResult cRetObject( CBotVar* &pVar, void* pUser ) { return CBotTypResult( CBotTypPointer, "object"); } BOOL roRadar( CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception ) { pResult->SetPointer( NULL ); compt+=45671; if (compt&0x11) return TRUE; CBotVar* pAutre = CBotVar::Create("autre", CBotTypResult( CBotTypClass, "object" )); pAutre->SetUserPtr( (void*)2 ); pResult->SetPointer( pAutre ); if (!pResult->IsElemOfClass("object")) return TRUE; delete pAutre; return TRUE; } CBotTypResult coRadar( CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* &pVar ) { void* pUser = pThis->GivUserPtr(); return CBotTypResult( CBotTypPointer, "object"); } BOOL rMove( CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& ex, void* pUser ) { if ( test < 12 ) { test++; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } CBotTypResult cMove( CBotVar* &pVar, void* pUser ) { return CBotTypResult( 0 ); } BOOL rTurn( CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& ex, void* pUser ) { return TRUE; } CBotTypResult cTurn( CBotVar* &pVar, void* pUser ) { return CBotTypResult( 0 ); } BOOL rRadar( CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& ex, void* pUser ) { pResult->SetPointer( NULL ); if ( pVar ) pVar->debug(); compt+=45671; if (compt&0x11) { return FALSE; // TRUE; } CBotVar* pAutre = CBotVar::Create("autre", CBotTypResult( CBotTypClass, "object" )); pAutre->SetUserPtr( (void*)2 ); pResult->SetPointer( pAutre ); if (!pResult->IsElemOfClass("object")) return TRUE; delete pAutre; return TRUE; } CBotTypResult cRadar( CBotVar* &pVar, void* pUser ) { return CBotTypResult( CBotTypPointer, "object"); } // routine retournant le "pointeur" � un autre object BOOL rTEST( CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& ex, void* pUser ) { test = 1 ; if ( pVar == NULL ) return TRUE; test = pVar->GivValInt(); if ( test == 5 ) { pVar = pVar->GivNext(); pVar->SetUserPtr( OBJECTDELETED ); } return TRUE; } CBotTypResult cTEST( CBotVar* &pVar, void* pUser ) { return CBotTypResult( 0 ); } // routine retournant le "pointeur" � un autre object BOOL rF( CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& ex, void* pUser ) { if ( pResult == NULL ) return TRUE; pResult->SetValInt(3); return TRUE; } CBotTypResult cF( CBotVar* &pVar, void* pUser ) { return CBotTypResult( CBotTypFloat ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Compilation d'une proc�dure avec un "point". CBotTypResult cPoint(CBotVar* &var, void* user) { if ( var == 0 ) return CBotTypResult( CBotErrLowParam ); if ( var->GivType() <= CBotTypDouble ) { var = var->GivNext(); if ( var == 0 ) return CBotTypResult( CBotErrLowParam ); if ( var->GivType() > CBotTypDouble ) return CBotTypResult( CBotErrBadNum ); var = var->GivNext(); if ( var == 0 ) return CBotTypResult( CBotErrLowParam ); if ( var->GivType() > CBotTypDouble ) return CBotTypResult( CBotErrBadNum ); var = var->GivNext(); return CBotTypResult( 0 ); } if ( var->GivType() == CBotTypClass ) { if ( !var->IsElemOfClass("point") ) return CBotTypResult( CBotErrBadParam ); var = var->GivNext(); return CBotTypResult( 0 ); } return CBotTypResult( CBotErrBadParam ); } // Donne un param�tre de type "point". #define UNIT 1 CBotTypResult cSpace(CBotVar* &var, void* user) { CBotTypResult ret; if ( var == 0 ) return CBotTypResult( CBotTypIntrinsic, "point" ); ret = cPoint(var, user); if ( !ret.Eq(0) ) return ret; if ( var == 0 ) return CBotTypIntrinsic; if ( var->GivType() > CBotTypDouble ) return CBotTypResult( CBotErrBadNum ); var = var->GivNext(); if ( var == 0 ) return CBotTypIntrinsic; if ( var->GivType() > CBotTypDouble ) return CBotTypResult( CBotErrBadNum ); var = var->GivNext(); if ( var == 0 ) return CBotTypIntrinsic; if ( var->GivType() > CBotTypDouble ) return CBotTypResult( CBotErrBadNum ); var = var->GivNext(); if ( var != 0 ) return CBotErrOverParam; return CBotTypResult( CBotTypIntrinsic, "point" ); } // Instruction "space(center, rMin, rMax, dist)". BOOL rSpace(CBotVar* var, CBotVar* result, int& exception, void* user) { CBotVar* pSub; float rMin, rMax, dist; rMin = 5.0f*UNIT; rMax = 50.0f*UNIT; dist = 4.0f*UNIT; if ( var == 0 ) { // center = pThis->RetPosition(0); } else { if ( var != 0 ) { rMin = var->GivValFloat()*UNIT; var = var->GivNext(); if ( var != 0 ) { rMax = var->GivValFloat()*UNIT; var = var->GivNext(); if ( var != 0 ) { dist = var->GivValFloat()*UNIT; var = var->GivNext(); } } } } if ( result != 0 ) { pSub = result->GivItemList(); if ( pSub != 0 ) { pSub->SetValFloat(1); pSub = pSub->GivNext(); // "y" pSub->SetValFloat(2); pSub = pSub->GivNext(); // "z" // pSub->SetValFloat(3); } } return TRUE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CTestCBotDoc::OnTest() { CBotProgram::DefineNum("WingedGrabber", 1); CBotProgram::DefineNum("TrackedGrabber", 2); CBotProgram::DefineNum("WheeledGrabber", 3); CBotProgram::DefineNum("LeggedGrabber", 4); CBotProgram::DefineNum("WingedShooter", 5); CBotProgram::DefineNum("TrackedShooter", 6); CBotProgram::DefineNum("WheeledShooter", 7); CBotProgram::DefineNum("LeggedShooter", 8); CBotProgram::DefineNum("WingedOrgaShooter", 9); CBotProgram::DefineNum("TrackedOrgaShooter", 10); CBotProgram::DefineNum("WheeledOrgaShooter", 11); CBotProgram::DefineNum("LeggedOrgaShooter", 12); CBotProgram::DefineNum("WingedSniffer", 13); CBotProgram::DefineNum("TrackedSniffer", 14); CBotProgram::DefineNum("WheeledSniffer", 14); CBotProgram::DefineNum("LeggedSniffer", 15); CBotProgram::DefineNum("Thumper", 16); CBotProgram::DefineNum("PhazerShooter", 17); CBotProgram::DefineNum("Recycler", 18); CBotProgram::DefineNum("Shielder", 19); CBotProgram::DefineNum("Subber", 20); CBotProgram::DefineNum("Me", 21); CBotProgram::DefineNum("TypeMarkPath", 111); OnFileSave(); // CPerformDlg dlg; // dlg.m_Script = m_DocText; // dlg.DoModal(); // d�fini la routine RetObject CBotProgram::AddFunction( "Radar", rRetObject, cRetObject ); // ajoute une routine pour cette classe CBotProgram::AddFunction("Space", rSpace, cSpace); // d�fini la routine Test CBotProgram::AddFunction( "TEST", rTEST, cTEST ); CBotProgram::AddFunction( "F", rF, cF ); CBotProgram::AddFunction( "goto", rMove, cMove ); CBotProgram::AddFunction( "fire", rTurn, cTurn ); CBotProgram::AddFunction( "radar", rRadar, cRadar ); // cr�e une instance de la classe "Bot" pour ce robot CBotVar* pThisRobot = CBotVar::Create( "", CBotTypResult(CBotTypClass, "object") ); pThisRobot->SetUserPtr( (void*)1 ); pThisRobot->SetIdent( 1234 ); delete m_pProg; // cr�e un objet programme associ� � cette instance m_pProg = new CBotProgram(pThisRobot); // compile le programme CString TextError; int code, start, end; m_pEdit->GetWindowText(m_DocText); if (!m_pProg->Compile(m_DocText, m_Liste, (void*) 44)) { m_pProg->GetError(code, start, end); delete m_pProg; m_pProg = NULL; delete pThisRobot; m_pEdit->SetSel( start, end ); m_pEdit->SetFocus(); // met en �vidence la partie avec probl�me TextError = CBotProgram::GivErrorText( code ); AfxMessageBox( TextError ); m_pEdit->SetFocus(); return; } // ex�cute pour voir m_pProg->Start(m_Liste[0]); int mode = -1; if ( mode >= 0 ) { // sauve et restore � chaque pas possible while (!m_pProg->Run(NULL, 1)) { const char* FunctionName; int start1, end1; m_pProg->GetRunPos(FunctionName, start1, end1); if ( end1 <= 0 ) m_pProg->GetRunPos(FunctionName, start1, end1); m_pEdit->SetSel(start1, end1); if ( mode == 0 ) continue; FILE* pf; pf = fOpen( "TEST.CBO", "wb" ); CBotClass::SaveStaticState(pf); m_pProg->SaveState(pf); fClose(pf); if ( mode == 2 ) if (!m_pProg->Compile(m_DocText, m_Liste, (void*) 44)) { m_pProg->GetError(code, start, end); delete m_pProg; m_pProg = NULL; delete pThisRobot; m_pEdit->SetSel( start, end ); m_pEdit->SetFocus(); // met en �vidence la partie avec probl�me TextError = CBotProgram::GivErrorText( code ); AfxMessageBox( TextError ); m_pEdit->SetFocus(); return; } pf = fOpen( "TEST.CBO", "rb" ); CBotClass::RestoreStaticState(pf); m_pProg->RestoreState(pf); fClose(pf); int start2, end2; m_pProg->GetRunPos(FunctionName, start2, end2); if ( end2 <= 0 ) m_pProg->GetRunPos(FunctionName, start2, end2); if ( start1 != start2 || end1 != end2 ) m_pProg->GetRunPos(FunctionName, start2, end2); m_pEdit->SetSel(start2, end2); } if (m_pProg->GetError(code, start, end)) { m_pEdit->SetSel(start, end); TextError = CBotProgram::GivErrorText(code); AfxMessageBox(TextError); } return;} while (!m_pProg->Run(NULL, 0)) { const char* FunctionName; int start, end; m_pProg->GetRunPos(FunctionName, start, end); m_pEdit->SetSel(start, end); if ( FunctionName == NULL ) continue; CString info (FunctionName); CString sep (":\n"); int level = 0; const char* Name; while ( TRUE ) { CBotVar* pVar = m_pProg->GivStackVars(Name, level--); if ( Name != FunctionName ) break; if ( pVar == NULL ) continue; // pVar->Maj(NULL, FALSE); while ( pVar != NULL ) { info += sep; info += pVar->GivName() + " = " + pVar->GivValString(); sep = ", "; pVar = pVar->GivNext(); } sep = "\n"; } if ( IDOK != AfxMessageBox(info, MB_OKCANCEL) ) break; if ( test == 1 ) { test = 0; FILE* pf; pf = fOpen( "TEST.CBO", "wb" ); m_pProg->SaveState(pf); fClose(pf); } if ( test == 2 ) { test = 0; FILE* pf; pf = fOpen( "TEST.CBO", "rb" ); m_pProg->RestoreState(pf); fClose(pf); } if ( test == 12 ) { test = 0; FILE* pf; pf = fOpen( "TEST.CBO", "wb" ); m_pProg->SaveState(pf); fClose(pf); pf = fOpen( "TEST.CBO", "rb" ); m_pProg->RestoreState(pf); fClose(pf); test = 13; } } if (m_pProg->GetError(code, start, end)) { m_pEdit->SetSel(start, end); TextError = CBotProgram::GivErrorText(code); AfxMessageBox(TextError); } delete pThisRobot; }